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integrated metabolo-proteomic approach to decipher the mechanisms by which wheat qtl (fhb1) contributes to resistance against fusarium graminearum.resistance in plants to pathogen attack can be qualitative or quantitative. for the latter, hundreds of quantitative trait loci (qtls) have been identified, but the mechanisms of resistance are largely unknown. integrated non-target metabolomics and proteomics, using high resolution hybrid mass spectrometry, were applied to identify the mechanisms of resistance governed by the fusarium head blight resistance locus, fhb1, in the near isogenic lines derived from wheat genotype nyubai.201222866179
overexpression of nrps4 leads to increased surface hydrophobicity in fusarium graminearum.the plant pathogen fusarium graminearum is the infamous cause of fusarium head blight worldwide resulting in significant losses of yield and reduced grain feed quality. it also has the potential to produce a range of small bioactive peptides produced by the non ribosomal peptide synthetases (nrpss). most of these are unknown as f. graminearum contains 19 nrps encoding genes, but only three have been assigned products. for the first time, we use deletion and overexpression mutants to investigate ...201222862913
fusarium graminearum tri12p influences virulence to wheat and trichothecene accumulation.the gene tri12 encodes a predicted major facilitator superfamily protein suggested to play a role in export of trichothecene mycotoxins produced by fusarium spp. it is unclear, however, how the tri12 protein (tri12p) may influence trichothecene sensitivity and virulence of the wheat pathogen fusarium graminearum. in this study, we establish a role for tri12 in toxin accumulation and sensitivity as well as in pathogenicity toward wheat. tri12 deletion mutants (tri12) are reduced in virulence and ...201222835271
characterization of novel trichoderma spp. isolates as a search for effective biocontrollers of fungal diseases of economically important crops in argentina.monoconidial cultures of 33 isolates of trichoderma from buenos aires province, argentina were characterized on the basis of twenty eight morphological, physiological and biochemical features. all of them were screened for proteinase, endochitinase and β-1,3 glucanase activity. universally primed pcr (up-pcr) and inter-simple sequence repeat (issr) techniques were used to examine the genetic variability among isolates, which resulted in 127 bands for the total number of isolates. these results w ...201122805919
[diversity and antimicrobial activities of actinomycetes from pesticide-contaminated spots in shandong peninsula].in order to study diversity and find antimicrobial activities of actinomycetes from pesticide-contaminated spots in shandong peninsula.201222799208
mitochondrial carnitine-dependent acetyl coenzyme a transport is required for normal sexual and asexual development of the ascomycete gibberella zeae.fungi have evolved efficient metabolic mechanisms for the exact temporal (developmental stages) and spatial (organelles) production of acetyl coenzyme a (acetyl-coa). we previously demonstrated mechanistic roles of several acetyl-coa synthetic enzymes, namely, atp citrate lyase and acetyl-coa synthetases (acss), in the plant-pathogenic fungus gibberella zeae. in this study, we characterized two carnitine acetyltransferases (cats; cat1 and cat2) to obtain a better understanding of the metabolic p ...201222798392
sublethal concentrations of azoles induce tri transcript levels and trichothecene production in fusarium graminearum.the effect of sublethal concentrations (below the recommended field doses) of propiconazole and tebuconazole on the amount of tri transcripts and accumulation of trichothecenes by three fusarium graminearum isolates of 3adon, 15adon, and niv chemotypes was examined on yeast extract sucrose agar (yes) medium. rt-qpcr analyses showed higher tri4, tri5, and tri11 transcript levels in cultures of all three f. graminearum isolates supplemented with sublethal concentrations of azoles as compared to th ...201222788662
tri12 based quantitative real-time pcr assays reveal the distribution of trichothecene genotypes of f. graminearum and f. culmorum isolates in danish small grain cereals.quantitative real-time pcr assays, based on polymorphisms in the tri12 gene of the trichothecene pathway, were developed to identify and quantify the trichothecene genotypes producing 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol (3adon), 15-acetyl-deoxynivalenol (15adon) or nivalenol (niv) in the fusarium graminearum species complex, fusarium culmorum, fusarium cerealis and fusarium pseudograminearum. these assays were applied on a total of 378 field samples of cereal grain of wheat, barley, triticale, rye and oats ...201222781579
antifungal activity of phenyl derivative of pyranocoumarin from psoralea corylifolia l. seeds by inhibition of acetylation activity of trichothecene 3-o-acetyltransferase (tri101).antifungal activity of petroleum ether extract of psoralea corylifolia l. seed, tested against fusarium sp. namely, fusarium oxysporum, fusarium moniliforme, and fusarium graminearum, was evaluated by agar well diffusion assay. the chromatographic fractionation of the extract yielded a new phenyl derivative of pyranocoumarin (pdp). the structure of the pdp was confirmed using spectroscopic characterization (gc-ms, ir, and nmr), and a molecular mass of m/z 414 [m-2h](+) with molecular formula c(2 ...201222778547
subcellular targeting of an evolutionarily conserved plant defensin mtdef4.2 determines the outcome of plant-pathogen interaction in transgenic arabidopsis.the medicago truncatula gene encoding an evolutionarily conserved antifungal defensin mtdef4.2 was cloned and characterized. in silico expression analysis indicated that mtdef4.2 is expressed in many tissues during the normal growth and development of m. truncatula. mtdef4.2 exhibits potent broad-spectrum antifungal activity against various fusarium spp. transgenic arabidopsis thaliana lines in which mtdef4.2 was targeted to three different subcellular compartments were generated. these lines we ...201222776629
cocultivation of phytopathogenic fusarium and alternaria strains affects fungal growth and mycotoxin production.a laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the influence of cocultivation of toxigenic fusarium (f.) and alternaria (a.) fungi with respect to growth and mycotoxin production.201222776416
interactions of fusarium species during prepenetration development.interspecies interactions between fusarium avenaceum, fusarium culmorum, fusarium graminearum, fusarium poae, and fusarium tricinctum were studied during early growth stages of isolates on model surfaces. additionally, germination and germ tube growth of the pathogens were studied on attached and detached wheat leaves at 10 °c and 22 °c. two-species interactions between fusarium isolates during germination and germ tube growth were assessed after 8 hours of incubation. all species except f. tric ...201222749170
isolactarane and sterpurane sesquiterpenoids from the basidiomycete phlebia uda.three new sesquiterpenoids, named udasterpurenol a, udalactarane a, and udalactarane b, as well as the known compounds hyphodontal and sterpuric acid have been isolated from the basidiomycete phlebia uda. these compounds represent the first natural products described from this species. the structures were elucidated by nmr spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. udalactaranes a and b were isolated as mixtures with their respective epimeric acetals. these mixtures inhibited the spore germination of t ...201222746380
