
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
cultural and antigenic studies on salmonella gallinarum and salmonella pullorum. 192716559234
the relation between electrical charge and the agglutinating ability of salmonella pullorum. 192816559292
the reduction of nitrates to nitrites by salmonella pullorum and salmonella gallinarum. 193016559426
the effect of temperature upon the production of hydrogen sulphide by salmonella pullorum. 193116559468
fowl infection like pullorum disease. 194117647770
a comparative study of the nutritional requirements of salmonella typhosa, salmonella pullorum and salmonella gallinarum. 194316560616
variant or atypical salmonella pullorum: a serological study. 194317647972
electron microscope studies of the bacteriophage of salmonella pullorum. 194416560773
studies in pullorum disease: vi. comparison of whole blood and tube tests with regular and variant antigen and a combinàtion of the two antigens. 194517648146
studies in pullorum disease: v. efficiency of homologous and heterologous antigens in detecting reacting birds in a variant-infected flock. 194517648140
studies in pullorum disease: iv. the effect of bacteriophage on regular and variant strains of s. pullorum. 194517648104
studies in pullorum disease; transmission of infection to healthy birds by contact. 194521008177
pullorum disease of turkeys. 194521028715
studies in pullorum disease: vii. transmission of infection to healthy birds by contact. 194517648166
studies in pullorum disease: xi. the effect of sulfamerazine on artificially and and naturally infected chicks. 194617648213
studies on pullorum disease. 194617648193
studies in pullorum disease: viii. the possible relationship of non-specific reactions to the sensitizing influence of ingested proteins. 194617648178
studies in pullorum disease: xiv.-infection in the male and experiments on transmission to the female. 194617648226
note on salmonella in poultry products. 194621024769
form variation in salmonella pullorum and its relation to x strains. 194620289307
sulfamerazine in the treatment of pullorum disease. 194620988123
an outbreak of gastroenteritis presumably caused by salmonella pullorum. 194620996928
studies on pullorum disease using various rapid antigens. 194620998646
studies in pullorum disease; bacteriological examination of tissues from fowls exposed to infection with salmonella pullorum. 194621000921
studies in pullorum disease; the effect of sulfamerazine on artificially and naturally infected chicks. 194621000922
a survey of avian salmonellosis in great britain. 194620990781
pullorum disease; historical sketch. 194621009454
sulfamerazine as a prophylactic in pullorum disease in poults. 194621014215
studies in pullorum disease; the possible relationship of non-specific reactions to the sensitizing influence of ingested proteins. 194621020413
pullorum disease; diagnosis and immunization. 194620275970
studies in pullorum disease; infection in the male and experiments on transmission to the female. 194620283503
non-specific pullorum agglutination reactions; preliminary observations on fowl exhibiting non-specific reactions over an extended period. 194620283504
studies in pullorum disease: ix. serological reactions of regular and variant types of salmonella pullorum. 194617648209
studies in pullorum disease: x. bacteriological examination of tissues from fowls exposed to infection with salmonella pullorum. 194617648212
studies in pullorum disease: xvii the use of salmonella typhi o901 in test antigens. 194717648266
salmonella pullorum recovered from a wild pheasant in minnesota. 194720264431
sodium sulfamerazine in drinking water for salmonella pullorum infection in chickens. 194720264434
studies in pullorum disease; examination of colonies from regular and variant form subcultures of salmonella pullorum. 194720269332
studies in pullorum disease: xix. examination of colonies from regular and variant form subcultures of salmonella pullorum. 194717648285
streptomycin in the treatment of pullorum in baby chicks. 194720279633
studies in pullorum disease; trial modifications of tube and stained whole blood antigens. 194720283507
the isolation of s. typhimurium from fowls which gave a positive agglutination test with s. pullorum antigen. 194720292282
studies in pullorum disease; antigenic differences in strains of salmonella pullorum. 194720295890
cultivation of the virus of infectious bronchitis of chickens in embryonated chicken eggs. 194720295891
selection of suitable antigenic strains of s. pullorum by single colony isolation. 194720290825
studies in pullorum disease; the use of salmonella typhi 0901 in test antigens. 194720253143
studies in pullorum disease; proteus antisera with special reference to the differentiation of regular and variant forms of salmonella pullorum. 194720273462
non-specific pullorum agglutination reactions; post mortem studies on fowl exhibiting non-specific reactions over an extended period. 194720295900
studies in pullorum disease; disinfection of incubators with propylene and triethylene glycol. 194720295898
report of a relatively severe and protracted diarrhea presumedly due to salmonella pullorum from the ingestion of incompletely cooked eggs. 194720340619
the control of pullorum disease. 194718859870
sodium sulfamerazine in the treatment of pullorum disease. 194720253160
