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development of a novel baculovirus titration method using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (elispot) assay.the baculovirus expression vector system (bevs) is one of the most powerful methods for production of recombinant proteins for research or commercial purposes. titration of viable virus in insect cell culture is often required when bevs is used for basic research or bioprocessing. an enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (elispot) assay using monoclonal antibodies against the major capsid protein vp39 of both autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) and bombyx mori nuclear polyhedro ...201223274754
Baculovirus GP64-mediated entry into mammalian cells.The baculovirus Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) serves as an efficient viral vector not only for abundant gene expression in insect cells but also for gene delivery into mammalian cells. Lentivirus vectors pseudotyped with the baculovirus envelope glycoprotein GP64 have been shown to acquire more potent gene transduction than those with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) envelope glycoprotein G. However, there are conflicting hypotheses about the molecular mechanisms ...201122190715
development of quenching and washing protocols for quantitative intracellular metabolite analysis of uninfected and baculovirus-infected insect cells.metabolomics refer to the global analysis of small molecule metabolites in a biological system, and can be a powerful tool to elucidate and optimize cellular processes, particularly when integrated into a systems biology framework. determining the endometabolome in cultured animal cells is especially challenging, due to the conflicting demands for rapid quenching of metabolism and retention of membrane integrity, while cells are separated from the complex medium. the challenge is magnified in vi ...201122166686
[the search of microrna genes encoded in antiparallel chains of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus genome regions, including most late and complementary genes].it was shown using bioinformatic approach by analysis of alternative transcriptes secondary structure, that a. californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus gene ph encoded two mature mirnas and three potential mirnas. gene orf1629 complementary to gene ph did not encode mirnas and pre-mirna-cs. gene p10 encodes mature and potential mirna. gene p74 located on complementary chain encodes three mature mirnas.201122145408
modulation of innate immunity in chickens induced by in vivo administration of baculovirus.baculoviruses stimulate cytokine production in mammalian cells. they induce a strong innate immune response in animals and have adjuvant properties. the purpose of this work was to study the in vivo effect of baculovirus on chicken innate immune response. spf chickens were inoculated intravenously with autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (bv). three hours later, chickens were bled, euthanized and their spleen, duodenum and cecal tonsils were excised in order to take samples for rna ...201122142984
essential c-terminal region of the baculovirus minor capsid protein vp80 binds dna.the essential autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) minor capsid protein vp80 has been recently shown to interact with the virus-triggered, nuclear f-actin cytoskeleton. a role for vp80 in virus morphogenesis has been proposed in the maturation of progeny nucleocapsids and in their egress from the virogenic stroma toward the nuclear periphery by a mechanism, which also includes f-actin filaments. we performed functional mapping of vp80 demonstrating that its highly con ...201122090126
cellular vps4 is required for efficient entry and egress of budded virions of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus.membrane budding is essential for the egress of many enveloped viruses, and this process shares similarities with the biogenesis of multivesicular bodies (mvbs). in eukaryotic cells, the budding of intraluminal vesicles (ivls) is mediated by the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (escrt) machinery and some viruses require escrt machinery components or functions to bud from host cells. baculoviruses, such as autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv), enter host c ...201222072775
Direct Interaction of Baculovirus Capsid Proteins VP39 and EXON0 with Kinesin-1 in Insect Cells Determined by Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer-Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy.Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) replicates in the nucleus of insect cells to produce nucleocapsids, which are transported from the nucleus to the plasma membrane for budding through GP64-enriched areas to form budded viruses. However, little is known about the anterograde trafficking of baculovirus nucleocapsids in insect cells. Preliminary confocal scanning laser microscopy studies showed that enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-tagged nucleocapsids and capsi ...201222072745
Exploring sub-lethal effects of exposure to a nucleopolyhedrovirus in the speckled wood (Pararge aegeria) butterfly.This study investigated the sub-lethal effects of larval exposure to baculovirus on host life history and wing morphological traits using a model system, the speckled wood butterfly Pararge aegeria (L.) and the virus Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus. Males and females showed similar responses to the viral infection. Infection significantly reduced larval growth rate, whilst an increase in development time allowed the critical mass for pupation to be attained. There was no direct effec ...201222064244
The CfMNPV LEF-3/P143 complex can complement DNA replication and budded virus production in an AcMNPV LEF-3/P143 double knockout bacmid.Transient replication assays using Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus and Choristoneura fumiferana nucleopolyhedrovirus genes suggested the interactions between P143, the viral helicase, and LEF-3, a single-strand DNA binding protein, may represent virus species specificity determinants. P143 and LEF-3 are essential for DNA replication in these assays and together with IE-1, the major immediate-early transcription factor, may be part of the viral replisome. In the current report, a lef- ...201122049089
optimization of expression conditions for production of anti-colorectal cancer monoclonal antibody co17-1a in baculovirus-insect cell system.the baculovirus-insect cell system is considered a feasible expression system for recombinant glycoprotein production due to its several advantages, including high capacity, flexibility, and glycosylation capability. however, accurate titering of the recombinant baculovirus is required to ensure high expression in insect cells using a commercial and expensive immunoassay titer kit in which the envelope glycoprotein of the autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv)-type baculov ...201122008068
Production of baculovirus defective interfering particles during serial passage is delayed by removing transposon target sites in fp25k.Accumulation of baculovirus defective interfering particle (DIP) and few polyhedra (FP) mutants is a major limitation to continuous large scale baculovirus production in insect cell culture. Although overcoming these mutations would result in a cheaper platform for producing baculovirus biopesticides, little is known regarding the mechanism of FP and DIP formation. This issue was addressed by comparing DIP production of wild type (WT) Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNP ...201121994323