modelling mycotoxin formation by fusarium graminearum in maize in the netherlands.the predominant species in maize in temperate climates is fusarium graminearum, which produces the mycotoxins deoxynivalenol and zearalenone. projected climate change is expected to affect fusarium incidence and thus the occurrence of these mycotoxins. predictive models may be helpful in determining trends in the levels of these mycotoxins with expected changing climatic conditions. the aim of this study was to develop a model describing fungal infection and subsequent growth as well as the form ...201222725695
identification, characterization and mapping of differentially expressed genes in a winter wheat cultivar (centenaire) resistant to fusarium graminearum infection.fusarium head blight (fhb), predominantly caused by fusarium graminearum, is a destructive disease that poses a serious threat to wheat (triticum aestivum l.) production around the world. a suppression subtractive hybridization (ssh) cdna library was constructed from f. graminearum infected spikes of a resistant belgian winter wheat variety centenaire, exhibiting type ii resistance to fhb. forty-three differentially expressed transcripts were identified and classified in different categories acc ...201222718510
characterization of the four gh12 endoxylanases from the plant pathogen fusarium graminearum.four putative gh12 genes were found in the fusarium graminearum genome. the corresponding proteins were expressed in escherichia coli, purified, and evaluated. fgsg_05851 and fgsg_11037 displayed high activities towards xyloglucan (v(max) of 4 and 11 micronmol/min, respectively), whereas fgsg_07892 and fgsg_16349 were much less active with this substrate (0.081 and 0.004 micronmol/min, respectively). however, all four of these enzymes had a similar binding affinity for xyloglucan. xyloglucan was ...201222713989
fgvelb is associated with vegetative differentiation, secondary metabolism and virulence in fusarium graminearum.the velvet complex containing vea, velb and laea has been showed to play critical roles in the regulation of secondary metabolism and diverse cellular processes in aspergillus spp. in this study, we identified fgvelb, a homolog of aspergillus nidulans velb, from fusarium graminearum using the blastp program. disruption of fgvelb gene led to several phenotypic defects, including suppression of aerial hyphae formation, reduced hyphal hydrophobicity and highly increased conidiation. the mutant show ...201222713714
characterizing heterogeneity of disease incidence in a spatial hierarchy: a case study from a decade of observations of fusarium head blight of wheat.a multilevel analysis of heterogeneity of disease incidence was conducted based on observations of fusarium head blight (caused by fusarium graminearum) in ohio during the 2002-11 growing seasons. sampling consisted of counting the number of diseased and healthy wheat spikes per 0.3 m of row at 10 sites (about 30 m apart) in a total of 67 to 159 sampled fields in 12 to 32 sampled counties per year. incidence was then determined as the proportion of diseased spikes at each site. spatial heterogen ...201222713079
transcriptome analyses during fruiting body formation in fusarium graminearum and fusarium verticillioides reflect species life history and ecology.fusarium graminearum and f. verticillioides are devastating cereal pathogens with very different life history and ecological characteristics. f. graminearum is homothallic, and sexual spores are an important component of its life cycle, responsible for disease initiation. f. verticilloides is heterothallic, and produces only modest numbers of fruiting bodies, which are not a significant source of inoculum. to identify corresponding differences in the transcriptional program underlying fruiting b ...201222705880
functional analyses of the nitrogen regulatory gene area in gibberella zeae.fusarium head blight caused by gibberella zeae is a prominent disease of cereal crops that poses serious human health concerns due to the contamination of grains with mycotoxins. in this study, we deleted an orthologue of area, which is a global nitrogen regulator in filamentous fungi, to characterize its functions in g. zeae. the area deletion resulted in an inability to use nitrate as a sole nitrogen source, whereas urea utilization was partially available. the virulence of δarea strains on wh ...201222702217
the amt1 arginine methyltransferase gene is important for plant infection and normal hyphal growth in fusarium graminearum.arginine methylation of non-histone proteins by protein arginine methyltransferase (prmt) has been shown to be important for various biological processes from yeast to human. although prmt genes are well conserved in fungi, none of them have been functionally characterized in plant pathogenic ascomycetes. in this study, we identified and characterized all of the four predicted prmt genes in fusarium graminearum, the causal agent of fusarium head blight of wheat and barley. whereas deletion of th ...201222693618
the wor1-like protein fgp1 regulates pathogenicity, toxin synthesis and reproduction in the phytopathogenic fungus fusarium graminearum.wor1 is a gene for a conserved fungal regulatory protein controlling the dimorphic switch and pathogenicity determents in candida albicans and its ortholog in the plant pathogen fusarium oxysporum, called sge1, is required for pathogenicity and expression of key plant effector proteins. f. graminearum, an important pathogen of cereals, is not known to employ switching and no effector proteins from f. graminearum have been found to date that are required for infection. in this study, the potentia ...201222693448
overexpression of wheat lipid transfer protein gene taltp5 increases resistances to cochliobolus sativus and fusarium graminearum in transgenic wheat.the fungus cochliobolus sativus is the main pathogen of common root rot, a serious soil-borne disease of wheat (triticum aestivum l.). the fungus fusarium graminearum is the primary pathogen of fusarium head blight, a devastating disease of wheat worldwide. in this study, the wheat lipid transfer protein gene, taltp5, was cloned and evaluated for its ability to suppress disease development in transgenic wheat. taltp5 expression was induced after c. sativus infection. the taltp5 expression vector ...201222689341
expression of the cameleon calcium biosensor in fungi reveals distinct ca(2+) signatures associated with polarized growth, development, and pathogenesis.calcium is a universal messenger that translates diverse environmental stimuli and developmental cues into specific cellular and developmental responses. while individual fungal species have evolved complex and often unique biochemical and structural mechanisms to exploit specific ecological niches and to adjust growth and development in response to external stimuli, one universal feature to all is that ca(2+)-mediated signaling is involved. the lack of a robust method for imaging spatial and te ...201222683653
a method for making directed changes to the fusarium graminearum genome without leaving markers or other extraneous dna.a method is described which allows exact targeted changes to the fusarium graminearum genome, including changes of as little as one particular base pair to gene-size insertions, replacements or modifications. the technique leaves no other dna in the genome, such as marker genes, and can be used serially to effect multiple complex changes in any desired chromosomal locations. the method is based on our previous finding that after transformation, dna with homology to f. graminearum dna recombines ...201222664277
