Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted descending) Filter |
expression of different l1 isoforms of mastomys natalensis papillomavirus as mechanism to circumvent adaptive immunity. | although many high-risk mucosal and cutaneous human papillomaviruses (hpvs) theoretically have the potential to synthesize l1 isoforms differing in length, previous seroepidemiological studies only focused on the short l1 variants, co-assembling with l2 to infectious virions. using the multimammate mouse mastomys coucha as preclinical model, this is the first study demonstrating seroconversion against different l1 isoforms during the natural course of papillomavirus infection. intriguingly, posi ... | 2020 | 32746966 |
comparative genomic characterization of the multimammate mouse mastomys coucha. | mastomys are the most widespread african rodent and carriers of various diseases such as the plague or lassa virus. in addition, mastomys have rapidly gained a large number of mammary glands. here, we generated a genome, variome, and transcriptomes for mastomys coucha. as mastomys diverged at similar times from mouse and rat, we demonstrate their utility as a comparative genomic tool for these commonly used animal models. furthermore, we identified over 500 mastomys accelerated regions, often re ... | 2019 | 31424545 |
in vitro and in vivo antifilarial activity of standardized extract of calotropis procera flowers against brugia malayi. | lymphatic filariasis (lf) is a parasitic disease that causes permanent disability (elephantiasis). currently used antifilarial drugs are failing to control lf and there is resurgence in some areas. looking for new antifilarial leads, we found that calotropis procera plant parts have been used in traditional medicine for alleviating elephantiasis but the antifilarial activity is not known. | 2019 | 31218959 |
mastomys species as model systems for infectious diseases. | replacements of animal models by advanced in vitro systems in biomedical research, despite exceptions, are currently still not satisfactory in reproducing the whole complexity of pathophysiological mechanisms that finally lead to disease. therefore, preclinical models are additionally required to reflect analogous in vivo situations as found in humans. despite proven limitations of both approaches, only a combined experimental arrangement guarantees generalizability of results and their transfer ... | 2019 | 30795569 |
comparative phylogeography of parasitic laelaps mites contribute new insights into the specialist-generalist variation hypothesis (sgvh). | the specialist-generalist variation hypothesis (sgvh) in parasites suggests that, due to patchiness in habitat (host availability), specialist species will show more subdivided population structure when compared to generalist species. in addition, since specialist species are more prone to local stochastic extinction events with their hosts, they will show lower levels of intraspecific genetic diversity when compared to more generalist. | 2018 | 30176805 |
limitations in the screening of potentially anti-cryptosporidial agents using laboratory rodents with gastric cryptosporidiosis. | the emergence of cryptosporidiosis, a zoonotic disease of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tract caused by cryptosporidium tyzzer, 1907, triggered numerous screening studies of various compounds for potential anti-cryptosporidial activity, the majority of which proved ineffective. extracts of indonesian plants, piper betle and diospyros sumatrana, were tested for potential anti-cryptosporidial activity using mastomys coucha (smith), experimentally inoculated with cryptosporidium proliferans ... | 2018 | 30152784 |
evaluating rodent experimental models for studies of blastocystis st1. | blastocystis is a common inhabitant of the human gut, colonizing at least one billion people at a prevalence ranging from <10% to 100% in healthy human populations globally. the majority of carriers remain asymptomatic, suggesting that blastocystis is largely a commensal, though blastocystis has also been implicated in disease in some people. however, there are no in vivo model systems in which to experimentally test the impact of blastocystis on mammalian hosts and the gut ecosystem and determi ... | 2018 | 29959915 |
cutaneous papillomaviruses and non-melanoma skin cancer: causal agents or innocent bystanders? | there is still controversy in the scientific field about whether certain types of cutaneous human papillomaviruses (hpvs) are causally involved in the development of non-melanoma skin cancer (nmsc). deciphering the etiological role of cutaneous hpvs requires - besides tissue culture systems - appropriate preclinical models to match the obtained results with clinical data from affected patients. clear scientific evidence about the etiology and underlying mechanisms involved in nmsc development is ... | 2018 | 29770129 |
molecular characterization of cosmopolitan and potentially co-invasive helminths of commensal, murid rodents in gauteng province, south africa. | concurrent studies of helminth parasites of introduced and native rodent species are few and miss the opportunity to identify potential co-invasive parasite species. this study employed molecular tools to infer the phylogeny and elucidate the origin of potentially co-invasive parasites of commensal, murid rodents by assessing introduced rattus norvegicus, rattus rattus, rattus tanezumi, and native mastomys coucha in gauteng province, south africa. genotypes of nippostrongylus brasiliensis recove ... | 2018 | 29623437 |
the interplay of uv and cutaneous papillomavirus infection in skin cancer development. | cutaneous human papillomaviruses (hpvs) are considered as cofactors for non-melanoma skin cancer (nmsc) development, especially in association with uvb. extensively studied transgenic mouse models failed to mimic all aspects of virus-host interactions starting from primary infection to the appearance of a tumor. using the natural model mastomys coucha, which reflects the human situation in many aspects, we provide the first evidence that only uvb and mastomys natalensis papillomavirus (mnpv) inf ... | 2017 | 29190285 |
helminth composition and prevalence of indigenous and invasive synanthropic murid rodents in urban areas of gauteng province, south africa. | although synanthropic rodents such as the indigenous species, mastomys coucha, and the invasive species, rattus norvegicus, r. rattus and r. tanezumi, are well-known to be hosts to various micro- and macroparasites, their helminth parasite fauna is poorly studied in south africa. in an attempt to remedy the situation, the aim of the present study was to investigate the helminth fauna of these sympatric rodent species, which were obtained from the informal settlements of alexandra, tembisa, dieps ... | 2017 | 28866987 |
recombinant calponin of human filariid brugia malayi: secondary structure and immunoprophylactic potential. | in the search for potential vaccine candidates for the control of human lymphatic filariasis, we recently identified calponin-like protein, that regulates actin/myosin interactions, in a proinflammatory fraction f8 (45.24-48.64kda) of brugia malayi adult worms. in the present study, the gene was cloned, expressed, and the recombinant calponin of b. malayi (r-clpbm) was prepared and characterized. r-clpbm bears homology with ov9m of onchocerca volvulus, a non-lymphatic filariid that causes loss o ... | 2017 | 28789852 |
immunization with brugia malayi myosin as heterologous dna prime protein boost induces protective immunity against b. malayi infection in mastomys coucha. | the current control strategies employing chemotherapy with diethylcarbamazine, ivermectin and albendazole have reduced transmission in some filaria-endemic areas, there is growing interest for complementary approaches, such as vaccines especially in light of threat of parasite developing resistance to mainstay drugs. we earlier demonstrated recombinant heavy chain myosin of b. malayi (bm-myo) as a potent vaccine candidate whose efficacy was enhanced by heterologous dna prime/protein boost (myo-p ... | 2016 | 27828973 |