stable protein expression in mammalian cells using baculoviruses.the baculovirus autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) has been widely used in biotechnology for protein expression in insect cells. baculoviruses use arthropods as their natural hosts and are unable to replicate in mammalian cells. however, acmnpv is able to enter many mammalian cell types and can be used for transgene expression if engineered to contain suitable expression cassettes. in this chapter, we describe the construction and application of a recombinant bac ...201221987248
new insights into the induction of the heat shock proteins in baculovirus infected insect cells.eight members of the hsp/hsc70 family were identified in spodoptera frugiperda sf9 cells infected with autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) by 2d electrophoresis followed by mass spectrometry (maldi/tof) and a mascot search. the family includes five hsp70s induced by acmnpv-infection and three constitutive cognate hsc70s that remained abundant in infected cells. confocal microscopy revealed dynamic changes in subcellular localization of hsp/hsc70s in the course of infect ...201121982219
Susceptibility to AcMNPV and expression of recombinant proteins by a novel cell clone derived from a Trichoplusia ni QAU-BTI-Tn9-4s cell line.It is well known that Tn5B1-4 (commercially known as the High Five) cell line is highly susceptible to baculovirus and provides superior production of recombinant proteins when compared to other insect cell lines. But the characteristics of the cell line do not always remain stable and may change upon continuous passage. Recently an alphanodavirus, named Tn5 Cell Line Virus (or TNCL Virus), was identified in High Five cells in particular. Therefore, we established a new cell line, QB-Tn9-4s, fro ...201121979569
baculovirus infection induces a dna damage response that is required for efficient viral replication.several mammalian viruses have been shown to induce a cellular dna damage response during replication, and in some cases, this response is required for optimal virus replication. however, nothing is known about whether a dna damage response is stimulated by dna viruses in invertebrates. cell cycle arrest and apoptosis are two of the downstream effects of the dna damage response, and both are stimulated by baculovirus infection, suggesting a possible relationship between baculoviruses and the dna ...201121917957
Identification of Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus ac93 as a core gene and its requirement for intranuclear microvesicle formation and nuclear egress of nucleocapsids.Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) orf93 (ac93) is a highly conserved uncharacterized gene that is found in all of the sequenced baculovirus genomes except for Culex nigripalpus NPV. In this report, using bioinformatics analyses, ac93 and odv-e25 (ac94) were identified as baculovirus core genes and thus p33-ac93-odv-e25 represent a cluster of core genes. To investigate the role of ac93 in the baculovirus life cycle, an ac93 knockout AcMNPV bacmid was constructed via homologous ...201121880748
In situ cleavage of baculovirus occlusion-derived virus receptor binding protein P74 in the peroral infectivity complex.Proteolytic processing of viral membrane proteins is common among enveloped viruses and facilitates virus entry. The Autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) occlusion-derived virus (ODV) protein P74 is part of a complex of essential peroral infectivity factors (PIFs). Here we report that P74 is efficiently cleaved into two fragments of about equal size by an occlusion body (OB) endogenous alkaline protease during ODV release when AcMNPV OBs are derived from larvae. The c ...201121849453
secretory expression of all 16 subtypes of the hemagglutinin 1 protein of influenza a virus in insect cells.influenza viruses are known for their ability to change their antigenic structure and create new viral strains. hemagglutinin (ha), for which 16 subtypes have been identified, is a major antigenic determinant essential for the pathogenesis of influenza a viruses. to predict and monitor future epidemics, it is critical to produce various ha subtype antigens conveniently and rapidly. a simple, effective, and economic method to generate subunit ha1 of all 16 ha subtypes as recombinant proteins (rha ...201121827791
baculovirus as vectors for human cells and applications in organ transplantation.the baculovirus autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) is able to transduce a wide range of mammalian cells and shows preferential uptake in some, particularly liver and kidney cells. this suggests that the virus may be useful for delivery of protective genes for ameliorating the effects of ischaemia reperfusion injury (iri) in solid organs during transplantation procedures. in this chapter we discuss the advantages of the baculovirus over other virus vectors for gene deli ...201121784231
baculovirus envelope protein odv-e66 is a novel chondroitinase with distinct substrate specificity.chondroitin sulfate is a linear polysaccharide of alternating d-glucuronic acid and n-acetyl-d-galactosamine residues with sulfate groups at various positions of the sugars. it interacts with and regulates cytokine and growth factor signal transduction, thus influencing development, organ morphogenesis, inflammation, and infection. we found chondroitinase activity in medium conditioned by baculovirus-infected insect cells and identified a novel chondroitinase. sequence analysis revealed that the ...201121715327
establishment, growth kinetics, and susceptibility to acmnpv of heat tolerant lepidopteran cell lines.lepidopteran heat-tolerant (ht) cell lines have been obtained with sf-9, sf-21 and several bombyx cells. they have a distinct karyotype, membrane lipid composition, morphology and growth kinetics from the parental cell lines. in this paper, we report the development of ht cell lines from other insect species and examination of their growth characteristics and virus susceptibility. adaptation of cell lines sf-9, bti-tn-5b1-4 (high5) and bti-tn-mg1 (mg1) to 33-¦c and 35-¦c was carried out by shift ...201121667340
active depletion of host cell inhibitor-of-apoptosis proteins triggers apoptosis upon baculovirus dna replication.apoptosis is an important antivirus defense by virtue of its impact on virus multiplication and pathogenesis. to define molecular mechanisms by which viruses are detected and the apoptotic response is initiated, we examined the antiviral role of host inhibitor-of-apoptosis (iap) proteins in insect cells. we report here that the principal iaps, diap1 and sfiap, of the model insects drosophila melanogaster and spodoptera frugiperda, respectively, are rapidly depleted and thereby inactivated upon i ...201121653668
kinetic characterization of the group ii helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus propagated in suspension cell cultures: implications for development of a biopesticides production process.large-scale commercialization of baculovirus biopesticides for the control of insect pests requires a cell culture production process, and knowledge of the infection kinetics is a vital prerequisite for process optimization. well-characterized kinetic parameters have so far only been reported for the commercially established recombinant autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv), a group i npv. in this work, key infection kinetic parameters of the group ii npv helicoverpa armigera nucl ...201121644255
the autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus lef-5 gene is required for productive examine the role of the acmnpv lef-5 gene in the context of the infection cycle, we generated an acmnpv lef-5 knockout virus (vac(lef5ko)) and a complementing cell line that supports viral replication. we examined acmnpv dna replication, early and late gene expression, and production of infectious viral progeny in the absence of lef-5. while early gene expression and dna replication were not reduced by the lef-5 knockout, expression of a late reporter was disrupted and representative late tra ...201121601232
