
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
cloning and expression of malaria and tuberculosis epitopes in mycobacterium bovis bacille calmette-guérin.mycobacterium bovis bacille calmette-guèrin (bcg) represents one of the most promising live vectors for the delivery of foreign antigens to the immune system. a recombinant bcg containing a synthetic gene coding for the malarial epitopes namely, the fragment 2 of region ii of eba-175 (f2r(ii)eba) and the repeat sequence of the circumsporozoite protein nanp generated in favour of mycobacterium codon usage using assembly pcr was constructed. two t-cell epitopes of the 6-kda m. tuberculosis early-s ...022589585
association of quantitative interferon-γ responses with the progression of naturally acquired mycobacterium bovis infection in wild european badgers (meles meles).bovine tuberculosis is one of the biggest challenges facing cattle farming in great britain. european badgers (meles meles) are a reservoir host for the causal agent, mycobacterium bovis. there have been significant recent advances in diagnostic testing for tuberculosis in humans, cattle and badgers, with the development of species-specific assays for interferon-γ (ifn-γ), an important cytokine in tuberculous infections. using data collected from longitudinal studies of naturally infected wild b ...025109384
mycobacterium bovis infection in a wild sow (sus scrofa): first case in korea.mycobacterium (m.) bovis causes tuberculosis and has a broad host range, including humans, livestock, and wild animals. m. bovis infection of wild boar has been reported in several european countries. we report here the first case of m. bovis infection in a domesticated wild sow in korea. granulomatous and necrotizing lesions with small numbers of acid-fast bacilli were observed in nodules of the lung of wild sow. furthermore, the m. bovis isolate from the wild sow had spoligotype sb0140 and a n ...026726026
mycobacterium tuberculosis var. bovis. 194917648414
[effect of glucose on growth of mycobacterium tuberculosis]. 195114880005
[studies on the viability of tubercle bacilli]. 195114921825
growth requirements of dysgonic and eugonic strains of mycobacterium tuberculosis var. bovis.the nutritional requirements of dysgonic and eugonic bovine tubercle bacilli were investigated in liquid tween-albumin medium. the following conclusions were reached:- dysgonic bovine tubercle bacilli require for multiplication long chain fatty acids which can be supplied as oleic, palmitic, or stearic acid whereas eugonic bovine strains can grow in the absence of fatty acid and can utilize glucose as a sufficient source of carbon. in the presence of fatty acids, the growth of dysgonic strains i ...195214955575
[intermediate metabolism of mycobacteria. i. the cytochromes of human (h37ra), bovine (bcg), and avian (a17) strains of mycobacterium tuberculosis and mycobacterium phlei]. 195212978698
[study on the isolation of bovine type tubercle bacilli; on kirchneragar and potassium tellurate media]. 195212991423
[slide cultures in examination of milk for mycobacterium tuberculosis]. 195213002065
[a mycolonic acid (new type of mycolic acid) isolated from a bovine strain of mycobacterium tuberculosis]. 195213009911
thermal destruction of mycobacterium tuberculosis var. bovis in certain liquid dairy products. 195313016829
the selection of a bovine strain of mycobacterium tuberculosis for studies in experimental tuberculosis. 195313065688
[sensitivity of the spermophile (citellus fulvus concolor to mycobacterium tuberculosis var. bovis-b.c.g..]. 195313095422
[lipase activity of koch's bacillus]. 195313115149
[significance of bovine mycobacterium tuberculosis in human tuberculosis]. 195313116170
[the bacteriologist cannot determine the role of the bovine bacillus in human tuberculosis]. 195313144058
[bang's bacillus and m. tuberculosis bovis in commercial milk]. 195313145917
observations on the longevity of human and bovine tubercle bacilli in calabash milk. 195313146280
[a new method of middlebrook-dubos cytochemical reaction for the study of mycobacterial virulence]. 195413168131
[heat resistance of tubercle bacilli; examination of 3 newly isolated strains of mycobacterium tuberculosis bovis]. 195413181805
[determination of the type of bacillus in tuberculous infections; participation of the bovine bacillus in tuberculous infections of children and adults]. 195413197131
[cervical tuberculous lymphadenopathy and the bovine koch bacillus]. 195413197133
[utilization of histological technic for the study of different types of colonies of mycobacterium tuberculosis]. 195413230254
[tuberculous tenovaginitis of the hand caused by accidental inoculation with bovine tuberculosis bacillus]. 195414350915
