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selection of optimal host strain for molecular pathogenesis studies on cryptococcus gattii.encapsulated yeast, cryptococcus gattii (cg) is a primary and emerging fungal pathogen in north america. it has a predilection for invading the central nervous system of both healthy and immunocompromised humans and animals. recently, we initiated molecular pathogenesis studies in cg strain nih444 (atcc 32609). in this report, we compared the biology and pathogenic potential of nih444 to those of wm276, an australian environmental isolate that is being used for the whole genome-sequencing projec ...200516205969
implementing the ihop concept for navigation of biomedical literature.the world wide web has profoundly changed the way in which we access information. searching the internet is easy and fast, but more importantly, the interconnection of related contents makes it intuitive and closer to the associative organization of human memory. however, the information retrieval tools currently available to researchers in biology and medicine lag far behind the possibilities that the layman has come to expect from the internet.200516204114
suppression of progression and metastasis of established colon tumors in mice by intravenous delivery of short interfering rna targeting kitenin, a metastasis-enhancing protein.kitenin promotes invasion of mouse colon adenocarcinoma (ct-26) cells in vivo. here, we studied the effects of in vivo kitenin ablation on established tumors by using psuper vectors (psuper-kitenin) producing short interfering rna (sirna). when psuper-kitenin was given weekly or semiweekly for 1 month into tail vein of syngeneic mice that have established colon tumors, tumor size regressed markedly and metastases were inhibited. in mice injected with psuper-kitenin, serum interleukin-2 (il-2) an ...200516204073
a novel mammalian retromer component, vps26b.the mammalian retromer protein complex, which consists of three proteins--vps26, vps29, and vps35--in association with members of the sorting nexin family of proteins, has been implicated in the trafficking of receptors and their ligands within the endosomal/lysosomal system of mammalian cells. a bioinformatic analysis of the mouse genome identified an additional transcribed paralog of the vps26 retromer protein, which we termed vps26b. no paralogs were identified for vps29 and vps35. phylogenet ...200516190980
multiprotein complexes that link dislocation, ubiquitination, and extraction of misfolded proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.polypeptides that fail to pass quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum (er) are dislocated from the er membrane to the cytosol where they are degraded by the proteasome. derlin-1, a member of a family of proteins that bears homology to yeast der1p, was identified as a factor that is required for the human cytomegalovirus us11-mediated dislocation of class i mhc heavy chains from the er membrane to the cytosol. derlin-1 acts in concert with the aaa atpase p97 to remove dislocation substrate ...200516186509
nuclear translocation of alphan-catenin by the novel zinc finger transcriptional repressor zasc1.alpha-catenins anchor the transmembrane cell-cell adhesion molecule e-cadherin indirectly to the actin cytoskeleton through interaction with beta-catenin or plakoglobin. three different alpha-catenins are known at present: alphae-, alphat-, and alphan-catenin. despite their different expression patterns, no functional differences between the alpha-catenins are known. in a yeast two-hybrid screening with alphan-catenin as bait, we identified the cys(2)-his2 zinc finger protein zasc1. the mrna and ...200516182284
the glycine transporter glyt1 interacts with sec3, a component of the exocyst complex.evidence is accumulating that the glycine transporter glyt1 regulates nmda receptor function by modulating the glycine concentration in glutamatergic synapses. in this article, we describe a physical and functional interaction between glyt1 and the exocyst complex. through a yeast two-hybrid screen to search for proteins capable of interacting with the intracellular c-terminal tail of glyt1, we identified a protein that is highly homologous to the human and mouse sec3 protein, a component of the ...200516181645
beta-glucan enhances complement-mediated hematopoietic recovery after bone marrow injury.myelotoxic injury in the bone marrow (bm) as a consequence of total body irradiation (tbi) or granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (g-csf) mobilization results in the deposition of ic3b on bm stroma (stroma-ic3b). in the present study, we have examined how stroma-ic3b interacts with hematopoietic progenitor cells (hpcs) and the role of complement (c) and complement receptor 3 (cr3) in bm injury/repair. we demonstrate here that stroma-ic3b tethers hpcs via the inserted (i) domain of hpc compleme ...200616179370
striatal neuronal apoptosis is preferentially enhanced by nmda receptor activation in yac transgenic mouse model of huntington disease.huntington disease (hd), caused by expansion >35 of a polyglutamine tract in huntingtin, results in degeneration of striatal medium spiny neurons (msns). previous studies demonstrated mitochondrial dysfunction, altered intracellular calcium release, and enhanced nmdar-mediated current and apoptosis in cellular and mouse models of hd. here, we exposed cultured msns from yac transgenic mice, expressing full-length human huntingtin with 18, 72, or 128 repeats, to a variety of apoptosis-inducing com ...200616165367
lactate utilization in mitochondria prevents bax cytotoxicity in yeast kluyveromyces a search for the physiological conditions able to suppress the disruption of electron transport through the inner mitochondrial membrane induced by bax, we found that respiratory substrate - lactate completely abolished bax toxicity in yeast kluyveromyces lactis. the effect of lactate was dependent on the presence of cytochrome c, as no effect was observed in the cytochrome c null strain. the investigation of lactate effect on markers of bax toxicity showed that: (i) oxidation of lactate did ...200516150448
a novel splice variant of human xrn2 gene is mainly expressed in blood leukocyte.the xrn2 gene (xrn2a) is the human homologue of the saccharomyces cerevisiae rat1 gene, which encodes a nuclear 5'-->3' exoribonuclease, and is essential for rna metabolism and cell viability. xrn2p/rat1p, product of xrn2/rat1 gene, functions in the mrna degradation and processing of rrnas and small nucleolar rnas (snornas) in the nucleus. here we describe the cloning and characterization of a novel splice variant of the human xrn2 gene (xrn2b). the 3271-bp cdna encodes a putative protein with 9 ...200516147866
controlled gene activation and inactivation in the mouse.the emergence of techniques that allow fine manipulation of gene expression in the mouse have changed the way biomedically relevant processes are studied, as they allow their analysis in the living animal. in addition, this has opened the possibility to generate animal models for several human diseases, which are useful both for understanding the disease' s physiopathological mechanisms and for the eventual evaluation of novel therapeutic approaches. many of the gene manipulation systems current ...200616146733
