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movement and resource use by a group of alouatta pigra in a forest fragment in balancán, méxico.uncommonly observed behaviors were systematically recorded in a troop (n = 9 individuals) of black howler monkeys (alouatta pigra) inhabiting a small forest fragment (1.7 ha) in leona vicario, balancán, tabasco, mexico. between february 2002 and january 2003 (n = 499 h), we observed behaviors such as ground travel (85 occasions, total = 269 min/10.8% of total locomotion time), ground foraging (eight occasions, total = 50 min/0.84% of total feeding time) and drinking water pooled in tree holes (2 ...200717136475
on the application of computational fluid dynamics codes for liquefied natural gas dispersion.computational fluid dynamics (cfd) codes are increasingly being used in the liquefied natural gas (lng) industry to predict natural gas dispersion distances. this paper addresses several issues regarding the use of cfd for lng dispersion such as specification of the domain, grid, boundary and initial conditions. a description of the k-epsilon model is presented, along with modifications required for atmospheric flows. validation issues pertaining to the experimental data from the burro, coyote, ...200717113710
improved bioavailability of orally administered mifepristone from plga nanoparticles.the objective of this study was to prepare an oral dosage formulation of mifepristone that will improve the oral bioavailability of mifepristone and sustain the release of mifepristone for at least 3 days to effectively control reproduction, especially in coyotes. nanoparticles containing mifepristone were prepared from dl-lactide/glycolide copolymers (plga). encapsulation efficiency of the nanoparticles was determined by hplc. in vitro release study was done in 30% isopropyl alcohol in water. i ...200717101249
relaxin as a diagnostic tool for pregnancy in the coyote (canis latrans).the diagnosis of pregnancy in the domestic dog (canis familiaris) often employs specialized equipment, experienced staff, and the cooperation of the bitch. these procedures can be challenging when the subject is a wild canid, particularly in a field setting. in addition, reproductive hormone assays are unreliable as a diagnostic tool because the estrous profiles of pregnant and pseudopregnant canines are similar. however, research has demonstrated that the hormone relaxin can be detected in mate ...200717069998
dynamics of hybridization and introgression in red wolves and coyotes.hybridization and introgression are significant causes of endangerment in many taxa and are considered the greatest biological threats to the reintroduced population of red wolves (canis rufus) in north carolina (u.s.a.). little is known, however, about these processes in red wolves and coyotes (c. latrans). we used individual-based simulations to examine the process of hybridization and introgression between these species. under the range of circumstances we considered, red wolves in colonizing ...200616922243
patterns of antimicrobial susceptibility in michigan wildlife and bovine isolates of mycobacterium bovis.the state of michigan has recognized the presence of mycobacterium bovis in its free-ranging white-tailed deer population since 1994. this endemic infection is primarily located in a 12-county area in the northeastern lower peninsula of michigan. a statewide surveillance and eradication program of the disease has been in effect since 1994. worldwide, mycobacterium tuberculosis complex organisms have a known predilection toward development of antimicrobial resistance. the objective of this study ...200616921884
carnivore-livestock conflicts: effects of subsidized predator control and economic correlates on the sheep industry.despite the importance of carnivores in terrestrial ecosystems, many nations have implemented well-coordinated, state-funded initiatives to remove predators, largely because of conflicts with humans over livestock. although these control efforts have been successful in terms of the number of carnivores removed, their effects on the viability of the industries they seek to protect are less understood. i assessed the efficacy of long-term efforts by the u.s. government to improve the viability of ...200616909568
species resilience in pleistocene hominids that traveled far and ate widely: an analogy to the wolf-like canids.morphological and genetic analyses have yet to resolve the question of whether more than one species of homo existed contemporaneously in the pleistocene. in an effort to contribute a process-related perspective to hominid phylogenetic reconstruction, this paper uses an analogy to the northern wolf-like canids (the wolves and coyotes) to ask the question, how many homo species should there be, given their likely behavioral profile(s)? in contrast to earlier comparisons to social carnivores which ...200616904731
possible vector dissemination by swift foxes following a plague epizootic in black-tailed prairie dogs in northwestern determine whether swift foxes (vulpes velox) could facilitate transmission of yersinia pestis to uninfected black-tailed prairie dog (cynomys ludovicianus) colonies by acquiring infected fleas, ectoparasite and serologic samples were collected from swift foxes living adjacent to prairie dog towns during a 2004 plague epizootic in northwestern texas, usa. a previous study (1999-2001) indicated that these swift foxes were infested almost exclusively with the flea pulex irritans. black-tailed pr ...200616870868
relaxation of selective constraint on dog mitochondrial dna following domestication.the domestication of dogs caused a dramatic change in their way of life compared with that of their ancestor, the gray wolf. we hypothesize that this new life style changed the selective forces that acted upon the species, which in turn had an effect on the dog's genome. we sequenced the complete mitochondrial dna genome in 14 dogs, six wolves, and three coyotes. here we show that dogs have accumulated nonsynonymous changes in mitochondrial genes at a faster rate than wolves, leading to elevated ...200616809672
mechanistic home range models capture spatial patterns and dynamics of coyote territories in yellowstone.patterns of space-use by individuals are fundamental to the ecology of animal populations influencing their social organization, mating systems, demography and the spatial distribution of prey and competitors. to date, the principal method used to analyse the underlying determinants of animal home range patterns has been resource selection analysis (rsa), a spatially implicit approach that examines the relative frequencies of animal relocations in relation to landscape attributes. in this analys ...200616769637
