
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
etiology of oroya fever : i. cultivation of bartonella bacilliformis.a pure culture of a microorganism resembling in morphology and pathogenic action bartonella bacilliformis has been obtained from blood taken during life from a case of oroya fever which ended fatally. the blood taken at lima into citrate solution and transported to new york at refrigerator temperature yielded positive cultures 28 days after its withdrawal from the patient. the strain of bartonella bacilliformis thus isolated grows well on the semisolid leptospira medium, and also on slant agar c ...192619869166
etiology of oroya fever : ii. viability of bartonella bacilliformis in cultures and in the preserved blood and an excised nodule of macacus rhesus.1. animals immunized with the formalinized filtrates of young toxic cultures of b. botulinus produce an antitoxic serum poor in precipitins. 2. animals immunized with the formalinized filtrates of old and partly autolyzed toxic cultures produce an antitoxic serum containing precipitins. 3. animals immunized with toxin-free autolyzed bacteria produce a serum free from antitoxin but rich in specific precipitins. 4. animals immunized with the filtrates of an atoxic variant produce a serum free from ...192619869204
etiology of oroya fever : iii. the behavior of bartonella bacilliformis in macacus rhesus.the experiments reported here were carried on in the main with passage strains of bartonella bacilliformis, and the results indicate that the virulence of the organism has been considerably enhanced by passage through susceptible animals. while the animals of the earlier experimental series showed no anemia, some of the present group manifested a definite reduction in the number of red cells and in hemoglobin, and in one instance (m. rhesus 25) anemia was of the extreme type so often associated ...192619869217
etiology of oroya fever : iv. the effect of inoculation of anthropoid apes with bartonella bacilliformis.the inoculation of a chimpanzee with cultures and a passage strain of bartonella bacilliformis induced local reactions which, while definite and characteristic, progressed less rapidly and were much less striking than those in the control rhesus monkey. bartonella bacilliformis was demonstrated in the blood corpuscles with difficulty, and the fever was slight compared with the high and persistent fever of the rhesus monkey. in both the swelling of the lymph glands was an early symptom and consta ...192619869218
etiology of oroya fever : v. the experimental transmission of bartonella bacilliformis by ticks (dermacentor andersoni).experiments are reported in which bartonella bacilliformis was transmitted from infected to normal rhesus monkeys by the bite of the tick, dermacentor andersoni. a long period of feeding, both on the infected animal and on the normal animal subjected to infection, was required in order to secure positive results. the infection transmitted by the ticks was mild, but definite, as shown by the recovery of bartonella bacilliformis from the lymph nodes and blood.192619869219
the etiology of verruga peruana.a saline suspension of a subcutaneous nodule excised from a verruga patient, and kept in the refrigerator for 14 days, on inoculation into two young macacus rhesus monkeys (nos. 33 and 34) induced irregular febrile reactions and enlargement of the lymph glands, and in one instance a subcutaneous nodule arose, independently of direct inoculation, on the tail. a microorganism has been isolated from the blood of both animals, and from the experimental nodule, which in pathogenic properties and in c ...192719869238
etiology of oroya fever : vi. pathological changes observed in animals experimentally infected with bartonella bacilliformis. the distribution of the parasites in the tissues.the pathological changes observed in the organs in macacus rhesus monkeys which have succumbed to severe infection with bartonella bacilliformis are similar to those found in human organs in persons dying of oroya fever. the characteristic changes in the liver are the zonal necrosis of the cells around the hepatic veins, involving active macrophagocytosis of invading polymorphonuclear leucocytes in the necrotic areas, and a marked endothelial hyperplasia in the sinusoids or around the portal vei ...192719869264
etiology of oroya fever : vii. the response of the skin of macacus rhesus and anthropoid apes to inoculation with bartonella bacilliformis.bartonella bacilliformis failed to induce lesions when merely rubbed on the surface of the intact skin of a chimpanzee, an ourang-utan, and numerous macacus rhesus monkeys, although when applied to the scarified skin of the same animals it gave rise to extensive lesions. application of infectious material to the scarified skin did not always induce verruga lesions, but intradermal inoculation almost invariably gave rise to nodule formation. the localization of bartonella bacilliformis in the ski ...192719869265
