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hsv-2 vaccine: current status and insight into factors for developing an efficient vaccine.herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2), a globally sexually transmitted virus, and also one of the main causes of genital ulcer diseases, increases susceptibility to hiv-1. effective vaccines to prevent hsv-2 infection are not yet available, but are currently being developed. to facilitate this process, the latest progress in development of these vaccines is reviewed in this paper. a summary of the most promising hsv-2 vaccines tested in animals in the last five years is presented, including the ma ...201424469503
binding of hsv-1 glycoprotein k (gk) to signal peptide peptidase (spp) is required for virus infectivity.glycoprotein k (gk) is a virion envelope protein of herpes simplex virus types 1 (hsv-1) and 2 (hsv-2), which plays important roles in virion entry, morphogenesis and egress. two-hybrid and pull-down assays were utilized to demonstrate that gk and no other hsv-1 genes specifically binds to signal peptide peptidase (spp), also known as minor histocompatibility antigen h13. spp dominant negative mutants, shrna against spp significantly reduced hsv-1 replication in vitro. spp also affected lysosome ...201424465545
antiretroviral therapy is not associated with reduced herpes simplex virus shedding in hiv coinfected adults: an observational cohort study.herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (hsv-1/2) may have adverse consequences on hiv type 1 infection. we quantified the frequency of hsv reactivations in highly active antiretroviral therapy (haart)-treated adults with hiv, and compared it with that in haart-naïve patients.201424464523
vaccination with a hsv-2 ul24 mutant induces a protective immune response in murine and guinea pig vaginal infection models.the rational design and development of genetically attenuated hsv-2 mutant viruses represent an attractive approach for developing both prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines for genital herpes. previously, hsv-2 ul24 was shown to be a virulence determinant in both murine and guinea pig vaginal infection models. an ul24-βgluc insertion mutant produced syncytial plaques and replicated to nearly wild type levels in tissue culture, but induced little or no pathological effects in recipient mice or g ...201424462481
antiviral activity of genital tract secretions after oral or topical tenofovir pre-exposure prophylaxis for hiv-1.surrogate markers of hiv-1 pre-exposure prophylaxis and microbicide efficacy are needed. one potential surrogate is the antiviral activity in cervicovaginal lavage (cvl) after exposure to candidate products. we measured cvl antiviral activity in women using oral or vaginal tenofovir-based pre-exposure prophylaxis and correlated activity with drug and immune mediator levels.201424457633
in vitro and in vivo immunomodulatory activity of sulfated polysaccharides from red seaweed nemalion helminthoides.water-soluble sulfated polysaccharides from the red seaweed nemalion helminthoides: two xylomannan fractions (n3 and n4) and a mannan fraction (n6) were investigated to determine their in vitro and in vivo immunomodulatory activities. n3 and n4 induced in vitro proliferation of macrophages of the murine cell line raw 264.7 and significantly stimulated the production of nitric oxide (no) and cytokines (il-6 and tnf-α) in the same cells, whereas this response was not observed with the mannan n6. t ...201424444887
hospital-based hiv/hsv-2 seroprevalence among male patients with anal disease in korea: cross sectional study.this study aimed to identify the characteristics of hiv and herpes simplex virus (hsv)-2 seroprevalence in male patients with anal disease.201424444046
analytical characterization of an assay designed to detect and identify diverse agents of disseminated viral infection.diverse viruses often reactivate in or infect cancer patients, patients with immunocompromising infections or genetic conditions, and transplant recipients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy. these infections can disseminate, leading to death, transplant rejection, and other severe outcomes.201424440177
mimicking herpes simplex virus 1 and herpes simplex virus 2 mucosal behavior in a well-characterized human genital organ culture.we developed and morphologically characterized a human genital mucosa explant model (endocervix and ectocervix/vagina) to mimic genital herpes infections caused by herpes simplex virus types 1 (hsv-1) and 2 (hsv-2). subsequent analysis of hsv entry receptor expression throughout the menstrual cycle in genital tissues was performed, and the evolution of hsv-1/-2 mucosal spread over time was assessed. nectin-1 and -2 were expressed in all tissues during the entire menstrual cycle. herpesvirus entr ...201424436451
helicase-primase inhibitor pritelivir for hsv-2 infection.pritelivir, an inhibitor of the viral helicase-primase complex, exhibits antiviral activity in vitro and in animal models of herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection. we tested the efficacy and safety of pritelivir in otherwise healthy persons with genital hsv-2 infection.201424428466
evaluation of commercial herpes simplex virus igg and igm enzyme immunoassays.serological methods are used widely for the determination of herpes simplex virus (hsv) igg and igm antibodies in virological laboratories. the present study evaluates the automated performance of the virion\serion (würzburg, germany) and orgentec (mainz, germany) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisa) for the determination of hsv type-common and type-specific igg and igm antibodies. two hundred sixty-three sera from hsv-negative children, healthy blood donors as well as patients without and ...201424418499
roles of conserved residues within the pre-nh2-terminal domain of herpes simplex virus 1 dna polymerase in replication and latency in mice.the catalytic subunit of the herpes simplex virus 1 dna polymerase (hsv-1 pol) is essential for viral dna synthesis and production of infectious virus in cell culture. while mutations that affect 5'-3' polymerase activity have been evaluated in animal models of hsv-1 infection, mutations that affect other functions of hsv-1 pol have not. in a previous report, we utilized bacterial artificial chromosome technology to generate defined hsv-1 pol mutants with lesions in the previously uncharacterize ...201424413420
development of biomarker panel to predict, prevent and create treatments tailored to the persons with human papillomavirus-induced cervical precancerous lesions.human papillomavirus (hpv) induce many cancer conditions and cause cervical cancer, second in frequency of malignant disease in women.the aim was to develop biomarker panel for hpv-induced cervical precancerous diseases in patients infected with herpes simplex virus (hsv).201424386936
antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of turbinariaconoides (j.agardh) kuetz.brown alga, turbinariaconoideswas successively extracted with n-hexane, cyclohexane, methanol and ethanol:water (1:1). the extracts were evaluated for antibacterial and antifungal activities by disc diffusion method. minimal inhibitory concentration was determined for active extracts by broth dilution method. the antiviral activity and cytotoxicity of the extracts were tested in human embryonic lung (hel) cells (herpes simplex virus-1, herpes simplex virus-2, vaccinia virus, vesicular stomatitis ...201024381606
pathological role of regulatory t cells in the initiation and maintenance of eczema herpeticum remains unknown why the occurrence of eczema herpeticum (eh) caused by an extensive disseminated cutaneous infection with hsv-1 or hsv-2 is associated with the exacerbation of atopic dermatitis lesions after withdrawal of treatment. although regulatory t cells (tregs) limit the magnitude of hsv-specific t cell responses in mice, their role in the induction and resolution of eh has not been defined. we initially investigated the frequencies, phenotype, and function of tregs in the peripheral b ...201424379126
herpes simplex virus: prevalence in placental tissue and incidence in neonatal cord blood samples.herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases worldwide, with hsv-2 being primarily associated with genital infections. hsv-2 is believed to account for the majority of cases of neonatal herpes, which may cause diverse of complications in infected newborns. the present study sought to estimate the prevalence of hsv-2 in placental tissue samples and the incidence of hsv-2 in the umbilical cord blood of newborn infants. placental tissue samples from 201 wome ...201424375504
interleukin-21 receptor signalling is important for innate immune protection against hsv-2 infections.interleukin (il) -21 is produced by natural killer t (nkt) cells and cd4(+) t cells and is produced in response to virus infections, where il-21 has been shown to be essential in adaptive immune responses. cells from the innate immune system such as natural killer (nk) cells and macrophages are also important in immune protection against virus. these cells express the il-21 receptor (il-21r) and respond to il-21 with increased cytotoxicity and cytokine production. currently, however it is not kn ...201324358128
antiviral and immunomodulatory effects of a novel bacterial exopolysaccharide of shallow marine vent evaluate a novel exopolysaccharide (eps1) from the recently described haloalkaliphilic, thermophilic bacillus licheniformis strain t14, isolated from a shallow hydrothermal vent of panarea island (italy), for its antiviral and immunomodulatory effects against herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2).201424354946
alarming epidemics of human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis c virus among injection drug users in the northwestern bordering state of punjab, india: prevalence and this study 1155 injection drug users (idus) receiving targeted intervention in five cities of punjab were surveyed; three cities (amritsar, taran-taran, batala) were in districts sharing an international border with pakistan and the other two were jalandhar and ludhiana. information on socio-demography, substance use and sexual practices were collected; blood samples were tested for biologic markers. hiv and hcv antibody (hcvab) prevalences in injection drug users were 29 and 49%, respectivel ...201424352120
immunogenic hsv-mediated oncolysis shapes the antitumor immune response and contributes to therapeutic efficacy.within the oncolytic virus field, the extent of virus replication that is essential for immune stimulation to control tumor growth remains unresolved. using infected cell protein 0 (icp0)-defective oncolytic herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) and hsv-2 viruses (dicp0 and dnls) that show differences in their in vitro replication and cytotoxicity, we investigated the inherent features of oncolytic hsv viruses that are required for potent antitumor activity. in vitro, the hsv-2 vectors showed rapi ...201424343053
hsv-2 incidence by sex over four age periods to age 38 in a birth examine herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) incidence over four periods to age 38 in a birth cohort, and to compare risks for men and women, taking into account sexual behaviour.201424337730
sexuality and sexual health: constructs and expressions in the extended middle east and north africa.the extended middle east and north africa (emena) region is the world region with the second youngest population, where globalization, migration, information technology, and political changes are contributing to the shaping of sexuality and sexual behaviors. understanding the various sociocultural, demographic and public health dimensions of sexual and reproductive health of young people is fundamental to understanding the pattern of sexual behavior and the burden of sexually transmitted infecti ...201324331819
evaluation of antiviral activities of four local malaysian phyllanthus species against herpes simplex viruses and possible antiviral target.nucleoside analogues such as acyclovir are effective antiviral drugs against herpes simplex virus infections since its introduction. however, with the emergence of acyclovir-resistant hsv strains particularly in immunocompromised patients, there is a need to develop an alternative antiherpetic drug and plants could be the potential lead. in this study, the antiviral activity of the aqueous extract of four phyllanthus species were evaluated against herpes simplex virus type-1 (hsv-1) and hsv-2 in ...201324324358
vaginally delivered tenofovir disoproxil fumarate provides greater protection than tenofovir against genital herpes in a murine model of efficacy and safety.increased susceptibility to genital herpes in medroxyprogesterone-treated mice may provide a surrogate of increased hiv risk and a preclinical biomarker of topical preexposure prophylaxis safety. we evaluated tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (tdf) in this murine model because an intravaginal ring eluting this drug is being advanced into clinical trials. to avoid the complications of surgically inserting a ring, hydroxyethylcellulose (hec)-stable formulations of tdf were prepared. one week of twice- ...201424323471
a paradigm shift: vaccine-induced antibodies as an immune correlate of protection against herpes simplex virus type 1 genital herpes. 201424285847
protection provided by a herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2) glycoprotein c and d subunit antigen vaccine against genital hsv-2 infection in hsv-1-seropositive guinea pigs.a prophylactic vaccine for genital herpes disease remains an elusive goal. we report the results of two studies performed collaboratively in different laboratories that assessed immunogenicity and vaccine efficacy in herpes simplex virus 1 (hsv-1)-seropositive guinea pigs immunized and subsequently challenged intravaginally with hsv-2. in study 1, hsv-2 glycoproteins c (gc2) and d (gd2) were produced in baculovirus and administered intramuscularly as monovalent or bivalent vaccines with cpg and ...201424284325
