
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
experimental evidences for a role of subinhibitory concentrations of rilopirox, nystatin and fluconazole on adherence of candida spp. to vaginal epithelial cells.candidiasis is frequently localized in the mucosal epithelium which covers the vaginal and oral cavity. the pathogenicity of candida is correlated with its ability to adhere to epithelial cells and this is the resultant of both fungal and host cell properties and their physicochemical interactions. this study was performed to investigate the ability of subinhibitory concentrations (sub-mics) of rilopirox, a new antimycotic drug, to interfere with the adhesion of candida albicans, candida tropica ...19968804793
a new method of antibiotyping yeasts for subspecies discrimination and distribution in human clinical specimens.a study of the antibiotypes of 764 isolates of the genera candida and torulopsis from different clinical specimens is reported. the typing method was based on the susceptibility results obtained by the standardized and partially automated kit atb-fungus (api-biomérieux), giving to each strain a code of six figures, according to these criteria: susceptibility to 5-fluorocytosine, amphotericin b, nystatin, miconazole, econazole, and ketoconazole. candida albicans serotypes were determined by the c ...19968817179
comparison of isolator 1.5 and bactec nr660 aerobic 6a blood culture systems for detection of fungemia in children.the isolator 1.5 microbial system (iso 1.5) (wampole laboratories, cranbury, n.j.) was compared with the bactec nr660 aerobic nr6a bottle (nr6a) (becton dickinson diagnostic instrument systems, sparks, md.) for the detection of fungemia in hospitalized pediatric patients. for 4,825 paired blood cultures evaluated retrospectively from april 1992 to december 1994, at least one blood culture system was positive for 89 clinically important fungal isolates involved in 36 episodes of fungemia in 34 pa ...19968818873
oral fluconazole compared with bladder irrigation with amphotericin b for treatment of fungal urinary tract infections in elderly patients.fungal urinary tract infections are increasingly prevalent in the elderly in acute and chronic care settings. this randomized trial compares the efficacy and safety of oral fluconazole with the efficacy and safety of bladder irrigation with amphotericin b for treatment of funguria (> or = 10,000 cfu/ml of urine) in 109 hospitalized elderly patients. a second treatment course was given for persistent funguria. indwelling bladder catheters were present in 69% of the patients. while candida albican ...19968824962
evaluation of chromagar candida medium for the isolation and presumptive identification of species of candida of clinical importance.chromagar candida is a new differential culture medium that allows the isolation and presumptive identification of species of yeast of clinical importance. we tested 618 strains of yeast, including 128 direct isolates from clinical specimens. after two days of incubation at 37 degrees c, 339 of 341 candida albicans, 98 of 99 candida glabrata, all the candida tropicalis, and all the candida krusei were identified correctly. the sensitivity and specificity in these cases were both superior to 99%. ...19968831034
late failure of surgical treatment for bioprosthetic valve endocarditis due to candida tropicalis. 19968838207
mixed oropharyngeal candidiasis due to candida albicans and non-albicans candida strains in hiv-infected order to determine the clinical significance of mixed oropharyngeal candidiasis (candida albicans plus a non-albicans strain of candida) in patients infected with hiv-1, a retrospective chart review was done in 12 hiv-1-infected patients with a clinical episode of oropharyngeal candidiasis, in whom a mixed culture of candida albicans (found to be fluconazole-sensitive) plus a non-albicans species of candida was obtained from their oral cavities. this group was compared with 26 hiv-positive pa ...19968839637
fatal candida tropicalis fungaemia in a leukaemic patient receiving fluconazole prophylaxis.a 50-year-old man with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukaemia developed breakthrough candidaemia while receiving fluconazole as antifungal prophylaxis during remission-inducing chemotherapy. candida tropicalis was isolated; the strain was resistant to fluconazole on in vitro sensitivity testing, a phenomenon which has not been previously reported in this setting.19968842994
comparative fungicidal activity of a new quaternary ammonium salt, n-alkyl-n-2-hydroxyethyl-n,n-dimethylammonium butyl phosphate and commonly used disinfectants.we synthesized a new quaternary ammonium salt, n-alkyl-n-2-hydroxyethyl-n, n-dimethylammonium butyl phosphate (abp) that does not precipitate in the presence of anionic surfactants by incorporating a paired butyl phosphate anion into cationic surfactants. abp showed much greater bactericidal activities and antirusting effects than benzalkonium chloride (bac). in this study, the fungicidal effects of abp were evaluated in comparison with common disinfectants [bac, chlorhexidine digluconate (chx) ...19968850330
infectious crystalline keratopathy caused by candida parapsilosis.infectious crystalline keratopathy is a chronic infection of the cornea, characterized by branching intrastromal opacities without inflammation. these changes are usually due to accumulations of bacterial colonies, most commonly viridans streptococci, but this entity has previously been reported in association with candida albicans and candida tropicalis. we present the case of a 66-year-old man who had previously undergone penetrating keratoplasty and developed infectious crystalline keratopath ...19968862934
a novel heterologous gene expression system in saccharomyces cerevisiae using the isocitrate lyase gene promoter from candida tropicalis.we have found that the upstream region of the isocitrate lyase gene (upr-icl) from the n-alkane-utilizing yeast candida tropicalis was functional in saccharomyces cerevisiae as a novel promoter with nonfermentable carbon sources, such as oleic acid, acetate, ethanol, and glycerol/lactate. the expression of two foreign genes coding for beta-galactosidase from escherichia coli (lacz) and glutamate decarboxylase from rat brain was carried out under the control of upr-icl. expression of lacz was rep ...19968867634
acid proteinase secreted by candida tropicalis: functional analysis of preproregion cleavages in c. tropicalis and saccharomyces cerevisiae.the 40 kda secreted aspartyl proteinase (sapt1) of candida tropicalis is a pepsin-like enzyme encoded by the sapt1 gene. according to the deduced amino acid sequence. sapt1 has a putative preproregion of 60 amino acids preceding the mature enzyme. maturation and processing of sapt1 was analysed in c. tropicalis and saccharomyces cerevisiae strains expressing wild-type or mutated forms of sapt1. in s. cerevisiae, the glycosylated 46 kda proenzyme was converted to the mature 40 kda form of sapt1 b ...19968868424
funguria in cancer patients: analysis of risk factors, clinical presentation and outcome in 50 patients.fifty cancer patients with funguria of > 10(5) cfu/ml, dysuria and leukocyturia were retrospectively analyzed for etiology, risk factors and outcome. in 72% of cases candida albicans and in 28% non-albicans candida spp. (candida krusei, candida tropicalis) and non-candida spp. yeasts (blastoschizomyces capitatus) were isolated. torulopsis glabrata was not found among these patients. the most frequent risk factors were: antibiotic therapy with more than one antibiotic agent (96%), concomitant fun ...19968875285
