
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
[kaposi's sarcoma: presence of herpes type virus in tissue culture in 5 different cases. a possible new model in the study of viruses associated with human tumors]. 19724629062
herpes-type virus particles in tissue culture of kaposi's sarcoma from different geographic regions. 19724647841
[kaposi's sarcoma: tissue culture studies: viral and immunologic studies]. 19734368171
kaposi's sarcoma: a byproduct of tumour is suggested that kaposi's sarcoma is the result of a chronic immunological reaction between antigenically altered or transformed lymphoid cells and normal lymphocytes. in the course of this local graft-versus-host type activity, an angiogenesis factor is liberated and intense proliferation of mesenchymal and endothelial cells ensues. during the g.v.h.-like activity, an oncogenic virus is either transferred to or induced in the cells responsive to the angiogenesis factor. thus, the stage is s ...197552056
antibody patterns to herpesviruses in kaposi's sarcoma: serological association of european kaposi's sarcoma with cytomegalovirus.sera from patients with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) were examined for antibody titres to cytomegalovirus (cmv), epstein-barr virus (ebv) and herpes simplex virus (hsv) types 1 and 2 by four techniques: indirect haemagglutination (iha), complement fixation (cf), virus neutralization (nt) and indirect immunofluorescence (if). the patients were classified, according to the stage of disease, as progressive and regressive. control sera were obtained from healthy adults, matched for age, sex, race, socioeco ...1975166949
de novo kaposi's sarcoma in renal transplantation. case report and brief review.this report describes a de novo development of kaposi's sarcoma in a puerto-rician man 9 months after a cadaveric renal transplant. progression of the disease was observed despite local irradiation, while the patient remained immunosuppressed with prednisone and azathioprine. this was accompanied by depressed immunologic tests. discontinuation of azathioprine and addition of chemotherapy (bleomycin and vincristine), while continuing prednisone to maintain functional survival of renal allograft, ...197659624
[association of kaposi's sarcoma and hodgkin's disease].the authors report a new case of the association hodgkin's disease and kaposi's sarcoma. a woman of north african origin and suffering from mediastinal hodgkin's disease developed, after the commencement of polychemotherapy with radiotherapy, kaposi's cutaneous sarcoma, typical, clinically, histologically and by electron microscopy. in the light of this new case, the authors review 41 cases of the hodgkin-kaposi association found in the literature and discuss the inter-relations between kaposi's ...19761015798
partial characterization of a herpes-type virus (k9v) derived from kaposi's sarcoma.a herpes-type virus that was originally isolated from a cell culture (designated k9v) derived from a tumor biopsy specimen from a patient with kaposi's sarcoma was partially characterized. the host range of k9v, as determined by the induction of virus-specific cytopathology, synthesis of antigens, and plaque formation, was limited to human cells and particularly to fibroblasts. immunofluorescence and complement fixation assays confirmed the specificity of the presence of cytomegalovirus (cmv)-ty ...1977195073
antibody patterns to herpesviruses in kaposi's sarcoma. ii. serological association of american kaposi's sarcoma with cytomegalovirus.the prominent finding of this extended serologic analysis on american and african kaposi's sarcoma (ks) patients and appropriately matched control groups is the detection of a specific serologic association of cytomegalovirus (cmv) with american ks patients. all american ks sera contained cmv antibodies and their geometric mean titers (gmt) were significantly higher than those in sera of melanoma patients (gmt ratio k = 5.3 to 7.7 by complement fixation [cf], k = 8.9 by indirect hemagglutination ...1978212367
[kaposi's sarcoma and aplastic pancytopenia: simultaneous occurrence in a patient].a 49 year old patient developed simultaneously a histologically verified kaposi's sarcoma and an idiopathic aplastic pancytopenia. an association of these perhaps virus-induced diseases has not been reported until now. consequences concerning the diagnostic approach of changes in peripheral blood cells in patients with kaposi's sarcoma are delineated. changes in peripheral blood and bone marrow in patients with kaposi's sarcoma are discussed.1979521277
kaposi's sarcoma and its relationship to cytomegalovirus (cmnv). iii. cmv dna and cmv early antigens in kaposi's sarcoma.dna-dna reassociation kinetics, anti-complement immunofluorescence (acif) and acif-blocking tests were used to search for cytomegalovirus (cmv) gene products in kaposi's sarcoma (ds) biopsies and early cell cultures deriving from them. three of eight tumor biopsies were positive for cmv dna; two of them at 0.35 genome/cell and one at one copy 25% genome/cell. cmv-related antigens, mainly localized in the nucleus, were found in cryostat sections of seven of 31 tumor biopsies and four of 12 ks cel ...19806263803
[kaposi's sarcoma (author's transl)].pathological epidemiological and clinical aspects of kaposi's sarcoma are demonstrated. the prevalence of this disease in african countries and the appearance similar to the burkitt-lymphoma indicate a probability of viral origin. the histo-pathologic differential diagnosis also includes other vascular tumours. the disease shows a characteristic variable mixture of spindle cells and vascular components. in case of multifocal appearance surgery should be omitted, its aim can be only to ensure the ...19807193949
severe acquired immunodeficiency in male homosexuals, manifested by chronic perianal ulcerative herpes simplex lesions.four homosexual men presented with gradually enlarging perianal ulcers, from which herpes simplex virus was cultured. each patient had a prolonged course characterized by eight loss, fever, and evidence of infection by other opportunistic microorganisms including cytomegalovirus, pneumocystis carinii, and candida albicans. three patients died; kaposi's sarcoma developed in the fourth. all were found to have depressed cell-mediated immunity, as evidenced by skin anergy, lymphopenia, and poor or a ...19816272110
opportunistic infections and kaposi's sarcoma in homosexual men. 19816272112
kaposi's sarcoma. iv. detection of cmv dna, cmv rna and cmna in tumor order to determine whether human cytomegalovirus- (cmv) dna homologous sequences as well as cmv-specific rna(s) and antigen(s) exist in tumor biopsies of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) dna-dna reassociation, rna-dna in situ cytohybridization and anticomplement immunofluorescence test (acif) tests were applied. three of 10 dnas extracted from kaposi sarcoma biopsies contained dna sequences homologous to radioactively labelled human cmv dna probe. the amount of cmv dna in these sarcoma tissues was calcu ...19816273333