pias1 interaction and sumoylation of metabotropic glutamate receptor iii presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptors (mglurs) play a central role in regulating presynaptic activity through g-protein effects on ion channels and signal transducing enzymes. like all class c g-protein-coupled receptors, mglur8 has an extended intracellular c-terminal domain (ctd) presumed to allow for modulation of downstream signaling. in a yeast two-hybrid screen of an adult rat brain cdna library with the ctds of mglur8a and 8b (mglur8-c) as baits, we identified sumo1 and f ...200516144832
dynamic cell type specificity of src-1 coactivator in modulating uterine progesterone receptor function in mice.regulation of gene transcription by the progesterone receptor (pr) in cooperation with coactivator/corepressor complexes coordinates crucial processes in female reproduction. to investigate functional relationships between pr and steroid receptor coactivators (srcs) in distinct cell types of uterine tissue during gene transcription, we generated a new transgenic mouse model utilizing a progesterone receptor activity indicator (prai) system that could monitor pr activity in vivo. the prai system ...200516135805
characterization of ammonia transport by the kidney rh glycoproteins rhbg and rhcg.the erythrocyte rh-associated glycoprotein (rhag) was recently found to mediate transport of ammonia/ammonium when expressed in xenopus laevis oocytes and yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae. nonerythroid homologs, rhbg and rhcg, are expressed in the mammalian kidney connecting segment and the collecting duct, major sites of urinary ammonia secretion. this study characterizes the transport properties of murine rhbg and rhcg by ammonium analog [14c]methylamine (ma) uptake and two-electrode voltage cla ...200616131648
distinct regulation of ubc13 functions by the two ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme variants mms2 and uev1a.ubc13, a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (ubc), requires the presence of a ubc variant (uev) for polyubiquitination. uevs, although resembling ubc in sequence and structure, lack the active site cysteine residue and are catalytically inactive. the yeast uev (mms2) incites noncanonical lys63-linked polyubiquitination by ubc13, whereas the increased diversity of uevs in higher eukaryotes suggests an unexpected complication in ubiquitination. in this study, we demonstrate that divergent activities of ...200516129784
nuclear export and cytoplasmic processing of precursors to the 40s ribosomal subunits in mammalian is generally assumed that, in mammalian cells, preribosomal rnas are entirely processed before nuclear exit. here, we show that pre-40s particles exported to the cytoplasm in hela cells contain 18s rrna extended at the 3' end with 20-30 nucleotides of the internal transcribed spacer 1. maturation of this pre-18s rrna (which we named 18s-e) involves a cytoplasmic protein, the human homolog of the yeast kinase rio2p, and appears to be required for the translation competence of the 40s subunit. ...200516037817
nuclear export factor family protein participates in cytoplasmic mrna eukaryotes, the nuclear export of mrna is mediated by nuclear export factor 1 (nxf1) receptors. metazoans encode additional nxf1-related proteins of unknown function, which share homology and domain organization with nxf1. some mammalian nxf1-related genes are expressed preferentially in the brain and are thought to participate in neuronal mrna metabolism. to address the roles of nxf1-related factors, we studied the two mouse nxf1 homologues, mnxf2 and mnxf7. in neuronal cells, mnxf2, but not ...200516014633
analysis of paralogous pontin and reptin gene expression during mouse development.evolutionarily conserved from yeast to human, the paralogous dna helicases pontin (pont) and reptin (rept) are simultaneously recruited in multi-protein chromatin complexes that function in different aspects of dna metabolism (transcription, replication and repair). when assayed, the two proteins were found to be essential for viability and to play antagonistic roles, suggesting that the balance of pont/rept regulates epigenetic programmes critical for development. consistent with this, the two ...200516003523
[identification of proteins interacting with adaptor protein bam32].to study the role of adaptor protein bam32 in b cell antigen receptor (bcr) signaling cascades.200515989784
[influence of jev e-hsp70 (mycobacterium tuberculosis) fusion protein on immune response in balb/c mice].jev infection can cause severe central nerve system disease which result in high mortality or developing permanent neurological sequelae in more than half of the survivors. the envelope (e) protein of jev is the major antigen peptide fused to it. a recombinant hsp70 protein expression vector ppiczalpha-e-hsp70 in methylotrophic yeast pichia pastoris was developed that permits major antigenic segment of jev e protein fused to the amino terminus of m. tuberculosis hsp70. this core vector avoided i ...200515989243
erythroid cell-specific alpha-globin gene regulation by the cp2 transcription factor family.we previously demonstrated that ubiquitously expressed cp2c exerts potent erythroid-specific transactivation of alpha-globin through an unknown mechanism. this mechanism is reported here to involve specific cp2 splice variants and protein inhibitor of activated stat1 (pias1). we identify a novel murine splice isoform of cp2, cp2b, which is identical to cp2a except that it has an additional 36 amino acids encoded by an extra exon. cp2b has an erythroid cell-specific transcriptional activation dom ...200515988015
protein kinase-zeta interacts with munc18c: role in glut4 trafficking.insulin-stimulated glucose transport requires a signalling cascade through kinases protein kinase (pk) czeta/lambda and pkb that leads to movement of glut4 vesicles to the plasma membrane. the aim of this study was to identify missing links between the upstream insulin-regulated kinases and the glut4 vesicle trafficking system.200515986239
the cell surface protein coxsackie- and adenovirus receptor (car) directly associates with the ligand-of-numb protein-x2 (lnx2).the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (car) is a cell surface protein that is proposed to be involved in cell-cell adhesion. based on a yeast two-hybrid screen, co-immunoprecipitation and binding experiments, the intracellular tail of car was found to interact both in vivo and in vitro with the ligand-of-numb protein-x2 (lnx2). the interacting domains between the two proteins were identified by truncation analyses and affinity chromatography. car and lnx2 protein expression in embryonic mou ...200515979067
phr1, an integral membrane protein of the inner ear sensory cells, directly interacts with myosin 1c and myosin using the yeast two-hybrid technique, we identified a candidate protein ligand of the myosin 1c tail, phr1, and found that this protein can also bind to the myosin viia tail. phr1 is an integral membrane protein that contains a pleckstrin homology (ph) domain. myosin 1c and myosin viia are two unconventional myosins present in the inner ear sensory cells. we showed that phr1 immunoprecipitates with either myosin tail by using protein extracts from cotransfected hek293 cells. in vitro binding ...200515976448
