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development of hepatic pathology in gbv-b-infected red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus).gb virus b (gbv-b) is a new world monkey-associated flavivirus used to model acute hepatitis c virus (hcv) infection. critical for evaluation of antiviral or vaccine approaches is an understanding of the effect of hcv on the liver at different stages of infection. in the absence of longitudinal human tissue samples at defined time points, we have characterized changes in tamarins. as early as 2 weeks post-infection histological changes were noticeable, and these were established in all animals b ...202032181899
red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus): hematologic reference values and hemopathologic responses.hematologic reference values have been established for captive adult red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus) by carrying out full blood counts and fibrinogen estimations on 25 clinically normal animals. the only significant sex difference detected was in the reticulocyte count which was higher in females than in males. the reference values were used to identify abnormal changes in the blood of nine clinical cases. hypochromic anemia, neutrophilia, and raised fibrinogen levels were found in anim ...198331991968
visual monitoring of threatening objects by captive tamarins (saguinus labiatus).captive social groups of red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus) were observed in the presence of threatening, inanimate objects. the tamarins monitored the stimuli over the course of the 20-minute trials by conducting brief, periodic visual checks of the objects. the average number of checks per subject per trial was stable both across trials and between groups, and individual differences in rates varied relatively little around the group means. these data generate the hypothesis that there is ...198631979500
vigilance, vocalizations, and cryptic behavior at retirement in captive groups of red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus).frequent references are made to presumed antipredator adaptations exhibited by callitrichids, but there are very few systematic investigations of these behaviors. one set of untested presumptions stems from observations that callitrichids become especially vigilant and cryptic prior to retirement each evening. this hypothesis was tested in the current study by quantifying the rates of vocalizations and extragroup behavior at various times of the day. using two groups of captive red-bellied tamar ...198731973493
polyspecific association of two tamarin species, saguinus labiatus and saguinus fuscicollis, in bolivia.a 5 month field study was conducted in the pando department of northern bolivia, on two tamarin species: the red-bellied tamarin, saguinus l. labiatus, and the saddle-back tamarin, s. fuscicollis weddelli. data were collected both by observation and radio-location on the group sizes, ranging behavior, daily activity patterns, and intergroup interactions. the two tamarin species formed stable mixed associations and each mixed species troop shared a common home range which they jointly defended ag ...199031952428
evidence for a "monitoring call" in red-bellied addition to a variety of calls whose functions are to increase or decrease space among individuals, many species of primates use one or more vocalizations that are emitted in no one particular context and elicit no one particular response. although investigators have given this type of vocalization a number of different names (e.g., contact call, cohesion call), what these calls seem to have in common is that 1) they allow individuals to monitor the general whereabouts of groupmates and 2) th ...199031952418
high susceptibility, viral dynamics and persistence of south american zika virus in new world monkey species.south american zika virus (zikv) recently emerged as a novel human pathogen, linked with neurological disorders. however, comparative zikv infectivity studies in new world primates are lacking. two members of the callitrichidae family, common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) and red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus), were highly susceptible to sub-cutaneous challenge with the puerto rico-origin zikvprvabc59 strain. both exhibited rapid, high, acute viraemia with early neuroinvasion (3 days) in ...201931601848
merkel cell polyomavirus infection of animal dermal fibroblasts.merkel cell polyomavirus (mcpyv) is the first polyomavirus to be associated with human cancer. mechanistic studies attempting to fully elucidate mcpyv oncogenic mechanisms have been hampered by the lack of animal models for mcpyv infection. in this study, we examined the infectability of mcpyv-gfp pseudovirus, mcpyv recombinant virion, and several mcpyv chimeric viruses in dermal fibroblasts isolated from various model animals, including mouse (mus musculus), rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus), rat ...201729167345
