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hiv/siv infection primes monocytes and dendritic cells for apoptosis.subversion or exacerbation of antigen-presenting cells (apc) death modulates host/pathogen equilibrium. we demonstrated during in vitro differentiation of monocyte-derived macrophages and monocyte-derived dendritic cells (dcs) that hiv sensitizes the cells to undergo apoptosis in response to trail and fasl, respectively. in addition, we found that hiv-1 increased the levels of pro-apoptotic bax and bak molecules and decreased the levels of anti-apoptotic mcl-1 and flip proteins. to assess the re ...201121731488
implantation of a porcine acellular dermal graft in a primate model of rotator cuff repair.background: non-cross-linked xenogeneic extracellular matrix graft materials have typically elicited a hypersensitivity reaction when implanted into humans or other primates. the purpose of this study was to examine the histologic and immune response to a non-cross-linked porcine-derived dermal extracellular matrix graft processed to remove the α-gal epitope. materials and methods: eight african green monkeys were implanted with porcine acellular dermal matrix (conexa reconstructive tissue matri ...201121723150
the effect of housing and environmental enrichment on stereotyped behavior of adult vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).little information is available on the response of vervet monkeys to different housing conditions or on the suitability of enrichment devices or methods for vervet monkeys. in this study, the authors evaluated the occurrence of stereotyped behavior in adult vervet monkeys under various conditions of housing and enrichment. the variables included cage size, cage level (upper or lower), enrichment with a foraging log, enrichment with an exercise cage and presence of a mate. the authors first deter ...201121691296
role of trim5+¦ ring domain e3 ubiquitin ligase activity in capsid disassembly, reverse transcription blockade, and restriction of simian immunodeficiency virus.the mammalian tripartite motif protein, trim5+¦, recognizes retroviral capsids entering the cytoplasm and blocks virus infection. depending on the particular trim5+¦ protein and retrovirus, complete disruption of the trim5+¦ ring domain decreases virus-restricting activity to various degrees. trim5+¦ exhibits ring domain-dependent e3 ubiquitin ligase activity, but the specific role of this activity in viral restriction is unknown. we created a panel of african green monkey trim5+¦ (trim5+¦(agm)) ...201121680520
in vitro cytotoxic activity and structure activity relationships of iridoid glucosides derived from veronica species.this study was an investigation of the cytotoxic activity of iridoid glucosides, including aucubin, catalpol, 6-o-acetylcatalpol, veronicoside, catalposide, verproside, amphicoside, veratroylcatalposide, verminoside, aquaticosides b and c isolated from different veronica species. the cytotoxic activity was determined against hep-2 (human epidermoid carcinoma), rd (human rhabdomyosarcoma), l-20b (transgenic murine l-cells) cancer cell lines and vero (african green monkey kidney cells) non-cancero ...201121678519
aerosol exposure to zaire ebolavirus in three nonhuman primate species: differences in disease course and clinical pathology.there is little known concerning the disease caused by zaire ebolavirus (zebov) when inhaled, the likely route of exposure in a biological attack. cynomolgus macaques, rhesus macaques, and african green monkeys were exposed to aerosolized zebov to determine which species might be the most relevant model of the human disease. a petechial rash was noted on cynomolgus and rhesus macaques after fever onset but not on african green monkeys. fever duration was shortest in rhesus macaques (62.7±16.3 h) ...201121651988
the instantaneous center of rotation of the mandible in nonhuman primates.kinematic analyses of mandibular movement in humans demonstrate that the mandibular instantaneous center of rotation (icor) is commonly located near the level of the occlusal plane and varies in its position during a chewing sequence. few data are available regarding the location of the icor in nonhuman primates and it remains unclear how the position of the icor varies in association with mastication and/or gape behaviors. icor was quantified throughout the gape cycle in five species of nonhuma ...201121622946
paradoxical effects of chondroitin sulfate-e on japanese encephalitis viral infection.glycosaminoglycans (gags) have diverse functions in the body and are involved in viral infection. the purpose of this study was to evaluate the possible roles of the e-disaccharide units glcaβ1-3galnac(4,6-o-disulfate) of chondroitin sulfate (cs), a gag involved in neuritogenesis and neuronal migration, in japanese encephalitis virus (jev) infection. soluble cs-e (scs-e) derived from squid cartilage inhibited jev infection in african green monkey kidney-derived vero cells and baby hamster kidney ...201121621516
coordinately regulated alternative splicing of genes involved in cholesterol biosynthesis and uptake.genes involved in cholesterol biosynthesis and uptake are transcriptionally regulated in response to cellular sterol content in a coordinated manner. a number of these genes, including 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme a reductase (hmgcr) and ldl receptor (ldlr), undergo alternative splicing, resulting in reductions of enzyme or protein activity. here we demonstrate that cellular sterol depletion suppresses, and sterol loading induces, alternative splicing of multiple genes involved in the mai ...201121559365
tailoring charge density and hydrogen bonding of imidazolium copolymers for efficient gene delivery.conventional free radical polymerization with subsequent postpolymerization modification afforded imidazolium copolymers with controlled charge density and side chain hydroxyl number. novel imidazolium-containing copolymers where each permanent cation contained one or two adjacent hydroxyls allowed precise structure-transfection efficiency studies. the degree of polymerization was identical for all copolymers to eliminate the influence of molecular weight on transfection efficiency. dna binding, ...201121557603
chemical induction of endogenous retrovirus particles from the vero cell line of african green monkeys.endogenous retroviral sequences are present in high copy number in the genomes of all species and may be expressed as rnas, however, the majority are defective for virus production. although virus has been isolated from various old world monkey and new world monkey species, there has been no report of endogenous retroviruses produced from african green monkey (agm) tissues or cell lines. we have recently developed a step-wise approach for evaluating the presence of latent viruses by chemical ind ...201121543506
bisphenol-a exposure alters endometrial progesterone receptor expression in the nonhuman primate.objective: to evaluate the effect of bisphenol-a (bpa), a xenoestrogen endocrine disruptor, on endometrial p receptor (pr) expression in nonhuman primates and human cells. design: controlled trial in primates. setting: university. animal(s): african green monkeys. intervention(s): after oophorectomy, bpa (50 μg/kg/d), e(2), both, or vehicle control were administered. estradiol and bpa were used in ishikawa cells. main outcome measure(s): progesterone receptor expression using immunohistochemistr ...201121536273