neosporosis in dairy cattle: an update from an epidemiological perspective.our understanding of the epidemiology of bovine neosporosis is advancing rapidly with considerable research activity being facilitated by improving methods. the dynamics of the infection in the known definitive hosts, the dog and the coyote, are being described. improved procedures for production of oocysts enables the horizontal transmission to intermediate hosts and the subsequent more natural infection process to be studied. details of the sylvatic cycles, potentially involving other animals ...200616737732
antifertility effect of busulfan and dl-6-(n-2-pipecolinomethyl)-5-hydroxy-indane maleate (pmhi) in coyotes (canis latrans ).antifertility effects of busulfan were evaluated using adult coyotes. in addition, antifertility effects of pmhi were evaluated in adult males. adult males and females were alloted randomly to the following treatments: (1) untreated control, (2) a single oral dose of 3 mg busulfan/kg of body weight (bw) or (3) two oral doses of 3 mg busulfan/kg bw given nine days apart. the untreated males were used as controls in both experiments. additional male coyotes were allotted randomly to pmhi treatment ...198416725985
electroejaculation of the coyote.two electroejaculators were used to collect semen from 40 adult male coyotes. the most effective apparatus used a two-ring rectal probe and an ac voltage of 18 (vrms) at 1000 hz. with this ejaculator, 11 of 15 coyotes produced a satisfactory semen sample, which averaged 0.9 ml in volume and 70 million spermatozoa per ml.198316725831
coyote laparotomy: in vivo determination of reproductive success.reproductive tracts of 24 female coyotes hand-reared for behavioral research were examined by laparotomy following the 1977-78 breeding season. litter counts revealed 51 whelps with 10 of the 24 females while examination by laparotomy indicated 83 uterine swellings in 18 of the same 24 females. the laparotomy proved to be an effective, relatively precise procedure and gave a 39% increase in data acquisition.197916725413
acoustic structures in the alarm calls of gunnison's prairie dogs.acoustic structures of sound in gunnison's prairie dog alarm calls are described, showing how these acoustic structures may encode information about three different predator species (red-tailed hawk-buteo jamaicensis; domestic dog-canis familaris; and coyote-canis latrans). by dividing each alarm call into 25 equal-sized partitions and using resonant frequencies within each partition, commonly occurring acoustic structures were identified as components of alarm calls for the three predators. alt ...200616708970
a southern california freeway is a physical and social barrier to gene flow in carnivores.roads present formidable barriers to dispersal. we examine movements of two highly mobile carnivores across the ventura freeway near los angeles, one of the busiest highways in the united states. the two species, bobcats and coyotes, can disappear from habitats isolated and fragmented by roads, and their ability to disperse across the ventura freeway tests the limits of vertebrates to overcome anthropogenic obstacles. we combine radio-telemetry data and genetically based assignments to identify ...200616689893
antibodies to west nile virus in asymptomatic mammals, birds, and reptiles in the yucatan peninsula of mexico.surveillance for evidence of west nile virus (wnv) infection in taxonomically diverse vertebrates was conducted in the yucatan peninsula of mexico in 2003 and 2004. sera from 144 horses on cozumel island, quintana roo state, 415 vertebrates (257 birds, 52 mammals, and 106 reptiles) belonging to 61 species from the merida zoo, yucatan state, and 7 farmed crocodiles in ciudad del carmen, campeche state were assayed for antibodies to flaviviruses. ninety (62%) horses on cozumel island had epitope-b ...200616687701
neospora caninum in wildlife.neosporosis, which is caused by the coccidian parasite neospora caninum, is recognized as a major disease of domestic animals that causes high abortion rates in cattle and fatal neurological disease in dogs. a life cycle of n. caninum in wild animals (i.e. sylvatic) has long been suspected because neosporosis has been detected in several wildlife species. recently, the transmission of n. caninum has been confirmed in coyotes and white-tailed deer. the newly confirmed wild hosts and other wild an ...200616616642
perceptual specificity in the alarm calls of gunnison's prairie dogs.gunnison's prairie dogs have a complex alarm communication system. we show that the escape responses of prairie dogs to naturally occurring live predators differed depending upon the species of predator. we also show that playbacks of alarm calls that were elicited originally by the live predators produced the same escape responses as the live predators themselves. the escape responses fell into two qualitatively different categories: running to the burrow and diving inside for hawks and humans, ...200616529880
toxoplasmosis: a serological survey in ontario wildlife.sera from seven species of wild animals in ontario were examined for antibody to toxoplasma gondii using the sabin-feldman dye test. of 158 sera tested, 53% of the red foxes (vulpes vulpes), 56% of the striped skunks (mephitis mephitis), 78% of the coyotes (canis latrans), 33% of the black bears (ursus americanus), 18% of the short tailed shrews (blarina brevicauda) and none of the field voles (microtus pennsylvanicus) had antibody. antibody to t. gondii was present in sera from wild animals cap ...197616502687
electrophoretic protein analysis in the conditioned captive wild coyote, canis protein, albumin and serum protein values were determined on 19 male and 14 female captive, vaccinated, wild coyotes. male coyotes had significantly higher total protein, alpha 1 and alpha 2 globulin levels than female coyotes. captive, wild coyotes had lower values for total protein, albumin and beta globulins, and higher values for alpha 2 and gamma globulins than similar values for laboratory dogs. albumin values determined by bromcresol green were slightly higher than values derived by ...197616502686
[bovine neosporosis: general concepts, immunity and perspectives for vaccination].neospora caninum causes abortions in cattle worldwide. the neospora-cycle of life is heteroxenous. dogs (canis familiaris) and coyotes (canis latrans) are the definitive hosts known at present. although, transplacental infection is an efficiently mode of transmission in cattle; there are also experimental and field data that prove horizontal transmission. several techniques are available for diagnosis since neosporosis is recognized as a disease that causes economic losses in cattle. the mechani ...200516502644
hematologic values of conditioned, captive wild coyotes.hemograms were performed on blood samples collected from 35 coyotes (canis latrans). hematologic values were established for conditioned, captive wild coyotes under controlled conditions of environment and nutrition.197616498887
