
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
control of meloidogyne javanica and m. arenaria on kenaf and roselle with genetic resistance and nematicides.kenaf (hibiscus cannabinus) and roselle (h. sabdarifla) were evaluated in nematicide-treated and untreated field soil naturally infested with either meloidogyne javanica or m. arenaria. root-knot indices indicated that the kenaf breeding line j-l-113 had moderate resistance to m. javanica and low resistance to m. arenaria. kenaf cv everglades 71 was highly susceptible to both m. javanica and m. arenaria, and roselle breeding line a59-56 was highly resistant. both nematode species reproduced on a ...197919305526
mutagenicity tests of cashewnut shell liquid, rice-bran oil and other vegetable oils using the salmonella typhimurium/microsome view of the shortage of edible oils in india, nutritional and toxicological evaluations have been carried out on some unconventional oils to determine whether they might be safe for human consumption. as part of these evaluations, eight unconventional oils were tested by the ames mutagenicity assay, using salmonella typhimurium strains ta98 and ta100 with and without metabolic activation with s-9 mix prepared from the livers of rats pretreated with sodium phenobarbitone or aroclor 1254. of th ...19873315902
[in vitro enzyme inhibitory and in vivo cardioprotective activities of hibiscus (hibiscus sabdariffa l.)].a crude hydroalcoholic extract from hibiscus sabdariffa l. calyces showed in vitro an appreciable enzyme-inhibiting activity towards the angiotensin i converting enzyme (ace), attributable to flavones, but weak inhibiting activities towards elastase, trypsin and alpha-chymotrypsin. the angioprotective activity in vivo, also important, was due to flavones and anthocyanins.19902355305
biochemical dynamics and hypocholesterolemic action of hibiscus sabdariffa (karkade).male albino rats were fed on a mixture of cholesterol and cholic acid for 12 weeks to induce hypercholesterolemia, then karkade was administered at 5 and 10% for 9 weeks to evaluate its hypocholesterolemic and hypolipemic effect. the experimental parameters include total lipids, cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids. liver and kidney functions were also investigated in normal, hypo- and hypercholesterolemic rats administered karkade. a remarkable progress (lowering effect) in the level of ...19911787844
investigation of the antispasmodic potential of hibiscus sabdariffa calyces.addition of an aqueous extract of hibiscus sabdariffa calyces (2.5 ml/bath approximately 125 mg of starting crude material) inhibited the tone of various isolated muscle preparations (rabbit aortic strip, rhythmically contracting rat uterus, guinea-pig tracheal chain and rat diaphragm). other muscles were stimulated (quiescent rat uterus and frog rectus abdominis). intravenous injection of the extract to anaesthetized cats lowered the blood pressure in a dose-response manner. the inhibitory effe ...19912023432
investigation of the anti-inflammatory activity of acacia nilotica and hibiscus sabdariffa.the aqueous extracts of acacia nilotica and hibiscus sabdariffa were tested for anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activities in animal models. acacia nilotica extract had an inhibitory effect on carrageenan induced paw edema and yeast-induced pyrexia in rats. it also produced a significant increase in the hot plate reaction time in mice. hibiscus sabdariffa extract had no effect on paw edema but had an inhibitory effect on yeast induced pyrexia and a significant effect on the hot plat ...19968982438
mechanisms of the blood pressure lowering effect of the calyx extract of hibiscus sabdariffa in rats.the antihypertensive effect of aqueous extracts of the calyx of hibiscus sabdariffa (hs) has been investigated in anaesthetized rats. hibiscus sabdariffa caused a dose-dependent decrease in mean arterial pressure (map) of the rats. sectioning of the right and left vagi nerves did not have a significant effect on the fall in map produced by hs. cholinergic blockade with 0.2 mgkg-1 atropine and histaminergic blockade with 1 mgkg-1 cimetidine and 15 mgkg-1 promethazine significantly attenuated the ...199610457797
nutrient composition and biological evaluation of mesta (hibiscus sabdariffa) seeds.two varieties of mesta (hibiscus sabdariffa) seeds were analysed for their proximal composition. their protein (18.8-22.3%), fat (19.1-22.8%) and dietary fiber (39.5-42.6%) content were found to be high. the seeds were found to be a good source of minerals like phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. their lysine and tryptophan contents were also high. sulphur containing amino acids were limiting in this seed protein and the chemical score of mesta seed protein was 40 and 57 for amv-2 and bhimili-1 v ...19969139301
hibiscus protocatechuic acid protects against oxidative damage induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide in rat primary hepatocytes.hibiscus protocatechuic acid (pca), a simple phenolic compound isolated from hibiscus sabdariffa l., was studied for its protective effects against oxidative damage induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide (t-bhp) in a primary culture of rat hepatocytes. it had been reported that exposure of isolated hepatocytes to t-bhp results in leakage of lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) and alanine transaminase (alt), peroxidation of cellular lipids, and depolarization of mitochondria. the present investigations showe ...19968760395
protective effects of dried flower extracts of hibiscus sabdariffa l. against oxidative stress in rat primary hepatocytes.dried flower extracts of hibiscus sabdariffa l., a local soft drink material and medical herb, was found to possess antioxidant activity in the present study. in the preliminary studies, antioxidant potential of three fractions of the ethanol crude extract (hs-c: chloroform-soluble fraction; hs-e: ethyl acetate soluble fraction; hs-r: residual fraction) obtained from the dried flowers of hibiscus sabdariffa l. were evaluated by their capacity of quenching 1,1 -diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (dpph) fr ...19979449221
inhibitory effect of hibiscus protocatechuic acid on tumor promotion in mouse skin.hibiscus protocatechuic acid (pca), a phenolic acid isolated from hibiscus sabdariffa l., was evaluated for its ability to inhibit the 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (tpa)-induced promotion in skin tumors of female cd-1 mice. topical application of pca (5, 10 or 20 micromol) 5 min prior to tpa (15 nmol) treatment twice weekly for 20 weeks to mice which were initiated with benzo[a]pyrene (b[a]p) inhibited the incidence of tumors in mice to 81.3, 62.5 and 56.3%, respectively, while all mice ...19989585067
antihypertensive effect of roselle (hibiscus sabdariffa) calyx infusion in spontaneously hypertensive rats and a comparison of its toxicity with that in wistar rats.the ld(50) of roselle calyx extract and its effect on blood pressure were determined. the ld(50) was found to be above 5000 mg kg(-1). roselle calyx infusion was found to lower significantly (p<0.05) both systolic and diastolic pressure in spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive wistar-kyoto rats at tested doses of 500 and 1000 mg kg(-1) body weight. the reduction in blood pressure in both groups was positively correlated with weight. continuous consumption of the infusion at 1000 mg kg(-1) ...199910451541
