
PMID(sorted descending)
association between il6 gene variants -174g>c and -572g>c and serum il-6 levels: interactions with social position in the whitehall ii examine the impact of -174g>c and -572g>c variants in the promoter region of the il6 gene, and their interactions with social position, on interleukin-6 (il-6) levels in the whitehall ii cohort.200919019369
quality of child-parent attachment moderates the impact of antenatal stress on child fearfulness.animal studies have shown that prenatal stress has persisting effects on several aspects of offspring development; more recent studies show that this effect may be eliminated by positive postnatal rearing. human studies of prenatal anxiety/stress are now also beginning to document links between antenatal stress/anxiety and behavioural and cognitive development of the child; however, there is no human evidence as to whether the early caregiving environment moderates the effect of antenatal anxiet ...200819017025
personal protective equipment in an influenza pandemic: a uk simulation exercise.there is limited experience of both operational and financial impacts that adoption of uk pandemic influenza infection control guidance will have on the use of personal protective equipment (ppe), patients and staff. we attempted to assess these issues from a live exercise in a hospital in north-west england. during this 24h exercise, all staff on an acute general medical ward wore ppe and adopted the procedures described in the uk pandemic influenza infection control guidance. teams of infectio ...200919013670
accumulation of elements (s, as, br, sr, cd, hg, pb) in two populations of cancer pagurus: ecological implications to human consumption.the brown crab cancer pagurus is highly appreciated in southern european countries and edible tissues are consumed separately or as mixtures. this species is mostly harvested along the scottish coast and english channel and has different market prices depending on the catching area and sex. the aim of this study was to quantify and characterize the contents of s, as, br, sr, cd, hg and pb in muscle, hepatopancreas, gonads and gills of female and male crabs from both catching areas. additionally, ...200919010376
using urban man-made ponds to reconstruct a 150-year history of air pollution in northwest england.a regional pollution history has been reconstructed for the borough of halton (northwest england) from four urban ponds in north cheshire and south merseyside, using environmental analyses of lake sediment stratigraphies. mineral magnetism, geochemistry and radiometric dating have produced profiles of pollution characteristics dating from the mid-nineteenth century to present day. these pollution profiles reflect the atmospheric deposition of a range of pollutants over 150 years of intensified i ...200919005766
demographic determinants for campylobacter infection in england and wales: implications for future epidemiological studies.despite a significant public health burden the epidemiology of human campylobacter infection remains blurred. the identification of demographic determinants for campylobacter infection is therefore essential for identifying potential areas for intervention. demographic data from an active, population-based sentinel surveillance system for campylobacter infection (from 2000 until 2003, n=15 907) were compared with appropriate denominator data from the 2001 united kingdom census. incidence was hig ...200819000328
prime contenders for public building award.a new community hospital in lymington with what the judges describe as a "human scale that feels approachable, accessible and part of the local community", and a brighton seafront children's hospital with an imaginative external ship-shaped design, both pfi schemes, are among the shortlisted construction projects in the 2008 prime minister's better public building award competition. health estate journal reports.200818988609
from oxford to hawaii ecophysiological barriers limit human progression in ten sport order to understand the determinants and trends of human performance evolution, we analyzed ten outdoor events among the oldest and most popular in sports history. best performances of the oxford-cambridge boat race (since 1836), the channel crossing in swimming (1875), the hour cycling record (1893), the elfstedentocht speed skating race (1909), the cross country ski vasaloppet (1922), the speed ski record (1930), the streif down-hill in kitzbühel (1947), the eastward and westward sailing tr ...200818985149
the polish version of the quality of life assessment of growth hormone deficiency in adults (qol-aghda) - four-stage translation and validation.the quality of life assessment of growth hormone deficiency in adults (qol-aghda) was developed simultaneously in five languages (english, swedish, german, italian and spanish) to measure quality of life (qol) in adult patients with growth hormone (gh) deficiency. the aim of the project was to produce a validated polish version of the qol-aghda that was conceptually equivalent to the uk-english version.200818979446
detection of cryptosporidium spp. from human faeces by pcr-rflp, cloning and this study, we compared and validated a nested abc polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (pcr-rflp) assay to amplify cryptosporidium parvum oocyst wall protein (cowp) gene fragment with a previous nested pcr-rflp method. when rflp of cowp gene did not provide clear results, we further analysed samples by cloning and sequencing for species and genotype identification. abc-pcr was performed on dna extracted from human faecal samples collected in england where crypto ...200918979120
