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modified habitats influence kelp epibiota via direct and indirect effects.addition of man-made structures alters abiotic and biotic characteristics of natural habitats, which can influence abundances of biota directly and/or indirectly, by altering the ecology of competitors or predators. marine epibiota in modified habitats were used to test hypotheses to distinguish between direct and indirect processes. in sydney harbour, kelps on pier-pilings supported greater covers of bryozoans, particularly of the non-indigenous species membranipora membranacea, than found on n ...201121755011
global mitochondrial dna phylogeography and biogeographic history of the antitropically and longitudinally disjunct marine bryozoan membranipora membranacea l. (cheilostomata): another cryptic marine sibling species complex?the origin of disjunct distributions in high dispersal marine taxa remains an important evolutionary question as it relates to the formation of new species in an environment where barriers to gene flow are not always obvious. to reconstruct the relationships and phylogeographic history of the antitropically and longitudinally disjunct bryozoan membranipora membranacea populations were surveyed with mtdna cytochrome oxidase 1 (coi) sequences across its cosmopolitan range. maximum parsimony, maxim ...200818799135
electron diffraction studies of the calcareous skeletons of bryozoans.electron microscopy and electron diffraction were used to investigate mineral crystallites dissociated from the skeletal walls of six species belonging to the bryozoa, a phylum of predominantly marine colony-forming invertebrate animals. four cheilostome bryozoans (flustra foliacea, membranipora membranacea, thalamoporella novaehollandiae and cellarinella foveolata) and two cyclostomes (fasciculipora ramosa and hornera robusta) were analysed. in each case, an attempt was made to relate the cryst ...200211897358
gamete spawning and fertilization in the gymnolaemate bryozoan membranipora membranacea.the simultaneously hermaphroditic zooids of membranipora membranacea colonies spawn primary oocytes and spermatozeugmata (aggregates of 32 or 64 spermatozoa) into ambient seawater. eggs are released through the intertentacular organ (ito) whereas spermatozeugmata are spawned through the tips of the two distomedial tentacles. fertilized eggs undergo planktotrophic development to form long-lived cyphonautes larvae. examination of ovarian, coelomic, and spawned oocytes for sperm nuclei, using eithe ...19947811787
colonial nervous control of lophophore retraction in cheilostome bryozoa.nervous impulses causing lophophore retraction over large areas of membranipora membranacea and electra pilosa were recorded with external electrodes. the response propagates at about 100 centimeters per second, presumably through the colonial nerve plexus of hiller and lutaud. impulses are rapid up to 200 per second. a second impulse was recorded from individual zooids, probably generated by the polypide's nervous system. the retractor muscle shortens at more than 20 times its own length per se ...19751135628
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