effects of roselle (hibiscus sabdariffa linn.), a thai medicinal plant, on the mutagenicity of various known mutagens in salmonella typhimurium and on formation of aberrant crypt foci induced by the colon carcinogens azoxymethane and 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine in f344 rats.the 80% ethanol extract of roselle (hibiscus sabdariffa linn.), a medicinal plant in thailand, was examined for antimutagenic and chemopreventive activity in a colon carcinogenesis model. it reduced about 60-90% of the mutagenicity induced by 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (phip) and other heterocyclic amines 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (iq), 2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline(melq),2-amino-3, 8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline(melqx),3-amino-1,4-dimet hyl- ...199910478827
determination of total aluminum, chromium, copper, iron, manganese, and nickel and their fractions leached to the infusions of black tea, green tea, hibiscus sabdariffa, and ilex paraguariensis (mate) by aluminum, chromium, copper, iron, manganese, and nickel were determined in black tea, green tea, hibiscus sabdariffa, and ilex paraguariensis (mate) by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry after nitric/perchloric acid digestion. in each case, one ground sample of commercially available leafy material was prepared and three 0.5-g subsamples were run in parallel. the infusions were also analyzed and the percentage of each element leached into the liquor was evaluated. the obtained r ...200011314985
induction of apoptosis by hibiscus protocatechuic acid in human leukemia cells via reduction of retinoblastoma (rb) phosphorylation and bcl-2 expression.hibiscus protocatechuic acid (pca), a phenolic compound isolated from the dried flower of hibiscus sabdariffa l. (malvaceae), demonstrated antioxidant and antitumor promotion effects in our previous study. in the present study, hibiscus pca was found to inhibit the survival of human promyelocytic leukemia hl-60 cells in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. the study revealed that hl-60 cells underwent internucleosomal dna fragmentation and morphological changes characteristic of apoptosis ...200010856425
protective effect of hibiscus anthocyanins against tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced hepatic toxicity in rats.hibiscus anthocyanins (has), a group of natural pigments occurring in the dried flowers of hibiscus sabdariffa l., which is a local soft drink material and medical herb, were studied for antioxidant bioactivity. the preliminary study showed that has were able to quench the free radicals of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl. this antioxidant bioactivitiy was further evaluated using the model of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-bhp)-induced cytotoxicity in rat primary hepatocytes and hepatotoxicity in rats ...200010762726
hibiscus acid as an inhibitor of starch digestion in the caco-2 cell model system.hibiscus acid, an alpha-amylase inhibitor isolated from roselle tea, and its derivatives were compared in an inhibition test for starch digestion. an alpha-amylase-added caco-2 system was established as a useful model to evaluate the effects of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors on starch digestion. hibiscus acid showed weak inhibition in this model system, and the methyl ester derivatives showed even weaker or no acitivity.200111676026
pyrolysis of lignin in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide: a convenient method for s/g ratio determination.pyrolysis-gas chromatography in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (tmah) was applied to the determination of the ratio of the abundances of the syringyl beta-aryl ether subunits to those of the guaiacyl equivalents (s/g) in lignin. diazomethane-methylated kenafs (hibiscus cannabinus and hibiscus sabdariffa) and beech (fagus crenata) in situ lignins were employed. relative abundances of pyrolysis products derived from the guaiacyl and syringyl beta-aryl ether subunits were determined. ...200211853474
in vivo protective effect of protocatechuic acid on tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced rat hepatotoxicity.increasing evidence regarding free-radical generating agents and the inflammatory process suggests that accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ros) can involve hepatotoxicity. previously, we found that protocatechuic acid (pca), a polyphenolic compound from hibiscus sabdariffa l. possessing free radical-scavenging capacity, protected against oxidative damage induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide (t-bhp) in rat primary hepatocytes. in this study, first pca was evaluated by its capacity of inhibiti ...200211955669
in vitro anti-hepatoma activity of fifteen natural medicines from canada.fifteen crude drugs, stellaria media cyrill. (caryophyllaceae), calendula officinalis l. (compositae), achillea millefolium l. (compositae), verbascum thapsus l. (scrophulariaceae), plantago major l. (plantaginaceae), borago officinalis l. (boraginaceae), satureja hortensis l. (labiatae), coptis groenlandica salisb. (ranunculaceae), cassia angustifolia vahl. (leguminosae), origanum majorana l. (labiatae), centella asiatica l. (umbelliferae), caulophyllum thalictroides mich. (berberidaceae), pice ...200212203264
inhibition of intestinal motility by methanol extracts of hibiscus sabdariffa l. (malvaceae) in rats.the methanol extracts of hibiscus sabdariffa (p < 0.01) showed a significant dose dependent relaxant effect (ic50) = 350 microm) on rat ileal strip comparable to the effect shown by nifedipin and papaverine as reference compounds. similarly, the extract when administered intraperitoneally significantly (p < 0.05-0.01) reduced the intestinal transit (13%-35%) in rats (ic50, = 250 microm). the extracts (40% +/- 04%) and nifedipin (51% +/- 05%) also potentiated the diarrhoea inducing effect of cast ...200212164279
hibiscus sabdariffa extract inhibits the development of atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits.hibiscus sabdariffa l., a local soft drink material and medicinal herb, is usually used effectively in native medicines against hypertension, pyrexia, and liver disorders. here, we report an extract, hse (h. sabdariffa extract), which is designed to exhibit hypolipidemia and antiatherosclerotic effects in rabbits with experimental atherosclerosis. new zealand white rabbits were fed with a normal diet, high cholesterol (1.3%), lard oil (3%) diet (hcd) with or without 0.5 or 1% hse for 10 weeks. t ...200312926900
hibiscus extract inhibits the lipid droplet accumulation and adipogenic transcription factors expression of 3t3-l1 preadipocytes.this study was designed to investigate the effect of hibiscus (hibiscus sabdariffa) on adipogenic differentiation of 3t3-l1 cells at the cellular and molecular levels.200314499025
toxicological investigation of aqueous-methanolic extract of the calyces of hibiscus sabdariffa l.the aqueous fraction of an aqueous-alcoholic extract of hibiscus sabdariffa l. calyces was given to wistar albino rats (150-200g) orally as drugs to study the toxicity of the extract. the rats, which were fed with commercial diet and water ad libitum, were divided into six groups of four rats each. treatments 1 through 6 received 0, 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15 doses of 250 mg/kg each, respectively; the control group received physiological saline (0.9% nacl). results of the studies showed that the levels ...200314522449
