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viruses surveillance under different season scenarios of the negro river basin, amazonia, brazil.the negro river is located in the amazon basin, the largest hydrological catchment in the world. its water is used for drinking, domestic activities, recreation and transportation and water quality is significantly affected by anthropogenic impacts. the goals of this study were to determine the presence and concentrations of the main viral etiological agents of acute gastroenteritis, such as group a rotavirus (rva) and genogroup ii norovirus (nov gii), and to assess the use of human adenovirus ( ...201626783031
human jcv infections as a bio-anthropological marker of the formation of brazilian amazonian populations.jc polyomavirus (jcv) is a member of the polyomaviridae family. it presents a tropism to kidney cells, and the infection occurs in a variety of human population groups of different ethnic background. the present study investigated the prevalence of jcv infection among human populations from the brazilian amazon region, and describes the molecular and phylogenetic features of the virus. urine samples from two urban groups of belém (healthy subjects), one brazilian afro-descendant "quilombo" from ...201223071582
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