the etiology of infectious proctitis in men who have sex with men differs according to hiv status.we compared the spectrum of pathogens responsible for infectious proctitis between hiv-positive and hiv-negative men who have sex with men. only 32% of men with herpes simplex virus (hsv)-associated proctitis had visible external anal ulceration.the etiology of infectious proctitis among hiv-positive and hiv-negative men is as follows: chlamydia (23.4% vs. 21.7%, p = 0.7), gonorrhea (13.4% vs. 10.8%, p = 0.5), hsv-1 (14.2% vs. 6.5%, p = 0.04), hsv-2 (22% vs. 12.3%, p = 0.03), lymphogranuloma ven ...201324275725
incident herpes simplex virus type 2 infection increases the risk of subsequent episodes of bacterial vaginosis.herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) infected women have a higher prevalence of bacterial vaginosis (bv) compared to hsv-2-seronegative women. to explore the temporal association between these conditions, we evaluated the frequency of bv episodes before and after hsv-2 acquisition in a prospective study of 406 hsv-2/hiv-1-seronegative kenyan women, of whom 164 acquired hsv-2. incident hsv-2 was associated with increased likelihood of bv (adjusted or, 1.28; 95% ci, 1.05-1.56; p = .01). our finding ...201324273042
prevalence of chlamydia trachomatis and herpes simplex virus type 2: results from the 2009 to 2011 canadian health measures survey.chlamydia, caused by chlamydia trachomatis, and genital herpes, caused by simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2), are common sexually transmitted infections. their prevalence has been estimated in selected populations, but overall prevalence in canada is not known.201324258059
generation of “lymph node derived antibody libraries” (lyndal) for selecting fully human antibody fragments with therapeutic potential.the development of efficient strategies for generating fully human monoclonal antibodies with unique functional properties that are exploitable for tailored therapeutic interventions remains a major challenge in the antibody technology field. here, we present a methodology for recovering such antibodies from antigen-encountered human b cell repertoires. as the source for variable antibody genes, we cloned immunoglobulin g (igg)-derived b cell repertoires from lymph nodes of 20 individuals underg ...201724256717
the epidemiology of sexually transmitted co-infections in hiv-positive and hiv-negative african-caribbean women in disproportionately affects african-caribbean women in canada but the frequency and distribution of sexually transmitted infections in this community have not been previously studied.201324238493
cervicovaginal hiv-1 shedding in women taking antiretroviral therapy in burkina faso: a longitudinal study.antiretroviral therapy (art) reduces transmission of hiv-1. however, genital hiv-1 can be detected in patients on art. we analyzed factors associated with genital hiv-1 shedding among high-risk women on art in burkina faso.201424226060
etiology of genital ulcer disease and association with hiv infection in malawi.the world health organization recommends the use of syndromic management for patients presenting with genital ulcer disease (gud) in developing countries. however, effective treatment guidelines depend on a current country-specific gud etiological profile, which may change over time.201324220352
the synthesis, antiviral, cytostatic and cytotoxic evaluation of a new series of acyclonucleotide analogues with a 1,2,3-triazole linker.the efficient synthesis of a new series of acyclonucleotide analogues with a 1,2,3-triazole linker is described starting from diethyl azidomethyl-, 2-azidoethyl-, 3-azidopropyl-, 4-azidobutyl-, 2-azido-1-hydroxyethyl-, 3-azido-2-hydroxypropyl- and 3-azido-1-hydroxypropylphosphonates and selected alkynes under microwave irradiation. several o,o-diethylphosphonate acyclonucleotides were transformed into the respective phosphonic acids. all compounds were evaluated in vitro for activity against a b ...201324219992
evaluation of pd 404,182 as an anti-hiv and anti-herpes simplex virus microbicide.pd 404,182 (pd) is a synthetic compound that was found to compromise hiv integrity via interaction with a nonenvelope protein viral structural component (a. m. chamoun et al., antimicrob. agents chemother. 56:672-681, 2012). the present study evaluates the potential of pd as an anti-hiv microbicide and establishes pd's virucidal activity toward another pathogen, herpes simplex virus (hsv). we show that the anti-hiv-1 50% inhibitory concentration (ic50) of pd, when diluted in seminal plasma, is ∼ ...201424217696
prevalence of hiv, human papillomavirus type 16 and herpes simplex virus type 2 among female sex workers in guinea and associated factors.female sex workers are at high risk for hiv infection. sexually transmitted infections are known to be co-factors for hiv infection. our aims were (1) to assess the prevalence of hiv and other sexually transmitted infections in this population; (2) to determine the association between sociodemographic characteristics, behavioural variables, and variables related to hiv prevention and hiv infection. a cross-sectional study was conducted in conakry, guinea, among a convenience sample of 223 female ...201424216036
classification of incidence and prevalence of certain sexually transmitted infections by world regions.this study sought to assess if there is a meaningful way in which variations in sexually transmitted infection (sti) prevalence can be classified at the level of world regions.201424211229
treg depletion attenuates the severity of skin disease from ganglionic spread after hsv-2 flank infection.regulatory t cells (tregs) attenuate lesion severity and disease after hsv ocular or genital infection, but their role in cutaneous infection remains unclear. treg depletion (anti-cd25 mab in c57bl/6 mice or diphtheria toxin (dt) in dereg mice) prior to tk-deficient hsv-2 flank infection significantly decreased skin lesion severity, granulocyte receptor-1(gr-1(+)) cell number, and chemokine (kc) expression in the secondary skin, but significantly increased immune effectors and chemokine expressi ...201324210095
plasmacytoid dendritic cells contribute to systemic but not local antiviral responses to hsv infections.plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pdc) produce type i interferons (ifn-i) and proinflammatory cytokines in response to viruses; however, their contribution to antiviral immunity in vivo is unclear. in this study, we investigated the impact of pdc depletion on local and systemic antiviral responses to herpes simplex virus (hsv) infections using clec4c-dtr transgenic mice. we found that pdc do not appear to influence viral burden or survival after vaginal hsv-2 infection, nor do they seem to contribut ...201324204273