chronic administration of aqueous extract of hibiscus sabdariffa attenuates hypertension and reverses cardiac hypertrophy in 2k-1c hypertensive rats.the effect of aqueous extract of petals of hibiscus sabdariffa (hs) on the established stages of 2-kidney, 1-clip renovascular hypertension was investigated in sprague-dawley rats. renovascular hypertension was induced by subjecting the animals to left renal artery clamping using a 0.2mm silver clip under ether anesthesia. sham-operated (sh-op) rats served as controls. six weeks after renal artery clamping, one group of hypertensive rats (blood pressure (bp) >140 mmhg) received hs (250 mg/kg/day ...200312738084
the effect of a water extract and anthocyanins of hibiscus sabdariffa l on paracetamol-induced hepatoxicity in rats.we investigated the effect of the water extract of the dried flowers of hibiscus sabdariffa l. and hibiscus anthocyanins (has) (which are a group of natural pigments occurring in the dried calyx of h. sabdariffa) on paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. the water extract was given in lieu of drinking water for 2, 3 or 4 consecutive weeks, and the has were given orally at doses of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg for five consecutive days. paracetamol was given orally at a dose of 700 mg/kg to induce ...200312557248
hibiscus protocatechuic acid inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced rat hepatic damage.hibiscus protocatechuic acid (pca), a phenolic compound found in the dried flowers of hibiscus sabdariffa l. (malvaceae), was demonstrated to have an antioxidant effect in vitro and in vivo, and an antitumor property in our previous study. in the present study, we used lipopolysaccharide (lps, an endotoxin) to induce rat liver inducible nitric oxide synthase (inos), and found that pretreatment with pca decreased the liver inos and the serum total nitrite induced by lps. our investigation showed ...200312491040
anticlastogenic effects of hibiscus sabdariffa fruits against sodium arsenite-induced micronuclei formation in erythrocytes in mouse bone in vivo micronucleus assay using albino mice was used to examine the anticlastogenic effects of a crude aqueous extract of hibiscus sabdariffa fruits in bone marrow cells of mice. various doses of freshly prepared crude extract of hibiscus sabdariffa (50, 100 and 150 mg/kg b.w.) were given by gavaging to male laboratory bred swiss albino mice for 7 days as a dietary supplement followed by a single dose of sodium arsenite (2.5 mg/kg b.w.) after 24 h, the animals were killed and bone marrow sme ...200415551375
protective effects of selected medicinal plants against protein degradation, lipid peroxidation and deformability loss of oxidatively stressed human erythrocytes.the effects of seven medicinal plants including artemisia herba-alba, ferula hermonis, hibiscus sabdariffa, nigella sativa, teucrium polium, trigonella foenum-graecum, and allium sativum on protein degradation, lipid peroxidation, erythrocyte deformability and osmotic fragility of erythrocytes exposed in vitro to 10 mm h(2)o(2) for 60 min at 37 degrees c have been examined. preincubation of erythrocytes with nigella sativa and allium sativum protected erythrocytes against protein degradation, lo ...200415162361
effect of zobo drink (hibiscus sabdariffa water extract) on the pharmacokinetics of acetaminophen in human volunteers.acetaminophen, a common antipyretic-analgesic otc drug is often administered orally anytime of the day with water or beverages irrespective of possible interactions. zobo drink, is a sweetened water extract of the dried calyx of hibiscus sabdariffa. this work is designed to investigate the effect of zobo drink on an oral dose of acetaminophen. six healthy male volunteers, ages 28.50 +/- 1.76 years, weighing 62.67 +/- 1.67kg participated in the study. the study was carried out in two phases. in t ...200415151167
polysaccharides from hibiscus sabdariffa flowers stimulate proliferation and differentiation of human keratinocytes.raw polysaccharides, previously described in detail, were isolated from the flowers of hibiscus sabdariffa l. and fractionated by ion exchange chromatography into one neutral and three acidic subfractions. raw polysaccharides and all acidic subfractions caused a strong induction of proliferation of human keratinocytes (hacat) of up to 40 %, while the neutral polymers were ineffective. while mitochondrial activity was not influenced, raw polysaccharides induced early differentiation of primary na ...200415095156
testicular effects of sub-chronic administration of hibiscus sabdariffa calyx aqueous extract in rats.the sub-chronic effect of hibiscus sabdariffa (hs) calyx aqueous extract on the rat testes was investigated with a view to evaluate the pharmacological basis for the use of hs calyx extract as an aphrodisiac. three test groups received different doses of 1.15, 2.30, and 4.60 g/kg based on the ld(50). the extracts were dissolved in the drinking water. the control group was given equivalent volume of water only. the animals were allowed free access to drinking solution during the 12-week period of ...200415019726
nutrient composition and antimicrobial activity of sorrel drinks (soborodo).aqueous extracts (1,200 ml) of roselle calyx (40 g), fortified with either orange juice or pineapple juice as sweetener and lemon grass as flavorant (sorrel drink), were analyzed with regard to their mineral composition (na, fe, zn, cu, pb, mn, and ca), vitamin c content, and sensory evaluation. while the medicinal potentials were determined with respect to their inhibitory effect on the growth of bacillus sp., pseudomonas aeruginosa, lactobacillus sp., and corynebacterium sp. the results reveal ...200415383229
hibiscus anthocyanins rich extract-induced apoptotic cell death in human promyelocytic leukemia cells.hibiscus sabdariffa linne (malvaceae), an attractive plant believed to be native to africa, is cultivated in the sudan and eastern taiwan. anthocyanins exist widely in many vegetables and fruits. some reports demonstrated that anthocyanins extracted from h. sabdariffa l., hibiscus anthocyanins (has) (which are a group of natural pigments existing in the dried calyx of h. sabdariffa l.) exhibited antioxidant activity and liver protection. therefore, in this study, we explored the effect of has on ...200415922006
delphinidin 3-sambubioside, a hibiscus anthocyanin, induces apoptosis in human leukemia cells through reactive oxygen species-mediated mitochondrial pathway.delphinidin 3-sambubioside (dp3-sam), a hibiscus anthocyanin, was isolated from the dried calices of hibiscus sabdariffa l. dp3-sam could induce a dose-dependent apoptosis in human leukemia cells (hl-60) as characterized by cell morphology, dna fragmentation, activation of caspase-3, -8, and -9, and inactivation of poly(adp)ribose polymerase (parp). molecular data showed that dp3-sam induced bid truncation, mitochondrial membrane potential (deltapsi(m)) loss, and cytochrome c release from mitoch ...200516018963
the chemical composition and membrane stability activity of some herbs used in local therapy for anemia.the chemical composition and the membrane stabilizing activity of the decoctions of the dry hibiscus sabdariffa linn. (malvaceae) calyx (sobo in a nigerian language), theobroma cacao linn. (n.o. sterculiaceae) root (cocoa) and the dry stalk of white and red cultivars of sorghum bicolor (l.) moench (poaceae) were determined. these herbs are often used locally for the management of anemia. ash content was from 3.5 to 7.2%, tannin 7-46 mg/kg catechin equivalent, ascorbic acid content 250-625 mg/kg ...200516039811
phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological aspects of hibiscus sabdariffa l.: a review.this article reviews the reported phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological properties of hibiscus sabdariffa l. (english: roselle, red sorrel; arabic: karkade), the calyces of which are used in many parts of the world to make cold and hot drinks. nutritionally, these contain ascorbic acid (vitamin c). in folk medicine, the calyx extracts are used for the treatment of several complaints, including high blood pressure, liver diseases and fever. the pharmacological actions of the calyx extr ...200516106391
hibiscus polyphenol-rich extract induces apoptosis in human gastric carcinoma cells via p53 phosphorylation and p38 mapk/fasl cascade view of the continuing need for effective anticancer agents, and the association of diet with reduced cancer risk, edible plants are increasingly being considered as sources of anticancer drugs. hibiscus sabdariffa linne (malvaceae), an attractive plant believed to be native to africa, is cultivated in the sudan and eastern taiwan. polyphenols had been demonstrated previously to possess antioxidative and antitumor promoting effects. in this study, investigations were conducted to examine the ...200515791651
hepatoprotective effects of hibiscus, rosmarinus and salvia on azathioprine-induced toxicity in an anti-metabolite, azathioprine inhibits the de novo and salvage pathways of purine synthesis. intraperitoneal injection of this drug results in not only lymphocyte suppression but also toxicity to bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, and liver. this azathioprine-induced hepatotoxicity was found to be associated with oxidative damage. plants with antioxidative properties have been traditionally used to prevent diseases associated with free radicals. in this report, we used water extracts of ...200515878355
free radical scavenging and antigenotoxic activities of natural phenolic compounds in dried flowers of hibiscus sabdariffa l.the antioxidant and free radical scavenging effects of two fractions of the ethanolic extract (hscf, chloroform soluble fraction and hsea, ethyl acetate soluble fraction) obtained from the dried flowers of hibiscus sabdariffa l were investigated. the total antioxidant activity of the extracts was estimated to be 4.6 and 8.6 mm of vitamin c for hscf and hsea, respectively. both hscf and hsea scavenged hydrogen peroxide (h(2)o(2)) (79-94%) at the dose of 500 microg. similarly, the extracts showed ...200516254885
in vitro antibacterial activity of roselle calyx and protocatechuic acid.the in vitro inhibitory effect of roselle calyx and protocatechuic acid, a compound derived from roselle calyx, on the growth of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, klebsiella pneumoniae, pseudomonas aeruginosa and acinetobacter baumannii was studied. the data from inhibition zone and minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) values showed that both roselle calyx extract and protocatechuic acid inhibited effectively the growth of all test bacterial pathogens, the antibacterial activity of ...200516317650
the consumption of hibiscus sabdariffa dried calyx ethanolic extract reduced lipid profile in rats.the scientific basis for the statement that plants and their active constituents play an important role in the prevention of chronic and degenerative diseases is continously advancing. the object of the present study was to evaluate the effect of hibiscus sabdariffa l. dried calyx ethanolic extract on the serum lipid profile of sprague-dawley rats. the rats were fed during 4 weeks with either a basal diet, containing high cholesterol (1%), cholic acid (0.25%), lard oil (10%), or a supplemental d ...200516395625
pharmacokinetics of anthocyanidin-3-glycosides following consumption of hibiscus sabdariffa l. extract.pharmacokinetic parameters of several dietary anthocyanins following consumption of hibiscus sabdariffa l. extract were determined in 6 healthy volunteers. subjects were given a single oral dose of 150 ml of hibiscus sabdariffa l. extract yielding 62.6 mg of cyanidin-3-sambubioside, 81.6 mg of delphindin-3-sambubioside, and 147.4 mg of total anthocyanins (calculated as cyanidin equivalents). within 7 hours, the urinary excretion of cyanidin-3-sambubioside, delphinidin-3-sambubioside, and total a ...200515647413
antioxidant effects of aqueous extracts from dried calyx of hibiscus sabdariffa linn. (roselle) in vitro using rat low-density lipoprotein (ldl).the present study quantitatively investigated the antioxidant effects of the aqueous extracts from dried calyx of hibiscus sabdariffa linn. (roselle) in vitro using rat low-density lipoprotein (ldl). formations of the conjugated dienes and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (tbars) were monitored as markers of the early and later stages of the oxidation of ldl, respectively. thus, we demonstrated that the dried calyx extracts of roselle exhibits strong antioxidant activity in cu(2+)-mediate ...200515744073
the protective effects of hibiscus sabdariffa extract on ccl4-induced liver fibrosis in rats.dried flower hibiscus sabdariffa l. (hse) extracts, a local soft drink material and medicinal herb, were studied for their protective effects against liver fibrosis induced using carbon tetrachloride (ccl(4)) in rats. male wistar rats were administered ccl(4) by intraperitoneal injection for 7weeks and received a normal diet or normal diet with various hse doses (1-5%) for 9weeks. hse significantly reduced the liver damage including steatosis and fibrosis in a dose dependent manner. moreover, hs ...200616176854
microbiological and chemical changes during the fermentation of african locust bean (parkia biglobosa) to produce afitin, iru and sonru, three traditional condiments produced in benin.african locust bean (parkia biglobosa) was processed to produce afitin, iru and sonru, three different types of condiment from benin. whereas the fermentation of african locust bean to produce afitin is carried out for 24 h without using any additive, the fermentation for iru and sonru production takes place for 48 h with adding respectively "iku-iru" and "yanyanku" two traditional malvacene bean-based (hibiscus sabdariffa) additives. the main microorganisms involved in the fermentation of the t ...200616413077
effects of roselle and ginger on cisplatin-induced reproductive toxicity in evaluate the protective effects of hibiscus sabdariffa (roselle) and zingiber officinale (ginger) against cisplatin-induced reproductive toxicity in rats and to study the mechanisms underlying these effects.200616751998
ethnomedicines used in trinidad and tobago for urinary problems and diabetes mellitus.this paper is based on ethnobotanical interviews conducted from 1996-2000 in trinidad and tobago with thirty male and female respondents.200617040567
hibiscus anthocyanins-rich extract inhibited ldl oxidation and oxldl-mediated macrophages apoptosis.the oxidative modification of low-density lipoprotein (ldl) plays a key role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. anti-oxidative reagents, which can effectively inhibit ldl oxidation, may prevent atherosclerosis via reducing early atherogenesis, and slowing down the progression to advance stages. as shown in previous studies hibiscus sabdariffa l. is a natural plant containing a lot of pigments that was found to possess anti-oxidative of activity. therefore, in this study, we evaluated the an ...200616473450
