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major receptor-binding and neutralization determinants are located within the same domain of the transmissible gastroenteritis virus (coronavirus) spike protein.the spike glycoprotein (s) of coronavirus, the major target for virus-neutralizing antibodies, is assumed to mediate the attachment of virions to the host cell. a 26-kilodalton fragment proteolytically cleaved from transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) s protein was previously shown to bear two adjacent antigenic sites, a and b, both defined by high-titer neutralizing antibodies. recombinant baculoviruses expressing c-terminal truncations of the 26-kilodalton region were used to localize fu ...19947525985
characterization of the iga and subclass igg responses to neutralizing epitopes after infection of pregnant sows with the transmissible gastroenteritis virus or the antigenically related porcine respiratory this study, we have investigated the characteristics of secreted iga and other classes of ig induced after vaccination of sows with transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) or the antigenically related porcine respiratory coronavirus (prcv). both viruses induced the secretion of neutralizing antibodies of different classes in the sows' milk, but these protected suckling piglets against tgev to different degrees. quantitative differences in the induction of iga by both viruses were found amo ...19947523577
permissible peptide insertions surrounding the signal peptide-mature protein junction of the clpg prepilin: cs31a fimbriae of escherichia coli as carriers of foreign sequences.the clpg gene, expressing the escherichia coli major cs31a fimbrial subunit clpg, was subjected to random mutagenesis by insertion of an ecori linker and a kanamycin-resistance (kmr) cassette into the multiple newly generated ecori sites. the kmr gene was then excised by psti, which left a 48-bp linker representing the heterologous sequence. the same procedure was followed to introduce a synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotide (oligo) corresponding to epitope c from the spike protein s from the porci ...19947523252
induction of an immune response to transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus using vectors with enteric tropism. 19937516110
enhancement of fip in cats immunised with vaccinia virus recombinants expressing ccv and tgev spike glycoproteins. 19937516108
cs31a capsule-like antigen as an exposure vector for heterologous antigenic determinants.cs31a is a multimeric surface protein surrounding certain enterotoxigenic and septicemic bovine escherichia coli strains. the possibility of using cs31a as a carrier of foreign antigenic determinants was investigated. introduction of heterologous viral epitopes into the cs31a major subunit, clpg, was successfully performed in the v3 region of the molecule which encodes for an immunodominant linear epitope. e. coli k-12 strains producing the hybrid cs31a molecules or the purified chimeric protein ...19947514578
epitopes on the spike protein of a nephropathogenic strain of infectious bronchitis virus.infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), the first coronavirus described, was initially associated with severe respiratory disease. however, outbreaks have more recently also been associated with nephropathogenesis. topographically interrelated antigenic determinants of the nephropathogenic gray strain of ibv were characterized using eleven monoclonal antibodies (mabs). four mabs (igg 2a kappa) defined epitopes that were both conformation-independent and group specific, reacting with gray, arkansas (a ...19937504916
molecular mimicry between fc receptors and viral antigens.molecular mimicry has been characterized as the presence of common epitopes, either linear or conformational, shared by host and microbial determinants. such cross-reactivity may lead to an autoimmune disease. on the other hand molecular mimicry between certain viral proteins and host determinant may protect invading virus to be eliminated by immune system and may promote persistence. in this mini-review i discuss the molecular mimicry of s peplomer protein of mouse hepatitis virus, strain jhm ( ...19947503651
induction of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus specific immune responses using vectors with enteric tropism. 19957502852
induction of antibodies protecting against transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (tgev) by recombinant adenovirus expressing tgev spike protein.ten recombinant adenoviruses expressing either fragments of 1135, 1587, or 3329 nt or the full-length spike gene of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (tgev) have been constructed. these recombinants produce s polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 68, 86, 135, and 200 kda, respectively. expression of the recombinant antigen driven by ad5 promoters was inhibited by the insertion of an exogenous sv-40 promoter. most of the recombinant antigens remain intracytoplasmic in infected ce ...19957491775
an immunohistochemical investigation of porcine epidemic diarrhoea.a sudden outbreak of epidemic diarrhoea of piglets occurred in japan, the principal features being watery diarrhoea, dehydration and high mortality in newborn animals. the microscopical lesions were villous atrophy in the small intestine, the villous enterocytes being vacuolated and cuboidal in shape. the villus-crypt ratio was severely reduced, varying from 1:1 to 3:1. transmission electron microscopy showed numerous coronaviruses within the cytoplasm of enterocytes and among microvilli. specif ...19957490338