establishment of an immortalized skin keratinocyte cell line derived from the animal model mastomys coucha. | in the present report we describe the establishment of a spontaneous immortalized skin keratinocyte cell line derived from the skin of the multimammate rodent mastomys coucha. these animals are used in preclinical studies for a variety of human diseases such as infections with nematodes, bacteria and papillomaviruses, especially regarding cutaneous manifestations such as non-melanoma skin cancer. here we characterize the cells in terms of their origin and cytogenetic features. searching for geno ... | 2016 | 27533138 |
antifilarial activity of diterpenoids from taxodium distichum. | lymphatic filariasis caused by wuchereria bancrofti, brugia malayi and b. timori, is a debilitating disease with an adverse social and economic impact. the infection remains unabated in spite of treatment with existing antifilarial drugs diethylcarbamazine (dec) and ivermectin which are chiefly microfilaricides. there is therefore, need for macrofilaricides, embryostatic agents and better microfilaricides. in the present study we explored the antifilarial potential of crude extract and its molec ... | 2016 | 27245322 |
in vivo/ex vivo targeting of langerhans cells after topical application of the immune response modifier tmx-202: confocal raman microscopy and histology analysis. | the increased ability of tmx-202 (derivative of imiquimod) to penetrate the intact stratum corneum (sc) and the follicular orifices of porcine ear skin was shown ex vivo using confocal raman microscopy and laser scanning microscopy. moreover, to assess whether tmx-202 is able to reach the immune cells, langerhans cells extracted from pretreated human skin were investigated ex vivo using confocal raman microscopy combined with multivariate statistical methods. tracking the raman peak of dimethyl ... | 2016 | 27232593 |
care of mastomys in the laboratory. | mastomys rodents occupy a valuable niche in biomedical research, but there is very little published information regarding how to care for them in the laboratory. here we provide information about the physical and behavioral characteristics of this unusual laboratory rodent, its taxonomic history, common diseases that affect it, and its use in research. we also provide housing recommendations based upon almost 15 years of experience successfully maintaining a colony of mastomys coucha at our inst ... | 2016 | 27203263 |
subcutaneously administered ultrafine plga nanoparticles containing doxycycline hydrochloride target lymphatic filarial parasites. | systemic chemotherapeutic targeting of filarial parasites is unfocused due to their deep seated location in lymphatic vessels. this warrants a prolonged dosing regimen in high doses for an anthelmintic like doxycycline hydrochloride (dox). in order to provide an alternative, we have constructed ultrafine plga nanoparticles of dox (dpnps), so as to exploit the peculiarity of lymphatic vasculature underneath the subcutaneous layer of skin, which preferentially allows entry of only 10-100 nm sized ... | 2016 | 27144397 |
transcriptome analysis of mastomys natalensis papillomavirus in productive lesions after natural infection. | mastomys coucha, an african rodent, is a useful animal model of papillomavirus infection, as it develops both premalignant and malignant skin tumors as a consequence of a persistent infection with mastomys natalensis papillomavirus (mnpv). in this study, we mapped the mnpv transcriptome in productive lesions by both classical molecular techniques and high-throughput rna sequencing. combination of these methods revealed a complex and comprehensive transcription map, with novel splicing events not ... | 2016 | 27043420 |
epitope mapping of brugia malayi alt-2 and the development of a multi-epitope vaccine for lymphatic filariasis. | human lymphatic filariasis is a neglected tropical disease, causing permanent and long-term disability with severe immunopathology. abundant larval transcript (alt) plays a crucial role in parasite establishment in the host, due to its multi-faceted ability in host immune regulation. although alt protein is a key filarial target, its exact function is yet to be explored. here, we report epitope mapping and a structural model of brugia malayi alt-2, leading to development of a multi-epitope vacci ... | 2017 | 26892175 |
cryptosporidium proliferans n. sp. (apicomplexa: cryptosporidiidae): molecular and biological evidence of cryptic species within gastric cryptosporidium of mammals. | the morphological, biological, and molecular characteristics of cryptosporidium muris strain ts03 are described, and the species name cryptosporidium proliferans n. sp. is proposed. cryptosporidium proliferans obtained from a naturally infected east african mole rat (tachyoryctes splendens) in kenya was propagated under laboratory conditions in rodents (scid mice and southern multimammate mice, mastomys coucha) and used in experiments to examine oocyst morphology and transmission. dna from the p ... | 2016 | 26771460 |
dental microwear of sympatric rodent species sampled across habitats in southern africa: implications for environmental influence. | dental microwear textures have proven to be a valuable tool for reconstructing the diets of a wide assortment of fossil vertebrates. nevertheless, some studies have recently questioned the efficacy of this approach, suggesting that aspects of habitat unrelated to food preference, especially environmental grit load, might have a confounding effect on microwear patterning that obscures the diet signal. here we evaluate this hypothesis by examining microwear textures of 3 extant sympatric rodent sp ... | 2016 | 26748948 |
in vitro excystation of cryptosporidium muris oocysts and viability of released sporozoites in different incubation media. | this study aimed to evaluate and document the excystation process of cryptosporidium muris oocysts in various incubation media, and to monitor the behaviour of excysting and freshly excysted sporozoites. a test of oocyst viability, using fluorescent double staining with fluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide, was performed prior to each experimental assay. light microscope observations confirmed that relatively often only three sporozoites were released; the fourth one either left the oocyst ... | 2016 | 26678654 |
moxidectin causes adult worm mortality of human lymphatic filarial parasite brugia malayi in rodent models. | moxidectin is a macrocyclic lactone belonging to milbemycin family closely related to ivermectin and is currently progressing towards phase iii clinical trial against human infection with the filaria onchocerca volvulus (leuckart, 1894). there is a single report on the microfilaricidal and embryostatic activity of moxidectin in case of the human lymphatic filarial parasite brugia malayi (brug, 1927) in mastomys coucha (smith) but without any adulticidal action. in the present study, the in vitro ... | 2014 | 25651699 |
protection against filarial infection by 45-49 kda molecules of brugia malayi via ifn-γ-mediated inos induction. | nitric oxide (no) mediated mechanisms have been implicated in killing of some life-stages of brugia malayi/wuchereria bancrofti and protect the host through type 1 responses and ifn-γ stimulated toxic mediators' release. however, the identity of no stimulating molecules of the parasites is not known. three predominantly no-stimulating sds-page resolved fractions f8 (45.24-48.64 kda), f11 (33.44-38.44 kda) and f12 (28.44-33.44 kda) from b. malayi were identified and their proteins were analyzed b ... | 2015 | 25454090 |