etiology of oroya fever : viii. experiments on cross-immunity between oroya fever and verruga peruana.nine monkeys (macacus rhesus) and a chimpanzee which had recently recovered from an infection with the oroya strain of bartonella bacilliformis were tested for immunity against the verruga strain of bartonella bacilliformis as well as against the homologous strain. complete immunity to both strains was demonstrated. the result establishes the identity of the strains and is in agreement with the result of comparative serological study. the criteria of recovery include not only the subsidence of f ...192719869288
etiology of oroya fever : ix. bacterium peruvianum, n. sp., a secondary invader of the lesions of verruga peruana.a minute, pleomorphic, motile, gram-negative bacterium has been isolated from two specimens of nodular tissue from human verruga. in films and sections of the original tissues the organism in question is difficult to distinguish from bartonella bacilliformis, with which it was associated, and even in pure culture it has a number of properties in common with that parasite. no sugars are fermented by it, it is an obligate aerobe, the optimum temperature for its growth is 25 degrees c., and it has ...192819869395
etiology of oroya fever : x. comparative studies of different strains of bartonella bacilliformis, with special reference to the relationship between the clinical types of carrion's disease and the virulence of the infecting organism.through the cooperation of dr. sebastian lorente, director of the national department of public health of peru, nine strains of bartonella bacilliformis have been isolated, by means of the semisolid leptospira medium, from nine of twelve specimens of blood withdrawn from cases of verruga and forwarded from peru under conditions of refrigeration. the cultural titer of the blood specimens immediately after their arrival (2 weeks after withdrawal) varied from 1:10 to 1:100,000. blood from the sever ...192819869408
etiology of oroya fever : xi. comparison of bartonella bacilliformis and bartonella muris. cultivation of bacterium murium, n. sp.bartonella muris appeared in the blood of all white rats, wild rats, chinese hamster, and mice, from which the spleen was removed, but did not appear in that of splenectomized monkeys, rabbits, or guinea pigs. it has not been possible to transmit b. muris to normal rats, monkeys, rabbits, or guinea pigs, by intraperitoneal, intradermal, or intravenous injection of blood containing b. muris from splenectomized rats. in two instances an acute orchitis was induced in normal rats by injection direct ...192819869409
etiology of oroya fever : xii. influence of malarial infection (plasmodium inui?), splenectomy, or both, upon experimental carrion's disease in monkeys.the experiments reported were designed to determine the influence of malarial infection (plasmodium inui?), splenectomy, or both combined, upon the course and character of experimental infection with bartonella bacilliformis in monkeys (macacus rhesus and m. cynomolgus). blood withdrawn from a monkey showing spontaneous malarial infection was inoculated intravenously into monkeys (a) 1 month prior to inoculation with virulent verruga material, (b) simultaneously with the verruga material, and (c ...192819869445
the transfer of rat anemia to normal animals.fifty-eight white and hooded rats have been splenectomized and all of them have shown a more or less severe anemia and an infection of the red blood cells with bartonella muris. another strain of white rats obtained from littlestown showed no anemia and no bartonellas in the blood after splenectomy, until exposed to infected rats. others of these littlestown rats, kept in the laboratory for some time before operation and exposed to infected rats, came down with bartonella anemia within 6 days af ...192819869499
etiology of oroya fever : xiii. chemotherapy in experimental bartonella bacilliformis infection.the therapeutic effect of several antiparasitic chemicals on experimental verruga peruana is described. the drugs were administered by intravenous injection according as the nodules (1) were already developed to an approximate maximum, or (2) were still in the active period of growth. the effect of the drugs was different under the two circumstances of their administration. when they were given after the maturity of the nodules they hastened the regressive process, but when given during active g ...192819869508
etiology of oroya fever : xiv. the insect vectors of carrion's disease.with a view to determining the mode of infection in carrion's disease, a study of the blood-sucking insects found in the districts of peru where the disease prevails has been carried out, through the cooperation of the rockefeller institute and the rockefeller foundation. the material studied included ticks, mites, midges, lice, fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes, buffalo gnats, horse-flies, "sheep ticks," 3 species of streblidae, and 3 species of phlebotomus, including phlebotomus verrucarum townsend a ...192919869598