epidemiology, diagnosis, and therapy of fungal infections in surgery.over the past decade, the incidence of hospital-acquired bloodstream infections caused by candida strains has risen, while the implicated species have changed. candida tropicalis, candida parapsilosis, and candida glabrata all have increased in incidence. data from the centers for disease control and prevention reveal that, between 1980 and 1990, candida emerged as the sixth most common nosocomial pathogen (7.2%) and was the fourth most common pathogen in nosocomial bloodstream infections, surpa ...19968875303
comparison of the murex c. albicans, albicans-sure, and bacticard candida test kits with the germ tube test for presumptive identification of candida albicans.the murex c. albicans (mc)(murex diagnostics), albicans-sure (as) (clinical standards laboratories), and bacticard candida (bc) (remel) test kits were compared with the germ tube (gt) test for the rapid, presumptive identification of candida albicans. all three test kits detect the enzymes l-proline aminopeptidase and beta-galactosaminidase in yeast cells grown on culture media and are based on the principle that c. albicans produces both enzymes whereas other yeasts produce only one or neither ...19968880535
in vitro and in vivo antifungal activities of er-30346, a novel oral triazole with a broad antifungal is a novel oral triazole with a broad spectrum of potent activity against a wide range of fungi. er-30346, with mics at which 90% of the strains tested are inhibited (mic90s) ranging from 0.025 to 0.78 microgram/ml, was 4 to 32 times more active than itraconazole, fluconazole, and amphotericin b against candida albicans, candida parapsilosis, and candida glabrata. against candida tropicalis, er-30346, with an mic90 of 12.5 micrograms/ml, was 2 to > 8 times more active than itraconazole ...19968891121
comparison of rapid testing methods for enzyme production with the germ tube method for presumptive identification of candida albicans.the observation of germ tube production as a method for the presumptive identification of candida albicans has been in use for many years. methods have recently been developed for detecting the production of the enzymes l-proline aminopeptidase and beta-galactosaminidase by yeast isolates grown in culture. both enzymes are produced by c. albicans; other yeasts may produce either l-proline aminopeptidase or beta-galactosaminidase but not both enzymes. one hundred thirty-three clinical yeast isola ...19968897198
ctcdc55p and ctha13p: two putative regulatory proteins from candida tropicalis with long acidic domains.the salt-tolerance gene hal3 from saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a novel regulatory protein (hal3p) which modulates the expression of the ena1 sodium-extrusion atpase (ferrando et al., mol. cell. biol. vol. 15, 1995, pp. 5470-5481). hal3p contains an essential acidic domain rich in aspartates at its carboxyl terminus. we have isolated two cross-hybridizing genes from a genomic library of candida tropicalis. one of the genes (cthal3) is a true homolog of hal3 and it partially complements the sa ...19968923737
research on antifungal and antimycobacterial agents. synthesis and activity of 4-alkylthiopyridine-2-carbothioamides.a series of 4-alkylthiopyridine-2-carbothioamides have been prepared and evaluated in vitro for antimicrobial activity. chemical structures have been demonstrated by ir and 1h nmr data and by elemental analysis. the antimycobacterial activity of these compounds against mycobacterium tuberculosis, mycobacterium kansasii, mycobacterium avium, and mycobacterium fortuitum, and the antifungal activity against candida albicans, candida tropicalis, candida krusei, candida glabrata, trichosporon beigeli ...19968933745
analysis of the risk factors associated with the emergence of azole resistant oral candidosis in the course of hiv infection.the objective of this case-control study, conducted in a large italian university hospital over a 12-month period, was to evaluate the risk factors associated with the emergence of azole resistant oral candidosis in 64 human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infected patients. a swab was obtained from each patient by brushing candidal lesions. candida albicans was isolated in 41 patients (64%), candida glabrata in ten (16%), candida krusei in five (8%), candida kefyr in two (3%), candida tropicalis i ...19968937963
development of two species-specific fingerprinting probes for broad computer-assisted epidemiological studies of candida tropicalis.candida tropicalis has emerged as the second most frequent colonizing candida species, and it has been documented in nosocomial infections. to develop an effective fingerprinting system for this species, which is amenable to computer-assisted analyses and which provides information on the genetic relatedness of independent isolates, two dna fragments, ct3 (18,000 bp) and ct14 (20,000 bp), were cloned from a genomic library of sau3ai partial digestion products. both probes generate complex southe ...19968940449
individual expression of candida tropicalis peroxisomal and mitochondrial carnitine acetyltransferase-encoding genes and subcellular localization of the products in saccharomyces an n-alkane assimilating yeast, candida tropicalis, carnitine acetyltransferase (cat; ec was localized in both peroxisomes and mitochondria. both cats were encoded by one gene, ct-cat, although the initiation sites of translation were suggested to be different. in the present study, the genes corresponding to the supposed c. tropicalis peroxisomal and mitochondrial cats, which were truncated from the ct-cat gene, were individually expressed in saccharomyces cerevisiae, using the c. t ...19968947834
modification of accessory activity of peritoneal cells from fasciola hepatica infected rats.the effect of fasciola hepatica excretory-secretory antigen (esa) was studied in the modulation of the accessory functions of peritoneal cells (pc) of rats infected with the parasite. pc rats infected with f. hepatica 7 and 14 days previously showed a marked decrease in phagocytic activity against candida tropicalis (p < 0.007 and p < 0.004, respectively). the same effect was observed when the assay was carried out with pc from animals injected 7 days before with esa (p < 0.001) including pc pre ...19968969046
antifungal dynamics of ly 303366, an investigational echinocandin b analog, against candida ssp.two isolates each of candida albicans, candida tropicalis, and candida glabrata were selected for time-kill curve testing against ly 303366 at concentrations ranging from 0.125 x mic to 16 x mic. rpmi 1640 buffered morpholinepropanesulfonic acid (mops) was utilized as growth medium. samples were obtained at predetermined time points over 24 hours and streaked for colony count determination. against c. albicans (one strain) and c. glabrata isolates, ly 303366 exhibited fungicidal (> or = three lo ...19969078447
isolation and molecular characterisation of the gene encoding eburicol 14 alpha-demethylase (cyp51) from penicillium italicum.the cyp51 gene encoding eburicol 14 alpha-demethylase (p450(14dm)) was cloned from a genomic library of the filamentous fungal plant pathogen penicillium italicum, by heterologous hybridisation with the corresponding gene encoding lanosterol 14 alpha-demethylase from the yeast candida tropicalis. the nucleotide sequence of a 1739-bp genomic fragment and the corresponding cdna clone comprises an open reading frame (orf) of 1545 bp, encoding a protein of 515 amino acids with a predicted molecular ...19968628233