a new yeast display vector permitting free scfv amino termini can augment ligand binding affinities.yeast surface display and sorting by flow cytometry are now widely used to direct the evolution of protein binding such as single-chain antibodies or scfvs. the available commercial yeast display vector pyd1 (invitrogen) displays the protein of interest flanked on the n-terminus by aga2, the disulfide of which binds the myristylated surface membrane protein aga1. we have noted that two anti-cd3epsilon scfvs expressed as fusion proteins suffer a 30- to 100-fold loss of affinity when placed nh(2) ...200515976011
maternal diet alters exencephaly frequency in selh/bc strain mouse embryos.the selh/bc mouse inbred strain, with a high frequency of nonsyndromic, genetically-multifactorial exencephaly, is a model for human cranial neural tube defects (ntds). maternal diet affects risk of human ntds.200515968625
rapid turnover of gata-2 via ubiquitin-proteasome protein degradation pathway.transcription factor gata-2 is expressed in a number of tissues, including hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, and is crucial for the proliferation and survival of hematopoietic cells. to further characterize the function of gata-2, we examined the cellular turnover mechanism of gata-2. in p815 cells, the half-life of endogenous gata-2 was found to be as short as 30 min after cycloheximide treatment. this short half-life was reproducible in other hematopoietic and neuroblastoma cell lines w ...200515966900
the cytidine deaminases aid and apobec-1 exhibit distinct functional properties in a novel yeast selectable system.activation-induced cytidine deaminase (aid) is indispensable for immunoglobulin maturation by somatic hypermutations and class switch recombination and is supposed to deaminate cytidines in dna, while its homolog apobec-1 edits apolipoprotein (apo) b mrna by cytidine deamination. we studied the editing activity of apobec-1 and aid in yeast using the selectable marker gal4 linked to its specific inhibitor protein gal80 via an apo b cassette (gal4-c) or via the variable region of a mouse immunoglo ...200615963568
genotoxic, neurotoxic and neuroprotective activities of apomorphine and its oxidized derivative 8-oxo-apomorphine.apomorphine is a dopamine receptor agonist proposed to be a neuroprotective agent in the treatment of patients with parkinson's disease. both in vivo and in vitro studies have shown that apomorphine displays both antioxidant and pro-oxidant actions, and might have either neuroprotective or neurotoxic effects on the central nervous system. some of the neurotoxic effects of apomorphine are mediated by its oxidation derivatives. in the present review, we discuss recent studies from our laboratory i ...200515962173
data preparation and interannotator agreement: biocreative task 1b.we prepared and evaluated training and test materials for an assessment of text mining methods in molecular biology. the goal of the assessment was to evaluate the ability of automated systems to generate a list of unique gene identifiers from pubmed abstracts for the three model organisms fly, mouse, and yeast. this paper describes the preparation and evaluation of answer keys for training and testing. these consisted of lists of normalized gene names found in the abstracts, generated by adapti ...200515960824
overview of biocreative: critical assessment of information extraction for biology.the goal of the first biocreative challenge (critical assessment of information extraction in biology) was to provide a set of common evaluation tasks to assess the state of the art for text mining applied to biological problems. the results were presented in a workshop held in granada, spain march 28-31, 2004. the articles collected in this bmc bioinformatics supplement entitled "a critical assessment of text mining methods in molecular biology" describe the biocreative tasks, systems, results ...200515960821
the subcellular localization of syntaxin 17 varies among different cell types and is altered in some malignant cells.syntaxin 17 (stx17) is a divergent member of the syntaxin family of proteins first discovered by scheller and colleagues in a yeast two-hybrid screen designed to identify novel mammalian snares (soluble n-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor-attachment protein receptors). we recently independently identified stx17 as a novel ras-interacting protein, but immunohistochemical studies suggested that stx17 is localized to the nucleus in normal pancreatic ductal epithelial, acinar, and islet cells in contr ...200515956034
the art and design of genetic screens: mouse.humans are mammals, not bacteria or plants, yeast or nematodes, insects or fish. mice are also mammals, but unlike gorilla and goat, fox and ferret, giraffe and jackal, they are suited perfectly to the laboratory environment and genetic experimentation. in this review, we will summarize the tools, tricks and techniques for executing forward genetic screens in the mouse and argue that this approach is now accessible to most biologists, rather than being the sole domain of large national facilitie ...200515951745
binding of pten to specific pdz domains contributes to pten protein stability and phosphorylation by microtubule-associated serine/threonine kinases.the tumor suppressor phosphatase pten is a key regulator of cell growth and apoptosis that interacts with pdz domains from regulatory proteins, including magi-1/2/3, hdlg, and mast205. here we identified novel pten-binding pdz domains within the mast205-related proteins, syntrophin-associated serine/threonine kinase and mast3, characterized the regions of pten involved in its interaction with distinctive pdz domains, and analyzed the functional consequences on pten of pdz domain binding. using a ...200515951562
c-jun controls the efficiency of map kinase signaling by transcriptional repression of map kinase phosphatases.the mammalian jnk signaling pathway regulates the transcriptional response of cells to environmental stress, including uv irradiation. this signaling pathway is composed of a classical map kinase cascade; activation results in phosphorylation of the transcription factor substrates c-jun and atf2, and leads to changes in gene expression. the defining components of this pathway are conserved in the fission yeast s. pombe, where the genetic studies have shown that the ability of the jnk homolog spc ...200515950217
binding of prb to the phd protein rbp2 promotes cellular differentiation.prb can enforce a g1 block by repressing e2f-responsive promoters. it also coactivates certain non-e2f transcription factors and promotes differentiation. some prb variants activate transcription and promote differentiation despite impaired e2f binding and transcriptional repression capabilities. we identified rbp2 in a screen for proteins that bind to such prb variants. rbp2 resembles other chromatin-associated transcriptional regulators and rbp2 binding tracked with prb's ability to activate t ...200515949438
protein o-mannosylation is crucial for cell wall integrity, septation and viability in fission yeast.protein o-mannosyltransferases (pmts) initiate the assembly of o-mannosyl glycans, which are of fundamental importance in eukaryotes. the pmt family, which is classified into pmt1, pmt2 and pmt4 subfamilies, is evolutionarily conserved. despite the fact that pmts are crucial for viability of baker's yeast as well as of mouse, recent studies suggested that there are significant differences in the organization and properties of the o-mannosylation machinery between yeasts and mammals. in this stud ...200515948957