morphogenetic and developmental functions of the aspergillus nidulans homologues of the yeast bud site selection proteins bud4 and axl2.the yeast bud site selection system represents a paradigm for understanding how fungal cells regulate the formation of a polarity axis. in saccharomyces cerevisiae, bud4 and axl2 are components of the axial bud site marker. to address the possibility that these proteins regulate cellular morphogenesis in filamentous fungi, we have characterized homologues of bud4 and axl2 in aspergillus nidulans. our results show that bud4 is involved in septum formation in both hyphae and developing conidiophor ...201222651396
a putative transcription factor myt2 regulates perithecium size in the ascomycete gibberella zeae.the homothallic ascomycete fungus gibberella zeae is a plant pathogen that is found worldwide, causing fusarium head blight (fhb) in cereal crops and ear rot of maize. ascospores formed in fruiting bodies (i.e., perithecia) are hypothesized to be the primary inocula for fhb disease. perithecium development is a complex cellular differentiation process controlled by many developmentally regulated genes. in this study, we selected a previously reported putative transcription factor containing the ...201222649560
synthesis and antifungal activity of novel pyrazolecarboxamide derivatives containing a hydrazone moiety.the plant pathogenic fungus (such as gibberella zeae, fusarium oxysporum and cytospora mandshurica) causes devastating disease in agriculture. the pathogenic fungus is responsible for billions of dollars in economic losses worldwide each year. in order to discover new fungicidal molecule with good fungicidal activity against g. zeae, f. oxysporum, and c. mandshurica, we sought to combine the active sub-structure of hydrazone and pyrazole amide derivatives together to design and synthesize novel ...201222647315
role of fig1, a component of the low-affinity calcium uptake system, in growth and sexual development of filamentous fungi.the function of fig1, a transmembrane protein of the low-affinity calcium uptake system (lacs) in fungi, was examined for its role in the growth and development of the plant pathogen fusarium graminearum. the δfig1 mutants failed to produce mature perithecia, and sexual development was halted prior to the formation of perithecium initials. the loss of fig1 function also resulted in a reduced vegetative growth rate. macroconidium production was reduced 70-fold in the δfig1 mutants compared to the ...201222635922
functional analyses of regulators of g protein signaling in gibberella zeae.regulators of g protein signaling (rgs) proteins make up a highly diverse and multifunctional protein family that plays a critical role in controlling heterotrimeric g protein signaling. in this study, seven rgs genes (fgflba, fgflbb, fgrgsa, fgrgsb, fgrgsb2, fgrgsc, and fggprk) were functionally characterized in the plant pathogenic fungus, gibberella zeae. mutant phenotypes were observed for deletion mutants of fgrgsa and fgrgsb in vegetative growth, fgflbb and fgrgsb in conidia morphology, fg ...201222634273
characterization of magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1 structural proteins and their expression in saccharomyces cerevisiae.magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1 (mocv1), which is associated with an impaired growth phenotype of its host fungus, harbors four major proteins: p130 (130 kda), p70 (70 kda), p65 (65 kda), and p58 (58 kda). n-terminal sequence analysis of each protein revealed that p130 was encoded by double-stranded rna1 (dsrna1) (open reading frame 1 [orf1] 1,127 amino acids [aa]), p70 by dsrna4 (orf4; 812 aa), and p58 by dsrna3 (orf3; 799 aa), although the molecular masses of p58 and p70 were significantly sm ...201222623797
mycoflora and ochratoxin a control in wheat grain using natural extracts obtained from wine industry by-products.the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of some natural extracts obtained from grape pomace (gpe) and grape seeds (gse) as compared to a synthetic food, antioxidant-butylated hydroxytoluene (bht), in order to control fungal population and ochratoxin a (ota) production in naturally contaminated wheat. the results showed that the addition of these extracts was efficient with ota content decreasing. on treatment with these extracts the loss of ota content after 14 days was in the range 7.8 ...201222606022
the stress-activated protein kinase fgos-2 is a key regulator in the life cycle of the cereal pathogen fusarium graminearum.fusarium graminearum is one of the most destructive pathogens of cereals and a threat to food and feed production worldwide. it is an ascomycetous plant pathogen and the causal agent of fusarium head blight disease in small grain cereals and of cob rot disease in maize. infection with f. graminearum leads to yield losses and mycotoxin contamination. zearalenone (zea) and deoxynivalenol (don) are hazardous mycotoxins; the latter is necessary for virulence toward wheat. deletion mutants of the f. ...201222591226
the correlation of genetic diversity and geographic distribution of fusarium graminearum in north part of iran.fusarium head blight (fhb), caused mainly by fusarium graminearum, is one of the most notorious diseases in north part of iran. due to lack of sufficient information regarding genetic diversity of fhb, the correlation between genetic diversity and geographic distribution of 52 isolates that collected from infected wheat kernels from four main grown region of north part of iran were analyzed with 10 simple sequence repeat (ssr) primers and 15 random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) primers. the u ...201122590833
mannitol induces the conversion of conidia to chlamydospore-like structures that confer enhanced tolerance to heat, drought, and uv in gibberella zeae.fungi use mannitol to store carbon, balance redox, and mannitol serves as an antioxidant. several fungi also increase stress tolerance by accumulating mannitol. the results of this study showed that conidia of the cereal head blight fungus gibberella zeae were readily changed to chlamydospore-like structures (cls) in cultures supplemented with high amounts of mannitol. cls cellular features were atypical of chlamydospores, but accumulated high levels of glycogen, lipids, and chitin in the cytopl ...201222580127
characterisation of the fusarium graminearum-wheat floral interaction.fusarium ear blight is a destructive fungal disease of cereals including wheat and can contaminate the crop with various trichothecene mycotoxins. this investigation has produced a new β-glucuronidase (gus) reporter strain that facilitates the quick and easy assessment of plant infection. the constitutively expressed gpda:gus strain of fusarium graminearum was used to quantify the overall colonisation pattern. histochemical and biochemical approaches confirmed, in susceptible wheat ear infection ...201122567335
antagonistic potentiality of trichoderma harzianum towards seed-borne fungal pathogens of winter wheat cv. protiva in vitro and in vivo.the antagonistic effect of trichoderma harzianum on a range of seed-borne fungal pathogens of wheat (viz. fusarium graminearum, bipolaris sorokiniana, aspergillus spp., and penicillium spp.) was assessed. the potential of t. harzianum as a biocontrol agent was tested in vitro and under field conditions. coculture of the pathogens and trichoderma under laboratory conditions clearly showed dominance of t. harzianum. under natural conditions, biocontrol effects were also obtained against the test f ...201222561850