baculoviruses mediate efficient gene expression in a wide range of vertebrate cells.baculovirus expression vector system (bevs) is well known as a feasible and safe technology to produce recombinant (re-)proteins in a eukaryotic milieu of insect cells. however, its proven power in gene delivery and gene therapy is still poorly recognized. the basis of bevs lies in large enveloped dna viruses derived from insects, the prototype virus being autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv). infection of insect cell culture with a virus encoding a desired transgene und ...201121590402
baculovirus vp80 protein and the f-actin cytoskeleton interact and connect the viral replication factory with the nuclear periphery.recently, we showed that the autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) vp80 protein is essential for the formation of both virion types, budded virus (bv) and occlusion-derived virus (odv). deletion of the vp80 gene did not affect assembly of nucleocapsids. however, these nucleocapsids were not able to migrate from the virogenic stroma to the nuclear periphery. in the current paper, we constructed a baculovirus recombinant with enhanced-green fluorescent protein (egfp)-tag ...201121450830
autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus odv-e66 is an essential gene required for oral infectivity.autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) odv-e66 is a core gene and encodes an occlusion-derived virus (odv)-specific envelope protein, odv-e66. the n-terminal 23 amino acid of the envelope protein odv-e66 are sufficient to direct native and fusion proteins to induced membrane microvesicles and the viral envelope during infection with acmnpv. in this study, an odv-e66-knockout bacmid can not express n-terminal hydrophobic domains was constructed via homologous recombination ...201121440017
genetic variation and virulence of nucleopolyhedroviruses isolated worldwide from the heliothine pests helicoverpa armigera, helicoverpa zea, and heliothis assess the diversity and relationships of baculoviruses found in insects of the heliothine pest complex, a pcr-based method was used to classify 90 samples of nucleopolyhedrovirus (npv; baculoviridae: alphabaculovirus) obtained worldwide from larvae of heliothis virescens, helicoverpa zea, and helicoverpa armigera. partial nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of three highly conserved genes (lef-8, lef-9, and polh) indicated that 67 of these samples contained isolates of the h. zea ...201121439295
establishment and characterization of an embryonic cell line from gampsocleis gratiosa (orthoptera: tettigoniidae).the first continuous cell line from the embryo of gampsocleis gratiosa (orthoptera: tettigoniidae), designated as riri-gg1, was established. this cell line was serially subcultured in modified grace medium. the cells were grown adherent to a culture flask and had spindle-like and polygonal shapes. the chromosome number ranged from 26 to 79 at the 50th passage, and 68% of cells had a diploid chromosome number. the growth rate was determined at the 53rd passage, and the population doubling time wa ...201121424241
generation of recombinant baculovirus dna in e.coli using a baculovirus shuttle vector.baculovirus vectors are now widely used to direct the expression of heterologous genes in cultured insect cells and insect larvae. in most cases, heterologous genes placed under transcriptional control of the polyhedrm promoter of the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) are abundantly expressed during the late stages of infection. the recombinant proteins are usually soluble and functionally similar to their authentic counterparts (l-7). in the following sections, recent ad ...199821390847
identification of a cis-regulatory element that directs prothoracicotropic hormone gene expression in the silkworm bombyx the silkworm bombyx mori and other insects, prothoracicotropic hormone (ptth) plays a central role in controlling molting and metamorphosis by stimulating the prothoracic glands to synthesize and release the molting hormone ecdysone. using an acnpv (autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus)-mediated transient gene transfer system, we identified a cis-regulatory element that participates in the decision to switch expression of ptth on or off in ptth-producing neurosecretory cells (ptpcs). t ...201121324358
interaction of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus cathepsin protease progenitor (prov-cath) with insect baculovirus chitinase as a mechanism for prov-cath cellular retention.the insect baculovirus chitinase (chia) and cathepsin protease (v-cath) enzymes cause terminal host insect liquefaction, enhancing the dissemination of progeny virions away from the host cadavers. regulated and delayed cellular release of these host tissue-degrading enzymes ensures that liquefaction starts only after optimal viral replication has occurred. baculoviral chia remains intracellular due to its c-terminal kdel endoplasmic reticulum (er) retention motif. however, the mechanism for cell ...201121289117
comprehensive analysis of host gene expression in autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus-infected spodoptera frugiperda cells.autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) is the best-studied baculovirus and most commonly used virus vector for baculovirus expression vector systems. the effect of acmnpv infection on host cells is incompletely understood. a microarray based on spodoptera frugiperda ests was used to investigate the impact of acmnpv on host gene expression in cultured s. frugiperda, sf21 cells. most host genes were down-regulated over the time course of infection, although a small number ...201121276998
a peptide with similarity to baculovirus odv-e66 binds the gut epithelium of heliothis virescens and impedes infection with autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus.baculoviruses infect their lepidopteran hosts via the midgut epithelium through binding of occlusion-derived virus (odv) and fusion between the virus envelope and microvillar membranes. to identify genes and sequences that are involved in this process, a random phage display library was screened for peptides that bound to brush border membrane vesicles (bbmv) derived from the midgut epithelium of heliothis virescens. seventeen peptides that bound to bbmv were recovered. two of these, hv1 and hv2 ...201121228132
benzylideneacetone, an eicosanoid biosynthesis inhibitor enhances baculovirus pathogenicity in the diamondback moth, plutella xylostella.benzylideneacetone (bza) is a monoterpenoid compound produced by an entomopathogenic bacterium, xenorhabdus nematophila. bza inhibits phospholipase a(2) to suppress biosynthesis of eicosanoids that mediate immune responses in insects. in response to per os infection of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrosis virus (acmnpv), the diamondback moth, plutella xylostella, developed red spots on the midgut epithelium. the midgut exhibiting red spot formation suffered abnormal cell integrity, ...201021112333
[expression and characterization of rabies virus nucleoprotein in baculovirus].to construct a recombinant expression plasmid bacmid-n containing the n gene of rabies virus, the n gene of rv cvs-11 strain was cloned into the baculovirus shuttle vector (bacmid). recombinant baculovirus acmnpv-n (p1 viral stock) was obtained by transfecting the bacmid-n into the insect cell line of sf9. the expressed nucleoprotein was identified and analysised by elisa, fa, sds-page and western blot assays. the results showed that the np protein was expressed intracellularly and had a good an ...201021043133
