
PMID(sorted descending)
effect of meal size and body size on specific dynamic action and gastric processing in decapod crustaceans.meal size and animal size are important factors affecting the characteristics of the specific dynamic action (sda) response across a variety of taxa. the effects of these two variables on the sda of decapod crustaceans are based on just a couple of articles, and are not wholly consistent with the responses reported for other aquatic ectotherms. therefore, the effects of meal size and animal size on the characteristics of sda response were investigated in a variety of decapod crustaceans from dif ...201323916818
members of the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (chh) peptide family are differentially distributed both between and within the neuroendocrine organs of cancer crabs: implications for differential release and pleiotropic function.the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (chh) family of peptides includes chh, moult-inhibiting hormone (mih) and mandibular organ-inhibiting hormone (moih). in the crab cancer pagurus, isoforms of these peptides, as well as chh precursor-related peptide (cprp), have been identified in the x-organ-sinus gland (xo-sg) system. using peptides isolated from the c. pagurus sg, antibodies to each family member and cprp were generated. these sera were then used to map the distributions and co-localization ...200616888072
maximum force production: why are crabs so strong?durophagous crabs successfully hunt hard-shelled prey by subjecting them to extremely strong biting forces using their claws. here i show that, for a given body mass, six species of cancer crabs (cancer antennarius, cancer branneri, cancer gracilis, cancer magister, cancer oregonensis and cancer productus) were able to exert mean maximum biting forces greater than the forces exerted in any other activity by most other animals. these strong biting forces were in part a result of the high stresses ...200010983834
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