disseminated kaposi's sarcoma in homosexual men.nineteen cases from an epidemic of disseminated kaposi's sarcoma in homosexual men were studied by clinical, virologic, immunologic, and genetic methods. the patients were all male homosexuals ranging in age from 29 to 52 years, with histories of multiple sexually transmitted diseases and exposure to both prescription and recreational drugs. sites of disease included skin (16 of 19 patients), lymph nodes (13 patients), gastrointestinal tract (12 patients), spleen (three patients), and lung (one ...19826283973
kaposi's sarcoma: absence of cytomegalovirus antigens.using an immunohistochemical method, we could not detect cytomegalovirus antigens in the tissue of kaposi's sarcoma but could in the cells of control sections from tissues known to be infected by that virus. our results are consistent with the hypothesis that high antibody titers to cytomegalovirus found in patients with kaposi's sarcoma are not due to infection of neoplastic cells by the virus, as a secondary event; our data supports the conclusions of others that exposure to cytomegalovirus ma ...19826284841
cytomegalovirus and kaposi's sarcoma in young homosexual men.10 homosexual men with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) were studied for evidence of cytomegalovirus (cmv) infection. igg and igm antibodies to cmv were detected in 9 out of 9 and in 7 out of 9 of these patients, respectively. cmv was recovered from body secretions or peripheral blood of 7 patients. viral cultures of ks tumour biopsy specimens were negative in 8 out of 8 patients, but cmv rna was detected by in-situ hybridisation in 2 out of 3 and cmv antigen(s) by immunofluorescence in 6 out of 9. normal ...19826123839
kaposi's sarcoma and hepatitis b vaccine. 19827137753
kaposi's sarcoma: immunoperoxidase staining for immunoperoxidase technique was used to test for cytomegalovirus (cmv) proteins in lesions of kaposi's sarcoma from 19 patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) and 3 patients without aids. cmv proteins could not be detected in any of the cases of kaposi's sarcoma. thus, while cmv genetic material may be present in these cells, the virus is not actively directing the synthesis of proteins. this eliminates reactivation of latent cmv in tumor tissue, or late infection of kaposi's ...19836100777
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is an opportunistic infection and kaposi's sarcoma results from secondary immune stimulation.two hypotheses are presented to explain the recent outbreak of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and kaposi's sarcoma in certain risk groups, particularly homosexuals, and the absence of these diseases from other segments of the population. according to the first, aids is itself an opportunistic infection. it causes disease only in individuals who are already immunocompromised by hepatitis b, cytomegalovirus, parasites, or other immunosuppressive factors. this hypothesis predicts that ev ...19836134963
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome with severe gastrointestinal manifestations in haiti.29 patients (19 males and 10 females) in haiti were diagnosed as having acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. their clinical presentation was characterised by unexplained chronic diarrhoea, prolonged fever, extreme weight loss, anorexia, and severe infections. the infectious agents included: candida albicans (27 patients), mycobacterium tuberculosis (7 patients), cryptosporidium (11 patients), pneumocystis carinii (2 patients), cytomegalovirus (4 patients), and herpes virus (3 patients). in 1 woma ...19836137696
[kaposi's sarcoma and opportunistic infections in young patients without antecedents liable to involve immunodepression].the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) is characterized by the occurrence, in a subject under 60, of kaposi's sarcoma and/or severe opportunistic infection due to deficiency of the normal cell-mediated immune defence mechanism against the causative agents. in a number of patients, aids is preceded by fever, weight loss, profuse sweating, polyadenopathy or diarrhoea. in an epidemiological study conducted by a french multidisciplinary group from march to december, 1982, 25 cases were colle ...19836227886
[acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. a new disease of infectious origin?].the acquired immune deficiency syndrome appears to be associated with infection by lymphotropic virus or viruses eventually responsible for t-cell deficiency of extremely severe prognosis. the syndrome has been reported in the united states, in haiti, in equatorial africa and recently in europe. transmission of the causal infection by sexual and/or blood contacts may account for the occurrence of the disease in male homosexuals, in drug-addicts practising intravenous injections and in about ten ...19836227891
antibodies to cell membrane antigens associated with human t-cell leukemia virus in patients with aids.the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids), which has recently occurred at increasing rates in homosexual men, intravenous drug users, and others, is characterized by the development of kaposi's sarcoma and several opportunistic infections including pneumonia caused by pneumocystis carinii. serum samples from patients with aids and from matched and unmatched control subjects were examined for the presence of antibodies to cell membrane antigens associated with human t-cell leukemia virus. ni ...19836342136
unusual causes of death in haitians residing in miami. high prevalence of opportunistic infections.twenty-one (100%) haitians and 42 (21.5%) of 192 native black americans autopsied in a 33-month period at jackson memorial hospital, miami, were included in this review. all autopsied materials were examined. among the haitians autopsied, infectious diseases accounted for 11 (52%) of 21 deaths. toxoplasma encephalitis was the leading cause of death (five cases). other infectious causes of death included disseminated cryptococcosis (one), disseminated cytomegalovirus diseases (one), pneumocystis ...19836348327
the lymphoid lesions associated with the acquired immunodeficiency the present epidemic of opportunistic infections affecting homosexual men, systemic, persistent, unexplained lymphadenopathies have frequently accompanied and often preceded other manifestations of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). studies of the lymphadenopathies associated with aids have not yet been published, and the lymph node lesions have been generally considered to represent reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. the present study concerns the lymph node biopsies of 36 homosexual ...19836353952
opportunistic infections and kaposi's sarcoma among haitians: evidence of a new acquired immunodeficiency state.twenty haitian patients, hospitalized from 1 april 1980 to 20 june 1982, had pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, central nervous system toxoplasmosis, esophageal candidiasis, cryptococcosis, disseminated cytomegalovirus, progressive herpes simplex virus, chronic enteric coccidiosis, or invasive kaposi's sarcoma. ten patients died. opportunistic infections were frequently multiple and were recurrent in three patients. in seven patients disseminated tuberculosis preceded the other infections by 2 to 1 ...19836299151