two cases of liver lobe torsion in a white-lipped tamarin (saguinus labiatus) and an alaotran gentle lemur (hapalemur alaotrensis).this paper describes liver lobe torsion in a white-lipped tamarin (saguinus labiatus) and an alaotran gentle lemur (hapalemur alaotrensis). both animals had a history of acute collapse, and diagnosis was made post-mortem. to the authors' knowledge, these are the first reported cases of this pathology in non-human primates.201728971470
female tamarins (saguinus - callitrichidae) feed more successfully than males in unfamiliar foraging tasks.fourteen adult male/female pairs of tamarins, 5 red-chested (saguinus labiatus) 5 saddle-back (s. fuscicollis) and 4 cotton-top (s. oedipus) were each given a series of foraging tasks in which the monkeys reached in to unfamiliar boxes to take food. behaviour was recorded that related directly to the tasks. in addition, observations were made before each task presentation and compared with equivalent behaviour during the tasks. s. fuscicollis differed significantly from the other species in the ...199524897244
the regulation of maternal behaviour in marmosets and tamarins.this article reviews a long-term investigation into the roles of (1) experience obtained with infants during development and postnatally, and (2) levels of reproductive-steroid hormones during late pregnancy, in the regulation of maternal caregiving motivation and behaviour in the red-bellied tamarin (saguinus labiatus) and the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) (family callitrichidae, order primates). both observational studies, e.g. post hoc analysis of the relationship between developmental ...199324896945
changes in immune cell populations in the periphery and liver of gbv-b-infected and convalescent tamarins (saguinus labiatus).flaviviruses related to hepatitis c virus (hcv) in suitable animal models may provide further insight into the role that cellular immunity contributes to spontaneous clearance of hcv. we characterised changes in lymphocyte populations in tamarins with an acute gbv-b infection, a hepatitis virus of the flaviviridae. major immune cell populations were monitored in peripheral and intra-hepatic lymphocytes at high viraemia or following a period when peripheral virus was no longer detected. limited c ...201424246306
hepatic multiple myelolipoma with severe coelomic edema in a red-bellied tamarin (saguinus labiatus).this report describes hepatic multiple myelolipoma with severe coelomic edema in a 14-year-old, male red-bellied tamarin (saguinus labiatus). multiple small and large nodules were formed in all lobes of the liver. histopathologically, the nodules comprised mature and normal adipocytes and hematopoietic elements at various ratios that were composed of granulocytic, erythrocytic, and megakaryocytic series in various phases of maturation. all nodules were encapsulated and demarcated hepatocytes aro ...201222526461
characterisation of mhc class i and class ii drb polymorphism in red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus).the infection of red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus) with gb virus b (gbv-b) is an important surrogate model of hepatitis c virus infection in man. to fully exploit the value of this model, we have characterised mhc class i g and class ii drb alleles in eight tamarins representing a cross-section of a uk breeding colony. the results indicated a high degree of classes i and ii drb allele sharing. each animal transcribed three to four putative surface-expressed class i alleles and two to four ...201121681586
a case study employing operant conditioning to reduce stress of capture for red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus).traditional techniques used to capture new world monkeys, such as net capture, can induce high levels of acute stress detrimental to welfare. alternatively, training nonhuman animals via operant conditioning to voluntarily participate in husbandry and/or veterinary practices is accepted as a humane process that can reduce stress and improve welfare. this study details the use of operant conditioning using positive reinforcement training (prt) and target training to train a family of 5 captive re ...201121442508
evolution of trim5alpha b30.2 (spry) domain in new world primates.the tripartite motif 5 protein (trim5) has been extensively studied in view of its ability to restrict retroviruses in mammalian hosts. the b30.2 domain, encoded by exon 8 of trim5, contains the major restriction determinants. we have analyzed the genetic diversity of the trim5 b30.2 domain in a wide range of new world primates (nwp). the trim5 region encoding the b30.2 domain of 35 animals, representing all nwp families and 10 genera, was pcr-amplified, sequenced and analyzed at the amino acid ...201019931648
non-random association of opsin alleles in wild groups of red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus) and maintenance of the colour vision polymorphism.the remarkable x-linked colour vision polymorphism observed in many new world primates is thought to be maintained by balancing selection. behavioural tests support a hypothesis of heterozygote advantage, as heterozygous females (with trichromatic vision) exhibit foraging benefits over homozygous females and males (with dichromatic vision) when detecting ripe fruit on a background of leaves. whilst most studies to date have examined the functional relevance of polymorphic colour vision in the co ...200517148234