characterization of an autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus mutant lacking the ac39(p43) reading frame 39 [orf39(p43)] of autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) is present in 10 isolates of the alphabaculovirus genus. it is highly conserved in sequence and genomic location in the group i but much less conserved in the group ii viruses. to investigate the potential role of p43 in acmnpv infection, we constructed and characterized a p43 knockout mutant. the results showed that the p43 region was expressed as rna from 3h post infection to at least 24h pos ...201020974197
a silencing suppressor protein (nss) of a tospovirus enhances baculovirus replication in permissive and semipermissive insect cell lines.the nonstructural protein (nss) of the tomato spotted wilt virus (tswv) has been identified as an rnai suppressor in plant cells. a recombinant autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) designated vacnss, containing the nss gene under the control of the viral polyhedrin (polh) gene promoter, was constructed and the effects of nss in permissive, semipermissive and nonpermissive insect cells to vacnss infection were evaluated. vacnss produced more budded virus when compared to ...201020971139
autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus odv-e56 is a per os infectivity factor, but is not essential for binding and fusion of occlusion-derived virus to the host midgut.the autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) occlusion-derived virus (odv) envelope protein odv-e56 is essential for oral infection of larvae of heliothis virescens. bioassays with recombinant clones of acmnpv lacking a functional odv-e56 gene showed that odv-e56 was required for infectivity of both polyhedra and to a lesser extent, purified odv. however, binding and fusion assays showed that odv lacking odv-e56 bound and fused to midgut cells at levels similar to odv of wil ...201120970820
autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus core gene ac92 (p33) is required for efficient budded virus production.autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) ac92 is a core gene encoding a protein associated with occlusion derived virus (odv), binds human p53 and also has flavin adenine dinucleotide linked sulfhydryl oxidase activity but its role in the virus life cycle is not known. to determine ac92 function a deletion virus (vac(92ko)) was generated and transfected sf9 cells revealed that vac(92ko) infection was restricted primarily to single cells and budded virus (bv) titer was reduce ...201020965540
effect of starvation upon baculovirus replication in larval bombyx mori and heliothis virescens.the progression of baculovirus (bmnpv, bmcyspd, acmnpv or acaait) infection in larval bombyx mori and heliothis virescens (1st, 3rd or 5th instar) was investigated following various starvation regimes. when the larvae were starved for 12 or 24h immediately following inoculation, the median lethal time to death (lt(50)) was delayed by 9.5-19.2h in comparison to non-starved controls. this corresponded to a delay of 10-23% depending upon the larval stage and virus that was used for inoculation. whe ...201120850449
comparative transient expression assay analysis of hycu-hr6- and ie1-dependent regulation of baculovirus gp64 early promoters in three insect cell lines.we previously demonstrated that the hyphantria cunea multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (hycumnpv) gp64 gene (hycu-gp64) is uniquely localized on the viral genome with a large homologous region of 1582bp, hycu-hr6, immediately upstream of the hycu-gp64 gene. in the present study, we compared the regulation of gp64 early promoters from hycumnpv, autographa californica multicapsid npv (acmnpv) and bombyx mori npv (bmnpv) by cis-acting hycu-hr6 and trans-acting ie1s in three cell lines (spodoptera fr ...201120837073
removal of transposon target sites from the autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus fp25k gene delays, but does not prevent, accumulation of the few polyhedra phenotype.low-cost, large-scale production of the baculovirus autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) using continuous insect cell culture is seriously hindered by the accumulation of acmnpv mutants. specifically, few-polyhedra (fp) mutants, with a reduced yield of occluded virus (polyhedra) and decreased infectivity, usually accumulate upon passaging in cell culture. fp mutations result from transposon insertions in the baculovirus fp25k gene, leading to significantly reduced levels ...201020810745
inorganic binding peptide-mediated immobilization based on baculovirus surface display system.the biomolecule-mediated assembly of novel composites has been the subject of numerous investigations during the last years, providing new insights into material science and engineering. via molecular biology technology, we were able to introduce the genetically engineered polypeptide for inorganics (gepi) as a molecular binder into biomolecules such as phage viruses, to assemble hybrid functional nanoarchitectures. in the present work, we introduced a novel nanocomposite comprising the autograp ...201020806244
partial functional rescue of helicoverpa armigera single nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus infectivity by replacement of f protein with gp64 from autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus.two distinct envelope fusion proteins (efps) (gp64 and f) have been identified in members of the baculoviridae family of viruses. f proteins are found in group ii nucleopolyhedroviruses (npvs) of alphabaculoviruses and in beta- and deltabaculoviruses, while gp64 occurs only in group i npvs of alphabaculoviruses. it was proposed that an ancestral baculovirus acquired the gp64 gene that conferred a selective advantage and allowed it to evolve into group i npvs. the f protein is a functional analog ...201020739531
functional analysis of spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus p49 gene during autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus infection of spli-221 cells.the spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus (spltnpv) antiapoptotic gene splt-p49 is able to rescue replication of a p35-null autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) in acmnpv-permissive sf9 cells. in this study, an acmnpv p35 knockout bacmid was generated through et homologous recombination in escherichia coli and designated as vac(p35-ko). the splt-p49 gene was transposed into the polyhedrin locus of vac(p35-ko) to investigate if splt-p49 has any antiapoptotic activity in the conte ...201020711805
deletion of acmnpv ac16 and ac17 results in delayed viral gene expression in budded virus infected cells but not transfected cells.this study investigated the combined function of the autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus overlapping genes ac16 (bv/odv-e26, da26) and ac17. ac17 is a late gene and the promoter is within the ac16 open reading frame. a double ac16-ac17 knockout virus was generated to assess the function of each gene independently or together. loss of ac17 did not affect viral dna synthesis but budded virus (bv) production was reduced. deletion of both ac16-ac17 resulted in reduced viral dna synt ...201020627351
a single amino acid substitution modulates low-ph-triggered membrane fusion of gp64 protein in autographa californica and bombyx mori nucleopolyhedroviruses.we have previously shown that budded viruses of bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (bmnpv) enter the cell cytoplasm but do not migrate into the nuclei of non-permissive sf9 cells that support a high titer of autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) multiplication. here we show, using the syncytium formation assay, that low-ph-triggered membrane fusion of bmnpv gp64 protein (bm-gp64) is significantly lower than that of acmnpv gp64 protein (ac-gp64). mutational analyses of gp ...201020627345