development and clinical validation of a multiplex real-time pcr assay for herpes simplex and varicella zoster virus.herpes simplex virus (hsv) and varicella zoster virus (vzv) are related members of the herpesviridae family and are well-documented human pathogens causing a spectrum of diseases, from mucocutaneous disease to infections of the central nervous system. this study was carried out to evaluate and validate the performance of a multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay in detecting and differentiating hsv1, hsv2, and vzv from clinical samples. consensus pcr primers for hsv were design ...201324193006
multipurpose prevention technologies: products in development.multipurpose prevention technologies (mpts) are broadly defined as products capable of simultaneously addressing multiple sexual and reproductive health needs including unintended pregnancy, stis including hiv-1, and other reproductive tract infections. mpts have been discussed for a few decades but little product development has occurred. with the recent proof-of-concept that a topically applied antiretroviral (arv) can effectively reduce sexual transmission of hiv-1 (tenofovir 1% gel) the impe ...201324188708
an indole alkaloid from a tribal folklore inhibits immediate early event in hsv-2 infected cells with therapeutic efficacy in vaginally infected mice.herpes genitalis, caused by hsv-2, is an incurable genital ulcerative disease transmitted by sexual intercourse. the virus establishes life-long latency in sacral root ganglia and reported to have synergistic relationship with hiv-1 transmission. till date no effective vaccine is available, while the existing therapy frequently yielded drug resistance, toxicity and treatment failure. thus, there is a pressing need for non-nucleotide antiviral agent from traditional source. based on ethnomedicina ...201324167591
single dose of glycoprotein k (gk)-deleted hsv-1 live-attenuated virus protects mice against lethal vaginal challenge with hsv-1 and hsv-2 and induces lasting t cell memory immune responses.herpes simplex virus type-1(hsv-1) and hsv-2 are important human pathogens that cause significant ocular and urogenital complications, respectively. we have previously shown that hsv-1 virions lacking glycoprotein k (gk) are unable to enter into neurons via synaptic axonal membranes and be transported in either retrograde or anterograde manner. here, we tested the ability of hsv-1 (f) gk-null to protect against lethal challenge with either highly virulent ocular hsv-1 (mckrae strain), or genital ...201324165088
herpes simplex virus type 2 and hiv disease progression: a systematic review of observational studies.herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) is a common co-infection among hiv-infected adults that is hypothesized to accelerate hiv disease progression.201324164861
antiherpetic effects of gynura procumbens.the ethanol extract of gynura procumbens showed virucidal and antireplicative actions against herpes simplex virus hsv-1 and hsv-2. it was further chromatographed on mci gel chp20p column giving the extract fractions f1 (water), f2 (water-methanol) f3 (methanol), and f4 (ethyl acetate). all but f1 had virucidal action against both viral types. we reported here the active compounds from f2 and f3. the antiherpetic compounds of f2 was a mixture of dicaffeoylquinic acids with virucidal and antirepl ...201324159345
the elusive diagnosis: recurrent benign lymphocytic meningitis.recurrent benign lymphocytic meningitis (rblm) or mollaretmeningitis is a rare disease with a prevalence of 1-2.2/100,000 population. it is characterized by recurrent episodes of aseptic meningitis. the diagnosis is made via history fitting bruyn's criteria, and confirmatory detection of hsv-2 in cerebrospinal fluid (csf) via polymerase chain reaction (pcr).201324156176
herpes simplex virus drug-resistance: new mutations and insights.acyclovir (acv) is the first-line treatment for the management of herpes simplex virus 1 (hsv-1) and 2 (hsv-2) diseases. long-term administration of the drug for the treatment of chronic infections in the immunocompromised host can lead to the development of acv-resistance. this review provides an update of the mutations linked to drug-resistance and issues to be considered in the management of hsv infections refractory to antiviral therapy.201324152761
effect of risk-reduction counseling with rapid hiv testing on risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections: the aware randomized clinical increase human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) testing rates, many institutions and jurisdictions have revised policies to make the testing process rapid, simple, and routine. a major issue for testing scale-up efforts is the effectiveness of hiv risk-reduction counseling, which has historically been an integral part of the hiv testing process.201324150466
whole blood polymerase chain reaction in a neonate with disseminated herpes simplex virus infection and liver failure.a late preterm neonate born by cesarean section with intact membranes presented at 9 days of life with shock and liver failure. surface cultures were negative but whole blood polymerase chain reaction was positive for herpes simplex virus type 2, underscoring the value of this test in early diagnosis of perinatally acquired disseminated herpes simplex virus infection without skin lesions.201324147237
update on herpes virus infections of the nervous system.herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2 (hsv-1 and hsv-2) are human neurotropic viruses that establish latent infection in dorsal root ganglia (drg) for the entire life of the host. from the drg they can reactivate to cause human morbidity and mortality. although they vary, in part, in the clinical disorders they cause, and in their molecular structure, they share several features that govern the biology of their infection of the human nervous system. hsv-1 is the causative agent of encephalitis, c ...201324142852
the scarlet h. 201424136793
seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2--united states, 1999-2010.herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (hsv-1 and hsv-2) are common infections with serious sequelae. hsv-1 is an increasingly important cause of genital herpes in industrialized countries.201424136792
in vitro anti-herpes simplex virus activity of crude extract of the roots of nauclea latifolia smith (rubiaceae).nauclea latifolia smith, a shrub belonging to the family rubiaceae is a very popular medicinal plant in cameroon and neighboring countries where it is used to treat jaundice, yellow fever, rheumatism, abdominal pains, hepatitis, diarrhea, dysentery, hypertension, as well as diabetes. the ethno-medicinal use against yellow fever, jaundice and diarrhea prompted us to investigate on the antiviral activity of the root bark of n. latifolia. in this study, hsv-2 was chosen as a viral model because of ...201324131916
