
PMID(sorted descending)
rediscovery and new morphological data on two hassalstrongylus (nematoda: heligmonellidae) coparasitic in the marsh rat holochilus chacarius (rodentia: cricetidae) from argentina.two species of hassalstrongylus durette-desset, 1971, coparasitic in holochilus chacarius thomas (rodentia, cricetidae) and not recorded since their original description in 1937, were newly found in their type host and locality. hassalstrongylus mazzai (freitas, lent and almeida, 1937) and hassalstrongylus argentinus (freitas, lent and almeida, 1937) were obtained from ho. chacarius from 2 different populations: one from salta province (northwest argentina) and another from chaco province (north ...201526193068
description of adult and fourth-stage larva of litomosoides navonae n. sp. (nematoda: onchocercidae), a parasite of five species of sigmodontine rodents from northeastern argentina.this study describes a new species of litomosoides chandler, 1931, parasitic in five different sigmodontine rodents from misiones, chaco and formosa provinces of argentina. the fourth-stage (l4) larva (male and female) is also described. l. navonae n. sp. exhibits: a bottle-shaped buccal cavity; a buccal capsule with irregularly crenate external walls; four externo-labial papillae and one ventral cephalic papilla; a well differentiated oesophagus; and sigmodontis-type spicules. the microfilaria ...200516315077
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