identification and functional analysis of the putative anti-apoptotic gene iap4 of spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus.baculoviruses possess two types of anti-apoptotic genes, p35 and inhibitor of apoptosis (iap). in this study, we cloned a novel iap family member, splt-iap4, from spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus (spltnpv). scanprosite analysis of splt-iap4 amino acid sequence show that it contain a baculovirus iap repeat (bir) motif at the n-terminal portion from 18 to 61 amino acid and a zinc finger ring motif near its c-terminus. baculovirus iaps could be divided into five types from iap1 to iap5 accord ...201020625923
recombinant peroxidase production in species of lepidoptera frequently found in argentina.horseradish peroxidase isozyme c (hrpc) is an important commercial biocatalyst. in this study, a screening of different lepidopteran species frequently found in argentina to produce this protein was carried out. two recombinant viruses were constructed: acmnpv hrpc polyhedrin-minus (occ-), an intrahemocelical infective virus; and acmnpv hrpc polyhedrin-plus (occ+), to achieve an oral infective baculovirus. each lepidopteran species was infected either with acmnpv hrpc occ- or acmnpv hrpc occ+ an ...201020615485
baculovirus per os infectivity factors form a complex on the surface of occlusion-derived virus.five highly conserved per os infectivity factors, pif1, pif2, pif3, pif4, and p74, have been reported to be essential for oral infectivity of baculovirus occlusion-derived virus (odv) in insect larvae. three of these proteins, p74, pif1, and pif2, were thought to function in virus binding to insect midgut cells. in this paper evidence is provided that pif1, pif2, and pif3 form a stable complex on the surface of odv particles of the baculovirus autographa californica multinucleocapsid nucleopolyh ...201020610731
baculovirus treatment fully protects mice against a lethal challenge of fmdv.foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) causes a highly contagious and economically devastating disease that affects cattle, swine, goat and sheep among others. fmdv is able to overcome the initial host innate immune response by inhibiting the induction of antiviral molecules at both the transcriptional and the translational levels. it has been demonstrated that fmdv a/arg/2001 causes the death of adult c57bl/6 mice within 72h. we evaluated the capacity of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis ...201020580746
baculovirus gp64 disulfide bonds: the intermolecular disulfide bond of autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus gp64 is not essential for membrane fusion and virion budding.the gp64 envelope glycoprotein of the autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) is a class iii viral membrane fusion protein that is triggered by low ph during entry. unlike most other viral fusion protein trimers, the monomers of gp64 are covalently linked to each other within the trimer by a single intermolecular disulfide bond (cys24 cys372). single or paired alanine substitutions for cys24 and cys372 resulted in lower-efficiency transport of gp64 to the cell surface. surprisingly, ...201020573818
effect of ac68 knockout and lef3 leading sequence disruption on viral propagation.orf68 (ac68) of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) is identified to be an early gene, but its transcription start site remains unknown. the coding sequence of ac68 overlaps 280-bp leading sequence and 159-bp coding sequence of lef3 (ac67). in this study, the transcription start site of ac68 was determined by 5' race analysis to be 18 nucleotides upstream from the start codon. in order to investigate the effect of ac68 deletion on virus propagation, we generated a bacmi ...201120567974
standardization of an elisa test using a recombinant nucleoprotein from the junin virus as the antigen and serological screening for arenavirus among the population of nova xavantina, state of mato grosso.arenavirus hemorrhagic fever is a severe emerging disease.201020563486
[expression of baculovirus acmnpv p48 gene in insect cell].p48 (ac103) gene is highly conserved in baculovirus, implying that p48 might play a fundamental role in the life cycle of baculovirus. we studied the expression of p48 gene of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv)--the type baculovirus species.201020560348
specificity of baculovirus p6.9 basic dna-binding proteins and critical role of the c terminus in virion formation.the majority of double-stranded dna (dsdna) viruses infecting eukaryotic organisms use host- or virus-expressed histones or protamine-like proteins to condense their genomes. in contrast, members of the baculoviridae family use a protamine-like protein named p6.9. the dephosphorylated form of p6.9 binds to dna in a non-sequence-specific manner. by using a p6.9-null mutant of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv), we demonstrate that p6.9 is not required for viral dna repl ...201020519380
characterization of a bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus mutant lacking both fp25k and p35.recent studies have shown that dual mutations in fp25k and p35 of autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) result in a typical apoptotic infection on trichoplusia ni cells, suggesting the involvement of fp25k on npv-induced apoptosis. to examine the effect of fp25k deletion on bombyx mori npv (bmnpv)-induced apoptosis, we generated a bmnpv mutant, fp-p35d, in which both fp25k and p35 genes are deleted from the genome, and compared its phenotype with wild-type (t3), fp25k-deleted (fp- ...201020508980
confocal microscopic observation of fusion between baculovirus budded virus envelopes and single giant unilamellar vesicles.we assayed fusion events between giant unilamellar vesicles (guvs) and budded viruses (bvs) of baculovirus (autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus), the envelopes of which have been labeled with the fluorescent dye alexa fluor 488. this involves observing the intensity of fluorescence emitted from the lipid bilayer of single guvs after fusion using laser scanning microscopy. using this assay system, we found that fusion between single guvs and bv envelopes was significantly enhanced at arou ...201020493165
the putative pocket protein binding site of autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus bv/odv-c42 is required for virus-induced nuclear actin polymerization.nuclear filamentous actin (f-actin) is essential for nucleocapsid morphogenesis of lepidopteran nucleopolyhedroviruses. previously, we had demonstrated that autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) bv/odv-c42 (c42) is involved in nuclear actin polymerization by recruiting p78/83, an acmnpv orf9-encoded n-wasp homology protein that is capable of activating an actin-related-protein 2/3 (arp2/3) complex to initiate actin polymerization, to the nucleus. to further investigate th ...201020484515
autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus ac76 is involved in intranuclear microvesicle this study, we characterized autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) orf76 (ac76), which is a highly conserved gene of unknown function in lepidopteran baculoviruses. transcriptional analysis of ac76 revealed that transcription of multiple overlapping multicistronic transcripts initiates from a canonical taag late-transcription start motif but terminates at different 3' ends at 24 h postinfection in acmnpv-infected sf9 cells. to investigate the role of ac76 in the baculo ...201020484514
