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embryogenesis and tadpole description of hyperolius castaneus ahl, 1931 and h. jackie dehling, 2012 (anura, hyperoliidae) from montane bog pools.tadpoles of hyperolius castaneus and hyperolius jackie were found in the nyungwe national park in rwanda and adjacent areas. tadpoles of both species were identified by dna-barcoding. at the shore of a bog pool three clutches of hyperolius castaneus of apparently different age, all laid on moss pads (polytrichum commune, isotachis aubertii) or grass tussocks (andropogon shirensis) 2-5 cm above the water level, were found. one clutch of hyperolius castaneus was infested by larval dipterid flies. ...201526798309
phylogeography of the reed frog hyperolius castaneus (anura: hyperoliidae) from the albertine rift of central africa: implications for taxonomy, biogeography and conservation.we examine the systematics of multiple populations of the albertine rift endemic amphibian hyperolius castaneus, which currently incorporates four subspecies. standard morphometric data were analyzed with principal components analyses and analyses of covariance. phylogenetic analyses of two mitochondrial (16s, cyt b) and one nuclear (rag1) genes were analyzed from 41 samples representing three subspecies. results indicated some significant morphometric differences between the nominate subspecies ...201325277586
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