the prevalence of antibodies against toxoplasma gondii in some ontario mammals.a survey of serum samples from mammals trapped in central ontario showed that many contained antibodies to toxoplasma gondii. the prevalence of infection as reflected by positive reactions in the sabin-feldman dye test appeared to be related to the type of diet of each species examined, and specifically, to the proportion of rodents in the diet. of the fox blood samples tested, 84% were positive. the percentage of positive samples diminished through, coyote, mink, bear, fisher skunk, raccoon, ma ...197616498870
a bartonella vinsonii berkhoffii typing scheme based upon 16s-23s its and pap31 sequences from dog, coyote, gray fox, and human isolates.since the isolation of bartonella vinsonii subspecies berkhoffii from a dog with endocarditis in 1993, this organism has emerged as an important pathogen in dogs and as an emerging pathogen in people. current evidence indicates that coyotes, dogs and gray foxes potentially serve as reservoir hosts. based upon sequence differences within the 16s-23s its region and pap31 gene, we propose a classification scheme that divides b. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii isolates into four distinct types. two conse ...200616460911
angiostrongylus vasorum infection in a coyote (canis latrans) from newfoundland and labrador, canada.tissue samples and feces were collected from a dead, adult female coyote (canis latrans) found at the side of the road in late march 2003 in the avalon peninsula region of newfoundland, canada. the coyote apparently died of vehicular-related trauma. samples of lung, brain, heart, liver, and kidney were fixed in formalin and submitted for histologic examination. the entire remaining lung and heart also were submitted for examination. the coyote was diagnosed with moderate, multifocal, granulomato ...200516456176
serologic survey of select infectious diseases in coyotes and raccoons in obtain data about select zoonotic and other infectious diseases in free-ranging predators in five ecoregions in nebraska, sera were collected from 67 coyotes (canis latrans) and 63 raccoons (procyon lotor) from november 2002 through january 2003. for coyotes, antibodies were detected against canine distemper virus (cdv, 61%), francisella tularensis (32%), rickettsia rickettsi (13%), and flaviviruses (48%). none of the coyote sera had antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi, brucella canis, or six ...200516456169
protecting babies: vaccine strategies to prevent foetopathy in neospora caninum-infected cattle.neospora caninum is an apicomplexan protozoan parasite that is a significant infectious abortifacient agent in cattle. despite the fact that it is a member of a well described taxonomic group, it is a relatively newly discovered parasite and its biology is not yet fully understood. cattle become infected either congenitally via transplacental transmission or post-natally by ingesting oocysts derived from the definitive host; dogs and coyotes are the only definitive hosts that have been described ...200616441503
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2004.during 2004, 49 states and puerto rico reported 6,836 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 8 cases in human beings to the cdc, representing a 4.6% decrease from the 7,170 cases in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings reported in 2003. approximately 92% of the cases were in wildlife, and 8% were in domestic animals (compared with 91% and 9%, respectively, in 2003). relative contributions by the major animal groups were as follows: 2,564 raccoons (37.5%), 1,856 skunks (27.1%), 1,361 bat ...200516379626
[epidemiology of rabies virus and other lyssaviruses].rabies is a zoonosis that infects domestic and wild animals through close contacts with saliva from infected animals. the annual number of deaths worldwide caused by rabies is estimated approximately 55,000 by world health organization (who). there has been no indigenous rabies case in japan since 1957; however, there was only one imported case, a traveler who was bitten by a stray dog in nepal and died in 1970. dogs in asia and africa remain the main reservoir and transmitter of rabies to human ...200516363690
experimental infection of adult and juvenile coyotes with domestic dog and wild coyote isolates of hepatozoon americanum (apicomplexa: adeleorina).each of five adult and four juvenile coyotes (canis latrans) was exposed to an oral dose of 50 hepatozoon americanum oocysts recovered from amblyomma maculatum ticks that previously fed on either naturally infected domestic dogs (canis familiaris) or naturally infected wild coyotes. all coyotes exposed to h. americanum became infected, regardless of isolate source, and all exhibited mild to moderate clinical disease that simulated american canine hepatozoonosis in naturally infected dogs. at 100 ...200516244069
evaluation of oral rabies vaccination programs for control of rabies epizootics in coyotes and gray foxes: evaluate the effectiveness of intervention efforts to halt 2 wildlife rabies epizootics from 1995 through 2003, including 9 oral rabies vaccination campaigns for coyotes and 8 oral rabies vaccination campaigns for gray foxes.200516178403
characterizing noise in nonhuman vocalizations: acoustic analysis and human perception of barks by coyotes and dogs.measuring noise as a component of mammalian vocalizations is of interest because of its potential relevance to the communicative function. however, methods for characterizing and quantifying noise are less well established than methods applicable to harmonically structured aspects of signals. using barks of coyotes and domestic dogs, we compared six acoustic measures and studied how they are related to human perception of noisiness. measures of harmonic-to-noise-ratio (hnr), percent voicing, and ...200516119370
the sylvatic cycle of neospora caninum: where do we go from here?bovine abortions due to neospora caninum infection are a major cattle-production problem worldwide. the parasite is readily maintained in cattle populations by vertical transmission. the domestic dog excretes oocysts in its feces and, after sporulation, these oocysts are infectious to cattle. current control measures are aimed at culling infected cows and limiting the access of cattle to infective oocysts. the recent revelations that coyotes (canis latrans) can excrete n. caninum oocysts in thei ...200516098812
environmental factors associated with bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii seropositivity in free-ranging coyotes from northern california.bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii is a newly recognized pathogen of domestic dogs and humans. coyotes (canis latrans) are considered an important reservoir of this bacterium in the western united states, but its vectors are still unknown. our objective was to identify environmental factors associated with bartonella antibody prevalence in 239 coyotes from northern california, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. in addition, associations were evaluated between b. v. berkhoffii and two ...200516011426
