
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
[ovarian autodifferentiation in the oligochaetous annelid, eisenia fetida f. typica sav., demonstrated by means of organ culture]. 19734202590
protein analysis of earthworm coelomic fluid: 1) polymorphic system of the natural hemolysin of eisenia fetida andrei. 197943268
the erythrocruorin of eisenia fetida. ii. properties of the principal subunit.the erythrocruorin of eisenia fetida can be dissociated partially into its principal subunits, the putative one-twelfths of the molecule and smaller subunits, by three different methods: freezing and thawing (af), exposure to alkaline ph (aa) and aging (ao). the isolated subunits possess a relative molecular mass of 310,000 +/- 20,000 by gel filtration and their sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic patterns are identical to (af) or slightly different from (aa, ao) that of the erythrocruorin. t ...19827115726
the erythrocruorin of eisenia fetida. i. properties and subunit structure.the erythrocruorin of eisenia fetida possesses a relative molecular mass, determined by sedimentation equilibrium, of (3.82 +/- 0.05) . 10(6). according to the iron and heme contents, 0.218 +/- 0.008% and 2.34 +/- 0.02% by mass, respectively, it contains 144 hemes per molecule. the dimensions of the molecule observed by electron microscopy are 25.0 x 16.5 nm (diameter x height). sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicates that the erythrocruorin consists of six subunits (mr 14,900, 15,300, ...19827115725
esterases of earthworms--iii. electrophoresis reveals that eisenia fetida (savigny) is two species.polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of esterases in earthworms classified as eisenia fetida (savigny) revealed the existence of two species. the classification based upon esterase electromorphs coincided with classification into two colour variants formerly described as subspecies under the names e. fetida typica and e. fetida unicolor (andré, 1963). two main groups of esterases, acetylesterases and carboxylesterases were found. because of less variability within species and higher stability the ...19846207979
dieldrin and growth and development of the earthworm, eisenia fetida (oligochaeta). 19854074930
protein analysis of earthworm coelomic fluid. iii. isolation and characterization of several bacteriostatic molecules from eisenia fetida andrei.a bacteriostatic activity in eisenia fetida andrei cell free coelomic fluid is described. this activity is detected by growth inhibition of a bacteria bacillus megaterium. gel filtration analysis revealed eleven coelomic fluid protein fractions designated a, b,..j. antibacterial activity was mainly found within fractions b and c. chromatofocusing resolved fractions b-c into five different peaks named alpha bc, beta bc,... epsilon bc. antibacterial activity appeared mediated by three different pr ...19853922817
[establishment of a map of neurons in the brain of eisenia fetida (annelida, oligochaeta) containing substances immunologically specific to vertebrate peptides].several antisera specific to neuropeptides of vertebrates were applied to sections of the earthworm eisenia fetida sav. some of them were able to reveal specific neurones of the supraoesophageal ganglion: h-ghrf, crf, leu- and met-enkephalin, dynorphin, substance p, cck-8, and cck-8s. a map of different areas or nuclei was established in the brain, taking position of reactive cells into account. four symmetrically paired nuclei and one mediodorsal nucleus were identified and plotted. there is ge ...19872435610
effects of carbofuran on the earthworm, eisenia fetida, using a defined medium. 19873814847
toxicity and bioaccumulation of chlorophenols in earthworms, in relation to bioavailability in soil.the acute toxicity of five chlorophenols for two earthworm species was determined in two sandy soils differing in organic matter content and the results were compared with adsorption data. adsorption increased with increasing organic matter content of the soils, but for tetra- and pentachlorophenol was also influenced by soil ph. earthworm toxicity was significantly higher in the soil with a low level of organic matter. this difference disappeared when lc50 values were recalculated to concentrat ...19883168876
interactions between earthworm hemolysins and sheep red blood cell membranes.the hemolytic activity exhibited by the coelomic fluid of the annelid eisenia fetida andrei is mediated by two lipoproteins of mass 40 and 45 kda, each of them capable of hemolysis. such an activity is not inhibited by zymosan, inulin or lipopolysaccharide (lps), nor by hydrazine or methylamine, suggesting that earthworm hemolysins are not related to c3 or c3b complement components. among the membrane lipids tested (phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, sphingomyel ...19892758056
antibacterial activity of eisenia fetida andrei coelomic fluid: transcription and translation regulation of lysozyme and proteins evidenced after bacterial infestation.1. after bacterial infestation lysozyme and antibacterial activities are enhanced, peaking at 4 hr and 3 days, respectively. 2. both humoral defenses require rna and protein de novo synthesis in response to pathogenic bacteria injection (actinomycin d and cycloheximide experiments). 3. antibacterial activity exists naturally at some basic level, involving regular translation of stable rnas. 4. when antibacterial activity reaches its maximum after bacterial injection, proteins responsible for it ...19902331874
antibacterial activity of eisenia fetida andrei coelomic fluid: iii--relationship within the polymorphic hemolysins.the antibacterial activity exhibited by 10 different hemolytic, genetic families was established by measuring the inhibition of spontaneous in vitro growth by cell-free coelomic fluid toward 2 bacteria which are pathogenic for the earthworm: bacillus megaterium (gram +) and aeromonas hydrophila (gram -). only two families (b and k) displayed potent inhibitory activities. this finding is consistent with the fact that the b family occurs most frequently in both natural as well as in industrial bre ...19912050244
cellular but not humoral antibacterial activity of earthworms is inhibited by aroclor 1254.earthworms, eisenia fetida andrei and lumbricus terrestris, exposed to aroclor 1254, followed by infestation with aeromonas hydrophila, elicited two types of responses. first, in e. fetida, there was no change in the ld50 nor in the in vitro antibacterial growth capacity of cell-free coelomic fluid. thus, aroclor exerts no influence on antibacterial proteins nor on the chloragogue cells responsible for their release. second, in l. terrestris, both a high ld50 value and no antibacterial activity ...19911723380
formation of brown bodies in the coelomic cavity of the earthworm eisenia fetida andrei and attendant changes in shape and adhesive capacity of constitutive cells.the formation of brown bodies in the coelomic cavity may result from an aggregation of coelomocytes around offending foreign cells such as bacteria, gregarines, incompatible graft fragments, and altered self structures such as setae or necrotic muscle cells. the initial nodule rapidly increases in volume by aggregation of new coelomocytes and various waste particles. when a brown body has reached a diameter of 1-2 mm, its external cells flatten and lose their adhesiveness toward free coelomocyte ...19921499843
