Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted descending) Filter |
isolations of jamestown canyon virus (bunyaviridae: california serogroup) from mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) in the western united states, 1990-1992. | nearly 80,000 immature and adult mosquitoes in three genera were collected in high-elevation (> 1,000 m) areas of california (68,229), nevada (3,721), oregon (5,918), and washington (1,629) during 1990-1992 and tested for virus as adult males or females in 1,799 pools. collections comprised primarily alpine aedes in the aedes communis (de geer) group of the subgenus ochlerotatus. thirteen strains of jamestown canyon (jc) virus were recovered by plaque assay in vero cell culture from three member ... | 1993 | 7903698 |