fungal bezoar and bladder rupture secondary to candida tropicalis.candidal urinary tract infections typically occur in a host with compromised immune function. although usually associated with aerobic bacterial infections, emphysematous cystitis occasionally complicates fungal infections of the lower urinary tract, especially in diabetics. another uncommon occurrence is formation of a "fungus ball" leading to obstructive uropathy. we present a case of bladder rupture in a patient with emphysematous cystitis and obstructing fungal bezoar caused by candida tropi ...19968633419
initial oxidative and subsequent conjugative metabolites produced during the metabolism of phenanthrene by fungi.three filamentous fungi were examined for the ability to biotransform phenanthrene to oxidative (phase i) and conjugative (phase ii) metabolites. phenanthrene metabolites were purified by high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc) and identified by uv/visible absorption, mass, and 1h nmr spectra. aspergillus niger atcc 6275, syncephalastrum racemosum ut-70, and cunninghamella elegans atcc 9245 initially transformed [9-(14)c]phenanthrene to produce metabolites at the 9,10-, 1,2-, and 3,4-posit ...19968652115
evidence for a beta 1 integrin fibronectin receptor in candida tropicalis.the binding of candida tropicalis to fibronectin (fn) was studied in order to characterize the fn receptor in this species. fn binding was saturable at a concentration of 1.8 x 10(-9) m and exhibited a kd of 2.3 x 10(-9) m and a receptor density of 854 receptors per cell. extracts of c. tropicalis cell membrane at dilutions of 1:100-1:1000 significantly inhibited the binding of 3h-labeled fn to c. tropicalis cells (p < .03). purified fn, antibodies to the integrin alpha 5 beta 1 (fn receptor on ...19968655982
routine use of chromagar candida medium for presumptive identification of candida yeast species and detection of mixed fungal populations.objective: to assess the value of the new differential culture medium chromagar candida for routine investigation of clinical specimens. methods: during a whole year, 6150 clinical samples were plated on chromagar candida medium. after incubation, the green colonies were considered to be candida albicans. the colonies of other colors were identified using bichrolatex-krusei, or by their assimilation pattern on id 32c test strips and their morphology on rice cream-agar-tween. results: among the 6 ...199611866844
detection of herpes simplex virus and candida infection with special emphasis on their possible role in human squamous cell carcinoma and its variants.sixty seven cases of human oral s.c.c. with its intra oral variances were investigated microbiologically, histopathologically, histochemically and immunologically. yeasts were isolated from 85% of examined cases. "candifast test" showed that candida albicans was the commonest form of the detected fungi, followed by c. parapsilosis and c. tropicalis, while the least in frequency was the torulopsis glabrata. yeasts were more detected in females, elders and tobacco smokers. two cases of well differ ...199617217014
high incidence of antifungal drug resistance in candida tropicalis.drug resistance among yeasts is an increasing problem. isolates of candida krusei and candida glabrata are recognized as having reduced susceptibility to fluconazole and resistance to this drug has also arisen in candida albicans isolated from aids patients on long term azole therapy. candida tropicalis (ct) is being increasingly isolated from human disease and is associated with invasive infection, however, data regarding this organism's drug susceptibility is limited. we report our findings on ...199618611762
[in vitro resistance to fluconazole and itraconazole in clinical isolates of candida spp and cryptococcus neoformans].an in vitro susceptibility testing of 181 strains of six species of candida and 21 strains of cryptococcus neoformans was carried out in order to investigate the resistance to new antifungal drugs. we have studied clinical isolates from 200 different patients of hospital del mar (barcelona) and hospital la inmaculada (almería). an agar diffusion method (neosensitabs, rosco, taastrup, denmark), was employed with fluconazole, itraconazole, and reference drugs amphotericin b, flucytosine, tioconazo ...199716854170
comparison of auxacolor with api 20 c aux in yeast identification.objective: to compare auxacolor with api 20 c aux for identification of yeasts. methods: a total of 206 isolates belonging to 25 species was used in this study. conventional yeast identification methods were used as a reference. results: with api 20 c aux, the correct identification rate was 89.3% after 2 days, while 94.7% of the strains were correctly identified after 3 days. one of 14 strains of candida tropicalis and 10 of 16 strains of trichosporon cutaneum were not correctly identified. wit ...199711864135
ascomycetous yeasts from tropical intertidal dark mud of southeast brazilian estuaries.four different intertidal estuarine sediments had distinct yeast communities. one-hundred-ninety-three yeast isolates were classified in 47 species, with 34 of these in the genus candida. candida tropicalis was the only ascomycetous species isolated from all four sites. other opportunistic pathogens including candida glabrata, candida guilliermondii, candida parapsilosis and candida krusei were present, especially at the more polluted sites. pichia species were also frequent isolates with pichia ...199712501313
[isolation, identification, and typing of yeasts from hiv-positive patients with oral candidiasis].a study of oral candidiasis was conducted among 25 hiv-positive and aids patients. the predominant clinical form of presentation was the pseudomembranous one, whereas the most frequently yeast species found in the isolations were: candida albicans (54.1%), candida tropicalis (8.1%), and torulopsis glabrata (8.1%). it was demonstrated that patients with recurrent infections have colonization of the oral cavity by multiple strains and/or yeast species more often (30.8%) than those through their fi ...19979685984
[the nosocomial infection in icu: characteristics and prevention].in 84 consecutive patients who were treated in icu, 35 had microbiological 5 data. 117 strains (bacteria: 77; fungus: 40) were isolated from 24 of the 35 patients for 97 times. the positive rate was 68.6%, or 28.6% of 84 patients. the gram-negative bacilli were still the main source of nosocomial infection in icu, especially the pseudomonas aeruginosa, clostridium welchii, and e. coli, but gram-positive cocci, especially mrsa infection were also increased. mycotic infection increased very rapidl ...199710677971
in vitro activity of a new semisynthetic echinocandin, ly-303366, against systemic isolates of candida species, cryptococcus neoformans, blastomyces dermatitidis, and aspergillus species.the in vitro activities of ly-303366, a new semisynthetic echinocandin, and comparators amphotericin b, 5-fluorocytosine, fluconazole, and ketoconazole against 205 systemic isolates of candida species, cryptococcus neoformans, blastomyces dermatitidis, and aspergillus species were determined. ly-303366 had mics of < or = 0.32 microg/ml for all candida albicans (n = 99), candida glabrata (n = 18), and candida tropicalis (n = 10) isolates tested. ly-303366 was also active against aspergillus speci ...19979087508