identification of potential environmentally adapted campylobacter jejuni strain, united a study of campylobacter infection in northwestern england, 2003-2006, c. jejuni multilocus sequence type (st)-45 was associated with early summer onset and was the most prevalent c. jejuni type in surface waters. st-45 is likely more adapted to survival outside a host, making it a key driver of transmission between livestock, environmental, and human settings.200818976567
earthworms and in vitro physiologically-based extraction tests: complementary tools for a holistic approach towards understanding risk at arsenic-contaminated sites.the relationship of the total arsenic content of a soil and its bioaccumulation by earthworms (lumbricus rubellus and dendrodrilus rubidus) to the arsenic fraction bioaccessible to humans, measured using an in vitro physiologically-based extraction test (pbet), was investigated. soil and earthworm samples were collected at 24 sites at the former arsenic mine at the devon great consols (dgc) in southwest england (uk), along with an uncontaminated site in nottingham, uk, for comparison. analysis o ...200918958400
[historical note: in homage to lister].joseph lister, who disputes with klebs the third place as the father of microbiology, was just about to remain without a bacteria immortalizing his ñame. thanks to seeliger, now listeria is used for identifying the genus that pirie had already named listerella in 1927. through a quick review of the history of listeria monocytogenes, we get to know the principal facts in the lives of pirie and seeliger, investigators with absolutely different characters. we also review a brief history of the life ...200818949146
public knowledge and attitudes towards human papilloma virus (hpv) vaccination.human papilloma virus (hpv) vaccine has undergone successful trials and has recently been approved for use for the primary prevention of cervical cancer. the aim of this study was to determine knowledge and attitudes towards hpv vaccination.200818947430
john donne and the ideology of colonization. 200118942234
"is he no man?" toward an appreciation of male effeminacy in english dance history. 200118928009
sex determination from the occipital condyle: discriminant function analysis in an eighteenth and nineteenth century british sample.fragmentary human remains compromised by different types of inhumation, or physical insults such as explosions, fires, and mutilations may frustrate the use of traditional morphognostic sex determination methods. the basicranium is protected by a large soft tissue mass comprising muscle, tendon, and ligaments. as such, the occipital region may prove useful for sex identification in cases of significantly fragmented remains. the aims of this paper are to (1) evaluate sexual dimorphism in british ...200918924165
hexabromocyclododecanes and tetrabromobisphenol-a in indoor air and dust in birmingham, u.k: implications for human exposure.hexabromocyclododecanes (alpha-, beta-, and gamma-hbcds) and tetrabromobisphenol-a (tbbp-a) were determined in indoor air from homes (n=33; median concentrations sigma hbcds = 180 pg m(-3); tbbp-a = 15 pg m(-3)), offices (n=25; 170; 11), public microenvironments (n=4; 900; 27) and outdoor air (n=5; 37; 1). hbcds and tbbp-a were also determined in dust from homes (n=45; median concentrations sigma hbcds = 1300 ng g(-1); tbbp-a = 62 ng g(-1)), offices (n=28; 760; 36), cars (n=20; 13,000; 2), and p ...200818853800
packed with salmonella--investigation of an international outbreak of salmonella senftenberg infection linked to contamination of prepacked basil in 2007.salmonella senftenberg is uncommon in the united kingdom. in january-june 2007, the health protection agency reported on 55 primary human cases of salmonella senftenberg in england and wales. in may 2007, fresh basil sold in the united kingdom was found to be contaminated with salmonella senftenberg. we launched an investigation to elucidate the cause of this outbreak. isolates were examined using plasmid profiling and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and the outbreak strain (ssftxb.0014) was i ...200818851676
associations between infectious mononucleosis and cancer: record-linkage studies.infection with epstein-barr virus (ebv) followed by infectious mononucleosis (im) is now considered to be a risk factor for hodgkin's disease (hd). it is less clear whether ebv infection and im are associated with an increased risk of cancer generally. we used a longstanding record-linkage dataset in oxford (years 1963-1998), and a more recent record-linkage dataset covering england (1999-2005), to compare rate ratios for cancer between people admitted to hospital for im and a reference cohort. ...200918840316
legacies of garrod's brilliance. one hundred years--and hundred years ago--in 1908--archibald garrod delivered his four croonian lectures. in these formerly forgotten, but now famous, dissertations, garrod first used the expression, 'inborn errors of metabolism', to describe four rare disorders: albinism, alkaptonuria, cystinuria, and pentosuria. this prescient work proposed that such disorders resulted from enzymatic defects in the catabolic pathways for amino acids and sugars. thus, garrod can rightfully be called the first human geneticist. mu ...200818836847
tracing the source of campylobacteriosis.campylobacter jejuni is the leading cause of bacterial gastro-enteritis in the developed world. it is thought to infect 2-3 million people a year in the us alone, at a cost to the economy in excess of us $4 billion. c. jejuni is a widespread zoonotic pathogen that is carried by animals farmed for meat and poultry. a connection with contaminated food is recognized, but c. jejuni is also commonly found in wild animals and water sources. phylogenetic studies have suggested that genotypes pathogenic ...200818818764