cofactor independent phosphoglycerate mutase of brugia malayi induces a mixed th1/th2 type immune response and inhibits larval development in the host. | lymphatic filariasis is a major debilitating disease, endemic in 72 countries putting more than 1.39 billion people at risk and 120 million are already infected. despite the significant progress in chemotherapeutic advancements, there is still need for other measures like development of an effective vaccine or discovery of novel drug targets. in this study, structural and immunological characterization of independent phosphoglycerate mutase of filarial parasite brugia malayi was carried out. pro ... | 2014 | 25061608 |
synthesis and antifilarial activity of chalcone-thiazole derivatives against a human lymphatic filarial parasite, brugia malayi. | here we report the synthesis of novel chalcone-thiazole compounds and their antifilarial activity. the antifilarial properties of these hybrids were assessed against microfilariae as well as adult worms of brugia malayi. among all the synthesized compounds, only two compounds, namely 4g and 4n were identified to be promising in vitro. these active compounds were tested in b. malayi-jird (meriones unguiculatus) and b. malayi-mastomys coucha models. compound 4n showed 100% embryostatic effect and ... | 2014 | 24863844 |
protective vaccination against papillomavirus-induced skin tumors under immunocompetent and immunosuppressive conditions: a preclinical study using a natural outbred animal model. | certain cutaneous human papillomaviruses (hpvs), which are ubiquitous and acquired early during childhood, can cause a variety of skin tumors and are likely involved in the development of non-melanoma skin cancer, especially in immunosuppressed patients. hence, the burden of these clinical manifestations demands for a prophylactic approach. to evaluate whether protective efficacy of a vaccine is potentially translatable to patients, we used the rodent mastomys coucha that is naturally infected w ... | 2014 | 24586150 |
disorganized muscle protein-1 (dim-1) of filarial parasite brugia malayi: cdna cloning, expression, purification, structural modeling and its potential as vaccine candidate for human filarial infection. | we have recently identified disorganized muscle protein-1 (dim-1) in one of the proinflammatory fractions of the human filaria brugia malayi adult worm. the present study was undertaken to characterize b. malayi dim-1 (dim-1bm) and explore its vaccine potential. in this study we cloned and expressed the dim-1bm gene, investigated its sequence homology with other nematodes, constructed in silico structural model, purified the recombinant dim-1bm (rdim-1bm) protein, and studied the effect of immun ... | 2014 | 24513011 |
nanocurcumin: a novel antifilarial agent with dna topoisomerase ii inhibitory activity. | the aim of this study is to evaluate the antifilarial, antiwolbachial and dna topoisomerase ii inhibitory activity of nanocurcumin (nano-cur). | 2014 | 24479705 |
therapeutic efficacy of poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles encapsulated ivermectin (nano-ivermectin) against brugian filariasis in experimental rodent model. | the present study reports on the antifilarial activity of poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles encapsulated ivermectin (nano-ivm) against human lymphatic filariid brugia malayi in rodent host mastomys coucha. nano-ivm was prepared and optimized by nanoprecipitation method. the selected nano-ivm (f5) showed a uniform spherical shape with 96 nm diameter and 74.12 % entrapment efficiency, and when used at a suboptimal dose of 100 μg/kg body weight, completely eliminated filarial parasites f ... | 2014 | 24366812 |
life cycle of cryptosporidium muris in two rodents with different responses to parasitization. | this study focuses on mapping the life cycle of cryptosporidium muris in two laboratory rodents; balb/c mice and the southern multimammate rat mastomys coucha, differing in their prepatent and patent periods. both rodents were simultaneously experimentally inoculated with viable oocysts of c. muris (strain ts03). animals were dissected and screened for the presence of the parasite using a combined morphological approach and nested pcr (ssu rrna) at different times after inoculation. the occurren ... | 2014 | 24128742 |
immunization of mastomys coucha with brugia malayi recombinant trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase results in significant protection against homologous challenge infection. | development of a vaccine to prevent or reduce parasite development in lymphatic filariasis would be a complementary approach to existing chemotherapeutic tools. trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase of brugia malayi (bm-tpp) represents an attractive vaccine target due to its absence in mammals, prevalence in the major life stages of the parasite and immunoreactivity with human bancroftian antibodies, especially from endemic normal subjects. we have recently reported on the cloning, expression, purif ... | 2013 | 24015262 |
improved antifilarial activity of ivermectin in chitosan-alginate nanoparticles against human lymphatic filarial parasite, brugia malayi. | the current antifilarial treatments are not up to the mark partly due to deep location of filarial parasites in the human lymphatic system. we report here on the improvement in the antifilarial activity of ivermectin (ivm) using chitosan-alginate nanoparticles prepared by modified complex coacervation method. the nanoparticles were spherical having 155 nm size and 4.56 and 75.67% loading and entrapment efficiency respectively for ivm. the delivery system maintained the sustained release and sign ... | 2013 | 23828187 |
coevolution of cryptosporidium tyzzeri and the house mouse (mus musculus). | two house mouse subspecies occur in europe, eastern and northern mus musculus musculus (mmm) and western and southern mus musculus domesticus (mmd). a secondary hybrid zone occurs where their ranges meet, running from scandinavia to the black sea. in this paper, we tested a hypothesis that the apicomplexan protozoan species cryptosporidium tyzzeri has coevolved with the house mouse. more specifically, we assessed to what extent the evolution of this parasite mirrors divergence of the two subspec ... | 2013 | 23791796 |
structural modelling studies and immunoprophylactic potential of brugia malayi dead box rna helicase. | dead box rna helicases are essential enzymes that are involved in rna metabolic processes such as transcription, pre-mrna splicing, translation initiation and rna decay. we have previously over-expressed and biochemically characterized an immunodominant cdna clone encoding dead box rna helicase (bml3-helicase) isolated by immunoscreening of the larval stage cdna library of brugia malayi. in the current study, the 3d structure was determined and the immunoprophylactic efficacy of bml3-helicase wa ... | 2013 | 23743239 |
tandem antioxidant enzymes confer synergistic protective responses in experimental filariasis. | helminth parasites use antioxidant defence strategies for survival during oxidative stress due to free radicals in the host. accordingly, tissue-dwelling filarial parasites counteract host responses by releasing a number of antioxidants. targeting these redox regulation proteins together, would facilitate effective parasite clearance. here, we report the combined effect of protective immune responses trigged by recombinant wuchereria bancrofti thioredoxin (wbtrx) and thioredoxin peroxidase (wbtp ... | 2014 | 23676147 |