evolution of an intronic microsatellite polymorphism in toll-like receptor 2 among primates.nonhuman primates express varying responses to mycobacterium tuberculosis: new world monkeys appear to be resistant to tuberculosis (tb) while old world monkeys seem to be particularly susceptible. the aim of this study was to elucidate the presence of the regulatory guanine-thymine (gt) repeat polymorphisms in intron 2 of toll-like receptor 2 (tlr2) associated with the development of tb in humans and to determine any variations in these microsatellite polymorphisms in primates. we sequenced the ...200616912902
following the rules: why small groups of tamarins do not reconcile conflicts.reconciliation is the post-conflict friendly reunion between opponents. a series of conditions and rules in order for reconciliation to take place has been recently proposed. one critical condition is that the relationship between opponents must be disrupted. we tested this condition using post-conflict and matched-control observations on 4 small groups of tamarins (saguinus labiatus). our previous lack of evidence for reconciliation was confirmed. no post-conflict relationship damage was theref ...200515775679
forest use and activity patterns of callimico goeldii in comparison to two sympatric tamarins, saguinus fuscicollis and saguinus labiatus.callimico goeldii, saguinus fuscicollis, and s. labiatus are sympatric in northern bolivia and differ from each other in patterns of spatial and structural use of their environment. c. goeldii has a home range five times larger than that of mixed-species troops of s. fuscicollis and s. labiatus. the larger overlapping home range of c. goeldii allows it to move among saguinus troops, giving it access to a wide range of different microhabitats. all three species use the most common microhabitat in ...200415160367
a survey for helminth parasites in feral new world non-human primate populations and its comparison with parasitological data from man in the region.a survey for helminth parasites in feral new world non-human primates was conducted and compared with parasitological data from man in the region. a total of 835 fecal samples were collected from feral aotus nancymae, a. vociferans, saguinus labiatus, s. mystax, saimiri boliviensis peruviensis, s. sciureus macrodon, lagothrix lagotricha and cacajao calvus rubicundus. in addition, adult parasites were collected from necropsies performed on monkeys that died during quarantine and in captivity. hel ...200314641789
the effect of colour vision status on the detection and selection of fruits by tamarins (saguinus spp.).the evolution of trichromatic colour vision by the majority of anthropoid primates has been linked to the efficient detection and selection of food, particularly ripe fruits among leaves in dappled light. modelling of visual signals has shown that trichromats should be more efficient than dichromats at distinguishing both fruits from leaves and ripe from unripe fruits. this prediction is tested in a controlled captive setting using stimuli recreated from those actually encountered by wild tamari ...200312909697
specific gravity of whole blood in cynomolgus monkeys (macaca fascicularis), squirrel monkeys (saimiri sciureus), and tamarins (saguinus labiatus) and total blood volume in cynomolgus monkeys.blood collection is a common laboratory procedure in animal experiments. the purpose of this study is to establish baseline data for two essential hematologic parameters, total blood volume (tbv) and specific gravity of blood (sgb), of nonhuman primates. the sgb was determined by dropping samples of whole blood into cupric sulfate solution. the values for the mean sgb +/- 1 standard deviation are: cynomolgus monkeys, 1.0526 +/- 0.0019 [males (n = 39), 1.0531 +/- 0.0017; females (n = 48), 1.0522 ...200111353523
patterns of positional behavior in mixed-species troops of callimico goeldii, saguinus labiatus, and saguinus fuscicollis in northwestern brazil.we present the results of a 4-month field investigation of positional behavior, vertical ranging, and species differences in limb proportions and body mass in a mixed-species troop of saguinus fuscicollis, saguinus labiatus, and callimico goeldii in northwestern brazil. despite certain similarities in overall positional repertoire, patterns of positional behavior varied significantly between species. travel in callimico occurred principally in the lowest levels of the canopy, and was characteriz ...200111329165
opportunistic pneumocystis carinii infection in red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus).p. carinii infection in red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus), born and maintained in a laboratory breeding colony, was examined by histopathologic examination postmortem. p. carinii cysts were detected in 6 of 10 red-bellied tamarins examined, by using grocott's, toluidine blue o and immunostaining with avidin-biotin complex using antisera for rat-, simian-, and human-p. carinii. the results obtained from the present studies imply that p. carinii may be an important pathogen in this species.199910067208