etiology of oroya fever : xv. effect of immune serum on the course of bartonella bacilliformis infection in macacus rhesus.experiments are reported on the effect upon the course of experimental verruga peruana in macacus rhesus of the injection of (1) small quantities of rabbit immune serum simultaneously with living cultures, (2) one large dose of convalescent monkey serum 24 hours prior to inoculation, (3) a similar preliminary dose followed by three subsequent injections of the serum, (4) three large doses of convalescent serum, following the inoculation. the convalescent serum was found (1) to prevent the multip ...192919869628
etiology of oroya fever : xvi. verruga in the dog and the the experiments here reported, definite verruga lesions, in which the presence of bartonella bacilliformis was established by culture or by passage to rhesus monkeys, were produced in a dog and in a donkey by inoculation of cultures or monkey passage strains. the reaction induced in these animals was entirely local, however; blood cultures were sterile. histologically, the lesions produced were similar to those obtained in monkeys by inoculation of bartonella bacilliformis, except for the pre ...192919869639
the effect of the x-ray on the nodules of verruga peruana.the supposition that x-ray would affect the developing and the developed verruga nodules experimentally induced in the monkey, has proved correct. the experiments show that the early verruga nodules when exposed to a single, properly graduated dose of x-ray producing merely erythema of the skin, are inhibited in their evolution. moreover, the skin of macacus rhesus monkeys is modified by a single erythema dose of x-ray in such a way that infection of it with bartonella bacilliformis is rendered ...193019869674
studies on bartonella muris anemia of albino rats : i. trypanosoma lewisi infection in normal albino rats associated with bartonella muris anemia ii. latent infection in adult normal rats.1. the virus of bartonella muris anemia of splenectomized rats may be transmitted to normal young unoperated rats and rabbits. this confirms the observations of ford and eliot. 2. trypanosoma lewisi infections in normal adult rats are accompanied by an anemia most marked at the height of the infection and the appearance of bartonella muris bodies in the red blood cells. 3. in young rats trypanosoma lewisi may produce death from the severity of the anemia, complicating the disease. the anemic vir ...193019869745
studies on bartonella muris anemia of albino rats : iii. the protective effect of autoplastic splenic transplants on the bartonella muris anemia of splenectomized rats.autoplastic splenic transplants were made in adult albino rats 4 weeks and 7 weeks prior to splenectomy and the protective effects against infection with the bartonella muris anemia observed. 1. one-fourth of the spleen left in situ will protect adult albino rats against the bartonella muris anemia. 2. autotransplantation of splenic tissue in adult rats is successful in over 90 per cent of instances. 3. autoplastic splenic transplants performed 7 weeks prior to splenectomy afford protection agai ...193019869746
further studies on t. lewisi infection in albino rats : i. the effect of splenectomy on t. lewisi infection in albino rats and the protective action of splenic autotransplants ii. the effect of thymectomy and bilateral gonadectomy on t. lewisi infection in albino rats.t. lewisi infection in normal adult 3 month old albino rats raised from a single stock and maintained under identical conditions was studied. daily quantitative estimates of the trypanosomes in the circulating blood were made and the course of the infection was studied. bilateral suprarenalectomy in rats lowers the resistance to a subsequent infection with t. lewisi. about 70 per cent of these rats die in an average period of 5.8 days after injection. the multiplication of the parasites, in the ...193019869791
production of pernicious anaemia (bartonella anaemia) in rats by deficient feeding. 193020775541
discussion on the pathology and treatment of hæmopathies, including leukæmias, of man and animals: the hæmopathies of laboratory animals.the difference between hæmopathies (which originate in the blood-forming tissues) and blood-diseases (which develop in the blood-stream) is explained and illustrated by examples and specimens.primary anæmia caused by the hyperplasia of the erythroblastic tissues in the marrow occurs in fowls as erythromyelosis. this condition can be experimentally transmitted, though inoculation in fowls may reproduce the anæmic disease, or give rise to a persistent polyerythrocythæmia. on farms erythromyelosis ...193120912613
compensatory hypertrophy of the spleen.following the removal of half of the spleen in young adult rats there is a compensatory enlargement of the remaining portion of about 50 per cent while in mature rabbits no such compensatory hypertrophy follows a similar procedure. it is uncertain whether this difference is due to a difference in the function of the spleen in the two species or to the fact that the rats were infected with bartonella muris while the rabbits were not.193119869845