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in a patient with hemophilia.a patient with hemophilia a developed t-cell deficiency characterized by infection with several opportunistic pathogens. immunologic investigation showed cutaneous anergy, lymphocyte unresponsiveness to mitogens and antigens, an abnormal ratio of t-helper and t-suppressor cells with absolute lymphopenia and elevated iga. the clinical and immunologic characteristics of this patient fit the recently described syndrome of opportunistic infections or kaposi's sarcoma in patients with acquired t-cell ...19836299152
clinical and histologic findings in opportunistic ocular infections. part of a new syndrome of acquired immunodeficiency.white retinal opacities and ocular inflammation may be two of the early signs of a new syndrome of acquired immunodeficiency. this syndrome primarily affects young homosexual men and is characterized by acquired cellular immunodeficiency in infections with multiple opportunistic microorganisms in addition to kaposi's sarcoma. the apparently innocent ocular findings may be the first harbingers of this devastating syndrome.19836299255
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, opportunistic infections, and malignancies in male homosexuals. a hypothesis of etiologic factors in pathogenesis.the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) occurs in a subgroup of male homosexuals having sexual contact with a large number of partners. uncommonly, aids has also been diagnosed in haitians, hemophiliacs, and intravenous drug users and their infants. manifestations include autoimmune disturbances, opportunistic infections, kaposi's sarcoma, chronic lymphadenomegaly, non-hodgkin's lymphoma, or squamous cell carcinoma. the hypothesis receiving most consideration is that a yet-to-be-identified ...19836300480
cytomegalovirus retinitis: a manifestation of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids).two homosexual males with the "gay bowel syndrome' experienced an acute unilateral loss of vision. both patients had white intraretinal lesions, which became confluent. one of the cases had a depressed cell-mediated immunity; both patients ultimately died after a prolonged illness. in one patient cytomegalovirus was cultured from a vitreous biopsy. autopsy revealed disseminated cytomegalovirus in both patients. widespread retinal necrosis was evident, with typical nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusi ...19836303386
seminal fluid excretion of cytomegalovirus related to immunosuppression in homosexual men.seminal fluid samples from 84 danish homosexual men were successfully cultured to determine the prevalence of cytomegalovirus excretion. ten (15%) out of 66 men positive for the antibody were found to be excreting the virus. although the proportion excreting was inversely related to age (p less than 0.01), three men aged over 30 and with many years of homosexual experience excreted the virus. in addition, a 50 year old man with kaposi's sarcoma excreted the virus. a further study of the ratio of ...19836307459
national case-control study of kaposi's sarcoma and pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in homosexual men: part 2. laboratory results.the centers for disease control conducted a case-control study to investigate an outbreak of kaposi's sarcoma and pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in homosexual men. the occurrence of these diseases was found to be associated with certain aspects of lifestyle, including a greater number of male sex partners per year, exposure to feces during sex, history of syphilis and non-b hepatitis, treatment for enteric parasites, and use of various illicit substances. laboratory studies reflected both this l ...19836309049
oncological consequences of impaired immune surveillance against ubiquitous viruses.the immune system is constantly challenged by ubiquitous viruses. multiple immune defenses have evolved to meet these challenges, and thus immunocompetent individuals successfully respond to infection without sequela. x-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome patients, renal allograft recipients, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients share impaired immune surveillance as a common feature. such individuals are variously susceptible to numerous untoward complications following infection with ...19836309892
pathogenesis of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids).the pathogenesis of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) is still unknown. however, it appears to develop in the milieu of prolonged immunodeficiency. recently, the disease has reached almost epidemic proportions among homosexuals. patients with aids present primarily with disseminated kaposi's sarcoma and/or a host of opportunistic infections. a hypothesis is submitted incriminating induced tolerance leading to multiple viral infections and reinfections with cytomegalovirus and others ...19836313297
oral kaposi's sarcoma associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome among homosexual males.clinical disease states encountered in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) have been reviewed with an emphasis on oral kaposi's sarcoma. the disease is reaching epidemic proportions among homosexual males and is characterized by onset of fever, malaise, diarrhea, and lymphadenopathy. subsequent to these initial nonspecific signs and symptoms, patients develop a variety of opportunistic infections or kaposi's sarcoma (or both). the oral lesions of kaposi's sarcoma are characterized by r ...19836578266
proviral dna of a retrovirus, human t-cell leukemia virus, in two patients with aids.the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) is characterized by t-lymphocyte dysfunction and is frequently accompanied by opportunistic infections and kaposi's sarcoma. human t-cell leukemia virus (htlv) is associated with t-cell malignancies and can transform t lymphocytes in vitro. in an attempt to find evidence of htlv infection in patients with aids, dna from samples of peripheral blood lymphocytes from 33 aids patients was analyzed by southern blot-hybridization with a radiolabeled clone ...19836601822
severe acquired immune deficiency syndrome in male homosexuals: diminished capacity to make interferon-alpha in vitro associated with severe opportunistic infections.natural killer cell function, directed against either k562 tumor targets or herpes simplex virus type 1-infected fibroblasts, was often low in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) but failed to distinguish these patients from either male homosexual controls or patients with lymphadenopathy. mononuclear cells from patients with aids and opportunistic infections generated diminished levels of interferon-alpha in response to herpes simplex virus type 1-infected fibroblasts. this ...19836606691
