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use of avian influenza vaccination in hong kong.outbreaks of h5n1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) that occurred in hong kong up until february/march 2002 were controlled by stamping out. with endemic presence of the virus in the region and large daily importation of poultry to hong kong, the administration considered that further risk management measures, in addition to improved biosecurity and enhanced surveillance, were necessary to prevent outbreaks. vaccination using a killed h5n2 vaccine was evaluated over a 12-month period in t ...200616447504
vaccination of chickens against h5n1 avian influenza in the face of an outbreak interrupts virus transmission.vaccination of chickens with a commercially available killed h5n2 vaccine was being evaluated as an additional tool to enhanced biosecurity measures and intensive surveillance for control of highly pathogenic avian influenza subtype h5n1 disease in hong kong in 2002. in december 2002 to january 2003, there were outbreaks of h5n1 disease in waterfowl in two recreational parks, wild water birds, several poultry markets and five chicken farms. in addition to quarantine, depopulation of the affected ...200415370037
report on avian influenza in the eastern hemisphere during 1997-2002.since the fourth international symposium on avian influenza (ai) there has been considerable ai activity in the eastern hemisphere. the higher profile of ai resulting from the human infections with h5n1 and h9n2 viruses in hong kong, in 1997 and 1999, respectively, resulted in increased reporting and active surveillance. there have been three reported incidents of high-pathogenicity (hp) ai: h5n2 in northeastern italy in 1997 (eight outbreaks); h5n1 in hong kong in 1997 recurring in 2001 and 200 ...200314575066
distinct pathogenesis of hong kong-origin h5n1 viruses in mice compared to that of other highly pathogenic h5 avian influenza 1997, an outbreak of virulent h5n1 avian influenza virus occurred in poultry in hong kong (hk) and was linked to a direct transmission to humans. the factors associated with transmission of avian influenza virus to mammals are not fully understood, and the potential risk of other highly virulent avian influenza a viruses infecting and causing disease in mammals is not known. in this study, two avian and one human hk-origin h5n1 virus along with four additional highly pathogenic h5 avian influ ...200010627555
characterization of avian h5n1 influenza viruses from poultry in hong kong.the transmission of avian h5n1 influenza viruses to 18 humans in hong kong in 1997 with six deaths established that avian influenza viruses can transmit to and cause lethal infection in humans. this report characterizes the antigenic and biological properties of the h5n1 influenza viruses isolated from chickens, ducks, and geese from farms and poultry markets in hong kong during 1997 and compares them with those of virus isolated from the index human case. each of the h5n1 viruses from hong kong ...19989878612
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