a national risk assessment for intersex in fish arising from steroid estrogens.the occurrence of intersex fish is widespread in the rivers of england and wales. the extent of intersex in fish populations is believed to be strongly linked to their exposure to steroid estrogens. the present study presents, to our knowledge, the first national, catchment-based risk assessment for steroid estrogens in the world. a graphical information system-based model predicted the concentrations of estradiol (e2), estrone, and ethinylestradiol, which were combined and compared with known b ...200918817457
common variation in the wnk1 gene and blood pressure in childhood: the avon longitudinal study of parents and children.wnk1 gene variants have been associated with adult blood pressure. we aimed to investigate relationships between wnk1 variants and blood pressure, as well as blood pressure change with age, in a longitudinal childhood study. associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms in wnk1 and blood pressure and the rate of blood pressure change between 7 and 11 years were examined in the avon longitudinal study of parent and children study (n=5326 for systolic blood pressure at 11 years). we observe ...200818809789
memory t cells established by seasonal human influenza a infection cross-react with avian influenza a (h5n1) in healthy individuals.the threat of avian influenza a (h5n1) infection in humans remains a global health concern. current influenza vaccines stimulate antibody responses against the surface glycoproteins but are ineffective against strains that have undergone significant antigenic variation. an alternative approach is to stimulate pre-existing memory t cells established by seasonal human influenza a infection that could cross-react with h5n1 by targeting highly conserved internal proteins. to determine how common cro ...200818802496
pathology departments are still holding human tissue, report says. 200818799524
state institutions and social identity: national representation in soldiers' and civilians' interview talk concerning military service.theory and research deriving from social identity or self-categorization perspectives often starts out with the presumption that social actors necessarily view societal objects such as nations or states as human categories. however, recent work suggests that this may be only one of a number of forms that societal representation may take. for example, nations may be understood variously as peoples, places, or institutions. this paper presents findings from a qualitative interview study conducted ...200918793493
children, young people and poverty in sandwell.the un convention on the rights of the child applies to all children around the world. here in sandwell hearing the voice of children and young people has been instrumental in developing appropriate services for them.200818771201
securing health and human rights: sandwell's community health network.minority communities face discrimination and abuse. the main health problems they face are those of severe and early chronic disease and poor well-being due to inequality in jobs, education and access to health care. the sandwell community health network provides support workers to six major minority groups in sandwell, providing information and access to skilled health services. without securing health as a basic right for our minorities we perpetuate divisions in our society which cause mistru ...200818771200
health and human rights in sandwell and abroad. 200818771189
gender, space and modernity in eighteenth-century england: a place called sex. 200118770907
phenotypic heterogeneity and genetic modification of p102l inherited prion disease in an international series.the largest kindred with inherited prion disease p102l, historically gerstmann-sträussler-scheinker syndrome, originates from central england, with émigrés now resident in various parts of the english-speaking world. we have collected data from 84 patients in the large uk kindred and numerous small unrelated pedigrees to investigate phenotypic heterogeneity and modifying factors. this collection represents by far the largest series of p102l patients so far reported. microsatellite and genealogic ...200818757886
preparing for disaster: response matrices in the usa and uk.disasters, whether man-made or naturally occurring, require complex responses across multiple government agencies and private sector elements, including the media. these factors mandate that, for effective disaster management and because of the unpredictability of such events, response structures must be in place in advance, ready to be activated on short notice, with lines of responsibility clearly delineated and mechanisms for coordination of efforts already established. disaster response expe ...200818756376
treatment of altered body composition in hiv-associated lipodystrophy: comparison of rosiglitazone, pravastatin, and recombinant human growth hormone.treatment options for hiv-associated lipodystrophy syndrome (hals) remain limited. the objective of this randomized open-label study was to compare three emerging therapies, rosiglitazone, pravastatin, and growth hormone alone and together, in men and women with hals.200818753120
age of onset and death in inherited prion disease are heritable.the common polymorphism at codon 129 of the prion protein gene (prnp) is known to affect prion disease susceptibility, incubation period and phenotype. mouse quantitative trait locus (qtl) studies demonstrate multiple modifiers of incubation time unlinked to prnp, suggesting the existence of homologous human prion disease modifiers, but direct evidence of these has been lacking. we investigated the correlation of age at onset and death, expressed as a composite z score, between parents and offsp ...200918729123