synthesis and fungicidal activity of novel pimprinine analogues.a simple and efficient synthetic protocol for 5-(3-indolyl)-oxazoles has been developed and further used to synthesize a series of novel analogues of natural product pimprinine. all new compounds were identified by (1)h nmr, high resolution mass spectrometry, and the structures of 10 and 18o were further confirmed by x-ray crystallographic diffraction analysis. bioassay conducted at syngenta showed that several of the synthesized compounds exhibited fungicidal activity. compounds 10, 17, 18 h, 1 ...201222560632
genome-wide expression profiling shows transcriptional reprogramming in fusarium graminearum by fusarium graminearum virus 1-dk21 infection.fusarium graminearum virus 1 strain-dk21 (fgv1-dk21) is a mycovirus that confers hypovirulence to f. graminearum, which is the primary phytopathogenic fungus that causes fusarium head blight (fhb) disease in many cereals. understanding the interaction between mycoviruses and plant pathogenic fungi is necessary for preventing damage caused by f. graminearum. therefore, we investigated important cellular regulatory processes in a host containing fgv1-dk21 as compared to an uninfected parent using ...201222559730
impact of cycling temperatures on fusarium verticillioides and fusarium graminearum growth and mycotoxins production in soybean.fusarium graminearum and f. verticillioides are two very important mycotoxigenic species as they cause diverse diseases in crops. the effects of constant and cycling temperatures on growth and mycotoxin production of these species were studied on soybean based medium and on irradiated soya beans.201222555960
synthesis and bioactivity of pyrazole acyl thiourea derivatives.sixteen novel pyrazole acyl thiourea derivatives 6 were synthesized from monomethylhydrazine (phenylhydrazine) and ethyl acetoacetate. the key 5-chloro-3-methyl-1-substituted-1h-pyrazole-4-carbonyl chloride intermediates 4 were first generated in four steps through cyclization, formylation, oxidation and acylation. thess were then reacted with ammonium thiocyanate in the presence of peg-400 to afford 5-chloro-3-methyl-1-substituted-1h-pyrazole-4-carbonyl isothiocyanates 5. subsequent reaction wi ...201222555301
hyd5 gene-based detection of the major gushing-inducing fusarium spp. in a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) assay.fusarium graminearum and the closely related f. culmorum were found to be associated with over foaming of bottled beer (gushing) when contaminated brewing malt is used. the presence of highly surface active hydrophobins produced by these fungi upon growth on wheat or barley in the field or during malting may affect bubble formation and stability in gushing beers and other carbonated beverages. aiming for a method for the rapid and user friendly analysis of unmalted and malted cereals during qual ...201222554927
a split luciferase complementation assay for studying in vivo protein-protein interactions in filamentous ascomycetes.protein-protein interactions play important roles in controlling many cellular events. to date, several techniques have been developed for detection of protein-protein interactions in living cells, among which split luciferase complementation has been applied in animal and plant cells. here, we examined whether the split luciferase assay could be used in filamentous ascomycetes, such as gibberella zeae and cochliobolus heterostrophus. the coding sequences of two strongly interacting proteins (th ...201222531843
phosphoproteome profile of fusarium graminearum grown in vitro under nonlimiting conditions.this study presents a high-throughput proteomic analysis of phosphopeptides from fusarium graminearum strain daom 233423 grown in vitro without nutritional limitation. using a combination of strong cation exchange (scx) and immobilized metal affinity chromatography (imac) followed by lc-ms, we identified 2902 putative phosphopeptides with homologous matches to 1496 different proteins. functional classification of the annotated protein set revealed that phosphopeptides from nuclear proteins with ...201222522806
β-tubulins in gibberella zeae: their characterization and contribution to carbendazim resistance.fusarium head blight caused by gibberella zeae is an important disease of wheat and barley because it reduces grain yield and quality and results in the contamination of grain with mycotoxins. recent studies have shown that carbendazim resistance in field strains of g. zeae is not caused by mutation of the β-tubulin gene (β₁ tub), which is the case with other filamentous fungi, but that fungicide resistance is greatly increased by deletion of β₁ tub. the aim of the present study was to clarify t ...201222522694
phytochemicals to suppress fusarium head blight in wheat-chickpea rotation.fusarium diseases cause major economic losses in wheat-based crop rotations. volatile organic compounds (voc) in wheat and rotation crops, such as chickpea, may negatively impact pathogenic fusarium. using the headspace gc-ms method, 16 voc were found in greenhouse-grown wheat leaves: dimethylamine, 2-methyl-1-propanol, octanoic acid-ethyl ester, acetic acid, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, nonanoic acid-ethyl ester, nonanol, n-ethyl-benzenamine, naphthalene, butylated hydroxytoluene, dimethoxy methane, phen ...201222520499
fgvelb globally regulates sexual reproduction, mycotoxin production and pathogenicity in the cereal pathogen fusarium graminearum.the velvet genes are conserved in ascomycetous fungi and function as global regulators of differentiation and secondary metabolism. here, we characterized one of the velvet genes, designated fgvelb, in the plant-pathogenic fungus fusarium graminearum, which causes fusarium head blight in cereals and produces mycotoxins within plants. fgvelb-deleted (δfgvelb) strains produced fewer aerial mycelia with less pigmentation than those of the wild-type (wt) during vegetative growth. under sexual develo ...201222516221
fitness of three fusarium pathogens of rot and head blight of wheat are caused by the same fusarium species. to better understand their biology, this study has compared 30 isolates of the three dominant species using 13 pathogenic and saprophytic fitness measures including aggressiveness for the two diseases, saprophytic growth and fecundity and deoxynivalenol (don) production from saprophytic colonization of grain and straw. pathogenic fitness was generally linked to don production in infected tissue. the superior crown rot fi ...201222500915
relationship between environmental factors, dry matter loss and mycotoxin levels in stored wheat and maize infected with fusarium species.this study examined the relationship between storage environmental factors (water activity (a(w)) (0.89-0.97) and temperature (15°c-30°c)), colonisation of wheat and maize by fusarium graminearum and f. verticillioides respectively and the dry matter losses (dmls) caused and quantified by contamination with deoxynivalenol (don), zearalenone (zea) and fumonisins (fums) during storage. fungal growth was assessed by the amount of co(2) produced under different interacting conditions of a(w) and tem ...201222494580
the predicted secretome of the plant pathogenic fungus fusarium graminearum: a refined comparative analysis.the fungus fusarium graminearum forms an intimate association with the host species wheat whilst infecting the floral tissues at anthesis. during the prolonged latent period of infection, extracellular communication between live pathogen and host cells must occur, implying a role for secreted fungal proteins. the wheat cells in contact with fungal hyphae subsequently die and intracellular hyphal colonisation results in the development of visible disease symptoms. since the original genome annota ...201222493673