secretory immune response in intestinal mucosa and salivary gland after experimental infection of pigs with transmissible gastroenteritis virus.pigs 8 to 10 weeks of age were orally infected with transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus or infected by inoculation of the virus into thirty-vella loops of jejunum. concentrations of immunoglobulin (ig) a, igm, and igg in serum, saliva, jejunal secretions, loop secretions, and bile were determined by solid-phase radioimmunoassay for tge virus-infected and control pigs. a multiple-staining fluorescent antibody technique was used to determine the relative numbers of iga-, igm-, and igg-produc ...19807192522
changes in gut-associated lymphoid tissues of the small intestine of eight-week-old pigs infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus.the responses of the interepithelial lymphocytes (iel) and aggregated lymph nodules (aln; peyer's patches) of the small intestines of 8-week-old pigs to transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) infection were characterized at 12, 18, and 24 hours after pigs were inoculated. there was no significant difference in numbers of iel between control and tgev-infected pigs at 12 and 18 hours. however, in pigs examined at 24 hours, there was a significant decrease in the number of iel in the duodenum a ...19827091819
serum immunoglobulin a antibody response in swine infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus, as determined by indirect immunoperoxidase antibody test.using an immunoperoxidase antibody test, the serum immunoglobulin (ig) a antibody titer was determined in swine naturally infected with transmissible gastroenteritis (tge; group a), swine inoculated orally with high-virulent tge virus (group b), and swine inoculated im (group c) or orally (group d) with low-virulent tge virus. studies were then made on the relationship between active immunity to tge and the serum iga antibody titer. in group a swine, serum iga antibody and virus-neutralizing (vn ...19817023294
influence of coronavirus (transmissible gastroenteritis) infection on jejunal myoelectrical activity of the neonatal pig.four silver-silver chloride electrodes were surgically implanted at 5-cm intervals on the jejunal serosa of 7 neonatal pigs. daily recordings, 7 h in duration, were made from each piglet beginning 3 days after surgery. characteristic migrating motility complexes and short, distinct (2.5-5.0 s), rapidly aboral migrating bursts of intense spike activity ("migrating action potential complexes") were seen in all preinfection recordings. piglets were inoculated with a 1-ml oral dose of a 0.1% gut sus ...19846735081
colonic compensation in transmissible gastroenteritis of swine.absorption of water and electrolytes by the small and large intestine was examined using a nonabsorbable marker technique in 3-day-old and 3-wk-old pigs. one-half of the pigs in each group were orally infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus; the remaining pigs served as controls. three-day-old control pigs concentrated the nonabsorbable fluid marker twelve fold along the small and large intestine, indicating an efficiency of about 95% in absorption of the exogenous daily fluid load pre ...19846714576
passive immunity to transmissible gastroenteritis virus: intramammary viral inoculation of sows.sows were injected intramammarily with live-attenuated tge virus, an enteric coronavirus--one sow during pregnancy and three sows during lactation. all sows were tge antibody seronegative prior to inoculation except for one naturally infected sow inoculated during lactation. the animal injected during pregnancy had primarily igg tge antibodies in milk from all glands. by contrast, sows injected during lactation had iga and igm initially, and later iga and igg tge antibodies in milk from injected ...19836575719
hypoglycemia: a factor associated with low survival rate of neonatal piglets infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus.the main purpose of this work was to study changes in the balance of fluids, electrolytes and blood metabolites in neonatal piglets with severe transmissible gastroenteritis. six two day old conventional piglets were infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus while six others were used as normal controls. blood samples were collected in heparin when the infected piglets were moribund. the following variables were measured: packed red cell volume, total plasma protein and bicarbonate, bloo ...19846478297
antibody-dependent and spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity against transmissible gastroenteritis virus infected cells by lymphocytes from sows, fetuses and neonatal piglets.the purpose of this study was to investigate the ontogeny in the pig of effector lymphocytes mediating antibody-dependent and spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity against target cells infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus. the same activities were also studied in sows in late pregnancy and early lactation. peripheral blood lymphocytes and intraepithelial lymphocytes collected from piglets during the first week of life failed to mediate cytolysis as determined by chromium release as ...19846332661
