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efficacy of insect growth regulators and diamide insecticides for control of stem borers (lepidoptera: crambidae) in sugarcane.field experiments assessed control of the stem borers, diatraea saccharalis (f.) and eoreuma loftini (dyar), in sugarcane (saccharum spp.) with selected insect growth regulators and diamide insecticides. tebufenozide, novaluron, chlorantraniliprole, and flubendiamide were evaluated for d. saccharalis control in four field experiments in louisiana between 2009 and 2014. aerial application of the same insecticides was evaluated for control of e. loftini in commercial sugarcane fields in southern t ...201728334153
host-plant associated genetic divergence of two diatraea spp. (lepidoptera: crambidae) stemborers on novel crop plants.diatraea lineolata and diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae) are moths with stemboring larvae that feed and develop on economically important grasses. this study investigated whether these moths have diverged from a native host plant, corn, onto introduced crop plants including sorghum, sugarcane, and rice. diatraea larvae were collected from these four host plants throughout the year in el salvador and were reared on artificial diet until moths or parasitoids emerged. adult moths were s ...201628031813
neem oil (azadirachta indica a. juss) affects the ultrastructure of the midgut muscle of ceraeochrysa claveri (navás, 1911) (neuroptera: chrysopidae).cytomorphological changes, by means of ultrastructural analyses, have been used to determine the effects of the biopesticide neem oil on the muscle fibers of the midgut of the predator ceraeochrysa claveri. insects, throughout the larval period, were fed eggs of diatraea saccharalis treated with neem oil at a concentration of 0.5%, 1% or 2%. in the adult stage, the midgut was collected from female insects at two stages of adulthood (newly emerged and at the start of oviposition) and processed fo ...201727939524
microsatellite loci and genetic structure of artificial populations of cotesia flavipes (hymenoptera, braconidae).cotesia flavipes (cameron) is a parasitoid wasp used in the biological control of the sugarcane borer (diatraea saccharalis) (fabr., 1794). studies on the genetic diversity of c. flavipes are hampered by the lack of highly polymorphic molecular markers. in this report, a set of 11 microsatellite loci were developed from an enriched library of c. flavipes. four microsatellite loci were polymorphic and were screened in 212 c. flavipes individuals (183 females and 29 males) that were randomly sampl ...201627886334
possibly similar genetic basis of resistance to bacillus thuringiensis cry1ab protein in 3 resistant colonies of the sugarcane borer collected from louisiana, usa.the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.), is a major maize borer pest and a target of transgenic maize expressing bacillus thuringiensis (bt) proteins in south america and the mid-southern region of the united states. evolution of resistance in target pest populations is a great threat to the long-term efficacy of bt crops. in this study, we compared the genetic basis of resistance to cry1ab protein in 3 resistant colonies of sugarcane borer established from field populations in louisiana, ...201627860288
sugarcane serine peptidase inhibitors, serine peptidases, and clp protease system subunits associated with sugarcane borer (diatraea saccharalis) herbivory and wounding.sugarcane's (saccharum spp.) response to diatraea saccharalis (f.) (lepidoptera: (crambidae) herbivory was investigated using a macroarray spotted with 248 sugarcane expressed sequence tags (ests) encoding serine peptidase inhibitors, serine peptidases. and clp protease system subunits. our results showed that after nine hours of herbivory, 13 sugarcane genes were upregulated and nine were downregulated. among the upregulated genes, nine were similar to serine peptidase inhibitors and four were ...201627598134
restriction site associated dna (rad) for de novo sequencing and marker discovery in sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis fab. (lepidoptera: crambidae).we present the development of a genomic library using radseq (restriction site associated dna sequencing) protocol for marker discovery that can be applied on evolutionary studies of the sugarcane borer diatraea saccharalis, an important south american insect pest. a radtag protocol combined with illumina paired-end sequencing allowed de novo discovery of 12 811 snps and a high-quality assembly of 122.8m paired-end reads from six individuals, representing 40 gb of sequencing data. approximately ...201627571734
quality of the exotic parasitoid cotesia flavipes (hymenoptera: braconidae) does not show deleterious effects after inbreeding for 10 generations.although the parasitoid cotesia flavipes (cameron) has proven effective in controlling sugarcane borer diatraea saccharalis (fabricius) for many years, concern has arisen over the quality of individuals produced at large scales. the parasitoid has been reared in laboratories in brazil for more than 40 years, with no new introductions of new populations during that period. since the quality of the parasitoids was not verified at the time of the species' introduction in brazil, we do not know if t ...201627509087
side effects of neem oil on the midgut endocrine cells of the green lacewing ceraeochrysa claveri (navás) (neuroptera: chrysopidae).we described the ultrastructure of ceraeochrysa claveri (navás) midgut endocrine cells in larva, pupa, and adult, and evaluated the side effects of ingested neem oil, a botanical insecticide obtained from the seeds of the neem tree (azadirachta indica), on these cells. during the larval period, c. claveri were fed (ad libitum) diatraea saccharalis (f.) eggs treated with neem oil at concentrations of 0.5%, 1%, or 2%. transmission electron microscopy showed that two subtypes of endocrine cells, na ...201427193522
reproductive isolation between two populations of diatraea saccharalis (f.) (lepidoptera: crambidae) from different host plant species and regions in argentina.the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.), has a widespread distribution throughout the western hemisphere and is a pest of many crop plants including sugarcane, corn, sorghum and rice. the use of bacillus thuringiensis (bt) corn has been the primary tool for managing this species in corn fields. sugarcane borer control has been recently threatened by observations of susceptibility and/or resistance to certain varieties of bt corn and the protein used in many newer varieties. this has led t ...201627112423
transgenic sugarcane with a cry1ac gene exhibited better phenotypic traits and enhanced resistance against sugarcane borer.we developed sugarcane plants with improved resistance to the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f). an expression vector pgcry1ac0229, harboring the cry1ac gene and the selectable marker gene, bar, was constructed. this construct was introduced into the sugarcane cultivar fn15 by particle bombardment. transformed plantlets were identified after selection with phosphinothricin (ppt) and basta. plantlets were then screened by pcr based on the presence of cry1ac and 14 cry1ac positive plantlet ...201627093437
proteomic profile of hemolymph and detection of induced antimicrobial peptides in response to microbial challenge in diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae).insects are organisms extremely well adapted to diverse habitats, primarily due to their innate immune system, which provides them with a range of cellular and humoral responses against microorganisms. lepidoptera hemolymph proteins involved in humoral responses are well known; however, there is a lack of knowledge about the sugarcane borer diatraea saccharalis. in this present work, the hemolymph proteins of this pest insect were studied by applying proteomic methodologies. two-dimensional elec ...201627012208