increasing fungal isolation from clinical specimens: experience in a university hospital over a decade.the local patterns of fungal isolates were studied by a retrospective analysis of fungal species isolated from clinical specimens in a university hospital in jerusalem. between 1984 and 1993, 5630 fungi [4071 patient unique isolates (pui)] were isolated and identified. during the study decade, the annual incidence of all isolates increased 2.7-fold, and pui increased 1.6-fold. candida albicans accounted for 61% of pui; urine was the source of 53%. the intensive care units (icus) and the bone mar ...19979093917
candida aquaetextoris sp. nov., a new species of yeast occurring in sludge from a textile industry wastewater treatment plant in tuscany, italy.we describe candida aquaetextoris, a new yeast species isolated from sludge that accumulates at the main wastewater treatment facility which processes discharges from textile factories located in the prato metropolitan district, northern tuscany, italy. this yeast degrades 4-(1-nonyl)phenol, a toxic intermediate originating from the microbial attack of nonylphenol polyethoxylates, which are nonionic surfactants largely used in leather and textile industries. in the investigation we employed conv ...19979103618
comparative physiology of salt tolerance in candida tropicalis and saccharomyces cerevisiae.the salt tolerance of the respiratory yeast candida tropicalis and the fermentative yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae have been compared in glucose media. c. tropicalis showed a better adaptation to na+ and li+ and maintained higher intracellular k+:na+ and k+:li+ ratios than s. cerevisiae. however, c. tropicalis showed a poorer adaptation to osmotic stress (produced by kcl and sorbitol) and exhibited reduced glycerol production as compared to s. cerevisiae. in media with the non-repressing sugar g ...19979141675
variations in dna subtype and antifungal susceptibility among clinical isolates of candida tropicalis.candida tropicalis has been known to be a major cause of invasive candida infection. numerous reports have documented c. tropicalis as the most common species of candida other than c. albicans. the epidemiology and antifungal susceptibility of c. tropicalis are poorly defined. a series of 89 clinical isolates of c. tropicalis from 56 patients hospitalized at seven different u.s. medical centers were analyzed by restriction endonuclease analysis of genomic dna (reag) using the restriction enzymes ...19979147006
secular trends in the epidemiology of nosocomial fungal infections at a teaching hospital in taiwan, 1981 to describe the incidence and patterns of nosocomial fungal infection in a large teaching hospital in taiwan.19979154483
the effect of formaldehyde on the growth of candida diddensii 74-10 and candida tropicalis r-70.the effects of formaldehyde on the growth of two strains of fodder yeasts candida diddensii 74-10 and candida tropicalis r-70 were investigated using the method of continuous cultivation under conditions of carbon limitation and at dilution rates of 0.1/h and 0.25/h. the results indicate that formaldehyde induces a decrease in the yield of biomass, but stimulates the synthesis of protein and rna. the authors studied the activities of the following enzymes: nadph-linked glutamate dehydrogenase, n ...19979204517
characterization of the intron-containing citrate synthase gene from the alkanotrophic yeast candida tropicalis: cloning and expression in saccharomyces cerevisiae.citrate synthase, an essential enzyme of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in mitochondria, was purified from acetate-grown candida tropicalis. results from sds-page and gel filtration showed that this enzyme was a dimer composed of 45-kda subunits. a citrate synthase cdna fragment was amplified by the 5'-race method. nucleotide sequence analysis of this cdna fragment revealed that the deduced amino acid sequence contained an extended leader sequence which is suggested to be a mitochondrial targeting ...19979211708
killer toxins of certain yeast strains have potential growth inhibitory activity on gram-positive pathogenic bacteria.the killer yeast strains which are encountered most frequently among species in the genera saccharomyces, candida, hansenula, pichia and kluyveromyces (ten killer strains in toto) were tested for the activity of their toxins on the growth of some pathogenic bacteria (four gram-positive and six gram-negative strains) in a test in which purified toxins were not required. neither toxins of the killer saccharomyces cerevisiae and pichia membranefaciens strains were active against the bacterial strai ...19979218351
surgical management of catheter tip thrombus: surgical therapy for right atrial thrombus and fungal endocarditis (candida tropicalis) complicating paediatric sickle-cell disease.the use of indwelling central catheters for long-term administration of hyperalimentation, chemotherapy or other intravenous therapies is increasing. this unusual presentation of a catheter-induced right atrial thrombus was complicated by fungal infection. we present a case of a paediatric sickle-cell patient who underwent surgical removal of a right atrial thrombus secondary to fungal (candida tropicalis) endocarditis from an indwelling catheter. successful thrombus removal utilizing cardiopulm ...19979226709
[yeast infections: causative agents and their antifungal resistance in hospitalized pediatric patients and hiv-positive adults].candidiasis has increased its frequency over the last decade, particularly among hospitalized patients where it is accompanied with high rates of mortality, and in patients with aids who are predisposed to oropharyngeal or esophageal candidiasis. the aim of this study was to determine the frequency of appearance of different yeast species and the resistance profile to current antifungal drugs in hospitalized pediatric patients and adult hiv patients from 5 institutions of buenos aires city and s ...19979229726
granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-primed leukocyte transfusions in candida tropicalis fungemia in neutropenic patients.optimal management of fungemia in neutropenic patients is still controversial. several reports have already stressed the poor prognosis in invasive candidiasis (80% mortality in several reports). therefore granulocyte transfusions would appear to be useful in the management of these infections. we report the use of rhg-csf-primed granulocyte transfusions plus amphotericin b in two neutropenic patients who developed life-threatening systemic fungal infections. this approach was successful and bot ...19979234594
evaluation of sugar cane hemicellulose hydrolyzate for cultivation of yeasts and filamentous fungi.sugar cane bagasse hemicellulosic fraction submitted to hydrolytic treatment with 100 mg of sulfuric acid per gram of dry mass, at 140 degrees c for 20 min, was employed as a substrate for microbial protein production. among the 22 species of microorganisms evaluated, candida tropicalis iz 1824 showed trs consumption rate of 89.8%, net cell mass of 11.8 g l-1 and yield coefficient (yx/s) of 0.50 g g-1. the hydrolyzate supplemented with rice bran (20.0 g l-1), p2o5 (2.0 g l-1) and urea (2.0 g l-1 ...19979248066