defective replication of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus in a continuous cell line.during a search for established cell lines to produce large quantities of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev), we observed bright immunofluorescent staining 6- 12h after infection of pig kidney derived llc-pk1 line. infectious virus yield was, however, 2 log10 lower than that from secondary adult pig thyroid (apt/2) cell cultures, although small plaques were visible by three days in cultures maintained under agarose, suggesting limited replication. attempts to adapt tgev to the ll ...19846331129
significance of lysosomes in the morphogenesis of coronaviruses.virus-containing electron-dense membrane-bound cytoplasmic bodies are described in tracheal epithelial cells of chickens infected with infectious bronchitis virus and in intestinal epithelial cells of swine infected with porcine epidemic diarrhea virus. using silver-methenamine staining, phosphotungstic acid staining and acid phosphatase enzyme cytochemical staining of ultra-thin sections, these bodies were shown to be virus-containing secondary lysosomes and residual bodies. the accumulation of ...19846320768
macrotiter assay for coronavirus-neutralizing activity in cats using a canine continuous cell line (a-72).a heterologous neutralization assay for feline infectious peritonitis virus serology was developed using a single continuous cell line of canine origin, a-72, which is susceptible to cytopathic infection with both transmissible gastroenteritis virus of pigs and canine coronavirus. of several coronavirus isolates tested, the 1-71 isolate of canine coronavirus demonstrated the most effective neutralization by serum and body fluids of cats with histopathologically confirmed feline infectious perito ...19836319813
replication of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (tgev) in swine alveolar macrophages.several strains of the enteropathogenic coronavirus transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) have been shown to replicate in alveolar macrophages maintained in vitro. a distinct cytopathic effect was observed at a multiplicity of infection greater than or equal to 0.1. infected cells released infectious virus. the extent of both virus production and cell destruction was highly dependent upon the virus input. at low input, cell viability was affected only slightly, and a delayed and persistent ...19846319578
a viral subunit immunogen for porcine transmissible immunogenic component was isolated from both the illinois (propagated in young swine) and the miller (cell culture-adapted) strains of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus. the viral subunit was released from the virion by sonication and was separated from intact virus and other viral components by isopycnic centrifugation. it had a buoyant density in sucrose of 1.02 g/ml. further purification consisted of gel filtration through sephadex g200, in which process the immunogen, with ...19836316850
identification of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus in house flies (musca domestica linneaus).transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus was detected in house flies (musca domestica linneaus) by staining with specific fluorescent antibody. the flies were collected within a swine confinement facility in which tge was enzootic. laboratory-reared flies were infected experimentally with tge virus and the virus was recovered from the insects for 72 hours after infection. the tge virus was identified both by the fluorescent antibody technique and by isolation in cell culture. the nature of plaq ...19836316821
antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity and spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity against cells infected with porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus.the objective of this study was to determine whether porcine peripheral blood leukocytes and intestinal intraepithelial leukocytes can mediate antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity and spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity against target cells infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus. peripheral blood leukocytes collected from six young adult pigs and intraepithelial leukocytes from a further five pigs were used as effector cells in chromium release assays against pk-15 cells p ...19836315197
[comparative studies using the immunofluorescence technic in experimental transmissible gastroenteritis and rotavirus infection of piglets]. 19836303246
neonatal diarrhea of pigs in quebec: infectious causes of significant evaluate the relative importance of the various enteropathogens causing neonatal diarrhea in quebec farrowing operations, observations were made on 749 diarrheic pigs from 325 outbreaks of diarrhea. they were one to 15 days of age, and were obtained alive for necropsy generally within 48 hours of the onset of diarrhea. some pigs were from severe, explosive outbreaks of diarrhea with high morbidity and mortality rates, while others were from herds with chronic neonatal diarrhea with lower morb ...19836299483
studies of enteric coronaviruses in a feline cell line.development is reported of a feline cell line which can support the growth of coronaviruses from canine (ccv), feline (fipv) and porcine (tgev) species. the cell culture has been serially transferred over 100 times and has retained its initial growth requirements, proliferative capacity and morphologic features. each virus had specific growth characteristics in this cell culture although all produced a similar cpe and plaques under agar. cross neutralization studies demonstrated a two-way relati ...19826298992