sexual development and ascospore discharge in fusarium graminearum.fusarium graminearum has become a model system for studies in development and pathogenicity of filamentous fungi. f. graminearum most easily produces fruiting bodies, called perithecia, on carrot agar. perithecia contain numerous tissue types, produced at specific stages of perithecium development. these include (in order of appearance) formation of the perithecium initials (which give rise to the ascogenous hyphae), the outer wall, paraphyses (sterile mycelia which occupy the center of the peri ...201222491175
characterization of novel di-, tri-, and tetranucleotide microsatellite primers suitable for genotyping various plant pathogenic fungi with special emphasis on fusaria and mycospherella graminicola.the goals of this investigation were to identify and evaluate the use of polymorphic microsatellite marker (pmm) analysis for molecular typing of seventeen plant pathogenic fungi. primers for di-, tri-, and tetranucleotide loci were designed directly from the recently published genomic sequence of mycospherlla graminicola and fusarium graminearum. a total of 20 new microsatellite primers as easy-to-score markers were developed. microsatellite primer pcr (mp-pcr) yielded highly reproducible and c ...201222489135
the feruloyl esterase gene family of fusarium graminearum is differentially regulated by aromatic compounds and hosts.feruloyl esterases can liberate ferulic acid (fa) from plant cell wall polymers. they are expressed by plant pathogenic fungi and could play a role in pathogenicity, although this question has not been addressed yet. the fungus fusarium graminearum is the principal causal agent of fusarium head blight (fhb) and gibberella ear rot (ger), major diseases of wheat, barley, and maize in all temperate regions of the world. the f. graminearum genome contains seven genes with strong homology to feruloyl ...201222483046
qpcr quantification of sphaerodes mycoparasitica biotrophic mycoparasite interaction with fusarium graminearum: in vitro and in planta assays.sphaerodes mycoparasitica, a biotrophic mycoparasite of fusarium species, improved wheat seed germination and seedling growth in vitro compared to trichoderma harzianum, a necrotrophic mycoparasite. however, under phytotron conditions, both s. mycoparasitica and t. harzianum had positive impact on wheat seedlings growth in the presence of f. graminearum. once exposed to the mycoparasites, the dna quantity of f. graminearum in wheat root decreased. observed shifts in dna quantity using qpcr, a se ...201222476566
the top 10 fungal pathogens in molecular plant pathology.the aim of this review was to survey all fungal pathologists with an association with the journal molecular plant pathology and ask them to nominate which fungal pathogens they would place in a 'top 10' based on scientific/economic importance. the survey generated 495 votes from the international community, and resulted in the generation of a top 10 fungal plant pathogen list for molecular plant pathology. the top 10 list includes, in rank order, (1) magnaporthe oryzae; (2) botrytis cinerea; (3) ...201222471698
the histone chaperone asf1 is essential for sexual development in the filamentous fungus sordaria macrospora.ascomycetes develop four major types of fruiting bodies that share a common ancestor, and a set of common core genes most likely controls this process. one way to identify such genes is to search for conserved expression patterns. we analysed microarray data of fusarium graminearum and sordaria macrospora, identifying 78 genes with similar expression patterns during fruiting body development. one of these genes was asf1 (anti-silencing function 1), encoding a predicted histone chaperone. asf1 ex ...201222463819
engineering escherichia coli for succinate production from hemicellulose via consolidated bioprocessing.the recalcitrant nature of hemicellulosic materials and the high cost in depolymerization are the primary obstacles preventing the use of xylan as feedstock for fuel and chemical production. consolidated bioprocessing, incorporating enzyme-generating, biomass-degrading and bioproduct-producing capabilities into a single microorganism, could potentially avoid the cost of the dedicated enzyme generation in the process of xylan utilization. in this study, we engineered escherichia coli strains capa ...201222455836
quantitative trait loci responsible for fusarium head blight resistance in chinese landrace baishanyuehuang.fusarium head blight (fhb), mainly caused by fusarium graminearum, is a destructive disease that can significantly reduce grain yield and quality. deployment of quantitative trait loci (qtls) for fhb resistance in commercial cultivars has been the most effective approach for minimizing the disease losses. 'baishanyuehuang' is a highly fhb-resistant landrace from china. recombinant inbred lines (rils) developed from a cross of 'baishanyuehuang' and 'jagger' were evaluated for fhb resistance in th ...201222454145
association of single nucleotide polymorphic sites in candidate genes with aggressiveness and deoxynivalenol production in fusarium graminearum causing wheat head blight.fusarium graminearum sensu stricto (s.s.) is an ubiquitous pathogen of cereals. the economic impact of fusarium head blight (fhb) is characterized by crop losses and mycotoxin contamination. our objective was to associate snp diversity within candidate genes with phenotypic traits. a total of 77 f. graminearum s.s. isolates was tested for severity of fungal infection (= aggressiveness) and deoxynivalenol (don) production in an inoculated field experiment at two locations in each of two years. fo ...201222409447
gliotoxin effects on fungal growth: mechanisms and exploitation.although initially investigated for its antifungal properties, little is actually known about the effect of gliotoxin on aspergillus fumigatus and other fungi. we have observed that exposure of a. fumigatus to exogenous gliotoxin (14 μg/ml), under gliotoxin-limited growth conditions, results in significant alteration of the expression of 27 proteins (up- and down-regulated >1.9-fold; p<0.05) including de novo expression of cu, zn superoxide dismutase, up-regulated allergen asp f3 expression and ...201222405895
transgenic expression of lactoferrin imparts enhanced resistance to head blight of wheat caused by fusarium graminearum.the development of plant gene transfer systems has allowed for the introgression of alien genes into plant genomes for novel disease control strategies, thus providing a mechanism for broadening the genetic resources available to plant breeders. using the tools of plant genetic engineering, a broad-spectrum antimicrobial gene was tested for resistance against head blight caused by fusarium graminearum schwabe, a devastating disease of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) and barley (hordeum vulgare l.) ...201222405032
effect of salicylic acid on fusarium graminearum, the major causal agent of fusarium head blight in wheat.salicylic acid (sa) is one of the key signal molecules in regulating plant resistance to diverse pathogens. in arabidopsis thaliana, it is predominantly associated with resistance against biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens, and triggering systemic acquired resistance. in contrast, the effect of sa on the defence efficiency of wheat against fusarium head blight (fhb) and its causal agent, fusarium graminearum, is still poorly understood. here we show that the f. graminearum mycelial growth a ...201222385623
quick guide to polyketide synthase and nonribosomal synthetase genes in fusarium.fusarium species produce a plethora of bioactive polyketides and nonribosomal peptides that give rise to health problems in animals and may have drug development potential. using the genome sequences for fusarium graminearum, f. oxysporum, f. solani and f. verticillioides we developed a framework for future polyketide synthases (pkss) and nonribosomal peptides synthetases (nrpss) nomenclature assignment and classification. sequence similarities of the adenylation and ketosynthase domain sequence ...201222377171
