
PMID(sorted descending)
neospora caninum and toxoplasma gondii antibody prevalence in alaska caribou and moose populations in some regions of alaska undergo periodic declines in numbers. caribou and moose are managed by the state as valuable resources for not only sustenance and subsistence, but also for cultural heritage. incidence and prevalence of diseases that may impact herd health and recruitment from year to year are relevant to management decisions aimed to protect the long-term viability of these herds. neospora caninum and toxoplasma gondii are two apicomplexan pa ...201020688628
geographic distribution of the muscle-dwelling nematode parelaphostrongylus odocoilei in north america, using molecular identification of first-stage larvae.molecular identification of dorsal-spined larvae (dsl) from fecal samples indicates that the protostrongylid parasite parelaphostrongylus odocoilei occupies a broader geographic range in western north america than has been previously reported. we analyzed 2,124 fecal samples at 29 locations from thinhorn sheep (ovis dalli dalli and o. d. stonei), bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis and o. c. californiana), mountain goats (oreamnos americanus), woodland caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou), ...200516108550
serum antibody prevalence of malignant catarrhal fever viruses in seven wildlife species from alaska.blood samples were collected from seven species of free-ranging ungulates in alaska. sera were tested for evidence of exposure to malignant catarrhal fever viruses (mcfv) by means of a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. antibody prevalences were as follows: muskox (ovibos moschatus) 100 positive samples of 104 tested (96%); dall sheep (ovis dalli) 212 of 222 (95%); elk (cervus elaphus) 14 of 51 (27%); bison (bison bison) 34 of 197 (17%); caribou (rangifer tarandus) nine of 232 (4%); ...200212238366
prevalence of neutralizing antibodies against california and bunyamwera serogroup viruses in deer from mountainous areas of california.plaque reduction-serum dilution neutralization was used to evaluate the status of bunyavirus activity in deer in mountainous areas of california. antibodies against 9 bunyaviruses were measured in 337 mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus, o. hemionus californicus, and o. hemionus inyoensis) and black-tailed deer (o. hemionus columbianus). more deer from high mountainous areas had neutralizing antibodies against jamestown canyon virus than did deer from low mountainous areas (23% vs. 9%; p les ...19892496610
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