
PMID(sorted descending)
inferring nonneutral evolution from contrasting patterns of polymorphisms and divergences in different protein coding regions of enterovirus 71 circulating in taiwan during 1998-2003.enterovirus (ev) 71 is one of the common causative agents for hand, foot, and, mouth disease (hfmd). in recent years, the virus caused several outbreaks with high numbers of deaths and severe neurological complications. despite the importance of these epidemics, several aspects of the evolutionary and epidemiological dynamics, including viral nucleotide variations within and between different outbreaks, rates of change in immune-related structural regions vs. non-structural regions, and forces d ...201020868512
clinical and epidemiological implications of swine hepatitis e virus nonendemic areas, most patients with acute hepatitis e were infected through traveling to endemic areas. however, some patients did not have a history of foreign travel before infection. furthermore, high seroprevalence rates of antibody to hepatitis e virus (anti-hev) were found in the general adult population in some countries without any recorded outbreak of hepatitis e. the significance of anti-hev assay in these subjects remains obscure. to study if swine might be a source of hev infecti ...200010596016
identity of a novel swine hepatitis e virus in taiwan forming a monophyletic group with taiwan isolates of human hepatitis e virus.recently, we found that more than 10% of the cases of acute non-a, non-b, non-c hepatitis in taiwan were caused by a novel strain of hepatitis e virus (hev). since none of these patients had a history of travel to areas where hev is endemic, the source of transmission remains unclear. the recent discovery of a swine hev in herd pigs in the united states has led us to speculate that hev may also circulate in herd pigs in taiwan and may serve as a reservoir for hev in taiwan. of 275 herd pigs obta ...199910565892
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