[distinctive characteristics of mycobacterium tuberculosis bovis]. 195514390847
[objective evaluation of antituberculotic agents in mice, infected with the ravenel strain of mycobacterium tuberculosis var. bovis]. 195513286857
attenuation of highly isoniazid-resistant tubercle bacilli. 195513300158
[efficiency of phase contrast microscopy in the detection of bovine tubercle bacilli]. 195513371834
[investigations on the bcg bacillus]. 195513326601
[observations on the concept virulence in relation to bcg and hamster]. 195613338551
differential characteristics in vitro and in vivo of several substrains of bcg. i. multiplication and survival in vitro. 195613372952
differential characteristics in vitro and in vivo of several substrains of bcg. ii. morphologic characteristics in vitro and in vivo. 195613372953
differential characteristics in vitro and in vivo of several substrains of bcg. iii. multiplication and survival in vivo. 195613372954
serologic investigations of mycobacterial antigens. iii. direct detection of homologous antibodies by bcg extract antigens in serums of rabbits injected with bcg and challenged with mycobacterium bovis. 195613372960
[effect of tuberculosis antigen on the blood system in animals. iv. reflex nature of leukocytosis and of bone marrow reaction to administration of bcg culture]. 195613373908
[studies on uptake of radiocarbon by acid-fast bacilli]. 195613375947
the destruction of tubercle bacilli in milk by high temperature short time pasteurization. 195613378364
[not available]. 195613390181
[hemo-sensitive activity of aqueous extracts of bcg sensitive or resistant to isoniazid; antigenic power of these strains]. 195613444808
the relationship between the catalase activity, hydrogen peroxide sensitivity, and isoniazid resistance of mycobacteria. 195613313958
the effect of isonicotinic acid hydrazide on the oxidative metabolism of mycobacterium tuberculosis var. bovis b.c.g. 195613319646
[the fate of bcg after oral vaccination in newborn guinea pigs]. 195613320635
[studies on rapid determination of viability of bcg bacilli in vaccines. i]. 195713448470
the intracellular structures of mycobacteria. 195713462624
[comparative analysis of the cord factor produced by three substrains of bcg: pasteur 888, danish 859 & moreau]. 195713484131
[some biological properties of isoniazid-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis varietas bovis. i. pathogenic power in rabbits]. 195713489087
[detection of small numbers of virulent tubercle bacilli mixed with bcg. i. the fate of a small number of virulent bacilli mixed with bcg in animal passage]. 195713406914
tice strain of bcg. 195713411433
the intracellular structures of a mycobacterium. 195713416209
[incidence of mycobacterium tuberculosis bovis in human tuberculosis in the province of ferrara]. 195713425866
[detection of small numbers of virulent tubercle bacilli mixed with bcg. iii. interference of large numbers of bcg against small numbers of virulent bacilli in vitro]. 195713429717
[behavior of bcg strains of various origin in phagocytic reaction in vitro]. 195713510032
behaviour of bcg strains of various origin in phagocytic reaction in vitro. 195713495389
[mycobacterium tuberculosis cultivation and type determination in rabbits by intracutaneous injection]. 195713496267
[incidence of bovine tuberculosis infection in humans in upper bavaria and swabia and the biology of both types of mammalian tubercle bacteria]. 195813503626
[comparative study of the b.c.g. test practiced in man with b.c.g. sensitive or resistant to isoniazid]. 195813980132
atypical forms of tubercle bacilli (strain b.c.g.). 195813526739
[investigations on morphology, biology and immunobiology of mycobacterium tuberculosis muris and graub's mycobacterium tuberculosis bovis]. 195813549088
[characteristics of sub-strains of bcg]. 195813570432
[biological differences in various strains of b.c.g. used in different parts of the world]. 195813578433
excitation of specific immune response in leprosy patients. 195813586952
the biologic activity of crude extracts of bcg. 195813595240
[abdominal form primary tuberculosis caused by mycobacterium bovis in children]. 195813595955
importance of zinc for the growth of surface-culture of mycobacterium tuberculosis var. bovis and large-scale production of tuberculin purified protein derivative. 195813600341
[attempted differentiation of bcg strains of various origins and lyophilization of vaccines prepared from these strains with the aid of radioactive carbon]. 195813626101
[tensio-active petragnani medium developing an unusual selective dysgonia in bcg strains]. 195813655761