comparative analysis of expression profiling of the trypsin and chymotrypsin genes from lepidoptera species with different levels of sensitivity to soybean peptidase inhibitors.peptidase inhibitors (pis) are essential proteins involved in plant resistance to herbivorous insects, yet many insect species are able to escape the negative effects of these molecules. we compared the effects of acute and chronic ingestion of soybean peptidase inhibitors (spis) on spodoptera frugiperda and diatraea saccharalis, two lepidoptera species with different sensitivities to spi ingestion. we analyzed the trypsin and chymotrypsin gene expression profiles in both species. acute exposure ...201726944308
selection of prey to improve biological parameters of the predator podisus nigrispinus (dallas, 1851) (hemiptera: pentatomidae) in laboratory conditions.mass production of predatory stinkbugs in the laboratory is prioritized to release them into the field as part of ipm programs. therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the best prey for rearing the predator podisus nigrispinus (dallas, 1851) (hemiptera: pentatomidae) among five different species of insect (three of lepidoptera, one of coleoptera, and one of diptera). second-instar p. nigrispinus nymphs were conditioned in transparent 1000-ml plastic pots, adults were placed in petri dis ...201626934159
a two-agent model applied to the biological control of the sugarcane borer (diatraea saccharalis) by the egg parasitoid trichogramma galloi and the larvae parasitoid cotesia flavipes.the paper is aimed at a methodological development in biological pest control. the considered one pest two-agent system is modelled as a verticum-type system. originally, linear verticum-type systems were introduced by one of the authors for modelling certain industrial systems. these systems are hierarchically composed of linear subsystems such that a part of the state variables of each subsystem affect the dynamics of the next subsystem. recently, verticum-type system models have been applied ...201626911807
a betabaculovirus encoding a gp64 homolog.a betabaculovirus (disagv) was isolated from diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae), one of the most important insect pests of the sugarcane and other monocot cultures in brazil.201626847652
a betabaculovirus-encoded gp64 homolog codes for a functional envelope fusion protein.the gp64 envelope fusion protein is a hallmark of group i alphabaculoviruses. however, the diatraea saccharalis granulovirus genome sequence revealed the first betabaculovirus species harboring a gp64 homolog (disa118). in this work, we have shown that this homolog encodes a functional envelope fusion protein and could enable the infection and fusogenic abilities of a gp64-null prototype baculovirus. therefore, gp64 may complement or may be in the process of replacing f protein activity in this ...201526537678
cytotoxic effects of neem oil in the midgut of the predator ceraeochrysa claveri.studies of morphological and ultrastructural alterations in target organs have been useful for evaluating the sublethal effects of biopesticides regarded as safe for non-target organisms in ecotoxicological analyses. one of the most widely used biopesticides is neem oil, and its safety and compatibility with natural enemies have been further clarified through bioassays performed to analyze the effects of indirect exposure by the intake of poisoned prey. thus, this study examined the cellular res ...201626520254
resistance risk assessment of spodoptera frugiperda (lepidoptera: noctuidae) and diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae) to vip3aa20 insecticidal protein expressed in corn.transgenic agrisure viptera 3 corn that expresses cry1ab, vip3aa20, and epsps proteins and agrisure viptera expressing vip3aa20 are used for control of spodoptera frugiperda (j.e. smith) and diatraea saccharalis (f.) in brazil. to support a resistance management program, resistance risk assessment studies were conducted to characterize the dose expression of vip3aa20 protein and level of control against these species. the vip3aa20 expression in agrisure viptera 3 and agrisure viptera decreased f ...201526470366
development of a new container for storage and release of the parasitoid cotesia flavipes (hymenoptera: braconidae).in brazil, the parasitoid cotesia flavipes (cameron) has been used as a biological control agent against diatraea saccharalis (f.) since 1976, because of its effectiveness in reducing populations of this pest. three million plastic cups are used annually to release c. flavipes, which remain in the environment. this study aimed to develop fully biodegradable packaging, so that releases occur without damaging the environment. the biological characteristics of c. flavipes were studied for five gene ...201526470218
genetic diversity and structure of brazilian populations of diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae): implications for pest management.the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.), is the main pest of sugarcane in brazil. genetic variability and gene flow among 13 brazilian populations of the species were evaluated based on mitochondrial dna sequences to estimate the exchange of genetic information within and among populations. we found high genetic structure among sampled localities (φst=0.50923), and pairwise genetic distances were significantly correlated to geographic distances. demographic analysis and genealogical netwo ...201526470135
lepidoptera (crambidae, noctuidae, and pyralidae) injury to corn containing single and pyramided bt traits, and blended or block refuge, in the southern united states.fall armyworm, spodoptera frugiperda (j. e. smith) (lepidoptera: noctuidae); corn earworm, helicoverpa zea boddie (lepidoptera: noctuidae); southwestern corn borer, diatraea grandiosella dyar (lepidoptera: crambidae); sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis f. (lepidoptera: crambidae); and lesser cornstalk borer, elasmopalpus lignosellus zeller (lepidoptera: pyralidae), are lepidopteran pests of corn, zea mays l., in the southern united states. blended refuge for transgenic plants expressing the i ...201526470116
bowman-birk proteinase inhibitor from clitoria fairchildiana seeds: isolation, biochemical properties and insecticidal potential.herein described is the biochemical characterisation, including in vitro and in vivo assays, for a proteinase inhibitor purified from clitoria fairchildiana seeds (cfpi). purification was performed by hydrophobic interaction and gel filtration chromatography. kinetic studies of the purified inhibitor showed a competitive-type inhibitory activity against bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin, with an inhibition stoichiometry of 1:1 for both enzymes. the inhibition constants against trypsin and chymotry ...201526330217
testis morphology and dichotomic spermatogenesis in the sugarcane borer diatraea saccharalis (f.) (lepidoptera: crambidae).in the present study, we describe the testis morphology and spermatogenesis of the sugarcane borer, one of the most destructive pests of sugarcane, using light, transmission, and scanning electron microscopies. diatraea saccharalis (f.) larvae have paired, kidney-shaped testes that are limited externally and divided into four follicles by tunica cells. the adults have two fused whitish and spherical testes that are divided into eight follicles and are composed of spermatogonia, spermatocyte, spe ...201526245268
identification, inheritance, and fitness costs of cry2ab2 resistance in a field-derived population of sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.) (lepidoptera: crambidae).the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.), is one of the major target pests of transgenic maize, zea mays, expressing bacillus thuringiensis (bt) proteins in south america and mid-southern region of the u.s. the mon89034 maize expresses cry2ab2 and cry1a.105 bt proteins and it was developed to provide better control of key lepidopteran pests of maize including d. saccharalis. the objectives of this study were to select and characterize the resistance of d. saccharalis to cry2ab2 using a non ...201526205174