high-throughput single-cell manipulation system for a large number of target cells.a sequential and high-throughput single-cell manipulation system for a large volume of cells was developed and the successive manipulation for single cell involving single-cell isolation, individual labeling, and individual rupture was realized in a microhydrodynamic flow channel fabricated by using two-dimensional simple flow channels. this microfluidic system consisted of the successive single-cell handlings of single-cell isolation from a large number of cells in cell suspension, labeling eac ...201121523252
quantifying cholesterol synthesis in vivo using 2h2o: enabling back-to-back studies in the same subject.the advantages of using 2h2o to quantify cholesterol synthesis include (i) homogeneous precursor labeling, (ii) incorporation of 2h via multiple pathways and (iii) the ability to perform long-term studies in free-living subjects, however, there are two concerns. first, the t1/2 of water presents a challenge when there is a need to acutely replicate measurements in the same subject. second, assumptions are made regarding the number of hydrogens (n) that are incorporated during de novo synthesis. ...201121498887
planum temporale grey matter asymmetries in chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), vervet (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus), rhesus (macaca mulatta) and bonnet (macaca radiata) monkeys.brain asymmetries, particularly asymmetries within regions associated with language, have been suggested as a key difference between humans and our nearest ancestors. these regions include the planum temporale (pt) - the bank of tissue that lies posterior to heschl's gyrus and encompasses wernicke's area, an important brain region involved in language and speech in the human brain. in the human brain, both the surface area and the grey matter volume of the pt are larger in the left compared to r ...201121447349
multiple variant mrnas with different length tandem repeats of (cayycc)n produced from bovine selenoprotein p-like protein contrast to selenoprotein ps (seips) from other animal species, bovine selenoprotein p-like-protein (seiplp) was found to contain a tandem repeat of (cayycc)(11). during an investigation into whether seiplp was a bovine substitute for seip or uniquely bovine, its mrna was found to consist of multiple variants with different length tandem repeat, namely p(0) with (cayycc)(11), p(-4) lacking (cayycc)(4), p(-8) lacking (cayycc)(8), and p(-9) lacking (cayycc)(9). although they were encoded on a s ...200521432148
optimization of laser-induced choroidal neovascularization in african green monkeys.we developed and validated a new nonhuman primate model of laser-induced choroidal neovascularization (cnv) that addresses study design limitations prevalent in laser-induced cnv-based efficacy studies. laser-induced bruch's membrane disruption triggers cnv and has been widely utilized in animals to model neovascular ("wet") age-related macular degeneration (amd). despite widespread use of the approach, detailed assessment of experimental parameters and their influence on pathophysiological endp ...201121414311
a gene delivery system based on the n-terminal domain of human topoisomerase i.the n-terminal 200 amino acid residues of topoisomerase i (topon) is highly positive in charge and has dna binding activity, without dna sequence and topological specificity. here, a fusion protein (6 x his-ptd-topon) containing a hexahistidine (6 x his) tag, a membrane penetration domain and topon (amino acid 3-200) was designed and developed. the protein can bind to different sizes (3.0-8.0 kb) and forms (circular and linear) of dna and translocates the bound dna to the nucleus. the protein al ...201121406310
cos-1 cells as packaging host for production of lentiviruses.we present a protocol for in vitro production of recombinant lentiviruses using cos-1 african green monkey kidney epithelial cells and hek293t human embryonic kidney epithelial cells as packaging cells. cos-1 and hek293t express sv40 large t antigen, amplifying transfected circular plasmids harboring sv40 replication origin. support protocols for evaluation of transfection efficiency by in situ ß-galactosidase enzyme activity assay and titer of infection-capable virions are also provided. advant ...201121400698
a novelty seeking phenotype is related to chronic hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity reflected by hair cortisol.reduced hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (hpa) activity is associated with greater novelty seeking in humans. hair cortisol represents an integrated proxy measure of total cortisol production/release over an extended period of time and may be a valuable tool for tracking the hpa system. sampling approaches (collection of blood, saliva, urine, or feces) for socially housed nonhuman primates present a number of technical challenges for collection particularly when repeated sampling is necessary. her ...201121396388
validation of human apob and apoai immunoturbidity assays for non-human primate dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis research.emerging evidence suggests apolipoprotein b (apob) and apolipoprotein ai (apoai) are strong risk predictors for atherosclerosis. non-human primates (nhp), including rhesus monkeys, cynomolgus monkeys, and african green monkeys, are important preclinical species for studying dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis as they more closely resemble humans in lipid metabolism and disease physiology compared to lower species such as rodents. however, no commercial assays are currently available for measuring a ...201121394531
endocrine disruption effects of 2,2',4,4',6-pentabromodiphenylether (bde100) in reporter gene assays.polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) constitute an important group of flame retardants. 2,2',4,4',6-pentabromodiphenylether (bde100) is a prominent pbde congener in some human populations. the potential of bde100 to modulate responses mediated by the estrogen (er), thyroid hormone (thr) or androgen receptors (ar) were investigated by use of transactivation reporter gene assays. the african green monkey kidney cv-1 cell transiently transfected with the constructed reporter gene plasmid ere-tata ...201121390402
ependymal cyst in the cerebrum of an african green monkey (chlorocebus aethiops).a focal lesion was detected by magnetic resonance imaging in the right caudal occipital lobe of the cerebrum in an african green monkey (chlorocebus aethiops). neurological signs were not observed in this animal. at necropsy examination, an 8mm wedge-shaped intracranial cavity was found, which apparently did not communicate with the ventricles. microscopically, the inner surface of the cavity was lined by ciliated cuboidal epithelium with positive immunoreactivity for s100 protein, glial fibrill ...201121388637
characterization and validation of a streptozotocin-induced diabetes model in the vervet monkey.streptozotocin (stz), preferentially toxic to pancreatic beta cells, is commonly used to model type 1 diabetes mellitus (dm) in numerous species, including nonhuman primates.201121356321