mhc-correlated odour preferences in humans and the use of oral contraceptives.previous studies in animals and humans show that genes in the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) influence individual odours and that females often prefer odour of mhc-dissimilar males, perhaps to increase offspring heterozygosity or reduce inbreeding. women using oral hormonal contraceptives have been reported to have the opposite preference, raising the possibility that oral contraceptives alter female preference towards mhc similarity, with possible fertility costs. here we test directly ...200818700206
the seroepidemiology of htlv-i amongst genitourinary medicine (gum) attendees in south east london. 200818692433
best interests and treatment for mental disorder.this paper considers the role of the concept of best interests in the treatment of mental disorder. it considers the mental capacity act 2005 where treatment of an incapacitated person's mental disorder is authorized if treatment is in the patient's own best interests. it also examines the mental health act 1983 as amended by the mental health act 2007 where treatment without consent of a detained patient is allowed where necessary for the patient's health or safety or for the protection of othe ...200818677569
remembering john newsom-davis' contribution to human imaging in oxford.john newsom-davis played a crucial role in supporting areas of scientific exploration beyond his own research interests. in particular, he was one of the key players in establishing human neuroimaging in oxford. here, we celebrate the role that he played in this endeavour, both in the early days of pulling together funding, and solving practical challenges, and in the following years, when we all appreciated his ongoing encouragement and support.200818675466
investigating tuberculosis trends in investigate the factors associated with the increasing incidence of tuberculosis in england.200818672258
suicidal ideation in uk hiv clinic has been associated with elevated suicidal ideation. although new treatments have changed prognosis, they also bring new challenges. this study measured suicidal ideation in hiv clinic attenders in the united kingdom (london/southeast) and explored associated factors.200818670226
china: the man who unveiled china. 200818650901
estimating the impact of childhood influenza vaccination programmes in england and wales.there is increasing interest in routine vaccination of children against influenza. we use an age-structured model to demonstrate that the long-term incidence of influenza a could decrease by 11-21% in the overall population by vaccinating individuals aged 6 to <24 months, and by 22-38% and 65-97% through targeting those aged 6 to <60 months and 6 months to 16 years, respectively. the corresponding reductions predicted for influenza b were 25-35%, 44-69% and 85-96%, respectively. these results ar ...200818647634
"reader, i detained him under the mental health act": a literary response to professor fennell's best interests and treatment for mental disorder.this is a response to professor fennell's paper on the recent influence and impact of the best interests test on the treatment of patients detained under the mental health act 1983 (mha) for mental disorder. i discuss two points of general ethical significance raised by professor fennell. firstly, i consider his argument on the breadth of the best interests test, incorporating as it does factors considerably wider than those of medical justifications and the risk of harm. secondly, i discuss his ...200818642086
regional uk ttp registry: correlation with laboratory adamts 13 analysis and clinical features.thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (ttp) is an acute, rare, life-threatening disorder. this report presents the south east (se) england registry for ttp, from april 2002 to december 2006, which included 176 patients and 236 acute episodes; 75% of patients were female and 25% were male, overall median age at presentation was 42 years. mortality was 8.5%, most cases died before treatment was instigated. the main ethnic groups were caucasian (64%) and afro caribbean (27%). seventy-seven percent of ...200818637802
the mineralized osteocyte: a living fossil.we report here on an enigmatic and biologically mysterious event in which a single cell, the osteocyte, mineralizes in vivo and in this process the cell's organelles, cytoskeleton and membrane, are mineralized in a dying state. that the bony lacuna in which the lone osteocyte resides becomes infilled with mineral in vivo is not a new observation and was noted by early microscopists. this study has applied scanning and transmission electron microscopy to modern, archaeological, and fossil bone to ...200818615594
did smallpox reduce height? a final comment. 200118604895
evaluating the role of lpin1 variation in insulin resistance, body weight, and human lipodystrophy in u.k. populations.loss of lipin 1 activity causes lipodystrophy and insulin resistance in the fld mouse, and lpin1 expression and common genetic variation were recently suggested to influence adiposity and insulin sensitivity in humans. we aimed to conduct a comprehensive association study to clarify the influence of common lpin1 variation on adiposity and insulin sensitivity in u.k. populations and to examine the role of lpin1 mutations in insulin resistance syndromes.200818591397
molecular epidemiology of campylobacter jejuni populations in dairy cattle, wildlife, and the environment in a farmland area.we describe a cross-sectional study of the molecular epidemiology of campylobacter jejuni in a dairy farmland environment, with the aim of elucidating the dynamics of horizontal transmission of c. jejuni genotypes among sources in the area. a collection of 327 c. jejuni isolates from cattle, wildlife, and environmental sources in a 100-km(2) area of farmland in northwest england was characterized by multilocus sequence typing. a total of 91 sequence types and 18 clonal complexes were identified. ...200818586964