effects of coal gasification slag as a substrate for the plant cyperus esculentus and the worm eisenia fetida.a further development of the coal gasification process will result in an increase of the amount of coal gasification slag (cgs). as yet little is known about the effects of storage in uncovered dumps. if there are any environmental effects, they are most likely caused by accumulation of metals from the cgs or by unacceptable physical properties of the cgs. growth inhibition, mortality, and metal accumulation were analyzed for the plant cyperus esculentus and the worm eisenia fetida on cgs substr ...19921385078
serological evidence and amino acid sequence of ubiquitin-like protein isolated from coelomic fluid and cells of the earthworm eisenia fetida andrei.1. a small protein of m(r) 10 kda has been isolated by reverse-phase chromatography of the basic proteins contained in the coelomic fluid and cell lysate of the earthworm eisenia fetida andrei. 2. the protein crossreacted in dot-blot with an anti-bovine ubiquitin antiserum. 3. its n-terminal primary structure was determined by automatic edman degradation on 26 consecutive amino acids and showed 69% (based on the 26 amino acids) or 82% (based on the first 19 consecutive amino acids) identity with ...19938386996
presence of culturable bacteria in cocoons of the earthworm eisenia fetida.viable bacteria were found to coexist with developing embryos in egg capsules (cocoons) of the earthworm eisenia fetida. earthworms were reared under standardized conditions, and bacterial densities were measured in distinct batches of cocoons collected weekly for 10 weeks. cocoons weighing 12 mg contained a mean viable bacterial population of approximately 10 cfu/g of cocoons. no difference was found in viable counts obtained from cocoons incubated at 15 degrees c and cocoons incubated at 24 de ...199316348968
effects of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc on growth, reproduction and survival of the earthworm eisenia fetida (savigny): assessing the environmental impact of point-source metal contamination in terrestrial ecosystems.the earthworm eisenia fetida (annelida: oligochaeta) was exposed to a geometric series of concentrations of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc in artificial soil using the oecd recommended protocol. mortality, growth and cocoon production were measured over 56 days to determine lc50 and ec50 values. no observed effect concentrations (noecs) were also estimated. furthermore, the percentage of viable cocoons and number of juveniles emerging per cocoon was recorded. cocoon production was more sensitive ...199415091707
extrapolation of the laboratory-based oecd earthworm toxicity test to metal-contaminated field sites.: the effects of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc on survival, growth, cocoon production and cocoon viability of the earthworm eisenia fetida (savigny) were determined in three experiments. in experiment 1, worms were exposed to single metals in standard artificial soil. for experiment 2, worms were maintained in contaminated soils collected from sites at different distances from a smelting works situated at avonmouth, south-west england. in experiment 3, worms were exposed to mixtures of metals i ...199524197704
cadmium disposition in the earthworm eisenia fetida.the disposition of cadmium was examined in the earthworm eisenia fetida using two exposure media, filter paper, and artificial soil. uptake and elimination rates were estimated to be 0.03039 and 0.00895 hr-1, respectively, for 1.25 micrograms cd/cm2 filter paper exposure and 0.00512 and 0.00029 hr-1, respectively, for 10 micrograms cd/g artificial soil exposure. the distribution of cadmium was examined using whole body autoradiography, tissue distribution, and subcellular localization. cadmium t ...19957539368
isolation of genomic dna from the earthworm species eisenia fetida.our interest in detecting genotoxic exposure in earthworms led us to isolate high quality dna from the eisenia fetida species. for that, we compared a modification of the conventional phenol-chloroform extraction procedure, usually referred to as the maniatis procedure, to two commercially available kits reportedly eliminating multiple partitions in phenol and chloroform, namely the qiagen and nucleon protocols. from the 260 nm optical density values, the commercial kits extracts hinted toward h ...19957753038
[sugars and lipids of the clitellum and cocoon albumin in eisenia fetida sav (annelida oligochaeta)].biochemical methods were used to analyze the glucidic and lipidic components of the clitellar epithelium and the cocoon's albumen in eisenia fetida. in the clitellum, the sugar concentration increased dramatically (about 5-fold) during differentiation. the assays showed increases in several monosaccharides during puberty. in addition, glucose was prominent in immature clitella, whereas mannose was the main sugar in the mature ones. about 50% of the dry weight of recently deposited cocoons was ca ...19958526982
[analysis of protein nutrient reserves of the clitellum and cocoon albumin in eisenia fetida sav (annelida oligochaeta). demonstration of a glycolipoprotein comparable to vitellogenin].in the clitella of eisenia fetida, the amount of total proteins decreased dramatically during puberty. in contrast, the level of soluble proteins increased during the same period. in the cocoons, the increase of total proteins and soluble proteins corresponded to the development of the embryos. among the soluble proteins of the mature clitellum, 3 major proteins (a, b and c) were separated by electrophoresis: a, glycolipoproteinic (molecular weight = 450 kda), b, glycoproteic (mw = 350 kda) and ...19958526979
pcbs increase molecular-related activities (lysozyme, antibacterial, hemolysis, proteases) but inhibit macrophage-related functions (phagocytosis, wound healing) in earthworms.both humoral and cellular immunodefense responses of the earthworms, eisenia fetida andrei, eisenia hortensis, and lumbricus terrestris, have been compared after exposure to the pcb aroclor 1254. responses mediated by free factors, detected by in vitro assays for lysozyme, hemolysis, and proteases, were increased in both eisenia. antibacterial activity directed against pathogenic bacteria was increased in e.f. andrei. the resistance of l. terrestris against non-pathogenic bacteria was decreased, ...19957745278
comparison of forest soil microcosm and acute toxicity studies for determining effects of fenitrothion on earthworms.the effects of the organophosphate pesticide fenitrothion on eisenia fetida savigny and dendrobaena octaedra savigny were studied using the oecd acute toxicity test and microcosms containing forest organic matter. in the acute toxicity study, both species were relatively susceptible to fenitrothion, although d. octaedra (lc50 = 393.9 ml/cm2) was approximately eight times more sensitive than e. fetida (lc50 = 54.1 ml/cm2). e. fetida was unable to utilize oak/maple litter for growth, and attempts ...19957539366