studies on bartonella muris anemia : iv. pathological changes during the acute anemia.the pathological changes that follow a severe infection with bartonella muris in the adult or young albino rat are: first, those that result from the release of large quantities of cellular debris in the circulating blood. there is phagocytic activity and hyperplasia of the endothelial elements of the liver, thymus, lymph nodes and, in the young rat, of these elements in the spleen, with resultant capillary thromboses and focal necroses. second, changes result from the anemia as such-fatty metam ...193119869889
studies on bartonella muris anemia : v. compensatory phenomena following splenectomy in the adult albino bartonella muris carrier stock certain changes are observed in the lymphoblastic and reticular and endothelial elements after splenectomy and recovery from the anemia. these changes appear 3 to 5 months after splenectomy and are associated with immunity to further infection with bartonella muris. the changes consist primarily of hyperplasia of hemolymph tissue, hyperplasia of reticular and endothelial elements of lymph nodes, the formation of lymphoblastic foci periportally in the liver and p ...193119869890
discussion on the pathology and treatment of haemopathies, including leukaemias, of man and animals: the haemopathies of laboratory animals.the difference between haemopathies (which originate in the blood-forming tissues) and blood-diseases (which develop in the blood-stream) is explained and illustrated by examples and specimens.primary anaemia caused by the hyperplasia of the erythroblastic tissues in the marrow occurs in fowls as erythromyelosis. this condition can be experimentally transmitted, though inoculation in fowls may reproduce the anaemic disease, or give rise to a persistent polyerythrocythaemia. on farms erythromyelo ...193119988216
the effect of bilateral suprarenalectomy in adult albino rats on the natural and acquired resistance to bartonella muris anemia.normal adult wistar rats (non-carrier stock) are readily infected with bartonella muris and develop a severe anemia if large amounts of infecting material are used. the normal adult rat of wistar stock possesses a relatively high natural resistance to spontaneous infection with this organism. bilateral suprarenalectomy in wistar rats lowers the natural resistance to a subsequent infection with bartonella muris. this procedure does not alter the type of tissue response to the virus but lowers the ...193219869970
the etiology of bartonella muris anemia of the albino rat : the isolation of bartonella muris.1. bartonella muris has been isolated in pure culture on noguchi's leptospira medium from the blood of the splenectomized adult rat suffering with bartonella muris anemia. 2. bartonella muris is a small, actively motile, gram-negative bacillus. it grows best on media containing blood and on noguchi's leptospira medium. the optimal temperature for growth is 20-25 degrees c. it produces neither gas nor acid on media containing sugars. it does not hemolyze blood in artificial media. viability of th ...193219870100
studies on bartonella muris anemia : vi. a lipoid extract of the spleen that prevents bartonella muris anemia in splenectomized albino aqueous lipoid extract of ox spleen was prepared which protects adult male albino rats of carrier stock in a large percentage of instances against bartonella muris anemia following splenectomy. it is suggested that the extract contains a specific hormonal substance.193219870101
studies on bartonella muris anemia : vii. the protective action of copper and iron against bartonella muris anemia.the effect on bartonella muris anemia of adding copper or iron or both to an adequate diet was studied. the addition to the diet of copper (0.1 mg. per rat per day), or iron (1 mg. per day), or both during a period of 2 days prior to splenectomy and 1 month subsequent thereto failed to protect adult albino rats against bartonella muris anemia. the addition of copper to an adequate diet for a period of 10 days prior to splenectomy and 1 month subsequent thereto protected 75 per cent of the rats a ...193219870102
studies on bartonella muris anemia : viii. changes in the chemical constituents of the blood during the anemia.1. the blood chemistry of normal adult rats and of splenectomized adult rats suffering with bartonella muris anemia has been studied. 2. non-protein nitrogen rises with the increase in severity of the anemia. total serum proteins, serum albumin and serum globulin decrease slightly. uric acid remains unchanged. 3. serum chloride concentration remains unchanged, but the concentration of chlorides in the blood increases. 4. an acidosis as estimated by the carbon dioxide-combining capacity of the bl ...193319870123
the metabolism of copper and iron in splenectomized rats free from bartonella muris infection.removal of the spleen in albino rats free from bartonella muris infection is followed by an increased elimination of copper in the feces, which commences 2 weeks after splenectomy. this is associated with a persistent negative copper balance. an increased retention of iron occurs during a period of 4 to 6 weeks after splenectomy with a return of the iron metabolism to normal after this period. no disturbance in creatine or creatinine metabolism occurs. the uric acid amount is unchanged. there is ...193419870310