serum antibody responses of neonatal and young adult pigs to transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus.serum titers of virus-neutralizing (vn) antibody were 10 to 16 times higher in neonatal pigs than in young adult pigs, after single oral doses of virulent transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev). to determine the reason for this higher response, sera from neonatal and young adult pigs, 18 to 21 days after exposure to tgev, were collected and assayed for vn antibody by plaque reduction. in addition, sera of vn-positive and vn-negative neonatal pigs were analyzed for immunoglobulin classes by r ...19826293157
[effect of coronavirus infection on the delayed hypersensitivity reaction]. 19826292669
[determination of the quantity of minimal antigen for oral immunization of sows against transmissible gastroenteritis of swine using riems tge vaccine]. 19826291484
[detection of antibodies against the virus causing viral gastroenteritis in swine using the modified autoradiography test].a modified method for autoradiographic determination of antibodies to the virus of transmissible gastroenteritis of swine was developed. it is based on the actual reaction between antigen bound in cells of the infected cell cultures and antibodies in tested sera, which is visualized, by help of rabbit antibodies marked 125j (125j rasw igg antibody) to porcine igg, on a sensitive radiograph and evaluated on the basis of darkening at the point of positive immunological reaction. specificity of the ...19826291217
[effect of amantadine (1-aminoadamantan) on different phases of the replicative cycle of transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine]. 19826287708
intestinal, pulmonary, and serum antibody responses of feeder pigs exposed to transmissible gastroenteritis virus by the oral and the oral-intranasal routes in inoculation.specific antibodies against transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus produced as a result of oral and oral-intranasal viral exposure of feeder pigs were isolated by molecular sieve column chromatography of lung wash, intestinal fluid, and serum samples. selected fractions were analyzed for neutralizing antibody activity. oral inoculation gave a predominantly immunoglobulin (ig) g antibody response in lung wash and serum, as compared with the response in intestinal fluid in which neutralizing an ...19826283957
applications of peroxidase-antiperoxidase staining technique for detection of transmissible gastroenteritis virus in pigs.the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (pap) staining technique was used for the detection of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) in small intestines of tgev-infected 8-week-old pigs and in infected mcclurkin pig testicle cells by means of light microscopy. the specific-positive reaction was characterized by the presence of many brown granules of various sizes in the cytoplasm of infected cells. nonspecific granules caused by endogenous peroxidases in the cytoplasm of eosinophils stained by pap we ...19826283953
[inhibiting activity of amantadine (1-aminoadamantane) on the transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine in cell cultures].studies were carried out on the inhibiting activity of amantadine - 1-amino adamantine (1-aa) on the virus of swine transmissive gastroenteritis, rakovski strain, in cell cultures of pig kidney and thyroid gland. the inhibiting agent was tested in concentration of 6.25 to 100 microgram/cm3. parallel titrations with and without 1-aa (25, 50, and 100 microgram/cm3) were used to establish the maximum difference in the titers 2 lg. the effect of inhibition was manifested at minimum concentration of ...19816283726
rna-dependent rna polymerase activity in coronavirus- infected enzymatic activity which incorporates [3h]ump into acid-precipitable material in the presence of endogenous template was found in the cytoplasm of porcine cells infected with the transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine. this activity was not found in uninfected control cells, nor was it found in purified virus. the activity was associated with the mitochondrial fraction of infected cells, suggesting that the enzyme is membrane bound. the activity required the presence of all three ribonu ...19826283135
[transmissible gastroenteritis in a swine raising unit of 1,200 productive sows. 3. course of selection-based eradication]. 19816282234
[transmissible gastroenteritis in a swine raising unit of 1,200 productive sows. 2. results of serological follow-up studies]. 19816282233
[transmissible gastroenteritis in a swine-raising unit of 1,200 productive sows. 1. clinical course, disease control and piglet loss]. 19816282232
isolation of transmissible gastroenteritis virus, pseudorabies virus, and porcine enterovirus from pharyngeal swabs taken from market-weight-swine.pharyngeal swab samples were collected at a central iowa abattoir from 6,010 market-weight slaughter hogs from september 1, 1979 to august 31, 1980. the swab samples were examined for cytopathic viruses by inoculation of monolayer cultures of continuous line of swine testicular cells. of the 6,010 swab samples tested, transmissible gastroenteritis virus was isolated from 91 (1,51%), pseudorabies virus was isolated from 431 (7.17%), and porcine enterovirus was isolated from 21 (0.35%). although a ...19816278996
the structure of the canine coronavirus. 19816278898
coronavirus cell-associated rna-dependent rna polymerase. 19816278878
three-dimensional sequential study of the intestinal surface in experimental porcine cv 777 coronavirus enteritis. 19816275638