influence of extender, freezing rate, and thawing rate on post-thaw motility, viability and morphology of coyote (canis latrans) spermatozoa.the objective of this study was to examine the post-thaw effects of three cryoprotective extenders (tris-fructose-citric acid extender, tris-glucose-citric acid extender, and lactose extender), three linear freezing rates (-1, -6, and -20 degrees c/min), and three thawing rates (37 degrees c water bath for 120s, 60 degrees c water bath for 30s, and 70 degrees c water bath for 8s) on coyote spermatozoa. after thawing, the findings supported that cryopreservation of coyote (canis latrans) spermato ...200515961151
status of oral rabies vaccination in wild carnivores in the united states.persistence of multiple variants of rabies virus in wild chiroptera and carnivora presents a continuing challenge to medical, veterinary and wildlife management professionals. oral rabies vaccination (orv) targeting specific carnivora species has emerged as an integral adjunct to conventional rabies control strategies to protect humans and domestic animals. orv has been applied with progress toward eliminating rabies in red foxes (vulpes vulpes) in western europe and southern ontario, canada. mo ...200515896404
efficacy of rabies biologics against new lyssaviruses from causative agents of rabies continue to emerge as shown by the recent description of four novel lyssaviruses from bats in eurasia, aravan (arav), khujand (khuv), irkut (irkv), and west caucasian bat virus (wcbv). the effect of rabies vaccination prior to exposure to these new lyssaviruses was investigated in two animal models (i.e., syrian hamsters and ferrets). the hamsters were vaccinated intramuscularly with a commercial human or veterinary vaccine or with an experimental vaccinia-rabies g ...200515896401
molecular epizootiology of rabies associated with terrestrial carnivores in mexico.epizootiological patterns of rabies are described, using antigenic and genetic analysis of samples obtained from infected domestic and wild mammals in 20 mexican states during 1976-2002. two independent origins are suggested for rabies in mexican carnivores. one group shares ancestry with canine rabies, while the other group appears to share a common origin with bat rabies in north america. more than 12 sublineages were found in rabid dog populations, suggesting at least six major spatio-tempora ...200515896399
evaluation of cocoa- and coffee-derived methylxanthines as toxicants for the control of pest coyotes.methylxanthines were quantified in coffee, tea, and chocolate products. tarajuilie tea from india, cocoa powder, and cocoa nibs contained the highest levels of methylxanthines. theobromine, caffeine, and theophylline combined in the ratios observed in tea and chocolate were ingested by coyotes. although both mixtures induced acute toxicity, the symptoms accompanying the chocolate methylxanthine mimic were preferable. manipulation of the ratios of methylxanthines in the chocolate mimic led to the ...200515884841
gis-facilitated spatial epidemiology of tick-borne diseases in coyotes (canis latrans) in northern and coastal california.ixodes pacificus is the main tick vector for transmission of anaplasma phagocytophilum and borrelia burgdorferi to large vertebrates in california. the present study was undertaken in i. pacificus-infested counties in california to examine spatial and temporal relationships among a. phagocytophilum and b. burgdorferi-exposed coyotes with vegetation type and climate. the overall a. phagocytophilum and b. burgdorferi seroprevalences were 39.5% (n=215) and 18.9% (n=148), respectively, with no assoc ...200515857659
monitoring coyote population dynamics by genotyping faeces.reliable population estimates are necessary for effective conservation and management, and faecal genotyping has been used successfully to estimate the population size of several elusive mammalian species. information such as changes in population size over time and survival rates, however, are often more useful for conservation biology than single population estimates. we evaluated the use of faecal genotyping as a tool for monitoring long-term population dynamics, using coyotes (canis latrans) ...200515813796
'candidatus borrelia texasensis', from the american dog tick dermacentor variabilis.txw-1, a borrelia strain isolated in march 1998 from an adult male dermacentor variabilis tick feeding on a coyote from webb county, texas, usa, was characterized by using randomly amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) analysis, rflp and sequence analysis of flab and rrs (16s rrna gene), dna-dna hybridization analysis, sds-page and western blotting with mabs. it shows different banding patterns in rflp analysis of flab and forms distinct branches in phylogenetic analysis derived from flab and rrs gen ...200515774644
coyote movements and social structure along a cryptic population genetic subdivision.a recent region-wide study determined that the central california coyote (canis latrans) population was genetically subdivided according to habitat bioregions, supporting the hypothesis that coyotes exhibit a dispersal bias toward their natal habitat type. here, we further investigated this hypothesis using radio-collared coyotes captured on a 150-km(2) study site on the border of (i.e. overlapping) two bioregions (great valley and cascade mountains). as predicted, most coyotes were assigned (ba ...200515773950
oral vaccination of wildlife against rabies: opportunities and challenges in prevention and control.rabies is an acute, progressive, fatal encephalitis caused by viruses in the family rhabdoviridae, genus lyssavirus. rabies virus is the representative member of the group. warm-blooded vertebrates are susceptible to experimental infection, but major primary hosts for disease perpetuation encompass bats and mammalian carnivores. the dog is the global reservoir, and important wild carnivores include foxes, raccoons, skunks, and mongoose, among others. traditionally, reliance upon long-term, wides ...200415742629
conservation of mhc class ii doa sequences among carnivores.we obtained the nucleotide sequence for most of the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) class ii doa locus for weddell, leopard, northern elephant, and southern elephant seals and from the coyote and compared them to all known doa data available to date. we found generally low levels of interspecific polymorphisms, providing further support for stabilizing selection acting on the doa locus. this suggests that do gene products play a substantial functional role in the regulation of antigen pre ...200515730524
transmission of neospora caninum between wild and domestic determine whether deer can transmit neospora caninum, brains of naturally infected white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) were fed to 4 dogs; 2 of these dogs shed oocysts. oocysts from 1 of the dogs were tested by polymerase chain reaction and found to be positive for n. caninum and negative for hammondia heydorni. the internal transcribed spacer 1 sequence of the new strain (designated nc-deer1) was identical to n. caninum from domestic animals, indicating that n. caninum is transmitted ...200415715229