establishment of a cell line from chrysodeixis chalcites permissive for chrysodeixis chalcites and trichoplusia ni nucleopolyhedrovirus.a new cell line was established from the embryos of the insect chrysodeixis chalcites (lepidoptera, noctuidae, plusiinae). the cell line contains several morphologically different cell types and was distinguished from three other lepidopteran cell lines propagated in the laboratory by dna amplification fingerprinting. the cultured cells, which we officially named wu-cce-1 cells, were permissive for infection by c. chalcites nucleopolyhedrovirus (chchnpv) and large numbers of occlusion bodies wer ...201020471390
a viral chitinase enhances oral activity of this study we investigate the combined effect on heliothis virescens (lepidoptera, noctuidae) larvae of aedes aegypti-trypsin modulating oostatic factor (aea-tmof), a peptide that inhibits trypsin synthesis by the gut, impairing insect digestive function, and autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus chitinase a (acmnpv chia), an enzyme that is able to alter the permeability of the peritrophic membrane (pm). aea-tmof and acmnpv chia were provided to the larvae by administering transgenic to ...201020457253
proteomics of the autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus budded virions.baculoviruses produce two progeny phenotypes during their replication cycles. the occlusion-derived virus (odv) is responsible for initiating primary infection in the larval midgut, and the budded virus (bv) phenotype is responsible for the secondary infection. the proteomics of several baculovirus odvs have been revealed, but so far, no extensive analysis of bv-associated proteins has been conducted. in this study, the protein composition of the bv of autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus ...201020444894
functional analysis of the inhibitor of apoptosis genes in antheraea pernyi nucleopolyhedrovirus.the inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (iap) plays an important role in cell apoptosis. we cloned two novel iap family members, ap-iap1 and ap-iap2, from antheraea pernyi nucleopolyhedrovirus (apnpv) genome. ap-iap1 contains two baculoviral iap repeat (bir) domains followed by a ring domain, but ap-iap2 has only one bir domain and ring. the result of transient expression in spodoptera frugiperda (sf21) showed that ap-iap1 blocked cell apoptosis induced by actinomycin d treatment and also rescued th ...201020437152
baculovirus for eukaryotic protein display.the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus is an attractive candidate for eukaryotic virus display. a variety of strategies exists to incorporate and present target proteins on the surface of infected insect cells as well as on budded virions. native baculovirus proteins such as the major envelope protein and the capsid protein, but also foreign scaffolds such as the vesicular stomatitis virus g-1 protein or the influenza a virus hemagglutinin serve as fusion partners for ...201020433416
host innate immune responses induced by baculovirus in mammals.the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus has been widely used not only to achieve a high level of foreign gene expression in insect cells but also for efficient gene transduction into mammalian cells without any replication. in addition to the efficient gene delivery, baculovirus has been shown to induce host innate immune responses in various mammalian cells and in mice. the baculovirus has abundant cpg motifs in the viral genome and is capable of inducing pro-inflammat ...201020394574
the uga-cie1 cell line from chrysodeixis includens exhibits characteristics of granulocytes and is permissive to infection by two viruses.the soybean looper, chrysodeixis (pseudoplusia) includens (lepidoptera: noctuidae) is an economically important insect pest and a highly permissive host for the parasitoid microplitis demolitor and its associated polydnavirus m. demolitor bracovirus (mdbv). here we established a cell line from c. includens embryos designated uga-cie1 cells. cie1 cells morphologically resemble granulocytes, which are a subpopulation of c. includens hemocytes. antibody and rt-pcr analyses indicated that cie1 cells ...201020381615
baculovirus infection influences host protein expression in two established insect cell lines.we identified host proteins that changed in response to host cell susceptibility to baculovirus infection. we used three baculovirus-host cell systems utilizing two cell lines derived from pupal ovaries, hz-am1 (from helicoverpa zea) and hv-am1 (from heliothis virescens). hv-am1 cells are permissive to autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) and semi-permissive to h. zea single nucleopolyhedrovirus (hzsnpv). hz-am1 cells are non-permissive to acmnpv. we challenged each cell ...201020362582
identification of a domain of the baculovirus autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus single-strand dna-binding protein lef-3 essential for viral dna replication.autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) lef-3 is one of nine genes required for viral dna replication in transient assays. lef-3 is predicted to contain several domains related to its functions, including nuclear localization, single-strand dna binding, oligomerization, interaction with p143 helicase, and interaction with a viral alkaline nuclease. to investigate the essential nature of lef-3 and the roles it may play during baculovirus dna replication, a lef-3 null bacmid ...201020357098
isolation and characterization of a baculovirus associated with the insect parasitoid wasp, cotesia marginiventris, or its host, trichoplusia ni.a multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (mnpv) was isolated from trichoplusia ni (hübner) (lepidoptera: noctuidae) larvae that had been stung by the parasitoid cotesia marginiventris (cresson) (hymenoptera: braconidae). the wild type virus was plaque purified by infecting a heliothis subflexa (bcirl- hsam1) cell line and isolating several clones. the mean estimated genomic size of this virus based on psti, bsteii, styi, hindiii restriction profiles was estimated to be 106 +/- 2.5 kbp (mean+/-se). a clon ...200820334593
purification and characterization of a viral chitinase active against plant pathogens and herbivores from transgenic tobacco.the autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus chitinase a (acmnpv chia) is a chitinolytic enzyme with fungicidal and insecticidal properties. its expression in transgenic plants enhances resistance against pests and fungal pathogens. we exploited tobacco for the production of a biologically active recombinant acmnpv chia (rchia), as such species is an alternative to traditional biological systems for large-scale enzyme production. the protein was purified from leaves using ammonium sulfate pre ...201020302895
autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus efficiently infects sf9 cells and transduces mammalian cells via direct fusion with the plasma membrane at low ph.the budded virus (bv) of the autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) infects insect cells and transduces mammalian cells mainly through the endocytosis pathway. however, this study revealed that the treatment of the virus bound to sf9 cells at low ph could efficiently rescue the infectivity of acmnpv in the presence of endocytosis pathway inhibitors. a colocalization assay of the major capsid protein vp39 with the early endosome marker eea1 showed that at low ph, acmnpv ...201020219938
autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus lef-2 is a capsid protein required for amplification but not initiation of viral dna replication.the late expression factor 2 gene (lef-2) of baculovirus autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) has been identified as one of the factors essential for origin-dependent dna replication in transient expression assays and has been shown to be involved in late/very late gene expression. to study the function of lef-2 in the life cycle of acmnpv, lef-2 knockout and repair bacmids were generated by homologous recombination in escherichia coli. growth curve analysis showed that ...201020219928
