
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
determination of the hemolytic activity of vibrio cholerae. 19714326853
antibody to human cell lines with and without ultrastructural evidence for epstein-barr virus (ebv) infection in sera from patients with diverse viral illnesses. 19714326989
uptake of 5-hydroxytryptamine by mast cell granules in vitro. 19714327035
uptake of 5-hydroxytryptamine by mast cell granules in vitro. 19714327035
endonuclease i of proteus mirabilis. properties of the noncomplexed and transfer ribonucleic acid-complexed forms of the enzyme. 19714327190
pulmonary and extrapulmonary fate of angiotensin i. 19714327848
[nuclear envelope]. 19714329120
[nuclear envelope]. 19714329120
allosteric preconditioning: role of allosteric ligands in promoting the maturation of enzymes. 19714329625
purification of neuraminidases from vibrio cholerae, clostridium perfringens and influenza virus by affinity chromatography. 19714330046
[presence of nuclear inclusions in the cells of the human placenta]. 19714338058
[the 7th cholera pandemia (1961-1966, 1970)]. 19714342561
[effects of sulpiride on the genital system of the male golden hamster in the winter involution phase]. 19714261921
a method for bioassay of an epidermal chalone-like inhibitor. 19714253991
relative importance of neuronal and extraneuronal mechanisms for the uptake and retention of noradrenaline in different tissues of the rat. 19714254626
the effect of intracameral and intravenous urokinase on the resistance to aqueous outflow in cynomologus monkeys. 19714256364
effect of tetraethylammonium and n 1 -methylnicotinamide on the uptake of decamethonium and carbamoylcholine by slices of mouse kidney. 19714256474
action of cholera toxin to stimulate adenyl cyclase. 19714364607
interactions of avian sarcoma virus with rat embryo cells in cell culture. 19714330345
the group-specific antigen and other structural proteins of hamster and mouse c-type viruses. 19714330369
[new biologically active copolymers of n-vinylpyrrolidone]. 19714330729
ultrastructural and biochemical studies on ribonucleoprotein particles from isolated nucleoli of thioacetamide-treated rat liver. 19714330914
enhanced mitochondrial functions during heptatocarcinogenesis. 19714331095
effect of poly i:c on parainfluenza 3 virus multiplication in wish cells. 19714396418
development of megakaryocytes in bone marrow of the rat: an analysis by electron microscopy and high resolution autoradiography. 19714396460
simple method of 24-hour spleen preservation: further studies relating to hemophilia. 19714398505
simple method of 24-hour spleen preservation: further studies relating to hemophilia. 19714398505
synthesis and degradation of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in the rat uterus. 19714398557
the relationship of soluble and mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenases in metabolic regulation. 19714399011
[a study of fructose metabolism in the human liver]. 19714399035
[hemodynamic effects of a new inhibitor of adrenergic beta receptors (lb 46)]. 19714402388
[histoautoradiographic investigation of the dna-synthesis during physiological growth (author's transl)]. 19714130776
binding of secretory piece to polymeric iga and igm paraproteins in vitro. 19714137556
spermatid differentiation in the blowfly sarcophaga bullata with particular reference to flagellar morphogenesis. 19714104241
antileprosy drugs. 19714104273
the nerves of the umbilical cord in man and the rat. 19714106075
histocompatibility relationships between species. 19714106308
soluble mouse histocompatibility antigens. 19714106314
effect of neuraminidase on serological properties of murine lymphoid cells. 19714106346
immunosuppressive alpha globulin from bovine thymus: mechanism of action. 19714106349
[peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acid esters injected into rats following x-irradiation]. 19714107884
[peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acid esters injected into rats following x-irradiation]. 19714107884
the effect of iodine deficiency and suppression of tsh secretion on radioiodine labelled thyroxine and triiodothyronine in the thyroid of rats. 19714108314
examination of adult primary human kidney cell cultures for adventitious viral agents. 19714109619
[possibility of using moor's tampon for isolating cholera vibrio from water]. 19714114049
[possibility of quickly determining the sensitivity of cholera vibrio to antibiotics using erythrocytic diagnosticum]. 19714114051
[anti-gammaglobulins in the blood of children treated with gamma globulin preparations]. 19714110763
[isolation and identification of cholera vibrios]. 19714115933
immunochemical studies of the o-antigens of vibrio cholerae. the constitution of a lipopolysaccharide from v. cholerae 569b (inaba). 197111945645
mode of action of vibriocin: initial interaction with vibrio comma cells.certain metabolic requirements, upon initial interaction of sensitive cells with vibriocin, were a prerequisite for lethal activity. transient "immunity" of these cells, manifested under suboptimal growth conditions, differed from the immunity of vibriocinogenic cells.197116557939