toxoplasmosis in a colony of new world a colony of new world monkeys five tamarins (saguinus oedipus, saguinus labiatus and leontopithecus rosal. rosal.), three marmosets (callithrix jacchus and callithrix pygmaea) and one saki (pithecia pithecia) died suddenly. the colony comprised 16 marmosets, 10 tamarins and three sakis. the main pathological findings were necrotic lesions in the lung, the intestine, and the liver. histopathologically t. gondii parasites were observed in organs from the tamarins and the marmosets but not in th ...19979106950
differential excretion of urinary oestrogen by breeding females and daughters in the red-bellied tamarin (saguinus labiatus). 19958529970
brief communication: gut morphology of callithrix nigriceps and saguinus labiatus from western brazilian amazonia.quantitative data on the gut proportions of the recently-described black-headed marmoset (callithrix nigriceps) from western brazilian amazonian are presented. like other marmosets, c. nigriceps exhibits a relatively large caecum and colon associated with adaptations for gummivory. the degree of gut specialisation recorded is greater than that for any other platyrrhine for which quantitative data are available. gum was found in the stomach contents of all four individuals examined, although the ...19938476005
leptospirosis in a white-lipped tamarin (saguinus labiatus). 19938355489
spontaneous colitis cystica profunda in captive tamarins.of the 232 tamarins (133 saguinus mystax and 99 saguinus labiatus) that died at the center for reproduction and conservation of nonhuman primates in iquitos, peru from january 1987 to december 1990, 23 monkeys (9.9%) were diagnosed as having chronic colitis. typically, the cecal and colonic mucosa was greyish and small yellowish cysts, measuring 1-4 mm, were found randomly distributed bulging the mucosa. microscopically, colitis cystica profunda was diagnosed additionally in six more animals, gi ...19947869360
molecular and serologic analysis in the transmission of the gb hepatitis agents.two flavivirus-like genomes have recently been cloned from infectious tamarin (saguinus labiatus) serum, derived from the human viral hepatitis gb strain, which is known to induce hepatitis in tamarins. in order to study the natural history of gb infections, further transmission studies were carried out in tamarins. reverse-transcription-polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbant assays were developed for the detection of rna and antibodies associated with the two agents, gb virus ...19957623012
haematological, coagulation and blood chemistry data in red-bellied tamarins saguinus labiatus.haematology, coagulation and clinical chemistry data are reported for a group of male and female red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus). the tamarins were juvenile and young adults and were bred in captivity. high mean values for activities of alkaline phosphatase, alanine amino-transferase, aspartate aminotransferase and creatine kinase were noted. the findings are compared with data obtained from other members of the family callitrichidae.19826816989
polyspecific association between saguinus fuscicollis, saguinus labiatus, callimico goeldii and other primates in north-western bolivia.during a 5-month field study on the primates of northern bolivia, it was found that two callitrichid species, saguinus fuscicollis and saguinus labiatus, formed apparently stable mixed troops, sharing a common home range, and associating for approximately 50% of their day. the groups joined together each morning and sometimes stayed together for several hours, up until mid-afternoon. in some localities, a callimico goeldii group was also present, and they shared the same home range and associate ...19826813207
susceptibility of tamarins (saguinus) to measles virus.tamarins (saguinus mystax and saguinus labiatus) were experimentally infected with two strains of measles virus. one of the strains (jm) spread readily among the animals with a high fatality rate. the second strain (edmonston) appeared to be less pathogenic and less transmissible than strain jm. aerosol was considered the most probable mode of infection.19806775133
glomerulonephritis associated with arteritis in marmosets infected with hepatitis a of 8 marmosets (saguinus oedipus and saguinus labiatus) injected i.v. with different inocula of hepatitis a virus isolated from patients in the acute phase of disease developed proliferative glomerulonephritis associated with arteritis. the glomerulonephritis was characterized by immunofluorescent and electron-dense deposits and hypercellularity. although no antigenic component of the glomerular immune complex was detected, this glomerulonephritis and arteritis may be diagnosed morphologic ...19816452891