glucocorticoid-induced tnf receptor, a costimulatory receptor on naive and activated t cells, uses tnf receptor-associated factor 2 in a novel fashion as an inhibitor of nf-kappa b activation.glucocorticoid-induced tnfr (gitr) has been implicated as an essential regulator of immune responses to self tissues and pathogens. we have recently shown that gitr-induced cellular events promote survival of naive t cells, but are insufficient to protect against activation-induced cell death. however, the molecular mechanisms of gitr-induced signal transduction that influence physiologic and pathologic immune responses are not well understood. tnfr-associated factors (trafs) are pivotal adapter ...200515944293
antibodies to cbir1 flagellin define a unique response that is associated independently with complicated crohn's disease.antibody responses to certain microbial antigens define heterogeneous groups of crohn's patients; multiple and high-level responses to these antigens are associated with aggressive clinical phenotypes. the flagellin, cbir1, identified by investigations in the c3h/hejbir mouse model, has been identified as a dominant antigen capable of inducing colitis in mice and eliciting antibody responses in a subpopulation of patients with crohn's disease (cd). the aim of this study was to evaluate serum res ...200515940634
tight transcriptional regulation of foreign genes in insect cells using an ecdysone receptor-based inducible system.the use of insect cells has been highly successful for the expression of foreign proteins from baculoviruses or plasmid vectors. here, we describe a tight transcriptional regulation of foreign genes in insect cells using an ecdysone receptor-based inducible system. the system includes the def domains of the spruce budworm (choristoneura fumiferana) ecr (cfecr) fused to the saccharomyces cerevisiae gal4 dna-binding domain and the ef domains of mammalian mus musculus retinoid x receptor (mmrxr) fu ...200515936954
myt1 family recruits histone deacetylase to regulate neural transcription.the myelin transcription factor 1 (myt1) gene family is comprised of three zinc finger genes [myt1, myt1l (myt1-like) and nzf3] of the structurally unique cchhc class that are expressed predominantly in the developing cns. to understand the mechanism by which this family regulates neural differentiation, we searched for interaction partners. in both yeast and a mammalian two-hybrid system, myt1 and myt1l interacted with sin3b, a protein that mediates transcriptional repression by binding to hist ...200515935060
photoreceptor expression of the usher syndrome type 1 protein protocadherin 15 (ush1f) and its interaction with the scaffold protein harmonin (ush1c).the human usher syndrome (ush) is the most common form of deaf-blindness. usher type i (ush1), the most severe form, is characterized by profound congenital deafness, constant vestibular dysfunction and prepubertal onset of retinitis pigmentosa. five corresponding genes of the seven ush1 genes have been cloned over the years. recent studies indicated that three ush1 proteins, namely myosin viia (ush1b), sans (ush1g), and cadherin 23 (ush1d) interact with the ush1c gene product harmonin. in these ...200515928608
identification of a npxy motif in growth factor receptor-bound protein 14 (grb14) and its interaction with the phosphotyrosine-binding (ptb) domain of irs-1.recently we have shown that insulin fails to induce the phosphorylation of irs-1 in the retina [rajala et al. (2004) biochemistry 43, 5637-5650], even though there is widespread expression of irs-1 throughout the retina. these results suggest the expression of tissue-specific regulators in the retina. yeast two-hybrid screening of a bovine retinal cdna library with the cytoplasmic domain of retinal insulin receptor identified a novel member of the grb7 gene family, grb14. phosphorylation predict ...200515924411
the neuronal pou transcription factor brn-2 interacts with jab1, a gene involved in the onset of neurodegenerative diseases.brain-2 (brn-2), a class iii pou transcription factor, plays an important role in the development of the neocortex and the establishment of neural cell lineage. here we performed a yeast two-hybrid screening to identify the brn-2 binding proteins. we obtained jun-activation-domain-binding protein 1 (jab1) as a new brn-2 binding protein. direct interaction between brn-2 and jab1 was confirmed by using a surface plasmon resonance biosensor. considering the involvement of jab1 in the onset of the n ...200515911144
design and selection of an intrabody library produced de-novo for the non-structural protein nsp5 of rotavirus.intracellular antibodies or intrabodies have great potential in protein knockout strategies for intracellular antigens. we applied the intracellular antibody capture technology for the direct selection in yeast of a mouse scfv library (v(l)-v(h) format) constructed from animals immunised with recombinant non-structural protein nsp5 of rotavirus. we selected five different intracellular antibodies (icabs), which specifically recognize delta2, an nsp5 deletion mutant used as bait. the anti-nsp5 ic ...200515907924
expression of rck/p54, a dead-box rna helicase, in gametogenesis and early embryogenesis of mice.rck/p54 is a dead-box rna helicase protein with atp-dependent rna-unwinding activity. its ortholog is required for sexual reproduction in yeast and for oocyte survival and sperm fertility in caenorhabditis elegans. in the current study, we investigated the expression of rck/p54 in mouse gametogenesis and early embryogenesis. western blot analysis revealed that rck/p54 was highly expressed in both the ovary and testis. in the ovary, maturing oocytes strongly expressed rck/p54 in their cytoplasm. ...200515906376
an alliance between ras gtpase-activating protein, filamin c, and ras gtpase-activating protein sh3 domain-binding protein regulates myocyte growth.we have previously reported that ras gtpase-activating protein (rasgap) is involved in a pathway that regulates total cellular mrna and protein synthesis in cardiac myocytes. a yeast two-hybrid screen resulted in identification of filamin c (fln-c) as one of its targets. knockdown of rasgap or fln-c, or severing their interaction, resulted in down-regulation of the rna polymerase ii kinase, cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (cdk7). this appeared to be provoked by the release of cdk7 mrna from rasgap sh3 ...200515886195
the wd-40 repeat motif of lgl tumor suppressor proteins associated with salt tolerance and temperature sensitivity.we have recently identified mammalian homologues of lethal giant larvae (lgl) tumor suppressor gene, rat rgl-1 and bovine bgl-1, and demonstrated that they can complement yeast double mutants lacking sop1 and sop2, yeast homologues of lgl. these gene products are capable of regulating cellular viability in restrictive salt and temperature environments. since lgl family members contain the wd-40 repeat motif, we investigated its cellular functions using mouse homologue mgl-1 in the absence of sop ...200515882966
the lim protein ajuba influences interleukin-1-induced nf-kappab activation by affecting the assembly and activity of the protein kinase czeta/p62/traf6 signaling complex.the zyxin/ajuba family of cytosolic lim domain-containing proteins has the potential to shuttle from sites of cell adhesion into the nucleus and thus can be candidate transducers of environmental signals. to understand ajuba's role in signal transduction pathways, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen with the lim domain region of ajuba. we identified the atypical protein kinase c (apkc) scaffold protein p62 as an ajuba binding partner. a prominent function of p62 is the regulation of nf-kappab ...200515870274
