
PMID(sorted descending)
continuing observation of disturbed reproductive cycle and ovarian spermatogenesis in the giant abalone, haliotis madaka from an organotin-contaminated site of japan.histological examination of gonads as well as chemical analysis of organotin compounds in tissues of the giant abalone, haliotis madaka, was conducted to evaluate continuing endocrine disruption in abalone populations in japan. abalone specimens were collected from two different areas, tsushima as a reference site and jogashima as a site representative of declining abalone populations where serious organotin contamination had been observed, each month from january 1998 to march 1999. scores were ...200516087197
ovo-testis and disturbed reproductive cycle in the giant abalone, haliotis madaka: possible linkage with organotin contamination in a site of population decline.histological examination of gonads as well as chemical analysis of organotin compounds in tissues of the giant abalone, haliotis madaka, was conducted to evaluate possible endocrine disruption and to consider the causal factors for the decline of abalone stocks in japan. abalone specimens were collected from two different areas, tsushima as a reference site and jogashima as a site representative of declining abalone populations, each month from september 1995 to november 1996. scores were given ...200011460694
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