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immunohistochemical localization of anterior pituitary cell types of vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops) following sub-chronic cathinone exposure.khat (catha edulis) contains cathinone, an active principal that is customarily used as a psychostimulant that wards off fatigue and to some extent used as an aphrodisiac.201526277490
joint mirna/mrna expression profiling reveals changes consistent with development of dysfunctional corpus luteum after weight gain.obese women exhibit decreased fertility, high miscarriage rates and dysfunctional corpus luteum (cl), but molecular mechanisms are poorly defined. we hypothesized that weight gain induces alterations in cl gene expression. rna sequencing was used to identify changes in the cl transcriptome in the vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops) during weight gain. 10 months of high-fat, high-fructose diet (hfhf) resulted in a 20% weight gain for hfhf animals vs. 2% for controls (p = 0.03) and a 66% increase ...201526258540
hematology and clinical chemistry measures during and after pregnancy and age- and sex-specific reference intervals in african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).clinical decisions and experimental analyses often involve the assessment of hematology and clinical chemistry. using clinical pathology to assess the health status of nhp in breeding colonies or data from studies than involve pregnancy can often be complicated by pregnancy status. this study had 2 objectives regarding the hematology and clinical chemistry of african green monkeys (agm, chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus): 1) to compare pregnant or recently postpartum animals with nonpregnant, nonlact ...201526224434
an enzootic outbreak of acute disease associated with pathogenic e. coli in adler monkey spring 2009 in adler colony of the institute of medical primatology, a large enzootic outbreak of acute intestine infection associated with pathogenic e. coli occurred and caused 5% mortality of population (209 animals).201526215538
differentiation kinetics of blood monocytes and dendritic cells in macaques: insights to understanding human myeloid cell development.monocyte and dendritic cell (dc) development was evaluated using in vivo brdu pulse-chase analyses in rhesus macaques, and phenotype analyses of these cells in blood also were assessed by immunostaining and flow cytometry for comparisons among rhesus, cynomolgus, and pigtail macaques, as well as african green monkeys and humans. the nonhuman primate species and humans have three subsets of monocytes, cd14(+)cd16(-), cd14(+)cd16(+), and cd14(-)cd16(+) cells, which correspond to classical, interme ...201526179903
critical role for the adenosine pathway in controlling simian immunodeficiency virus-related immune activation and inflammation in gut mucosal tissues.the role of the adenosine (ado) pathway in human immunodeficiency virus type 1/simian immunodeficiency virus (hiv-1/siv) infection remains unclear. we compared sivsab-induced changes of markers related to ado production (cd39 and cd73) and breakdown (cd26 and adenosine deaminase) on t cells from blood, lymph nodes, and intestine collected from pigtailed macaques (ptms) and african green monkeys (agms) that experience different sivsab infection outcomes. we also measured ado and inosine (ino) lev ...201526178986
rapid development of gp120-focused neutralizing b cell responses during acute simian immunodeficiency virus infection of african green monkeys.the initial phases of acute human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) infection may be critical for development of effective envelope (env)-specific antibodies capable of impeding the establishment of the latent pool of hiv-1-infected cd4(+) t cells, preventing virus-induced immune hyperactivation to limit disease progression and blocking vertical virus transmission. however, the initial systemic hiv-1 env-specific antibody response targets gp41 epitopes and fails to control acute-phase viremi ...201526157116
a comparison of the pathogenesis of marburg virus disease in humans and nonhuman primates and evaluation of the suitability of these animal models for predicting clinical efficacy under the 'animal rule'.marburg virus outbreaks are sporadic, infrequent, brief, and relatively small in terms of numbers of subjects affected. in addition, outbreaks most likely will occur in remote regions where clinical trials are not feasible; therefore, definitive, well-controlled human efficacy studies to test the effectiveness of a drug or biologic product are not feasible. healthy human volunteers cannot ethically be deliberately exposed to a lethal agent such as marburg virus in order to test the efficacy of a ...201526141449