anti-inflammatory bmafi of brugia malayi modulates ige, histamine and histamine receptor responses in mastomys coucha. | we recently reported that bmafi, an anti-inflammatory fraction of brugia malayi adult worm supports parasite development in the hostile peritoneal cavity (p.c.) of mastomys coucha through a modified th2 type of response that includes il-13 and ige response and anti-inflammatory il-10 cytokine milieu. in the present study we investigated ige related responses such as histamine release and modulation of histamine receptors 1 and 2 (hr1 and hr2) by presensitization with bmafi of m. coucha infected ... | 2013 | 23603670 |
bacterial lipid modification enhances immunoprophylaxis of filarial abundant larval transcript-2 protein in mastomys model. | as in many other parasitic diseases, efficacious vaccine for lymphatic filariasis has been elusive for want of new approaches leaving billions of people either debilitated or at risk. with multiple b- and t-cell epitopes, the abundant larval transcript-2 (alt-2) of the filarial worm, brugia malayi, has been shown to be a promising immunoprophylactic target. to enhance its efficacy, it was lipid modified using our recently developed protein engineering tool, which then offered 30% more immunoprot ... | 2013 | 23495791 |
recombinant translation initiation factor-1 of wolbachia is an immunogenic excretory secretory protein that elicits th2 mediated immune protection against brugia malayi. | wolbachia, the intracellular alpha-proteobacteria are required for the development, fertility and survival of filarial parasites. wolbachia translation initiation factor-1 (wol tl if-1) is one of the factors required for wolbachia growth and viability. in the present study, we cloned, over expressed and purified wol tl if-1 that exhibited strong immuno-reactivity with various categories of bancroftian sera. immunization with the recombinant protein resulted into significant reduction in microfil ... | 2013 | 23079772 |
cryptosporidium scrofarum n. sp. (apicomplexa: cryptosporidiidae) in domestic pigs (sus scrofa). | we describe the morphological, biological, and molecular characteristics of cryptosporidium pig genotype ii and propose the species name cryptosporidium scrofarum n. sp. to reflect its prevalence in adult pigs worldwide. oocysts of c. scrofarum are morphologically indistinguishable from c. parvum, measuring 4.81-5.96 μm (mean=5.16)×4.23-5.29 μm (mean=4.83) with a length to width ratio of 1.07±0.06 (n=400). oocysts of c. scrofarum obtained from a naturally infected pig were infectious for 8-week- ... | 2012 | 23021264 |
igg subclass responses to proinflammatory fraction of brugia malayi in human filariasis. | earlier we demonstrated that immunization with f6, a proinflammatory molecular fraction isolated from the human filarial parasite brugia malayi, protected the host and eliminated the infection in mastomys coucha by a th1/th2 response including igg2a antibody response. whether f6 molecules become accessible to human host during natural course of infection and elicit similar response is not known. the present study was undertaken to determine the profile of igg subclasses specifically reactive to ... | 2012 | 22771594 |
withania somnifera chemotypes nmitli 101r, nmitli 118r, nmitli 128r and withaferin a protect mastomys coucha from brugia malayi infection. | withania somnifera is an ayurvedic indian medicinal plant whose immunomodulatory activities have been widely used as a home remedy for several ailments. we recently observed immunostimulatory properties in the root extracts of chemotypes nmitli-101, nmitli-118, nmitli-128 and pure withanolide, withaferin a. in the present study, we evaluated the potential immunoprophylactic efficacies of these extracts against an infective pathogen. our results show that administration of aqueous ethanol extract ... | 2012 | 22394222 |
Sensitization with anti-inflammatory BmAFI of Brugia malayi allows L3 development in the hostile peritoneal cavity of Mastomys coucha. | Filarial parasites survive by inducing tolerance in host but the antigens and mechanisms involved are not clear. Recently we found that BmAFI, a Sephadex G-200 eluted fraction of Brugia malayi adult worm extract, stimulates IL-10 release from THP-1 cells. In the present study, we determined the SDS-PAGE profile of BmAFI and infective 3rd stage larva (L3), investigated the effect of pre-sensitization of host with BmAFI on the survival and development of L3 in the non-permissive peritoneal cavity ... | 2011 | 21875568 |
The adjuvant-free immunoprotection of recombinant filarial protein Abundant Larval Transcript-2 (ALT-2) in Mastomys coucha and the immunoprophylactic importance of its putative signal sequence. | The filarial protein Abundant Larval Transcript-2 (ALT-2) of the filarial parasite Brugia malayi has been shown to produce 74% worm clearance when administered with an adjuvant. In the present study, we show that it not only induces humoral and cell-mediated immunity, but also protection up to 71% in Mastomys coucha, a permissive animal model for filariasis, even without adjuvant. This unique feature of ALT-2 protein is highly restricted to its 21 amino acid N-terminal signal sequence, the absen ... | 2011 | 21864531 |
inflammatory mediator release by brugia malayi from macrophages of susceptible host mastomys coucha and thp-1 and raw 264.7 cell lines. | to investigate which life stage of the parasite has the ability to stimulate release of pro- or anti-inflammatory mediators from macrophages. | 2011 | 21771428 |
gedunin and photogedunin of xylocarpus granatum possess antifilarial activity against human lymphatic filarial parasite brugia malayi in experimental rodent host. | the present study is aimed to evaluate antifilarial activity of xylocarpus granatum (fruit from andaman) against human lymphatic filarial parasite brugia malayi in vivo. the in vitro antifilarial activity has already been reported earlier for this mangrove plant which has traditionally been used against several ailments. aqueous ethanolic crude extract, four fractions (ethyl acetate fraction, n-butanol fraction, water-soluble fraction and water-insoluble fraction) and pure molecule/s of x. grana ... | 2011 | 21523424 |
correlating rodent community structure with ecological integrity, tussen-die-riviere nature reserve, free state province, south africa. | rodents form a vital component of free state ecosystems and monitoring them may be a relatively quick and inexpensive method of indicating healthy or unhealthy ecosystem functioning. using removal trapping, we have studied rodent seasonal abundance, species richness, shannon diversity, and evenness of rodents in four habitats in the tussen-die-riviere nature reserve, inspected the most successful sampling method for these habitats, and report on their community structure and how it is related to ... | 2007 | 21396038 |
genomic analysis of the first laboratory-mouse papillomavirus. | a papillomavirus (pv) that naturally infects laboratory mice will provide an extremely valuable tool for pv research. we describe here the isolation, cloning and molecular analysis of the first novel laboratory-mouse pv, designated muspv. this agent, recently identified in the tissues from florid and asymmetrical papillomas on the face of nude mice (nmri-foxn1(nu)/foxn1(nu)), was demonstrated to be transmissible to immunocompetent mice (ingle et al., 2010). the muspv genome is 7510 bp in length, ... | 2010 | 21084500 |
serological markers for papillomavirus infection and skin tumour development in the rodent model mastomys coucha. | this study used the rodent mastomys coucha latently infected with mastomys natalensis papillomavirus (mnpv) and mastomys coucha pv2 (mcpv2), which induce skin papillomas and anogenital condylomas, respectively, to investigate pv antibody responses as serological markers during pathogenesis. in a case-control study (137 animals), virus and tumour prevalence correlated with the seroresponse against the early e2 and late l1 viral proteins. a prospective study (53 animals) revealed for the first tim ... | 2011 | 20965987 |