the nucleocapsid protein of sars coronavirus has a high binding affinity to the human cellular heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein a1.the nucleocapsid (n) protein of sars coronavirus (sars_cov) is a major structural component of virions, which appears to be a multifunctional protein involved in viral rna replication and translation. heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein a1 (hnrnp a1) is related to the pre-mrna splicing in the nucleus and translation regulation in the cytoplasm. in this report, based on the relevant biophysical and biochemical assays, the nucleocapsid protein of sars_cov (sars_n) was discovered to exhibit hig ...200515862300
[cloning of mmr-1 gene and expression in pichia pastoris systems].hmr-1 (homo myofibrillogenesis regulator 1, af417001) is a novel homo gene, which was firstly cloned in our laboratory. the former studies revealed that hmr-1 is a transmembrane protein which shows protein interaction with sarcomeric proteins like myomesin i, myosin regulatory light chain, alpha-enolase and some cell regulator proteins such as eukaryotic translation initiation factor3 subunit 5 (eif3s5) and etc. in this work, we focused on cloning the homologous gene of hmr-1 from mouse c57bl/6j ...200515859324
mouse myodulin, a new potential angiogenic factor, functionally expressed in yeast.myodulin is a new integral membrane protein down-regulated in skeletal muscle atrophy. a first characterization suggested that myodulin could be a skeletal muscle angiogenic factor operating through direct cell-to-cell interactions. here, we show that mouse myodulin can be expressed at the plasma membrane of saccharomyces cerevisiae and purified. co-culture experiments of myoblasts and cardiac vascular endothelial cells reveal that myodulin, either presented in yeast membranes or in liposomes af ...200515850795
phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase type igamma directly associates with and regulates shp-1 tyrosine phosphatase.tyrosine phosphorylation plays a critical role in many regulatory aspects of cellular signaling, and dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosine residues is crucial for termination of signals initiated by tyrosine kinases. previous work has shown that the tyrosine kinase src phosphorylates tyr644 on phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase type i (pipki) gamma661 in a focal adhesion kinase-dependent manner. phosphorylation of this residue is essential for high affinity binding of pipki gamma661 to the foc ...200515849189
kinetic properties of nuclear transport conferred by the retinoblastoma (rb) nls.the retinoblastoma (rb) tumor suppressor is a nuclear phosphoprotein central to control of cellular proliferation. we have previously shown that human rb possesses an evolutionarily conserved bipartite nuclear localization sequence (nls) (krsaegsnppkplkklr877) resembling that of nucleoplasmin. here we analyze the kinetic properties of the rb nls in detail with respect to recognition by cellular nuclear import factors, the importins (imps), and nuclear transport properties, comparing results to t ...200515838894
physiological role for the cochaperone fkbp52 in androgen receptor signaling.molecular chaperones mediate multiple aspects of steroid receptor function, but the physiological importance of most receptor-associated cochaperones has not been determined. to help fill this gap, we targeted for disruption the mouse gene for the 52-kda fk506 binding protein, fkbp52, a 90-kda heat shock protein (hsp90)-binding immunophilin found in steroid receptor complexes. a mouse line lacking fkbp52 (52ko) was generated and characterized. male 52ko mice have several defects in reproductive ...200515831525
two essential but distinct functions of the mammalian abasic endonuclease.the mammalian abasic endonuclease, ape1, has two distinct roles in the repair of oxidative dna damage and in gene regulation. here we show that both functions are essential for cell survival. deletion of the ape1 gene causes embryonic lethality in mice, and no nullizygous embryo fibroblasts have been isolated. we have now established nullizygous embryo fibroblast lines from ape1(-/-) mouse embryos that are transgenic with the "floxed" human ape1 (hape1) gene. removal of hape1 by cre expression t ...200515824325
inhibition of a yeast ltr retrotransposon by human apobec3 cytidine deaminases.the mammalian apobec3 family of cytidine deaminases includes several members that possess potent antiretroviral activity. human apobec3f and apobec3g are specifically incorporated into human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) progeny virions in the absence of virion infectivity factor (vif), where they deaminate deoxycytidine to deoxyuridine on the minus strand of nascent reverse transcripts. editing of the hiv-1 cdna leads to its degradation or to g to a hypermutation of the integrated provi ...200515823539
the voltage-dependent anion channel-1 modulates apoptotic cell death.the role of the voltage-dependent anion channel (vdac) in cell death was investigated using the expression of native and mutated murine vdac1 in u-937 cells and vdac inhibitors. glutamate 72 in vdac1, shown previously to bind dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (dccd), which inhibits hexokinase isoform i (hk-i) binding to mitochondria, was mutated to glutamine. binding of hk-i to mitochondria expressing e72q-mvdac1, as compared to native vdac1, was decreased by approximately 70% and rendered insensitive to ...200515818409
optimized transfection of mrna transcribed from a d(a/t)100 tail-containing vector.studies employing mrna transfection are currently limited by a lack of transcription vectors for generating a long poly(a) tail-containing mrna and published methods for efficient mrna transfection. we have constructed a transcription vector containing firefly luciferase gene (pbs-fluc-a100) to generate luciferase mrna with a100 tail followed by no heterologous sequence. the pbs-fluc-a100 was propagated in xl1-blue, in which the plasmid was more stable than in other bacterial strains. optimal mr ...200515809089
ligand-dependent complex formation between the angiotensin ii receptor subtype at2 and na+/h+ exchanger nhe6 in mammalian cells.involvement of angiotensin ii (ang ii) in the regulation of sodium levels by modulating the na+/h+ exchangers is demonstrated in many tissues. screening of a mouse 17-day fetus cdna library with the angiotensin ii receptor at2 as the bait in yeast two-hybrid assay led us to identify an at2-interacting mouse fetus peptide that shared 98% amino acid identity with the corresponding region of the human nhe6. ncbi blast search showed that the clone 6430520c02 (genbank accession # ak032326) of the mou ...200515808917
[expression of xenogeneic homologous epidermal growth factor receptor ectodomain in pichia pastoris].to develop a secreted expression system of xenogeneic homologous epidermal growth factor receptor (egfr) ectodomain using pichia pastoris (p. pastoris), thus providing a basis for subsequent antitumor immunological researches on egfr subunit protein vaccine.200515807253