differential expression of the pr1a gene in metarhizium anisopliae and metarhizium acridum across different culture conditions and during pathogenesis.the entomopathogenic fungi of the genus metarhizium have several subtilisin-like proteases that are involved in pathogenesis and these have been used to investigate genes that are differentially expressed in response to different growth conditions. the identification and characterization of these proteases can provide insight into how the fungus is capable of infecting a wide variety of insects and adapt to different substrates. in addition, the pr1a gene has been used for the genetic improvemen ...201525983629
impacts of nosema sp. (microsporidia: nosematidae) on the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae).in brazil, the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (fabricius, 1794) (lepidoptera: crambidae), is controlled with massive releases of the hymenopteran parasitoid cotesia flavipes cam. (hymenoptera: braconidae); over 3 million hectares of sugarcane are treated annually with 18 billion parasitoids. in order to meet this demand, parasitoids are produced in d. saccharalis under laboratory conditions where a nosema sp. is reported to be an important problem in mass rearing of the host. the goals fo ...201525981134
isolation of cellulolytic bacteria from the intestine of diatraea saccharalis larvae and evaluation of their capacity to degrade sugarcane a strategy to find efficient lignocellulose degrading enzymes/microorganisms for sugarcane biomass pretreatment purposes, 118 culturable bacterial strains were isolated from intestines of sugarcane-fed larvae of the moth diatraea saccharalis. all strains were tested for cellulolytic activity using soluble carboxymethyl cellulose (cmc) degrading assays or by growing bacteria on sugarcane biomass as sole carbon sources. out of the 118 strains isolated thirty eight were found to possess cellulos ...201525852992
binding analysis of bacillus thuringiensis cry1 proteins in the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae).sugarcane borer (diatraea saccharalis, f.) is an important corn pest in south america and united states. the aim of the present study was to analyze the susceptibility and binding interactions of three cry1a proteins and cry1fa in a brazilian d. saccharalis population. the results showed that cry1ab was the most active, followed by cry1ac, cry1fa and cry1aa. all cry1-biotinylated proteins tested bound specifically to the d. saccharalis brush border membrane vesicles (bbmv). heterologous competit ...201525736726
geographic population structure of the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.) (lepidoptera: crambidae), in the southern united states.the sugarcane borer moth, diatraea saccharalis, is widespread throughout the western hemisphere, and is considered an introduced species in the southern united states. although this moth has a wide distribution and is a pest of many crop plants including sugarcane, corn, sorghum and rice, it is considered one species. the objective was to investigate whether more than one introduction of d. saccharalis had occurred in the southern united states and whether any cryptic species were present. we fi ...201425337705
critical electrolyte concentration of silk gland chromatin of the sugarcane borer diatraea saccharalis, induced using agrochemicals.the sugarcane borer diatraea saccharalis is widely known as the main pest of sugarcane crop, causing increased damage to the entire fields. measures to control this pest involve the use of chemicals and biological control with cotesia flavipes wasps. in this study, we evaluated the insecticides fipronil (frontline; 0.0025%), malathion (malatol bio carb; 0.4%), cipermetrina (galgotrin; 10%), and neem oil (natuneem; 100%) and the herbicide nicosulfuron (sanson 40 sc; 100%) in the posterior region ...201425299111
synergism and antagonism between bacillus thuringiensis vip3a and cry1 proteins in heliothis virescens, diatraea saccharalis and spodoptera frugiperda.second generation bt crops (insect resistant crops carrying bacillus thuringiensis genes) combine more than one gene that codes for insecticidal proteins in the same plant to provide better control of agricultural pests. some of the new combinations involve co-expression of cry and vip genes. because cry and vip proteins have different midgut targets and possibly different mechanisms of toxicity, it is important to evaluate possible synergistic or antagonistic interactions between these two clas ...201425275646
the parasitoid, cotesia flavipes (cameron) (hymenoptera: braconidae), influences food consumption and utilization by larval diatraea saccharalis (f.) (lepidoptera: crambidae).parasitoids exploit host insects for food and other resources; they alter host development and physiology to optimize conditions to favor parasitoid development. parasitoids influence their hosts by injecting eggs, along with a variety of substances, including venoms, polydnaviruses, ovarian fluids, and other maternal factors, into hosts. these factors induce profound changes in hosts, such as behavior, metabolism, endocrine events, and immune defense. because endoparasitoids develop and consume ...201425042594
modeling evolution of resistance of sugarcane borer (lepidoptera: crambidae) to transgenic bt corn.diatraea saccharalis (f.) (lepidoptera: crambidae) is a target pest of transgenic corn expressing bacillus thuringiensis (bt) protein, and the first evidence of resistance by d. saccharalis to cry1ab corn was detected in a field population in northeast louisiana in 2004. we used a model of population dynamics and genetics of d. saccharalis to 1) study the effect of interfield dispersal, the first date that larvae enter diapause for overwintering, toxin mortality, the proportion of non-bt corn in ...201424914780
defense response in non-genomic model species: methyl jasmonate exposure reveals the passion fruit leaves' ability to assemble a cocktail of functionally diversified kunitz-type trypsin inhibitors and recruit two of them against papain.multiplicity of protease inhibitors induced by predators may increase the understanding of a plant's intelligent behavior toward environmental challenges. information about defense mechanisms of non-genomic model plant passion fruit (passiflora edulis sims) in response to predator attack is still limited. here, via biochemical approaches, we showed its flexibility to build-up a broad repertoire of potent kunitz-type trypsin inhibitors (ktis) in response to methyl jasmonate. seven inhibitors (20- ...201424849173
baseline susceptibility and monitoring of brazilian populations of spodoptera frugiperda (lepidoptera: noctuidae) and diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae) to vip3aa20 insecticidal protein.the genetically modified maize expressing vip3aa20 insecticidal protein from bacillus thuringiensis berliner is abiotechnological option for the control of spodoptera frugiperda (j.e. smith) and diatraea saccharalis (f.) in brazil. to support an insect resistance management program, we conducted studies of baseline susceptibility and monitoring of brazilian populations of s. frugiperda and d. saccharalis to the vip3aa20 insecticidal protein. neonates were exposed to vip3aa20 applied on artificia ...201424772561
managing the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis, and corn earworm, helicoverpa zea, using bt corn and insecticide treatments.the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (fabricius) (lepidoptera: crambidae) and the corn earworm, helicoverpa zea (boddie) (lepidoptera: noctuidae), are important pests of corn in brazil and have not been successfully managed, because of the difficulty of managing them with pesticides. the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of bt corn mon810, transformed with a gene from bacillus thuringiensis berliner (bacillales: bacillaceae) insecticide seed treatment, and foliar insecticid ...201324735131