tracking the spatial diffusion of influenza and norovirus using telehealth data: a spatiotemporal analysis of syndromic data.telehealth systems have a large potential for informing public health authorities in an early stage of outbreaks of communicable disease. influenza and norovirus are common viruses that cause significant respiratory and gastrointestinal disease worldwide. data about these viruses are not routinely mapped for surveillance purposes in the uk, so the spatial diffusion of national outbreaks and epidemics is not known as such incidents occur. we aim to describe the geographical origin and diffusion o ...200818582364
the urban house mouse (mus domesticus) as a reservoir of infection for the human parasite toxoplasma gondii: an unrecognised public health issue?toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite capable of infecting almost all warm-blooded animals. the cat is the definitive host and becomes infected by consuming contaminated meat or infected prey. humans can act as intermediate hosts and in healthy individuals the infection is mild and self-limiting. in pregnant women it can cause spontaneous abortions and foetal abnormalities and is capable of inducing serious illness in immuno-compromised patients. in infested dwellings, mice could act as inte ...200818569146
timing of human mandibular third molar formation.population differences in tooth formation using radiographs can be determined if the entire developmental sequence of a single tooth is studied. the only developing tooth visible radiographically from initiation to root completion is the third molar or wisdom tooth.200818568594
the english seasonal flu immunization programme for poultry workers 2007: a challenging task.english primary care trusts (pcts) immunized the poultry worker population with the seasonal influenza vaccine in the 2007 winter season.200818567571
bioavailability of trace metals in brownfield soils in an urban area in the uk.thirty-two brownfield sites from the city of wolverhampton were selected from those with a former industrial use, wasteland or areas adjacent to industrial processes. samples (<2 mm powdered soil fraction) were analysed, using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (icp-aes) for 20 elements. loss on ignition and ph were also determined. a five-step chemical sequential extraction technique was carried out. single leach extraction with 0.12 m hydrochloric acid of pb, cu and zn in ...200818563590
joseph swan (1791-1874): pioneer of research on peripheral nerves.joseph swan was born in 1791 and appointed surgeon to lincoln county hospital in 1814. in addition to his clinical work, he carried out what were probably the first animal experiments on nerve injuries. these were mostly on rabbits, in which the sciatic nerves were partly or wholly divided, had a section excised, or were ligated. he found that regeneration could occur, even after neurectomy. he reported these results, together with his experience in human patients and the effects of neurectomy i ...200818562353
association of adult height and leg length with fasting plasma cortisol concentrations: evidence for an effect of normal variation in adrenocortical activity on growth.we have evaluated the relationship between activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (hpa) axis and adult height in adults recruited from the uk hertfordshire cohort study. in a sample of 1,354 individuals, we found that height fell by 0.67 cm (95% ci 0.34-1.0) per sd (114 nmol/l) increase in fasting plasma cortisol concentrations. the association was continuous across the range of cortisol concentrations and was independent of the levels of corticosteroid binding globulin. it was of simila ...200818561142
sex determination from the foramen magnum: discriminant function analysis in an eighteenth and nineteenth century british sample.the successful identification of the deceased is vital to the progress of any forensic investigation. one of the principal biological traits to be established from skeletal remains is the sex of the individual. this becomes more difficult if only parts of a skeleton are found or if the bones are compromised by physical insults such as fire, explosions or violence. the basal region of the occipital bone is covered by a large volume of soft tissue and is therefore in a relatively well-protected an ...200918553095
a novel scheme for graft allocation in non-heart beating donor renal transplantation.patients waiting more than 3 years for a renal transplant were ranked according to our novel bristol and region allocation by non-heart beating donor score (brands). one kidney from 40 non-heart beating donors was allocated to the highest brands long-waiter and the other kidney allocated according to the uk national allocation scheme (nas). the scheme reduced the number of patients waiting more than 3 years by 20%. despite longer dialysis time, greater sensitization and more human leukocyte anti ...200818551076
john robert stanley fincham: 11 august 1926 - 9 february 2005.professor john fincham was one of the uk's leading geneticists, with a remarkably broad knowledge of the subject across the biological kingdoms. he became an international leader through being at the forefront of microbial genetics as some of the founding principles of the relationships between gene structure, activity and enzyme functions were being uncovered. he spearheaded discoveries from the one gene-one enzyme concept, through genetic complementation, protein structure and recombination. m ...200618543471
getting away with murder? homicide and the coroners in nineteenth-century london. 200118524047
destined for deprivation: human capital formation and intergenerational poverty in nineteenth-century england. 200118524044
[archie cochrane--the man behind evidence-based medicine. he died four years before the concept was coined]. 200818522269
