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environmental factors influencing the occurrence of unhealthy tapirs in the southern yucatan peninsula.information about the effects of environmental degradation on the health of terrestrial forest wildlife is limited, especially for rare species. in this study, we analyse the influence of ecological factors such as landscape characteristics and seasonality on the health status of baird's tapirs in calakmul, mexico. we collected georeferenced photographic records of healthy (nā€‰=ā€‰32) and unhealthy (nā€‰=ā€‰22) tapirs from 2008 to 2019 and characterized landscape composition around each record at three ...202033135140
effectiveness of panama as an intercontinental land bridge for large mammals.habitat fragmentation is a primary driver of wildlife loss, and establishment of biological corridors is a common strategy to mitigate this problem. a flagship example is the mesoamerican biological corridor (mbc), which aims to connect protected forest areas between mexico and panama to allow dispersal and gene flow of forest organisms. because forests across central america have continued to degrade, the functioning of the mbc has been questioned, but reliable estimates of species occurrence w ...202031385631
pansusceptible escherichia coli isolates obtained from faeces of free-ranging baird's tapirs (tapirus bairdii) suggests a low selective pressure for resistance determinants in the northwestern region of the talamanca mountain range, costa rica.the main objective of this study was to analyse the antimicrobial susceptibility profile of escherichia coli isolates obtained from faecal samples of free-ranging baird's tapirs (tapirus bairdii) in the northwestern region of the talamanca mountain range, costa rica.201930268809
tziminema unachi n. gen., n. sp. (nematoda: strongylidae: strongylinae) parasite of baird's tapir tapirus bairdii from mexico.a new genus and species of nematode, tziminema unachi n. gen., n. sp. is described from the caecum and colon of baird's tapir tapirus bairdii (gill, 1865), found dead in the reserva de la biósfera el triunfo, chiapas state, in the neotropical realm of mexico. tziminema n. gen. differs from the other nine genera included in the strongylinae by two main characteristics: having 7-9 posteriorly directed tooth-like structures at the anterior end of the buccal capsule, and the external surface of the ...201729151395
interspecific variation in the tetradactyl manus of modern tapirs (perissodactyla: tapirus) exposed using geometric morphometrics.the distal forelimb (autopodium) of quadrupedal mammals is a key morphological unit involved in locomotion, body support, and interaction with the substrate. the manus of the tapir (perissodactyla: tapirus) is unique within modern perissodactyls, as it retains the plesiomorphic tetradactyl (four-toed) condition also exhibited by basal equids and rhinoceroses. tapirs are known to exhibit anatomical mesaxonic symmetry in the manus, although interspecific differences and biomechanical mesaxony have ...201728707347
evaluation of oscillometric blood pressure monitoring during immobilization of free-ranging baird's tapirs (tapirus bairdii) in costa rica. 200128404342
terrestrial mammal occupancy in the context of widespread forest loss and a proposed interoceanic canal in nicaragua's decreasingly remote south caribbean region.central america is experiencing rapid forest loss and habitat degradation both inside and outside of protected areas. despite increasing deforestation, the caribbean region of nicaragua plays an important role in the survival or extinction of large mammal populations in central america given that it still retains core areas of habitat for large mammal species. the proposed interoceanic canal project that would bisect the southern half of this caribbean region represents a new threat that, combin ...201627007122
ecology and local knowledge of the baird's tapir (tapirella bairdii) in the sierra madre de oaxaca, well as being of global cultural importance (from local tribal folklore to being an iconic species for conservation), the tapir plays an important role in its ecosystem as a herbivore and seed disperser. however, the ecology and ethnozoology of the endangered baird's tapir in the north of oaxaca, mexico is poorly understood. we used camera traps to estimate its relative abundance and density and to describe the activity patterns of the northernmost population of baird's tapir in the sierra ma ...201626749520