thermal inactivation studies of a coronavirus, transmissible gastroenteritis virus.the thermolability of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) was studied between 31 and 55 degrees c using two different strains. the loss of infectivity followed first order kinetics except at the highest temperature. the values of the thermodynamic parameters indicated that the mechanisms involved above and below 45 degrees c are clearly distinct. the rates of inactivation were greater at alkaline than at neutral ph, yet the name of the reaction appeared unchanged. using four independent s ...19816273497
laboratory evaluation of selected disinfectants as virucidal agents against porcine parvovirus, pseudorabies virus, and transmissible gastroenteritis virus.of a variety of disinfectants evaluated, only sodium hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide inactivated porcine parvovirus (ppv) after a 5-minute incubation period. after the same incubation time, pseudorabies and transmissible gastroenteritis viruses were inactivated by all of the disinfectants tested. when the incubation time was increased to 20 minutes, 2% glutaraldehyde and a double-strength concentration of a commercial formaldehyde preparation also inactivated ppv. formaldehyde vapor and ultrav ...19816269467
physicochemical properties of field and cell culture-attenuated strains of swine transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) coronavirus. 19816269408
in vitro properties of low- and high-passaged strains of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus of swine. 19816267962
an enteric coronavirus infection of cats and its relationship to feline infectious enteric coronavirus that is antigenically closely related to feline infectious peritonitis virus (fipv) is ubiquitous in the cat population. this virus has been designated feline enteric coronavirus to differentiate it from fipv. the virus is shed in the feces by many seropositive cats; in catteries it is a cause of inapparent to mildly severe enteritis in kittens 6 to 12 weeks of age. the virus may produce a more severe enteritis in young specific-pathogen-free kittens. feline enteric corona ...19816267960
the polypeptide structure of canine coronavirus and its relationship to porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus.canine coronavirus (ccv) isolate 1-71 was grown in secondary dog kidney cells and purified by rate zonal centrifugation. polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed four major structural polypeptides with apparent mol. wt. of 203800 (gp204), 49800 (p50), 31800 (gp32) and 21600 (gp22). incorporation of 3h-glucosamine into gp204, gp32 and gp22 indicated that these were glycopolypeptides. comparison of the structural polypeptides of ccv and porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) by co-e ...19816267172
inner structures of some coronaviruses.when treated with formaldehyde, tween 80, sodium oleate and nonidet p-40, avian infectious bronchitis virus, porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus, neonatal calf diarrhea coronavirus, porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus as well as the human coronavirus show similar inner structures by negative staining. the first one is an inner membranous bag. this structure could be evaginated following treatments used and does not show the characteristic projections of coronaviruses. subseq ...19816266623
properties of the "ckp" strain of transmissible gastroenteritis virus. ii. studies on the in vivo viral replication in newborn piglets. 19816266235
[morphology of coronaviruses-- electron microscopic demonstration by negative contrast technic of the transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine].this contribution to the morphology of corona virus is based on the use of electron microscopy in a negative contrast investigation of the virus of transmissible gastroenteritis of swine. viruses of transmissible gastro-enteritis are spherical or, in rare cases, pleomorphous particles of typical corona virus structure. the viruses investigated by the authors were 132 nm in diameter. the surface projections, consisting of a flattened knob and conical shaft, are 18 nm in length. internal bodies, 5 ...19816264880
vaccination experiments against transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) of swine. vii. immunoglobulin characteristics of antibodies in milk of sows vaccinated with the "ckp" strain of tge virus. 19806263068
[concentration of viruses and virus-specific antigens by ultrafiltration with membranes developed in the gdr].a cellulose acetate membrane, jointly developed by the institute of dairy research in oranienburg and the institute of polymer chemistry in teltow, was successfully used to concentrate by factors between ten and 40 virus suspensions of transmissible gastroenteritis and foot and mouth disease with a protein level of roughly 0.1 per cent in a 400-ml cell with magnetic agitation. the procedure took about two hours, with working pressures being between 0.2 mpa and 0.4 mpa. virus yield in the residue ...19806257195
experimental and field evaluation of a new oral vaccine for tge. 19806256930
[trials to develop an immunoprophylaxis for transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) of swine. iv. replication and excretion of the vaccine virus tge b1-300 following vaccination of sows and feeder pigs]. 19806255708
possible factors influencing the immunoglobulin g concentration in swine colostrum.the immunoglobulin (ig) g concentration in swine colostrum was determined by the single radial immunodiffusion method, using 157 samples collected from farm-raised sows in the yamaguchi prefecture of japan during 1976 and 1977. the mean igg value was 53.03 mg/ml, and the maximum and minimum values were 101.39 mg/ml and 11.74 mg/ml, respectively. the amount of igg varied greatly among sows. to clarify the possible factors influencing the amount of igg in colostrum, the following items were survey ...19806254410