tid-1 interacts with the von hippel-lindau protein and modulates angiogenesis by destabilization of hif-1alpha.the von hippel-lindau protein (pvhl) is a major tumor suppressor protein and also associated with the inhibition of angiogenesis via hif-1alpha ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. to further elucidate the biological activity of pvhl in angiogenesis, pvhl-interacting proteins were screened using the yeast two-hybrid system. we found that a mouse homologue of the long form of drosophila tumor suppressor l(2)tid, tid-1(l), directly interacts with pvhl in vitro and in vivo. furthermore, tid- ...200515805242
a novel sr-related protein is required for the second step of pre-mrna splicing.the sr family proteins and sr-related polypeptides are important regulators of pre-mrna splicing. a novel sr-related protein of an apparent molecular mass of 53 kda was isolated in a gene trap screen that identifies proteins which localize to the nuclear speckles. this novel protein possesses an arginine- and serine-rich domain and was termed srrp53 (for sr-related protein of 53 kda). in support for a role of this novel rs-containing protein in pre-mrna splicing, we identified the mouse ortholog ...200515798186
mrg15 regulates embryonic development and cell proliferation.mrg15 is a highly conserved protein, and orthologs exist in organisms from yeast to humans. mrg15 associates with at least two nucleoprotein complexes that include histone acetyltransferases and/or histone deacetylases, suggesting it is involved in chromatin remodeling. to study the role of mrg15 in vivo, we generated knockout mice and determined that the phenotype is embryonic lethal, with embryos and the few stillborn pups exhibiting developmental delay. immunohistochemical analysis indicates ...200515798182
interaction between inhibitors of inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase in brewer's yeast induced pyrexia in mice: an isobolographic study.we studied the interaction of s-methylisothiourea (a selective inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor) with rofecoxib (selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor) and mefenamic acid (non-selective cyclooxygenase inhibitor) in brewer's yeast-induced pyrexia in mice by isobolographic analysis. each drug was effective in reducing pyrexia when used alone. log-dose-response curves of all the three drugs did not show any significant departure from parallelism indicating thereby, a common mode of antipyre ...200515792781
ifn-gamma primes macrophages for enhanced tnf-alpha expression in response to stimulatory and non-stimulatory amounts of microparticulate beta-glucan.beta-(1-->3)-d-glucan is an integral cell wall component of a variety of fungi, plants, and bacteria. like the prototypic inflammatory mediator lipopolysaccharide (lps), some beta-(1--> 3)-d-glucan-containing preparations have been shown to induce the production of proinflammatory cytokines by macrophages. in the present study, we have tested a new microparticulate form of beta-(1--> 3)-d-glucan (mg) from saccharomyces cerevisiae for its ability to induce proinflammatory cytokine secretion in mo ...200415790516
nuclear trapping of the forkhead transcription factor foxo1 via sirt-dependent deacetylation promotes expression of glucogenetic genes.activation of nad-dependent deacetylases, or sirtuins, prolongs life span and mimics the effects of caloric restriction in yeast. the foxo subfamily of forkhead transcription factors has been shown to mediate some of the effects of sirtuins. here we have shown that sirtuin activation or hydrogen peroxide treatment overrides the phosphorylation-dependent nuclear exclusion of foxo1 caused by growth factors and causes nuclear translocation of foxo1 in hepatocytes. kinetic measurements of nuclear fl ...200515788402
a new human gene hntkl-bp1 interacts with hpirh2.ntkl (n-terminal kinase-like protein) encodes an evolutionarily conserved kinase-like protein and is mapped around chromosomal breakpoints found in several carcinomas, suggesting that ntkl dysfunction may be involved in carcinogenesis. recently, we identified a novel mouse gene, mntkl-bp1 (ntkl-binding protein 1), encoding a protein interacting with ntkl. for further study, a new human gene, hntkl-bp1, which is highly homologous with mntkl-bp1, was used as bait in yeast two-hybrid system. hpirh2 ...200515781263
the c terminus of mint forms homodimers and abrogates mint-mediated transcriptional repression.notch signaling plays a pivotal role in numerous cell fate determination events during development, and therefore its regulation has been studied intensively. msx2-interacting nuclear target protein (mint) modifies the notch signaling by interacting with and inhibiting the downstream transcription factor rbp-j/cbf-1 of notch. in this study, by a yeast two hybrid screening, we found that the c terminal fragment of mint interacted with each other. we confirmed the interaction between two mint c te ...200515777657
human kanadaptin and kidney anion exchanger 1 (kae1) do not interact in transfected hek 293 cells.kanadaptin (kidney anion exchanger adaptor protein) is a widely expressed protein, shown previously to interact with the cytosolic domain of mouse cl-/hco3- anion exchanger 1 (kae1) but not erythroid ae1 (eae1) by a yeast-two hybrid assay. kanadaptin was co-localized with kae1 in intracellular membranes but not at the plasma membrane in alpha-intercalated cells of rabbit kidney. it was suggested that kanadaptin is an adaptor protein or chaperone involved in targeting kae1 to the plasma membrane. ...200415764369
n-myristoyltransferase 1 is essential in early mouse development.n-myristoyltransferase (nmt) transfers myristate to an amino-terminal glycine of many eukaryotic proteins. in yeast, worms, and flies, this enzyme is essential for viability of the organism. humans and mice possess two distinct but structurally similar enzymes, nmt1 and nmt2. these two enzymes have similar peptide specificities, but no one has examined the functional importance of the enzymes in vivo. to address this issue, we performed both genetic and biochemical studies. northern blots with r ...200515753093
a novel protein kinase b (pkb)/akt-binding protein enhances pkb kinase activity and regulates dna synthesis.protein kinase b (pkb)/akt reportedly plays a role in the survival and/or proliferation of cells. we identified a novel protein, which binds to pkb, using a yeast two-hybrid screening system. this association was demonstrated not only in vivo by overexpressing both proteins or by coimmunoprecipitation of the endogenous proteins, but also in vitro using glutathione s-transferase fusion proteins. importantly, this protein specifically associates with the c terminus of pkb but not with other agc ki ...200515753085
breast cancer resistance protein (bcrp1/abcg2) limits net intestinal uptake of quercetin in rats by facilitating apical efflux of glucuronides.the intestinal absorption of the flavonoid quercetin in rats is limited by the secretion of glucuronidated metabolites back into the gut lumen. the objective of this study was to determine the role of the intestinal efflux transporters breast cancer resistance protein (bcrp1)/abcg2 and multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (mrp2)/abcc2. to study the possible involvement of mrp2, we compared intestinal uptake of quercetin-3-glucoside between control and mrp2-deficient rats, using an in situ i ...200515749994