light microscopy, culture, molecular, and serologic methods for detection of herpes simplex virus.herpes simplex virus 1 (hsv-1) and 2 (hsv-2) cause a variety of human diseases, ranging from acute to chronic and mild to severe. the absence of curative therapy results in lifelong carriage marked by recurrent outbreaks and allows transmission of the virus to uninfected individuals. nonspecific lesions, variable presentation, and chronic carriage necessitate the use of different laboratory testing methods appropriate for each presentation. a thorough understanding of the performance characteris ...201424131689
seropositivity to herpes simplex virus type 2, but not type 1 is associated with premature cardiovascular diseases: a population-based cross-sectional study.thirty-five years after herpesviruses were suggested to induce atherosclerosis sero-epidemiological evidence on herpes simplex viruses (hsv) remains sparse and controversial. we aimed to investigate the relationship between hsv-1 and hsv-2 infections and cardiovascular diseases (cvd).201324125404
antibacterial and antiviral evaluation of sulfonoquinovosyldiacylglyceride: a glycolipid isolated from azadirachta indica leaves.assessment of antibacterial as well as antiherpes virus activity of sulfonoquinovosyldiacylglyceride (sqdg), a glycolipid, isolated from the leaves of azadirachta indica has been described. antimicrobial activity was evaluated against gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and herpes simplex virus. sqdg showed significant inhibitory activity against salmonella typhi and two isolates of shigella dysenteriae with mic values 32 μg ml(-1) , while three isolates of salm. typhi, escherichia coli and vi ...201424118020
a combination microbicide gel protects macaques against vaginal simian human immunodeficiency virus-reverse transcriptase infection, but only partially reduces herpes simplex virus-2 infection after a single high-dose cochallenge.herpes simplex virus-2 (hsv-2) infection increases hiv susceptibility. we previously established a rhesus macaque model of vaginal hsv-2 preexposure followed by cochallenge with hsv-2 and simian/human immunodeficiency virus-reverse transcriptase (shiv-rt). using this model, we showed that a gel containing the nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (nnrti) miv-150 in carrageenan (cg) reduced shiv-rt infection. to evaluate the efficacy of new generation microbicides against both viruses, we ...201424117013
trends in seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 among non-hispanic blacks and non-hispanic whites aged 14 to 49 years--united states, 1988 to 2010.genital herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) is one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections in the united states. we sought to assess differences in hsv-2 seroprevalence among non-hispanic blacks and non-hispanic whites and describe trends over time from 1988 to 2010.201324113408
male circumcision: a globally relevant but under-utilized method for the prevention of hiv and other sexually transmitted infections.randomized trials have demonstrated that male circumcision (mc) reduces heterosexual acquisition of hiv, herpes simplex virus type 2, human papillomavirus (hpv), and genital ulcer disease among men, and it reduces hpv, genital ulcer disease, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis among female partners. the pathophysiology behind these effects is multifactorial, relying on anatomic and cellular changes. mc is cost effective and potentially cost saving in both the united states and africa. the wo ...201324111891
broad-range pcr-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for detection and typing of adenovirus and other opportunistic viruses in stem cell transplant patients.hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients are highly susceptible to viral infections. follow-up after transplantation includes weekly screening using single, virus-specific real-time pcr tests, mainly for viruses in the families herpesviridae and adenoviridae that contribute to a high morbidity, especially in pediatric populations. the abbott plex-id platform combines broad-range pcr with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry to enable the simultaneous detection of multiple pathogens in a ...201324108617
structural basis for the antibody neutralization of herpes simplex virus.glycoprotein d (gd) of herpes simplex virus (hsv) binds to a host cell surface receptor, which is required to trigger membrane fusion for virion entry into the host cell. gd has become a validated anti-hsv target for therapeutic antibody development. the highly inhibitory human monoclonal antibody e317 (mab e317) was previously raised against hsv gd for viral neutralization. to understand the structural basis of antibody neutralization, crystals of the gd ectodomain bound to the e317 fab domain ...201324100313
a novel dna vaccine technology conveying protection against a lethal herpes simplex viral challenge in mice.while there are a number of licensed veterinary dna vaccines, to date, none have been licensed for use in humans. here, we demonstrate that a novel technology designed to enhance the immunogenicity of dna vaccines protects against lethal herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2) challenge in a murine model. polynucleotides were modified by use of a codon optimization algorithm designed to enhance immune responses, and the addition of an ubiquitin-encoding sequence to target the antigen to the proteasome fo ...201324098493
simultaneous detection of seven sexually transmitted agents in human immunodeficiency virus-infected brazilian women by multiplex polymerase chain reaction.we determined the prevalence of seven clinically important pathogens that cause sexually transmitted infections (stis) (chlamydia trachomatis, neisseria gonorrhoeae, mycoplasma genitalium, trichomonas vaginalis, herpes simplex virus 1 [hsv-1], hsv-2, and treponema pallidum), by using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (m-pcr) in samples from brazilian woman infected with human immunodeficiency virus 1 (hiv-1) and uninfected brazilian women (controls). the m-pcr assay identified all stis teste ...201324080632
herpes simplex virus 2-induced activation in vaginal cells involves toll-like receptors 2 and 9 and dna sensors dai and ifi16.the pathway by which herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv2) triggers the innate immune system in the urogenital system has not as yet been fully elucidated. in this study, we aimed to determine which pattern recognition receptors (prrs) recognize hsv2 in primary vaginal epithelial cells. once we deciphered the receptors involved, we aimed to target them to immunomodulate innate responses as a prophylactic or therapeutic intervention for early hsv2 infection.201424080302