heat- and cold-shock responses in fusarium graminearum 3 acetyl- and 15 acetyl-deoxynivalenol chemotypes.fusarium graminearum schwabe is the primary cause of fusarium head blight (fhb) in north america. chemically distinct f. graminearum sub-populations can be identified based on the type or composition of deoxynivalenol (don) mycotoxin derivatives, including 3-acetyl (3-adon) and 15-acetyl (15-adon). the evaluation of randomly selected 3-adon and 15-adon isolates, collected from spring wheat throughout canada, was performed using thin layer chromatography (tlc), high-performance liquid chromatogra ...201222367943
population analysis of the fusarium graminearum species complex from wheat in china show a shift to more aggressive isolates.a large number of fusarium isolates was collected from blighted wheat spikes originating from 175 sampling sites, covering 15 provinces in china. species and trichothecene chemotype determination by multilocus genotyping (mlgt) indicated that f. graminearum s. str. with the 15-acetyl deoxynivalenol (15adon) chemotype and f. asiaticum with either the nivalenol (niv) or the 3-acetyl deoxynivalenol (3adon) chemotype were the dominant causal agents. bayesian model-based clustering with allele data o ...201222363714
rapid identification of fusarium graminearum species complex using rolling circle amplification (rca).rolling circle amplification (rca) of dna is a sensitive and cost effective method for the rapid identification of pathogenic fungi without the need for sequencing. amplification products can be visualized on 1% agarose gel to verify the specificity of probe-template binding or directly by adding fluorescent dyes. fusarium head blight (fhb) is currently the world's largest threat to the production of cereal crops with the production of a range of mycotoxins as an additional risk. we designed set ...201222326479
inhibitory effects of gossypol, gossypolone, and apogossypolone on a collection of economically important filamentous fungi.racemic gossypol and its related derivatives gossypolone and apogossypolone demonstrated significant growth inhibition against a diverse collection of filamentous fungi that included aspergillus flavus, aspergillus parasiticus, aspergillus alliaceus, aspergillus fumigatus, fusarium graminearum, fusarium moniliforme, penicillium chrysogenum, penicillium corylophilum, and stachybotrys atra. the compounds were tested in a czapek agar medium at a concentration of 100 μg/ml. racemic gossypol and apog ...201222324794
specificity of pseudomonas isolates on healthy and fusarium head blight-infected spikelets of wheat heads.the specificity of culturable bacteria on healthy and fusarium head blight (fhb)-infected spikelets of wheat heads was investigated to find a candidate of biocontrol agents against fhb. the bacterial genus pseudomonas was commonly isolated from the tissues, and phylogenetic analysis using 16s ribosomal rna gene sequences of isolates of the genera revealed that particular phylogenetic groups in the genus specifically inhabited either healthy or infected spikelet tissues. the specificity of each g ...201222314388
isolation and characterization of two endoxylanases from fusarium graminearum.this paper reports the first isolation from cultures of two endoxylanases secreted by fusarium graminearum schwabe [teleomorph gibberella zeae (schweinitz) petch]. when f. graminearum is grown on wheat bran hydrated with a modified synthetic medium, high xylanase activity can be extracted. the two endoxylanases were identified by lc-ms/ms as the products of genes fgsg_6445 (genbank gene id 2788192 ) (xylanase 1) and fgsg_3624 (genbank accession no. aj863566 ) (xylanase 2) with 61 and 51% sequenc ...201222313372
phylogenomic and functional domain analysis of polyketide synthases in fusarium.fusarium species are ubiquitous in nature, cause a range of plant diseases, and produce a variety of chemicals often referred to as secondary metabolites. although some fungal secondary metabolites affect plant growth or protect plants from other fungi and bacteria, their presence in grain-based food and feed is more often associated with a variety of diseases in plants and in animals. many of these structurally diverse metabolites are derived from a family of related enzymes called polyketide s ...201122289777
population structure of and mycotoxin production by fusarium graminearum from maize in south korea.fusarium graminearum (gibberella zeae) is an important pathogen of wheat, maize, barley, and rice in south korea, and harvested grain often is contaminated with trichothecenes such as deoxynivalenol and nivalenol. in this study, we examined 568 isolates of f. graminearum collected from maize at eight locations in south korea. we used amplified fragment length polymorphisms (aflps) to identify four lineages (2, 3, 6, and 7); lineage 7 was the most common (75%), followed by lineage 6 (12%), lineag ...201222287004
prp8 inteins in species of the genus botrytis and other ascomycetes.the mobile elements termed inteins have a sporadic distribution in microorganisms. it is unclear how these elements are maintained. inteins are intervening protein sequences that autocatalytically excise themselves from a precursor. excision is a post-translational process referred to as 'protein splicing' in which the sequences flanking the intein are ligated, reforming the mature host protein. some inteins contain a homing endonuclease domain (heg) that is proposed to facilitate propagation of ...201222285471
differential roles of pyruvate decarboxylase in aerial and embedded mycelia of the ascomycete gibberella zeae.the pyruvate-acetaldehyde-acetate (paa) pathway has diverse roles in eukaryotes. our previous study on acetyl-coenzyme a synthetase 1 (acs1) in gibberella zeae suggested that the paa pathway is important for lipid production, which is required for perithecia maturation. in this study, we deleted all three pyruvate decarboxylase (pdc) genes, which encode enzymes that function upstream of acs1 in the paa pathway. results suggest pdc1 is required for lipid accumulation in the aerial mycelia, and de ...201222276936
production of novel fusarielins by ectopic activation of the polyketide synthase 9 cluster in fusarium many other filamentous fungi, fusarium graminearum has the genetic potential to produce a vast array of unknown secondary metabolites. a promising approach to determine the nature of these is to activate silent secondary metabolite gene clusters through constitutive expression of cluster specific transcription factors. we have developed a system in which an expression cassette containing the transcription factor from the targeted pks cluster disrupts the production of the red mycelium pigme ...201222252016
autophagy provides nutrients for nonassimilating fungal structures and is necessary for plant colonization but not for infection in the necrotrophic plant pathogen fusarium graminearum.the role of autophagy in necrotrophic fungal physiology and infection biology is poorly understood. we have studied autophagy in the necrotrophic plant pathogen fusarium graminearum in relation to development of nonassimilating structures and infection. we identified an atg8 homolog f. graminearum atg8 whose first 116 amino acids before the predicted atg4 cleavage site are 100% identical to podospora anserina atg8. we generated a δfgatg8 mutant by gene replacement and showed that this cannot for ...201222240663