crossreactivity of hemolytic and hemagglutinating proteins in the coelomic fluid of lumbricidae (annelida).oligospecific antisera against the hemolytic and hemagglutinating compounds of the coelomic fluid (cf) of the earthworm species eisenia fetida, lumbricus terrestris and aporrectodea caliginosa were prepared. the proteins were bound to the membranes of erythrocytes and injected into rabbits. by the use of these antisera the following results were obtained: 1) the antisera ral t and raac reached a titer of 1:64,000, the detection limit of raef was 1:512,000. raef was demonstrated to be oligospecif ...19968858836
effects of metal-contaminated soils on the growth, sexual development, and early cocoon production of the earthworm eisenia fetida, with particular reference to zinc.juvenile eisenia fetida (savigny) were exposed for 20 weeks to an uncontaminated soil and to soils contaminated with cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc collected from seven sites at different distances from a smelting works at avonmouth, southwest england. the survival, growth (= weight after 5 weeks exposure), time to sexual maturation (= percentages of adults present after 8 weeks), and reproduction (= number of cocoons produced by the worms) were compared with soil metal concentrations. of the p ...19968930509
[chemical composition of earthworm (eisenia fetida and lumbricus rubellus) silages].earthworms (eisenia fetida and lumbricus rubellus) were ensiled with ground sorghum and molasses in the following proportions: 1) 60% earthworms, 40% sorghum; 2) 60% earthworms, 40% sorghum, adjusting ph to 4.0 with hcl; 3) 60% earthworms, 20% sorghum, 20% molasses; 4) 60% earthworms, 20% sorghum, 20% molasses, adjusting ph to 4.0 with hcl. these mixtures were allowed to ferment for 15 days at 18 degrees c. ph, proximate chemical analyses, digestible protein, true protein, ammonia nitrogen, acet ...19969429616
[contribution to the study of the origin of cellulase activities of the gut in earthworm eisenia fetida andrei].in order to determine the origin of cellulases in the gut of the earthworm eisenia fetida andrei, the wall tissues of the different parts of the disinfected gut are cultured in vitro. enzymatic activities (fpase: filter paper activity; cmcase: carboxymethycellulase, cellobiase) were measured both in the tissues and in the culture medium: the following activities were found, carboxymethycellulase (cmcase), filter paper activity (fpase). the first located in the crop, gizzard and midgut wall, the ...19969091182
comparative toxicity in earthworms eisenia fetida and lumbricus terrestris exposed to cadmium nitrate using artificial soil and filter paper protocols. 19968661461
in vitro and in vivo studies of potential biomarkers of lead and uranium contamination: lipid peroxidation, acetylcholinesterase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities in three non-mammalian species.abstract the aim of this work was to assess the relationships between lead (pb) and uranium (u) exposure, lipid peroxidation and some enzyme activities in a mollusc (cohicula sp.), an earthworm (eisenia fetida) and a fish (brachydanio redo). a comparative shrdy was perfotmed both in vibo and in vivo on whole organism postmitochondrial fractions and four potential biomarken were analyted: a marker of neurotoxicity (acetylcholinesterase activity, ache, ec, a marker of oxidative sbss (malo ...199623888890
purification and characterization of an sds-activated fibrinolytic enzyme from eisenia fetida.a sodium-dodecyl-sulfate-activated fibrinolytic enzyme from eisenia fetida (the e. fetida enzyme) was purified by chromatography on deae sepharose, sephadex g-75, and phenyl sepharose 4. it (m(r) = 45 kda) was composed of two subunits (m(r) = 26 kda and m(r) = 18 kda) held together by hydrophobic interactions. the enzyme displayed four activities when we used fibrin plates to detect the proteolytic activity. these were designated as cfpg (complete fibrinolysis in the plasminogen-rich plate), ucf ...19979467874
octopamine-containing neurons in the alimentary tract of the earthworm (eisenia fetida).octopamine-containing nerve cells have been demonstrated in the enteric plexus of the earthworm (eisenia fetida), applying immunocytochemistry and hplc assay. a few octopamine-immunoreactive neurons occurred in the fore- and hindgut, whereas their number in the midgut was considerably greater. octopamine levels detected by hplc correlated with the distribution of octopamine-containing nerve cells. a regulatory role for these intrinsic octopaminergic neurons is suggested in the enteric plexus in ...19979459562
co-localization of serotonin and fmrfamide-like immunoreactivities in the central nervous system of the earthworm, eisenia the present study co-localization of serotonin and fmrfamide-like immunoreactivities was studied in the central nervous system of the earthworm, eisenia fetida. alternate serial sections were stained with antisera raised against serotonin and fmrfamide, using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. the immunostained consecutive sections were compared by light-microscopy and on reconstructed images using nih image and neurolucida programs. although there was a large number of serotonin and fmrfa ...19979429604
extrusion of earthworm coelomocytes: comparison of the cell populations recovered from the species lumbricus terrestris, eisenia fetida and octolasion tyrtaeum.coelomocytes were extruded from three earthworm species: lumbricus terrestris, eisenia fetida and octolasion tyrtaeum. featuring a simple low-vacuum holding device, the proposed methodology allows the recovery of cells with minimum risk of contamination by faecal material. the viability of o. tyrtaeum coelomocytes was highly reproducible (average 93%), with an average yield of 0.92 x 10(6) viable cells per earthworm. cell viability for l. terrestris and e. fetida averaged approximately 68% but t ...19979350704
immuno-modulator effects of carbaryl and 2,4 d in theearthworm eisenia fetida andreicarbaryl and 2,4 dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4 d)exerted differential effects on the earthworm e. f. andrei functionsrelated to immuno defense. as determined by contact test assay, carbarylactivity is characterized by a low lc50 value of 3.4 &mgr;g/cm2,compared to 18 &mgr;g/cm2 for 2,4 d. incubating earthworms withdoses of carbaryl as low as 0.1 &mgr;g/cm2 resulted in theinhibition of the lysozyme activity detected in the cytosol (cl). a stronginhibition of phagocytosis was also obtained but ...19979096078
influence of temperature on the toxicity of zinc to the earthworm eisenia fetida. 19978975806
purification, characterization and activities of two hemolytic and antibacterial proteins from coelomic fluid of the annelid eisenia fetida andrei.the coelomic fluid of the earthworm eisenia fetida andrei exhibits antibacterial, hemolytic and hemagglutinating activities. these activities are mainly mediated by two proteins, named fetidins, of apparent molecular mass 40 kda and 45 kda, respectively. for the first time, the two proteins have been purified to homogeneity from dialysed coelomic fluid by means of anion-exchange chromatography. three peaks had hemolytic activity. the first fraction was found to correspond to the 40 kda fetidin, ...19979003444