analysis of compounds that interfere with herpes simplex virus-host receptor interactions using surface plasmon resonance.the entry of herpes simplex virus into host cells involves a complex series of events that require concerted inputs from multiple hsv glycoproteins. among these glycoproteins, the gd protein of hsv-1 and hsv-2 plays an important role for host receptor binding and membrane fusion. in the present study, we evaluated the ability of different sulfated saccharides to interfere with gd-host receptor (hvem) interactions using our recently reported molecular assay (gopinath, s. c. b.; hayashi, k.; kumar ...201324079703
surveillance of herpes simplex virus resistance to antivirals: a 4-year survey.herpes simplex virus (hsv) resistance to antivirals constitutes a therapeutic challenge, especially among immunocompromised patients. this observational survey on hsv resistance to antivirals was conducted retrospectively over a 4-year period (2008-2012). a total of 211 hsv-positive clinical samples (94 hsv-1 and 117 hsv-2) recovered from 139 patients (11 immunocompetent patients, 85 immunocompromised patients, and 43 patients with unknown immune status) with suspected hsv drug-resistance were a ...201324075863
non-immune hydrops fetalis caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 in the setting of recurrent maternal infection.we report a case of non-immune hydrops fetalis (nihf) caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) in an infant whose mother had recurrent hsv-2 infection. in spite of prematurity, severe disseminated infection and hydrops, the infant survived and was neurologically intact. hsv-2-induced nihf is extremely rare, particularly in the setting of recurrent maternal infection, and this case is, to our knowledge, the first report of a surviving infant. hsv-2 should be considered in the differential di ...201324071962
exploring the ethics of observational research: the case of an hiv study in tanzania.observational studies have generally been viewed as incurring minimal risk to participants, resulting in fewer ethical obligations for investigators than intervention studies. in 2004, the lead author (an) carried out an observational study measuring sexual behavior and the prevalence of hiv, syphilis, and herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2), among tanzanian agricultural plantation residents (results reported elsewhere). this article uses an ethical lens to consider the consequences of the obser ...201224069546
recalcitrant pseudotumoral anogenital herpes simplex virus type 2 in hiv-infected patients: evidence for predominant b-lymphoplasmocytic infiltration and immunomodulators as effective therapeutic patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection, genital herpetic lesions may be extensive and tend to persist for longer periods; in addition, atypical hypertrophic, ulcerative, or pseudotumor forms have been reported, frequently showing resistance to acyclovir (acv) treatment.201324065320
an association of virus infection with type 2 diabetes and alzheimer's disease.diabetes mellitus type 2 is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood glucose due to insulin deficiency or resistance. alzheimer's disease (ad) is a complex neurodegenerative disease leading to irreversible loss of neurons, intellectual abilities, memory and reasoning. the worldwide prevalence of diabetes and ad in elderly population is a major public health concern. interestingly, both health issues are unraveling the puzzling links. the clinico-pathological relationship between diabetes ...201424059298
development of recombinant antigen array for simultaneous detection of viral antibodies.protein microarrays have been developed to study antibody reactivity against a large number of antigens, demonstrating extensive perspective for clinical application. we developed a viral antigen array by spotting four recombinant antigens and synthetic peptide, including glycoprotein g of herpes simplex virus (hsv) type 1 and 2, phosphoprotein 150 of cytomegalovirus (cmv), rubella virus (rv) core plus glycoprotein e1 and e2 as well as a e1 peptide with the optimal concentrations on activated gl ...201324058498
individual and partner risk factors associated with abnormal cervical cytology among women in hiv-discordant relationships.individual and sexual partner characteristics may increase the risk of abnormal cervical cytology among women in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-discordant relationships. papanicolaou smears were obtained in a prospective cohort of kenyan hiv-discordant couples. of 441 women, 283 (64%) were hiv-infected and 158 (36%) were hiv-uninfected with hiv-infected partners. overall, 79 (18%) had low-grade and 25 (6%) high-grade cervical abnormalities. male herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) seropositi ...201424047885
topical application of polyethylenimine as a candidate for novel prophylactic therapeutics against genital herpes caused by herpes simplex virus.herpes simplex virus types 1 (hsv-1) and 2 (hsv-2) cause genital herpes, which can enhance the acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus. the development of anti-hsv agents with novel mechanisms of action is urgently required in the topical therapy of genital herpes. in this study, the in vitro and in vivo anti-hsv effects of epomin sp-012(®), a highly cationic polyethylenimine, were evaluated. when the in vitro antiviral effects of sp-012 were assessed, this compound showed potent activity ag ...201424046087
prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 and risk factors associated with this infection in women in southern brazil.the herpes simplex virus type 2 (hvs-2) is the most prevalent infection worldwide. it is a cofactor in the acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and the persistence of human papillomavirus (hpv). this study evaluated the prevalence of hsv-2, using the polymerase chain reaction (pcr), and associated factors in patients treated at the federal university of rio grande (furg) and basic health units (bhu) in rio grande, brazil. the observed prevalence of hsv-2 was 15.6%. among the 302 wom ...201724037285
[laboratory diagnosis of genital herpes--direct immunofluorescence method].aim of the study was to determine clinical usefulness of direct immunofluorescence method in the laboratory diagnosis of genital herpes in women.201324032273
fas/fasl pathway participates in resolution of mucosal inflammatory response early during hsv-2 infection.apoptotic cell death is critical for maintaining integrity of the epithelia as well as for removal of the virus infected cells. we assessed the role of fas/fasl-dependent pathway in apoptosis of genital epithelium during hsv-2 infection using a murine model of hsv-2 infection applied to c57bl6, mrl-fas(lpr)/j (fas-/-) and c3-fasl(gld)/j (fasl-/-) mice and an in vitro model of hsv-2 infection in monocyte raw 264.7 and keratinocyte 291.03c cell cultures and peritoneal macrophages. in contrast to k ...201424028839