the sugarcane defense protein sugarwin2 causes cell death in colletotrichum falcatum but not in non-pathogenic fungi.plants respond to pathogens and insect attacks by inducing and accumulating a large set of defense-related proteins. two homologues of a barley wound-inducible protein (barwin) have been characterized in sugarcane, sugarwin1 and sugarwin2 (sugarcane wound-inducible proteins). induction of sugarwins occurs in response to diatraea saccharalis damage but not to pathogen infection. in addition, the protein itself does not show any effect on insect development; instead, it has antimicrobial activitie ...201424608349
control of diatraea saccharalis by the endophytic pantoea agglomerans 33.1 expressing cry1ac7.despite the fact that bacillus thuringiensis (bt) is found in more than 90 % of the products used against insects, it has some difficulty reaching the internal regions where the larvae feed. to solve this problem, many genetically modified microorganisms that colonize the same pests have been developed. thus, the endophytic bacterium pantoea agglomerans (33.1), which has been recently described as a promising sugarcane growth promoter, was genetically modified with the pjtt vector (which carries ...201424531524
fitness costs and stability of cry1ab resistance in sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.).the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.), is a major target species of transgenic corn expressing bacillus thuringiensis (bt) proteins in south america and the u.s. mid-south region. in this study, the fitness of seven insect genotypes of d. saccharalis were assayed on non-toxic diet, which included a cry1ab-susceptible strain (ss-2009), two cry1ab-resistant strains (rr-43a(bc), rr-l5b(bc)), and four f1 hybrids (f1-r43a(m)s(f), f1-r43a(f)s(m), f1-r5b(m)s(f), and f1-r5b(f)s(m)). the f1 hybr ...201424503242
short and long-term antinutritional effect of the trypsin inhibitor apti for biological control of sugarcane borer.plant-derived trypsin inhibitors have been shown to have potent anti-insect effects and are a promising alternative for the biological control of pests. in this work, we tested the anti-insect activity of adenanthera pavonina trypsin inhibitor (apti) against diatraea saccharalis larvae, a major insect pest in sugarcane. the addition of 0.1% apti in short-term assays resulted in 87% and 63% decreased trypsin and chymotrypsin activities respectively. apti was not digested after 60h incubation with ...201424355140
agricultural case studies of classification accuracy, spectral resolution, and model over-fitting.this paper describes the relationship between spectral resolution and classification accuracy in analyses of hyperspectral imaging data acquired from crop leaves. the main scope is to discuss and reduce the risk of model over-fitting. over-fitting of a classification model occurs when too many and/or irrelevant model terms are included (i.e., a large number of spectral bands), and it may lead to low robustness/repeatability when the classification model is applied to independent validation data. ...201324160886
bacillus thuringiensis monogenic strains: screening and interactions with insecticides used against rice pests.the screening of bacillus thuringiensis (bt) cry proteins with high potential to control insect pests has been the goal of numerous research groups. in this study, we evaluated six monogenic bt strains (bt dendrolimus hd-37, bt kurstaki hd-1, bt kurstaki hd-73, bt thuringiensis 4412, bt kurstaki nrd-12 and bt entomocidus 60.5, which codify the cry1aa, cry1ab, cry1ac, cry1ba, cry1c, cry2a genes respectively) as potential insecticides for the most important insect pests of irrigated rice: spodopte ...201224031872
comparative binding of cry1ab and cry1f bacillus thuringiensis toxins to brush border membrane proteins from ostrinia nubilalis, ostrinia furnacalis and diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae) midgut tissue.the european (ostrinia nubilalis hübner) and asian corn borers (ostrinia furnacalis guenée) are closely related and display similar sensitivity to cry1 toxins. in this study, we compared the binding patterns of cry1ab and cry1f toxins between both ostrinia spp., as well as the expression of putative cadherin- and aminopeptidase-n (apn)-like protein receptors. additionally, cdna sequences of these putative toxin receptors from both ostrinia species were compared. ligand blots for both species ind ...201323999243
characterization and transcriptional analyses of cdnas encoding three trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like proteinases in cry1ab-susceptible and cry1ab-resistant strains of sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis.diatraea saccharalis is a major corn borer pest. midgut serine proteinases are essential for insect growth and development. alteration of midgut proteinases is responsible for bt resistance development in some species. to clone midgut trypsin and chymotrypsin cdnas and to test if the cry1ab resistance in d. saccharalis is associated with changes in midgut proteinases, total midgut tryptic and chymotryptic activities, cdna sequences, and gene expressions of three trypsin and three chymotrypsin ge ...201323955944
biological aspects of eriopis connexa (germar) (coleoptera: coccinellidae) fed on different insect pests of maize (zea mays l.) and sorghum [sorghum bicolor l. (moench.)].eriopis connexa (germar) (coleoptera: coccinellidae) occurs in several countries of south america and its mass rearing is important for biological control programmes. this work evaluated biological aspects of e. connexa larva fed on eggs of anagasta kuehniella (zeller) (lepidoptera: pyralidae) and spodoptera frugiperda (j. e. smith) (lepidoptera: noctuidae) frozen for one day, fresh eggs of diatraea saccharalis (fabricius) (lepidoptera: pyralidae), s. frugiperda newly-hatched caterpillars, nymph ...201323917572
effect of silicon soil amendment on performance of sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae) on rice.the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.), is a pest of graminaceous crops in the southern usa, including sugarcane, maize, and rice. this study was conducted to investigate the effect of silicon (si) soil amendments on performance of sugarcane borer, d. saccharalis, on two rice cultivars, cocodrie and xl723. there was a significant increase in the si content of rice plants supplemented with calcium silicate as compared to non-treated plants. soil si amendment led to lower relative growth r ...201323830057
development and characterization of microsatellite loci for genetic studies of the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae).we present polymorphic microsatellite markers isolated for genetic studies of the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (fabricius). we isolated 16 microsatellite loci through an enriched genomic library protocol. after characterization, 12 markers showed polymorphic information expressed in the observed number of alleles (ranging from 2 to 7; 5 on average) and in the polymorphism information content (ranging from 0.292 to 0.771; 0.535 on average). these markers can be used in further studies to ...201323765969
occurrence and larval movement of diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae) in seed mixes of non-bt and bt pyramid corn.larval movement of target pest populations among bt and non-bt plants is a major concern in the use of a seed mixture refuge strategy for bt resistance management. in this study, occurrence and larval movement of the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.), were evaluated in four planting patterns of non-bt and bt plants containing genuity® smartstax(tm) traits in 2009-2011. the four planting patterns were: (1) a pure stand of 27 bt plants; (2) one non-bt plant in the center, surrounded by 26 ...201323456950
production of 3-nitropropionic acid by endophytic fungus phomopsis longicolla isolated from trichilia elegans a. juss ssp. elegans and evaluation of biological activity.the compound 3-nitropropionic acid is a potent neurotoxic agent in animals and well-known as a potent inhibitor of mycobacterium tuberculosis. in this research, we were able to extract this compound from the endophytic fungus, phomopsis longicolla (fj62759), isolated from trichilia elegans a. juss ssp. elegans. the aim of this study was the isolation of secondary metabolites produced by p. longicolla, the chemical identification of these compounds and evaluation of their antimicrobial and insect ...201323296917