aids in haitian immigrants and in a caucasian woman closely associated with montreal the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) was seen in eight haitian immigrants and one caucasian woman who had lived with haitian immigrants for 3 years before the onset of her illness. aids was characterized by opportunistic infections alone in seven patients, by opportunistic infection and kaposi's sarcoma in one patient and by chronic generalized lymphadenopathy in one patient. five of the patients had presented with mycobacterium tuberculosis infections 1 to 12 months before ...19836640458
viruses and human cancer.the cause of human cancer is probably multifactorial and the role of viruses is unclear. the study of retroviruses has led to the identification of oncogenes responsible for transformation and tumor induction. human viruses associated with malignancies include the jc virus (associated with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy) and some adenoviruses. no human malignancies have been associated with the latter group. a number of herpes viruses of lower animals have been associated with malign ...19836870184
nih conference. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: epidemiologic, clinical, immunologic, and therapeutic considerations.the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a new disease whose cause is unknown but is almost surely due to a transmissible agent, most likely a virus. the disease is clearly spread by sexual contact, particularly homosexual activity. blood-borne transmission constitutes the other major recognized form of spread of the disease, although it is highly likely that the disease is not readily spread through casual, nonsexual, non-blood-borne routes. although the disease is still highly concentrated in ...19846318629
[kaposi's sarcoma. a vascular neoplasm of presumably viral origin. histologic and ultrastructural characteristics].kaposi's sarcoma is a multiform mesenchymal neoplasm of uncertain histogenesis but of possible viral origin. several anatomo-clinical forms have been described the cutaneous nodular lesion being the most common and at highest frequency in equatorial africa. eighteen of such typical lesions were reported; their morphology was uniform and associated: 1) spindle cells, 2) an excess of vascular spaces composed of intratumoral intercellular slits and of intra and peritumoral well structured vessels, ...19846322813
searching for the cause of the acquired immune deficiency outbreak of unexplained immune deficiency associated with opportunistic infection and kaposi's sarcoma is occurring in the usa and other parts of the world. affected individuals with what had come to be known as the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) have a high mortality. epidemiological features suggest the presence of a transmissable agent, but no responsible agent has yet been identified. homosexual and bisexual men make up 75% of these affected individuals. cytomegalovirus, epste ...19846323176
opportunistic infection complicating acquired immune deficiency syndrome. clinical features of 25 cases.twenty-five cases of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) complicated by opportunistic infections were diagnosed at lenox hill hospital during an 18 month period and followed for at least 1 year or until the patients' deaths. twenty-three patients were homosexual men, including 1 i.v. drug user, and 2 were heterosexual i.v. drug users, including the sole woman. seventy infections were diagnosed. the commonest etiologic agents included candida albicans, pneumocystis carinii, cytomegalovirus ...19846325849
kaposi's sarcoma in homosexual men. a seroepidemiologic case-control study.the cases of 20 male homosexuals with kaposi's sarcoma and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome were compared with those of 40 age- and race-matched male homosexual controls. patients with kaposi's sarcoma had lower okt4/okt8 (t-helper/t-suppressor) ratios than controls, due to smaller numbers of okt4 cells. serum igg concentrations and antibody titers to cytomegalovirus in patients exceeded those in controls, but patients had lower antibody titers to epstein-barr virus. logistic regression an ...19846326631
speculations on the viral etiology of acquired immune deficiency syndrome and kaposi's sarcoma.the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) appeared in the united states in late 1978 and has spread at an epidemic rate through the four major coastal cities of this country. the disease appears to show the same epidemiologic distribution as hepatitis b virus infection, and for this reason, most investigators feel that this new disease is caused by a blood-borne sexually transmitted virus. a number of viral agents have been suggested as the cause of aids, but to date, no virus has been cons ...19846330223
hsv, cmv, and hpv in human neoplasia.we are studying the role of sexually transmitted viruses in the development of human tumors. the persistence of herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, and human papillomavirus nucleic acid sequences has been examined using cloned viral dna sequences as probes. the relationship of the viruses to various stages in the progression of neoplasia is examined, with particular reference to the role of viral and/or cellular genes in the initiation, promotion, and maintenance of the neoplastic phenotype. ...19846330227
[reactive lymph-node hyperplasia and pseudolymphomas with hypergammaglobulinemia. ii. pseudolymphoma and prelymphoma].in this second part, the dysimmunitary conditions which associate a polyclonal hypergammapathy and adenopathy are studied. the latter simulate a malignant lymphoma both clinically and histologically, hence the term sometimes used: "pseudo-lymphoma". above all, these dysimmunitary states should be considered as real pretumoral states, and a malignant lymphoma or kaposi sarcoma can arise at any time during the evolution of the illness. finally, all these illnesses, even apart from the appearance o ...19846367761
[acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, kaposi's disease and cerebral toxoplasmosis in a young man. review of the literature apropos of a case].we report a new case of acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (aids) in a 43 year-old white homosexual man, characterized by the association of disseminated cutaneo-mucous kaposi's sarcoma and cerebral toxoplasmosis. this man had kaposi's sarcoma for about 10 years but evolution became quickly extensive in july 1981. chlorambucil was prescribed at that time and was the cause of a pancytopenia. death occurred in july 1982 due to a cerebral mass identified as toxoplasmosis on a left temporal biopsy. ...19846375520
is cancer communicable?recent developments in cancer epidemiology have led to the possibility of an exceedingly complex communicable factor(s) in cancer etiology. the transmission of such an agent(s) may require a susceptible genotype and/or other promotional events. likely candidates which support this supposition include: epstein-barr virus (nasopharyngeal carcinoma, burkitt's lymphoma, salivary gland tumor among eskimos, x-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome of purtilo); human t-cell leukemia virus (adult t-cell le ...19846379396