recombinant baculovirus as a highly potent vector for gene therapy of human colorectal carcinoma: molecular cloning, expression, and in vitro characterization.present therapeutic strategies for most cancers are restricted mainly to the primary tumors and are also not very effective in controlling metastatic states. alternatively, gene therapy can be a potential option for treating such cancers. currently mammalian viral-based cancer gene therapy is the most popular approach, but the efficacy has been shown to be quite low in clinical trials. in this study, for the first time, the insect cell-specific baculovirus autographa californica multiple nucleop ...201020143184
prorenin processing enzyme (ppe) produced by baculovirus-infected sf-9 insect cells: ppe is the cysteine protease encoded in the acmnpv infection cultures of spodoptera frugiperda (sf-9) insect cells with a recombinant baculovirus, vhpr, carrying human preprorenin cdna in the polyhedrin locus of autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv), the expressed inactive recombinant human (rh)-prorenin is reported to be proteolytically processed to yield active rh-renin in the very late phase of culture (takahashi et al., biosci. biotechnol. biochem., 71, 2610-2613 (2007)). to identify the enzyme that catalyzes ...201020139610
autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus odv-e56 envelope protein is required for oral infectivity and can be substituted functionally by rachiplusia ou multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus odv-e56.the autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) odv-e56 gene encodes an occlusion-derived virus (odv)-specific envelope protein, odv-e56. in a previous analysis, the odv-e56 gene was found to be under positive selection pressure, suggesting that it may be a determinant of virus host range. to assess the role of odv-e56 in oral infectivity and host range, we constructed recombinant acmnpv clones (ac69gfp-e56lacz and aciegfp-e56lacz) in which odv-e56 protein synthesis was elimina ...201020032203
expression from baculovirus and serological reactivity of the nucleocapsid protein of dolphin morbillivirus.the nucleocapsid (n) protein of dolphin morbillivirus (dmv) was expressed from a baculovirus (autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus) vector and shown by sds-page and western blot analysis to be about 57 kda. transmission electron microscopy revealed fully assembled nucleocapsid-like particles (nlps) exhibiting the typical helical herringbone morphology. these nlps were approximately 20-22 nm in diameter and varied in length from 50 to 100 nm. purified dmv-n protein was used as antige ...201020005643
how baculovirus polyhedra fit square pegs into round holes to robustly package viruses.natural protein crystals (polyhedra) armour certain viruses, allowing them to survive for years under hostile conditions. we have determined the structure of polyhedra of the baculovirus autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv), revealing a highly symmetrical covalently cross-braced robust lattice, the subunits of which possess a flexible adaptor enabling this supra-molecular assembly to specifically entrap massive baculoviruses. inter-subunit chemical switches modulate the ...201019959989
recombinant proteoliposomes prepared using baculovirus expression systems.proteoliposomes are useful for investigating the functions and properties of membrane proteins. we have established a novel method to prepare proteoliposomes using a baculovirus (autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus; acnpv) gene expression system producing the recombinant membrane proteins to be reconstituted. this method consists of two key steps for production of recombinant proteoliposomes: (1) the cdna of the recombinant membrane protein on a baculovirus vector is transfected in ...200919913163
cloning of circular dnas from microorganisms using a novel plasmid capture system.plasmid capture system (pcs) facilitates cloning and manipulation of circular double-stranded dna. we recently developed an improved pcs (pcs-lz) to clone relatively large dna molecules of 30-150 kb. the pcs-lz donor consists of a mini-f replicon and a kanamycin resistance marker between tn7 left and tn7 right ends. both the replicon and marker gene of the pcs-lz donor are transferred into target plasmid dnas by in vitro transposition, followed by replication in e. coli. colonies are tested for ...201019838822
virion-associated viral fibroblast growth factor stimulates cell motility.the autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) viral fibroblast growth factor (vfgf) has functional parallels to cellular fgfs. deletion of the acmnpv vfgf has no obvious phenotype in cell culture but delays the time of insect death. here, we determined vfgf production during virus infection. vfgf was detected at 24 hours post infection and through the remainder of the infection cycle. since vfgf is thought to be a secreted membrane-binding protein and virions acquire an envelope der ...200919800090
autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus core gene ac96 encodes a per os infectivity factor (pif-4).autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) ac96 is a core gene, but its role in virus replication is still unknown. to determine its role in the baculovirus life cycle, we used the acmnpv bacmid system to generate an ac96-null virus (vac(96)(null)). our analyses showed that the absence of ac96 does not affect budded virus (bv) production or viral dna replication in infected sf9 cells. western blotting and confocal immunofluorescence analysis showed that ac96 is expressed in bo ...200919759145
a point mutation in the polyhedrin gene of a baculovirus, autographa californica mnpv, prevents crystallization of occlusion bodies.the polyhedrin gene region of the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus(acmnpv) morphology mutant m29 has been characterized by genetic and physical techniques. recombination analysis of mutants m29 and acm5polyl demonstrated that wild-type polyhedrin recombinants could be obtained and that the dna restriction patterns of the recombinant viruses were identical to wild-type acmnpv dna. marker rescue experiments using the wild-type acmnpv ecori i fragment indicated that the morphology ...198719731454
functional analysis of the autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus iap1 and iap2.the autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) contains three apoptosis suppressor genes: p35, iap1 and iap2. acmnpv p35 functions as a pancaspase inhibitor, but the function of iap1 and iap2 has not been entirely resolved. in this paper, we analyze the function of iap1 and iap2 in detail. acmnpv with p35-deletion inhibited the apoptosis of bti-tn-5b1-4 (tn-hi5) cells induced by a helicoverpa armigera single nucleocapsid npv (hearnpv) infection and rescued the replication of hearnpv an ...200919727595
multigene expression of protein complexes by iterative modification of genomic bacmid dna.many cellular multi-protein complexes are naturally present in cells at low abundance. baculovirus expression offers one approach to produce milligram quantities of correctly folded and processed eukaryotic protein complexes. however, current strategies suffer from the need to produce large transfer vectors, and the use of repeated promoter sequences in baculovirus, which itself produces proteins that promote homologous recombination. one possible solution to these problems is to construct bacul ...200919725957
baculovirus dna replication-specific expression factors trigger apoptosis and shutoff of host protein synthesis during infection.apoptosis is an important antivirus defense. to define the poorly understood pathways by which invertebrates respond to viruses by inducing apoptosis, we have identified replication events that trigger apoptosis in baculovirus-infected cells. we used rna silencing to ablate factors required for multiplication of autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv). transfection with double-stranded rna (dsrna) complementary to the acmnpv late expression factors (lefs) that are design ...200919706708