antifilarial activity in vitro and in vivo of some flavonoids tested against brugia malayi. | we evaluated the antifilarial activity of 6 flavonoids against the human lymphatic filarial parasite brugia malayi using an in vitro motility assay with adult worms and microfilariae, a biochemical test for viability (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide (mtt)-reduction assay), and two animal models, meriones unguiculatus (implanted adult worms) and mastomys coucha (natural infections). in vitro, naringenin and hesperetin killed the adult worms and inhibited (>60%) mtt-re ... | 2010 | 20609356 |
improvement in the antifilarial efficacy of doxycycline and rifampicin by combination therapy and drug delivery approach. | the present investigation deals with the evaluation of antifilarial efficacy of liposome entrapped antiwolbachial antibiotics doxycycline and rifampicin (5 doses at 10 mg/kg, subcutaneously for 15 days) alone and/or in combination with standard filaricide diethylcarbamazine (dec) against human lymphatic filariid brugia malayi in rodent host mastomys coucha. the delivery system maintained the sustained release of antibiotics up to 48 h and significantly (p < 0.05) augmented the antifilarial poten ... | 2010 | 19954408 |
a capture elisa for monitoring papillomavirus-induced antibodies in mastomys coucha. | the present report describes the development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), whereby the first insights have been obtained into the humoral immune response to papillomavirus (pv) infections of the rodent mastomys coucha, a natural model for papillomavirus-induced skin carcinogenesis. the established glutathione s-transferase (gst)-capture elisa is based on a one-step purification of bacterially expressed antigens and was designed to detect serum antibodies against l1 capsid prot ... | 2010 | 19800367 |
adult brugia malayi approximately 34 kda (bmt-5) antigen offers th1 mediated significant protection against infective larval challenge in mastomys coucha. | we earlier reported a sizeable protection conferred by 'mitochondria rich' (mt) fraction of adult b. malayi and the present study was planned to locate the candidate protective molecule/s in the active fraction. the mt fraction was subjected to sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page) and the antigen bands showing strong immune-reactivity with the resistant mastomys sera were assayed for their lymphoproliferative response using splenocytes of protected animals. of th ... | 2009 | 19638321 |
in vitro and in vivo antifilarial potential of marine sponge, haliclona exigua (kirkpatrick), against human lymphatic filarial parasite brugia malayi: antifilarial activity of h. exigua. | the present study reports on the antifilarial activity of a marine sponge haliclona exigua (phylum porifera). the crude methanol extract and n-butanol-soluble fraction killed adult brugia malayi at 31.25-microg/ml concentration (both in motility and 3-(4,5 dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay) while the chloroform fraction was lethal at a lower concentration of 15.6 microg/ml. the activity could be located in a single molecule araguspongin c which brought about mortality ... | 2009 | 19626340 |
storage of gangliosides gm2 and fucosyl gm1 in the kidney of mcc strain of mastomys (praomys coucha). | previously, we histochemically examined the kidney of the mcc strain of mastomys (praomys coucha) and found the storage of gangliosides. in the present studies, the lipid-bound sialic acid content of gangliosides in the mcc kidney was about 9- to 14-fold higher than that of the control (mwc strain). in the mcc kidney, sialic acids of male gangliosides were composed of n-acetylneuraminic acid at 91.5%; sialic acids of female gangliosides, however, were composed almost entirely of n-glycolylneuram ... | 2009 | 19556222 |
immunization with inflammatory proteome of brugia malayi adult worm induces a th1/th2-immune response and confers protection against the filarial infection. | mastomys coucha and jirds (meriones unguiculatus) were immunized with four cytokine-stimulating sds-page resolved fractions f5 (68-84 kda), f6 (54-68 kda), f10 (38-42 kda) and f14 (20-28 kda) of brugia malayi adult worm to determine which of these fractions has the potential to influence the establishment of subsequently introduced b. malayi infection in the animals. the proteins in the fractions were analyzed by 2de and maldi-tof. immunization with f6 suppressed the establishment of third stage ... | 2009 | 19450648 |
the n-hexane and chloroform fractions of piper betle l. trigger different arms of immune responses in balb/c mice and exhibit antifilarial activity against human lymphatic filarid brugia malayi. | modulation of immune functions by using herbal plants and their products has become fundamental regime of therapeutic approach. piper betle linn. (piperaceae) is a widely distributed plant in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world and has been attributed as traditional herbal remedy for many diseases. we have recently reported the antifilarial and antileishmanial efficacy in the leaf extract of bangla mahoba landrace of p. betle which is a female plant. the present report describes th ... | 2009 | 19281872 |
adult brugia malayi mitochondrial and nuclear fractions impart th1-associated sizeable protection against infective larval challenges in mastomys coucha. | protective immunity to the subperiodic human filariid, brugia malayi, was explored in the rodent host, mastomys coucha after vaccination with subcellular fractions derived from the adult stage of the parasite. the highest level of protection was conferred in animals vaccinated with the 'mitochondria rich' (mt) fraction, in which microfilaraemia and worm burden were markedly reduced by 67.2 and 65.9%, respectively, followed by the 'nucleus rich' (nr) fraction, showing reductions of 62 and 52.3%, ... | 2009 | 19063769 |
amplification of rat microsatellite loci in mastomys coucha smith, 1836. | the multimammate rat m. coucha is the most widespread strain to be introduced in biomedical research and various stocks of this strain are maintained in laboratories across the globe. it is an ideal carrier of normally non-human disease to the domestic environment. in order to analyze genetic purity, strains of m. coucha were subjected to pcr-based dna fingerprinting using sequence tagged microsatellite markers to evolve molecular signature to them. for this, 10 rats sequenced tagged microsatell ... | 2008 | 18949891 |
protective efficacy of a filarial surface antigen in experimental filariasis. | a water-insoluble, detergent-soluble, surface-associated glycoprotein, designated as dssd1, was found to induce microfilaria clearance in mastomys coucha implanted with setaria digitata. intraperitoneal implantation of adult female worms of s. digitata in m. coucha could induce microfilaraemia lasting about 165 days in circulation. immunization of m. coucha with dssd1 antigen either before or after implantation of worms resulted in a significant reduction in microfilaria density. complete cleara ... | 2009 | 18922206 |
antifilarial lead molecules isolated from trachyspermum ammi. | lymphatic filariasis is caused by infection with the parasitic filarial nematodes wuchereria bancrofti, brugia malayi and b. timori, transmitted by mosquitoes. the lack of an adulticidal drug poses a challenge to filariasis elimination, hence it is essential to develop an effective antifilarial drug which could either kill or permanently sterilize the adult worms. in the reported work the in vitro activity of a methanolic extract of fruits of trachyspermum ammi (apiaceae) against adult bovine fi ... | 2008 | 18830147 |