neonatal herpes simplex fulminant hepatitis successfully treated with acyclovir.disseminated neonatal herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection is characterized by progressive multiple organ failure and high mortality rates up to 85% for untreated neonates. it can result from infection with either hsv-1 or hsv-2. we report the first known case of disseminated neonatal herpes associated with fulminant liver failure caused by hsv-2 who survived without liver transplant.201224027697
seroprevalences of varicella-zoster virus, herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus in a cross-sectional study in mexico.we estimated the seroprevalences of varicella-zoster virus (vzv), herpes simplex virus (hsv) and cytomegalovirus (cmv) in this cross-sectional database study. serum samples collected during the national health and nutrition survey (ensanut 2006) were obtained from subjects aged 1-70 years between january and october 2010. serological assays for the determination of antibodies against vzv, hsv and cmv were performed. the overall seroprevalences of vzv, hsv-1, hsv-2 and cmv were 85.8%, 80.9%, 9.9% ...201324021305
rapid viral expansion and short drug half-life explain the incomplete effectiveness of current herpes simplex virus 2-directed antiviral agents.the nucleoside analogues acyclovir (acv) and famciclovir (fcv) reduce the frequency and severity of herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2) genital shedding, yet despite their high potency in vitro and a lack of induced drug resistance, frequent episodes of breakthrough mucosal shedding occur. we tested a published stochastic, spatial mathematical model of hsv-2 replication and spread, in concert with pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic equations, against virologic data from clinical trials of twice-dail ...201324018260
current status and prospects for development of an hsv vaccine.herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) infects 530million people, is the leading cause of genital ulcer disease, and increases the risk of hiv-1 acquisition. although several candidate vaccines have been promising in animal models, prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines have not been effective in clinical trials thus far. null results from the most recent prophylactic glycoprotein d2 subunit vaccine trial suggest that we must reevaluate our approach to hsv-2 vaccine development. we discuss hsv-2 pat ...201424016811
synthetic analogues of bovine bactenecin dodecapeptide reduce herpes simplex virus type 2 infectivity in mice.we have evaluated the potential of four synthetic peptides (denoted hh-2, 1002, 1006, 1018) with a distant relationship to the host defense peptide bovine bactenecin dodecapeptide for their ability to prevent genital infections with herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) in mice. all four peptides showed antiviral properties in vitro and reduced hsv-2 infection of vero cells in a dose-dependent manner. detailed analysis showed that the peptides were able to interfere with both viral attachment and ...201324012999
seroepidemiology of herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv2) in hiv infected patients in kermanshah-iran.hsv2 has an important role in acquiring and transmitting hiv through genital ulcers. this study was conducted to determine the prevalence of this virus in hiv infected subject in kermanshah, iran.201224009932
comparison of simplexa hsv 1 & 2 pcr with culture, immunofluorescence, and laboratory-developed taqman pcr for detection of herpes simplex virus in swab specimens.the simplexa hsv 1 & 2 direct pcr assay was compared with conventional cell culture, cytospin-enhanced direct fluorescent antibody (dfa), and a laboratory-developed real-time taqman pcr (ldt hsv pcr) using extracted nucleic acid for the detection of herpes simplex virus (hsv) in dermal, genital, mouth, ocular, and other swab samples. one hundred seventy-one swabs were tested prospectively, and 58 were positive for hsv (34 hsv-1 and 24 hsv-2). cytospin-dfa detected 50 (86.2%), conventional cell c ...201324006008
unusual concurrence of heterotopic glial nodule of the scalp and congenital herpes simplex virus type-2 infection.heterotopic glial nodules are rare congenital cutaneous lesions; only 13 cases of scalp localized lesions of this kind are reported in the english medical literature. herpes simplex virus is a rare cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality and is a rare cause of intrauterine infection. we report the first case of concurrent presence of a heterotopic glial nodule of the scalp and neonatal, in utero-acquired, fatal herpes simplex virus type-2 infection.201323998268
genital herpes simplex virus type 2 infection in humanized hiv-transgenic mice triggers hiv shedding and is associated with greater neurological disease.epidemiological studies consistently demonstrate synergy between herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1). higher hiv-1 loads are observed in coinfected individuals, and conversely, hiv-1 is associated with more-severe herpetic disease. a small animal model of coinfection would facilitate identification of the biological mechanisms underlying this synergy and provide the opportunity to evaluate interventions.201423990571
silicone-acyclovir controlled release devices suppress primary herpes simplex virus-2 and varicella zoster virus infections in vitro.following initial infection, herpesviruses retreat into a permanent latent state with periodic reactivation resulting in an enhanced likelihood of transmission and clinical disease. the nucleoside analogue acyclovir reduces clinical symptoms of the three human alpha herpesviruses, hsv-1, hsv-2, and vzv. long-term administration of acyclovir (acv) can reduce the frequency and severity of reactivation, but its low bioavailability and short half-life require a daily drug regimen. our lab is working ...201323983683
herpes simplex virus type 2 incidence and associated risk factors among female sex workers in a high hiv-prevalence area of china.herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) can contribute to the spread of hiv. from march 2006 to november 2009, female sex workers (fsws) in yunnan, china were recruited into an open cohort study to determine incidence and risk factors for hsv-2 acquisition. participants were interviewed and tested for hsv-2 and other sexually transmitted infections (stis) every six months. a multivariate cox proportional hazards regression model with time-dependent variables was used to measure associations with hsv ...201323970745
determinants of generalized herpes simplex virus-2 epidemics: the role of sexual partner concurrency.little is known as to why some populations develop generalized herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2) epidemics. sexual network-level factors, such as the proportion of partnerships that run concurrently, are plausible explanations. in this ecological analysis, we used spearman's correlation coefficients to assess if there is an association between population prevalence of point-concurrency and hsv-2 in a number of national and subnational populations. we found that there is an association between preva ...201323970705