neurotoxicity of paraquat and triphenyltin in the earthworm, eisenia fetida sav. a histo- and cytopathological study.neuropathological effects of the pesticides paraquat (pq, a herbicide) and triphenyltin (tpt, a fungicide) were studied on the postclitellar segmental ganglia of juvenile e. fetida specimens using light and electron microscopic methods. growth retardation of the worms in standard culture medium was used as quantitative marker of sublethal effect. there is a distinct neuron group in the segmental ganglia characterised by high sensitivity against pq- and another one against tpt-toxication. however ...19979847461
serotonin immunoreactivity in the peripheral nervous system of oligochaeta.the distribution of serotonin immunoreactive elements in the peripheral nervous system of three earthworm species (lumbricus terrestris, eisenia fetida and tubifex tubifex) was studied using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. most parts of the peripheral nervous system contain immunoreactive fibers. all segmental nerves as well as branches of the prostomial nerves show strong immunoreactivity. muscles of the body wall contain serotonergic fibers, mostly between the circular and longitudinal l ...19979847457
acute toxicity evaluation of the plant molluscicide, apodytes dimidiata (icacinaceae), to eisenia fetida (oligochaeta) and oreochromis mossambicus (cichlidae) in south africa.the crude aqueous leaf extract of a south african tree, apodytes dimidiata, has been identified as a potential molluscicide for snail control in anti-schistosomiasis programmes in rural communities. before preliminary field trials could be implemented its acute toxic effects on two non-target organisms were examined in accordance with the oecd guidelines to identify any potential hazards that might arise from the plant's use. laboratory results showed that working molluscicidal concentrations of ...19979083581
sequence and expression of an eisenia-fetida-derived cdna clone that encodes the 40-kda fetidin antibacterial protein.fetidins are 40-kda and 45-kda hemolytic and antibacterial glycoproteins present in the coelomic fluid of the earthworm eisenia fetida andrei. by screening a cdna library with a polyclonal antifetidin serum, we have cloned a cdna that encoded the 40-kda fetidin. the clone contains an insert of 1.44 kb encoding a protein of 34 kda, which corresponds to the size of deglycosylated fetidins. the recombinant protein inhibits bacillus megaterium growth. restriction fragment polymorphisms were observed ...19979219536
interaction of earthworm hemolysin with lipid membranes requires sphingolipids.lytic activity in the coelomic fluid of earthworm (eisenia fetida fetida) has been ascribed to eiseniapore, a hemolytic protein of 38 kda. since receptors for eiseniapore on target cell membranes are not known, we used lipid vesicles of various composition to determine whether specific lipids may serve as receptors. lytic activity of eiseniapore was probed by the relief of fluorescence dequenching from the fluorophore 8-aminonaphthalene-1,3, 6-trisulfonic acid originally incorporated into the ve ...19979252415
application of plant and earthworm bioassays to evaluate remediation of a lead-contaminated soil.earthworm acute toxicity, plant seed germination/rootelongation (sg/re) and plant genotoxicity bioassays were employed to evaluatethe remediation of a lead-contaminated soil. the remediation involved removalof heavy metals by a soil washing/soil leaching treatment process. a portionof the soil after remediation was rinsed with water in order to simulateexposure to rainfall. the bioassay results showed that the soils beforetreatment (bt) and after treatment plus water rinsing (rt) were not toxic ...19979069192
glutathione, glutathione-related enzymes, and catalase activities in the earthworm eisenia fetida andrei.the aim of this work was to provide basic data on the antioxidant defences in the annelid eisenia fetida andrei (e. f. a.). methods for measurement of three antioxidant enzymes-catalase (cat), glutathione peroxidase (gpx), and glutathione reductase (gr)-and of glutathione-s-transferase (gst) were optimized. gpx activity differed according to the substrate used: cumene hydroperoxide (cuooh) or hydrogen peroxide (h2o2). the effects on the enzyme activities of storage up to 2 months at -80 degrees ...19989776778
earthworm egg capsules as vectors for the environmental introduction of biodegradative bacteria.earthworm egg capsules (cocoons) may acquire bacteria from the environment in which they are produced. we found that ralstonia eutropha (pjp4) can be recovered from eisenia fetida cocoons formed in soil inoculated with this bacterium. plasmid pjp4 contains the genes necessary for 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-d) and 2, 4-dichlorophenol (2,4-dcp) degradation. in this study we determined that the presence of r. eutropha (pjp4) within the developing earthworm cocoon can influence the degradat ...199910347016
environmental risk assessment for the polycyclic musks, ahtn and hhcb. ii. effect assessment and risk characterisation.reports of the polycyclic musks ahtn and hhcb in surface water and fish, primarily in europe, have prompted studies of their environmental effects. these effects then are used, along with the predicted environmental concentrations in a risk assessment according to the approach developed under european union regulation 793/93, in line with the technical guidance document for risk assessment of new and existing chemicals. in 72-h studies with algae (pseudokirchneriella subcapitata), noecs were 0.3 ...199910630704
effects of low levels of lead on growth and reproduction of the asian earthworm perionyx excavatus (oligochaeta).the effects of sublethal concentrations of lead nitrate on growth and reproduction of the asian composting earthworm species perionyx excavatus was studied experimentally by exposing worms in an organic substrate to lead nitrate-contaminated food over a period of 76 days. the results revealed that growth was affected negatively by the presence of lead while maturation rate and cocoon production was not affected. in agreement with other studies on eisenia fetida, cocoon viability was affected neg ...199910581117
gastrin- and cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivities in the nervous system of the earthworm.the distribution of cholecystokinin and gastrin-like immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers in the nervous system of 2 annelid worms, lumbricus terrestris and eisenia fetida, has been studied by means of immunohistochemistry. the cerebral ganglion contains 170-250, the subesophageal ganglion contains 120-150, and the ventral ganglia contain 50-75 cholecystokinin immunoreactive cells, that represent 8-12%, 8-10% and 4-5% of the total cell number, respectively. the anti-gastrin serum stained 330-36 ...199910465508
biochemical characteristics of eiseniapore, a pore-forming protein in the coelomic fluid of earthworms.the cytolytic protein eiseniapore (38 kda) from coelomic fluid of the earthworm eisenia fetida functionally requires sphingomyelin as revealed by using mammalian erythrocytes and phospholipid vesicles. the effects of ions, glycoproteins and phospholipids were investigated for the two-step eiseniapore action mode, binding and pore formation in different assays. eiseniapore lysis is activated by thiol groups but inhibited by metal ions. eiseniapore binding to target membranes is inhibited by eisen ...199910336641