barx2 functions through distinct corepressor classes to regulate hair follicle remodeling.the hair-growth cycle, a complex biological system requiring coordinate alterations in gene expression and cellular behavior, provides a challenging model for investigating the interplay of specific transcriptional regulation events. here we report that the barx2 homeodomain factor serves as a regulator of hair follicle remodeling (catagen), and loss of barx2 in mice causes a defect both in the initiation and progression of catagen, resulting in a protracted first catagen, and later, causing sho ...200515728386
novel rab gap-like protein, cip85, interacts with connexin43 and induces its junctions play critical roles in tissue function and homeostasis. connexin43 (cx43) is a major gap junction protein expressed in the mammalian heart and other tissues and may be regulated by its interaction with other cellular proteins. using the yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified a novel cx43-interacting protein of 85-kda, cip85, which contains a single tbc, sh3, and run domain, in addition to a short coiled coil region. homologues containing this unique combination of domains were foun ...200515709751
identification of 80k-h as a protein involved in glut4 vesicle trafficking.pkczeta (protein kinase czeta) is a serine/threonine protein kinase controlled by insulin, various growth factors and phosphoinositide 3-kinase. it has been implicated in controlling glucose transport in response to insulin by the translocation of glut4-(glucose transporter 4) containing vesicles to the plasma membrane in stimulated cells. how pkczeta modulates glut4 vesicle trafficking remains unknown. a yeast two-hybrid screen using full-length human pkczeta identified 80k-h protein as an inte ...200515707389
disturbed ca2+ signaling and apoptosis of medium spiny neurons in huntington's disease.huntington's disease (hd) is caused by polyglutamine expansion (exp) in huntingtin. here, we used a yeast artificial chromosome (yac) transgenic mouse model of hd to investigate the connection between disturbed calcium (ca2+) signaling and apoptosis of hd medium spiny neurons (msn). repetitive application of glutamate elevates cytosolic ca2+ levels in msn from the yac128 mouse but not in msn from the wild-type or control yac18 mouse. application of glutamate results in apoptosis of yac128 msn bu ...200515695335
a novel substrate of receptor tyrosine phosphatase ptpro is required for nerve growth factor-induced process outgrowth.the receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase ptpro may be involved in axon guidance both as a ligand and as a neuronal receptor. we have begun to characterize signaling by ptpro as a receptor by screening for proteins interacting with the intracellular domain of ptpro. in a yeast-two hybrid screen, we identified a novel class of protein, which we named neuronal pentraxin with chromo domain (npcd), as a ptpro-interacting protein. we have shown recently that npcd has multiple cytoplasmic isoforms as ...200515673668
abt1-associated protein (abtap), a novel nuclear protein conserved from yeast to mammals, represses transcriptional activation by abt1.various tata-binding protein (tbp)-associated proteins are involved in the regulation of gene expression through control of basal transcription directed by rna polymerase (pol) ii. we recently identified a novel nuclear protein, activator of basal transcription 1 (abt1), which binds tbp and dna, and enhances pol ii-directed basal transcription. to better understand regulatory mechanisms for abt1, we searched for abt1-binding proteins using a yeast two-hybrid screening and isolated a cdna clone e ...200415660422
candida albicans protein kinase cahsl1p regulates cell elongation and virulence.saccharomyces cerevisiae hsl1p is a ser/thr protein kinase that regulates cell morphology. we identified candida albicans cahsl1 and analysed its function in c. albicans. cells lacking cahsl1p exhibited filamentous growth under yeast growth conditions with the filaments elongating more quickly than did those of the wild type under hyphal growth conditions, suggesting that it plays a role in the suppression of cell elongation. green fluorescent protein-tagged cahsl1p colocalized with a septin com ...200515659158
online predicted human interaction database.high-throughput experiments are being performed at an ever-increasing rate to systematically elucidate protein-protein interaction (ppi) networks for model organisms, while the complexities of higher eukaryotes have prevented these experiments for humans.200515657099
yeast two-hybrid screens imply that ggnbp1, ggnbp2 and oaz3 are potential interaction partners of testicular germ cell-specific protein ggn1.gametogenetin (ggn) is a testicular germ cell-specific gene specifically expressed from late pachytene spermatocytes through round spermatids. the function of gametogenetin protein 1 (ggn1) remains unknown. here, we used the yeast two-hybrid approach to look for more ggn1 interacting proteins. we found that gametogenetin binding protein 1 (ggnbp1), gametogenetin binding protein 2 (ggnbp2) and ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 3 (oaz3) were potential ggn1 interaction partners. we determined the re ...200515642376
the plk3-cdc25 circuit.polo-like kinases (plks) are key regulators of the cell cycle, especially in the g2 phase and mitosis. they are incorporated into signaling networks that regulate many aspects of the cell cycle, including but not limited to centrosome maturation and separation, mitotic entry, chromosome segregation, mitotic exit, and cytokinesis. the plks have well conserved 30-amino-acid elements, designated polo boxes (pbs), located in their carboxyl-termini, which with their flanking regions constitute a func ...200515640846
[rna responsible for conferring a dnase i sensitive structure on albumin gene in assembled chromatin].although the set of genes is virtually the same in all tissues,differential gene expression is appeared in cells of different kinds. differentiation and ageing are associated with regulation of gene expression that is a fundamental mechanism in eukaryotic development and survival. the sensitivity to dnase i of actively transcribed genes seems to be a general phenomenon. the purpose of the study is to test whether rnas obtained from different organs or cells can enhance susceptibility of albumin ...200315639815
development of allergic airway disease in mice following antibiotic therapy and fungal microbiota increase: role of host genetics, antigen, and interleukin-13.lending support to the hygiene hypothesis, epidemiological studies have demonstrated that allergic disease correlates with widespread use of antibiotics and alterations in fecal microbiota ("microflora"). antibiotics also lead to overgrowth of the yeast candida albicans, which can secrete potent prostaglandin-like immune response modulators, from the microbiota. we have recently developed a mouse model of antibiotic-induced gastrointestinal microbiota disruption that is characterized by stable i ...200515618138
range of hox/tale superclass associations and protein domain requirements for hoxa13:meis interaction.abdb-like hox proteins form dna-binding complexes with the tale superclass proteins meis1a and meis1b, and trimeric complexes have been identified in nuclear extracts that include a second tale protein, pbx. thus, soluble dna-independent protein-protein complexes exist in mammals. the extent of hox/tale superclass interactions, protein structural requirements, and sites of in vivo cooperative interaction have not been fully explored. we show that hoxa13 and hoxd13 expression does not overlap wit ...200515617687
