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host and viral traits predict zoonotic spillover from mammals.the majority of human emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic, with viruses that originate in wild mammals of particular concern (for example, hiv, ebola and sars). understanding patterns of viral diversity in wildlife and determinants of successful cross-species transmission, or spillover, are therefore key goals for pandemic surveillance programs. however, few analytical tools exist to identify which host species are likely to harbour the next human virus, or which viruses can cross species ...201728636590
genetically targeted binary labeling of retinal neurons.a major stumbling block to understanding neural circuits is the extreme anatomical and functional diversity of interneurons. subsets of interneurons can be targeted for manipulation using cre mouse lines, but cre expression is rarely confined to a single interneuron type. it is essential to have a strategy that further restricts labeling in cre driver lines. we now describe an approach that combines cre driver mice, recombinant adeno-associated virus, and rabies virus to produce sparse but binar ...201424899708
validation of a less invasive blood sampling technique in rabies serology using reduviid bugs (triatominae, hemiptera).during serologic rabies surveys, bleeding is often difficult or almost impossible in small or endangered mammals such as bats. therefore, the usefulness of an alternative, less invasive technique--that is, the use of blood-sucking reduviid bugs (dipetalogaster maximus and rhodnius prolixus)--was investigated. bugs were used in combination with a conventional method (retro-orbitale bleeding) to obtain blood samples from the same individual nmri-mice (mus musculus) vaccinated against rabies. rabie ...201020722255
prevalence of rabies virus and hantaan virus infections in commensal rodents and shrews trapped in bangkok.five hundred rodents and shrews (rattus norvegicus: 458, rattus rattus: 28, rattus exulans: 5, mus musculus: 4 and suncus murine: 5) trapped from the fresh food markets around bangkok area were investigated for rabies virus and hantaan virus infections. no rabies viral antigens in the animals' brains were detected by direct immunofluorescence. on the other hand, antibodies to hantaan virus were demonstrated in the sera of 7 (1.53%) r. norvegicus caught in various markets using a particle aggluti ...200314696782
surveillance and spatiotemporal associations of rabies in rodents and lagomorphs in the united states, 1985-1994.between 1985 and 1994, 368 cases of rabies in rodents (95% of reports) and lagomorphs (5%) were reported to the centers for disease control and prevention, atlanta, georgia (usa), from 22 states. this was a 354% increase from the period 1971 to 1984. most reports were cases of rabies in woodchucks (marmota monax) (n = 317), primarily from the eastern united states, which has been recently experiencing an epizootic of raccoon (procyon lotor) rabies. cases of rabies in woodchucks were temporally a ...19979027687
safety and immunogenicity of a vaccine bait containing era strain of attenuated rabies virus.ninety percent of foxes fed commercial era vaccine in a specially designed bait developed rabies serum neutralizing antibodies. the vaccine bait did not cause clinical signs of rabies when consumed by foxes, raccoons, skunks, dogs, cats, cattle and monkeys. when presented, in the laboratory, to wild rodents of the species microtus, mus musculus and peromyscus, the vaccine baits caused vaccine-induced rabies only in mus musculus. laboratory mice of the cd-1 and cll strain were susceptible to vacc ...19873330965
[rabies transmission to rodents after ingestion of naturally infected tissues].we describe seven trials in which calomys musculinus and mus musculus were fed with naturally rabies-infected tissues extracted from vampire bats, dogs, and bovines. the tissues were not subjected to any kind of previous laboratory handling and were administered directly in petri dishes; rodents ate them voluntarily. the only infectious tissues were bovine brains taken from outbreaks transmitted by vampire bats (table 1). it was possible to infect the two species of tested rodents, and there was ...19902130231
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