failure to improve appropriateness of referrals to adult community mental health services--lessons from a multi-site cluster randomized controlled trial.non-clinical factors impact on decisions about whether to refer a patient from primary care to specialist mental health services. the aim of this study was to investigate whether introducing a standardized assessment of severity improves agreement on referrals.200818515810
fit to thrive: the public health vision under threat? 200818513763
lack of serologic evidence of neospora caninum in humans, england.retrospective testing of 3,232 serum samples from the general population and 518 serum samples from a high-risk group showed no evidence of human exposure to neospora caninum in england. results were obtained by using immunofluorescence antibody testing and elisa to analyze frequency distribution.200818507920
low birth weight and allergy: possible pleiotropic effect of acp1.the well-known relationship between low birth weight and allergies prompted us to investigate a possible pleiotropic effect of acp1 on these conditions. acp1 is a polymorphic enzyme that affects signal transduction of insulin and other growth factors, t-cell receptor signaling, and the regulation of flavoenzyme activity. our aim was to compare the relationship between acp1 and allergy with the relationship between acp1 and birth weight. we studied 299 subjects from the caucasian population of en ...200818505045
incidence and causes of critical incidents in emergency departments: a comparison and root cause investigate the incidence of critical incidents in uk emergency departments (eds) and to compare the root causes of such incidents between different eds.200818499816
human papillomavirus vaccine: some issues around consent remain unresolved. 200818497380
influenza vaccination in adults with a long-term condition.influenza is an important cause of morbidity and mortality, particularly in certain high-risk groups and the elderly. however, uptake rates of influenza vaccination by people in high-risk groups have been low. the aim of this study was to explore knowledge and views about the influenza vaccination in adults under 65 years with a long-term condition, in order to identify influences on people's decisions to be immunised and thereby improve uptake rates of the vaccination. recommendation from a hea ...200818497225
cardiovascular go annotation initiative year 1 report: why cardiovascular go?gene ontology (go) vocabularies are an established standard for linking functional information to genes and gene products ( a recent collaboration between university college london and the european bioinformatics institute is providing go annotation to human cardiovascular-associated genes ( this report outlines the aims of this collaboration and summarizes how the cardiovascular community can help im ...200818491309
'i count myself as being in a different world': african gay and bisexual men living with hiv in london. an exploratory study.the experiences of men from african backgrounds living with hiv who are gay/bisexual have so far been overlooked in the research on hiv in the uk. little is known about the ways that hiv impacts on this population. we report on an exploratory qualitative study with 8 gay/bisexual men from 7 different african countries living with hiv in london, based on in depth semi structured interviews and a thematic analysis. hiv testing and diagnosis, disclosure to others, social and sexual networks, sexual ...200818484332
john martin wood (1938-2008)--pioneering biochemist, educator and communicator.john martin wood, emeritus professor of medical biochemistry at the university of bradford died in wieck by greifswald, germany after a short illness on february 5, 2008 - just short of his 70(th) year. john worked as a pioneering biochemist and educator in the us and in britain across two research careers. he devoted the first twenty-five years to the role of transition metals in biology, and his last twenty-years to cutaneous enzymology and melanogenesis. working together with his wife profess ...200818479437
ama sumani: avoidable death of a deportee. 200818479273
pandemic flu: are we properly prepared?this paper presents the proceedings of the 2006 conference 'pandemic flu: are we properly prepared?', held in london. this conference sought to provide an overview of the preparatory steps necessary if a potential uk pandemic influenza (flu) outbreak is to be mitigated. topics included the history of pandemic flu, research and development, antiviral drugs, clinical assessment of flu, and critical care contingency planning. the ethical dilemmas relating to a flu pandemic were also discussed.200818466936
outbreaks of hepatitis a in england and wales associated with two co-circulating hepatitis a virus strains.during 2002, an upsurge in frequency of hepatitis a outbreaks among injecting drug users was observed in england and wales. as lack of risk factor information and the high mobility of the cases made linkage of outbreaks difficult, the relationship of nucleotide sequences in the vp1/2pa junction of the hepatitis a virus (hav) genome amplified from serum of case-patients was investigated. a total of 204 hav rna positive sera obtained from a network of 23 laboratories were studied. comparison of th ...200818461630
junior doctors' working hours: perspectives on the reforms.the european working time directive for junior doctors came into force in britain in august 2004. the reforms themselves have been a long time in development and implementation since the inception and debates regarding the new deal, to the current formations under health and safety legislation. this study, undertaken within a hospital trust setting in england, provides an insight into the perspectives of doctors, nurses and human resources managers in relation to the european working time direct ...200818460061