studies in pullorum disease; comparison of centrifuged and incubated tests. 194720253144
studies in pullorum disease: xviii. comparison of centrifuged and incubated tests. 194717648267
field studies of sulfamerazine in the control of pullorum and some other diseases of domestic birds. 194720295942
studies in pullorum disease: xvi. disinfection of incubators with propylene and triethylene glycol. 194717648242
studies in pullorum disease: xv. trial modifications of tube and stained whole blood antigens. 194717648233
arthritis in turkeys associated with salmonella pullorum. 194818895337
further notes on variation in salmonella pullorum. 194818873074
studies in pullorum disease; attempts to produce form variation in salmonella pullorum and to differentiate the forms by growth on serum agar. 194818863305
studies in pullorum disease: xxi. response to oral infection with salmonella pullorum in comparable groups of turkeys and chickens. 194817648323
studies in pullorum disease: xx. attempts to produce form variation in salmonella pullorum and to differentiate the forms by growth on serum agar. 194817648314
studies in pullorum: xxi. response to oral infection with salmonella pullorum in comparable groups of turkeys and chickens. 194817648327
studies in pullorum disease: xxii. technical of the in direct complete-fixation test for activity with salmonella pullorum antigens. 194817648333
non-pullorum agglutination reactions; reactions with pullorum antigen from fowl inoculated with coliform types. 194818863310
[not available]. 194818108839
[not available]. 194818108840
studies in pullorum disease: xxi response to oral infection with salmonella pullorum in comparable groups of turkeys and chickens. 194817648317
studies in pullorum disease; response to oral infection with salmonella pullorum in comparable groups of turkeys and chickens. 194818863315
studies in pullorum disease; technique of the indirect complement-fixation test for activity with salmonella pullorum antigens. 194818863318
the suitability of salmonella pullorum strains used in the agglutination test for pullorum disease control. 194818863386
relationship between titres of antipullorum chicken and turkey sera obtained by the indirect complement-fixation and agglutination method. 194818907305
studies in pullorum disease; response to oral infection with salmonella pullorum in comparable groups of turkeys and chickens. 194818912223
studies in pullorum disease; response to oral infection with salmonella pullorum in comparable groups of turkeys and chickens. 194818913894
response to oral infection with salmonella pullorum in comparable groups of turkeys and chickens. 194818933280
cross agglutination between salmonella pullorum and paracolon types isolated from fowl. 194818933290
effect of sodium sulfamerazine on salmonella pullorum. 194918128445
[not available]. 194918152594
studies in pullorum disease: xxiv. a comparison of titers obtained by indirect complement fixation and agglutination methods for chicken sera. 194917648413
studies in pullorum disease; infection of adult turkeys by mouth and by contact with infected hens. 194918119123
studies in pullorum disease: xxiii. infection of adult turkeys by mouth and by contact with infected hens. 194917648396
studies on pullorum disease. 195017648468
salmonellosis; a case of human gastro-enteritis attributed to salmonella pullorum. 195015432864
the utilization of some organic compounds by one strain each of salmonella anatum, salmonella oranienburg, and salmonella pullorum. 195015436405
studies in pullorum disease; observations on the use of streptomycin in salmonella pullorum infection in chicks by the oral and intraperitoneal routes. 195015411609
some antigenic characteristics of salmonella pullorum. 195015410981
[salmonella pullorum infection in a cat]. 195015420152
studies in pullorum disease: artificial infection of turkeys with regular, variant and mixed form cultures of salmonella pullorum. 195114831031
significant observations in pullorum disease eradication. 195114798770
experimental human salmonellosis. iv. pathogenicity of strains of salmonella pullorum obtained from spray-dried whole egg. 195114888950
the role of the cockerel in the dissemination of pullorum disease. 195114821866
typing of salmonella gallinarum and salmonella pullorum by means of bacteriophage. 195214933053
studies in pullorum disease: xxix. bacteriological examination of blowflies (lucilia sp.) and houseflies (musca domestica) which during their larval stage had fed on chicks infected with salmonella pullorum. 195217648554
a comparison of six enrichment media for isolating salmonella pullorum from egg-products. 195313105290
growth curves of salmonella pullorum in different media. 195313022632
acute ulcerative colitis successfully treated with chloramphenicol; report of case due to salmonella pullorum. 195313096327
antigenic studies using ammonium sulfate. i. the relative sedimentation effect of ammonium sulfate on the various antigenic types of salmonella pullorum. 195313065662
antigenic studies using ammonium sulfate. ii. the macroscopic ammonium sulfate sedimentation test for distinguishing the antigenic forms of salmonella pullorum. 195313065663
isolation of salmonella pullorum from a chinchilla. 195313084489
synthesis of glutamic acid and alanine by salmonella pullorum. 195313084550
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 455