serologic survey for canine infectious diseases among sympatric swift foxes (vulpes velox) and coyotes (canis latrans) in southeastern colorado.swift foxes (vulpes velox) and coyotes (canis latrans) are sympatric canids distributed throughout many regions of the great plains of north america. the prevalence of canid diseases among these two species where they occur sympatrically is presently unknown. from january 1997 to january 2001, we collected blood samples from 89 swift foxes and 122 coyotes on the us army piñon canyon maneuver site, las animas county, se colorado (usa). seroprevalence of antibodies against canine parvovirus (cpv) ...200415650093
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2003.during 2003, 49 states and puerto rico reported 7,170 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings to the cdc. this represents a 10% decrease from the 7,967 cases in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings reported in 2002. more than 91 (n = 6,556) were in wild animals, and 8.6% (614) were in domestic species (compared with 92.5% in wild animals and 74% in domestic species in 2002). the relative contributions of the major groups of animals were as follows: 2,635 raccoons ...200415643834
evaluation of a rapid single multiplex microsatellite-based assay for use in forensic genetic investigations in develop a set of microsatellite markers, composed of a minimal number of these markers, suitable for use in forensic genetic investigations in dogs.200415524334
secondary poisoning of eagles following intentional poisoning of coyotes with anticholinesterase pesticides in western canada.records of eagles, coyotes (canis latrans), and red foxes (vulpes vulpes) necropsied at the western college of veterinary medicine, saskatoon, saskatchewan, canada, between 1967 and 2002 were reviewed for cases suggestive of anticholinesterase poisoning. from 1993 to 2002, 54 putative poisoning incidents involving 70 bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) and 10 golden eagles (aquila chrysaetus) were identified. of these, 50 incidents occurred in saskatchewan, two were in manitoba, and one occur ...200415362815
detection of antibodies to neospora caninum in two species of wild canids, lycalopex gymnocercus and cerdocyon thous from brazil.domestic dog (canis domesticus) and the coyote (canis latrans) are the only known definitive hosts for the protozoan neospora caninum that causes abortion in dairy cattle. in the present study, antibodies to n. caninum were sought in three species of wild canids, cerdocyon thous, lycalopex gymnocercus and dusicyon vetulus from brazil. antibodies to n. caninum were assayed by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat) and the neospora agglutination test (nat). n. caninum antibodies were found ...200415325054
from wild wolf to domestic dog: gene expression changes in the brain.despite the relatively recent divergence time between domestic dogs (canis familiaris) and gray wolves (canis lupus), the two species show remarkable behavioral differences. since dogs and wolves are nearly identical at the level of dna sequence, we hypothesize that the two species may differ in patterns of gene expression. we compare gene expression patterns in dogs, wolves and a close relative, the coyote (canis latrans), in three parts of the brain: hypothalamus, amygdala and frontal cortex, ...200415249144
population structure of california coyotes corresponds to habitat-specific breaks and illuminates species history.little is known about the relationship between animal movements and the emergent structure of populations, especially for species occupying large continuous distributions. some such mammals disperse disproportionately into habitat similar to their natal habitat, a behavioural bias that might be expected to lead to habitat-conforming genetic structure. we hypothesized that coyotes (canis latrans) would exhibit such natal-biased dispersal, and used 13 microsatellite loci to test, correspondingly, ...200415078462
occurrence of the gulf coast tick (acari: ixodidae) on wild and domestic mammals in north-central oklahoma.parasitic life stages of amblyomma maculatum koch were collected from domestic cattle and several species of wild mammals during a 3.5-yr study (may 1998-october 2001) in north-central oklahoma. adult ticks were the predominant life stage collected from cattle, white-tailed deer, coyotes, and raccoons, whereas only immature ticks were collected from cotton rats and white-footed mice. the prevalence of adult a. maculatum on white-tailed deer (n = 15) examined in june, july, and august 1998 was 80 ...200415061275
life-history studies on two molecular strains of mesocestoides (cestoda: mesocestoididae): identification of sylvatic hosts and infectivity of immature life studies were conducted on 2 molecular strains of mesocestoides tapeworms that represent different evolutionary lineages (clades a and b). wild carnivores, reptiles, and rodents were examined for tapeworm infections at 2 enzootic sites: (1) san miguel island (smi), a small island off the coast of southern california and (2) hopland research and extension center (hrec), a field station in northern california. results indicate that deer mice (peromyscus maniculatus) and coyotes (canis la ...200415040675
molecular and biologic characteristics of toxoplasma gondii isolates from wildlife in the united states.toxoplasma gondii isolates can be grouped into 3 genetic lineages. type i isolates are considered more virulent in outbred mice and have been isolated predominantly from clinical cases of human toxoplasmosis, whereas types ii and iii isolates are considered less virulent for mice and are found in humans and food animals. little is known of genotypes of t. gondii isolates from wild animals. in the present report, genotypes of isolates of t. gondii from wildlife in the united states are described. ...200415040668
coyotes (canis latrans) are definitive hosts of neospora caninum.four captive-raised coyote pups consumed tissues from neospora caninum-infected calves. faeces were examined from 4 days before to 28 days after infection. one pup shed n. caninum-like oocysts, which tested positive for n. caninum and negative for hammondia heydorni using pcr tests. coyotes are the second discovered definitive host of n. caninum, after dogs. in north america, the expanding coyote ranges and population increase the probability of contact with domestic livestock. to reduce the ris ...200415037103
first report of giardia in coyotes (canis latrans). 200314736229
experimental babesia gibsoni infection in coyotes (canis latrans).four 5 mo old captive raised coyotes (canis latrans) were experimentally inoculated with approximately 1 x 10(6) babesia gibsoni organisms. parasites were detected 1 wk post-inoculation in all coyotes with maximum parasitemia of 8-11% occurring at 34 wk. parasitemias remained at or above 1% for at least 12 wk and were still detectable 20 wk post-inoculation. all experimentally infected coyotes developed pale mucous membranes, splenomegaly, and a positive heme reaction in urine while one coyote e ...200314733288