antifilarial activity of caesalpinia bonducella against experimental filarial infections. | lymphatic filariasis is a disabling disease that continues to cripple population in tropical countries. currently available antifilarial drugs are not able to control the disease. therefore, a better antifilarial is urgently required for proper management of the disease. we undertook this study to assess the antifilarial activity of caesalpinia bonducella-seed kernel against rodent filarial parasite in experimental model. | 2008 | 18820361 |
effect of chemotherapeutic treatment on cytokine (ifn-gamma, il-2, il-4, il-5, il-10) gene transcription in response to specific antigens in brugia malayi-infected mastomys coucha. | cytokine (interferon (ifn)-gamma, interleukin (il)-2, il-4, il-5, il-10) gene transcription in response to filarial antigens was determined in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of brugia malayi-infected mastomys coucha in the course of untreated and chemotherapeutically abbreviated infections. transcript levels in infected untreated animals suggest particular time courses for the various cytokines with ongoing parasite development and differing efficacies of female, male, microfilarial, and l3 ... | 2008 | 18679719 |
a novel rodent papillomavirus isolated from anogenital lesions in its natural host. | in the present work we describe both the prevalence and the histopathologic features of a novel papillomavirus (referred as mcpv2) that naturally infects the rodent mastomys coucha. viral dna could be isolated not only from anogenital wart-like lesions but also from healthy tissues (e.g. liver, kidney, spleen and intestine) without apparent signs of infection. our finding of a second papillomavirus infecting m. coucha, phylogenetically very distant from the previously known mnpv, reinforces the ... | 2008 | 18234262 |
prior killing of intracellular bacteria wolbachia reduces inflammatory reactions and improves antifilarial efficacy of diethylcarbamazine in rodent model of brugia malayi. | the discovery of the endosymbiont wolbachia, which has a mutualistic relationship with filarial nematodes, and its importance in filarial parasite biology has provided a lead for developing novel chemotherapeutic agents against human filariasis. wolbachia also appears to be involved in immunopathological responses as well as adverse reactions after antifilarial therapy. the aim of the present study was to explore the potential of administering anti-wolbachial therapy before antifilarial treatmen ... | 2008 | 18180957 |
imiquimod treatment of papilloma virus and dmba /tpa-induced cutaneous skin cancer in mastomys coucha: an unique animal model system useful for preclinical studies. | immune response modifiers including imiquimod can be topically applied for the treatment of both genital warts and benign and malignant skin tumours (e.g. actinic keratosis). in an initial pilot study, we examined the response of spontaneously papillomavirus caused skin lesions (e.g. papillomas, keratoacanthomas) vs. chemically induced skin tumours of mastomys coucha to imiquimod. | 2007 | 18067625 |
monoclonal antibodies generated against excretory/secretory antigens of mammalian stage larvae of the lymphatic filarial parasite wuchereria bancrofti. | monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against excretory/secretary (e/s) antigens of fourth stage (l4) larvae of wuchereria bancrofti were raised and screened for their specificity and sensitivity and evaluated for their potential in detecting homologous e/s antigens in human blood samples. five mabs were obtained and, among them, mab a7 showed high reactivity against e/s antigens of l4 and crude somatic antigens of microfilariae (mf) of w. bancrofti, and infective stage (l3) and adult stage larvae of bru ... | 2007 | 17885888 |
persistence of mastomys natalensis papillomavirus in multiple organs identifies novel targets for infection. | the high incidence of multiple wart formation and skin cancer in organ-transplant recipients, as well as the question of an involvement of papillomaviruses in a variety of human cancers, require a model system for papillomavirus infections in immunocompetent animals. such an in vivo model is represented by the multimammate rat mastomys coucha, which is infected with mastomys natalensis papillomavirus (mnpv). mnpv primarily induces benign skin tumours, such as papillomas and keratoacanthomas. her ... | 2007 | 17872518 |
untangling the roles of fire, grazing and rainfall on small mammal communities in grassland ecosystems. | in grassland systems across the globe, ecologists have been attempting to understand the complex role of fire, grazing and rainfall in creating habitat heterogeneity and the consequences of anthropogenic control of these factors on ecosystem integrity and functioning. using a south african grassland ecosystem as a model, we investigated the impact of fire and grazing pressure on small mammal communities during three differing periods of a rainfall cycle. over 2 years, 15,203 trap nights revealed ... | 2007 | 17846799 |
skin nodules on multimammate mice (mastomys coucha). | 2007 | 17721527 | |
anti-filarial activity of novel formulations of albendazole against experimental brugian filariasis. | the study was aimed at developing better orally active albendazole (alb) formulations. six formulations (alb-1 to alb-6) were prepared and tested against brugia malayi in mastomys coucha and jird (meriones unguiculatus) at 200 mg/kg, orally, for 5 consecutive days. the anti-filarial efficacy was assessed against microfilariae (mf), adult worms and female reproductive potential. three of the 6 alb formulations showed greatly improved female worm sterilizing potential (alb-1: 90%; alb-3: 63%; alb- ... | 2007 | 17078904 |
chemical constituents and antifilarial activity of lantana camara against human lymphatic filariid brugia malayi and rodent filariid acanthocheilonema viteae maintained in rodent hosts. | lymphatic filariasis continues to be a major health problem in tropical and subtropical countries. a macrofilaricidal agent capable of eliminating adult filarial parasites is urgently needed. in the present study, we report the antifilarial activity in the extract of stem portion of the plant lantana camara. the crude extract at 1 g/kg for 5 days by oral route killed 43.05% of the adult brugia malayi parasites and sterilized 76% of surviving female worms in the rodent model mastomys coucha. a 34 ... | 2007 | 17061115 |
infectivity and pathogenicity of cryptosporidium andersoni to a novel host, southern multimammate mouse (mastomys coucha). | the infectivity and pathogenicity of cryptosporidium andersoni (bovine isolate) for neonatal and adult southern multimammate mice (mastomys coucha) was studied using transmission experiments. c. andersoni isolate used in this study was not infective for balb/c mice, but experimental infection proved susceptibility of neonatal and adult m. coucha to the infection. the prepatent period was 20-24 days, the patent period varied between 46 and 59 days. no signs of clinical illness or macroscopic find ... | 2007 | 16997473 |
ultrasonography in filaria-infected rodents: detection of adult litomosoides sigmodontis and brugia malayi filariae. | to evaluate the usefulness of ultrasonography (usg) in the detection of adult filariae in rodents. wuchereria bancrofti are frequently detected using usg in humans, whereas adult brugia malayi have not been so far. | 2006 | 16930260 |