prevalence of babesia microti in free-ranging baboons and african green monkeys.babesia microti-like parasites have been reported to infect captive non-human primates (nhps). however, studies on the prevalence of babesia spp. in free-ranging nhps are lacking. this investigation aimed at determining the prevalence of b. microti in wild-caught kenyan nhps. in total, 125 animals were studied, including 65 olive baboons (papio cynocephalus anubis) and 60 african green monkeys ([agms] chlorocebus aethiops). nested polymerase chain reaction targeting babesia β-tubulin genes was u ...201021348608
levofloxacin cures experimental pneumonic plague in african green monkeys.yersinia pestis, the agent of plague, is considered a potential bioweapon due to rapid lethality when delivered as an aerosol. levofloxacin was tested for primary pneumonic plague treatment in a nonhuman primate model mimicking human disease.201121347450
an underestimated lentivirus model: what can hiv-2 research contribute to the development of an effective hiv-1 vaccine?the development of an hiv-1 vaccine that would be effective against all existing subtypes and circulating recombinant forms remains one of the great scientific and public health challenges of our generation. one of the major barriers to hiv-1 vaccine development is a lack of understanding of the correlates of protective immunity against the virus. in this context, research has focused on the rare phenomenon of spontaneous control of hiv-1 infection, in groups referred to as 'long-term nonprogres ...201121342067
single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the tnf gene are associated with obesity-related phenotypes in vervet monkeys.tumor necrosis factor (tnf) promoter single-nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) have been extensively characterized in humans, with numerous reports of associations with obesity-related phenotypes as well an array of infectious, immune-mediated, and inflammatory disease phenotypes. controlling for the multitude of environmental risk factors in human studies has been a major confounder of efforts to elucidate the role and relative contribution of tnf promoter snps. as part of an ongoing initiative to ...201121331060
distinct severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-induced acute lung injury pathways in two different nonhuman primate species.acute lung injury (ali) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ards), caused by influenza a virus h5n1 and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (sars-cov), supposedly depend on activation of the oxidative-stress machinery that is coupled with innate immunity, resulting in a strong proinflammatory host response. inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin 1ß (il-1ß), il-8, and il-6, play a major role in mediating and amplifying ali/ards by stimulating chemotaxis and activation of neutr ...201121325418
a novel human polyomavirus closely related to the african green monkey-derived lymphotropic polyomavirus.we identified a novel human polyomavirus from a kidney transplant patient under immunosuppressive treatment, by use of a generic pcr. the genome of the virus was completely amplified and sequenced. in phylogenetic analyses, it appeared as the closest relative to the african green monkey-derived lymphotropic polyomavirus (lpv). further investigation of clinical samples from immunocompromised patients with specific nested pcr revealed additional positive samples, indicating that the virus naturall ...201121307194
macaque cytochromes p450: nomenclature, transcript, gene, genomic structure, and function.monkeys, especially macaques, including cynomolgus (macaca fascicularis) and rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta), are frequently used in drug metabolism studies due to their evolutionary closeness to humans. recently, numerous cytochrome p450 (p450 or cyp) cdnas have been identified and characterized in cynomolgus and rhesus monkeys and were named by the p450 nomenclature committee. however, recent advances in genome analysis of cynomolgus and rhesus monkeys revealed that some monkey p450s are appar ...201121303270
statins reduce dengue virus production via decreased virion assembly.most of the effects of statins can be explained by pleiotropic effects independent of their lowering of serum cholesterol; in some cases, these effects have been shown to be a result of the role of statins in the prenylation of cellular proteins, some of which are involved in the life cycle of animal viruses. this study evaluated the potential antiviral activity of lovastatin (lov) against dengue virus (denv) infection of epithelial and endothelial cells (vero cells, epithelial cells derived fro ...201121293097
dicofol degradation to p,p'-dichlorobenzophenone - a potential the present investigation, the degradation of the acaricide dicofol (also known as kelthane) was investigated with special emphasis on generation of p,p'-dichlorobenzophenone (dcbp) under alkaline conditions as well as induced by uv-light. dicofol was also incubated in the presence and absence of microsomal preparations to measure potential metabolic formation of dcbp. the results indicate that the degradation of dicofol to dcbp primarily proceeds as an abiotic process via hydroxide ion catal ...201121291947
in vitro and in vivo effects of west nile virus propagated in cells of different passage.tissue cultures are used to propagate viruses for use in mosquito infection studies and to detect live virus in field-collected specimens. microscopic evaluation of cytopathic effects is used to visualize virus presence. in this study, both low-passage (lp; n = 35) and high-passage (hp; n = 218) lines of african green monkey kidney (vero) cells were infected with west nile virus, and virus growth kinetics were quantitated over different incubation periods (ips) (2, 6, 10, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h po ...201021290941
identification of human parainfluenza virus type 2 (hpiv-2) v protein amino acid residues that reduce binding of v to mda5 and attenuate hpiv-2 replication in nonhuman primates.human parainfluenza virus type 2 (hpiv-2), an important pediatric respiratory pathogen, encodes a v protein that inhibits type i interferon (ifn) induction and signaling. using reverse genetics, we attempted the recovery of a panel of v mutant viruses that individually contained one of six cysteine-to-serine (residues 193, 197, 209, 211, 214, and 218) substitutions, one of two paired charge-to-alanine (r175a/r176a and r205a/k206a) substitutions, or a histidine-to-phenylalanine (h174f) substituti ...201121289116
coxsackievirus b3-associated aseptic meningitis: an emerging infection in hong kong.enterovirus (ev) infection is a common disease of childhood and associated not uncommonly with aseptic meningitis. in the summer of 2008, laboratory surveillance has detected increased number of coxsackievirus b3 (cvb3) associated aseptic meningitis in hong kong, constituting 11.6% of those infected. this study analyzed the epidemiology, circulating pattern, and clinical presentations of cvb3 in hong kong over the last 10 years with reference to the circulation of ev in the locality. enterovirus ...201121264869
mitochondrial oxidative stress causes mitochondrial fragmentation via differential modulation of mitochondrial fission-fusion proteins.mitochondria are dynamic organelles that undergo continual fusion and fission to maintain their morphology and functions, but the mechanism involved is still not clear. here, we investigated the effect of mitochondrial oxidative stress triggered by high-fluence low-power laser irradiation (hf-lpli) on mitochondrial dynamics in human lung adenocarcinoma cells (astc-a-1) and african green monkey sv40-transformed kidney fibroblast cells (cos-7). upon hf-lpli-triggered oxidative stress, mitochondria ...201121232014