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2002.during 2002, 49 states and puerto rico reported 7,967 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention, an increase of 7.2% from the 7,436 cases in non-human animals and 1 case in a human being reported in 2001. more than 92% (7,375 cases) were in wild animals, whereas 7.4% (592) were in domestic species (compared with 93.3% in wild animals and 6.7% in domestic species in 2001). compared with cases reported in 2001, the numbers of ...200314690203
pedigree-based assignment tests for reversing coyote (canis latrans) introgression into the wild red wolf (canis rufus) population.the principal threat to the persistence of the endangered red wolf (canis rufus) in the wild is hybridization with the coyote (canis latrans). to facilitate idengification and removal of hybrids, assignment tests are developed which use genotype data to estimate identity as coyote, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 or full red wolf. the tests use genotypes from the red wolves that founded the surviving population and the resulting pedigree, rather than a contemporary red wolf sample. the tests are evaluated by anal ...200314629346
a survey of the parasites of coyotes (canis latrans) in new york based on fecal analysis.coyotes (canis latrans) have colonized northeastern north america only within the past 10-80 yr. we examined feces of coyotes in 2000-01 at three sites in new york (usa) to survey parasites in the region. two cestodes, nine nematodes, five protozoa, one trematode, and two arthropods were identified from 145 coyote fecal samples. parasite component community diversity was higher (n = 16 species) in southern new york than in middle and northern sites (nine species each) and infracommunity species ...200314567236
canine heartworms in coyotes in illinois.canine heartworm (dirofilaria immitis) disease affects wild canids and may be a factor impacting the health and population dynamics of coyotes (canis latrans). coyotes may serve also as a potential reservoir for transmission of these parasites to domestic dogs. we investigated 920 coyotes harvested by hunters and trappers throughout illinois (usa) from 1995-1997. the objectives of the study were to: 1) survey the regional prevalence and intensity of heartworms in coyotes in illinois, 2) determin ...200314567221
american canine hepatozoonosis.american canine hepatozoonosis (ach) is a tick-borne disease that is spreading in the southeastern and south-central united states. characterized by marked leukocytosis and periosteal bone proliferation, ach is very debilitating and often fatal. dogs acquire infection by ingesting nymphal or adult gulf coast ticks (amblyomma maculatum) that, in a previous life stage, ingested the parasite in a blood meal taken from some vertebrate intermediate host. ach is caused by the apicomplexan hepatozoon a ...200314557294
canine transmissible venereal tumour: cytogenetic origin, immunophenotype, and immunobiology. a review.canine transmissible venereal tumour (ctvt) is the only known naturally occurring tumour that can be transplanted as an allograft across major histocompatibility (mhc) barriers within the same species, and even to other members of the canine family, such as foxes, coyotes and wolves. the progression of this tumour is unique in that, it follows a predictable growth pattern. in natural and experimental cases, the growth pattern includes progressive growth phase, static phase and regression phase, ...200314535580
the coyote, a potential host for babesia canis and ehrlichia sp. 196414215497
studies on infectious diseases in wild animals in utah. v. experimental rocky mountain spotted fever in the coyote, canis latrans lestes merriam. 196314170550
tularemia in the coyote, canis latrans lestes merriam. 201213475873
the intestinal helminths of the coyote canis latrans say, in utah. 195413192542
serologic survey for diseases in free-ranging coyotes (canis latrans) from two ecologically distinct areas of utah.the influence of habitat and associated prey assemblages on the prevalence of canine diseases in coyotes (canis latrans) has received scant attention. from december 1997 through december 1999, we captured 67 coyotes in two ecologically distinct areas of utah (usa): deseret land and livestock ranch and us army dugway proving ground. these areas differ in habitat and prey base. we collected blood samples and tested for evidence of various canine diseases. prevalence of antibodies against canine pa ...200312910777
rabies among infrequently reported mammalian carnivores in the united states, 1960-2000.most cases of rabies reported annually in the united states occur among three groups of carnivores--raccoons (procyon lotor), skunks (mephitis, spilogale, and putorius), foxes (vulpes, urocyon, and alopex)--and among bats (numerous species). however, between 1960 and 2000, a total of 2,851 cases of rabies in 17 other carnivore taxa were reported to the centers for disease control and prevention, atlanta, georgia (usa), from 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico. three species of t ...200312910751
determination of mifepristone levels in wild canid serum using liquid hplc method was developed to determine levels of mifepristone, in coyote (canis latrans) serum where mifepristone will be used as an oral contragestive agent for nonlethal predator control. serum samples were extracted using c(18) solid-phase extraction cartridges. a synthetic analog of mifepristone, rti-3021-003, was used as the internal standard. separation of the compounds was achieved by using a c(18) (150 x 4.6 mm) column. the mobile phase was 55% acetonitrile in water running at 1.0 ml/ ...200312888193
american canine hepatozoonosis.american canine hepatozoonosis is an emerging, tick-transmitted infection of domestic dogs caused by a recently recognized species of apicomplexan parasite, hepatozoon americanum. the known definitive host of the protozoan is the gulf coast tick, amblyomma maculatum. presently recognized intermediate hosts include the domestic dog and the coyote, canis latrans. laboratory-reared larval or nymphal a. maculatum can be infected readily by feeding to repletion on a parasitemic intermediate host; spo ...200312885206
clinical impact of persistent bartonella bacteremia in humans and animals.bartonella spp. are emerging vector-borne pathogens that cause persistent, often asymptomatic bacteremia in their natural hosts. as our knowledge progresses, it appears that chronic infection may actually predispose the host to mild, insidious nonspecific manifestations or induce, in selected instances, severe diseases. persistent asymptomatic bacteremia is most common in animals that serve as the main reservoir for the specific bartonella. in humans, these organisms are b. bacilliformis and b. ...200312860639