detection and characterisation of human metapneumovirus from children with acute respiratory symptoms in north-west england, uk.human metapneumovirus (hmpv) causes a spectrum of respiratory disease ranging from trivial coryzal symptoms to fatal pneumonia, with a predilection for the very young, the immune suppressed and the frail elderly. five distinct lineages of the virus genome have been described.200818455957
[the establishment of psychiatric genetics in germany, great britain and the usa, ca. 1910-1960. to the inseparable history of eugenics and human genetics].the article reconstructs the emergence of institutionalized research programs in the field of psychiatric genetics. it focuses on the first institutions in this field in germany, the united kingdom, and the united states: the genealogisch-demographische abteilung (gda) at the deutsche forschungsanstalt für psychiatrie in munich founded in 1917/18; the program (later: department) of medical genetics at the new york state psychiatric institute, associated with columbia university, and founded in 1 ...200718447192
public health response to an avian influenza a (h5n1) poultry outbreak in suffolk, united kingdom, in november 2007. 200818445374
phenotypic spectrum of neurodegeneration associated with mutations in the pla2g6 gene (plan).neurodegeneration associated with brain iron accumulation (nbia) comprises a heterogeneous group of disorders in which disruption of cellular mechanisms leads to accumulation of iron in the basal ganglia. this group includes patients with recently discovered mutations in the pla2g6 gene encoding a calcium-independent phospholipase a2 enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of glycerophospholipids. previously, children with pla2g6 mutations have been diagnosed with several different disorders and we ...200818443314
background exposure rates of terrestrial wildlife in england and has been suggested that, when assessing radiation impacts on non-human biota, estimated dose rates due to anthropogenically released radionuclides should be put in context by comparison to dose rates from natural background radiation. in order to make these comparisons, we need data on the activity concentrations of naturally occurring radionuclides in environmental media and organisms of interest. this paper presents the results of a study to determine the exposure of terrestrial organisms i ...200818440107
uptake of first two doses of human papillomavirus vaccine by adolescent schoolgirls in manchester: prospective cohort assess the feasibility and acceptability of delivering a human papillomavirus (hpv) vaccine to adolescent girls.200818436917
t.a. malloch's scrap-book of the 1914-18 war. 198018434999
drotrecogin alfa (activated): real-life use and outcomes for the march 2001, the results of the recombinant human activated protein c worldwide evaluation in severe sepsis (prowess) study were published, which indicated a 6.1% absolute reduction in 28-day mortality. drotrecogin alfa (activated; drotaa) was subsequently approved for use in patients with severe sepsis.200818430215
longitudinal study of the molecular epidemiology of campylobacter jejuni in cattle on dairy farms.multilocus sequence typing (mlst), an accurate and phylogenetically robust characterization method for population studies of campylobacter, was applied to campylobacter jejuni isolates (n = 297) from the fecal samples of cattle from five dairy farms in cheshire, united kingdom, collected throughout 2003. the population dynamics of the c. jejuni strains, as identified by the occurrence of sequence types and clonal complexes, demonstrated variations within and between cattle populations over time. ...200818424539
brian macmahon (1923-2007): founder of modern epidemiology.brian macmahon was born in sheffield, uk in 1923. he served as chair of the department of epidemiology at harvard school of public health for more than 30 years. he was admired as a noble and generous man and respected for his shining intellect, scientific integrity, and broad culture. he set the pace for modern epidemiology and led the way for a whole school of epidemiologists who are now spread around the nation and the world. he made major scientific contributions, received several distinguis ...200818415024
exploring knowledge and skills on hiv in student nurses and midwives.a cross-sectional survey design using a self-administered questionnaire was sent to a sample of 62 final-year student nurses and midwives to describe their knowledge of, skills related to, and attitudes towards, human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome. out of the 47 respondents who return the questionnaire, only 53% stated that they had received class instruction on the topic and 63.8% claimed to have increased their knowledge mainly from reading professional journals. a ...200818414260
campylobacter infection of broiler chickens in a free-range environment.campylobacter jejuni is the most common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide, with contaminated chicken meat considered to represent a major source of human infection. biosecurity measures can reduce c. jejuni shedding rates of housed chickens, but the increasing popularity of free-range and organic meat raises the question of whether the welfare benefits of extensive production are compatible with food safety. the widespread assumption that the free-range environment contaminates extens ...200818412548
liver cirrhosis, other liver diseases, pancreatitis and subsequent cancer: record linkage determine the risk of cancer in cohorts of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, other alcoholic liver diseases, other and unspecified cirrhosis, primary biliary cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis compared with the risk in a control cohort.200818403939