evaluation of natural and synthetic compounds from east asiatic folk medicinal plants on the mediation of this review are presented various lead compounds bearing a polyphenolic moiety and their biological targets. the relevance of these targets to develop the desired compounds as potential anti-cancer agents is discussed. for instance, caffeic acid phenethyl ester (cape) has preliminary been studied in our group to hold various biochemical responses. when c6 glioma cells were grown as xenografts in nude mice, treatment with cape (1-10 mg/kg; ip) induced a significant dose dependent decrease in t ...200616842235
dose-dependent changes in some haematological parameters during short-term administration of hibiscus sabdariffa calyx aqueous extract (zobo) in wistar albino rats.the extract of hibiscus sabdariffa l. (malvaceae) is popularly consumed and assumed to have haematological benefits, but no scientific investigations are known in the literature to have been conducted to corroborate this claim. the present study was therefore conducted to evaluate the effects of hibiscus sabdariffa l. calyx extract on some haematological parameters (haemoglobin, haematocrit, total white blood cells and differentials) in rats, with a view to determining its medicinal usefulness i ...200617209331
hypocholesterolemic and antioxidant effects of aqueous extracts from the dried calyx of hibiscus sabdariffa l. in hypercholesterolemic rats.the present study was designed to investigate the hypolipidemic effects and antioxidant effects of hibiscus sabdariffa l. (roselle) with regard to protection of ldl oxidation in vivo and ex vivo in rats made hypercholesterolemic by continuous cholesterol feeding. administering the dried calyx extracts of roselle at doses of 500 and 1,000 mg/kg together with continuous cholesterol feeding to hypercholesterolemic rats for 6 weeks significantly decreased serum cholesterol level by 22% and 26%, resp ...200616213683
inhibitory effects of aqueous extract of hibiscus sabdariffa on contractility of the rat bladder and uterus.we examined an aqueous extract of hibiscus sabdariffa calyces extracts (hse) by close-arterial injection on micturition thresholds (mts) and on uterine contractions (rate and amplitude). five doses of hse were examined (1, 5, 10, 50, and 100 mg/kg) in 3 groups of rats: controls, after bladder inflammation, and after bilateral hypogastric neurectomy. in some rats, uterine contractions were induced by injection of oxytocin (ot) and the effect of hse was compared with that of nifedipine. hse increa ...200718066103
traditional leafy vegetables in senegal: diversity and medicinal uses.six administrative regions of senegal were investigated. forty species of vegetable leaves which are traditionally consumed in senegal have been inventoried. all species are members of twenty-one families the most numerous of which are amaranthaceae juss., malvaceae juss., moraceae link., the papilionaceae giseke and tiliaceae juss. the species are subdivided into three groups: cultivated leafy vegetables, plants gathered annually, perennial sub-ligneous and ligneous species. the gathered specie ...200720161914
commonly used tropical medicinal plants exhibit distinct in vitro antioxidant activities against hepatotoxins in rat liver.lipid peroxidation in biological systems has been considered as one of the major mechanisms of cell injury in aerobic organisms subjected to oxidation stress. plants, among other functions, are considered to act as free radical scavengers and as antioxidants. iron ii (fe(2+)), sodium nitroprusside (snp) and nitropropionic acid stimulate the production of free radicals and lipid peroxidation. in this study, four commonly used tropical medicinal plants (kigelia africana, calotropis procera, hibisc ...200717395447
influence of aqueous extract of hibiscus sabdariffa l. petal on cadmium toxicity in rats.the effects of chronic exposure to cadmium (cd) on some selected biochemical parameters, as well as the possible protective role of aqueous extracts of hibiscus sabdariffa l petal were studied in 12-wk-old male wistar albino rats. exposure to cd caused a significant increase in plasma lalanine aminotransferases (alt) only but with a corresponding decrease in liver l-alanine and l-aspartate aminotransferases (l-alt, l-ast) when compared to the cd-free control. total superoxide dismutase activity ...200717406073
antihypertensive effect of an aqueous extract of the calyx of hibiscus sabdariffa.the present study was designed to investigate the efficacy of an aqueous calyx extract of hibiscus sabdariffa (hs) in two forms of experimental hypertension: salt-induced and l-name (n(omega)-l-arginine methyl ester)-induced and in normotensive controls. the blood pressure and heart rate fell dose-dependently in both the hypertensive and normotensive rats after intravenous injection of 1-125 mg/kg of hs, suggesting that hs possesses anti-hypertensive, hypotensive and negative chronotropic effect ...200717482378
toxicity and mutagenic activity of some selected nigerian plants.the toxicity and mutagenic potential of most african plants implicated in the management of cancer have not been investigated. the ethanolic extracts of selected nigerian plants were subsequently studied using the brine shrimp lethality tests, inhibition of telomerase activity and induction of chromosomal aberrations in vivo in rat lymphocytes. morinda lucida root bark, nymphaea lotus whole plant and garcinia kola root were active in the three test systems. bryophyllum calycinum whole plant, ann ...200717707603
effect of hibiscus sabdariffa on obesity in msg mice.the aim of the present investigation was determine whether a standardized hibiscus sabdariffa calyces aqueous extract has an effect on body weight in an obese animal model induced by the administration of monosodium glutamate. hibiscus sabdariffa aqueous extract, containing 33.64 mg of total anthocyanins per each 120 mg of extract, was orally administered (120 mg/kg/day) for 60 days to healthy and obese mice, and body weight gain, food and liquid intake, aspartate aminotransferase (ast), alanine ...200717765418
hibiscus sabdariffa affects ammonium chloride-induced hyperammonemic rats.hibiscus sabdariffa (hs) is an edible medicinal plant, indigenous to india, china and thailand and is used in ayurveda and traditional medicine. alcoholic extract of hs leaves (hset) was studied for its anti-hyperammonemic and antioxidant effects in brain tissues of ammonium chloride-induced hyperammonemic rats. oral administration of hset (250 mg kg(-1) body weight) significantly normalizes the levels of ammonia, urea, uric acid, creatinine and non-protein nitrogen in the blood. hset significan ...200717965762
hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects of ethanolic extract from dried calyx of hibiscus sabdariffa in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.the present study investigated the hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects of ethanolic extract of hibiscus sabdariffa l (hse) in rats treated with alloxan. the results were compared with the standard hypolipidemic drug lovastatin. hse at doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg elicited dose-dependent effects on the biomarkers evaluated. in alloxan-treated rats, hse at the dose of 200 mg/kg significantly attenuated the elevated blood glucose concentration by 57%. lovastatin (10 mg/kg) similarly reduced the glu ...200718034661
