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species diversity of aspergillus section versicolores in clinical samples and antifungal susceptibility.aspergillus section versicolores includes species of clinical relevance and many others that have been poorly studied but are occasionally found in clinical samples. the aim of this study was to investigate, using a multilocus phylogenetic approach, the spectrum of species of the section versicolores and to determine their in vitro antifungal susceptibility. the study was based on a set of 77 clinical isolates from different usa medical centres, which had been previously identified as belonging ...201627742099
comparison of methods for assessing temporal variation of growth of fungi on building materials.fungal growth on indoor surfaces can decay building materials and release hazardous substances that affect indoor air quality. despite the numerous methods available for growth determination, there is no commonly accepted standard. the goal of this study was to compare five different assay methods for the measurement of fungal growth: cultivation, ms-based determination of ergosterol, beta-n-acetylhexosaminidase activity, quantitative pcr and microscopic spore counting. three fungal species (asp ...201627655355
aspergillus section versicolores: nine new species and multilocus dna sequence based phylogeny.β-tubulin, calmodulin, internal transcribed spacer and partial lsu-rdna, rna polymerase 2, dna replication licensing factor mcm7, and pre-rrna processing protein tsr1 were amplified and sequenced from numerous isolates belonging to aspergillus sect. versicolor. the isolates were analyzed phylogenetically using the concordance model to establish species boundaries. aspergillus austroafricanus, a. creber, a. cvjetkovicii, a. fructus, a. jensenii, a. puulaauensis, a. subversicolor, a. tennesseensis ...201223155501
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