immunochemical studies of two cholera toxin-containing standard culture filtrate preparations of vibrio cholerae.two crude toxin preparations of vibrio cholerae, labeled lot 4493 g (inaba) and lot 001 (ogawa), consisting of freeze-dried culture filtrate, were studied with regard to toxicity, precipitinogenicity, and chemical composition. lot 4493 g contained much more carbohydrate and less protein than lot 001, but both of the preparations contained three precipitinogens which were identical. one of these factors was identified as cholera exotoxin. in addition, both contained a fourth cross-reacting precip ...197116558049
serological properties of gammag and gammam antibodies to the somatic antigen of vibrio cholerae during the course of immunization of and passive-agglutinating, complement-fixing, and bactericidal properties of gammag and gammam antibodies produced in rabbits inoculated with live vibrio cholerae were determined at intervals over a period of 345 days. although gammam antibody titers increased more rapidly than gammag during the initial stages of antibody production, the titers of gammag and gammam declined proportionally during a 3-month rest period and increased proportionally after a booster injection. the relative ti ...197116558058
zinc deficiency with skin lesions as seen in acrodermatitis enteropathica, and intoxication with zinc during parenteral nutrition. 1971416361
immunoglobulins. 1971416241
daunorubicin and adriamycin in cancer treatment: an analysis of their roles and limitations. 1971378369
relaxation methods and the control of blood pressure. 1971356077
arthrodesis of the knee following failed total knee forty-five patients, who had an arthrodesis because of failed total knee arthroplasty, the cause was infection in forty, instability in two, failure of the prosthesis in two, and loosening in one. the arthrodesis succeeded in twenty-nine (81%) of thirty-six patients who had had a minimally or partially constrained arthroplasty and in five (56%) of nine who had had a hinge-type prosthesis inserted. the reasons for failure were severe bone loss, persistent sepsis, and loss of bone apposition af ...1972422603
united we stand? 1972251478
letter: thank you, united states of america. 19721174170
mechanized system for liquid chromatographic determination of 4-nitrophenol and some other phenolic pesticide metabolites in urine. 1972422508
colorimetric determination of poly(n-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) in contact lens solutions.a rapid colorimetric method is presented for the quantitative determination of poly(n-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) in contact lens solutions. the method is simple, requires no sample pretreatment, and uses only a small volume of sample. the procedure is based on the measurement of the net absorbance of a poly(n-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone)- congo red complex at 545 nm. an accuracy of greater than +/- 4% was obtained for the concetnration ranges usually found in contact lens solutions with a minimum detection le ...1972422505
[prevalence of diabetes in a 5-year material of amputations in sør-rogaland].good data on diabetic foot disease in norway is lacking. we present data on major amputations in a local hospital (serving 240,000 inhabitants) during a 5-year period. the total number of major amputations was 17 per year (in 14 patients) per 100,000 inhabitants. this figure is low compared with those of other scandinavian reports. 37.5% of the patients had diabetes. smoking is a major risk factor in all groups.19721553666
design improvement for tld card reader. 1972422388
current concepts of the antibody response: heterogeneity of lymphoid cells, interactions, and factors. 1972302185
differentiation and mechanisms of prevention and termination of verapamil-sensitive sustained ventricular tachycardia.the purpose of this study was to differentiate by means of electrophysiologic study, a drug's ability to terminate or to prevent ventricular tachycardia (vt). differences between the 2 effects were examined in patients with vt and the underlying mechanisms were studied in verapamil-responsive idiopathic sustained vt. the clinical significance of the distinction for chronic oral drug therapy is discussed. thirty-five cases of inducible sustained vt were studied. a drug was considered "preventive" ...19722480708
nyu guest lecture television program. an evaluation of distributed videotapes. 1972422316
predicted trends and their impact on decision making. 1972247298
hyposmolarity-induced taurine release in cerebellar granule cells is associated with diffusion and not with high-affinity transport.the effects of hyposmotic conditions on taurine uptake and release were studied in mice cultured cerebellar granule cells. the effect of dids (4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate) and of the divalent cations mg++ and mn++ on the hyposmolarity-induced changes in these parameters was investigated. mg++ (20 mm) and mn++ (5 mm) inhibited by 25% and 41%, respectively, the release of taurine observed in 30% hyposmolar media. dids (100 microm) inhibited this release by 46%. taurine efflux ev ...19721787540