susceptibility of cry1ab maize-resistant and -susceptible strains of sugarcane borer (lepidoptera: crambidae) to four individual cry proteins.sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.), is a major target of bt maize in south america and many areas of the us mid-south region. six laboratory strains of d. saccharalis were established from six single-pair f(2) families possessing major resistance alleles to cry1ab maize hybrids. susceptibility of the six strains was evaluated on diet treated with each of four purified trypsin-activated bt proteins, cry1ab, cry1aa, cry1ac and cry1f. bt susceptibility of the six strains was compared with t ...201323270874
evaluation of corn hybrids expressing cry1f, cry1a.105, cry2ab2, cry34ab1/cry35ab1, and cry3bb1 against southern united states insect pests.studies were conducted across the southern united states to characterize the efficacy of multiple bacillus thuringiensis (bt) events in a field corn, zea mays l., hybrid for control of common lepidopteran and coleopteran pests. cry1f protein in event tc1507 and cry1a.105 + cry2ab2 proteins in event mon 89034 were evaluated against pests infesting corn on above-ground plant tissue including foliage, stalks, and ears. cry34ab1/cry35ab1 proteins in event das-59122-7 and cry3bb1 in event mon 88017 w ...201223156183
molecular cloning and insecticidal effect of inga laurina trypsin inhibitor on diatraea saccharalis and heliothis virescens.native inga laurina (fabaceae) trypsin inhibitor (ilti) was tested for anti-insect activity against diatraea saccharalis and heliothis virescens larvae. the addition of 0.1% ilti to the diet of d. saccharalis did not alter larval survival but decreased larval weight by 51%. the h. virescens larvae that were fed a diet containing 0.5% ilti showed an 84% decrease in weight. ilti was not digested by the midgut proteinases of either species of larvae. the trypsin levels were reduced by 55.3% in the ...201222885277
evaluation of in vitro and in vivo effects of semipurified proteinase inhibitors from theobroma seeds on midgut protease activity of lepidopteran pest insects.we have characterized in vitro and in vivo effects of trypsin inhibitors from theobroma seeds on the activity of trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like proteins from lepidopteran pest insects. the action of semipurified trypsin inhibitors from theobroma was evaluated by the inhibition of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin activities determined by the hydrolysis of n-benzoyl-dl-arginine-p-nitroanilide (bapa) and n-succinyl-ala-ala-pho-phe p-nitroanilide (s-(ala)2prophe-pna). proteinase inhibitor activities ...201222806759
effects of neem oil (azadirachta indica a. juss) on midgut cells of predatory larvae ceraeochrysa claveri (navás, 1911) (neuroptera: chrysopidae).the effects of ingested neem oil, a botanical insecticide obtained from the seeds of the neem tree, azadirachta indica, on the midgut cells of predatory larvae ceraeochrysa claveri were analyzed. c. claveri were fed on eggs of diatraea saccharalis treated with neem oil at a concentration of 0.5%, 1% and 2% during throughout the larval period. light and electron microscopy showed severe damages in columnar cells, which had many cytoplasmic protrusions, clustering and ruptured of the microvilli, s ...201322739123
oviposition behavior of diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae) on different rice cultivars in louisiana.the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.), is a pest of a variety of graminaceous crops in the southern united states, including sugarcane, maize, and rice in louisiana. this study examined several aspects of d. saccharalis oviposition behavior on rice (oryza sativa). the vertical distribution of egg masses on four phenological stages of rice in the field showed that d. saccharalis prefers to oviposit on the uppermost portions of rice plants, regardless of plant stage. in greenhouse choice ...201222732615
extended monitoring of resistance to bacillus thuringiensis cry1ab maize in diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae).the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.), is a major target of transgenic maize expressing bacillus thuringiensis (bt) proteins in south america and the mid-southern region of the united states. during 2007-2009, a total of 986 feral individuals of d. saccharalis were collected from maize fields in six locations of louisiana and mississippi and examined for resistance to cry1ab maize using f 1/f 2 screens. major resistance alleles to cry1ab maize in the populations sampled from non-bt maiz ...201422688686
the nearctic-caribbean species leptotrachelus dorsalis (fabricius, 1801): larval descriptions with a diagnosis of immature ctenodactylini and natural history notes on the genus and tribe (coleoptera, carabidae).adults and larvae of leptotrachelus dorsalis (fabricius), the sugarcane savior beetle, live in association with grasses, the larvae in the appressed leaf axils. both adult and larval leptotrachelus dorsalis eat larvae of the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (fabricius), and perhaps other insects living in the confines of the leaf sheaths of that and other grass-like species. the geographic range of leptotrachelus dorsalis extends from kansas in the west to the atlantic seaboard, north as fa ...201222679382
feasibility of using an alternative larval host and host plants to establish cotesia flavipes (hymenoptera: braconidae) in the temperate louisiana sugarcane ecosystem.attempts to establish cotesia flavipes cameron (hymenoptera: braconidae) in louisiana sugarcane fields to control the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.) (lepidoptera: crambidae) have been unsuccessful. experiments were conducted to investigate the feasibility of using an alternative larval host and host plants to overcome barriers preventing establishment. in addition, we evaluated c. flavipes' ability to search for d. saccharalis in sugarcane without above-ground internodes. diatraea ev ...201222506999
seasonal infestations of two stem borers (lepidoptera: crambidae) in noncrop grasses of gulf coast rice agroecosystems.infestations of two stem borers, eoreuma loftini (dyar) and diatraea saccharalis (f.) (lepidoptera: crambidae), were compared in noncrop grasses adjacent to rice (oryza sativa l.) fields. three farms in the texas rice gulf coast production area were surveyed every 6-8 wk between 2007 and 2009 using quadrat sampling along transects. although d. saccharalis densities were relatively low, e. loftini average densities ranged from 0.3 to 5.7 immatures per m(2) throughout the 2-yr period. early annual ...201122251716
sugarwin: a sugarcane insect-induced gene with antipathogenic sugarcane fields, colonization of the stalk by opportunistic fungi usually occurs after the caterpillar diatraea saccharalis attacks the sugarcane plant. plants respond to insect attack by inducing and accumulating a large set of defense proteins. two homologues of a barley wound-inducible protein (barwin), sugarcane wound-inducible proteins sugarwin1 and sugarwin2, have been identified in sugarcane by an in silico analysis. antifungal properties have been described for a number of barwin hom ...201222250584
microarray analysis of global gene regulation in the cry1ab-resistant and cry1ab-susceptible strains of diatraea saccharalis.extensive adoption of transgenic bt corn in recent years for stalk borer control has increased risk of resistance evolution in the target pest populations. a bt-resistant strain of the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis, was approximately 100-fold more tolerant to cry1ab toxin than the susceptible counterpart. to gain a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of bt resistance, the cry1ab-susceptible (cry1ab-ss) and cry1ab-resistant (cry1ab-rr) strains of d. saccharalis were subjected ...201222228544