seroprevalence of hsv-1 and hsv-2 antibodies in canadian women screened for enrolment in a herpes simplex virus vaccine trial.herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (hsv-1 and hsv-2) infections continue to be among the most common and unrecognized sexually transmitted infections in the world. although treatable, hsv-1 and hsv-2 infections remain incurable. hence, there is interest in the development of a vaccine to prevent genital herpes. as part of a multicentre, randomized, placebo-controlled trial to test such a vaccine, healthy women 18-30 years were enrolled as volunteers in several canadian centres between 2005 and 2007. t ...201323970700
partner-concurrency associated with herpes simplex virus 2 infection in young south africans.whilst much is known about the individual-level risk factors for herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2) infection, little is known about why only some populations develop generalized hsv-2 epidemics. this study aims to assess the extent to which partner-concurrency (a factor which operates at both the partnership- and network-level) may be responsible. we utilized multivariate logistic regression to analyse the relationship between hsv-2 seropositivity and potential risk factors in data from a represent ...201323970590
atypical microorganisms in expressed prostatic secretion from patients with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome: microbiological results from a case-control investigate the microorganisms in expressed prostatic secretions (eps) of both chronic prostatitis patients and normal young male adults and to determine which microorganisms are associated with the degree of intraprostatic inflammation.201323970289
molecular characterization of herpes simplex virus 2 strains by analysis of microsatellite polymorphism.the complete 154-kbp linear double-stranded genomic dna sequence of herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2), consisting of two extended regions of unique sequences bounded by a pair of inverted repeat elements, was published in 1998 and since then has been widely employed in a wide range of studies. throughout the hsv-2 genome are scattered 150 microsatellites (also referred to as short tandem repeats) of 1- to 6-nucleotide motifs, mainly distributed in noncoding regions. microsatellites are considered r ...201323966512
use of staged molecular analysis to determine causes of unexplained central nervous system agent is implicated in most central nervous system (cns) infections. to investigate cerebrospinal fluid samples from patients with cns infections of unknown cause in 1 hospital in taiwan, we used a staged molecular approach, incorporating techniques including multiplex masstag pcr, 16s rrna pcr, dna microarray, and high-throughput pyrosequencing. we determined the infectious agent for 31 (24%) of 131 previously negative samples. candidate pathogens were identified for 25 (27%) of 94 unexplain ...201323965845
in peru, reporting male sex partners imparts significant risk of incident hiv/sexually transmitted infection: all men engaging in same-sex behavior need prevention services.detailed information on the sexual behavior of bisexual, non-gay-identified men and the relationship between same-sex behavior and hiv/sexually transmitted infection (sti) incidence is limited. this study provides information on the sexual behavior with male partners of non-gay-identified men in urban, coastal peru and the relationship of this behavior with hiv/sti incidence.201323965772
financial implications of male circumcision scale-up for the prevention of hiv and other sexually transmitted infections in a sub-saharan african community.the financial implications of male circumcision (mc) scale-up in sub-saharan africa associated with reduced hiv have been evaluated. however, no analysis has incorporated the expected reduction of a comprehensive set of other sexually transmitted infections including human papillomavirus, herpes simplex virus type 2, genital ulcer disease, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis.201323965771
evaluation of anti-infective potential of a tribal folklore odina wodier roxb against some selected microbes and herpes simplex virus associated with skin evaluate the in vitro antimicrobial activity of aqueous and methanol extracts of odina wodier bark (owb), a folk medicine, against representative bacteria, fungi and herpes simplex virus (hsv) associated with skin infections.201323957446
ifn-ε is constitutively expressed by cells of the reproductive tract and is inefficiently secreted by fibroblasts and cell lines.type-i interferons (ifns) form a large family of cytokines that primarily act to control the early development of viral infections. typical type-i ifn genes, such as those encoding ifn-α or ifn-β are upregulated by viral infection in many cell types. in contrast, the gene encoding ifn-ε was reported to be constitutively expressed by cells of the female reproductive tract and to contribute to the protection against vaginal infections with herpes simplex virus 2 and chlamydia muridarum. our data c ...201323951133
a randomized controlled pilot trial of valacyclovir for attenuating inflammation and immune activation in hiv/herpes simplex virus 2-coinfected adults on suppressive antiretroviral therapy.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) is associated with increased systemic inflammation and immune activation that persist despite suppressive antiretroviral therapy (art). herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) is a common coinfection that may contribute to this inflammation.201323946220
susceptibility of human placenta derived mesenchymal stromal/stem cells to human herpesviruses infection.fetal membranes (fm) derived mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (mscs) are higher in number, expansion and differentiation abilities compared with those obtained from adult tissues, including bone marrow. upon systemic administration, ex vivo expanded fm-mscs preferentially home to damaged tissues promoting regenerative processes through their unique biological properties. these characteristics together with their immune-privileged nature and immune suppressive activity, a low infection rate and you ...201323940750
a multi-targeted drug candidate with dual anti-hiv and anti-hsv activity.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection is often accompanied by infection with other pathogens, in particular herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2). the resulting coinfection is involved in a vicious circle of mutual facilitations. therefore, an important task is to develop a compound that is highly potent against both viruses to suppress their transmission and replication. here, we report on the discovery of such a compound, designated pmeo-dapym. we compared its properties with those of the ...201323935482
Displaying items 801 - 900 of 7420