the bcg strain: newer knowledge of its biology and identification. 195813489634
effect of ultrasonics on young and old bcg cultures, evaluated by degree of dispersion, germinating ability and lag time. 195913660836
the effect of treatment with a large dose of isoniazid on an established tuberculous infection in mice.mice were infected intracorneally with mycobacterium tuberculosis var. bovis and the infection allowed to develop for a period of 2 weeks. at this stage the animals were divided into two main groups; one received no treatment, the other was treated with large doses of isoniazid (3.0 mg./mouse/day). the effect of treatment on the primary lesion, the viability of the bacilli, the systemic spread of infection, and the production of immunity were observed. treatment was continued for 11 months, afte ...195913662578
[efforts to increase bcg virulence in the sense of an active tuberculosis through passage in virus vitiated guinea pigs]. 195913669665
[the usefulness of the niacin test for the differentiation of the two mammalian types of mycobacterium tuberculosis]. 195913673992
[type differentiation of tuberculosis bacteria with the aid of the nicotinamidase test]. 195913676136
some biologic properties of myobacteria following the extraction of lipids; the power to initiate acquired resistance. 195913627436
[the chemical structure of the phosphatide of bcg]. 195913629914
[studies on the resistant bcg strain to isonicotinic acid hydrazid (inh). iii. immunogenicity of resistant bcg strain to inh]. 195913631843
the effect of surface moisture on colonial morphology of bcg. 195913647665
effects of dihydrostreptomycin on amino acid incorporation into the proteins of m. tuberculosis (bcg). 195913651970
[effect of an isotope (i 131) on the virulence of b. c. g. and on the allergy produced by this bacillus]. 195913812348
[on biological characteristics of bcg bacteria resistant to phthivaside]. 195913817945
[a differential character of the sub-strains of bcg]. 195913830317
magnesium and sulfate ions as determinants in the growth and reproduction of mycobacterium bovis. 195913833412
[dependence of the oxygen optimal concentration of both strains of mammalian mycobacterium tuberculosis on the nutritive substrate]. 195913853610
[effect of stimulation of the reticuloendothelial system by inoculation of the calmette-guerin bacillus on the development of the atypical guerin t-s epithelioma in the rat]. 195914399148
nicotinamidase in mycobacteria: a method for distinguishing bovine type tubercle bacilli from other mycobacteria. 195914410869
resistance of b.c.g. to antibiotics after exposure to ultrasonics. 195914419519
[apropos of humid and falling films in bcg cultures in sauton's medium]. 195914423733
[comparative studies on various bcg strains]. 195914425928
effect of dietary proteins and amino acids on the susceptibility of mice to bacterial infections.young mice were maintained for periods of 1 to 6 weeks on experimental diets containing all known growth factors, but differing in their protein and amino acid contents. all diets were supplemented with l-cystine. the effect of the nutritional regimen on infection was tested by inoculating the animals with either one of four pathogens (mycobacterium tuberculosis var. bovis, mycobacterium fortuitum, staphylococcus aureus, klebsiella pneumoniae type c), and by observing the survival time. the infe ...195914442313
[comparative studies on 3 bcg strains]. 196014438190
thermal death time curve of mycobacterium tuberculosis var bovis in artificially infected milk. 196014405283
differentiation of bovine tubercle bacilli from other mycobacteria by the determination of nicotinamidase activity. 196014410868
[on the cultivation of bovine tubercle bacteria on blood agar]. 196013854720
[effect of the concentration of glycerine in the nutritive medium on the number of live bacteria in dried bcg vaccine]. 196013763181
[increase of the virulence of bcg by passages in rabbits and guinea pigs. new experiments]. 196013763465
chemical and biological properties of a lipopolysaccharide of bcg responsible for hemagglutination reaction. 196013768229
[study of 23 strains of mycobacterium tuberculosis var. bovis, isolated from human lesions: thermosensitivity, production of niacin. further evolution]. 196013781118
[on the various types of phospholipids present in calmette-guerin bacillus]. 196013781365
methods for the grouping and typing of mycobacteria. 2. differentiation of mycobacterium tuberculosis into typus humanus and typus bovinus. 196013790969
culture of tuberculous bacilli on filterpaper impregnated with the nutritive principles necessary for *** development 196013795067
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 10943