kaposi's sarcoma in renal transplant recipients. ultrastructural and immunoperoxidase study of four cases.tissues from four cases of kaposi's sarcoma developing in renal transplant recipients were studied by light and electron microscopic examination and by immunoperoxidase staining for factor-viii-related antigen. ultrastructurally, the tumors in all four cases contained a variable mixture of cells, including endothelial cells, pericytes, fibroblasts, and myofibroblasts. these findings support the origin of kaposi's sarcoma from primitive vasoformative mesenchyme. immunoperoxidase staining for fact ...19846418373
tumor conference no 51 widespread kaposi's sarcoma in a young man. 19846537812
kaposi's sarcoma: a comparison of classical, endemic, and epidemic forms. 19846538992
biology and therapy of kaposi's sarcoma. 19846538993
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in african patients.between may 1979 and april 1983, 18 previously healthy african patients were hospitalized in belgium with opportunistic infections (cryptococcosis, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, central-nervous-system toxoplasmosis, progressive cutaneous herpes simplex virus infection, disseminated cytomegalovirus infection, candidiasis, or cryptosporidiosis) or kaposi's sarcoma, or with both. ten of them died. during the same period five other patients were hospitalized with an illness consistent with a prodr ...19846229701
african kaposi's sarcoma and aids.16 zambian patients with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) were studied to determine whether they had evidence of lymphopenia with decreased t helper/t suppressor (th/ts) ratios or previous infection with opportunistic pathogens. serological tests for viruses commonly associated with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) were also carried out. 12 patients had a decreased th/ts and 2 of these were also lymphopenic. serological evidence for infection with toxoplasma and with pneumocystis was present b ...19846142209
toxicity, immunosuppressive effects and carcinogenic potential of volatile nitrites: possible relationship to kaposi's sarcoma.volatile nitrite in the form of amyl nitrite was used for 100 years for the treatment of angina pectoris. in spite of recognized toxicity, its use in this form was considered safe. during the 1960s prescriptions were not required for purchase of amyl nitrite (called poppers) and its use for recreational purposes became popular. with reinstatement of the prescription requirement in 1969, non-medicinal, street-variety volatile nitrites were made commercially available in the form of mixtures of im ...19846150466
interferon-related leukocyte inclusions in acquired immune deficiency syndrome: localization in t cells.blood samples from a series of 12 patients with kaposi's sarcoma or infectious complications of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and from 18 homosexual contacts of aids patients were screened for interferon-related tubuloreticular inclusions (tri) in circulating leukocytes. in the aids patients, tri were detected by transmission electron microscopy in 1.5 to 10% of mononuclear cell sections. they were most frequent in patients with a decreased fraction of t helper cells and t4/t8 ra ...19846198898
[problems raised by the treatment of kaposi's sarcoma in subjects with aids].kaposi's syndrome (k. s.) was defined as a virus induced immunogenic tumour responding to interferon. it can be used as a guideline for therapeutical trials in a. i. d. s. k. s. mortality is 13%. k. s. + o. i. (opportunistic infections) mortality reaches 70% and o. i. mortality is approximately 50%. therefore treating o. i. is a must but it is not mentioned in the paper. attempts made to modify immunodepression, usual k. s. treatments, experimental treatments based upon similar pathogenicity (li ...19846210162
breakdown of p.g.e. 1 synthesis is responsible for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.this hypothesis suggests that repeated viral infections disrupt the biosynthesis of p.g.e. 1 and nullify a major system by which t lymphocytes are regulated. it is hypothesized that a breakdown of p.g.e. 1 synthesis is responsible for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and the frequently associated kaposi's sarcoma. a means of restoring p.g.e. 1 synthesis and reversing the immunodeficiency is proposed.19846092876
lymphadenopathy-associated viral antibody in aids. immune correlations and definition of a carrier state.we investigated whether serologic evidence of lymphadenopathy-associated virus (lav), an exogenous human t-cell lymphotropic and cytopathic retrovirus, correlated with the acquisition and transmission of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). serum from 17 of 25 patients with aids contained circulating igg anti-lav antibody (all of 5 adults with cancer and 6 of 12 adults and 6 of 8 children with opportunistic infections, with or without kaposi's sarcoma). all of eight homosexual men with ...19846092953
kaposi's sarcoma: presence of herpes-type virus particles in a tumor specimen.three kaposi's sarcoma biopsy specimens obtained from three african patients with typical nodular cutaneous tumors were investigated morphologically for cellular modifications suggestive of a viral origin. in one case a kaposi's sarcoma cell of the endothelial type contained a few intranuclear herpes-type viral inclusions. the present findings complement previous reports of herpes-type viral particles in kaposi's sarcoma cultured cell lines and suggest that, at least under certain conditions, ka ...19846094332
molecular characterization of human t-cell leukemia (lymphotropic) virus type iii in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.the human t-cell leukemia (lymphotropic) virus type iii (htlv-iii) appears to be central to the causation of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). two full-length integrated proviral dna forms of htlv-iii have now been cloned and analyzed, and dna sequences of the virus in cell lines and fresh tissues from patients with aids or aids-related complex (arc) have been characterized. the results revealed that (i) htlv-iii is an exogenous human retrovirus, approximately 10 kilobases in lengt ...19846095449
the cd4 (t4) antigen is an essential component of the receptor for the aids retrovirus.acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) is characterized by opportunistic infections and by 'opportunistic neoplasms' (for example, kaposi's sarcoma). persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (pgl) is epidemiologically associated with aids, especially in male homosexuals. a subset of t lymphocytes positive for the cd4 antigen (also termed t4 antigen), is depleted in aids and pgl patients. a retrovirus found in t-cell cultures from these patients is strongly implicated in the aetiology of aids b ...19846096719
