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common wu polyomavirus infection in a beijing population indicated by surveillance for serum igg antibody against capsid protein vp2.wu polyomavirus (wu virus) was identified as a novel polyomavirus in 2007 from specimens of pediatric patients with acute respiratory infection (ari). a lack of permissive cell lines has limited investigations into wu virus pathogenesis and prevalence.201323389332
[genomic characterization of wu polyomavirus identified from pediatric patients with acute respiratory infections in beijing, china].to characterize the genomic sequence and arrangement of wu polyomavirus (wu virus) identified in clinical specimens collected from children with acute respiratory infections in beijing, china, the sequences of capsid proteins vp1, vp2, and the large tumor antigen (ltag), as well as the 5'-terminal sequence of wu virus, were amplified from the clinical specimen with id number of bjf5276 which was determined as wu virus positive by pcr amplification. the pcr amplicons were sequenced, and genomic s ...201021344748
identification of wu polyomavirus from pediatric patients with acute respiratory infections in beijing, china.a novel polyomavirus (wu virus) has been identified in pediatric patients with acute respiratory tract infections (ari), but its role as a respiratory pathogen has not yet been demonstrated. to investigate if wu virus is related to acute respiratory infections in infants and children in beijing, specimens collected from 674 pediatric patients with ari from april 2007 to may 2008 and from 202 children without ari were used for this investigation. common respiratory viruses were tested by virus is ...201019946716
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