localization of brugia malayi (sub-periodic) adults in different organs of mastomys coucha and its influence on microfilaraemia and host antibody response. | lymphatic filariasis caused by nematode parasites wuchereria bancrofti or brugia malayi is a spectral disease and produces wide range of immune responses and varying levels of microfilaraemia in infected individuals. the relationship between the immune response of host and the developmental stage of the parasite as well as the microfilariae (mf) density and specific location of the adult worms is yet to be understood. as an experimental model, b. malayi adapted in the experimental animal mastomy ... | 2006 | 16862320 |
protection against l3 induced brugia malayi infection in mastomys coucha pre-immunized with bmafii fraction of the filarial adult worm. | the present study was aimed at investigating protective efficacy of bmafii (sephadex g-200 eluted fraction of brugia malayi adult worm extract) against establishment of infective larvae (l3)-induced b. malayi infection in mastomys coucha and to delineate immunological responses induced in the host. healthy male m. coucha were immunized with bmafii and subsequently inoculated with b. malayi l3. specific igg and cell mediated immune responses (cellular proliferation) including release of tumor nec ... | 2006 | 16757067 |
acanthocheilonema viteae in mastomys coucha: chemotherapeutic and chemoprophylactic role of vitamin a in experimental filarial infection. | the role of vitamin a was evaluated for its chemotherapeutic and chemoprophylactic action against acanthocheilonema viteae infection in mastomys coucha. vitamin a was administered for 10 days, five days before infection and five days post infection. on day 0 experimental animals as well as controls were infected with l3, the infective stage. establishment of the worms revealed significantly less percentage of worm recovery over untreated controls. cell-mediated response was found to be the cause ... | 2006 | 16729591 |
lethal lps-independent side effects after microfilaricidal treatment in acanthocheilonema viteae-infected rodents. | mastomys coucha and jirds infected with acanthocheilonema viteae, a filarial species free of endosymbiontic bacteria of the genus wolbachia, suffer lethal side effects after effective microfilaricidal therapy with diethylcarbamazine and levamisole, whereas, m. coucha infected with the wolbachia-infested species brugia malayi or litomosoides carinii tolerate corresponding treatment. mortality in a. viteae infected, treated animals varied with microfilariae density in the blood. it was up to 100% ... | 2005 | 15997410 |
inflammatory antigens of brugia malayi and their effect on rodent host mastomys coucha. | the study was aimed at identifying pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine releasing potential of brugia malayi adult worm fractions and their role in filarial infection and pathogenesis. thp-1 cells were incubated with soluble somatic brugia malayi adult worm extract (bmas) and its sephadex g-200 fractions bmafi, bmafii and bmafiii and the effect of the fractions on parasitological, immunological and lymph node parameters was assessed in mastomys coucha. bmafii stimulated the pro-inflammatory tnf-a ... | 2004 | 15752117 |
responses of mastomys coucha, that have been infected with brugia malayi and treated with diethylcarbamazine or albendazole, to re-exposure to infection. | the responses of mastomys coucha to re-exposure to infection with homologous infective larvae (l(3)) of brugia malayi were investigated, after initial infections with the nematode had been treated subcutaneously for 5 days with diethylcarbamazine (dec; 150 mg citrate/kg. day) or albendazole (alb; 50 mg/kg. day). the parasite burdens, serum concentrations of igg reacting with a soluble somatic extract of adult b. malayi (bmas), and cytokine and lymphocyte-proliferative responses to filarial antig ... | 2004 | 15667714 |
renal physiology of two southern african mastomys species (rodentia: muridae): a salt-loading experiment to assess concentrating ability. | aspects of renal physiology were examined to test the hypothesis that two cryptic species of the genus mastomys (mastomys natalensis and mastomys coucha) are geographically separated by differences in aridity tolerance. laboratory-bred females of each species were subjected to different levels of salinity in their water source (distilled water, 0.9% nacl, and 1.5% nacl; 10 conspecifics in each group) from weaning until sexual maturity. individuals of the two species exhibited similar rates of wa ... | 2004 | 15596389 |
sequence analysis of cdna encoding follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone beta-subunits in the mastomys (praomys coucha). | to examine the molecular basis of efficient superovulation in the mastomys (praomys coucha), the cdna sequences of the follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh) and luteinizing hormone (lh) beta-subunits were determined and compared with those of other mammals. fshbeta and lhbeta cdnas were 1606 and 513 bp long, respectively, from the 5'-ends to the putative polya sites. the deduced sequences of the fshbeta and lhbeta precursor proteins were 130 and 141 amino acids in length, respectively. the amino ac ... | 2004 | 15364211 |
antifilarial activity of zoanthus species (phylum coelenterata, class anthzoa) against human lymphatic filaria, brugia malayi. | the chloroform methanol (1:1) extract of an unidentified green zoanthus (phylum coelenterata, class anthozoa) showed promising in vitro adulticidal activity with a lethal concentration of 125 microg/ml on brugia malayi. this extract brought about a 52.2% reduction in circulating microfilariae of b. malayi when administered to infected mastomys coucha at 250 mg/kg, orally for 5 consecutive days. further fractionation of the extract led to the recovery of four fractions, which were evaluated simul ... | 2004 | 15258853 |
the antifilarial activity of a marine red alga, botryocladia leptopoda, against experimental infections with animal and human filariae. | the antifilarial activity of the marine red alga botryocladia leptopoda against rodent and human lymphatic filarial parasites is described. the animal filarial species included litomosoides sigmodontis and acanthocheilonema viteae maintained in cotton rats and mastomys coucha, respectively, while a subperiodic strain of the human lymphatic filarial parasite brugia malayi was maintained in m. coucha. the crude extract and its hexane fraction brought about a marked reduction in the peripheral micr ... | 2004 | 15243801 |
diet quality differentially affects breeding effort of mastomys coucha and m. natalensis: implications for rodent pests. | in this study we compare the reproductive ability of mastomys natalensis, an agricultural rodent pest and that of the closely related species m. coucha, which has not been ascribed as a pest. we suggest that the ability of m. natalensis to plague, as well as dominate, resource-limited habitats, may in part be related to its differential breeding response to variation in diet quality. thus, we examined the reproductive response of m. coucha and m. natalensis mothers to variation in dietary protei ... | 2004 | 14695692 |
4-methyl-7-(tetradecanoyl)-2h-1-benzopyran-2-one: a novel dna topoisomerase ii inhibitor with adulticidal and embryostatic activity against sub-periodic brugia malayi. | a compound of the coumarin class, 4-methyl-7-(tetradecanoyl)-2h-1-benzopyran-2-one, was evaluated for antifilarial activity against the human filarial parasite, brugia malayi (sub-periodic strain) in mastomys coucha. the test compound brought about a 24.4% reduction in circulating microfilaremia on day 8 after initiation of treatment when administered by the peritoneal route at a dose of 50 mg/kg for 5 consecutive days. the compound also caused a 62.0% mortality in adult parasites. apart from ki ... | 2004 | 14652743 |
[demonstration and frequency of bartonellae in the blood of the rodents of the upper ubangi pertaining to the following species; mylomys cuninnghamei alberti, epimus rattus frugivorus, rattus mastomys coucha, louphuromys silkapusi, dasymys incomitus fuscus and teaterillus emini]. | 1953 | 13150077 | |
