
PMID(sorted descending)
ascaridoid nematodes and associated lesions in stomachs of subadult male northern fur seals (callorhinus ursinus) on st. paul island, alaska: (1987-1999).stomachs from subadult male northern fur seals (sams) (callorhinus ursinus) (n = 5,950) from st. paul island, alaska, were examined from 1987 to 1999 for lesions and parasites. on gross examination of these stomachs, parasite nodules were evident in 92% of the stomachs and active and healing ulcers were found in 14% and 10%, respectively. prevalence of nematodes from 1987 to 1997 was 88% for 5,700 sams for which numbers of parasites were estimated but not identified to the genus level. all nemat ...200314535542
natural transfer of helminths of marine origin to freshwater fishes with observations on the development of diphyllobothrium alascense.infective stages of helminths of 5 species that occur as adults in marine mammals were found in burbot, lota lota (l.) (gadidae), from the lower kuskokwim river (southwestern alaska): diphyllobothrium alascense rausch et williamson, 1958; pyramicocephalus phocarum (fabricius, 1780); corynosoma strumosum (rudolphi, 1801); corynosoma semerme (forsell, 1904); and pseudoterranova decipiens (krabbe, 1878). some larval stages were obtained also from smelt, osmerus mordax dentex steindachner, an anadro ...200010780552
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