quantification of fusarium graminearum and fusarium culmorum by real-time pcr system and zearalenone assessment in maize.zearalenone (zea) is a mycotoxin produced by some species of fusarium, especially by fusarium graminearum and f. culmorum. zea induces hyperoestrogenic responses in mammals and can result in reproductive disorders in farm animals. in the present study, a real-time pcr (qpcr) assay has been successfully developed for the detection and quantification of fusarium graminearum based on primers targeting the gene pks13 involved in zea biosynthesis. a standard curve was developed by plotting the logari ...201122240058
time-course changes in fungal elicitor-induced lignan synthesis and expression of the relevant genes in cell cultures of linum album.linum album has been shown to accumulate anti-tumor podophyllotoxin (ptox) and its related lignans. in the present study, we examined the effects of five fungal extracts on the production of lignans in l. album cell cultures. fusarium graminearum extract induced the highest increase of ptox [140μgg(-1) dry weight (dw) of the l. album cell culture] which is seven-fold greater than the untreated control, while rhizopus stolonifer extract enhanced the accumulation of lariciresinol, instead of ptox, ...201222218086
functional analysis of the kinome of the wheat scab fungus fusarium in other eukaryotes, protein kinases play major regulatory roles in filamentous fungi. although the genomes of many plant pathogenic fungi have been sequenced, systematic characterization of their kinomes has not been reported. the wheat scab fungus fusarium graminearum has 116 protein kinases (pk) genes. although twenty of them appeared to be essential, we generated deletion mutants for the other 96 pk genes, including 12 orthologs of essential genes in yeast. all of the pk mutants were assa ...201122216007
inhibition of fusarium graminearum growth in flour gel cultures by hexane-soluble compounds from oat (avena sativa l.) flour.fusarium head blight, incited by the fungus fusarium graminearum, primarily affects wheat (triticum aestivum) and barley (hordeum vulgarum), while oat (avena sativa) appears to be more resistant. although this has generally been attributed to the open panicle of oats, we hypothesized that a chemical component of oats might contribute to this resistance. to test this hypothesis, we created culture media made of wheat, barley, and oat flour gels (6 g of flour in 20 ml of water, gelled by autoclav ...201122186063
In vitro induction of infection-related hyphal structures in plant pathogenic fungi.In recent years, a voluminous amount of genomic data has been generated for several plant pathogenic fungi. Multiple studies have utilized these genomic data to advance our knowledge about the molecular mechanisms of plant pathogenesis. However, not all plant pathogenic fungi share the same infection strategies, and several genes have been identified that are crucial for plant pathogenesis in one fungus, but dispensable in others. In order for data on biological relevance to keep pace with accum ...201222183665
Targeted Gene Replacement in Fungal Pathogens via Agrobacterium tumefaciens- Mediated Transformation.Genome sequence data on fungal pathogens provide the opportunity to carry out a reverse genetics approach to uncover gene function. Efficient methods for targeted genome modifications such as knockout and in locus over-expression are in high demand. Here we describe two efficient single-step cloning strategies for construction of vectors for Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (ATMT). Targeted genome modifications require integration by a homologous double crossover event, which is ...201222183645
comparative analysis of fusarium mitochondrial genomes reveals a highly variable region that encodes an exceptionally large open reading frame.the mitochondrial (mt) genomes of fusarium verticillioides, fusarium solani and fusarium graminearum were annotated and found to be 53.7, 63.0 and 95.7kb in length, respectively. the genomes encode all genes typically associated with mtdnas of filamentous fungi yet are considerably larger than the mt genome of f. oxysporum. size differences are largely due to the number of group i introns. surprisingly, the genomes contain a highly variable region of 7-9kb that encodes an exceptionally large, un ...201122178648
within-field variation of fusarium graminearum isolates for aggressiveness and deoxynivalenol production in wheat head blight.fusarium head blight (fhb), caused by fusarium graminearum sensu stricto (s.s.), causes tremendous annual yield losses in wheat worldwide. variation of aggressiveness of isolates from individual field populations in terms of fhb infection and deoxynivalenol (don) concentration in the host are important population parameters reflecting parasitic ability. our main objective was to estimate the variation of both traits within three populations of f. graminearum s.s., each consisting of 30 single-sp ...201222165985
Attainment of 15-Fold Higher Affinity of a Fusarium-specific Single-Chain Antibody by Directed Molecular Evolution Coupled to Phage Display.Fusarium head blight (FHB) caused by Fusarium graminearum infection is a devastating disease of wheat, maize, and other cereals. A previously isolated chicken single-chain Fv antibody (scFv), CWP2, that conferred durable resistance in planta was subjected to directed evolution by error-prone PCR and DNA shuffling, generating a mutated library. Panning of the mutated library against cell wall-bound proteins (CWPs) from F. graminearum by phage display enriched phage clones that were used for a fur ...201122161226
involvement of a velvet protein fgvea in the regulation of asexual development, lipid and secondary metabolisms and virulence in fusarium graminearum.the velvet protein, vea, is involved in the regulation of diverse cellular processes. in this study, we explored functions of fgvea in the wheat head blight pathogen, fusarium graminearum,using a gene replacement strategy. the fgvea deletion mutant exhibited a reduction in aerial hyphae formation, hydrophobicity, and deoxynivalenol (don) biosynthesis. deletion of fgvea gene led to an increase in conidial production, but a delay in conidial germination. pathogencity assays showed that the mutant ...201122140571
Population structure of a novel putative mycovirus infecting the conifer root-rot fungus Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato.We describe a novel putative mycovirus infecting the conifer root-rot fungus Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato. This virus, designated as Heterobasidion RNA virus 6 (HetRV6), is taxonomically distant from all previously known viruses of Heterobasidion species, but somewhat related to the Curvularia thermal tolerance virus and the Fusarium graminearum virus 4. Based on a population analysis including 35 virus strains from Heterobasidion abietinum, Heterobasidion parviporum, Heterobasidion annosum ...201222138214
trichothecene genotypes and chemotypes in fusarium graminearum complex strains isolated from maize fields of northwest argentina.members of the fusarium graminearum species complex (fg complex) cause gibberella ear rot in maize from northwest argentina. the potential of these pathogens to contaminate maize grains with type b trichothecenes is a health risk for both humans and animals. we evaluated the reliability of multiplex pcr assays based on tri3 and tri12 genes, and single pcr assays based on tri7 and tri13 genes to infer trichothecene chemotypes of 112 strains of fg complex collected from northwest argentina, checki ...201122119268