an outbreak of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in a small indoor breeding colony of red-bellied (saguinus labiatus) tamarins.a spontaneous outbreak of yersiniosis caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype iib occurred in a small indoor breeding colony of red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus) during the winter of 1981. of 35 monkeys at risk 6 died of an acute or subacute infection over a period of 23 days. clinical signs were anorexia, weakness, listlessness and depression. the disease was characterized by focal necrosis of the liver, spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes, ulcerative enteritis, and the presence of col ...19836431180
karyotype of saguinus labiatus labiatus (red-bellied marmosets).the karyotype of saguinus labiatus labiatus was determined by the giemsa-banding technique on leukocytes cultured from 10 marmosets. the diploid chromosome number (2n = 46) was the same and the chromosome complement similar to other marmosets of genus saguinus. small karyotypic differences were found between s. l. labiatus and white-lipped marmosets (saguinus fuscicollis) in the size of the x chromosome and in the banding pattern of one pair of metacentric chromosomes. a karyotypic variant was d ...19836411539
anemia, steatitis, and muscle necrosis in marmosets (saguinus labiatus). 19836300549
rapid regression of fetal adrenal zone and absence of adrenal reticular zone in the marmoset.developmental changes in plasma dehydropiandrosterone (dha) and in adrenal histology were studied in several marmoset species (callithrix jacchus and saguinus labiatus, nigricollis, and fuscicollis) to evaluate these primates as experimental models for the study of fetal adrenal zone regression. newborn marmosets had a prominent fetal adrenal zone, plasma dha levels above 1000 ng/dl, and plasma dha sulfate (dhas) levels of 140 micrograms/dl. the fetal zone regressed dramatically during the first ...19826216097
maternal behavior is related to prepartum urinary estradiol levels in red-bellied tamarin monkeys.this is the first study in a primate, the red-bellied tamarin (saguinus labiatus), to demonstrate a correlation between urinary estradiol during late pregnancy and postpartum infant-directed behavior. females were defined as good (n = 6) or poor (n = 6) mothers, and were selected so that both groups contained 3 females with and 3 without prepubertal experience with infants. females with prepubertal experience of infants were defined as good or poor mothers if 2 or less than 2 infants survived on ...19883150545
[canonical discriminant analysis for pregnancy-related changes in hematological and serum biochemical values in tamarins (saguinus spp].hematological and biochemical values obtained from 9 monkeys (saguinus labiatus and s. mistax) during pre- and postpartum periods were analyzed by canonical discriminant analysis (discriminant analysis with reduction of dimensionality). all animals used were of wild origin and had been maintained under uniform environmental conditions at n. i. h., japan. the items examined were as follows: white blood cell count (wbc), red blood cell count (rbc), hematocrit value (ht), hemoglobin concentration ( ...19883138142
tamarin model of pneumococcal bacteremia.tamarins (saguinus labiatus) were utilized to study host defenses against pneumococcal bacteremia. tamarins had a poor antibody response to immunization with varying doses of pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide (pcp) vaccine (2 of 15 positive) or to infection with serotype 7f streptococcus pneumoniae (2 of 14 positive). tamarins were protected against challenge with a lethal dose of serotype 7f s. pneumoniae if the bacteria were preopsonized with human immune globulin intravenous or if the tama ...19873114496
susceptibility of tamarin (saguinus labiatus) red blood cell membrane lipids to oxidative stress: implications for wasting marmoset syndrome.captive callitrichids frequently suffer a fatal wasting disease, wasting marmoset syndrome (wms), of unexplained cause. this paper describes studies on the erythrocytes from animals in a breeding colony of tamarins (saguinus labiatus), in which deaths from anaemia and wasting were occurring, to seek evidence for biochemical changes which could lead to oxidative damage and premature cell lysis. in only one animal of 33 studied did the red blood cell lipids show an increased susceptibility to oxid ...19863084865
effects of erythromycin and ciprofloxacin on chronic fecal excretion of campylobacter species in marmosets.ciprofloxacin was compared with erythromycin for the eradication of campylobacter species that were chronically excreted in the stools of marmosets (saguinus labiatus labiatus, saguinus fuscicollis nigrifrons, and saguinus fuscicollis illigeri). stool cultures were negative within 48 h of the beginning of treatment with either agent. within 10 days after the end of therapy, however, campylobacter species were again isolated from the stools of six animals that had received erythromycin. during an ...19862940963