atp hydrolysis by orc catalyzes reiterative mcm2-7 assembly at a defined origin of replication.the origin recognition complex (orc) is a six-subunit, atp-regulated, dna binding protein that is required for the formation of the prereplicative complex (pre-rc), an essential replication intermediate formed at each origin of dna replication. in this study, we investigate the mechanism of orc function during pre-rc formation and how atp influences this event. we demonstrate that atp hydrolysis by orc requires the coordinate function of the orc1 and orc4 subunits. mutations that eliminate orc a ...200415610739
organelle db: a cross-species database of protein localization and efficiently utilize the growing body of available protein localization data, we have developed organelle db, a web-accessible database cataloging more than 25,000 proteins from nearly 60 organelles, subcellular structures and protein complexes in 154 organisms spanning the eukaryotic kingdom. organelle db is the first on-line resource devoted to the identification and presentation of eukaryotic proteins localized to organelles and subcellular structures. as such, organelle db is a strong reso ...200515608270
inparanoid: a comprehensive database of eukaryotic orthologs.the inparanoid eukaryotic ortholog database ( is a collection of pairwise ortholog groups between 17 whole genomes; anopheles gambiae, caenorhabditis briggsae, caenorhabditis elegans, drosophila melanogaster, danio rerio, takifugu rubripes, gallus gallus, homo sapiens, mus musculus, pan troglodytes, rattus norvegicus, oryza sativa, plasmodium falciparum, arabidopsis thaliana, escherichia coli, saccharomyces cerevisiae and schizosaccharomyces pombe. complete proteomes ...200515608241
identification of psd-95 palmitoylating enzymes.palmitoylation is a lipid modification that plays a critical role in protein trafficking and function throughout the nervous system. palmitoylation of psd-95 is essential for its regulation of ampa receptors and synaptic plasticity. the enzymes that mediate palmitoyl acyl transfer to psd-95 have not yet been identified; however, proteins containing a dhhc cysteine-rich domain mediate palmitoyl acyl transferase activity in yeast. here, we isolated 23 mammalian dhhc proteins and found that a subse ...200415603741
a modified tandem affinity purification tag technique for the purification of protein complexes in mammalian cells.the tandem affinity purification (tap) tag technique has been used with success to identify under nondenaturing conditions protein complexes in yeast. the technique can be used in mammalian cells, but we found that the original technique does not yield enough recovery for the identification of proteins when mammalian cells growing in monolayer have to be used. we present here a modified tap tag technique that allows sufficient recovery of proteins from mouse fibroblasts growing in monolayer cult ...200515602769
kre5 gene null mutant strains of candida albicans are avirulent and have altered cell wall composition and hypha formation properties.the udp-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase (uggt) is an endoplasmic reticulum sensor for quality control of glycoprotein folding. saccharomyces cerevisiae is the only eukaryotic organism so far described lacking uggt-mediated transient reglucosylation of n-linked oligosaccharides. the only gene in s. cerevisiae with similarity to those encoding uggts is kre5. s. cerevisiae kre5 deletion strains show severely reduced levels of cell wall beta-1,6-glucan polymer, aberrant morphology, and extr ...200415590817
periplakin interferes with g protein activation by the melanin-concentrating hormone receptor-1 by binding to the proximal segment of the receptor c-terminal mice genetic ablation of expression of either melanin-concentrating hormone or the melanin-concentrating hormone-1 receptor results in alterations in energy metabolism and a lean phenotype. there is thus great interest in the function and regulation of this receptor. using the yeast two-hybrid system we identified an interaction of the actin- and intermediate filament-binding protein periplakin with the intracellular c-terminal tail of the melanin-concentrating hormone-1 receptor. direct asso ...200415590649
basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor tcfl5 interacts with the calmegin gene promoter in mouse mouse spermatogenesis, differentiating germ line cells initiate expression of specific genes at subsequent developmental steps. the calmegin (clgn) gene is first expressed in meiotic prophase, in primary spermatocytes, and encodes a protein that acts as a chaperone. to identify testis-specific transcription factors that control expression of the clgn gene in spermatogenesis, we performed a yeast one-hybrid screening with a clgn promoter sequence as bait dna. this screening resulted in the ide ...200415585666
rational redesign of inhibitors of furin/kexin processing proteases by electrostatic model the three-dimensional structure and investigate the interaction mechanism of the proprotein convertase furin/kexin and their inhibitors (eglin c mutants).200415569420
fad24, a mammalian homolog of noc3p, is a positive regulator in adipocyte differentiation.adipocyte differentiation is controlled by complex actions involving gene expression and signal transduction. from metaphase to anaphase, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, the ccaat/enhancer-binding protein family and sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1 are known to function as master regulators. however, the mechanism underlying the earliest step, which triggers the initiation of differentiation, remains unknown. in previous reports, we have isolated a number of genes, w ...200415564382
regulation of transport of the angiotensin at2 receptor by a novel membrane-associated golgi protein.synthesis and maturation of g protein-coupled receptors are complex events that require an intricate combination of processes including protein folding, posttranslational modifications, and transport through distinct cellular compartments. little is known concerning the regulation of g protein-coupled receptor transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cell surface.200515539617
aym1, a mouse meiotic gene identified by virtue of its ability to activate early meiotic genes in the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae.our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that operate during differentiation of mitotically dividing spermatogonia cells into spermatocytes lags way behind what is known about other differentiating systems. given the evolutionary conservation of the meiotic process, we screened for mouse proteins that could specifically activate early meiotic promoters in saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells, when fused to the gal4 activation domain (gal4ad). our screen yielded the aym1 gene that encodes a ...200415531368
acetylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 is permissive for tyrosine phosphorylation.insulin receptor substrate (irs) proteins are key moderators of insulin action. their specific regulation determines downstream protein-protein interactions and confers specificity on growth factor signalling. regulatory mechanisms that have been identified include phosphorylation of irs proteins on tyrosine and serine residues and ubiquitination of lysine residues. this study investigated other potential molecular mechanisms of irs-1 regulation.200415522123
Displaying items 601 - 700 of 2282