[relative abundance, population structure, habitat preferences and activity patterns of tapirus bairdii (perissodactyla: tapiridae), in chimalapas forest, oaxaca, mexico].baird's tapir (tapirus bairdii) is endangered primarily because of habitat loss and fragmentation, and overhunting throughout its distribution range. one of the priority land areas for the conservation of this species is the northern part of its range in the chimalapas forest, oaxaca. the aim of this research was to determine the relative abundance, population struc- ture, habitat preferences and activity patterns of baird's tapir (tapirus bairdii) in the chimalapas forest, oaxaca, mexico, throu ...201425720176
resistance to antibiotics of clinical relevance in the fecal microbiota of mexican wildlife.there are a growing number of reports of antibiotic resistance (atbr) in bacteria living in wildlife. this is a cause for concern as atbr in wildlife represents a potential public health threat. however, little is known about the factors that might determine the presence, abundance and dispersion of atbr bacteria in wildlife. here, we used culture and molecular methods to assess atbr in bacteria in fecal samples from howler monkeys (alouatta palliata), spider monkeys (ateles geoffroyi), tapirs ( ...201425233089
the potential connectivity of waterhole networks and the effectiveness of a protected area under various drought scenarios.landscape connectivity is considered a priority for ecosystem conservation because it may mitigate the synergistic effects of climate change and habitat loss. climate change predictions suggest changes in precipitation regimes, which will affect the availability of water resources, with potential consequences for landscape connectivity. the greater calakmul region of the yucatan peninsula (mexico) has experienced a 16% decrease in precipitation over the last 50 years, which we hypothesise has af ...201424830392
[mammals of zoque forest, mexico: richness, use and conservation].zoque forest is one of the richest and threatened regions in southeastern mexico, and for which few studies on mammal biology and use are available. here we analyzed the conservation status of mammalian species according to mexican and international laws, with an updated checklist of mammals in this forest, and some information on their use by some rural communities. basic information was obtained from national and international collections and publications. a total of 42 fieldtrips, that follow ...201223894946
the occurrence of an abdominal fauna in an articulated tapir (tapirus polkensis) from the late miocene gray fossil site, northeastern tennessee.the analysis of samples recovered from the abdominal area of an articulated tapir (tapirus polkensis) from the late miocene (4.5-7 million bp) gray fossil site (gfs) revealed a rich palyno-fauna comprised of about 94% egg/oocyst-like structures and 6% pollen and other palynomorphs. in addition, a group of 6 hickory nuts (carya) was recovered from the same area suggesting that the samples represent the abdominal contents. the analysis of a sample from immediately outside the tapir produced a samp ...023586562
viability of small seeds found in feces of the central american tapir on barro colorado island, panama.tapirs are known as effective dispersers of large-seeded tree species, but their role in dispersing small-seeded plant species has yet to be established. tapir feces have been reported to contain large numbers of small seeds, but whether these are viable has rarely been evaluated. we determined the abundance and viability of small seeds in feces of central american tapir (tapirus bairdii) on barro colorado island, panama. a total of 72 fecal samples were collected opportunistically from 4 tapir ...201323586560
a preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of the mesoamerican biological corridor for protecting potential baird's tapir (tapirus bairdii) habitat in southern mexico.baird's tapir (tapirus bairdii) is one of the most emblematic mammals of mesoamerica, but like other large-bodied animals, it is facing an increasing risk of extinction due primarily to habitat loss. mexico's 'ortion of the mesoamerican biological corridor (mbc-m) is located in one of the main strongholds for bairds tapir. to assess the mbc-m's effectiveness for tapir conservation, we estimated the distribution of the species' potential habitat by applying 2 modelling approaches (random forest a ...201323586558
a review of the reproductive biology and breeding management of tapirs.tapirs (tapirus sp.) have been studied extensively in the wild, yet little is known about their fundamental reproductive biology, information that is critical to establishing self-sustaining populations in captivity as a hedge against extinction. this paper reviews information on the reproductive biology of the 4 species of tapirs: baird's (tapirus bairdii), lowland (t terrestris), mountain (t pinchaque) and malayan (t indicus). both sexes reach puberty between 14 and 48 months of age. behaviora ...201323586557