propagation of hepatitis a virus in hybrid cell lines derived from marmoset liver and vero establish monkey liver cell lines with a high susceptibility to hepatitis a virus (hav), marmoset (saguinus labiatus) liver cells were fused with vero cells deficient in hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase and the resulting hybrid cells were selected in hat medium. of four hybrid cell lines obtained (s. 1a/ve-1 to -4), three (s. 1a/ve-1, -3 and -4) were equally susceptible to hav infection. when inoculated with a virus isolated from marmoset liver tissue (10% liver tissue extract) ...19892550576
studies of gb hepatitis agent in tamarins.three tamarins (saguinus labiatus), two of which had previously been infected with hepatitis a virus and parenteral non-a, non-b hepatitis, were inoculated intravenously with the agent of gb hepatitis. all three animals developed alanine aminotransferase abnormalities 2 weeks after inoculation. peak alanine aminotransferase levels were recorded 4 weeks postinoculation. these declined thereafter but continued to fluctuate at abnormal levels for 32 weeks. liver biopsies showed liver cell swelling ...19892536347
experimental brugia pahangi and b. malayi infections of callitrichid primates.the callitrichid primates, callithrix jacchus jacchus (the marmoset) and saguinus labiatus (the tamarin) were inoculated with infective larvae of brugia malayi and b. pahangi. microfilaraemia at low levels developed in 3 out of 4 c.j. jacchus infected with b. malayi and living or dead adult worms found in all 4. only one of 4 c.j. jacchus became microfilaraemic (mf + ve) when given b. pahangi and adults were found in two. of 4 s. labiatus given b. pahangi one became very lightly mf + ve and adul ...19892500478
protracted alanine aminotransferase levels in tamarins infected with hepatitis a virus.eighteen red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus), experimentally infected with hepatitis a virus (hav), were followed for up to 1.5 years after initial challenge. half of these animals developed protracted alanine aminotransferase (alt) abnormalities, which lasted for between 23 and 55 weeks post-challenge. igm anti-hav was detected intermittently during the early phase of their relapsing hepatitis and never after return of alt levels to normal. the possibility that these findings may be relate ...19902156008
further evaluation of a live hepatitis a vaccine in, attenuated f' hepatitis a vaccine virus was studied in vivo in saguinus labiatus marmosets for possible reversion to virulence, for possible establishment of persistent infection and for its capacity as a parenterally administered vaccine to induce immunity to oral infection. serial transmission of the virus in s. labiatus, using infectious stool extracts for the second and third passages, produced no evidence of reversion of the f' vaccine virus to virulence. monitoring for live hav in st ...19911658214
quantification and excretion profiles of pteridines in primate urine.biopterin, 6-hydroxymethyl-pterin, isoxanthopterin, neopterin and, pterin were quantified in stress-free collected spontaneous morning urine samples from callithrix jacchus, saguinus fuscicollis, saguinus labiatus, saimiri sciureus, presbytis entellus, cercopithecus albogularis, cercocebus torquatus, macaca fascicularis, hylobates concolor, pongo pygmaeus, and gorilla gorilla. in most species, biopterin was the most frequent urinary pteridine followed by neopterin. sex differences in biopterin a ...19921404333
teratogenicity studies on late blighted potatoes in nonhuman primates (macaca mulatta and saguinus labiatus).female rhesus monkeys and marmosets were fed a diet containing blighted potatoes (phytophthora infestans) at a level of 10g/kg per day for at least two weeks prior to breeding and six weeks following conception in order to gain additional information on the association of blighted potatoes and the development of anencephaly and spina bifida in primate species. there was an absence of either of these neural-tube defects in 32 rhesus and 14 marmoset infants whose mothers had received a blighted po ...1977402704
reproduction of wild-caught marmosets (saguinus labiatus labiatus) under laboratory conditions.the reproductive performance of marmosets (saguinus labiatus labiatus) was evaluated under laboratory conditions. nineteen of 22 (86%) male-female pairs produced 32 live births during the first 18 months in the laboratory. the reproductive performance and survival rates were comparable to those of other saguinus species maintained under similar conditions.1979117224
patterns of variability in mineralization of the primate femoral diaphysis.the purpose of this research was to study intra- and interspecific variability in mineral density in the femoral diaphysis of nonhuman primates. four hundred five sections were taken from five sites along the femoral diaphysis of 34 macaques (macaca sp.), 24 squirrel monkeys (saimirisciureus), and 23 tamarins (saguinus labiatus). the mineral density at eight positions around each section was measured. analysis of variance indicated significant (p less than 0.05) interactions among species, sex, ...1979114060
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