parasitism by the endoparasitoid, cotesia flavipes induces cellular immunosuppression and enhances susceptibility of the sugar cane borer, diatraea saccharalis to bacillus thuringiensis.cotesia flavipes cameron (hymenoptera: braconidae), is a gregarious larval endoparasitoid of the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis fabricius (lepidoptera: crambidae). the aim of this research was to analyze cellular immunosuppression of d. saccharalis parasitized by c. flavipes in terms of encapsulation, melanization, and hemocyte nodule formation. the encapsulation assay was done 1 and 6 days after parasitoid oviposition. in addition, the susceptibility of parasitized and nonparasitzed larv ...201122225507
exploitation of mitochondrial nad6 as a complementary marker for studying population variability in lepidoptera.the applicability of mitochondrial nad6 sequences to studies of dna and population variability in lepidoptera was tested in four species of economically important moths and one of wild butterflies. the genetic information so obtained was compared to that of cox1 sequences for two species of lepidoptera. nad6 primers appropriately amplified all the tested dna targets, the generated data proving to be as informative and suitable in recovering population structures as that of cox1. the proposal is ...201122215980
life table studies of elasmopalpus lignosellus (lepidoptera: pyralidae) on sugarcane.the lesser cornstalk borer, elasmopalpus lignosellus (zeller) (lepidoptera: pyralidae) is an important pest of sugarcane (a complex hybrid of saccharum spp.) in southern florida. reproductive and life table parameters for e. lignosellus were examined at nine constant temperatures from 13 to 36 °c with sugarcane as the larval food source. the pre- and postoviposition periods decreased with increasing temperatures and reached their minimums at 33 and 36 °c, respectively. the oviposition period was ...201022182570
Identification and Structural Characterization of Novel Cyclotide with Activity against an Insect Pest of Sugar Cane.Cyclotides are a family of plant-derived cyclic peptides comprising six conserved cysteine residues connected by three intermolecular disulfide bonds that form a knotted structure known as a cyclic cystine knot (CCK). This structural motif is responsible for the pronounced stability of cyclotides against chemical, thermal, or proteolytic degradation and has sparked growing interest in this family of peptides. Here, we isolated and characterized a novel cyclotide from Palicourea rigida (Rubiaceae ...201222074926
down regulation of a gene for cadherin, but not alkaline phosphatase, associated with cry1ab resistance in the sugarcane borer diatraea saccharalis.the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis, is a major target pest of transgenic corn expressing bacillus thuringiensis (bt) proteins (i.e., cry1ab) in south america and the mid-southern region of the united states. evolution of insecticide resistance in such target pests is a major threat to the durability of transgenic bt crops. understanding the pests' resistance mechanisms will facilitate development of effective strategies for delaying or countering resistance. alterations in expression of c ...201121991350
structural insights regarding an insecticidal talisia esculenta protein and its biotechnological potential for diatraea saccharalis larval control.talisin is a seed-storage protein from talisia esculenta that presents lectin-like activities, as well as proteinase-inhibitor properties. the present study aims to provide new in vitro and in silico biochemical information about this protein, shedding some light on its mechanistic inhibitory strategies. a theoretical three-dimensional structure of talisin bound to trypsin was constructed in order to determine the relative interaction mode. since the structure of non-competitive inhibition has n ...201221983187
population dynamics of caterpillars on three cover crops before sowing cotton in mato grosso (brazil).direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems under a preliminary cover crop such as millet are common in some areas of brazil. lepidopteran pests that damage cotton, soybean and maize crops can proliferate on cover crops, so preventive chemical treatments are necessary. very little data is available on these pests on cover crops. this paper presents the dynamics of spodoptera frugiperda, s. eridania, mocis latipes and diatraea saccharalis caterpillars monitored at primavera do leste, mato grosso ...201021539250
f(2) screening for resistance to pyramided bacillus thuringiensis maize in louisiana and mississippi populations of diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae).background: in the mid-southern region of the united states, sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.), is a major target pest of transgenic maize expressing bacillus thuringiensis (bt) proteins. novel transgenic maize technologies containing two or more pyramided bt genes for controlling lepidopteran pests have recently become commercially available. insect resistance management (irm) is an important issue in the sustainable use of bt crop technologies. the objective of this study was to deter ...201121538799
genetic diversity analysis with rapd linked to sex identification in the sugar cane borer diatraea saccharalis.diatraea saccharalis is an insect that causes considerable losses in the sugar cane crop. our aim was to contribute to the knowledge of the biology of d. saccharalis, with the report of dna fragments involved in the differentiation between the male and female of this species using the rapd sex molecular marker gyakuu-13, which is specific for the w chromosome of bombyx mori. another point evaluated in this study was the genetic diversity of a d. saccharalis population maintained by inbreeding in ...201021128215
analysis of nucleus activity in malpighian tubules of diatraea saccharalis (fabricius) (lepidoptera: crambidae) larvae by critical electrolyte concentration.diatraea saccharalis (fabricius) has cryptonephridial type malphigian tubules (mt). this type of mt is characterized by the penetration of the distal part of the mt into the external walls of the rectum, which is usually lined with a perinephral membrane. the mt is divided into three differentiated regions: proximal, middle and distal. in this study, our objective was to compare the nuclear activities of each one of the three regions of the d. saccharalis mt by using a nuclear basophilic techniq ...201020877993
structural characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial genome of the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae).the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.), is an economically important pest of several major crops in north and south america. there is great concern over potential resistance development to the valuable transgenic bacillus thuringiensis corn. cost-effective monitoring methods, especially regarding molecular markers that could detect early changes in resistance allele frequency in field populations of d. saccharalis, are needed. this article reports the complete mitochondrial genome sequen ...201120849253
molecular characterization and rna interference of three midgut aminopeptidase n isozymes from bacillus thuringiensis-susceptible and -resistant strains of sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis.aminopeptidase n (apn) proteins located at the midgut epithelium of some lepidopteran species have been implicated as receptors for insecticidal proteins from bacillus thuringiensis. cdnas of three apn isoforms, dsapn1, dsapn2, and dsapn3, from cry1ab-susceptible (cry1ab-ss) and -resistant (cry1ab-rr) strains of the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.) (lepidoptera: crambidae), were identified and sequenced using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) and 5' rapid amplifi ...201020685334