using faecal dna sampling and gis to monitor hybridization between red wolves (canis rufus) and coyotes (canis latrans).the us fish and wildlife service's (usfws) red wolf recovery program recognizes hybridization with coyotes as the primary threat to red wolf recovery. efforts to curb or stop hybridization are hampered in two ways. first, hybrid individuals are difficult to identify based solely on morphology. second, managers need to effectively search 6000 km(2) for the presence of coyotes and hybrids. we develop a noninvasive method to screen large geographical areas for coyotes and hybrids with maternal coyo ...200312859637
reconstructing the spread of dirofilaria immitis in california coyotes.dirofilaria immitis is a filarial nematode parasite that is currently widely enzootic in dog and coyote (canis latrans) populations of california. weak historical evidence suggests that the initial focus of d. immitis in california occurred 3 decades ago in the sierra nevada foothills (snf) and spread to other parts of california thereafter. however, this hypothesis is difficult to evaluate because of the lack of epidemiological studies on heartworm in california before 1970. we investigated thi ...200312760647
q fever in humans and animals in the united states.coxiella burnetii, the etiologic agent of q fever, is a worldwide zoonotic pathogen. although q fever is present in the united states, little is known about its current incidence or geographic distribution in either humans or animals. published reports of national disease surveillance, individual cases, outbreak investigations, and serologic surveys were reviewed to better characterize q fever epidemiology in the united states. in national disease surveillance reports for 1948-1986, 1,396 human ...200212737547
assessing behavior in extinct animals: was smilodon social?it has been suggested that saber-tooth species such as smilodon fatalis were social because partially healed skeletal injuries were found at rancho la brea, california. this conclusion assumes injured animals would die without help. this paper will rebut assertions of sociality. first, cats use metabolic reserves to heal quickly without feeding. second, dehydration is a more profound limitation than starvation as prey carcasses only provide a quarter of necessary water. injured animals must be m ...200312697957
widespread occurrence of a domestic dog mitochondrial dna haplotype in southeastern us coyotes.sequence analysis of the mitochondrial dna control region from 112 southeastern us coyotes (canis latrans) revealed 12 individuals with a haplotype closely related to those in domestic dogs. phylogenetic analyses grouped this new haplotype in the dog/grey wolf (canis familiaris/canis lupus) clade with 98% bootstrap support. these results demonstrate that a male coyote hybridized with a female dog, and female hybrid offspring successfully integrated into the coyote population. the widespread dist ...200312535104
spatial analysis of yersinia pestis and bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii seroprevalence in california coyotes (canis latrans).zoonotic transmission of sylvatic plague caused by yersinia pestis occurs in california, usa. human infections with various bartonella species have been reported recently. coyotes (canis latrans) are ubiquitous throughout california and can become infected with both bacterial agents, making the species useful for surveillance purposes. this study examined the geographic distribution of 863 coyotes tested for y. pestis and bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii serologic status to gain insight int ...200312507856
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2001.during 2001, 49 states and puerto rico reported 7,437 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 1 case in a human being to the centers for disease control and prevention, an increase of < 1% from 7,364 cases in nonhuman animals and 5 human cases reported in 2000. more than 93% (6,939 cases) were in wild animals, whereas 6.7% (497 cases) were in domestic species (compared with 93.0% in wild animals and 6.9% in domestic species in 2000). the number of cases reported in 2001 increased among bats, cat ...200212494966
community and ecosystem level consequences of chemical cues in the plankton.aquatic organisms produce compounds that deter consumers, alter prey behavior, suppress or kill target and nontarget species, and dramatically affect food-web structure, community composition, and the rates and pathways of biogeochemical cycles. toxins from marine and freshwater phytoplankton create health hazards for both aquatic and terrestrial species and can significantly affect human activities and the economic vitality of local communities. a reasonable case can be made that phytoplankton ...200212474896
prevalence of mycobacterium bovis infection in cervids on privately owned determine prevalence of tuberculosis caused by infection with mycobacterium bovis in cervids on privately owned ranches in northeastern lower michigan.200212418527
validation for use with coyotes (canis latrans) of a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for dirofilaria immitis.serological tests offer a potentially powerful tool for monitoring parasites in wildlife populations. however, such tests must be validated before using them with target wildlife populations. we evaluated in coyotes (canis latrans) the performance of a commercially available serological test used to detect canine heartworm (dirofilaria immitis) in domestic dogs. we obtained 265 coyote carcasses and serological specimens from 54 additional coyotes from several regions of california, usa. we necro ...200212383624
induced sterility for coyote control: effect of cadmium chloride on potential fertility of the male canis familiaris.6 mature male dogs were treated with .025 gm cadmium chloride in defibrinated pig blood for 10 consecutive days; 4 control dogs received the carrier only. semen was collected by means of an artificial vagina and digital stimulation and a microscopic examination was performed immediately to estimate percent of motile spermatozoa and motility score. histological examination of testicular tissue using a hematoxylin-eosin stain was made at the end of the experiment. the data were evaluated by anal ...197612334674
the threatened plague.this article discusses changes in disease patterns affecting human health that may be related to environmental and social changes in the world. the world health report reveals that 30 new diseases emerged in the past 20 years. old diseases are becoming resistant to new drugs. infectious diseases that were in decline are spreading: diphtheria, whooping cough, and measles. illnesses such as malaria, fevers, cholera, and rodent-borne viruses are becoming more frequent. diseases that are transm ...199712321043