7-o-[4-methyl piperazine-1-(2-acetyl)]-2h-1-benzopyran-2-one: a novel antifilarial lead compound. | in preliminary studies we found that benzopyrones (coumarins), which are known to exert many biological activities including anti-inflammatory effect, possess promising macrofilaricidal action as well. in order to explore the possibility of combining such a macrofilaricidal activity with the microfilaricidal potential of the known piperazine pharmacophore, we synthesized a series of compounds and evaluated their antifilarial effect. in the present study, one of these compounds, 7-o-[4-methyl pip ... | 2003 | 12826297 |
fertilization of oocytes and birth of normal pups following intracytoplasmic injection with spermatids in mastomys (praomys coucha). | the mastomys is a small laboratory rodent that is native to africa. although it has been used for research concerning reproductive biology, in vitro fertilization (ivf) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection are very difficult in mastomys because of technical problems, such as inadequate sperm capacitation and large sperm heads. the present study was undertaken to examine whether mastomys spermatids could be used to fertilize oocytes in vitro using a microinsemination technique, because spermatids ... | 2003 | 12606361 |
distribution of trypanosoma congolense in infected multimammate rats (mastomys coucha): light and electron microscopical studies. | in an attempt to determine whether trypanosoma congolense occurs both within and outside the blood vessels in an infected animal host, multimammate rats (mastomys coucha) were infected with t. congolense and samples from spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow, liver, kidney, lungs, brain, heart, intestines, ovaries and testes were collected. the tissue samples were fixed and processed for light and electron microscopical examination. in all the tissues examined, trypanosomes were found only within the ... | 2002 | 11983307 |
isozyme and allozyme markers distinguishing two morphologically similar, medically important mastomys species (rodentia: muridae). | two common southern african mice species, mastomys coucha and m. natalensis, are widely distributed throughout the subregion and overlap in many areas. they also share a high degree of morphological similarity, making them impossible to distinguish in the field at present. these multimammate mice are documented carriers of serious disease vectors causing lassa fever, plague and encephalomyocarditis, which coupled to their cohabitation with humans in many areas, could pose a significant health ri ... | 2001 | 11696236 |
filaricidal efficacy of anthelmintically active cyclodepsipeptides. | pf 1022a, a novel anthelmintically active cyclodepsipeptide, and bay 44-4400, a semisynthetic derivative of pf 1022a were tested for filaricidal efficacy in mastomys coucha infected with litomosoides sigmodontis, acanthocheilonema viteae and brugia malayi. the parent compound pf 1022a showed limited anti-filarial efficacy in l. sigmodontis and b. malayi infected animals. oral doses of 5 x 100 mg/kg on consecutive days caused only a temporary decrease of microfilariaemia levels. by contrast, bay ... | 2001 | 11595239 |
effects of bay 44-4400, a new cyclodepsipeptide, on developing stages of filariae (acanthocheilonema viteae, brugia malayi, litomosoides sigmodontis) in the rodent mastomys coucha. | bay 44-4400 was used as a spot on formulation and administered in single doses of 25 and 100 mg/kg to acanthocheilonema viteae, brugia malayi, and litomosoides sigmodontis infected mastomys coucha on various dates during prepatency, aiming to affect third stage larvae, fourth stage larvae or preadult worms. microfilaraemia levels were controlled in comparison to untreated controls until necropsies were performed 100 days p.i. (a. viteae, l. sigmodontis) and 150 days p.i. (b. malayi) to determine ... | 2001 | 11495640 |
bone marrow response to acute and chronic trypanosoma congolense infection in multimammate rats (mastomys coucha). | the femoral bone marrow of multimammate rats (n=90), aged 3-8 weeks, experimentally infected with different doses of trypanosoma congolense was examined by light and electron microscopy. some animals died from trypanosomosis, but groups of 10 were killed at 4-8, 9-16, 20-24, 30, 40, 50 and 60 days post-infection (dpi). in the acute stage of infection (4-8 dpi) the bone marrow invariably showed a striking increase in erythropoiesis, characterized by an increase in the number of mitotic figures an ... | 2001 | 11222012 |
experimentally induced infection with autonomous parvoviruses, minute virus of mice and h-1, in the african multimammate mouse (mastomys coucha). | to determine whether the multimammate mouse (mastomys coucha) could be used to evaluate rodent parvovirus-based vectors, neonates were subcutaneously inoculated with minute virus of mice (prototype strain, mvmp) or rat parvovirus h-1. the course of infection with both viruses was similar. seroconversion occurred within two weeks after virus inoculation, as detected by use of hemagglutination-inhibition assays, and antibody titers remained high for the entire observation period of 12 months. vira ... | 2000 | 11200567 |
setaria digitata infections in cattle: parasite load, microfilaraemia status and relationship to immune response. | a total of 110 cattle were examined in an area endemic for bancroftian filariasis for the prevalence of infection of the bovine filarial parasite setaria digitata. about 12.5% of cattle were found to harbour both adult worms in the peritoneum and microfilariae (mf) in circulation; 70% of the cattle were amicrofilaraemic but with an adult worm infection. a third group of cattle (16.5%) was free of detectable mf and adult worms. the presence of adult worms and/or mf did not influence the antibody ... | 2000 | 11138024 |
biochemical genetic markers to identify two morphologically similar south african mastomys species (rodentia: muridae). | the two common southern african mice species (mastomys coucha and m. natalensis) are morphologically almost identical, making field identification impossible at present. specimens from two localities were collected and tissue and blood samples taken. the habitat type of each locality was studied, and a distribution map compiled. a definite correlation between biome-type and species range was found to be present. three isozyme markers were identified: glucose phosphate isomerase in liver, and two ... | 2001 | 11068121 |
effects of 2-deoxy-d-glucose on acanthocheilonema viteae: rodent filariids as studied by multinuclear nmr spectroscopyt. | a well known glucose antimetabolite, 2-deoxy glucose (2dg) widely used in chemotherapy of cancer along with radiation, was evaluated as an antifilarial agent by nuclear magnetic resonance. the uptake and metabolism of 2dg in the experimental filarial infection acanthocheilonema viteae was studied by in vivo multinuclear nmr. an unusually long retention time of 2dg6p within these parasites was observed on continuous 31p nmr monitoring, along with a decrease in atp levels. these results led to the ... | 2000 | 10970042 |
antifilarial activity of some 2h-1-benzopyran-2-ones (coumarins). | six synthetic 2h-1-benzopyran-2-one (cournarin) derivatives (cdri compounds # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) were evaluated for filaricidal activity against litomosoides carinii and acanthocheilonema viteae infections in cotton rats (sigmodon hispidus) and mastomys coucha respectively. significant effects on macrofilariae (>80% death/sterilisation) were detected with compounds #2, 3 and 6 against l. carinii and/or a. viteae. thus detection of filaricidal activity in benzopyrones, which are so far known fo ... | 2000 | 10936568 |