meganuclease-mediated inhibition of hsv1 infection in cultured cells.herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv1) is a major health problem. as for most viral diseases, current antiviral treatments are based on the inhibition of viral replication once it has already started. as a consequence, they impair neither the viral cycle at its early stages nor the latent form of the virus, and thus cannot be considered as real preventive treatments. latent hsv1 virus could be addressed by rare cutting endonucleases, such as meganucleases. with the aim of a proof of concept study, w ...201121224832
contact with human facilities appears to enhance technical skills in wild vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).technical abilities of primates are typically tested in the laboratory. it has been argued that close contact between animals and humans may lead to an increase in skills due to an 'enculturation' of subjects. here, we provide evidence that exposure to human facilities may improve wild vervet monkeys' technical skills in a social learning task using the 'artificial fruit' approach. two of our 6 study groups had access to human facilities within their territories. only members of these 2 groups w ...201021212682
patterns of microrna expression in non-human primate cells correlate with neoplastic development in vitro.micrornas (mirnas) are small noncoding rnas that negatively regulate gene expression post-transcriptionally. they play a critical role in developmental and physiological processes and have been implicated in the pathogenesis of several diseases including cancer. to identify mirna signatures associated with different stages of neoplastic development, we examined the expression profile of 776 primate mirnas in vero cells (a neoplastically transformed cell line being used for the manufacture of vir ...201021203544
evolutionary patterns of killer cell ig-like receptor genes in old world monkeys.killer cell ig-like receptors (kirs) modulate the cytotoxic effects of natural killer cells. kir genes are encoded in the leucocyte receptor complex and are characterized by their high haplotypic diversity and polymorphism. the kir system has been studied in only three species of old world monkeys, the rhesus macaque, the cynomolgus macaque, and the sabaeus monkey, displaying a complexity rivaling that of hominids (human and apes). here we analyzed bacterial artificial chromosome draft sequences ...201021185924
thermomodulated cell culture∕harvest in polydimethylsiloxane microchannels with poly(n-isopropylacrylamide)-grafted surface.cell culture and harvest are the most upstream operation for a completely integrated cell assay chip. in our previous work, thermoresponsive poly(n-isopropylacrylamide) (pnipaam) was successfully grafted onto polydimethylsiloxane (pdms) surface via benzophenone-initiated photopolymerization. in the present work, the pnipaam-grafted-pdms (pnipaam-g-pdms) surface was explored for thermomodulated cell culture and noninvasive harvest in microfluidic channels. using cos 7 fibroblast from african gree ...201021151579
[observation of double-stained african green monkey kidney cos-7 cells using total internal reflection double-channel fluorescence microscopy].using a dual-view wavelength splitter, double-stained african green monkey kidney cos-7 cells, transfected with pegfp-myosin 15a and costained with rhodamine-filopodia were observed based on an iccd(intensified charge couple device) fluorescence micro-imaging systems. total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy was used to observe the overexpression of myosin 15a to the tips of the elongation filopodia. an approach to collecting fluorescence in two channels and avoiding spectra crosstalk w ...201021137398
renal epithelial cell injury and its promoting role in formation of calcium oxalate monohydrate.the injurious effect of hydrogen peroxide (h(2)o(2)) on renal epithelial cells of the african green monkey (vero cells) and the difference in the modulation of vero cells on crystal growth of calcium oxalate (caoxa) before and after injury were investigated. the degree of injury of vero cells was proportional to the concentration and action time of h(2)o(2). after the cells had been injured, the released amount of malonaldehyde in the culture medium increased, the superoxide dismutase activity d ...201021127923
human top1 residues implicated in species specificity of hiv-1 infection are required for interaction with btbd2, and rnai of btbd2 in old world monkey and human cells increases permissiveness to hiv-1 determinants of hiv-1 viral tropism include factors from producer cells that affect the efficiency of productive infection and factors in target cells that block infection after viral entry. trim5α restricts hiv-1 infection at an early post-entry step through a mechanism associated with rapid disassembly of the retroviral capsid. topoisomerase i (top1) appears to play a role in hiv-1 viral tropism by incorporating into or otherwise modulating virions affecting the efficiency of a post-entry ...201021092135
the presence of a vpu gene and the lack of nef-mediated downmodulation of t cell receptor-cd3 are not always linked in primate lentiviruses.nef is an accessory protein critical for the ability of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (hiv and siv) to replicate efficiently in their respective hosts. previous analyses of members of 15 different primate lentivirus lineages revealed a link between nef function and the presence of a vpu gene. in particular, nef proteins of all vpu-containing viruses had lost their ability to downmodulate the t cell (tcr-cd3) receptor. here we examined nef proteins from eight additional siv lineages, ...201021068258
[data on intestinal parasites of lower monkeys in the adler apery].under captive conditions, a parasite fauna connected with the changes in ecological conditions, feeding, and mode of life is usually formed in monkeys. species composition of the intestinal parasites has been investigated in six species of the monkeys (macaca mulatta, m. fascicularis, m. nemestrina, ceropithecus aethiops, papio hamadryas, and p. anubis), which were born in the adler apery and live there for a long time. a comparison with similar investigations carried out in the sukhumi apery, w ...201021061593
c6/36 aedes albopictus cells have a dysfunctional antiviral rna interference response.mosquitoes rely on rna interference (rnai) as their primary defense against viral infections. to this end, the combination of rnai and invertebrate cell culture systems has become an invaluable tool in studying virus-vector interactions. nevertheless, a recent study failed to detect an active rnai response to west nile virus (wnv) infection in c6/36 (aedes albopictus) cells, a mosquito cell line frequently used to study arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses). therefore, we sought to determine if ...201021049065