plants popularly used for loosing weight purposes in porto alegre, south this study, 14 herbalists (herb sellers) were interviewed about popular use of plants with weight loss purpose in porto alegre, a south brazil city. for all identified species, scientific data were reviewed aiming to establish a correlation between popular use and biological properties. seventy-eight samples were reported as having weigh loss properties. these samples come from 23 species and asteraceae encompasses the greatest number of representatives. the greatest number of herbalist's cit ...200716963210
mechanisms of the anti-hypertensive effect of hibiscus sabdariffa l. calyces.previous studies have demonstrated the anti-hypertensive effects of hibiscus sabdariffa l. (hs) in both humans and experimental animals. to explore the mechanisms of the anti-hypertensive effect of the hs, we examined the effects of a crude methanolic extract of the calyces of hs (hse) on vascular reactivity in isolated aortas from spontaneously hypertensive rats. hse relaxed, concentration-dependently, kcl (high k(+), 80 mm)- and phenylephrine (pe, 1 microm)-pre-contracted aortic rings, with a ...200716973321
effects of water extract of hibiscus sabdariffa, linn (malvaceae) 'roselle' on excretion of a diclofenac formulation.the effect of beverages prepared from the dried calyx of the flowers of hibiscus sabdariffa on the excretion of diclofenac was investigated using a controlled study in healthy human volunteers. a high pressure liquid chromatographic method was used to analyse the 8 h urine samples collected after the administration of diclofenac with 300 ml (equivalent to 8.18 mg anthocyanins) of the beverage administered daily for 3 days. an unpaired two-tailed t-test was used to analyse for significant differe ...200717094172
chemopreventive properties of hibiscus sabdariffa l. on human gastric carcinoma cells through apoptosis induction and jnk/p38 mapk signaling activation.gastric cancer is a common malignancy in many countries of the world, especially in asia. prevention is likely to be the most effective means of not only reducing the incidence but also mortality from this disease. the term 'chemoprevention' has been referred to the prevention of cancer using specific agents to suppress or reverse the carcinogenic process. in recent years, attention has been focused on the anticancer properties of edible plants, an important role in the prevention of disease. hi ...200717145051
effect of hibiscus anthocyanins-rich extract induces apoptosis of proliferating smooth muscle cell via activation of p38 mapk and p53 pathway.hibiscus sabdariffa l. (malvaceae), an attractive plant believed to be native to africa, is cultivated in sudan and in eastern taiwan. it has been reported to contain a number of protocatechuic acid and anthocyanins. in vitro experimental studies have shown that anthocyanins administration of the extract produces anti-inflammation and chemoprevention effects. in spite of the wide use of hibiscus sabdariffa l. in folk medicine for treating various diseases, our previous study indicated a potency ...200718030661
antioxidant capacity, total phenolics and sugar content of selected thai health beverages.this study was to determine antioxidant capacity, total phenolics and sugar content of 12 pasteurized and sterilized thai health beverages, products of the royal chitralada projects. the antioxidant capacities were analyzed using 2,2-diphenyl-l-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging and the photochemiluminescence (pcl) assay. folin-ciocalteu assay and nelson's reducing sugar test were used to determine total phenolic compounds and sugar contents, respectively. sacred lotus root drink showed the signi ...200717415958
herbal medicines as diuretics: a review of the scientific evidence.there is increasing interest in the health and wellness benefits of herbs and botanicals. this is with good reason as they might offer a natural safeguard against the development of certain conditions and be a putative treatment for some diseases. one such area may be the lowering of blood pressure in those where it is elevated (i.e., hypertension). one class of clinical medicines used to lower blood pressure are known as diuretics and work by increasing the excretion of urine from the body as w ...200717804183
enterotoxins and emetic toxins production by bacillus cereus and other species of bacillus isolated from soumbala and bikalga, african alkaline fermented food condiments.the ability of various species of bacillus from fermented seeds of parkia biglobosa known as african locust bean (soumbala) and fermented seeds of hibiscus sabdariffa (bikalga) was investigated. the study included screening of the isolates by haemolysis on blood agar, detection of toxins in broth and during the fermentation of african locust bean using the bacillus cereus enterotoxin reverse passive latex agglutination test kit (bcet-rpla) and the bacillus diarrhoeal enterotoxin visual immunoass ...200818474404
immunomodulatory effect of extracts of hibiscus sabdariffa l. (family malvaceae) in a mouse model.the immunomodulatory activity of water and alcohol extracts (including its fractions) of the dried calyx of the plant was evaluated in mice. the ability of the extracts to inhibit or enhance the production of two cytokines, namely tumor necrosis factor-alpha (tnf- alpha) and interleukin-10 (il-10), respectively, implicated as proinflammatory and antiinflammatory interleukins were also evaluated. the extracts at doses of 50 mg/kg were found to possess higher immunostimulatory activities in compar ...200818398929
herbal extracts counteract cisplatin-mediated cell death in rat evaluate the protective effects of ginger (gin) and roselle (ros) against testicular damage and oxidative stress in a cisplatin (cis)-induced rodent model. their protective effects against cis-induced apoptosis in testicular and epididymal sperms is also investigated.200818097501
identification of bacillus spp. from bikalga, fermented seeds of hibiscus sabdariffa: phenotypic and genotypic identify bacillus spp. responsible of the fermentation of hibiscus sabdariffa for production of bikalga, an alkaline fermented food used as a condiment in burkina faso.200817922831
acetaminophen-induced liver damage in mice: effects of some medicinal plants on the oxidative defense system.paracetamol (acetaminophen, pcm) is widely used as an over-the-counter analgesic and antipyretic drug. intake of a large dose of pcm may result in severe hepatic necrosis. oxidative stress mediated by oxidative capacities of the pcm metabolite (n-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine (napqi), is considered as the main cause of hepatotoxicity of pcm. this work therefore seeks to induce liver damage in mice using single dose (25 0mg/kg) of acetaminophen and to evaluate the possible protective effects of admi ...200818054472
in vitro anti-helicobacter pylori activity of diallyl sulphides and protocatechuic acid.the in vitro inhibitory effects of diallyl disulphide (dads), diallyl trisulphide (dat), roselle calyx extract and protocatechuic acid (pa) on the growth of helicobacter pylori (15 susceptible, 11 clarithromycin-resistant and 9 metronidazole-resistant strains) were studied. the inhibition zone was determined after each agent had been heated at 25, 60, 100 degrees c for 60 min. the minimal inhibitory concentration (mic) of each agent was determined by the tube dilution assay. the results showed t ...200817705145