[findings of intestinal parasites in relation to age in school children from guca and the surrounding region]. 19722130016
[genetic foundations for tooth morphological characteristics]. 1972292252
bipartite median nerve at the wrist. report of a case. 1972422626
a new portable alpha survey instrument. 1972422376
on the specificity of neuraminidase the carboxymethyl alpha-ketoside of n-acetyl-d-neuraminic acid, a vibrio cholerae neuraminidase substrate having two anionic sites. 197211946557
chemical characteristics of the substance of typical amyloidosis in monkeys. 19724116385
serological studies of surface antigenic modification of c3h mouse cell lines undergoing "spontaneous" malignant conversion in vitro. 19724116743
[heterogeneity of the alkaline phosphatase of murine plasmocytomas]. 19724117577
viscous interactions of hyaluronic acid with some proteins and neutral saccharides. 19724117786
failure to detect h-2 antigens in mouse testis and heart by immunofluorescence. 19724111731
experimental glomerulonephritis in the mouse. ii. effect of antithymocyte globulin. 19724113677
[elaboration of elective solid nutrient media for diagnosing cholera]. 19724113978
[identification of vibrions and related micro-organisms]. 19724113979
xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. a comparison of the disease in the cat and man with special reference to the origin of the fat.the origin of the intracellular fat in human xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis has been the centre of some discussion in the past. a report of a case in a domestic cat is of interest as normal feline renal epithelium is rich in stainable fat. a comparison of the human and feline varieties of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis reveals certain fundamental differences between the two and reinforces the view that the fat concerned in the human disease does not originate in the renal epithelium.19724114697
[the action of enzymes, a detergent and other substances on entamoeba histolytica and salmonella typhi]. 19724121476
[application of the biological method to the study of correlations between the two i and ii antigenic determinants of human intrinsic factor]. 19724121828
[serological studies on bacterial neuraminidases with special reference to the neuraminidase of pasteurella multocida]. 19724124474
vestibulo-ocular responses in man during sleep. 19724109914
a radial diffusion agar plaque technique for estimation of the avidity of bactericidal antibodies against vibrio cholerae. 19724129962
the role of effluents in the spread of salmonellae. 19724144950
[photophosphorylation and binding of phosphates to chromatophores in rhodospirillum rubrum]. 19724145605
[differentiation between anaerobic organisms using gaschromatographic metabolic analyses]. 19724145622
[differentiation between anaerobic organisms using gaschromatographic metabolic analyses]. 19724145622
[who meeting on the prevention of cholera in europe]. 19724152069
the response of t cells to histocompatibility-2 antigens. dose-response kinetics.the dna synthetic response of a wide variety of parental thymocyte doses was studied in the lymphoid tissues of lethally irradiated f(1) mice. the response curves of the thymocytes were strikingly similar in shape to those of t cells responding to antigens, such as sheep red cells, which are more labile than the histocompatibility antigens of the f(1) host. the response was characterized by a dose-dependent latent period of 1-3 days, followed by a sharp increase in activity and a significant sub ...19724402392
inhibition of bacterial dna replication by 6-(p-hydroxy-phenylazo)-uracil. 19724402396
intravenously administered doxycycline in urological and surgical infections. 19724402952
[b hepatitis virus and periarteritis nodosa]. 19724403388
[determination of glutathione reductase activity in normal epidermis]. 19724403523
the effect of fourteen day treatment with diuretics on mouse blood sugar and glucose tolerance. 19724403809
effect of renal nerve stimulation, renal blood flow and adrenergic blockade on plasma renin activity in the cat.1. the effect of electrical stimulation of the distal cut ends of the renal nerves of unilaterally nephrectomized, anaesthetized cats was studied. using stimulation parameters of 15 pulses per second (pps), 15 v and 0.2 msec duration, there was an immediate sharp drop in renal blood flow, as determined by an electromagnetic flowmeter, which was maintained for about 2 min. flow gradually returned to control values over approximately the next 10 min in spite of continued stimulation for up to 30 m ...19724404297
the influence of environmental temperature on the metabolism and liver composition of the immature male chick. 19724404374
Displaying items 901 - 1000 of 24874