the coexistence of baird's tapir (tapirus bairdii) and indigenous hunters in northeastern honduras.the baird's tapir (tapirus bairdii) is a popular game species throughout central america, particularly among indigenous populations, and is currently endangered. research on miskitu hunting was conducted over 4 months in a remote region in northeastern honduras that overlaps with the río plátano biosphere reserve. the hunting zone was mapped together with hunters and interviews were conducted with elders and other community members about tapir hunting. results show that tapir harvesting is targe ...201223253374
rapid ongoing decline of baird's tapir in cusuco national park, honduras.during the international tapir symposium 16-21 oct 2011, the conservation of baird's tapir (tapirus bairdii) in honduras received a boost with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the minister director of the honduran institute of conservation and forestry (icf) and the tapir specialist group (tsg). despite this agreement, accelerating levels of hunting and habitat loss continue to pose a threat to baird's tapir in honduras. an ongoing study in cusuco national park in northwester ...201223253373
baird's tapir density in high elevation forests of the talamanca region of costa rica.baird's tapir (tapirus bairdii) is currently endangered throughout its neotropical range with an expected population decline >50% in the next 30 years. we present the first density estimation of baird's tapir for the talamanca mountains of costa rica, and one of the first for the country. ten stations with paired cameras were established in valle del silencio within parque internacional la amistad (pila). seventy-seven tapir pictures of 15 individuals comprising 25 capture-recapture events were ...201223253369
ejaculate traits and sperm cryopreservation in the endangered baird's tapir (tapirus bairdii).there is little information on the reproductive biology of the male baird's tapir (tapirus bairdii). in this study, we characterized the ejaculate traits and evaluated the efficacy of 2 cryodiluents on sperm cryosurvival. ejaculates were assessed for volume, ph, sperm motility, forward progression, osmolality, sperm concentration, sperm morphology, and acrosomal integrity. for cryopreservation, ejaculates with >50% total sperm motility were washed, and sperm pellets were resuspended in either bo ...201121051586
sarcoids in two captive tapirs (tapirus bairdii): clinical, pathological and molecular study.this case report describes for the first time sarcoids in tapirs (tapirus bairdii), namely, a 2-year-old male and a 3.6-year-old female born and housed at the same facility. the male presented with a 3-cm nodular, red, pedunculated, hairless, ulcerated mass on the inner surface of the left pinna. no recurrence or additional growths were present during the 3 years following surgical excision of the mass. the female presented with a similar 2-cm mass on the inner surface of the right pinna, which ...200818817531
[parasites of the central american tapir tapirus bairdii (perissodactyla: tapiridae) in chiapas, mexico].we analyzed 19 samples of baird's tapir feces from la sepultura biosphere reserve, collected between march and july 1999. we also took samples directly from a male tapir captured at the montes azules biosphere reserve. both reserves are in chiapas, mexico. we used five techniques: flotation, macmaster, micrometric, ritchie's sedimentation and ferreira's quantitative. in addition, we collected ectoparasites from animals captured in both reserves and from a captive couple from tuxtla gutierrez, ch ...200618494314
[diversity, natural history and conservation of mammals from san vito de coto brus, costa rica].although costa rica has been biologically well studied, few areas have complete mammal inventories, which are essential for ecological studies and conservation. the san vito region is considered among the most important for scientific research in the country because of the presence of the wilson botanical garden and las cruces. however, the knowledge of its mammalian fauna is incomplete. we extensively studied the mammals of san vito, compiled a checklist, and evaluated its composition, relative ...200618457190