mechanism of the delayed puberty onset in offspring of rats that consumed aqueous extract of hibiscus sabdariffa during pregnancy.consumption of extracts of hibiscus sabdariffa (family: malvaceae) during pregnancy has been shown to cause maternal malnutrition which has been linked to various adverse conditions like increased postnatal weight gain, delayed puberty onset and elevated body weight and body mass index at onset of puberty in the female offspring. the present study was designed to investigate the possible mechanism underlying this. eighteen in-bred pregnant sprague-dawley rats were on day 1 of pregnancy, randomly ...200819434218
maternal consumption of an aqueous extract of hibiscus sabdariffa during lactation accelerates postnatal weight and delays onset of puberty in female offspring.the present study was designed to investigate whether maternal consumption of aqueous extract of hibiscus sabdariffa (hs) during lactation will affect the postnatal growth and onset of puberty in the female offspring. eighteen in-bred virgin female sprague-dawley rats aged between 10-12 weeks and weighing 125 +/- 5.5g (mean +/- sem) with two consecutive regular 4-day estrus cycles were randomly assigned to one of three groups of 6 rats per group. one group had tap water (control); another had 0. ...200819434221
susceptibility of cariogenic streptococcus mutans to extracts of garcinia kola, hibiscus sabdariffa, and solanum americanum.the elimination of cariogenic bacteria from the oral cavity using antibacterial agents is one of the primary strategies for the prevention of dental caries. avariety of plants with potent activity are known to be used in indigenous communities for dental hygiene worldwide.200819469401
determination of in vitro antidiabetic effects, antioxidant activities and phenol contents of some herbal this research, some herbal teas and infusions traditionally used in the treatment of diabetes in turkey, have been studied for their antidiabetic effects on in vitro glucose diffusion and phenolic contents and antioxidant activities. ten aqueous herbal tea extracts were examined using an in vitro method to determine their effects on glucose movement across the gastrointestinal tract. total phenol content of herbal teas was analyzed by folin-ciocalteu's procedure. antioxidant activities of her ...200818183488
protective effects of extracts of vernonia amygdalina, hibiscus sabdariffa and vitamin c against radiation-induced liver damage in rats.the radioprotective efficacy of methanolic extracts of leaves of vernonia amygdalina (va) and hibiscus sabdariffa (hs), and vitamin c (vit c) against gamma radiation (4 gy) induced liver damage was studied in male wistar albino rats. vit c was administered at a dose of 250 mg/kg body weight, while va and hs were administered at doses; 200, 400 and 800-mg/kg body weight, orally for 4 weeks prior to radiation and 5 weeks after irradiation. the rats were sacrificed at 24 hours and 5 weeks after irr ...200818250564
screening of thai medicinal plants for anticandidal activity.medicinal plants are often used in the treatment of various ailments. in this study, 23 of thai medicinal plants were screened for their anticandidal activity against six pathogenic candida species: c. albicans, c. glabrata, c. guilliermondii, c. krusei, c. parapsilosis and c. tropicalis. the methanol extract of hibiscus sabdariffa l. fruit, trigonostemon reidioides (kurz) craib root, usnea siamensis vain whole plant, boesenbergia rotunda (l.) mansf. rhizome, and albizia myriophylla benth. stem ...200818331446
uricosuric effect of roselle (hibiscus sabdariffa) in normal and renal-stone former subjects.the roselle (hibiscus sabdariffa) was investigated for its uricosuric effect.200818423919
hibiscus sabdariffa l. extracts inhibit the mutagenicity in microsuspension assay and the proliferation of hela cells.hibiscus sabdariffa l. is used as a refreshing beverage and as a traditional medicine. the objective of this study was to determine the in vitro effect of phenolic compounds present in aqueous, ethyl acetate, and chloroform extracts of h. sabdariffa against mutagenicity of 1-nitropyrene (1-np), and also the antiproliferative effect of these extracts. inhibition of cell proliferation and dna fragmentation were tested on transformed human hela cells. the hot aqueous extract (hae) contained 22.27 + ...200818577016
arsenic, cadmium and lead in medicinal herbs and their fractionation.arsenic, cadmium and lead were determined for quality control monitoring purposes of bulgarian herbs and their infusions by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. twelve samples of yarrow (achillea millefolium), 18 of chamomile (flores chamomillae), 8 of bearberry leaves (folia uvae ursi), 24 of peppermint (mentha piperitae folium), 10 of hibiscus (hibiscus sabdariffa), 14 of oregano (origanum vulgare) and 12 of thyme (thymus serpyllum) we ...200818614270
anti-campylobacter, anti-aerobic, and anti-oxidative effects of roselle calyx extract and protocatechuic acid in ground beef.the inhibitory effect of roselle calyx extract and protocatechuic acid against susceptible and antibiotic-resistant campylobacter jejuni, c. coli and c. fetus in agar plate and ground beef was examined. the minimal inhibitory concentrations of roselle calyx extract and protocatechuic acid against susceptible and antibiotic-resistant campylobacter species were in the range of 96-152 and 20-44 microg/ml, respectively. temperature treatments from 25 to 100 degrees c did not affect the anti-campylob ...200818620770
evaluation of various physico-chemical properties of hibiscus sabdariffa and l. casei incorporated probiotic yoghurt.the present investigation was carried out to examine the effect of hibiscus sabdariffa calyx extract on the physico-chemical properties, sensory attributes, texture and microbial analysis of l. casei incorporated in probiotic yoghurt after manufacture and during storage. incorporation of hibiscus sabdariffa calyx extract into the probiotic yoghurt resulted into decrease in coagulation time by 25 min. the ph ranged from 4.39 to 4.59, ta 0.81 to 1.14%, moisture 3.05 to 3.37 g%, syneresis 18.85 to ...200819266923
anthocyanin extracted from hibiscus attenuate oxidized ldl-mediated foam cell formation involving regulation of cd36 gene.a recent investigation highlighted that oxidative modification of low-density lipoprotein (oxldl) is involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic lesions through the formation of macrophage-derived foam cells. hibiscus sabdariffa l., a garden plant containing a lot of pigments, was demonstrated to inhibit ldl oxidation and the progression of atherosclerosis in high cholesterol-fed rabbits. in this study, we further evaluated the effect of hibiscus anthocyanin-rich extracts (has) on foam cell ...200919330881
antioxidant and antihyperlipidemic activity of hibiscus sabdariffa linn. leaves and calyces extracts in rats.antioxidant and antihyperlipidemic activities of the extracts of leaves and calyces of hibiscus sabdariffa were investigated by studying their in vitro inhibitory activity on lipid peroxidation and in vivo effects on cholesterol induced hyperlipidemia. highest antioxidant activity was exhibited by ethanolic extract of calyces followed by ethanolic extract of leaves followed by aqueous extract of leaves of h. sabdariffa. in cholesterol induced hyperlipidemic model, groups of rats treated with ext ...200919382724