meiotic silencing in the homothallic fungus gibberella zeae.the homothallic ascomycete fungus gibberella zeae is an important pathogen on major cereal crops. the objective of this study was to determine whether meiotic silencing occurs in g. zeae. cytological studies demonstrated that gfp and rfp-fusion proteins were not detected during meiosis, both in heterozygous outcrosses and homozygous selfings. the deletion of rsp-1, a homologue used for studies on meiotic silencing of neurospora crassa, triggered abnormal ascospores from selfing, but outcrosses b ...201122115448
First report of a bifunctional chitinase/lysozyme produced by Bacillus pumilus SG2.Bacillus pumilus SG2 isolated from high salinity ecosystem in Iran produces two chitinases (ChiS and ChiL) and secretes them into the medium. In this study, chiS and chiL genes were cloned in pQE-30 expression vector and were expressed in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli strain M15. The recombinant proteins were purified using Ni-NTA column. The optimum pH and optimum temperature for enzyme activity of ChiS were pH 6, 50°C; those of ChiL were pH 6.5, 40°C. The purified chitinases showed antifun ...201122112904
a resource for the in silico identification of fungal polyketide synthases from predicted fungal proteomes.the goal of this study was to develop a tool specifically designed to identify iterative polyketide synthases (ipkss) from predicted fungal proteomes. a fungi-based pks prediction model, specifically for fungal ipkss, was developed using profile hidden markov models (phmms) based on two essential ipks domains, the β-ketoacyl synthase (ks) domain and acyltransferase (at) domain, derived from fungal ipkss. this fungi-based pks prediction model was initially tested on the well-annotated proteome of ...201122112245
salicylic acid regulates basal resistance to fusarium head blight in wheat.fusarium head blight (fhb) is a destructive disease of cereal crops like wheat and barley. previously, expression in wheat of the arabidopsis npr1 gene (atnpr1), which encodes a key regulator of salicylic acid (sa) signaling, was shown to reduce severity of fhb caused by fusarium graminearum. it was hypothesized that sa signaling contributes to wheat defense against f. graminearum. here we show that increased accumulation of sa in fungus-infected spikes correlated with elevated expression of ...201122112217
Heterochromatin influences the secondary metabolite profile in the plant pathogen Fusarium graminearum.Chromatin modifications and heterochromatic marks have been shown to be involved in the regulation of secondary metabolism gene clusters in the fungal model system Aspergillus nidulans. We examine here the role of HEP1, the heterochromatin protein homolog of Fusarium graminearum, for the production of secondary metabolites. Deletion of Hep1 in a PH-1 background strongly influences expression of genes required for the production of aurofusarin and the main tricothecene metabolite DON. In the Hep1 ...201122100541
on the trail of a cereal killer: recent advances in fusarium graminearum pathogenomics and host resistance.the ascomycete fungal pathogen fusarium graminearum (sexual stage: gibberella zeae) causes the devastating head blight or scab disease on wheat and barley, and cob or ear rot disease on maize. fusarium graminearum infection causes significant crop and quality losses. in addition to roles as virulence factors during pathogenesis, trichothecene mycotoxins (e.g. deoxynivalenol) produced by this pathogen constitute a significant threat to human and animal health if consumed in respective food or fee ...201122098555
Contribution of proteomics to the study of plant pathogenic fungi.Phytopathogenic fungi are one of the most damaging plant parasitic organisms, and can cause serious diseases and important yield losses in crops. The study of the biology of these microorganisms and the interaction with their hosts has experienced great advances in recent years due to the development of moderm, holistic and high-throughput -omic techniques, together with the increasing number of genome sequencing projects and the development of mutants and reverse genetics tools. We highlight am ...201122085090
population structure and genetic diversity of the fusarium graminearum species complex.the fusarium graminearum species complex (fg complex) consists of phylogenetically distinct species some of which cannot be discriminated based on their morphology. their chemotypes and geographic distributions are dramatically different, and these highlight the challenges that fusarium head blight (fhb) poses to plant disease specialists and plant breeders, thereby requiring that quarantine officials employ molecular diagnostic tools in their active surveillance programs. molecular marker techn ...201122069755
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent-Assay for Deoxynivalenol (DON).Deoxynivalenol (DON), one of the trichothecene mycotoxins, is a worldwide contaminant of wheat and barley, especially when infected by Fusarium graminearum, the causative agent of an epidemic wheat disease called Fusarium Head Blight. Because of the high risk of DON ingestion and the possibility of frequent exposure, it is important to develop a rapid and highly sensitive method for easy identification and quantification of DON in grain samples. In this study, we have developed an indirect compe ...201122069751
genetic diversity in fusarium graminearum from a major wheat-producing region of argentina.the fusarium graminearum species complex (fgsc) is a group of mycotoxigenic fungi that are the primary cause of fusarium head blight (fhb) of wheat worldwide. the distribution, frequency of occurrence, and genetic diversity of fgsc species in cereal crops in south america is not well understood compared to some regions of asia, europe and north america. therefore, we examined the frequency and genetic diversity of a collection of 183 fgsc isolates recovered from wheat grown during multiple growi ...201122069697
zearalenone contamination in barley, corn, silage and wheat bran.zearalenone (zen) is a nonsteroidal estrogen mycotoxin produced by fusarium graminearum and other fusarium species, which are plant pathogenic fungi that infect many plants and their products, including corn, barley, fruits and vegetables. this study presents the results of a survey for zen contamination on barley, corn, silage and wheat bran. a total of 54 samples were collected from shahrekord in spring and summer 2010, including 20 barley, 8 corn, 12 silage and 14 wheat bran and analyzed usin ...201122064679
Two structurally similar fungal prions efficiently cross-seed in vivo but form distinct polymers when coexpressed.HET-s is a prion protein of the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina. An orthologue of this protein, called FgHET-s has been identified in Fusarium graminearum. The region of the FgHET-s protein corresponding to the prion forming domain of HET-s, forms amyloid fibrils in vitro. These fibrils seed HET-s(218-289) fibril formation in vitro and vice versa. The amyloid fold of HET-s(218-289) and FgHET-s(218-289) are remarkably similar although they share only 38% identity. The present work correspon ...201122050595
secretomics identifies fusarium graminearum proteins involved in the interaction with barley and wheat.fusarium graminearum is a phytopathogenic fungus primarily infecting small grain cereals, including barley and wheat. secreted enzymes play important roles in the pathogenicity of many fungi. in order to access the secretome of f. graminearum, the fungus was grown in liquid culture with barley or wheat flour as the sole nutrient source to mimic the host-pathogen interaction. a gel-based proteomics approach was employed to identify the proteins secreted into the culture medium. sixty-nine unique ...201122044785
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