
PMID(sorted descending)
the influence of house construction on the indoor abundance of mosquitoes.this study examined the potential effects of different house construction features on the indoor abundance of culicine mosquitoes in trinidad (tt) and the dominican republic (dr) using xenomonitoring surveys. to assess these effects, a survey was taken of different homes in both countries alongside concurrent indoor resting mosquito collections to determine which features may be correlated with a greater abundance. between june 2002 and april 2003 data were collected from 104 homes in tt and 121 ...200717633427
xenomonitoring of culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes as a guide for detecting the presence or absence of lymphatic filariasis: a preliminary protocol for mosquito sampling.a protocol for the collection of resting, blood-engorged culex quinquefasciatus say and their examination for microfilariae has been developed as a way of detecting whether lymphatic filariasis (lf) occurs in a particular locality. the protocol was first implemented in a pilot study in trinidad, west indies. for gathering prevalence data, such xenomonitoring is a suitable alternative to the use of human bait, which is ethically questionable. the resting mosquitoes were collected, either indoors ...200212625917
a comparison of surveillance systems for the dengue vector aedes aegypti in port of spain, trinidad.when the currently used larval surveillance system (visual inspection) for the dengue vector aedes aegypti was compared with the surveillance for the presence of eggs by ovitrapping in port of spain, trinidad, it was found that the latter (39.1%) was significantly more sensitive than the visual inspection system (10.1%). at the same time, the presence of the nuisance mosquito culex quinquefasciatus was detected in 38.4% of the households. both ae. aegypti and cx. quinquefasciatus showed preferen ...19989673912
bancroftian filariasis in coastal north trinidad, west indies: intensity of transmission by culex quinquefasciatus.the intensity of transmission of wuchereria bancrofti was measured in a coastal community in north trinidad where 15% of the residents were microfilaraemic. the only significant vector, culex quinquefasciatus, was studied in detail to determine seasonal abundance, longevity, infection and infectivity rates. only 2.1% of the indoor biting population and 7.0% of the indoor resting population were infected. the daily mortality rate of the vector increased with age from 27% at four days to 44 to 47% ...19817036432
bancroftian filariasis in coastal north trinidad: the effects of mass chemotherapy using spaced doses of diethylcarbamazine citrate on human microfilaraemias and vector infection rates.the effects of a mass chemotherapy programme using spaced doses of diethylcarbamazine citrate on wuchereria bancrofti microfilaraemias and vector infection rates were studied in an isolated rural community of 650 people in north trinidad where a microfilaria rate of 15% had previously been recorded. a single oral dose of 6 mg/kg body weight was given at monthly intervals for one year. after 6 months, 79% (52/66) of persons previously microfilaraemic had become negative. after 12 months the negat ...19873328349
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