demography and life histories of sympatric patas monkeys, erythrocebus patas, and vervets, cercopithecus aethiops, in laikipia, kenya.mortality patterns are thought to be strong selective forces on life history traits, with high adult mortality and low immature mortality favoring early and rapid reproduction. patas monkeys (erythrocebus patas) have the highest potential rates of population increase for their body size of any haplorhine primate because they reproduce both earlier and more often. we report here 10 yr of comparative demographic data on a population of patas monkeys and a sympatric population of vervet monkeys (ce ...200920976285
suboptimal porcine endogenous retrovirus infection in non-human primate cells: implication for preclinical xenotransplantation.porcine endogenous retrovirus (perv) poses a potential risk of zoonotic infection in xenotransplantation. preclinical transplantation trials using non-human primates (nhp) as recipients of porcine xenografts present the opportunity to assess the zoonosis risk in vivo. however, perv poorly infects nhp cells for unclear reasons and therefore nhp may represent a suboptimal animal model to assess the risk of perv zoonoses. we investigated the mechanism responsible for the low efficiency of perv-a in ...201020949092
identification of specific determinants of human apobec3f, apobec3c, and apobec3de and african green monkey apobec3f that interact with hiv-1 vif.human apobec3f (ha3f) and human apobec3g (ha3g) are potent anti-human immunodeficiency virus (anti-hiv) host factors that suppress viral replication by hypermutating the viral genome, inhibiting reverse transcription, and hindering integration. to overcome ha3f and ha3g, hiv-1 encodes vif, which binds and targets these host proteins for proteasomal degradation. previously, we reported that the ha3f-vif interactions that lead to ha3f degradation are located in the region comprising amino acids 28 ...201020943965
uv-shielding property, photocatalytic activity and photocytotoxicity of ceria colloid solutions.uv-shielding property, photocatalytic activity and cytotoxicity (including photocytotoxicity) of citrate-stabilized ceria colloid solutions were studied. it was established that uv-shielding property (namely, the sun protection factor, the critical absorption wavelength and the uva/uvb-ratio) of ceria nanoparticles are as good as those of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles. it was further demonstrated that ceria nanoparticles possesses substantially lower photocatalytic activity, whic ...201020926307
a web-based brain atlas of the vervet monkey, chlorocebus aethiops.vervet monkeys are a frequently studied animal model in neuroscience research. although equally distantly related to humans, the ancestors of vervets diverged from those of macaques and baboons more than 11 million years ago, antedating the divergence of the ancestors of humans, chimpanzees and gorillas. to facilitate anatomic localization in the vervet brain, two linked on-line electronic atlases are described, one based on registered mri scans from hundreds of vervets ( ...201020923706
[production and evaluation of an antiserum for immunohistochemical detection of rabies virus in aldehyde fixed brain tissues].the standard procedure for rabies diagnosis requires fresh samples of infected brain to be analyzed by two techniques, direct immunofluorescence and inoculation in mice. rabies-infected, aldehyde-fixed brain tissues can be examined by immunohistochemistry, but the required commercial antibodies are scarce and expensive.201020890559
determination of threshold adverse effect doses of percutaneous vx exposure in african green monkeys.percutaneous exposure to the chemical warfare nerve agent vx was evaluated in african green monkeys (n=9). doses of vx (7.5-100 μg/kg) were applied to the skin for 60 min and residual agent was quantified (before decontamination) to estimate the absorbed dose. monkeys were evaluated for the presence or absence of clinical signs of toxicity and blood was sampled periodically (30 min--12 weeks) following exposure to measure the degree of circulating acetylcholinesterase (ache) inhibition. monkeys ...201020887765
genetic identity and biological phenotype of a transmitted/founder virus representative of nonpathogenic simian immunodeficiency virus infection in african green monkeys.understanding the lack of disease progression in nonpathogenic simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) infections is essential for deciphering the immunopathogenesis of human aids. yet, in vivo studies have been hampered by a paucity of infectious molecular clones (imcs) of siv suitable to dissect the viral and host factors responsible for the nonpathogenic phenotype. here, we describe the identification, cloning, and biological analysis of the first transmitted/founder (t/f) virus representing a no ...201020881048
the ultrastructure of the sertoli cell of the vervet monkey, chlorocebus aethiops.the ultrastructure of the sertoli cell of the vervet monkey was studied using both scanning and transmission electron microscopic techniques. sem micrographs revealed perforated sleeve-like processes which encased mature elongated spermatids which are ready for spermiation. tem micrographs showed a large sertoli cell nucleus characterized by many lobes (4-5) and consisting of a homogenous nucleoplasm and a distinctive nucleolus. the nucleus occupies a significant portion of the basal region of t ...201020828773
agent strain variation in human prion disease: insights from a molecular and pathological review of the national institutes of health series of experimentally transmitted disease.six clinico-pathological phenotypes of sporadic creutzfeldt-jakob disease have been characterized which correlate at the molecular level with the type (1 or 2) of the abnormal prion protein, prp(tse), present in the brain and with the genotype of polymorphic (methionine or valine) codon 129 of the prion protein gene. however, to what extent these phenotypes with their corresponding molecular combinations (i.e. mm1, mm2, vv1 etc.) encipher distinct prion strains upon transmission remains uncertai ...201020823086
inhibitory effects on hav ires-mediated translation and replication by a combination of amantadine and interferon-alpha.hepatitis a virus (hav) causes acute hepatitis and sometimes leads to fulminant hepatitis. amantadine is a tricyclic symmetric amine that inhibits the replication of many dna and rna viruses. amantadine was reported to suppress hav replication, and the efficacy of amantadine was exhibited in its inhibition of the internal ribosomal entry site (ires) activities of hav. interferon (ifn) also has an antiviral effect through the induction of ifn stimulated genes (isg) and the degradation of viral rn ...201020815893
a live attenuated h7n7 candidate vaccine virus induces neutralizing antibody that confers protection from challenge in mice, ferrets, and monkeys.a live attenuated h7n7 candidate vaccine virus was generated by reverse genetics using the modified hemagglutinin (ha) and neuraminidase (na) genes of highly pathogenic (hp) a/netherlands/219/03 (nl/03) (h7n7) wild-type (wt) virus and the six internal protein genes of the cold-adapted (ca) a/ann arbor/6/60 ca (aa ca) (h2n2) virus. the reassortant h7n7 nl/03 ca vaccine virus was temperature sensitive and attenuated in mice, ferrets, and african green monkeys (agms). intranasal (i.n.) administrati ...201020810733
