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variations in the isotopic composition of stable mercury isotopes in typical mangrove plants of the jiulong estuary, se china.variations in the composition of stable isotopes of mercury contained in tissues (root, stem, leaf, and hypocotyl or flower) of three typical mangrove plants (kandelia candel, aegiceras corniculata, and bruguiera gymnorhiza), collected from the mangrove wetland of jiulong estuary, se china, were used to investigate the sources and transformation of mercury in the mangrove plants. tissue samples from the plants were digested and mercury in the solution was pre-concentrated with purge-trap method ...201727783251
phycicoccus endophyticus sp. nov., an endophytic actinobacterium isolated from bruguiera gymnorhiza.a novel endophytic actinobacterium, designated strain ip6sc6t, was isolated from a surface-sterilized bark of bruguiera gymnorhiza collected from zhanjiang mangrove forest national nature reserve in guangdong, china. cells of strain ip6sc6t were gram-staining positive, aerobic, non-spore-forming and non-motile rods. strain ip6sc6t grew at 20‒42 °c (optimum, 37 °c), ph 6.0‒9.0 (optimum, ph 7.0) and in the presence of 0‒8 % (w/v) nacl (optimum, 0‒2 %). chemotaxonomic analyses showed that the isola ...201526653143
phytoremediation of bisphenol a and total dissolved solids by the mangrove plant, bruguiera gymnorhiza.bruguiera gymnorhiza, an evergreen mangrove tree, is tolerant of bisphenol a (bpa) and has potential bpa removal capability. bpa is highly toxic to plants at high concentrations, wherein they exhibit damaged symptoms such as chlorosis, necrosis, and wilting. the ld50 of bpa toxicity for this plant was statistically estimated to be 39.97 mg l(-1). b. gymnorhiza can reduce cod from 15408 +/- 246 to 49 +/- 30 mg l(-1) by (approximately 99% reduction of the initial value) and can reduce content to l ...201323488169
heavy metal contamination in a vulnerable mangrove swamp in south china.concentrations of six heavy metals (cu, ni, zn, cd, cr, and pb) in sediments and fine roots, thick roots, branches, and leaves of six mangrove plant species collected from the futian mangrove forest, south china were measured. the results show that both the sediments and plants in futian mangrove ecosystem are moderately contaminated by heavy metals, with the main contaminants being zn and cu. all investigated metals showed very similar distribution patterns in the sediments, implying that they ...201323203819
permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 august 2010-30 september 2010.this article documents the addition of 229 microsatellite marker loci to the molecular ecology resources database. loci were developed for the following species: acacia auriculiformis × acacia mangium hybrid, alabama argillacea, anoplopoma fimbria, aplochiton zebra, brevicoryne brassicae, bruguiera gymnorhiza, bucorvus leadbeateri, delphacodes detecta, tumidagena minuta, dictyostelium giganteum, echinogammarus berilloni, epimedium sagittatum, fraxinus excelsior, labeo chrysophekadion, oncorhynch ...201121429127
transcriptome profiling of the mangrove plant bruguiera gymnorhiza and identification of salt tolerance genes by agrobacterium functional identify key genes in the regulation of salt tolerance in the mangrove plant bruguiera gymnorhiza, transcriptome profiling in the lateral and main roots under conditions of salt stress was performed. statistical analysis revealed that 175 and 403 of 11,997 genes shoewd significantly increased high expression in the lateral and main roots respectively. one hundred and sixty genes were up-regulated in both types of roots in the early time period, 1 to 12 h after salt treatment. expression vecto ...200919202291
proteomic analysis of salt-responsive proteins in the mangrove plant, bruguiera identify key proteins in the regulation of salt tolerance in the mangrove plant bruguiera gymnorhiza, proteome analysis of samples grown under conditions of salt stress was performed. comparative two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed that two, three and one protein were differentially expressed in the main root, lateral root and leaf, respectively, in response to salt stress. among these, three proteins were identified by internal peptide sequence analysis: fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (fbp) ...200919131358
transcriptional and physiological study of the response of burma mangrove (bruguiera gymnorhiza) to salt and osmotic stress.we investigated the transcriptional response of burma mangrove (bruguiera gymnorhiza) to high salinity (salt stress; 500 mm nacl) and hyperosmotic stress (osmotic stress; 1 m sorbitol) by microarray analysis. anova (p < 0.05) and significant analysis of microarray (sam; fdr < 5%) revealed that 865 of 11,997 genes showed significant differential expression under salt and osmotic stress. scatter plot analysis revealed that the expression level of genes changed at 6 h after salt stress treatment, b ...200818568404
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