toxic effects of oral administration of extracts of dried calyx of hibiscus sabdariffa linn. (malvaceae).the effects of a 90-day oral administration of water and alcohol extracts of dried calyx of hibiscus sabdariffa were evaluated in albino rats. haematological, biochemical and histopathological changes were monitored every 30 days.the death of the animals was preceded by a severe loss in weight, accompanied with diarrhoea in animals on the 2000 mg/kg dose. there was an increase in food intake (g) per kg body weight per day in the aqueous (a) and ethanol (e) 300 mg/kg extract groups. significant r ...200919003943
polyphenol extracts from hibiscus sabdariffa linnaeus attenuate nephropathy in experimental type 1 diabetes.diabetic nephropathy progressed to end-stage renal disease (esrd) is found in type 1 or type 2 diabetes. oxidative stress is one of the precipitation factors in diabetic nephropathy. previously, hibiscus sabdariffa linnaeus and its polyphenol extracts were found to possess antioxidative effects. this study is aimed to investigate the effect of hibiscus sabdariffa l. polyphenol extract (hpe) in streptozotocin (stz) induced diabetic nephropathy. the results show that hpe reduced kidney mass induce ...200919219995
effect of hibiscus sabdariffa l. dried calyx ethanol extract on fat absorption-excretion, and body weight implication in rats.the effect of hibiscus sabdariffa l. (hs) calyx extract on fat absorption-excretion and body weight in rats, was investigated. rats were fed with either a basal diet (sdc = control diet) or the same diet supplemented with hs extracts at 5%, 10% and 15% (sd(5), sd(10) and sd(15)). only sd(5) did not show significant increases in weight, food consumption and efficiency compared to sd(c). the opposite occurred in sd(15) group which showed a significant decrease for these three parameters. the sd(10 ...200919756159
hibiscus sabdariffa inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration induced by high glucose--a mechanism involves connective tissue growth factor signals.recently, the herbal extract of hibiscus sabdariffa was shown to have multiple bioactive effects, including anti-atherosclerosis. on the basis of this, we aimed to examine whether the polyphenolic isolate of h. sabdariffa (hpi) could protect high-glucose-treated vascular smooth muscle cell (vsmc) and its putative transduction signals. results showed that hpi dose- and time-dependently reduced the high-glucose-stimulated cell proliferation and migration. hpi suppressed the proliferating cell nucl ...200919301817
in vitro vasorelaxation mechanisms of bioactive compounds extracted from hibiscus sabdariffa on rat thoracic aorta.abstract:200919883513
delayed puberty onset in rats that consumed aqueous extract of hibiscus sabdariffa during the juvenile-pubertal period.the report that intervention during the juvenile-pubertal period in rats modifies the phenotype induced by prenatal nutrition suggests some degree of plasticity in the juvenile-pubertal period. it is not known whether consumption of aqueous extract of hibiscus sabdariffa (hs) during the juvenile-pubertal period will affect the growth and onset of puberty in rats. the present study was therefore designed to investigate this. weaned 21-days-old rats, whose mothers were given food and water ad libi ...200920180327
aqueous extract from hibiscus sabdariffa linnaeus ameliorate diabetic nephropathy via regulating oxidative status and akt/bad/14-3-3{gamma} in an experimental animal model.several studies point out that oxidative stress maybe a major culprit in diabetic nephropathy. aqueous extract of hibiscus sabdariffa l. (hse) has been demonstrated as having beneficial effects on anti-oxidation and lipid-lowering in experimental studies. this study aimed at investigating the effects of hibiscus sabdariffa l. on diabetic nephropathy in streptozotocin induced type 1 diabetic rats. our results show that hse is capable of reducing lipid peroxidation, increasing catalase and glutath ...200919965962
anti-inflammatory activities of extracts of thai spices and herbs with lipopolysaccharide-activated raw 264.7 murine macrophages.nitric oxide (no) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (tnf-alpha) play important roles in inflammatory processes. this study examined whether 13 spices/herbs commonly used in thai dishes modulate the production of no and tnf-alpha by the raw 264.7 mouse macrophage cell line pretreated with plant extracts (1-100 microg/ml) prior to activation by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (lps). tested plant tissues were extracted with ethanol with the exception of roselle, which was extracted with 70% acetone. eig ...200920041774
the effect of aqueous extracts of hibiscus sabdariffa (sorrel) calyces on heamatological profile and organ pathological changes in trypanasoma congolense - infected rats.the effects of aqueous extract of hibiscus sabdariffa calyces on haematology and pathological changes in some selected organs during experimental trypanosoma congolense infection of rats were investigated. three groups of rats were intraperitoneally infected with t. congolense (karu stock). one group was administered with the aqueous extract and another given a solution of vitamin c in drinking water; the remaining infected group was left untreated. data from these groups were compared with thos ...200920606781
antibacterial effects of roselle calyx extracts and protocatechuic acid in ground beef and apple juice.the antibacterial effects of roselle calyx aqueous and ethanol extracts and protocatechuic acid against food spoilage bacteria salmonella typhimurium dt104, escherichia coli o157:h7, listeria monocytogenes, staphylococcus aureus, and bacillus cereus were examined. minimal inhibitory concentrations of roselle calyx aqueous and ethanol extracts and protocatechuic acid against these bacteria were in the range of 112-144, 72-96, and 24-44 microg/ml, respectively. protocatechuic acid content in rosel ...200919099360
polyphenols extracted from hibiscus sabdariffa l. inhibited lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation by improving antioxidative conditions and regulating cyclooxygenase-2 expression.oxidative stress and inflammation are related to several chronic diseases including cancer and atherosclerosis. hibiscus sabdariffa linnaeus has been found to possess antioxidant effects. in this study, polyphenols extracted from hibiscus sabdariffa l. (hpe) were used to detect anti-inflammatory effects on nitrite and prostaglandin e(2) (pge(2)) in lipopolysaccharide (lps) treated raw264.7 cells. sequentially, an animal model examination was performed to confirm the effects of hpe on lps-induced ...200919202285
effects of sour tea (hibiscus sabdariffa) on lipid profile and lipoproteins in patients with type ii diabetes.there is increasing evidence that intake of sour tea (hibiscus sabdariffa) has hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects and may benefit patients suffering from metabolic disorders such as diabetes. the objective of the present study was to investigate the hypolipidemic effects of sour tea in patients with diabetes and compare them with those of black tea.200919678781
the effects of sour tea (hibiscus sabdariffa) on hypertension in patients with type ii compare the antihypertensive effectiveness of sour tea (st; hibiscus sabdariffa) with black tea (bt) infusion in diabetic patients, this double-blind randomized controlled trial was carried out. sixty diabetic patients with mild hypertension, without taking antihypertensive or antihyperlipidaemic medicines, were recruited in the study. the patients were randomly allocated to the st and bt groups and instructed to drink st and bt infusions two times a day for 1 month. their blood pressure (bp) ...200918685605
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