comparison of three commercial media for direct identification and discrimination of candida species in clinical hundred and ninety-two clinical specimens were used to compare the three chromogenic media albicans id, candiselect, and chromagar candida to a standard method using a sabouraud-chloramphenicol agar medium and standard methods for identification of yeasts. the detection rates were 83.79, 83.24, 86.59 and 84.91% respectively. for the chromogenic media, the rates of direct identification (growth plus specific pigmentation) for candida albicans were 56.50, 37.68 and 11.59% after 24 hours' incub ...19979248752
[a case of successfully treated fungal tricuspid infective endocarditis with repeated pulmonary embolism].a case of successfully treated fungal tricuspid infective endocarditis with repeated pulmonary embolism is reported. a 60-year-old man had received along term intravenous hyperalimentation for the treatment of the complication after hepatopancreatoduodenectomy, associated with candida sepsis. he was once discharged, successfully treated with antifungal agents. but he was readmitted to our hospital due to fever, cough and chest pain. blood culture revealed candida tropicalis. pulmonary scintigrap ...19979256638
cerebrospinal fluid broth culture isolates: their significance for antibiotic treatment.enriched broth medium is routinely used as a supplement for agar plate culture of cerebrospinal fluid (csf). to assess the clinical utility of broth cultures, 151 consecutive csf bacterial and fungal isolates obtained from 91 patients were retrospectively reviewed for the effect of results on treatment. treatment decisions associated with individual csf specimens for which isolates were recovered from thioglycollate broth only were compared with the treatment decisions associated with csf specim ...19979260764
the role of surveillance cultures in patients likely to develop chemotherapy-induced mucositis.mucositis can be the major dose-limiting toxicity during the adminstration of certain types of chemotherapy, especially 5-fluorouracil, methotrexate and doxorubicin. infection probably plays a role after initial inflammatory changes occurs in the mucous membranes of the mouth after chemotherapy, especially if the patient becomes neutropenic. the issues addressed in this paper following a review of the literature are whether surveillance cultures can be helpful to avoid mucositis or at least pred ...19979322348
immunochemically distinct nadp-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase isozymes in mitochondria and peroxisomes of candida tropicalis.although peroxisomal localization of nadp-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase (idp) was first demonstrated in candida tropicalis, the mitochondrial isozyme has not been found in this yeast. here we report that the presence of mitochondrial idp in the yeast was demonstrated by screening for its gene with a dna probe containing conserved sequences of idps from various organisms. the nucleotide sequence of the gene (ctidp1) revealed a 1,290-bp open reading frame corresponding to a 430-amino-acid protei ...19979325427
in vitro antifungal activity of bms-181184 against systemic isolates of candida, cryptococcus, and blastomyces is a water-soluble derivative of the pradimicin group of antifungal compounds. we determined the in vitro activities of bms-181184 and comparator agents amphotericin b, 5-fluorocytosine, fluconazole, and ketoconazole against 184 systemic fungal isolates collected at the health sciences centre in winnipeg, canada, between 1987 and 1995. bms-181184 demonstrated mics of between 1 and 8 micrograms/ml for all candida albicans, candida glabrata, candida tropicalis, candida krusei, candida l ...19979327245
streptococcus thermophilus and its biosurfactants inhibit adhesion by candida spp. on silicone rubber.the adhesion of yeasts, two candida albicans and two candida tropicalis strains isolated from naturally colonized voice prostheses, to silicone rubber with and without a salivary conditioning film in the absence and presence of adhering streptococcus thermophilus b, a biosurfactant-releasing dairy isolate, was studied. coverage of 1 to 4% of the surface of silicone rubber substrata with adhering s. thermophilus b gave significant reductions in the initial yeast adhesion regardless of the presenc ...19979327543
high-resolution structure of the extracellular aspartic proteinase from candida tropicalis yeast.the crystal structure of the secreted aspartic proteinase from candida tropicalis yeast (sapt) has been determined to 1.8 a resolution. the classic aspartic proteinase bilobal structure and domain topology is conserved in sapt, with the substrate binding cleft situated between the two domains. structural comparisons made with pepsin indicate that insertions and deletions in the primary sequence modify the sapt structure to create a more spacious substrate binding cleft with altered specificity. ...19979335526
expression of acetoacetyl-coa thiolase isozyme genes of n-alkane-assimilating yeast, candida tropicalis: isozymes in two intracellular compartments are derived from the same the n-alkane-assimilating yeast candida tropicalis, there are two isozymes of acetoacetyl-coa thiolase, peroxisomal acetoacetyl-coa thiolase (peroxisomal thiolase i), and cytosolic acetoacetyl-coa thiolase (cytosolic thiolase i). we have previously isolated two genes (ct-t1a and ct-t1b) which encode thiolase i. in order to compare the expressed products of thiolase i isozyme-encoding genes in c. tropicalis, cytosolic thiolase i was first purified from glucose-grown c. tropicalis in which the ...19979348092
in vitro preclinical evaluation studies with the echinocandin antifungal mk-0991 (l-743,872).the echinocandin mk-0991, formerly l-743,872, is a water-soluble lipopeptide that has been demonstrated in preclinical studies to have potent activity against candida spp., aspergillus fumigatus, and pneumocystis carinii. an extensive in vitro biological evaluation of mk-0991 was performed to better define the potential activities of this novel compound. susceptibility testing with mk-0991 against approximately 200 clinical isolates of candida, cryptococcus neoformans, and aspergillus isolates w ...19979371328
evaluation of the echinocandin antifungal mk-0991 (l-743,872): efficacies in mouse models of disseminated aspergillosis, candidiasis, and cryptococcosis.the in vivo activity of the merck antifungal echinocandin drug candidate mk-0991 (l-743,872) was evaluated in mouse models of disseminated candidiasis, aspergillosis, and cryptococcosis. the echinocandins are potent inhibitors of 1,3-beta-d-glucan synthase. two models of disseminated candidiasis were used. in a candida albicans mouse survival model with both dba/2n and cd-1 mice, estimates of the 50% effective doses (ed50s) of mk-0991 were 0.04 and 0.10 mg/kg of body weight/dose at 21 days after ...19979371329
prevalence of candida tropicalis in clinical specimens from patients with variable clinical syndromes over a 5-year this study, we have examined our records for the isolation of candida tropicalis from clinical specimens of patients with heterogeneous clinical presentations during the past 5 years. we have found that this species ranks third among all yeasts in frequency of isolation from clinical specimens and that the trend of recovery from the specimens is rising over the years. the isolation rate of c. tropicalis was highest from urine specimens (36%) followed by respiratory specimens (22%). the freque ...19979375498