induction of active immunity to tge in neonatal pigs nursing seropositive dams. 19806254223
[use and effectiveness of live vaccines in industrialized livestock production].there is an inseparable correlation between higher livestock performance and animal health with many visible repercussions in terms of further intensification of livestock farming. this is the background against which immunobiological action is defined as a major element of all efforts which are undertaken for the purpose of ensuring high-stability and high-continuity and no-problem production. underlined in this paper is the great role played by legal provisions for immunisation concepts as wel ...19806251768
[isolation and identification of a coronavirus, the causative agent of transmissible gastroenteritis of swine]. 19806251347
characterization of immunoglobulin a antibody in serum of swine inoculated with transmissible gastroenteritis virus.sera and contents of the small intestine from swine inoculated with transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus were examined for immunoglobulin (ig) a antibody responses by the radioimmunoprecipitation test with antiporcine iga serum. when swine were orally inoculated with virulent virus, iga antibody activity was detected in the contents of the small intestine and in serum from postinoculation days 7 to 56. however, iga antibody activity was not detected in the contents of the small intestine or ...19806250429
[comparing investigations for detection of antibodies against transmissible gastroenteritis (tge)-virus by use of the microneutralization test, the indirect immunofluorescence test and the virus inhibition test (author's transl)]. 19806249564
genome of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus.the purdue strain of transmissible gastroenteritis virus, a porcine coronavirus, was grown to titers of greater than 10(8) pfu/ml in a swine testicle cell line, and the rna was isotopically labeled with [3h]uridine. the rna was extracted from purified virus and was found to have the following properties. (i) it consisted primarily of a homogeneous large-molecular-weight species which electrophoretically migrated with an apparent molecular weight of 6.8 x 10(6) under denaturing conditions. (ii) i ...19806246272
experimental infection of pigs with a new porcine enteric coronavirus, cv 777.cesarean-derived colostrum-deprived and conventionally reared pigs were orally inoculated with the coronavirus-like agent, cv 777, isolate from an outbreak of epizootic diarrhea in swine of all ages. viral particles detected by electron microscopy in the feces and intestinal contents of inoculated pigs had the typical coronavirus morphology. the present studies provided further evidence that this coronavirus-like agent is different from the two known porcine coronaviruses, transmissible gastroen ...19806245603
mild transmissible gastroenteritis in pigs suckling vaccinated sows.a strain of transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus of low virulence was isolated from 14-day-old pigs suckling sows vaccinated with an attenuated tge vaccine. diarrhea developed in suckling pigs approximately 14 days after farrowing in 4 farrowings; however, none of these pigs died from diarrhea. diarrhea ceased after the 4th farrowing, when vaccination of sows was discontinued. experimentally, both the field isolate and the vaccine strain were infective and in some instances lethal for 2-day ...19806245050
direct immunoelectron microscopy of transmissible gastroenteritis virus with immunoglobulins g and a and guinea pig complement.porcine colostral immunoglobulin (ig)g and iga, isolated from transmissible gastroenteritis virus-infected sows, were compared by direct immunoelectron microscopy. it was estimated, using antibodies with a less than a twofold difference in virus-neutralizing activity, that igg was 500 times more efficient than was iga for coating transmissible gastroenteritis virions. guinea pig complement enhanced the antibody coating with igg, but did not increase virus-neutralizing activity of igg or iga.19806244762
detection of antibody against transmissible gastroenteritis virus of pigs by indirect immunoperoxidase antibody test.immunoperoxidase intibody (ipa) test was developed for detecting antibody against transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus of pigs. the ipa antibody titers in sera collected in the field from 82 pigs were approximately seven times higher than those obtained in a serum-neutralization test. the correlation between the tge antibody concentrations in the ipa and serum neutralization tests was positive (r = +0.74). the ipa tests appears to have the potential for routine laboratory use for serologic ...19806244761
the effect of adoptive transfer of mononuclear leukocytes from an adult donor on spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity and resistance to transmissible gastroenteritis in neonatal piglets.the purpose of this study was to attempt to establish spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity effector activity in the intraepithelial lymphocytes of neonatal piglets by adoptive transfer of mononuclear leukocytes from an adult donor and to determine the effect of transfer on the resistance of piglets to transmissible gastroenteritis. cytotoxicity was determined by a chromium release assay using pk-15 cells persistently infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus as targets. the experimenta ...19846239678