resistance of eisenia fetida (oligochaeta) to cadmium after long-term exposure.the reliance on earthworms as test organisms in risk assessment studies of polluted environments raises the question whether they can evolve resistance, e.g., by adaptation to specific toxicants. protection criteria may be biased if sensitivity data from adapted populations are used. increased resistance to the heavy metal cadmium has not yet been determined for terrestrial oligochaeta. eisenia fetida was exposed to a sublethal concentration of cadmium sulfate for more than 10 generations. clite ...19999931242
acute toxicity, toxicokinetics, and tissue target of lead and uranium in the clam corbicula fluminea and the worm eisenia fetida: comparison with the fish brachydanio rerio.the general objective of our work was to propose new reference material for chemical toxicity testing and new sentinel organisms for environmental quality survey programs (freshwater or soils). we also wanted to provide basic toxicological data on the environmental effects of uranium. thus, we conducted a comparative study to establish the acute toxicity and toxicokinetics of lead (pb) and uranium (u) to the bivalve mollusc corbicula fluminea and the terrestrial annelid eisenia fetida andrei and ...19999888962
crystallization and preliminary x-ray analysis of earthworm fibrinolytic enzyme component a from eisenia fetida.earthworm fibrinolytic enzyme component a, a protein which functions both as a direct fibrinolytic enzyme and a plasminogen activator, was purified from the earthworm eisenia fetida. diffraction-quality single crystals of the protein were grown by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion technique with ammonium sulfate as a precipitant. the crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group p2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 40.6, b = 127.5, c = 129.2 a and three molecules per asymmetric unit. t ...200011092938
evaluation of surrogate measures of cadmium, lead, and zinc bioavailability to eisenia fetida.we evaluated weak-electrolyte (0.1 m ca(no3)2) soil extractions and ion-exchange membranes coated with a metal chelator as measures of cd, pb, and zn bioavailability in spiked artificial soil by comparing their metal availability estimates to acute lethal toxicity in the earthworm eisenia fetida. ca(no3)2 extractions were precisely related to toxicity in all toxicity tests, and enabled the development of time-independent lc50s (incipient lethal-levels, ills) calculated using exposure levels base ...200011057694
reorganization of peptidergic systems during brain regeneration in eisenia fetida (oligochaeta, annelida).after the extirpation of the brain reorganization of the peptidergic (fmrfamide, neuropeptide y, proctolin) systems was studied in the newly forming cerebral ganglion of the annelid eisenia fetida. during regeneration, all immunoreactive fibres appear on the 1st-2nd postoperative day. at the beginning of regeneration, immunoreactive neurons and fibres form a mixed structure in the wound tissue. on the 3rd postoperative day, fmrfamide positive and neuropeptide y-immunoreactive, while on the 7th p ...200011034165
distribution of eisenia tetradecapeptide immunoreactive neurons in the nervous system of earthworms.a detailed mapping of eisenia-tetradecapeptide-immunoreactive neurons in the central and peripheral nervous system combined with quantitative morphological measurements was performed in eisenia fetida and lumbricus terrestris. in eisenia, most labelled neurons were observed in the ganglia of the ventral cord (20.38% of the total cell number of the ganglion) and 15.67% immunoreactive cells occurred in the brain, while 6% of the neurons could be shown in the subesophageal ganglion. in the case of ...200011034164
activity and localisation of the lysosomal marker enzymes acid phosphatase, n-acetyl-beta-d-glucosaminidase, and beta-galactosidase in the earthworms eisenia fetida and e. veneta.the present study describes the activity and localisation of three putative lysosomal marker enzymes, acid phosphatase (ap), n-acetyl-beta-d-glucosaminidase (beta-nag), and beta-galactosidase (beta-gal), in whole individuals and in distinct parts of the earthworms, eisenia veneta and eisenia fetida. activities of ap and beta-nag were high in the two species with most of the activity located to the anterior and mid-parts of the worms. the activity of beta-gal was low in all body regions. we found ...200010818277
utility of caenorhabditis elegans for assessing heavy metal contamination in artificial soil.there is an increasing need for the development of soil bioassay protocols. currently the only internationally standardized soil test organism is the lumbricid earthworm eisenia fetida. many alternate soil test organisms have been proposed. this work compares caenorhabditis elegans to several other test organisms, including e. fetida, for heavy metals in soil. in this evaluation, such factors as ease of testing and culturing, duration of testing, soil volume needed, and the sensitivity of the or ...200010790509
temporal ecological assessment of oil contaminated soils before and after bioremediation.ecotoxicity methods were used to assess different soil and oil combinations before, during and after laboratory bioremediation with associated hydrocarbon analysis. heavy, medium and light crude oil (api gravity 14, 30, and 55) was spiked (ca. 5% w/w) into two sandy soils in the laboratory having organic carbon concentrations of 0.3 (norwood) and 4.7% (norwood/baccto). the earthworm (eisenia fetida) 14-d lethality assay, the modified microbics microtox solid-phase assay, and the 14-d plant seed ...200010665408
the development of genetically inherited resistance to zinc in laboratory-selected generations of the earthworm eisenia fetida.the capacity of species to adapt both physiologically and genetically to contaminants may allow populations to persist in polluted environments. such 'adaptation' can have important implications for risk assessment, since it may mean that prediction based on extrapolation of toxicity studies with naïve populations may prove invalid for long-term contaminated sites. to investigate the evolution of zinc resistance in eisenia fetida, worms from a previously unexposed population (parent) were select ...200015092890
distribution of pacap-like immunoreactivity in the nervous system of oligochaeta.the marked similarity between the primary structures of human, other vertebrate, and the invertebrate tunicate pacap suggests that pacap is one of the most highly conserved peptides during the phylogeny of the metazoans. we investigated the distribution of pacap-like immunoreactivity in the nervous system of three oligochaete (annelida) worms with immunocytochemistry. the distribution pattern of immunoreactivity was similar in all three species (lumbricus terrestris, eisenia fetida, and lumbricu ...200010764943
