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Premature age-related comorbidities among HIV-infected persons compared with the general population.Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients may have a greater risk of noninfectious comorbidities (NICMs) compared with the general population. We assessed the prevalence and risk factors for NICMs in a large cohort of HIV-infected adults and compared these findings with data from matched control subjects.201121998278
human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) seropositivity in intravenous (i.v.) drug abusers in three cities of italy: possible natural history of hiv infection in i.v. drug addicts in italy.the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) antibodies and the symptoms induced [persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (pgl), aids-related complex (arc), acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids)] was evaluated in several groups of intravenous (iv) drug abusers in three large italian cities (milan, bologna, and rome). the earliest evidence of seropositivity in sera collected from patients with acute viral hepatitis dates back to 1979 in milan and to 1981 in bologna with peaks in 1983 i ...19873430144
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