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characterization of a cluster of oncogenic mutations in e6 of hpv83 variant isolated from high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion.we previously isolated human papillomavirus 83 (hpv83m) from a cervical smear. sequence analysis of e6 and e7 proteins highlighted 5 mutations located in the second putative zinc finger region of e6 (e6m), an important domain for protein-protein or protein-dna interactions. here, we show that e6m of hpv83m can trigger human primary cell proliferation and anchorage-independent growth properties, similar to e6 of hpv16, a high-risk hpv (hr-hpv). interestingly, we demonstrate that in contrast to e6 ...201121752964
nucleotide sequence and characterization of human papillomavirus type 83, a novel genital papillomavirus.studies of human papillomaviruses (hpv) are hampered by the lack of a conventional culture system, because hpv completes its life cycle only in fully differentiated human tissue. to overcome this obstacle, the athymic mouse xenograft system has been used to study the pathogenesis of a limited number of hpv types. we recently reported the propagation of a novel hpv type in the mouse xenograft system and the cloning of its genome. consensus primer pcr had previously identified this virus as mm7, l ...199910405368
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