infectious complications of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.the cause of aids is unknown. in the absence of a specific etiologic agent or diagnostic test, a case can only be recognized when complications of the immune deficiency such as infection or kaposi's sarcoma occur. defective t-cell function is the principal immunologic defect; there are also defects, however, in b-cell function that may have some clinical significance. it has not yet been possible to reverse the immunologic deficiency, and this failure has been the principal prognostic factor in ...19846100005
etiology of endemic kaposi's sarcoma.the exact etiology of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) remains unknown. certain observed features suggest a possible viral etiology, including: (a) the spontaneous regression of indolent forms; (b) the frequent occurrence of second primary malignancies; (c) the multifocal nature of ks. electron microscopic studies have revealed herpesvirus-type particles which morphologically resemble cytomegalovirus (cmv). sera from ks patients in europe and america have higher anti-cmv antibodies than controls, in contra ...19846100281
role of cytomegalovirus in kaposi's sarcoma.previous studies have established an association between cytomegalovirus (cmv) and classic and endemic kaposi's sarcoma (ks) which can be extended to include the epidemic form of ks. the identification of nucleic acid sequences homologous to cmv but not to epstein-barr virus (ebv) and herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) and type 2 (hsv-2) as well as the detection of cmv gene products, particularly early antigens, in tumour biopsies and/or early cultures derived from them is an important criterio ...19846100282
squamous-cell carcinoma, kaposi's sarcoma and burkitt's lymphoma are consequences of impaired immune surveillance of ubiquitous viruses in acquired immune deficiency syndrome, allograft recipients and tropical african patients.the immune system has evolved under darwinian pressures as a defence against ubiquitous viruses. immune surveillance against viral antigens protects the normal host. individuals with inherited or acquired immune-deficiency disorders can become vulnerable to ubiquitous viruses and neoplasms can ensue, such as b-cell lymphoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, squamous-cell carcinoma, kaposi's sarcoma, and carcinoma of the penis and uterine cervix. immunodeficiency permits epstein-barr virus, hepatitis b ...19846100288
[kaposi's sarcoma: on its frequent association with lymphoreticular neoplasms and diabetes mellitus].kaposi's sarcoma (k.s.) is associated relatively frequently with diabetes mellitus and with a second often lymphoreticular neoplasia. on the basis of the three cases reported, which presented an association of diabetes mellitus, chronic lymphatic leukaemia, hodgkin's lymphoma and k.s., the relationship between neoplastic diseases, immunological and lymphoproliferative disorders and virus infections is considered.19854011016
endemic african kaposi's sarcoma is not associated with immunodeficiency.twenty-seven histologically confirmed kaposi sarcoma (ks) patients resident in the kivu lake area of eastern zaire were examined for immune competence. only ks cases of the endemic african type have been observed in this high-incidence area. the median duration of the symptoms was 6 years and ranged from 1 to 38 years. forty-one controls matched for age, sex and tribe and unrelated to the ks patients were selected from the community. thirteen additional controls were first-degree relatives of th ...19854018905
a surgical oncology perspective on aids.during the summer of 1981 reports of unusual opportunistic infections among male homosexuals first began to appear in the literature and by december 1983, 3000 cases has been reported to the center for disease control in atlanta, georgia. homosexual and bisexual men comprise 71% of the reported cases, while 17% are known intravenous drug users, and the remaining 12% made up of persons with other risk factors. approximately 80% of aids patients with kaposi's sarcoma have identifiable gastrointest ...19854059754
[aids and the eye].the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids), is a recently described irreversible dysfunction of cell-mediated immunity in homosexuals, intravenous, drug abusers, and hemophiliacs, with subsequent development of potentially lethal opportunistic infections and/or unusual neoplasms, such as kaposi's sarcoma. a prospective evaluation of ophthalmic findings in 14 patients with aids revealed that 8 patients had ophthalmoscopically and biomicroscopically significant ocular abnormalities, including ...19854087813
aids and related conditions--infection control. guidelines for health care workers involved in patient management and investigation.the aetiology, transmission, clinical spectrum, complicating opportunistic infections and neoplasias (such as kaposi's sarcoma) and the diagnosis of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) are described. precautions to be observed by health care workers with regard to the handling of patients with aids and aids-related conditions are detailed, as are instructions relating to the handling of blood, secretions, excretions and tissues for laboratory and health care workers. these include the use ...19853865387
radiographic features in patients with pulmonary manifestations of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.the radiographic findings in 14 episodes of pulmonary pathology, occurring in 13 patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) are described. the patients presented over a 15-month period. all were homosexual men with serum antibodies to human t-cell lymphotrophic virus iii. pneumocystis carinii pneumonia was the most common manifestation, occurring in seven of the 14 episodes. radiographic appearances in five of these were classical, with bilateral perihilar ground-glass shadowin ...19853877604
aids and oncogenesis.this paper reviews current theories on the etiology of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids), recent advances in the mechanisms of oncogenesis, and the relationship of immunodeficiency to the development of cancer. it then attempts to synthesize these concepts into a hypothesis to explain the aids-cancer connection. 2 major theories have been advanced to explain the etiology of aids. the 1st postulates a viral infection of t helper lymphocytes leading to cell destruction and secondary imm ...19853884453
unexplained persistent lymphadenopathy in homosexual men and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.ninety-three homosexual men with persistent lymphadenopathy were followed at the memorial sloan-kettering cancer center for a mean period of 20.8 months. histories and serologic evidence of a number of previous infections were common, but the lymphadenopathy was not due to recognizable infections or neoplastic disease. leukopenia, lymphopenia, granulocytopenia, monocytopenia, decreased ratios of t-helper to t-suppressor cells, decreased natural killer cell activity and increased serum immunoglob ...19853887096