the bartonella and related parasites in man and animals (oroya fever and verruga peruviana): (section of tropical diseases and parasitology).through the investigations of noguchi on the one hand, and mayer and kikuth on the other, the unity of the aetiology of oroya fever and verruga peruviana has been demonstrated experimentally. the bartonella bacilliformis, the causal organism of oroya fever, belongs to a group of micro-organisms, the parasitic nature of which has been definitely proved during the last few years. tests with a view to transmitting the disease to monkeys, and the aetiology, clinical data, pathology, therapy and immu ...193419989875
i. bartonella incidence in splenectomized bile fistula dogs.splenectomized bile fistula dogs in this laboratory have regularly exhibited spontaneous periods of anemia, which are associated with excessive bile pigment production. in three out of four dogs, such periods have been shown to be associated with the presence in the blood of bodies morphologically indistinguishable from descriptions of bartonella canis. simple splenectomized dogs have not shown such periods of anemia arising spontaneously. inoculations of blood containing bartonella bodies into ...193519870340
ii. hemoglobin and bile pigment overproduction in the splenectomized bile fistula dog.blood destruction associated with bartonella or with a drug (hydrazine) in bile fistula dogs yields a large pigment excess. these dogs form large amounts of new hemoglobin and bile pigment on a diet which permits of but little new hemoglobin production in standard anemic dogs. when hemoglobin formation and hemoglobin destruction are occurring rapidly and simultaneously, estimations of the percentage of circulating hemoglobin alone, though showing the eventual total increase or decrease of this s ...193519870341
the association of bartonella bodies with induced anemia in the dog.on feeding to splenectomized dogs a diet producing black tongue, severe anemia developed associated with the presence of small bodies in or on the erythrocytes. the bodies were morphologically similar to bartonella muris and bartonella canis. the addition of lean beef to the diet, a material prophylactic against its effects, was followed by improvement of the blood levels, the presence of increased numbers of reticulocytes in the circulating blood, and the disappearance of the bodies. when the b ...193519870342
bartonella bodies in the blood of a non-splenectomized dog.a non-splenectomized dog, on a vitamin-adequate basal diet, in the course of a plasmapheresis experiment, developed an uncontrollable anemia associated with the presence of bodies in or on the erythrocytes, indistinguishable from the descriptions of bartonella canis. the normal plasma protein level of 7.3 per cent was reduced to 4.1 per cent by diet and the removal of 5354 ml. of whole blood in 33 bleedings. the bartonella infection was transferred to a splenectomized dog by an intravenous injec ...193519870420
relation of the hypophysis to the spleen : i. effect of hypophysectomy on growth and regeneration of spleen tissue ii. the presence of a spleen-stimulating factor in extracts of anterior hypophysis.1. removal of the hypophysis in adult rats is followed by progressive atrophy of the spleen. at the end of 2 months the ratio of spleen weight to body weight is one-half the normal. the administration of hypophyseal emulsion repairs to a considerable degree the atrophy of the spleen in such animals. 2. hypophysectomy completely inhibits the regeneration of splenic tissue after partial splenectomy. administration of anterior hypophyseal emulsion restores the regenerative capacity of splenic tissu ...193619870492
bile and blood plasma cholesterol as influenced by blood destruction in normal and bile fistula dogs.destruction of large amounts of red cells in normal and bile fistula dogs by means of acetyl phenylhydrazine causes no significant alterations of the blood plasma but there is some decrease in the bile cholesterol. during bartonella canis infection the splenectomized bile fistula dog periodically breaks down large quantities of red cells with slight decrease in the plasma cholesterol and marked decrease in the bile cholesterol. in the periods of blood regeneration following such acute anemias th ...193819870758
the reticulo-endothelial system and hormone refractoriness.1. young splenectomized female rats, free of latent infection, show greater increases in ovarian weight in response to injections of pregnant mare's serum than do young normal rats with spleens intact. 2. the regression in ovarian weight which occurs after about a month in such injected splenectomized animals may be prevented by repeated injections of an agent like trypan blue which causes blockage of the compensating reticulo-endothelial elements. 3. the plasmas obtained from these splenectomiz ...193919870913
"interference" in mixed infections of bartonella and eperythrozoon in mice. 194119970549
