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intermediate hosts of the trematode collyriclum faba (plagiochiida: collyriclidae) identified by an integrated morphological and genetic approach.the cutaneous monostome trematode collyriclum faba (bremser in schmalz, 1831) is a bird parasite with a hitherto unknown life cycle and highly focal occurrence across the holarctic and neotropic ecozones.201525889245
where in europe should we look for sources of the cutaneous trematode collyriclum faba infections in migrating birds?cutaneous cysts with trematodes of collyriclum faba have been found in birds during their spring and post-breeding migrations in the czech republic. during spring migrations, c. faba was found in one dunnock prunella modularis, two european robins erithacus rubecula, three common nightingales luscinia megarhynchos, one song thrush turdus philomelos and one great reed warbler acrocephalus arundinaceus. during post-breeding migration, the same parasite was found in one garden warbler sylvia borin, ...200617125543
cutaneous trematode collyriclum faba in wild birds in the central european carpathians.the occurrence of cutaneous trematode collyriclum faba in wild birds was monitored in the central european carpathians from 1996 to 2001. a total of 5,414 birds, representing 86 species, was examined. collyriclum faba was found at 7 sites (5 in slovakia, 1 in poland, and 1 in the czech republic), and prevalences at the sites varied from 1 to 16%. ten species of passerine birds were infected: blackcap (sylvia atricapilla) (16 positive/622 tested, 2% prevalence), black redstart (phoenicurus ochrur ...200312760670
[the occurrence of the parasite collyriclum faba (bremser in schmalz, 1831) in wild birds in switzerland].the infection of our indigenous wild birds by the parasite collyriclum faba represents a rare event. the adult trematodes reside in the subcutaneous tissue of the host, where prominent cysts can be found. in summer 1988, two cases were diagnosed, in a house sparrow (passer domesticus) and in a goldcrest (regulus regulus), which led us to a description of this unusual parasitic disease, whose cycle still remains unknown, and to a review of the prior known appearances in switzerland. in the time b ...19911771405
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