the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.aids is an apparently new condition that first occurred in about 1979 and is manifested primarily by profound disturbances of t-cell immunity and unusual susceptibility to either opportunistic infections (mycobacterial, fungal, parasitic, or viral) or tumors such as kaposi's sarcoma and lymphoma. a prodrome of lymphadenopathy and wasting is also part of the spectrum of disease. the etiology is unknown, but the likely candidates are viral agents. epidemiologic studies show that the promiscuous ga ...19853902454
epidemiology of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids).this review of the epidemiology of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) focuses on the aids virus, immunology, clinical manifestations, surveillance, epidemiologic studies, and prevention. although no treatment has been able to reverse the immunodeficiency characteristic of aids, epidemiologic studies have identified the routes of transmission of this virus and thus suggest strategies for prevention. the number of reported cases of aids in the us is increasing rapidly. the 1st 1000 cases ...19853902491
the new alpha interferons.alpha interferons are biological response modifiers that regulate immune function, slow cell proliferation, and inhibit virus replication. large supplies of purified preparations are now available for clinical trials. common toxicity includes an influenza-like syndrome to which tolerance occurs after several doses, and chronic fatigue and anorexia that may be dose-limiting. myelosuppression is mild. alpha interferons have established clinical activity against several human cancers, including mel ...19853910384
[hepatic involvement in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. study of 20 cases].liver biopsies were systematically performed in 20 patients with evidence of an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (18 with opportunistic infections, 9 with kaposi's sarcoma). hepatitis, related to hepatitis-b virus in 3 cases and to cytomegalovirus in 3 cases, was present in 6 of them. all patients had at least one of the three following lesions: non-specific portal inflammatory infiltration (6 cases), granulomatous lesions (12 cases), vascular abnormalities (12 cases). among hepatic granulomat ...19853158990
hepatitis b virus (hbv) dna in leucocytes in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids).earlier reported findings of hepatitis b virus (hbv) dna in white blood cells of patients with hepatoma, and in a patient with autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, led to the examination of hbv dna in a series of twenty three patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids), including nine with opportunistic infections and fourteen with kaposi's sarcoma, by southern blot hybridization method, using 32p labelled hbv dna specific probe obtained by nick translation of hbv dna cloned into plasmid ...19853004832
apparent transmission of human t-cell leukemia virus type iii to a heterosexual woman with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.a 24-year-old woman developed the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome with lymphadenopathy, oral candidiasis, and kaposi's sarcoma. her only known risk factor for the syndrome was sexual contact with an asymptomatic haitian man. the woman had serologic evidence for infection with human t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii, and this virus was recovered from the saliva of her sexual partner. epidemiologic and virologic studies of the cases of such patients provide further evidence of a primary pathog ...19852981497
malignant lymphoma presenting as kaposi's sarcoma in a homosexual man with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.a homosexual man had kaposi's sarcoma of the skin and lymph nodes. after a brief response to interferon, the patient developed new skin lesions. massive bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract prompted endoscopy, which showed tumor involvement of the stomach, believed to be kaposi's sarcoma. at autopsy, a diffuse lymphoma was found involving the skin and gastrointestinal tract, forming collision tumors in regions that contained kaposi's sarcoma. lymphomatous tissue, but not uninvolved lymph node ...19852982306
cytomegalovirus meningoencephalitis in a homosexual man with kaposi's sarcoma: isolation of cmv from csf cells.a 36-year-old homosexual man developed a lymphocytic meningoencephalitis, lymphadenopathy, decreased helper/suppressor ratio in peripheral blood, and kaposi's sarcoma. after repetitive evaluations for bacterial and fungal agents were negative, viral cultures were positive for cytomegalovirus. virus was isolated only from csf cells obtained from a large volume of fresh csf. we present this case to document the association of cmv meningoencephalitis and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids), a ...19852984601
retrovirus-like particles in salivary glands, prostate and testes of aids patients.aids associated retrovirus-like particles were identified in the salivary gland, prostate and/or testicle of two aids patients. these findings further suggest that saliva and semen may transmit the infection to susceptible individuals.19852984694
simultaneous occurrence of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, cytomegalovirus infection, kaposi's sarcoma, and b-immunoblastic sarcoma in a homosexual man.the most common manifestations of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome include pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and/or kaposi's sarcoma. high-grade b-cell lymphomas have also been reported in homosexual men at risk for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. we herein present the case of a homosexual man, who presented simultaneously with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, acute cytomegalovirus infection, kaposi's sarcoma, and b-cell immunoblastic sarcoma. severe compromise of both the b- and t-cel ...19852987560
acquired immune deficiency syndrome. pathogenic mechanisms of ocular disease.a gross, light, and electron microscopic study of the eyes from 35 consecutive autopsy cases of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome revealed cotton-wool spots (71% of cases), retinal hemorrhage in areas without cytomegalovirus infection (40%), cytomegalovirus retinitis (34%) with associated retinal detachment, roth's spots (23%), retinal microaneurysms (20%), papilledema (14%), conjunctival kaposi's sarcoma (9%), cryptococcal chorioretinitis (6%), mycobacterium avium-intracellulare in retina ...19852987769
[acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). an update after 4 years].at the end of december 1984, 8246 aids cases had been reported in the united states, and 762 cases in europe. the main risk groups are homosexual and bisexual men (73%), heterosexual i.v. drug addicts (17%) and haitians (4%). aids is diagnosed in patients meeting the clinical criteria of the cdc surveillance definition (opportunistic infections and/or kaposi's sarcoma). the prevalence of htlv-iii antibodies in risk groups is high, its prognostic significance still controversial. laboratory metho ...19852988117