the pre-transmembrane domain of the autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus gp64 protein is critical for membrane fusion and virus infectivity.the envelope glycoprotein, gp64, of the baculovirus autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) is a class iii viral fusion protein that mediates ph-triggered membrane fusion during virus entry. viral fusion glycoproteins from many viruses contain a short region in the ectodomain and near the transmembrane domain, referred to as the pre-transmembrane (ptm) domain. in some cases, the ptm domain is rich in aromatic amino acids and plays an important role in membrane fusion. al ...200919692475
genetic modification of a baculovirus vector for increased expression in insect cells.generating large amounts of recombinant protein in transgenic animals is often challenging and has a number of drawbacks compared to cell culture systems. the baculovirus expression vector system (bevs) uses virus-infected insect cells to produce recombinant proteins to high levels, and these are usually processed in a similar way to the native protein. interestingly, since the development of the bevs, the virus most often used (autographa californica multi-nucleopolyhedovirus; acmnpv) has been ...201019655260
bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus orf34 is required for efficient transcription of late and very late genes.homologs of autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus orf43 (ac43) are found in all group i and most group ii npvs, but their functions remain unknown. in bombyx mori npv (bmnpv)-infected bmn cells, bm34, a bmnpv homolog of ac43, is expressed as a late gene and its product is localized in the nucleus. to examine the role of bm34 during bmnpv infection, we constructed a bm34 deletion mutant (bmorf34d) and characterized its infectivity in bmn cells and b. mori larvae. bmorf34d produced far fewer ...200919651423
enhancing the multiplication of nucleopolyhedrovirus in vitro by manipulation of the ph.insect nucleopolyhedroviruses (npvs) are studied widely as agents for biological control, as expression vectors for the production of heterologous proteins, and as transduction vectors for gene therapy applications. most of these applications rely on the existence of cell lines that allow in vitro multiplication of the virus. the influence of ph in the medium culture on the multiplication of semnpv, hearsnpv and acmnpv in different cell culture lines was investigated. the study showed a strong i ...200919576934
the role of the pi3k-akt signal transduction pathway in autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus infection of spodoptera frugiperda cells.many viruses activate the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (pi3k)-akt signaling pathway, thereby modulating diverse downstream signaling pathways associated with antiapoptosis, proliferation, cell cycling, protein synthesis and glucose metabolism, in order to augment their replication. to date, the role of the pi3k-akt pathway in baculovirus replication has not been defined. in the present study, we demonstrate that infection of sf9 cells with autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (a ...200919573890
characterization of short-lived intermediates produced during replication of baculovirus this report the short-lived dna replication intermediates produced in both uninfected and autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) infected spodoptera frugiperda cells were characterized. the methods used included pulse-labeling of dna in permiabilized cells, treatment of nascent dna with mung bean nuclease, and electrophoresis in neutral and alkaline agarose gels. in contrast to uninfected cells that produced a population of small dna fragments of about 200bp, a populati ...200919560496
bacterial, but not baculoviral infections stimulate hemolin expression in noctuid moths.lepidopteran larvae are regularly infected by baculoviruses during feeding on infected plants. the differences in sensitivity to these infections can be substantial, even among closely related species. for example, the noctuids cotton bollworm (helicoverpa zea) and tobacco budworm (heliothis virescens), have a 1000-fold difference in sensitivity to autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) infection. recent data were interpreted to indicate that the lepidopteran immunoglobuli ...200919540262
chicken hs4 insulator significantly improves baculovirus-mediated foreign gene expression in insect cells by modifying the structure of neighbouring chromatin in virus minichromosome.the baculovirus autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) is widely used as a eukaryotic expression vector for protein production. in the current study, chicken beta-globin 5'-hs4 insulator (hs4) was placed downstream of the polyhedrin promoter-directed foreign gene expression cassette in acmnpv, and found to markedly increase the expression of target gene. when enhanced green fluorescence protein gene (egfp) was used as the reporter gene, cells infected by the recombinant vi ...200919539676
baculovirus induces type i interferon production through toll-like receptor-dependent and -independent pathways in a cell-type-specific manner.autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) is a double-stranded-dna virus that is pathogenic to insects. acnpv was shown to induce an innate immune response in mammalian immune cells and to confer protection of mice from lethal viral infection. in this study, we have shown that production of type i interferon (ifn) by acnpv in murine plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pdcs) and non-pdcs, such as peritoneal macrophages and splenic cd11c+ dcs, was mediated by toll-like receptor (tlr)-dep ...200919474102
baculovirus interactions in vitro and in vivo.baculoviruses are promising viral insecticides and are safe for the environment. interaction of baculoviruses in vitro and in vivo is a basic molecular and ecological question that has practical applications in agriculture. cellular secretion is also a fundamental property in cell-cell communication. here, we review recent investigations on how baculoviruses interact with insect cells and insect hosts. we focus particularly on a new interaction mechanism in which a secretion from cells infected ...200919426856
pathogenesis of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus in fifth-instar anticarsia gemmatalis larvae.we have investigated infection and pathogenesis of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) in anticarsia gemmatalis (velvetbean caterpillar) larvae using a lacz recombinant virus (acmnpv-hsp70/lacz) to track the temporal progression of infection in the midgut intestine and haemocoel. a. gemmatalis was highly resistant to fatal infection by occlusion bodies (obs; ld(50)>5.5 x 10(5) ob) and budded virus (bv; ld(50)>3 x 10(5) bv) administered via oral and systemic routes, resp ...200919423548
deletion of the acmnpv core gene ac109 results in budded virions that are non-infectious.autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) ac109 is a core gene and its function in the virus life cycle is unknown. to determine its role in the baculovirus life cycle, we used the acmnpv bacmid system to generate an ac109 deletion virus (vac(109ko)). fluorescence and light microscopy showed that transfection of vac(109ko) results in a single-cell infection phenotype. viral dna replication is unaffected and the development of occlusion bodies in vac(109ko)-transfected cells e ...200919411088
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