multidirectional cross-species painting illuminates the history of karyotypic evolution in perissodactyla.the order perissodactyla, the group of odd-toed ungulates, includes three extant families: equidae, tapiridae, and rhinocerotidae. the extremely rapid karyotypic diversification in perissodactyls has so far prevented the establishment of genome-wide homology maps between these three families by traditional cytogenetic approaches. here we report the first genome-wide comparative chromosome maps of african rhinoceroses, four tapir species, four equine species, and humans. these maps were establish ...200818293107
embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in an immature baird's tapir (tapirus bairdii).an immature baird's tapir (tapirus bairdii) with a history of seizure-like episodes developed signs of respiratory disease. the initial clinical diagnosis was pneumonia, and antibiotic therapy was started. the animal failed to improve after 14 days of therapy and developed unilateral, bloody nasal discharge. endoscopic examination and radiography revealed a soft tissue mass in the nasopharynx depressing the soft palate. the tapir died 32 days after initial presentation. histologic examination of ...200717469286
health evaluation of a radiocollared population of free-ranging baird's tapirs (tapirus bairdii) in costa rica.the health of a population of free-ranging tapirs (tapirus bairdii) inhabiting corcovado national park, costa rica, was assessed as part of an ongoing ecologic study. nineteen tapirs were immobilized between march 1997 and february 2000, and samples of blood, skin biopsies, and ectoparasites were collected. ticks were identified as amblyomma oblongoguttatum or a. coelebs. hematology and serum biochemistry results suggest statistically significant differences between free-ranging and captive popu ...200517323556
iron storage disease in tapirs.recent studies of serum iron and iron binding capacity have indicated that tapirs could be at risk of developing hemochromatosis. however, in recent surveys of pathologic findings in tapirs, hemochromatosis was not reported as a cause of death. this study reviews necropsy reports from three species of tapir (baird's tapir [tapirus bairdii], malayan tapir [tapirus indicus], and brazilian tapir [tapirus terrestris]) at the philadelphia zoological garden between 1902 and 1994. twelve cases of hemos ...200617312812
butorphanol/xylazine/ketamine immobilization of free-ranging baird's tapirs in costa rica.cardiopulmonary effects and the utility of a butorphanol/xylazine/ketamine combination were evaluated during twenty immobilizations of sixteen baird's tapirs (tapirus bairdii) between march 1996 and january of 1998 in corcovado national park (costa rica). the animals were attracted to a bait site and darted from tree platforms. the tapirs were estimated to weigh between 200 to 300 kg. actual weights of three tapirs taken at later dates fell within the estimated range. a butorphanol, 48+/-1.84 (x ...200010813616
genetically engineered mengo virus vaccination of multiple captive wildlife species.encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv), has caused the deaths of many species of animals in zoological parks and research institutions. the audubon park zoo, (new orleans, louisiana, usa) attempted vaccination of several species with a killed emcv vaccine with mixed results. this paper reports an attempt at vaccination against emcv using a genetically engineered, live attenuated mengo virus (vmc0) at the audubon park zoo and miami metro zoo, (miami, florida, usa) from december 1996 to june 1997. seve ...199910231768
anesthesia in a baird's tapir (tapirus bairdii).a baird's tapir (tapirus bairdii) was satisfactorily immobilized on two occasions with i.m. detomidine (0.065-0.13 mg/kg) and butorphanol (0.13-0.2 mg/kg). on the second occasion, anesthesia was induced by i.v. administration of ketamine (2.2 mg/kg). twenty minutes later, endotracheal intubation was performed after an additional i.v. injection of ketamine (1.5 mg/kg). anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane, which provided excellent conditions for radiology and surgery. anesthesia was associat ...19989732036
suspected neonatal isoerythrolysis in two baird's tapirs (tapirus bairdii).two baird's tapir (tapirus bairdii) calves born at the columbus zoo from the same sire and dam developed hemolytic anemia that was consistent in history and clinical signs with neonatal isoerythrolysis (ni). one calf developed severe, fatal hemolytic anemia after being fed maternal colostrum, and the other developed moderate hemolytic anemia after being fed equine colostrum. no cross-reactivity was demonstrated between sire and dam blood samples, and both tapirs possessed serum antibodies reacti ...19979365941
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