epitope mapping candida albicans proteinase (sap 2).the continuous epitopes of candida albicans proteinase sap 2 were derived by epitope mapping with sera from patients with oral candidiasis (n = 3), necropsy-proven disseminated candidiasis (n = 5), paired sera from patients who had recovered from blood culture-proven disseminated candidiasis (n = 3) and infection due to candida parapsilosis (n = 2) and candida tropicalis (n = 2). in c. albicans infection, igm identified epitopes in amino acid positions 57-61 (qavpv), 146-151 (sqgtly) and 346-351 ...19979395056
quantification of thigmotropism (contact sensing) of candida albicans and candida quantify the thigmotropism, we adapted the our previous method using a chemotaxifilter system in combination with a bioluminescent adenosine triphosphate (atp) assay based on firefly luciferase-luciferin system and analyzed the relationship between the ability of germ tube formation and thigmotropism of c. albicans and c. tropicalis. both the ability to form germ tube and the amount of hyphae exhibiting thigmotropism varied depending upon both the species and strains of candida. c. albicans f ...19979404020
gene analysis of an nadp-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase localized in peroxisomes of the n-alkane-assimilating yeast candida n-alkane-utilizing yeast, candida tropicalis, two nadp-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase (nadp-idh) isozymes are present, one in mitochondria (mt-nadp-idh) and the other in peroxisomes (ps-nadp-idh). here we report the isolation, sequencing, and expression of the gene encoding ps-nadp-idh (ctidp2), distinct from the mt-nadp-idh gene (ctidp1). based on the n-terminal amino acid sequence of purified ps-nadp-idh, a cdna fragment specific for ps-nadp-idh was obtained by the 5'-race method. using th ...19979432010
oral fluconazole for candida urinary tract infection.fungal urinary tract infections are increasingly prevalent in hospitalized patients. this trial compares the efficacy of oral fluconazole along with catheter replacement to that of catheter replacement alone for treatment of funguria. the study group patients (n = 30) were given 100 mg of fluconazole followed by 50 mg/day for 14 days and had their catheters replaced on day one. the control group, randomized on a 1:1 basis (n = 30) had only a catheter replacement. seventeen and 21 patients in the ...19979444745
fungal colonisation in digital silicone rubber prostheses.the fungal discolouration of silicone rubber prostheses is reported in four cases. in two of the cases, the discolouration was caused by the fungus candida tropicalis. in the other two cases, two different fungal organisms, namely trichoderma sp. and scedosporium prolificans were incriminated. the non-porous silicone rubber layers create an enclosed environment in the suction cup of the prosthesis and preclude ventilation at the prosthesis-stump interface. the moisture as a result of sweat and b ...19979453093
role of macrophages in the candidacidal activity of liposomal amphotericin b.the role of macrophage activation in the candidacidal activity of liposome-incorporated (l) amphotericin b was investigated. macrophages treated with l-amphotericin b killed candida albicans more effectively than did macrophages treated with free (f) amphotericin b. however, macrophages treated with neither f- nor l-amphotericin b killed amphotericin b-resistant candida tropicalis. in vivo stimulation of macrophages by intraperitoneal administration of thioglycollate, freund's complete adjuvant, ...19978985224
candida tropicalis multifocal endophthalmitis as the only initial manifestation of pacemaker document a case of candida tropicalis endophthalmitis as the only manifestation of pacemaker endocarditis.19979124260
candida tropicalis arthritis in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia successfully treated with fluconazole: case report and review of the literature.the case of a 77-year-old woman with acute myeloid leukemia who developed candida tropicalis septic arthritis of the knee after remission-inducing chemotherapy is reported. a literature review of c. tropicalis non-prosthetic arthritis is included. the isolate was susceptible to fluconazole (mic 0.25 mg/l). she was treated with fluconazole (400 mg orally) and frequent relieving synovial aspirations. after 1 month of antifungal therapy the synovial fluid became culture negative. fluconazole concen ...19979108187
hospital-acquired candidaemia: experience from a developing country.thirty-seven episodes of hospital-acquired candidaemia, which occurred over a two-year period, were reviewed. the predominant risk factors were previous antibiotic therapy (100%), indwelling central venous catheter (94.6%), parenteral hyperalimentation (78.3%) and preceding surgery (51.4%). eighty-nine percent of the patients had three or more risk factors. candida albicans (56.8%), and candida tropicalis (13.5%) were the most common isolates. mortality was 48.6%. no significant difference was o ...19979049818
gastric perforation with candida tropicalis invasion in a previously healthy girl.fungal cells were observed infiltrating the submucosal margins of an acutely perforated gastric ulceration in an apparently immunocompetent 3-year-old girl. perforation had occurred 24 h after hospital admission because of pain and vomiting. colonies of candida tropicalis were grown from peritoneal fluid and blood cultures. after surgical repair and a 30-day treatment with amphotericin b at a daily dose of 1 mg kg-1 body weight, the child was discharged in good health. no further infections have ...19979476484
[oral contraceptive use and vaginal candida colonization].fungal vaginal infections/colonisations can be divided into a symptomatic vaginal candidiasis and an asymptomatic vaginal candida-carriage. the latter seems to be a predisposing factor for the development of a symptomatic vaginal candidiasis. the fungal organism isolated most frequently is candida albicans, followed by candida glabrata, which was previously also known as torulopsis glabrata. to a lower extend, other candida species such as candida tropicalis and candida krusei can be prevalent i ...19979480609
recombinant thermostable cycloinulo-oligosaccharide fructanotransferase produced by saccharomyces cerevisiae.a truncated fragment of the cycloinulo-oligosaccharide fructanotransferase (cftase) gene of bacillus circulans mci-2554 was fused to the prepro secretion sequence of the alpha-factor and expressed in saccharomyces cerevisiae under the control of the 5' upstream region of the isocitrate lyase gene of candida tropicalis (upr-icl). efficiently secreted recombinant cftase protein (yeast cftase) was purified. yeast cftase consisted of three protein molecules, each of which had cftase activity (yeast ...19979406417
biotransformation of linoleic acid with the candida tropicalis m25 mutant.linoleic acid was transformed by mutant candida tropicalis m25 and transformations were studied in batch and fed-batch cultures. cofermentations with palmitic acid as inducer of the fatty acid degradation pathway were performed. besides the (z),(z)-octadeca-6,9-dienedioic acid, (z),(z)-3-hydroxyoctadeca-9,12-dienedioic acid and (z),(z)-3-hydroxytetradeca-5,8-dienedioic acid were obtained as the main fermentation products. the maximum concentrations of (z),(z)-octadeca-6,9-dienedioic acid and (z) ...19979274051
transformation of chlororesorcinol by the hydrocarbonoclastic yeasts candida maltosa, candida tropicalis, and trichosporon oivide.the inhibitory effects of chlorinated monoaromatic compounds on three hydrocarbonoclastic yeasts grown on glucose or resorcinol were examined. at concentrations of 1.0 m, all of the monoaromatic compounds were inhibitory. when the concentration of chlororesorcinol was significantly reduced (0.0005 m), the inhibition to each yeast was minimized. extracts of the cultures of yeasts growing on resorcinol plus chlororesorcinol were analyzed for residual resorcinol and chlororesorcinol with high press ...19979236299
