
PMID(sorted descending)
susceptibility of twolined spittlebug (hemiptera: cercopidae) life stages to entomophagous arthropods in turfgrass.prosapia bicincta (say) (hemiptera: cercopidae), the twolined spittlebug, is an economic pest of turfgrass in the southeastern united states. no data concerning natural enemies of p. bicincta in turfgrass have been reported previously. we compared predation of spittlebug eggs, nymphs, and adults in the laboratory by potential generalist predators commonly found in turfgrass: bigeyed bugs geocoris uliginosus say and geocoris punctipes say; red imported fire ant, solenopsis invicta buren; wolf spi ...200617066803
functional response of the tiger beetle megacephala carolina carolina (coleoptera: carabidae) on twolined spittlebug (hemiptera: cercopidae) and fall armyworm (lepidoptera: noctuidae).the functional response of the tiger beetle megacephala carolina carolina l. (coleoptera: carabidae) was determined on adult twolined spittlebug, prosapia bicincta (say) (hemiptera: cercopidae), and fourth instars of fall armyworm, spodoptera frugiperda (j.e. smith) (lepidoptera: noctuidae), in single-prey and two-prey systems. in the laboratory, m. carolina carolina demonstrated a type ii functional response for p. bicincta and s. frugiperda in both single- and two-prey systems. search efficien ...200617066786
evaluation of turfgrass species and cultivars for potential resistance to twolined spittlebug (hemiptera: cercopidae).potential resistance to the twolined spittlebug, prosapia bicincta (say), was evaluated among 56 turfgrass genotypes. greenhouse, laboratory, and field bioassays identified differences in spittlebug survival and development, host preference and damage levels, and turfgrass tolerance to and ability to recover from pest induced injury. all centipede grasses demonstrated high levels of susceptibility, followed by bermudagrasses, seashore paspalums, and zoysiagrasses. average nymphal survival to the ...200212020030
management strategy, shade, and landscape composition effects on urban landscape plant quality and arthropod abundance.intensity and type of management, the cultural variable shade, and the combination of woody and herbaceous annual and perennial plants were evaluated for their effect on key landscape arthropod pests. azalea lace bugs, stephanitis pyrioides (scott), and twolined spittlebugs, prosapia bicincta (say), were most effectively suppressed in landscape designed with resistant plant species of woody ornamentals and turf. landscapes containing susceptible plant counterparts were heavily infested by these ...200011057719
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