measles on the edge: coastal heterogeneities and infection dynamics.mathematical models can help elucidate the spatio-temporal dynamics of epidemics as well as the impact of control measures. the gravity model for directly transmitted diseases is currently one of the most parsimonious models for spatial epidemic spread. this model uses distance-weighted, population size-dependent coupling to estimate host movement and disease incidence in metapopulations. the model captures overall measles dynamics in terms of underlying human movement in pre-vaccination england ...200818398467
estimates of daily net endogenous acid production in the elderly uk population: analysis of the national diet and nutrition survey (ndns) of british adults aged 65 years and over.dietary intake has been shown to influence acid-base balance in human subjects under tightly controlled conditions. however, the net effect of food groups on alkali/acid loading in population groups is unclear. the aims of the present study were to: (1) quantify estimates of daily net endogenous acid production (neap) (meq/d) in a representative group of british elderly aged 65 years and older; (2) compare and characterise neap by specific nutrients and food groups likely to influence dietary ac ...200818394215
modelling and prediction of weekly incidence of influenza a specimens in england and wales.we propose a rather simple model, which fits well the weekly human influenza incidence data from england and wales. a standard way to analyse seasonally varying time-series is to decompose them into different components. the residuals obtained after eliminating these components often do not reveal time dependency and are normally distributed. we suggest that conclusions should not be drawn only on the basis of residuals and that one should consider the analysis of squared residuals. we show that ...200818394206
prevalence of type-specific hpv infection by age and grade of cervical cytology: data from the artistic trial.human papillomavirus (hpv) infection causes cervical cancer and premalignant dysplasia. type-specific hpv prevalence data provide a basis for assessing the impact of hpv vaccination programmes on cervical cytology. we report high-risk hpv (hr-hpv) type-specific prevalence data in relation to cervical cytology for 24,510 women (age range: 20-64; mean age 40.2 years) recruited into the artistic trial, which is being conducted within the routine nhs cervical screening programme in greater mancheste ...200818392052
dog-human and dog-dog interactions of 260 dog-owning households in a community in cheshire.this study investigated the nature and frequency of the contacts that occur between dogs, and between dogs and people, by means of a questionnaire survey of 260 dog-owning households in a community in cheshire, uk. the contacts were highly variable and were affected by the size, sex and age of the dog, individual dog behaviours, human behaviours and human preferences in the management of the dog. a number of situations were identified that may be important in relation to zoonoses, including slee ...200818390853
comparison of campylobacter populations in wild geese with those in starlings and free-range poultry on the same farm.wild geese are a potential source of campylobacter infection for humans and farm animals and have been implicated in at least two large waterborne disease outbreaks. there have been few investigations into the population biology of campylobacter in geese, carriage rates are reported to vary (0 to 100%), and no genetic characterization of isolates has been performed. fecal samples collected from wild geese in oxfordshire, united kingdom, were culture positive for c. jejuni (50.2%) and c. coli (0. ...200818390684
causes of preventable drug-related hospital admissions: a qualitative explore the causes of preventable drug-related admissions (pdras) to hospital.200818385404
[bovine tuberculosis--human to human transmission is possible]. 200818370350
episodic sexual transmission of hiv revealed by molecular phylodynamics.the structure of sexual contact networks plays a key role in the epidemiology of sexually transmitted infections, and their reconstruction from interview data has provided valuable insights into the spread of infection. for hiv, the long period of infectivity has made the interpretation of contact networks more difficult, and major discrepancies have been observed between the contact network and the transmission network revealed by viral phylogenetics. the high rate of hiv evolution in principle ...200818351795
septal aperture of the humerus in a mediaeval human skeletal population.humeral septal aperture is studied in a large mediaeval skeletal series from england. the aims are to investigate associations between septal aperture and sex, age, side and humeral robusticity; and to evaluate any associations with relative projection of ulna coronoid and olecranon processes. in this way, it is hoped to shed light on age at occurrence and the causation of the trait. results showed a paucity of cases in juveniles. in adults, the trait was more common in left bones and in females ...200818350584
association of genetic variants at 8q24 with breast cancer risk.recent whole genome association studies of prostate, breast, and colorectal cancer have identified susceptibility loci on 8q24. we genotyped three variants associated with prostate cancer (rs10090154, rs13254738, and rs7000448), one associated with both prostate and colorectal cancer (rs6983267), and one associated with breast cancer (rs13281615) in a series of 1,499 breast cancer cases and 1,390 controls. 1,267 (85%) of the cases had two primary breast cancers. our analysis provides further evi ...200818349290
Displaying items 601 - 700 of 3581