
PMID(sorted descending)
intestinal parasites, including cryptosporidium species, in iraqi patients with sickle-cell anaemia.stool samples were obtained from individuals admitted to three hospitals in basra during november 1997-may 1998. of 40 patients with sickle-cell anaemia, 25 (62.5%) had parasitic infections. in the apparently healthy comparison group, 26 of 175 individuals (14.8%) had intestinal parasitic infections, a statistically significant difference. the most common intestinal parasites isolated in the sickle-cell patients were blastocystis hominis (36%) and giardia lamblia (28%). the isolation rate of cry ...200215339123
diagnostic methods for intestinal parasites in southern iraq with reference to strongyloides stercoralis.three hundred and thirty-two stool samples were examined for the presence of intestinal parasites including strongyloides stercoralis. each sample was processed and examined by direct smear, formalin-ether and harada and mori culture methods. nine parasites were recovered from patients attending basrah teaching hospital, southern iraq during 1989. the prevalence rate of infection was 64.2%. it was higher in rural (74.2%) than in urban (57.5%) region (p < 0.01). sex distribution was 120 (36.1%) m ...19937939941
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