the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids): an update.the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) is a disease which is characterized by a profound defect in cell-mediated immunity leading to opportunistic infections and unusual neoplasms such as kaposi's sarcoma. it is caused by a retrovirus of the human t cell leukemia/lymphoma virus family and has been termed htlv-iii/lymphadenopathy-associated virus. the virus selectively infects the t4 helper/inducer subset of t cells, accounting for the profound defects in immunity noted in aids patients. a ...19852989186
viral infections and cell-mediated immunity in immunodeficient homosexual men with kaposi's sarcoma treated with human lymphoblastoid interferon.herpesviral infections and cellular immunity were studied in 19 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who were treated with human lymphoblastoid interferon for kaposi's sarcoma. before treatment, cytomegalovirus (cmv) and epstein-barr virus were isolated from 18 of 19 patients and 13 of 14 patients, respectively. serum levels of interferon were measurable in all cases. concanavalin a induced lymphocyte proliferation normally in 16 of 18 patients, but cmv induced proliferation in only ...19852989380
revision of the case definition of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome for national reporting--united states.the conference of state and territorial epidemiologists (cste) approved the following definitions regarding the case definition of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) at its annual meeting in june 1985. 1st, the case definition of aids used for national reporting will continue to include only the more severe manifestations of human t-lymphotropic virus type iii (htlv-iii) infection. 2nd, centers for disease control (cdc) will develop more inclusive definitions and classifications of htlv ...19852989677
the use of dna probes in studies of human cytomegalovirus.hybridization assays provide a sensitive and rapid means for studying the molecular biology of viral replication and for identifying viral nucleic acid in biological specimens. such assays are attractive because the detection of virus does not require intact virions or concomitant viral protein synthesis, both of which may be absent in a latently infected cell or in a virus-associated tumor. for molecular and clinical studies on human cytomegalovirus (hcmv), we have cloned and characterized subg ...19852992841
cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus ascending myelitis in a patient with acquired immune deficiency ascending myelitis was the presenting feature of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) in a homosexual man who also had kaposi's sarcoma, pneumocystis pneumonia, and disseminated cytomegalovirus (cmv) infection. neuropathological studies showed profuse cytomegalic cells throughout the brain and spinal cord, but no inflammatory response. at postmortem examination, cmv and herpes simplex virus, type 2 (hsv-2), were recovered from multiple sites throughout the central nervous s ...19852994553
[kaposi sarcoma in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). i: clinical findings and laboratory diagnosis].in addition to the classical type of kaposi's sarcoma, a new, aggressive and prognostically ominous variant occurs since 1980: the aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma. this aggressive variant is associated with viral infection by the lymphotropic retrovirus htlv-iii, identical to lav. in the u.s.a. and in europe, this virus is transmitted mainly by homosexual contact, whereas in central africa the characteristic mode of transmission is heterosexual promiscuity. the authors present for the benefit o ...19852995739
prospective study of cytotoxic t lymphocyte responses to influenza and antibodies to human t lymphotropic virus-iii in homosexual men. selective loss of an influenza-specific, human leukocyte antigen-restricted cytotoxic t lymphocyte response in human t lymphotropic virus-iii positive individuals with symptoms of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.peripheral blood leukocytes (pbl) from 18 homosexual men who did not have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and from 9 heterosexual men were repetitively tested for their ability to generate hla self-restricted cytotoxic t lymphocyte responses to influenza virus (flu-self) over a 2-yr period. the sera of the same donors were tested for antibodies to human t lymphotropic virus-iii (htlv-iii). six of the homosexual and none of the heterosexual donors consistently generated weak cytotoxic t ...19852997287
the need for new antiviral agents.population density and immune status, vectors and virulence of infection, nutritional status, sanitation, genetic susceptibility and medical management of cases, are important factors influencing the incidence and/or severity of virus infections. thus, the prevalence and clinical importance of virus infections and the need for antiviral drugs differ from place to place and from time to time. national and world health statistics of notifications of disease give some index of the incidence of infe ...19853004326
kaposi's sarcoma and htlv-iii infection. virus-like particles in skin lesions: experimental biopsies from a subject affected by ks and aids were examined by means of em. samples were obtained both in correspondence of a typical nodule, and from an apparently normal area. the disease process had started at least 8 mo. before, and the patient showed a reduced number of okt4 cells, with an inversion of the normal t4/t8 ratio. besides that, high titre antibodies versus htlv-iii were present, whereas antibodies versus cmv and ebv were not demonstrable. light and electron microscopy dem ...19853004541
immunohistopathology of lymph nodes in htlv-iii infected homosexuals with persistent adenopathy or aids.lymph node biopsies from 43 male homosexuals with persistent generalized lymphadenopathy and from ten acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients, all with serum antibodies to human t-cell leukemia virus iii, were studied with regard to histopathology, immunohistology, and t-cell subsets in cell suspensions. all acquired immunodeficiency syndrome biopsies except one with kaposi's sarcoma had the same histopathological pattern of follicular depletion, whereas the persistent generalized lymphadeno ...19852410110
activated interferon system in healthy homosexual men.more than 50% of a group of healthy homosexuals in israel were found to have an activated interferon (ifn) system as evidenced by markedly elevated blood ifn levels, increased in vitro production of ifn by unstimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells and huifn-alpha and huifn-gamma production by appropriately stimulated cells, and a surprisingly high incidence of an antiviral state of cells. this pattern resembles that found in persons with acute viral illness, and is unlike that found in nor ...19852412490
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