effects of the fungicide copper oxychloride on the growth and reproduction of eisenia fetida (oligochaeta).the article describes a laboratory experiment to determine the effect of copper oxychloride on the earthworm eisenia fetida. copper oxychloride was used because it is the most commonly used fungicide in south african vineyards but not much is known about its toxicity to earthworms. in an experiment lasting 8 weeks, newly hatched earthworms of the species e. fetida were exposed to copper oxychloride mixed into a urine-free cattle manure substrate. four groups of 10 worms were used per concentrati ...200010806001
genotoxicity of two novel pesticides for the earthworm, eisenia this paper, several studies were conducted to evaluate the genotoxicity of two pesticides, imidacloprid and rh-5849, for earthworm (eisenia fetida). earthworms were exposed in different exposure systems to evaluate their acute toxicity and the genotoxicity of the two pesticides was evaluated by using the method of sperm deformity assessment, micronucleus test of root tip cells in vicia faba, a mouse bone-marrow micronucleus test, and comet assay. lc(50) (interpolated concentration at which 50 ...200015092957
ecotoxicological evaluation of three deicers (nacl, nafo, cma)-effect on terrestrial organisms.the use of chemical deicers such as sodium chloride (nacl) has increased significantly during the past three decades. deicers induce metal corrosion and alter the physicochemical properties of soils and water. environmental damage caused by the use of nacl has prompted government agencies to find alternative deicers. this article presents a comparative ecotoxicological study of three deicers on soil organisms. sodium formiate (nafo) and calcium-magnesium acetate (cma) are the most interesting co ...200111161687
evaluation of the fungicide manganese-zinc ethylene bis(dithiocarbamate) (mancozeb) for sublethal and acute toxicity to eisenia fetida (oligochaeta).this article describes the outcome of laboratory experiments to determine the acute and sublethal effects of the fungicide mancozeb on the earthworm eisenia fetida. apart from a standardized acute test, young worms, 25 days old, were exposed to mancozeb mixed into a urine-free cattle manure substrate. five groups of 10 worms each were used per concentration level (0, 8, 44 mg/kg substrate). the following life-history parameters were measured: growth in consecutive weeks over a 6-week period, sur ...200111161693
effects of endophyte status of tall fescue tissues on the earthworm (eisenia fetida).a cryptic fungal endophyte, neotyphodium coenophialum, infects most tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) pastures in the united states. cattle, sheep, and horses that consume the endophyte-infected grass can suffer fescue toxicosis caused by toxic alkaloids in the infected plants. the effects of the endophyte on mammalian herbivores have been well documented, but less is known regarding the quality of the grass (infected vs noninfected) as a food material for soil invertebrates. we conducted 21-d t ...200111392146
the use of acute and chronic bioassays to determine the ecological risk and bioremediation efficiency of oil-polluted compare the effectiveness of acute and chronic bioassays for the ecological risk assessment of polluted soils, soil samples from a site with an historical mineral oil contamination (< 50-3,300 mg oil/kg dry soil) at the petroleum harbour in amsterdam, the netherlands, were screened for ecological effects using acute and chronic bioassays. a two-step 0.001 m ca(no3)2 extraction at a final solution-to-soil ratio of 1:1 was used to prepare extracts for the acute bioassays. acute bioassays (< or ...200111434283
assessment of metal availability in smelter soil using earthworms and chemical extractions.chemical immobilization is a relatively inexpensive in situ remediation method that reduces soil contaminant solubility, but the ability of this remediation treatment to reduce heavy metal bioavailability and ecotoxicity to soil invertebrates has not been evaluated. our objectives were to (i) assess the ability of chemical immobilization amendments (municipal sewage sludge biosolids and rock phosphate) to reduce metal bioavailability and toxicity in a toxic metal-contaminated smelter soil and (i ...200111476500
influence of animal manures on the biology of temperate earthworm, eisenia fetida in tropical semiarid climate.for understanding the potential utility in field scale production of vermicompost and vermiprotein economically, eisenia fetida was cultured to establish the influence of (i) prevailing tropical semiarid (north-east region of karnataka, india) environmental factors and (ii) different animal manures (cattle, horse and 1:1 mixture of cattle and horse) (on its growth, reproduction and life span. in three forms of diet, growth (mg/d/g live weight of worm) was almost similar, but the biomass in cattl ...200111500015
evidence for perforin-like activity associated with earthworm leukocytes.earthworm (eisenia fetida) coelomic fluid contains several leukocytes (coelomocytes): basophils, acidophils and neutrophils as well as chloragocytes. small coelomocytes and coelomocyte lysate are cytotoxic for the tumor cell target k562. the expression of a lytic factor was investigated by immunocytochemistry using light and transmission electron microscopy. a rat-anti-mouse-perforin-mab labeled mainly small coelomocytes (nearly 20%) as visualized by light microscopy. tem analysis using immunogo ...200116351814
toxic effects of benomyl on the ultrastructure during spermatogenesis of the earthworm eisenia fetida.the present study has investigated the toxic effect of benomyl on the ultrastructure of the male reproductive system and spermatozoa of the earthworm eiseniafetida in a laboratory experiment. three different concentrations of benomyl (8.3, 56, 112 mg/kg dry soil) were applied for one week. these applications caused abnormalities in ultrastructure of the cytophore, the spermatogonia, spermatids, and spermatozoa. the alterations include uncomplete forms of acrosomes, nuclear distortion, and disrup ...200111915954
distribution and action of some putative neurotransmitters in the stomatogastric nervous system of the earthworm, eisenia fetida (oligochaeta, annelida).the chemical neuroanatomy of the stomatogastric nervous system of the earthworm, eisenia fetida, has been investigated, using antibodies raised against serotonin, tyrosine hydroxylase, octopamine, gaba, fmrfamide, proctolin, eisenia tetradecapeptide and neuropeptide y. neurons immunoreactive to these antibodies can be observed in the stomatogastric ganglia. the labelled cells comprise altogether 95.4% of the total number of neurons in the ganglion. immunoreactive projections were followed betwee ...200111875279
heterosis in two closely related species of earthworm (eisenia fetida and e. andrei).the importance of heterosis, and in particular allozyme-associated heterosis, in natural populations remains unclear. much of the scepticism that surrounds allozyme-associated heterosis comes from inconsistent and unreliable detection of the relationship. thus, evaluating the genetic mechanisms that may cause allozyme-associated heterosis in natural populations has proven difficult. the most prevalent hypotheses that have been put forward to explain the genetic basis of heterosis are the general ...200111869351