deleterious activity of natural products on postures of spodoptera frugiperda (lepidoptera: noctuidae) and diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: pyralidae).the control of lepidoptera pests should be carried out before hatching of their caterpillars to avoid damage to the crops. the aim of this work was to assess the activity of neem (trade name: natuneem, producer: base fértil, chapadão do sul, brazil) and pyroligneous extracts (trade name: biopirol 7m, producer: biocarbo, itabirito, brazil) at 10 ml/l (1%) and 20 ml/l (2%) contents on egg masses of different ages of spodoptera frugiperda smith (lepidoptera: noctuidae) and of diatraea saccharalis f ...201020653245
geographic variation of sex pheromone and mitochondrial dna in diatraea saccharalis (fab., 1794) (lepidoptera: crambidae).(9z,11e)-hexadecadienal and (z11)-hexadecenal, the main sex pheromone components of the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis, were identified and quantified from four brazilian and one colombian populations using gc-ead, gc-ms and gc analyses. three different ratios were observed, 9:1, 6:1, and 3:1. the pheromone concentration for the major component, (9z,11e)-hexadecadienal, varied from 6.8 ng/gland to 21.9 ng/gland and from 1.7 ng/gland to 6.5 to the minor component, (z11)-hexadecenal. the 25 ...201020558173
[effects of adult feeding on the reproduction and longevity of noctuidae, crambidae, tortricidae and elachistidae species].this research evaluates the effect of the adult diet on the reproduction of anticarsia gemmatalis hübner, heliothis virescens (fabr.), spodoptera frugiperda (j. e. smith) (noctuidae), diatraea saccharalis (fabr.) (crambidae), gymnandrosoma aurantianum lima (tortricidae) and stenoma catenifer walsingham (elachistidae). adults of all species were fed either water or a 10% honey solution. the egg viability for the 1st and 2nd egg masses, adult fecundity, longevity, number of mating and the ovigeny ...201020498952
induction of a gloverin-like antimicrobial polypeptide in the sugarcane borer diatraea saccharalis challenged by septic injury.diatraea saccharalis (fabricius, 1794) (lepidoptera: crambidae) is an important pest for brazilian sugarcane. in the present study, we detected two distinct spots in hemolymph from septic injured larvae (hds1 and hds2), which are separated by 2de gel electrophoresis. both spots were subjected to in-gel tryptic digestion and maldi-tof/tof analysis, which revealed the sequence vfgtlgsddsglfgk present in both hds1 and hds2. this sequence had homology and 80% identity with specific lepidoptera antim ...201020490430
inorganic elements in the fat bodies of diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae) larvae parasitized by cotesia flavipes (hymenoptera: braconidae).koinobiont parasitoids use several strategies to regulate the host's physiological processes during parasitism. although many aspects of host-parasitoid interactions have been explored, studies that attempted to assess the effects of parasitism on the availability of inorganic elements in the host are virtually nonexistent. therefore, we aimed to evaluate the effects of parasitism on the concentrations of inorganic elements in the fat bodies of larvae of diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambi ...201020388551
rice tillering and yield as affected by artificial and sugarcane borer (lepidoptera: crambidae) culm injury.a 2-yr study was conducted to evaluate the tillering and yield response of rice, oryza sativa l., whose culms were injured artificially or by larval sugarcane borers, diatraea saccharalis (f.). artificially injured plants produced approximately 0.49 more tillers than uninjured plants, similar to what has previously been reported for larval injured plants. in contrast, artificial injury did not affect yield per tiller, whereas larval injury did. the proximity of larval injury to the panicle had a ...201020388284
mitochondria in the midgut epithelial cells of sugarcane borer parasitized by cotesia flavipes (cameron, 1891).the sugarcane borer diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae) has been controlled by cotesia flavipes (hymenoptera: braconidae); however, very little is known about the effect of the parasitism in the host organs, including the midgut. this work aims to verify mitochondrial alteration in the different midgut epithelial cells of d. saccharalis parasitized by c. flavipes. midgut fragments (anterior and posterior region) of both non-parasitized and parasitized larvae were processed for transmis ...201020231974
toxicity of hydrolyzed vicilins toward callosobruchus maculatus and phytopathogenic fungi.studies have shown that vicilins (7s storage proteins) from seeds were able to bind to the surface of the callosobruchus maculatus larval midgut and to the peritrophic matrices of the midguts of diatraea saccharalis and tenebrio molitor , inhibiting larval development. vicilins were also shown to inhibit yeast growth and bind to yeast cells through the association with chitin-containing structures. the present work studies the association of peptides from vicilins of genotypes of vigna unguicula ...200919658384
impact of hurricane rita storm surge on sugarcane borer (lepidoptera: crambidae) management in louisiana.twelve thousand to 16,000 ha of louisiana sugarcane (saccharum spp.) fields were flooded by saltwater from the hurricane rita storm surge in september 2005. a four treatment, 12-replication study comparing storm surge flooded and nonflooded plant and ratoon sugarcane fields was conducted during summer 2006 to assess sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.), pest severity, pest control actions, and soil-associated arthropod abundance and diversity. even with a significant 2.4-fold increase in t ...200919610419
inheritance of resistance to bacillus thuringiensis cry1ab protein in the sugarcane borer (lepidoptera: crambidae).inheritance traits of a cry1ab-resistant strain of the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.) were analyzed using various genetic crosses. reciprocal parental crosses between cry1ab-susceptible and cry1ab-resistant populations, f(1) by f(1) crosses, and backcrosses of f(1) with the cry1ab-resistant population were successfully completed. larval mortality of the parental and cross-populations were assayed on cry1ab diet and bacillus thuringiensis (bt)-corn leaf tissue. maternal effects and se ...200919527726
selection and life history traits of tebufenozide-resistant sugarcane borer (lepidoptera: crambidae).varying susceptibility to tebufenozide was recorded in the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.) (lepidoptera: crambidae), collected from louisiana sugarcane locations with different selection pressures. results from diet incorporation bioassays with tebufenozide indicated significant increases in lc50 (3.78-fold) and lc90 (7-fold) values for a colony from duson (du), an area with higher selection pressure, compared with a colony from alexandria (alex), an area with no selection pressure. d ...200819133473
purification and characterization of a trypsin inhibitor from plathymenia foliolosa seeds.a novel trypsin inhibitor (pfti) was isolated from plathymenia foliolosa (benth.) seeds by gel filtration chromatography on a sephadex g-100, deae-sepharose, and trypsin-sepharose columns. by sdspage, pfti yielded a single band with a m(r) of 19 kda. pfti inhibited bovine trypsin and bovine chymotrypsin with equilibrium dissociation constants (k(i)) of 4 x 10(-8) and 1.4 x 10(-6) m, respectively. pfti retained more than 50% of activity at up to 50 degrees c for 30 min, but there were 80 and 100% ...200818991455
susceptibility of cry1ab-resistant and -susceptible sugarcane borer (lepidoptera: crambidae) to four bacillus thuringiensis toxins.sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.), is a primary corn stalk borer pest targeted by transgenic corn expressing bacillus thuringiensis (bt) proteins in many areas of the mid-southern region of the united states. recently, genes encoding for cry1a.105 and cry2ab2 bt proteins were transferred into corn plants (event mon 89034) for controlling lepidopteran pests. this new generation of bt corn with stacked-genes of cry1a.105 and cry2ab2 will become commercially available in 2009. susceptibili ...200918955062