conformational adaptation of asian macaque trimcyp directs lineage specific antiviral activity.trimcyps are anti-retroviral proteins that have arisen independently in new world and old world primates. all trimcyps comprise a cypa domain fused to the tripartite domains of trim5alpha but they have distinct lentiviral specificities, conferring hiv-1 restriction in new world owl monkeys and hiv-2 restriction in old world rhesus macaques. here we provide evidence that asian macaque trimcyps have acquired changes that switch restriction specificity between different lentiviral lineages, resulti ...201020808866
primary pneumonic plague in the african green monkey as a model for treatment efficacy evaluation.primary pneumonic plague is rare among humans, but treatment efficacy may be tested in appropriate animal models under the fda 'animal rule'.201120722770
effects of the fusarium mycotoxins zearalenone and deoxynivalenol on the mitochondrial methylthiazol tetrazolium-cleavage activity of monolayer cells.the application of a modified colorimetric assay for the evaluation of mycotoxin-derived cytotoxicity is reported. using four mammalian monolayer cell types (swine kidney, african green monkey kidney, madin darbin canine kidney and bovine embryonic lung cells), the influence of the mycotoxins zearalenone and deoxynivalenol on the cellular methylthiazoltetrazolium (mtt)-cleavage activity was evaluated after different toxin exposure times. the yellow tetrazolium salt is converted by mitochondrial ...198920702297
prevalence of hypermucoid klebsiella pneumoniae among wild-caught and captive vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) on the island of st. kitts.invasive, hypermucoid klebsiella pneumoniae causes severe abscess formation in humans and in certain species of nonhuman primates. we conducted a survey of captive and wild-caught african green monkeys, or vervets (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus), on the caribbean island of st. kitts to assess their carriage rate of klebsiella spp. forty percent of rectal swabs from captive monkeys were positive for k. pneumoniae, and 20% of wild-caught animals were positive. two wild-caught monkeys (4%) were posi ...201020688708
postrelease success of two rehabilitated vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops) troops in kwazulu-natal, south south africa, the most common primate in rehabilitation centres is the vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops). here we evaluated the efficacy of releasing two vervet monkey troops into the wild, using the standard methods employed by an established rehabilitation centre. two troops were assembled over 2-3 years. coloured ear tags identified adults, subadults and juveniles. radiocollars were placed on all the adults and subadults of both troops (41% of all individuals). each troop was released a ...201020668387
a novel model of lethal hendra virus infection in african green monkeys and the effectiveness of ribavirin treatment.the henipaviruses, hendra virus (hev) and nipah virus (niv), are emerging zoonotic paramyxoviruses that can cause severe and often lethal neurologic and/or respiratory disease in a wide variety of mammalian hosts, including humans. there are presently no licensed vaccines or treatment options approved for human or veterinarian use. guinea pigs, hamsters, cats, and ferrets, have been evaluated as animal models of human hev infection, but studies in nonhuman primates (nhp) have not been reported, ...201020660198
nonprogressive and progressive primate immunodeficiency lentivirus infections.natural hosts for simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) can be, and are often naturally, infected with species-specific sivs, but do not develop acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). these natural hosts maintain high siv viral loads, but avoid immunodeficiency. elucidating the mechanisms that allow natural hosts to coexist with siv without overt disease may provide crucial information for understanding aids pathogenesis. over the past few years, several key features of natural siv infections ...201020620940
murine double minute 2 as a modulator of retroviral restrictions mediated by human cells, endogenous trim5alpha strongly inhibits n-tropic strains of murine leukemia virus (n-mlv) but does not target the closely related b-mlv. we have used a shrna-based loss-of-function screen to isolate factors other than trim5alpha involved in the restriction of n-mlv. in one of the isolated clones, the shrna expressed was found to target the murine double minute-2 mrna. knocking down mdm2 increased n-mlv and eiav infection of human cells by 2- to 5-fold while having little effect o ...201020619429
medium osmolarity-dependent biosynthesis of renal cellular sulfoglycolipids is mediated by the mapk signaling pathway.verots s3 and vero317 cells were shown by metabolic labeling with (35)s-sulfate to contain many more sulfoglycosphingolipids than original vero cells derived from african green monkey kidney. the activity of galactosyl ceramide sulfotransferase (gst) was shown to be 89- and 92-fold higher in vero317 cells and verots s3 cells, respectively, than that of the parent cells, whereas the activity of the degradation enzyme, arylsulfatase a, was unchanged among all the three cell strains. gst gene trans ...201020619354
pharmacokinetics of opda, an organophosphorus hydrolase, in the african green monkey.organophosphorus (op) pesticides are a broad class of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors that are responsible for tremendous morbidity and mortality worldwide, contributing to an estimated 300,000 deaths annually. current pharmacotherapy for acute op poisoning includes the use of atropine, an oxime, and benzodiazepines. however, even with such therapy, the mortality from these agents are as high as 40%. enzymatic hydrolysis of ops is an attractive new potential therapy for acute op poisoning. a num ...201020599794
development of eimeria ninakohlyakimovae in vitro in primary and permanent cell lines.infections with eimeria ninakohlyakimovae represent important coccidian diseases of goats severely affecting animal health and profitability of goat industry. for the development of suitable vaccination strategies basic research is needed for which one important prerequisite is the establishment of in vitro cultures guaranteeing the availability of parasitic material. therefore, primary cell cultures [caprine, bovine and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (cuvec, buvec, huvec)] as well as pe ...201020594648
internalization of the opioid growth factor, [met5]-enkephalin, is dependent on clathrin-mediated endocytosis for downregulation of cell proliferation.the opioid growth factor (ogf; [met(5)]-enkephalin), a constitutively expressed and tonically active inhibitory peptide, interacts with the ogf receptor (ogfr) to form an endogenous growth-regulating pathway in homeostasis. amplification of ogf-ogfr interfacing in animal and clinical studies depresses development, neoplasia, angiogenesis, and immunity. disruption of the ogf-ogfr axis accelerates cell proliferation and has been particularly important in wound repair. to investigate how ogf enters ...201020592180
alpha/beta interferon (ifn-alpha/beta)-independent induction of ifn-lambda1 (interleukin-29) in response to hantaan virus infection.type iii interferons ([ifns] ifn-lambda and interleukin-28 and -29 [il-28/29]) are recently recognized cytokines with innate antiviral effects similar to those of type i ifns (ifn-alpha/beta). like ifn-alpha/beta, ifn-lambda-expression can be induced by viruses, and it is believed that type i and iii ifns are regulated in the same manner. hantaviruses are weak ifn-alpha/beta inducers and have surprisingly been shown to activate ifn-alpha/beta-independent ifn-stimulated gene (isg) expression. her ...201020592090