inhibition of acyl-coa oxidase by phenol and its implication in measurement of the enzyme activity via the peroxidase-coupled assay system.yeast (candida tropicalis) acyl-coa oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of a variety of acyl-coa substrates to their corresponding alpha-beta enoyl-coa products, with concomitant reduction of the buffer-dissolved o2 to h2o2. by utilizing indolepropionyl-coa as a chromogenic substrate, we could measure the enzyme activity either directly by monitoring formation of the reaction product indoleacryloyl-coa (lambda(max) = 367 nm) or indirectly by measuring the formation of h2o2 via the oxidative-coupled ...19979234897
the epidemiology of hematogenous candidiasis caused by different candida species.the medical records of patients with hematogenous candidiasis at m. d. anderson cancer center (houston) between 1988 and 1992 were retrospectively reviewed. there were 491 episodes of infection (6 per 1,000 admissions), 79% of which occurred outside the intensive care unit setting. a significant decrease in incidence was observed among patients with leukemia over the study period, together with a relative decrease in candida albicans and candida tropicalis infections and an increase in candida k ...19979195068
practical guide to diagnosing and treating vaginitis.bacterial vaginosis (bv), candidiasis, and trichomoniasis account for more than 90% of vaginal infections. bv typically is associated with a decrease in commensal, protective lactobacilli and a proliferation of other flora. mobiluncus is pathognomonic but found in only 20% of cases. presence of 3 of 4 criteria indicates bv: a homogenous noninflammatory discharge (not many wbcs); ph >4.5; clue cells (bacteria attached to borders of epithelial cells, > 20 % of epithelial cells); and a positive whi ...19979746676
analysis of carbon source-regulated gene expression by the upstream region of the candida tropicalis malate synthase gene in saccharomyces cerevisiae.we investigated the regulation of expression of a gene encoding malate synthase (ms) of an n-alkane-utilizable yeast candida tropicalis in the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae, where its expression is highly induced by acetate. by comparing levels of gene expression in cells grown on glucose, acetate, lactate, and oleic acid, we found that the increase in gene expression was due to a glucose repression-derepression mechanism. in order to obtain information concerning the regulation of the gene exp ...19979003461
activity of a new triazole, sch 56592, compared with those of four other antifungal agents tested against clinical isolates of candida spp. and saccharomyces cerevisiae.sch 56592 is a new triazole agent with potent, broad-spectrum antifungal activity. the in vitro activities of sch 56592, itraconazole, fluconazole, amphotericin b, and flucytosine (5-fc) against 404 clinical isolates of candida spp. (382 isolates) and saccharomyces cerevisiae (22 isolates) were investigated. in vitro susceptibility testing was performed by a broth microdilution method performed according to national committee for clinical laboratory standards guidelines. overall, sch 56592 was v ...19979021172
adhesion to silicone rubber of yeasts and bacteria isolated from voice prostheses: influence of salivary conditioning films.adhesion of yeasts and bacteria to silicone rubber is one of the first steps in the biodeterioration of silicone rubber voice prostheses. in this paper, adhesion of two streptococcal, staphylococcal, candida albicans and candida tropicalis strains, isolated from explanted voice prostheses was investigated to silicone rubber with and without a salivary conditioning film in a parallel-plate flow chamber. within each microbial pair of one species, the strain with the most negative zeta potential ad ...19979029300
cloning and characterization of a gene (lip1) which encodes a lipase from the pathogenic yeast candida albicans.extracellular phospholipases are demonstrated virulence factors for a number of pathogenic microbes. the opportunistic pathogen candida albicans is known to secrete phospholipases and these have been correlated with strain virulence. in an attempt to clone c. albicans genes encoding secreted phospholipases, saccharomyces cerevisiae was transformed with a c. albicans genomic library and screened for lipolytic activity on egg-yolk agar plates, a traditional screen for phospholipase activity. two i ...19979043110
derepression of gene expression mediated by the 5' upstream region of the isocitrate lyase gene of candida tropicalis is controlled by two distinct regulatory pathways in saccharomyces cerevisiae.the 5' upstream region of the gene encoding isocitrate lyase of candida tropicalis (upr-icl) is functional as a promoter in saccharomyces cerevisiae, and it is regulated by carbon source; the expression of the gene is repressed when cells are grown on glucose, while it increases to a higher level in acetate-grown cells. therefore, we have investigated regions in upr-icl responsible for gene expression in glucose-grown and acetate-grown cells. in glucose-grown cells, a deletion of the region betw ...19979057841
evaluation of peroxisomal heme in yeast.heme is supposed to be transported into peroxisomes to form peroxisomal catalase [ec] in harmony with proliferation of the organelle because of the absence of the heme synthetic pathway in peroxisomes. we tried to understand the transport mechanism of peroxisomal catalase through the peroxisomal membrane from the aspects of a cofactor, heme, by measuring cellular and subcellular heme contents with the pyridine hemochrome method, independent of measuring the catalase activity. n-alkane-g ...19979058187
infectious complications in left ventricular assist device recipients.the left ventricular assist device (lvad) has revolutionized the care of patients with heart failure who are awaiting transplantation. despite reports of significant infection rates associated with lvad implantation, few data are available concerning the management of lvad-related infections and their impact on transplantation. eight (40%) of our first 20 lvad recipients developed infections. lvad-related bloodstream infection occurred in three (15%) patients; infection was due to staphylococcus ...19978994750
[profound mycoses in aids in abidjan (côte d'ivoire)].during 1995, among 1105 hiv patients explored in our department, 64 presented a deep fungic infection (5.8%). the yeast was searched for in cerebrospinal fluid, blood, urine, and bronchoalveolar aspiration. isolated germs were cryptococcus neoformans (95%), candida tropicalis (1 case), saccharomyces cerevisiae (1 case) et aspergillus fumigatus (1 case). results of treatment with amphotericin b were: recovery (9%), clinical success (11%), out of sight (14%), letality (66%), relapse (23%) and side ...19979507758
in vitro activity of a new oral triazole, bms-207147 (er-30346)the antifungal activity of bms-207147 (also known as er-30346) was compared to those of itraconazole and fluconazole against 250 strains of fungi representing 44 fungal species. mics were determined by using the national committee for clinical laboratory standards (nccls)-recommended broth macrodilution method for yeasts, which was modified for filamentous fungi. bms-207147 was about two- to fourfold more potent than itraconazole and about 40-fold more active than fluconazole against yeasts. wit ...19989527778