morphological regional differences of epithelial cells along the midgut in diatraea saccharalis fabricius (lepidoptera: crambidae) larvae.the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis fabricius, is a pest to sugarcane and many other crops. this work aims to characterize morphological variability in the epithelial cells (columnar, goblet and regenerative) along the midgut of d. saccharalis larvae. fragments of the midgut (anterior, middle and posterior regions) were fixed and processed by light and scanning electron microscopy. there are both cytochemical and ultrastructural differences in the morphology of the epithelial cells, depend ...201618813743
trypsin inhibitors in passion fruit (passiflora f. edulis flavicarpa) leaves: accumulation in response to methyl jasmonate, mechanical wounding, and herbivory.this work investigates the effect of methyl jasmonte (meja), mechanical wounding, and herbivory caused by larval feeding of a specialist insect ( agraulis vanillae vanillae) upon trypsin inhibitory activity in passion fruit leaves. despite the fact that all treatments caused accumulation of trypsin inhibitors (tis), higher levels were observed in meja treated leaves when plants were assayed 24 and 48 h after stimulus. concerning both mechanically injured plants and attacked ones, a systemic indu ...200818795783
isobutyl amides--potent compounds for controlling diatraea saccharalis.a dichloromethane-methanol extract of the seeds of piper tuberculatum jacq. (piperaceae) and two isobutyl amides, 4,5-dihydropiperlonguminine (1) and pellitorine (2), which were isolated by chromatographic methods, were assayed for their lethality against the sugarcane borer diatraea saccharalis f. (lepidoptera: pyralidae).200918785219
effects of entomopathogenic bacterium photorhabdus temperata infection on the digestive enzymes of diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae) larvae.this study investigated the effects of photorhabdus temperata infection on the activities of digestive enzymes of the sugarcane stalk borer diatraea saccharalis. non-infected d. saccharalis larvae present a major alpha-amylase, several proteinases, three sucrose hydrolases and two alpha-glucosidases in their midgut. analysis of these hydrolases by electrophoresis and "in gel" assays showed that the activities of all enzymes decreased following infection, with an initial decline observed 12 h aft ...200818782059
dna barcode information for the sugar cane moth borer diatraea saccharalis.we reviewed the use and relevance of barcodes for insect studies and investigated the barcode sequence of diatraea saccharalis. this sequence has a high level of homology (99%) with the barcode sequence of the crambidae (lepidoptera). the sequence data can be used to construct relationships between species, allowing a multidisciplinary approach for taxonomy, which includes morphological, molecular and distribution data, all of which are essential for the understanding of biodiversity. the d. sac ...200818767242
spherites in the midgut epithelial cells of the sugarcane borer parasitized by cotesia flavipes.diatraea saccharalis, the main pest of sugarcane, has been controlled by cotesia flavipes. very little is known about the effect of parasitism on the host organs, including the midgut. the lepidoptera midgut epithelium is composed of columnar, goblet, regenerative, and endocrine cells. spherites have been described in columnar and regenerative cells of several lepidoptera species, and presented a lot of functional meaning. we identified spherites in the midgut epithelial cells of non-parasitized ...200818669324
tolerance and compensatory response of rice to sugarcane borer (lepidoptera: crambidae) injury.a 3-yr field experiment was conducted to evaluate the tolerance and compensatory response of rice (oryza sativa l.) to injury caused by sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.), as affected by cultivar (cocodrie, francis, and jefferson), stage of crop growth during which the injury occurred (third tiller stage, panicle differentiation stage, and heading stage), and sugarcane borer density. the proportion of rice tillers with sugarcane borer injury (leaf and leaf sheath injury and/or stem injur ...200818559187
allele frequency of resistance to bacillus thuringiensis cry1ab corn in louisiana populations of sugarcane borer (lepidoptera: crambidae).transgenic bacillus thuringiensis (bt) corn, zea mays l., has been widely used to manage a corn borer complex in the mid-southern region of the united states. the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.) (lepidoptera: crambidae), has become a dominant cornstalk boring species in some areas of this region, especially in louisiana. therefore, management of sugarcane borer resistance to bt corn is critical to ensure the long-term sustainability of bt corn for the region. this study screened 280 t ...200818459416
effects of entomopathogenic bacterium photorhabdus temperata infection on the intestinal microbiota of the sugarcane stalk borer diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae).photorhabdus temperata is an entomopathogenic bacterium that is associated with nematodes of the heterorhabditidae family in a symbiotic relationship. this study investigated the effects of p. temperata infection on the intestinal microbiota of the sugarcane stalk borer diatraea saccharalis. histopathology of the infection was also investigated using scanning electron microscopy. groups of 20 larvae were infected by injection of approximately 50 bacterial cells directly into the hemocoel. after ...200818406423
effects of soybean proteinase inhibitors on development of the soil mite scheloribates praeincisus (acari: oribatida).proteinase inhibitors (pi) are present in plant tissues, especially in seeds, and act as a defense mechanism against herbivores and pathogens. serine pi from soybean such as bowman-birk (bbpi) and kunitz have been used to enhance resistance of sugarcane varieties to the sugarcane borer diatraea saccharalis (fabricius) (lepidoptera: crambidae), the major pest of this crop. the use of these genetically-modified plants (gm) expressing pi requires knowledge of its sustainability and environmental sa ...200818357504
comparison of three methods of parasitoid polydnavirus genomic dna isolation to facilitate polydnavirus genomic sequencing.a major long-term goal of polydnavirus (pdv) genome research is to identify novel virally encoded molecules that may serve as biopesticides to target insect pests that threaten agriculture and human health. as pdv viral replication in cell culture in vitro has not yet been achieved, several thousands of wasps must be dissected to yield enough viral dna from the adult ovaries to carry out pdv genomic sequencing. this study compares three methods of pdv genomic dna isolation for the pdv of cotesia ...200818348210
influence of weather conditions and density of doru luteipes (dermaptera: forficulidae) on diatraea saccharalis (lepidoptera: crambidae) egg mortality.the influence of weather factors and the predator doru luteipes scudder density on diatraea saccharalis (f.) egg predation was studied. mortality of d. saccharalis eggs was determined by artificially infesting maize plots with egg masses at various times within each of two maize-growing seasons. each egg cohort was monitored every 24-48 h to determine the fate of eggs, and predation rates were calculated. doru luteipes were sampled every 7-10 d, and the mean air temperature, the minimum percenta ...200718284741
evaluation of transgenic bacillus thuringiensis corn hybrids against cry1ab-susceptible and -resistant sugarcane borer (lepidoptera: crambidae).a louisiana strain of the sugarcane borer, diatraea saccharalis (f.) (lepidoptera: crambidae), was selected for resistance to the crylab protein of bacillus thuringiensis (bt) by using an f2 screening procedure. survival of bt-resistant, -susceptible, and -heterozygous genotypes of sugarcane borer was evaluated on vegetative and reproductive stages of five non-bt and seven bt field corn, zea mays l., hybrids in a greenhouse study. larval survival was recorded 21 d after infestation of neonates o ...200718232406
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