
PMID(sorted descending)
intestinal parasites and intra familial incidence in a low socio-economic area of chandigarh (north india).a total of 550 stool samples were collected from a low socio economic population of chandigarh (north india) and examined macroscopically and microscopically, to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections and their familial incidence. the overall prevalence rate was 19.3%. ascaris lumbricoides and giardia lamblia were the commonest, affecting 51 (9.3%) and 33 (6.0%), respectively. in 17 (22.7%) families the same parasite was observed to infect multiple family members, which incl ...200415449649
cryptosporidiosis in a tertiary care hospital.cryptosporidium, an important cause of diarrhoea, has been reported worldwide both in immunocompetent and immunocompromised individuals and has emerged as a serious public health problem. this study was undertaken to assess the present status of cryptosporidiosis in children and adults with diarrhoea who attended the nehru hospital, chandigarh which is a tertiary care hospital.199910612999
epidemiological study of parasitic infestations in lower socio-economic group in chandigarh (north india).when stool samples from 970 subjects belonging to lower socio-economic groups were examined for parasites, a total of 121 subjects (12.5%) i.e., 57 (12.1%) males and 64 (12.9%) females showed positive results. the overall prevalence of parasitic infestation did not correlate with sex, caste or religion and living conditions. however, the prevalence was higher in hospital employees residing in well sanitated area. giardia lamblia (69.5%), entamoeba, histolytica (15.7%), hymenolepis nana (12.4%), ...19912022402
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