identification of a critical t(q/d/e)x5adx2(i/l) motif from primate lentivirus vif proteins that regulate apobec3g and apobec3f neutralizing activity.primate lentiviruses are unique in that they produce several accessory proteins to help in the establishment of productive viral infection. the major function of these proteins is to clear host resistance factors that inhibit viral replication. vif is one of these proteins. it functions as an adaptor that binds to the cytidine deaminases apobec3g (a3g) and apobec3f (a3f) and bridges them to a cullin 5 (cul5) and elongin (elo) b/c e3 ubiquitin ligase complex for proteasomal degradation. so far, 1 ...201020592083
susceptible cell lines for the production of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus by stable transfection of sialoadhesin and cd163.porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) causes major economic losses in the pig industry worldwide. in vivo, the virus infects a subpopulation of tissue macrophages. in vitro, prrsv only replicates in primary pig macrophages and african green monkey kidney derived cells, such as marc-145. the latter is currently used for vaccine production. however, since virus entry in marc-145 cells is different compared to entry in primary macrophages, specific epitopes associated with vir ...201020587060
anti-proliferative and antioxidative activities of thai noni/yor (morinda citrifolia linn.) leaf this study the leaves of the thai noni/yor, (morinda citrifolia linn.) were extracted by several methods and evaluated against human cancer cell lines: kb (human epidermoid carcinoma), hela (human cervical carcinoma), mcf-7 (human breast carcinoma) and hepg2 (human hepatocellular carcinoma) cell lines as well as a vero (african green monkey kidney) cell line, employing the mtt colorimetric method, comparing it to damnacanthal, rutin, and scopoletin. the dichloromethane extract of the fresh le ...201020578533
new world hantaviruses activate ifnlambda production in type i ifn-deficient vero e6 cells.hantaviruses indigenous to the new world are the etiologic agents of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (hcps). these viruses induce a strong interferon-stimulated gene (isg) response in human endothelial cells. african green monkey-derived vero e6 cells are used to propagate hantaviruses as well as many other viruses. the utility of the vero e6 cell line for virus production is thought to owe to their lack of genes encoding type i interferons (ifn), rendering them unable to mount an efficient ...201020567522
besnoitia neotomofelis n. sp. (protozoa: apicomplexa) from the southern plains woodrat ( neotoma micropus).certain species of the protozoan genus besnoitia cause clinical disease in livestock and wildlife. in the present paper a new species, besnoitia neotomofelis is described from the southern planes woodrat (neotoma micropus). the parasite was detected by bioassay of woodrat tissues in outbred swiss webster mice in an attempt to isolate toxoplasma gondii. initially, the organism was misdiagnosed as t. gondii because it was highly pathogenic for mice and its tachyzoites resembled t. gondii tachyzoit ...201020561393
th17 cells in natural siv summarize our current understanding of the regulation of th17 cells in pathogenic and nonpathogenic lentiviral infections.201020543595
th17 cells and hiv infection.this review summarizes the recent literature about the potential perturbation and role of th17 cells in hiv pathogenesis. we discuss the recent findings on th17 deficiency in hiv/simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) infection and how this deficiency may impact the mucosal host defenses, potentially contributing to chronic immune activation.201020543592
clinical chemistry and hematology values in a caribbean population of african green monkeys.hematology and clinical chemistry (hcc) reference values are critical in veterinary practice and in vivo pre-clinical research, enabling detection of health abnormalities, response to therapeutic intervention or adverse toxicological effects, as well as monitoring of clinical management.201020524957
ratio of hcv structural antigens in protein-based vaccine formulations is critical for functional immune response induction.hcv (hepatitis c virus) infection is among the leading causes of chronic liver disease, but currently there is no vaccine available. data have accumulated about the importance of targeting different hcv antigens in vaccine candidate preparations. here, a surface response study to select the optimal ratio of recombinant hcv structural antigens in a vaccine preparation, capable of generating in vivo functional cellular immune response in mice, was performed. the immunogenicity of the selected hcv ...201020515441
rvx-208: a small molecule that increases apolipoprotein a-i and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in vitro and in vivo.the aim of this study was to determine whether a novel small molecule rvx-208 affects apolipoprotein (apo)a-i and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (hdl-c) levels in vitro and in vivo.201020513599
development of an acute and highly pathogenic nonhuman primate model of nipah virus infection.nipah virus (niv) is an enigmatic emerging pathogen that causes severe and often fatal neurologic and/or respiratory disease in both animals and humans. amongst people, case fatality rates range between 40 and 75 percent and there are no vaccines or treatments approved for human use. guinea pigs, hamsters, cats, ferrets, pigs and most recently squirrel monkeys (new world monkey) have been evaluated as animal models of human niv infection, and with the exception of the ferret, no model recapitula ...201020502528
uridine uptake by nerve cells of the grivet monkey and its relation to cytoplasmic ribonucleic acid concentration.following intravenous injection of tritiated uridine to a grivet monkey, the uptake in nerve cell nuclei was determined autoradiographically in different brain regions, in the choroid plexus, liver and kidney. it is shown (1) that there are obvious differences in the labelling in different brain areas, and (2) that the labelling, compared with earlier results in mice, is the same in some regions but different in others. the uridine labelling was inversely related to the microspectrophotometrical ...198320487981
clinicopathologic characterization of naturally occurring diabetes mellitus in vervet monkeys.diabetes mellitus (dm) is a group of chronic metabolic diseases characterized by persistent fasting hyperglycemia, and it can be of either polygenic or monogenic origin. animal models have played an important role in elucidating the pathophysiology of the polygenic type 1 and type 2 dm forms; however, useful animal models of the monogenic forms do not exist. the authors describe 4 cases of naturally occurring dm in vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus), 1 of which has clinicopathologic f ...201020460450