demonstration of agglutinins for bartonella bacilliformis.1. methods of preparing a satisfactory antigen having been developed, a technique for performing an agglutination test with b. bacilliformis is made available. 2. as a result of repeated intravenous injection of living cultures of b. bacilliformis at short intervals, rabbits have been found to produce a high titre of specific agglutinins which, under the conditions obtaining in the present series of experiments, begins to decline after about one month following the last inoculation. 3. sera from ...194219871168
[not available]. 194521005374
[not available]. 194521007228
penicillin therapy in human bartonellosis (carrion's disease). 194521007299
[not available]. 194521017169
[not available]. 194521026552
human bartonella infection and african sleeping sickness (field and laboratory experiences). 194620274014
[not available]. 194620998387
bartonella infection in a dog. 194620998664
a note on two blood parasites of cattle (spirochaeta theileri and bartonella bovis) recorded for the first time in australia. 194620290808
human bartonella infection and african sleeping sickness. 194619312505
[not available]. 194718919319
[not available]. 194718921688
reticulo-endothelial immune serum (reis); an experimental anemia in bartonella infected rats produced by anti-blood immune serum. 194720292837
the treatment of carrion's disease with large transfusions. 194720284814
bartonella bacilliformis anemia (oroya fever); a study of 30 cases. 194818875365
[not available]. 194818878133
anemia in rats infested with bartonella muris and injected with pteroylglutamic acid. 194818907621
the renal lesion of murine haemobartonellosis compared with lower nephrone nephrosis. 194818916903
[not available]. 194818102713
[not available]. 194818105234
effect of roentgen rays upon bartonella-infected and normal rats. 194918108572
cutaneous manifestations of some tropical diseases. 194918113615
[not available]. 194918116737
a study of 22 cases of carrion's disease with intercurrent malaria. 194915392068
clinical manifestations of carrión's disease. 194915393033
experimental anemias in the rat; i. macrocytic anemia in chronic pteroylglutamic acid deficiency and after splenectomy in bartonella muris infection. 195015414205
a non-pathogenic bartonella-like organism developing in embryonate eggs after injection with haemobartonella muris. 195015428634
[hepatitis during the course of bartonellosis (carrion's disease) study of 2 cases with hepatobiliary function tests with special reference to the colloidal gold and cephalin-cholesterol reactions]. 195015440605
chemoprophylactic effectiveness of aureomycin and terramycin in murine bartonellosis. 195014781155
complement fixation and weil-felix reaction in rabbits inoculated with bartonella bacilliformis. 195014794897
the influence of penicillin and streptomycin on experimental bartonellosis of rats. 195014821754
chemotherapeutic effectiveness of alloxan in murine bartonellosis. 195114844245
the effect of x-irradiation on rats with and without bartonella muris. 195114850746
absence of bartonella infection in rats with intestinal culs-de sac and macrocytic anaemia. 195114874170
[adrenalectomy causing activation of latent blood infections (hematozoa and bartonella) in the white rat]. 195114905724
[human bartonellosis or carrion's disease]. 195112996857
[blood parasites of the white mouse. ii. bartonella muris musculi schilling]. 195213006899
[applications of electron microscopy in dermatology]. 195213021710
[homage to dr. alberto l. barton]. 195213027827
[verruga peruana or carrion disease in children]. 195213031919
treatment of bartonellosis with antibiotics. 195213139205
observations on a bartonella organism in cattle. 195214922264
[premunitive vaccination against bovine anaplasmosis]. 195214944295
[typical knee pain in girls]. 195214951632
[new investigations on bartonella bacilliformis. i. morphology of cultured variety]. 195214951682
[an endoglobular parasite in the dendrohyrax]. 195214953083
[new investigations on bartonella muris mayer. ii..]. 195214959268
[new investigations on bartonella bacilliformis. ii. effects of sulfonamides & antibiotics in vitro]. 195214959269
[demonstration and frequency of bartonellae in the blood of the rodents of the upper ubangi pertaining to the following species; mylomys cuninnghamei alberti, epimus rattus frugivorus, rattus mastomys coucha, louphuromys silkapusi, dasymys incomitus fuscus and teaterillus emini]. 195313150077
carrión's disease. i. studies on plants claimed to be reservoirs of bartonella bacilliformis. 195313065631
carrión's disease. ii. presence of bartonella bacilliformis in the peripheral blood of patients with the benign form. 195313065632
carrión's disease. iii. experimental infection of squirrels. 195313065633
[further research on bartonella bacilliformis. iii. experiments with rhesus monkeys and body lice on transmissibility of the disease]. 195313079109
[nosographic and clinical aspects of carrion's disease in children]. 195313100976
[verruga peruana or carrion's disease]. 195313101031
[new studies on bartonelle bacilliformis. 4. electron-optical study of blood smears containing bartonella bacilliformis]. 195313137391
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 2611