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the roles of morphological traits, resource variation and resource partitioning associated with the dietary niche expansion in the fish-eating bat myotis pilosus.niche expansion and shifts are involved in the response and adaptation to environmental changes. however, it is unclear how niche breadth evolves and changes toward higher-quality resources. myotis pilosus is both an insectivore and a piscivore. we examined the dietary composition and seasonality in m. pilosus and the closely related myotis fimbriatus using next-generation dna sequencing. we tested whether resource variation or resource partitioning help explain the dietary expansion from insect ...201931063664
pathogenic leptospira species in insectivorous bats, china, 2015.pcr amplification of the rrs2 gene indicated that 50% (62/124) of insectivorous bats from eastern china were infected with leptospira borgpetersenii, l. kirschneri, and several potentially new leptospira species. multilocus sequence typing defined 3 novel sequence types in l. kirschneri, suggesting that bats are major carriers of leptospira.201829774833
novel coronaviruses, astroviruses, adenoviruses and circoviruses in insectivorous bats from northern china.bats are considered as the reservoirs of several emerging infectious disease, and novel viruses are continually found in bats all around the world. studies conducted in southern china found that bats carried a variety of viruses. however, few studies have been conducted on bats in northern china, which harbours a diversity of endemic insectivorous bats. it is important to understand the prevalence and diversity of viruses circulating in bats in northern china. in this study, a total of 145 insec ...201728371451
novel bartonella species in insectivorous bats, northern china.bartonella species are emerging human pathogens. bats are known to carry diverse bartonella species, some of which are capable of infecting humans. however, as the second largest mammalian group by a number of species, the role of bats as the reservoirs of bartonella species is not fully explored, in term of their species diversity and worldwide distribution. china, especially northern china, harbors a number of endemic insectivorous bat species; however, to our knowledge, there are not yet stud ...201728081122
[dietary differences and niche partitioning in three sympatric myotis species].the morphology and diet characteristics of three myotis species roosting in the same cave were studied in anlong county, guizhou from september to november 2005. the three mouse-eared bats were the chinese water myotis (myotis laniger) "body mass: (4.46±0.53) g, forearm: (34.63±1.45 mm)", fringed long-footed myotis (myotis fimbriatus) "body mass: (5.15±1.76) g, forearm: (35.20±1.07) mm" and szechwan myotis (myotis altarium) "body mass: (10.94±0.87) g, forearm: (45.21±1.15) mm". there were signif ...201222467393
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