[inflammatory reactions and microorganisms cultured from sputum and blood in association with terminal stage infection of patients with lung cancer].we reviewed our experience with terminal stage infections in patients with lung cancer over an 11 year period at kurume university hospital. in patients with end-stage lung cancer, the infection is common and a mortal disease. we examined the clinical features and significance of pathogenic microbes isolated from sputum and blood in patients with lung cancer during their last month. bacteriological examinations from blood done frequently in patients with episodes of fever revealed that bacteremi ...19989545687
correlation of in vitro fluconazole susceptibility with clinical outcome for severely ill patients with oropharyngeal candidiasis.we investigated the correlation between in vitro susceptibility to fluconazole and clinical response in severely ill patients with oropharyngeal candidiasis treated with fluconazole. the study included 48 adult patients, of whom 23 were neutropenic (absolute neutrophil count, < 500/mm3). forty-eight isolates (20 candida albicans, 12 candida krusei, 10 candida kefyr, 3 torulopsis glabrata, and 3 candida tropicalis) were tested for susceptibility to fluconazole with use of the macrodilution method ...19989564473
candida tropicalis osteomyelitis: case report and review. 19989564495
peroxisomal and mitochondrial carnitine acetyltransferase isozymes of the n-alkane-assimilating yeast, candida tropicalis, occurred by alternative initiation of translation from the transcripts of a single gene.carnitine acetyltransferase (cat; ec is localized in two subcellular organelles, peroxisomes and mitochondria, in an n-alkane-assimilating yeast, candida tropicalis. the isozymes are synthesized from the first and second atg codon of the open reading frame of one gene, ctcat. primer extension analysis and rnase protection assay (rpa) revealed that multiple transcription initiation sites were found upstream of the first atg codon. 5' ends could not be detected between the first and secon ...19989565689
comparison of the rapid yeast plus panel with the api20c yeast system for identification of clinically significant isolates of candida species.the rapid yeast plus system (innovative diagnostic systems, norcross, ga.) is a qualitative micromethod employing conventional tests and single-substrate chromogenic tests and having a 4-h incubation period. this system was compared with the api20c (biomerieux vitek, hazelwood, mo.) system, a 24- to 72-h carbohydrate assimilation method. one hundred thirty-three clinical yeast isolates, including 57 of candida albicans, 26 of candida tropicalis, 23 of candida glabrata, and 27 of other yeasts, we ...19989574727
evaluating the effect of soft lining materials on the growth of yeast.soft lining materials continue to have a place in clinical removable prosthodontics. however, there is an increased probability of yeast colonization on soft lining materials.19989576314
nosocomial breakthrough fungaemia during antifungal prophylaxis or empirical antifungal therapy in 41 cancer patients receiving antineoplastic chemotherapy: analysis of aetiology risk factors and outcome.forty-one episodes of breakthrough fungaemia occurring over a 7.5 year period in the national and st elizabeth's cancer institutes in bratislava, slovakia, were analysed. five of them occurred during prophylaxis with fluconazole (one torulopsis glabrata, one hansenula anomala, two candida krusei and one candida parapsilosis), ten with itraconazole (three trichosporon pullulans, one trichosporon beigelii, one cryptococcus laurentii, three candida albicans and two t. glabrata), 11 during prophylax ...19989578164
[a search for specific genes working on the process of mycelial growth in candida tropicalis].ethanol has been reported to cause mycelial growth in candida tropicalis pk233. cultivation with ethanol in synthetic media containing glucose gave biphasic growth curves. during the first growth phase, there was an accumulation of swollen spherical yeast cells, instead of the oblong ones observed in the control culture, followed by the appearance of spherical daughter cells in chains. during the second growth phase, pseudohyphal cells appeared, projecting from the swollen yeast cells.subtractiv ...19989580029
in vitro activities of terbinafine against cutaneous isolates of candida albicans and other pathogenic yeasts.terbinafine is active in vitro against a wide range of pathogenic fungi, including dermatophytes, molds, dimorphic fungi, and some yeasts, but earlier studies indicated that the drug had little activity against candida albicans. in contrast, clinical studies have shown topical and oral terbinafine to be active in cutaneous candidiasis and candida nail infections. in order to define the anti-candida activity of terbinafine, we tested the drug against 350 fresh clinical isolates and additional str ...19989593126
influence of test conditions on antifungal time-kill curve results: proposal for standardized methods.this study was designed to examine the effects of antifungal carryover, agitation, and starting inoculum on the results of time-kill tests conducted with various candida species. two isolates each of candida albicans, candida tropicalis, and candida glabrata were utilized. test antifungal agents included fluconazole, amphotericin b, and ly303366. time-kill tests were conducted in rpmi 1640 medium buffered with morpholinepropanesulfonic acid (mops) to a ph of 7.0 and incubated at 35 degrees c. pr ...19989593151
epidemiology of systemic candidiasis in a tertiary care neonatal unit.143 neonates were diagnosed to have acquired systemic candidiasis out of a total 4530 admissions (3.2 per cent) to the neonatal intensive care unit (nicu) during a period of 6 1/2 years from january 1990 to june 1996. mean age at onset was 10.4 days, mean birth weight 1454 g, and mean gestation was 31.7 weeks. ninety-four per cent were premature, 95 per cent low birth weight (lbw), and all had undergone peripheral vein catheterization and had received broad spectrum antibiotics, except one, prio ...19989604600
[a morphological and cytofluorometric analysis of the age structure of yeast populations].the morphological and cytofluorometric analysis of the age structure of yeast populations of saccharomyces cerevisiae, candida boidinii and candida tropicalis were carried out. the phase of cell preparation for budding and three phases of budding were accounted in morphological analysis. the latter was determined by the ratio of size of a mother cell and a bud. cytofluorometric analysis was carried out by flow cytofluorometry of 20,000 cell which were stained by ethidium bromide. a simple method ...19989621684
evaluation of endpoints for antifungal susceptibility determinations with ly303366.we have previously reported poor correlation between the in vitro fungicidal activity of ly303366 and mic results in rpmi medium based upon the manufacturer's suggested susceptibility endpoint, lack of visual growth. additionally, we have noted a significant trailing effect with ly303366 when mics are determined in rpmi medium. these observations have led us to evaluate an alternative susceptibility endpoint for ly303366, an 80% reduction in growth compared with control (similar to that utilized ...19989624481
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