interferon induction in rotavirus and coronavirus infections: a review of recent results.the interferon (ifn) response was studied in two different models of viral enteritis of the neonate. in rotavirus infected calves, ifn synthesis could be detected in the intestine and in the blood at the time of the diarrheic symptoms. a kinetic study on canulated calves suggested that systemic ifn is of intestinal origin. during tgev infection (transmissible gastroenteritis virus) of the newborn piglet, an acute disease which leads to 100% mortality, ifn was found at very high titres (1 000-20 ...19836203463
antigenic relationships among homologous structural polypeptides of porcine, feline, and canine coronaviruses.transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine (tgev), feline infectious peritonitis virus (fipv), and canine coronavirus were studied with respect to their serological cross-reactivity in homologous and heterologous virus neutralization, immune precipitation of radiolabeled tgev, electroblotting, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using individual virion polypeptides prepared by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. tgev was neutralized by feline anti-fipv serum, and the reaction was potentiated ...19826182101
lesions in the small intestine of newborn pigs inoculated with porcine, feline, and canine coronaviruses.the infectivity and pathogenicity to newborn pigs of antigenically related coronaviruses from pigs (transmissible gastroenteritis virus; tgev), cats (feline infectious peritonitis virus; fipv), and dogs (canine gastroenteritis virus; cgev) were studied by light, scanning electron, and immunofluorescence microscopy. hysterectomy-derived, 12-hour-old pigs were orally given tissue culture or frozen preparations of 6 coronavirus strains (3 porcine, 2 feline, and 1 canine). the pigs were killed at re ...19816168221
an immunoelectron microscopic and immunofluorescent study on the antigenic relationship between the coronavirus-like agent, cv 777, and several coronaviruses.a possible antigenic relationship between the porcine enteropathogenic coronavirus-like agent (cvla) and 6 known coronaviruses was examined by immunoelectron microscopy (iem) and by immunofluorescence (if). cvla did not show cross reactivity with infectious bronchitis virus, transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev), canine coronavirus (ccv) hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus (hev), neonatal calf diarrhea coronavirus (ncdcv) or feline infectious peritonitis virus (fipv). antigenic relatio ...19816166280
high interferon titer in newborn pig intestine during experimentally induced viral enteritis.we looked for the presence of interferon in the digestive tract of newborn piglets infected with a virulent strain of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (coronaviridae). high levels of type 1 interferon activity were found early in the disease in jejunal and ileal parts of the intestine as well as in the serum. enterocytes appeared to be involved in the interferon synthesis. these findings raise the question of the role of interferon in the pathogenesis of viral enteritis.19816163724
[the activity of chemical preparations with respect to the transmissible gastroenteritis virus and enterovirus of swine]. 19836101074
lactogenic immunity to transmissible gastroenteritis virus induced by a subunit immunogen.a subunit prepared from transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus and used to immunize 24 gilts prior to farrowing induced production of specific antibody in the serum and milk. challenge of pigs, two to seven days of age and suckling on the vaccinated gilts, with the illinois strain of tge virus resulted in morbidity of 28% and mortality of 4% as compared with 100 and 73%, respectively, for control piglets. piglets nursing on a sow which had been immunized approximately 10 months previously wer ...19836099641
experimental inoculation of cats with canine coronavirus and subsequent challenge with feline infectious peritonitis virus.oronasal inoculation of minimal-disease cats with a virulent field isolate of canine coronavirus elicited a neutralizing antibody response that increased steadily over a two-month period, indicating in vivo amplification of the inoculated dose. a heterologous neutralizing antibody response to transmissible gastroenteritis virus could be detected three weeks after titers to canine coronavirus were first observed and was found to parallel the homologous response at a level approximately one log10 ...19846097763
[transmissible gastroenteritis of swine: stability of coronavirus in gastric and intestinal contents].low and high passaged cell culture strains of tge coronavirus were examined for stability in gastric and small intestine juices collected in 3-6 month-old pigs killed at different times after last feeding. results revealed high fragility of the tge virus in these digestive liquids. differences in stability were observed between strains of tge virus. but no correlation could be made between the level of stability and cell passage status of the virus strain. we conclude that the stability of tge c ...19846097154