acute ecotoxicity of creosote-contaminated soils to eisenia fetida: a survival-based approach.quantification of risks to the ecosystem is necessary for cost-effective remediation strategies. contaminant endpoints need to be established that consider the bioavailability of toxicants in soil. the challenge is to develop methods that assign risk to the bioavailable toxic contaminants, thereby protecting ecosystems, while balancing remediation costs. our objective was to evaluate changes in bioavailability of creosote constituents in soils to earthworms. an acute ecotoxicological investigati ...200111699787
serotonin-induced nitric oxide production in the ventral nerve cord of the earthworm, eisenia fetida.effect of serotonin on nitric oxide (no) production in the ventral nerve cord (vnc) of the earthworm eisenia fetida was investigated by a bio-imaging and an electrochemical technique. in the bio-imaging, the spatial pattern of no production in vnc was visualized using an no-specific fluorescent dye, diaminofluorescein-2 diacethyl (daf-2 da). application of serotonin (100 microm) increased no production in vnc by about 65% (p<0.05), compared with basal no production. the increase was mainly from ...200111591440
investigation of the development of a ventral nerve cord ganglion in eisenia fetida: a histological and histochemical study. 200111558940
cadmium toxicity for terrestrial invertebrates: taking soil parameters affecting bioavailability into account.acute and chronic ecotoxicity tests with cadmium were conducted with the earthworm eisenia fetida, the potworm enchytraeus albidus and the springtail folsomia candida. to assess the influence of the soil type on cadmium bioavailability, these tests were carried out in a standard artificial soil, in a sandy and a loamy field soil. it was not possible to evaluate the influence of soil parameters on the bioavailability on the basis of the experiments that were conducted in only three different soil ...200111556119
zinc and cadmium body burdens in terrestrial oligochaetes: use and significance in environmental risk assessment.uptake and elimination kinetics of zinc and cadmium were studied in the oligochaetes enchytraeus albidus and eisenia fetida. even at the highest exposure concentrations where e. fetida survived, the internal zinc concentration was still regulated to a constant level. enchytraeus albidus could not regulate the internal zinc concentration as well, and the body burden increased after exposure to high zinc concentrations. after transfer to clean soil, the internal zinc concentration dropped back to ...200111521836
modeling zinc toxicity for terrestrial invertebrates.acute and chronic ecotoxicity tests with zinc were performed with the earthworm eisenia fetida, the potworm enchytraeus albidus, and the springtail folsomia candida. to assess the influence of the soil type on zinc toxicity for these soil invertebrates, these tests were carried out in a standard artificial soil, a sandy and a loamy field soil. based on the results of this experimental work and data taken from literature, models were developed relating the ecotoxicity of zinc to the most importan ...200111521815
integrating composting and vermicomposting in the treatment and bioconversion of biosolids.traditional thermophilic composting is commonly adopted for treatment of organic wastes or for production of organic/natural fertilizers. a related technique, called vermicomposting (using earthworms to breakdown the organic wastes) is also becoming popular. these two techniques have their inherent advantages and disadvantages. the integrated approach suggested in this study borrows pertinent attributes from each of these two processes and combines them to enhance the overall process and improve ...200111131792
deltamethrin, effects on volume control, and water balance in eisenia fetida sav. (annelida, lumbricidae). 200111116324
ecotoxicity of nickel to eisenia fetida, enchytraeus albidus and folsomia candida.despite growing concern about the potential adverse effects of elevated nickel concentrations in the environment, only a few toxicity data are available for terrestrial invertebrates. therefore, chronic toxicity of nickel was assessed for eisenia fetida, enchytraeus albidus and folsomia candida, the three invertebrates for which standard test protocols are available. the 21 d ec50 for the cocoon production of e. fetida was 362 (241-508) mg ni/kg dry wt. for the reproduction of e. albidus, a 42 d ...200211827275
fictive locomotion induced by octopamine in the earthworm.we investigated the function of octopamine (oa) as a motor pattern inducer in the earthworm eisenia fetida. we used semi-intact preparations, consisting of 20 sequential segmental ganglia of the ventral nerve cord (vnc) together with the body wall from the middle of the animal. bath-application of 10(-4) mol l(-1) oa to the semi-intact preparation induced phasic muscle contractions, which are consistent with crawling. in the isolated vnc, oa induced bursts of motor neuron activity in the first l ...200211821492
the effect of lindane on terrestrial invertebrates.acute and chronic ecotoxicity tests with lindane were carried out using the soil invertebrates eisenia fetida, enchytraeus albidus, and folsomia candida. to assess the influence of soil type on the bioavailability, these tests were carried out in a standard artificial oecd soil and in sandy and loamy field soil. for each species, differences in lindane toxicity were observed for the three soil types. these differences were, however, not related to the organic matter content. the relative differe ...200211815813
changes in toxicity and bioavailability of lead in contaminated soils to the earthworm eisenia fetida (savigny 1826) after bone meal amendments to the soil.the effect of bone meal (ca5(po4)3oh) amendments on lead (pb) bioavailability to eisenia fetida (savigny 1826) was investigated. a standard uncontaminated soil was amended with pb(no3)2 solution to give pb concentrations of 7,000 microg/g of soil. after one week, bone meal was added to one half of the soil in the ratio 1:20 bone meal:soil. immediately after addition of the bone meal, survival times of e. fetida were 23 and 41 h in the bone meal-free and bone meal-amended soil, respectively. twen ...200212463565
remediation of heavy metal-contaminated soils using phosphorus: evaluation of bioavailability using an earthworm bioassay.this study investigated the effectiveness of phosphorus (p) as an in situ remediation technique in site soils collected from the tri-state mining area. the site soils were treated with two different types (kh(2)po(4) and super triple phosphate fertilizer) and levels (600 and 5,000 mg/kg) of phosphorus. a toxicokinetic approach was used to determine whether phosphorus amendments reduced heavy metal bioavailability to the earthworm eisenia fetida. bioaccumulation factors were used as a measure of ...200212399909
method for determining toxicologically relevant cadmium residues in the earthworm eisenia fetida.we investigated a method to isolate toxicologically relevant cd in earthworms (eisenia fetida) exposed in a 14-d cd bioaccumulation study. a procedure involving acid insoluble ash (aia) content was combined with homogenization and centrifugation techniques to divide total earthworm cd burdens into supernatant (metallothionein-bound), pellet (toxicologically active), and soil-associated cd fractions. whereas the supernatant fraction of the earthworm digests increased linearly throughout the expos ...200212243324
