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insecticide susceptibility of horn flies, haematobia irritans (diptera: muscidae), in the state of mato grosso do sul, brazil.horn fly susceptibility to insecticides was evaluated in the state of mato grosso do sul, brazil, from october 2000 to september 2002. insecticide bioassays (n=57) were conducted in 38 ranches from 14 municipalities throughout the state. horn flies from wild populations were collected on cattle and exposed to filter papers impregnated with cypermethrin, permethrin, or diazinon and mortality was assessed after two hours. resistance to cypermethrin was detected in all populations, with resistance ...200718078601
role of kdr and esterase-mediated metabolism in pyrethroid-resistant populations of haematobia irritans irritans (diptera: muscidae) in brazil.the horn fly, haematobia irritans irritans (l.) (diptera: muscidae), has become a problem for brazilian cattle producers even though its introduction into brazil is relatively recent. failure to control this cattle pest is becoming a concern, and horn fly populations from several ranches from the state of mato grosso do sul were surveyed for pyrethroid resistance. susceptibility bioassays revealed that cypermethrin resistance was widespread and reached high levels in horn fly populations through ...200617017226
susceptibility to diazinon in populations of the horn fly, haematobia irritans (diptera: muscidae), in central brazil.from october 2000 to april 2001, insecticide bioassays were conducted in 18 ranches from 10 counties in the states of mato grosso and mato grosso do sul, in central brazil. horn flies from wild populations were exposed to diazinon-impregnated filter papers immediately after collection on cattle, and mortality was recorded after 2 h. a high susceptibility to diazinon was observed in all tested populations. the lc50s ranged from 0.15 to 0.64 micro g/cm2, and resistance ratios were always lower tha ...200212386720
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