[transmissible gastroenteritis: vaccination of sows in contaminated environment using inactivated virus in oil emulsion].an oil emulsion vaccine against tge was prepared using a virus suspension produced in tissue culture and inactivated by formaline. intramuscular vaccination trials were performed on sows in the field from two herds (167 sows) which had been infected by tge virus more than one year previously. considering qualities of immunity after natural infection, the objective of the work was to try to give a new impetus to immunity in such herds using vaccination as a booster. after two vaccine injections t ...19846097153
influence of infectivity of transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine by pancreatin and some unknown factors.the infectivity of virulent strain, not attenuated strain, of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) of swine could be enhanced as much as 50-fold by pancreatin incorporated medium. the mechanism(s) of enhancement was uncertained. multiplication of tgev, either virulent or attenuated strain, was inhibited by intestinal fluid of both tgev infected and noninfected piglets. pelleting virus particles from intestine fluid was likely to remove all inhibitors and resulted in facilitating the isolat ...19836094119
efficacy of vaccination of sows with serologically related coronaviruses for control of transmissible gastroenteritis in nursing pigs.three groups of pregnant sows were vaccinated at 8 and 2 weeks before parturition with tissue culture-adapted feline infectious peritonitis (fip) virus, porcine transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) small-plaque (sp) virus from a persistently infected cell line, or noninfected cell culture fluids (controls). pigs nursing vaccinated sows were orally challenge exposed with virulent tge virus when they were 1 to 3 days old. the morbidity of the nursing pigs was 48% in the sp-tge group, 82% in the fip ...19846093647
[cultivation of the transmissible gastroenteritis virus in a continuous cell line].cell cultures of the permanent cell line spev to which the transmissive gastroenteritis virus had already been adapted were used to culture the virus and carry out the virus-neutralization test. use was made of a cell suspension of a variable density--300 and 500 thou cells per cm3. both variants of the cell suspension were comparatively studied in terms of growth, the production of a monolayer, susceptibility to infection, and titer of the virus obtained, using 4 test tubes with the virus at va ...19846093344
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of transmissible gastroenteritis virus antibody in swine enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed for detection and quantification of serum antibodies to transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) in swine. sera from pigs inoculated with cell culture-origin tgev or gut-origin tgev were tested for anti-tgev antibody by elisa and by serum virus-neutralization test (nt). the elisa detected antibody 3 days (av) sooner than did the nt when sera from pigs inoculated with cell culture-origin tgev were tested and 1 day sooner than did the nt ...19846089625
[interferonogenic activity of coronavirus in in vitro and in vivo experiments]. 19836086047
micro-color test for assay of transmissible gastroenteritis virus-neutralizing antibodies. 19714996684
experimental immunisation of sows against transmissible gastroenteritis. i. immunisation with a bacteria-free suspension of transmissible gastroenteritis virus prepared from the intestines of infected pigs. 19704990539
pathogenicity, immunogenicity and distribution of transmissible gastroenteritis virus in pigs. 19694983669
electron microscopy of tissue culture cells infected with swine transmissible gastroenteritis virus. 19684976638
stained monolayer test: a color test in disposable plastic trays for titrating transmissible gastroenteritis virus and neutralizing antibodies. 19684969273
growth of transmissible gastroenteritis virus in young pigs. 19664958048
experimental transmission of transmissible gastroenteritis virus by starlings. 19654957296
fluorescent antibody technique in the study of three porcine viruses. transmissible gastroenteritis virus, vomiting and wasting disease virus and the parvovirus 59e-63. 19714933149
transmissible gastroenteritis virus in neonatal pigs: intestinal transfer of colostral immunoglobulins containing specific antibodies. 19744819717
ribonucleic acid synthesis in porcine cell cultures infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus. 19734631095
antibody responses in serum, colostrum, and milk of swine after infection or vaccination with transmissible gastroenteritis virus.the antibody response of pregnant swine to transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus was studied, with special reference to the titers and the immunoglobulin (ig) class of tge neutralizing antibodies in colostrum and milk. animals vaccinated twice intramuscularly or intramammarily with live attenuated tge virus developed high levels of antibodies in serum and colostrum, but the levels in milk declined markedly within a few days post-farrowing. in contrast, animals naturally or experimentally inf ...19724629259
distribution of antibodies to transmissible gastroenteritis virus in serum and milk of sows: isolation and identification of the immunoglobulin classes of swine serum and milk. 19724623392
isolation of transmissible gastroenteritis virus from lungs of market-weight swine. 19744607634
secretory antibodies in milk of swine against transmissible gastroenteritis virus. 19744607052
elevation of the intracellular levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate during in vitro infection of transmissible gastroenteritis virus. brief report. 19734353800
Displaying items 701 - 800 of 1150