accumulation and elimination of 16 polycyclic aromatic compounds in the earthworm (eisenia fetida).accumulation and elimination of different polycyclic aromatic compounds (pacs) were studied in earthworms (eisenia fetida) exposed to contaminated soil from an old gasworks site. in total, 12 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs), two n- and s-heterocyclic pacs, and two pac-quinones were included in the study. peak-shaped accumulation curves were found for many of the compounds. after 19 d of exposure, the ratio between concentrations in worm lipids and soil organic matter was 0.02 on average. ...200212152775
effects of earthworm (eisenia fetida) and wheat (triticum aestivum) straw additions on selected properties of petroleum-contaminated soils.current bioremediation techniques for petroleum-contaminated soils are designed to remove contaminants as quickly and efficiently as possible, but not necessarily with postremediation soil biological quality as a primary objective. to test a simple postbioremediation technique, we added earthworms (eisenia fetida) or wheat (triticum aestivum) straw to petroleum land-farm soil and measured biological quality of the soil as responses in plant growth, soil respiration, and oil and grease (o&g) and ...200212152766
chemical assays of availability to earthworms of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil.the bioavailable concentration of an organic pollutant is less than the concentration determined by vigorous extraction of soil. because bioavailability varies with the particular compound, soil, and aging time, an assay for bioavailability is needed. three methods were tested: extraction with a 25% aqueous solution of tetrahydrofuran (thf), 95% ethanol, and c18 membranes. evaluations were conducted with a mixture of four polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) added to five dissimilar soils and ...200212137055
toxicity of arsenate to the compostworm eisenia fetida, the potworm enchytraeus albidus and the springtail folsomia candida. 200212068945
earthworm species of the genus eisenia can be phenotypically differentiated by metabolic profiling.the universality of low molecular weight metabolites allows rapid and straightforward investigation of the biochemistry of genetically uncharacterised species. thus ex vivo metabolic profiling in combination with multivariate data analysis (metabonomics) offers great potential in comparative biology. here we present the first use of high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectroscopy to distinguish closely related animal species via their metabolic phenotype (metabotype). we have profi ...200212067738
reorganization of the gabaergic system following brain extirpation in the earthworm (eisenia fetida, annelida, oligochaeta).the reorganization of the gabaergic system was studied by means of immunohistochemistry after the symmetrical and asymmetrical (unilateral) extirpation of the brain of the annelid eisenia fetida. gaba-immunoreactive neurons were first observed in the wound tissue on the 3rd postoperative day. thereafter the number of labelled cells gradually increased, and by postoperative days 76-80 all gaba-immunoreactive cells (approx. 140 neurons) could be found in their final positions in the symmetrically ...200212064778
phagocytic response of terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates following in vitro exposure to trace elements.the potential of the trace elements ag, as, cd, hg, mo, ni, pb, se, and zn to inhibit the phagocytosis response of extruded coelomocytes of different worm species was tested. we used flow cytometry to evaluate the sensitivity of cell viability and phagocytic potential for eisenia fetida, lumbricus terrestris, aporrectodea turgida, and tubifex tubifex. extruded cells were exposed 18 h in vitro to concentrations ranging from 10(-9) to 10(-4) m. mercury was the most potent immunotoxic element, with ...200212051804
lysosomal response of earthworm (eisenia fetida) coelomocytes to the fungicide copper oxychloride and relation to life-cycle parameters.juvenile specimens of the earthworm species eisenia fetida savigny, 1826, were exposed in the laboratory to a range of concentrations of the fungicide copper oxychloride. after an eight-week exposure period, the neutral-red retention (nrr) times were measured in the coelomocytes of all the worms that had matured. life-cycle traits (survival, biomass change, cocoon production, cocoon mass, hatching of cocoons, number of hatchlings) were also monitored. dose-related effects on nrr times, maturatio ...200212013124
butanol extraction to predict bioavailability of pahs in soil.the feasibility of a mild-solvent extraction procedure to predict the bioavailability of individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) in soil was assessed. the quantities that were degraded during the course of biodegradation of phenanthrene and pyrene in soil with or without plants correlated with the amounts extracted by n-butanol, with r2 values of 0.971 and 0.994, respectively. six consecutive groups of earthworms removed ca. 70% of the pyrene remaining after extensive biodegradation, ...200211999764
ecotoxicity of chromium (iii) to eisenia fetida, enchytraeus albidus, and folsomia candida.despite growing concerns about the potential adverse effects of elevated chromium concentrations in the environment, only a few terrestrial toxicity data are available. therefore, chronic toxicity of chromium(iii) was assessed for eisenia fetida, enchytraeus albidus, and folsomia candida, the three invertebrates for which standard test protocols are available. the 21-day ec(50) for the cocoon production of e. fetida was 892 (679-1110) mg cr/kg dry weight. based on the reproduction, a 42-days ec( ...200211971641
crystal structure of earthworm fibrinolytic enzyme component a: revealing the structural determinants of its dual fibrinolytic activity.earthworm fibrinolytic enzyme component a (efea) from eisenia fetida is a strong fibrinolytic enzyme that not only directly degrades fibrin, but also activates plasminogen. proteolytic assays further revealed that it cleaved behind various p1 residue types. the crystal structure of efea was determined using the mir method and refined to 2.3a resolution. the enzyme, showing the overall polypeptide fold of chymotrypsin-like serine proteases, possesses essential s1 specificity determinants characte ...200212139933
increasing bioavailability of phosphorus from fly ash through vermicomposting.due to the environmental problems created by large-scale fly ash generation throughout the world, efforts are being made to recycle these materials. an important component of the recycling effort is using fly ash to improve low-fertility soils. because availability of many nutrients is very low in fly ash, available ranges of such nutrients must be improved to increase the effectiveness of fly ash as a soil amendment. in the present study, we assessed the possibility of increasing p bioavailabil ...200212469864
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