major histocompatibility complex variation in red wolves: evidence for common ancestry with coyotes and balancing selection.we examined variation at a class ii major histocompatibility complex (mhc) gene (drb1) in the captive red wolf population and samples of coyotes from texas and north carolina. we found 4 alleles in the 48 red wolves, 8 alleles in the 10 coyotes from texas and 15 alleles in the 29 coyotes from north carolina. two of the four alleles found in red wolves, caru-2 and caru-4, were found in both the texas and north carolina coyote samples. allele caru-1, previously found in gray wolves, was also found ...200212296935
safety of brucella abortus strain rb51 vaccine in non-target ungulates and coyotes.brucellosis is endemic in free-ranging elk (cervus elaphus) and bison (bison bison) in the greater yellowstone area (gya; usa). it is possible that an oral brucellosis vaccine could be developed and disseminated in the gya to reduce disease transmission. should this occur, non-target species other than elk and bison may come in contact with the vaccine resulting in morbidity or mortality. to assess biosafety, bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis; n = 10), pronghorn (antilocapra americana; n = 9), mule ...200212238372
assessment of cabergoline as a reproductive inhibitor in coyotes (canis latrans).the efficacy of three oral formulations (gelatin capsule, tablet, oil base) and five dosages (50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 microg) of cabergoline to disrupt reproduction in coyotes (canis latrans) was evaluated. the type of formulation used had no effect on plasma progesterone and prolactin concentrations or on mean litter size. no adverse side effects (for example, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhoea) were observed despite the use of doses of up to 20 times the therapeutic dose used for domestic dogs and ...200212220164
isolation of prorocentrum lima (syn. exuviaella lima) and diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (dsp) risk assessment in the gulf of california, mexico.a benthic toxic dinoflagellate identified as prorocentrum lima (syn. exuviaella lima), and designated as strain prl-1, was isolated from the coast of el pardito (coyote) island in baja california sur, mexico, after a fisherman poisoning incident involving consumption of liver from lutjanus colorado, and mycteroperca prionura fish. purification and culturing was done in es-si medium, under 12:12 light/dark cycle (4 x 20 w cool-white fluorescent lamps), at 22 degrees c and constant stirring during ...200212165314
distribution and prevalence of echinococcus multilocularis in wild predators in nebraska, kansas, and further determine the distribution and prevalence of echinococcus multilocularis in the central united states, 245 wild canids (125 red foxes, 120 coyotes) and 33 bobcats were collected from nebraska, kansas, and wyoming and examined for this parasite. animals examined included 11 red foxes from the western panhandle of nebraska; 5 red foxes and 30 coyotes from southern nebraska; 56 red foxes and 1 coyote from northeastern nebraska; 20 red foxes, 63 coyotes, and 13 bobcats from northern kansa ...200212054030
species differences in normal brain cholinesterase activities of animals and birds.the normal cholinesterase activity in brain tissue was measured in 15 mammalian and 44 avian species using the ellman method. enzyme activity exhibited considerable interspecies variability. in mammals, the enzyme activities ranged from approximately 2 to 10 micromole/min/g of wet tissue. with the exception of the carnivores (dog, fox, coyote), no consistency of the enzyme activity could be identified in related mammalian species. the range of interspecies differences associated with avian choli ...200212046961
oral efficacy of an attenuated rabies virus vaccine in skunks and raccoons.raccoons and skunks are major rabies reservoirs in north america. oral vaccination is one method to consider for disease control in these carnivores. under field conditions in the usa, only one oral rabies vaccine has been used. it is efficacious in wildlife such as raccoons (procyon lotor), coyotes (canis latrans), and foxes (vulpes vulpes) but not in skunks (mephitis mephitis). the objectives of this study were to evaluate an attenuated sag-2 rabies virus vaccine for safety, immunogenicity, an ...200212038142
a new flavor-coated sachet bait for delivering oral rabies vaccine to raccoons and coyotes.research was conducted during 1996-2000 to develop baits for delivering an oral rabies vaccine to raccoons (procyon lotor) and coyotes (canis latrans). a bait was sought that: (1) was attractive to the target species, (2) could be distributed by aircraft, (3) was as effective (or more so) than the currently used fish meal polymer bait, and (4) could be produced in large numbers by automated procedures and could be purchased by user groups at substantially lower cost. ten field trials were conduc ...200212038136
new approaches to the development of live attenuated rabies the united states, extensive reservoirs of the rabies virus exist in many diverse wild animal species, which continue to pose a serious risk of lethal infection of humans and cause an economic burden exceeding $1 billion annually. previous experience with rabies control in foxes in europe has clearly demonstrated that oral immunization with live vaccines is the only practical approach to eradicate rabies in free-ranging animals. however, unlike europe where vulpine rabies was the only major r ...200212031103
case report of a coyote attack in yellowstone national park.we report the case of an unprovoked coyote attack on a human visitor to yellowstone national park. although the patient suffered only soft tissue injuries, unprovoked attacks are rarely reported in the medical literature. this case and plans on how to manage coyote attacks are discussed.199611990109
home range formation in wolves due to scent carnivores, such as wolves and coyotes, have distinct and well-defined home ranges. during the formation of these home ranges scent marks provide important cues regarding the use of space by familiar and foreign packs. previous models for territorial pattern formation have required a den site as the organizational center around which the territory is formed. however, well-defined wolf home ranges have been known to form in the absence of a den site, and even in the absence of surrounding ...200211926117
effect of short-term coyote removal on populations of coyote helminths.coyote (canis latrans) removal programs often are initiated despite the potential population regulatory mechanism of parasitism with increased coyote density. we investigated the effect of intensive, short-term coyote removal on population levels of helminths in juvenile and adult coyotes from western texas. coyotes were killed by aerial gunning every 3 mo for 2 yr on two 5,000 ha areas, which reduced the overall coyote density of these areas by about 50%. two other 5,000 ha areas were used as c ...200211838229
Displaying items 501 - 600 of 879