experimental depletion of cd8+ cells in acutely sivagm-infected african green monkeys results in increased viral vivo cd8+ cell depletions in pathogenic siv infections identified a key role for cellular immunity in controlling viral load (vl) and disease progression. however, similar studies gave discordant results in chronically-infected sms, leading some authors to propose that in natural hosts, siv replication is independent of cellular immunity. to assess the role of cellular immune responses in the control of siv replication in natural hosts, we investigated the impact of cd8+ cell depletion during ...201020459829
evaluation of miosis, behavior and cholinesterase inhibition from low-level, whole-body vapor exposure to soman in african green monkeys (chlorocebus sabeus).relatively little is known about the effects of very low-level exposures to nerve agents where few signs or symptoms are present.201020412376
bile tolerant lactobacillus reuteri isolated from pig feces inhibits enteric bacterial pathogens and porcine rotavirus.lactic acid producing bacterial strain probio-16 was isolated from the swine excrements under anaerobic conditions and characterized by morphology and biochemical characteristics. the strain was further identified by 16s rrna gene sequencing and phylogeneitc analysis. the antimicrobial activity of the strain was assayed by testing for growth inhibition of thirteen pathogenic microorganisms. the strain was tested for antiviral activity against porcine rotavirus in vitro in african green monkey ep ...201020396947
cyclohexene, diketopiperazine, lactone and phenol derivatives from the sea fan-derived fungi nigrospora sp. psu-f11 and psu-f12.nigrosporanenes a (1) and b (2), two new cylohexene derivatives, and tyrosol (3) were isolated from the sea fan-derived fungus nigrospora sp. psu-f11, whereas five known compounds: 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (4), aplysiopsene d (5), 3-isochromanone (6), (-)-drimenin (7) and diketopiperazine derivative (8), were obtained from the fungus nigrospora sp. psu-f12. their structures were established by spectroscopic evidence. we also tested their cytotoxic (on african green monkey kidney fibroblast and brea ...201020361301
opposite effects of two different strains of equine herpesvirus 1 infection on cytoskeleton composition in equine dermal ed and african green monkey kidney vero cell lines: application of scanning cytometry and confocal-microscopy-based image analysis in a quantitative study.viruses can reorganize the cytoskeleton and restructure the host cell transport machinery. during infection viruses use different cellular cues and signals to enlist the cytoskeleton for their mission. however, each virus specifically affects the cytoskeleton structure. thus, the aim of our study was to investigate the cytoskeletal changes in homologous equine dermal (ed) and heterologous vero cell lines infected with either equine herpesvirus 1 (ehv-1) strain rac-h or jan-e. we found that rac-h ...201020349252
hematological, biochemical, respiratory, cardiovascular and electroneurophysiological parameters in african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus). its use in non-clinical toxicological studies.the purpose of this study is to better characterize the hematological, biochemical, respiratory, cardiovascular and electroneurophysiological parameters in young adult cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus of both sexes. the rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys are widely used as experimental primate models. however, only few articles have been published testing toxicological effects of pharmaceuticals on african green monkey.201020345770
attempts to infect african green monkeys by oral administration of poliomyelitis virus. 194720292044
a new blood spirochaete in the grivet monkey; ceropithecus aethiops. 194720291370
induction of interferon-gamma-inducible protein 10 by sars-cov infection, interferon alfacon 1 and interferon inducer in human bronchial epithelial calu-3 cells and balb/c mice.the pathogenesis of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (sars-cov) is poorly understood. several mechanisms involving both direct effects on target cells and indirect effects via the immune system might exist. sars-cov has been shown in vitro to induce changes of cytokines and chemokines in various human and animal cells. we previously reported that interferon (ifn) alfacon-1 was more active against sars-cov infection in human bronchial epithelial calu-3 cells than in african green mon ...201020231782
establishing a model spinal cord injury in the african green monkey for the preclinical evaluation of biodegradable polymer scaffolds seeded with human neural stem cells.given the involvement of post-mitotic neurons, long axonal tracts and incompletely elucidated injury and repair pathways, spinal cord injury (sci) presents a particular challenge for the creation of preclinical models to robustly evaluate longitudinal changes in neuromotor function in the setting in the presence and absence of intervention. while rodent models exhibit high degrees of spontaneous recovery from sci injury, animal care concerns preclude complete cord transections in non-human prima ...201020219534
changes in ranging and agonistic behavior of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) after predator-induced group fusion.socio-ecological theory predicts that group fusion in female-philopatric primate species will be rare because females experience increased costs by associating with non-relatives. indeed, fusion has been reported only 14 times in only 4 female-philopatric cercopithecines despite many years of observation. here, we describe changes in ranging and agonistic behavior of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) after the fusion of two groups, the sole group fusion during 11 years of observation, indu ...201020213654
immunogenicity and some safety features of a vegf-based cancer therapeutic vaccine in rats, rabbits and non-human primates.we have developed a cancer vaccine candidate (hereafter denominated cigb-247), based on recombinant modified human vascular endothelial growth factor (vegf) as antigen, and the adjuvant vssp (very small sized proteoliposomes of neisseria meningitidis outer membrane). in mice, previous work of our group had shown that vaccination with cigb-247 extended tumor-take time, slowed tumor growth, and increased animal survival. immunization elicited anti-human and murine vegf-neutralizing antibodies, and ...201020197134
simian varicella virus pathogenesis.because varicella zoster virus (vzv) is an exclusively human pathogen, the development of an animal model is necessary to study pathogenesis, latency, and reactivation. the pathological, virological, and immunological features of simian varicella virus (svv) infection in nonhuman primates are similar to those of vzv infection in humans. both natural infection of cynomolgus and african green monkeys as well as intrabronchial inoculation of rhesus macaques with svv provide the most useful models t ...201020186611
meta-analysis of supramaximal effects in in vitro estrogenicity scientific literature, several estrogenic compounds are reported to induce responses in vitro that are significantly higher than that of estradiol (e2). these supramaximal (spmx) estrogenic effects do not occur consistently and seem to differ depending on the cellular models applied. this study analyzes the possible underlying causes, mechanisms, and drivers for spmx estrogenic effects in in vitro functional assays reported in the peer-reviewed literature. for the 21 natural and industrial ch ...201020176621
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