an intramolecular bond at cluster of differentiation 81 ectodomain is important for hepatitis c virus entry.hepatitis c virus (hcv) infection is one of the leading causes of chronic liver diseases; however, hcv vaccine remains unavailable to date. one main obstacle is the lack of an efficient small animal model. cluster of differentiation 81 (cd81) is an essential entry coreceptor for hcv species specificity to humans, though the underlying mechanisms are yet to be fully elucidated. we performed structural, biophysical, and virologic studies on hcv nonpermissive cd81s from mice and african green monke ...201526116703
omip-026: phenotypic analysis of b and plasma cells in rhesus macaques. 201526115002
sequencing strategies and characterization of 721 vervet monkey genomes for future genetic analyses of medically relevant traits.we report here the first genome-wide high-resolution polymorphism resource for non-human primate (nhp) association and linkage studies, constructed for the caribbean-origin vervet monkey, or african green monkey (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus), one of the most widely used nhps in biomedical research. we generated this resource by whole genome sequencing (wgs) of monkeys from the vervet research colony (vrc), an nih-supported research resource for which extensive phenotypic data are available.201526092298
genetic heterogeneity and phylogeny of trichuris spp. from captive non-human primates based on ribosomal dna sequence data.nematodes of the genus trichuris, known as whipworms, are recognized to infect numerous mammalian species including humans and non-human primates. several trichuris spp. have been described and species designation/identification is traditionally based on host-affiliation, although cross-infection and hybridization events may complicate species boundaries. the main aims of the present study were to genetically characterize adult trichuris specimens from captive japanese macaques (macaca fuscata) ...201526066463
serum biomarkers of burkholderia mallei infection elucidated by proteomic imaging of skin and lung abscesses.the bacterium burkholderia mallei is the etiological agent of glanders, a highly contagious, often fatal zoonotic infectious disease that is also a biodefense concern. clinical laboratory assays that analyze blood or other biological fluids are the highest priority because these specimens can be collected with minimal risk to the patient. however, progress in developing sensitive assays for monitoring b. mallei infection is hampered by a shortage of useful biomarkers.201526034464
in vitro host range of feline morbillivirus.feline morbillivirus (fmopv) is an emerging virus in cats, which is associated with tubulointerstitial nephritis. to study the in vitro host range of fmopv, we inoculated fmopv strain ss1 to 32 cell lines originated from 13 species and cultured for 2 weeks, followed by rna extraction and reverse-transcription-polymerase chain reaction for fmopv detection. as a result, only cell lines derived from cats and african green monkeys were susceptible to fmopv. fmopv infects diverse feline cell lines: e ...201526027844
population bottlenecks and pathogen extinction: "make this everyone's mission to mars, including yours".kapusinszky et al. (j virol 89:8152-8161, 2015, report that host population bottlenecks may result in pathogen extinction, which provides a compelling argument for an alternative approach to vaccination for the control of virus spread. by comparing the prevalence levels of three viral pathogens in two populations of african green monkeys (agms) (chlorocebus sabaeus) from africa and two caribbean islands, they convincingly show that a major host bottleneck ...201526018162
local virus extinctions following a host population bottleneck.a small number of african green monkeys (agms) were introduced into the caribbean from west africa in the 1600s. to determine the impact of this population bottleneck on the agm virome, we used metagenomics to compare the viral nucleic acids in the plasma of 43 wild agms from west africa (gambia) to those in 44 agms from the caribbean (st. kitts and nevis). three viruses were detected in the blood of gambian primates: simian immunodeficiency virus (sivagm; in 42% of animals), a novel simian pegi ...201526018153
the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity of 25 plant species used traditionally to treat pain in southern african.inflammation is a common risk factor in the pathogenesis of conditions such as infections, arthritis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity and cancer. an ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used traditionally to treat inflammation and related disorders such as pain, arthritis and stomach aches in southern africa led to the selection of 25 plant species used in this study.201526014115
antiviral activity of tmc353121, a respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) fusion inhibitor, in a non-human primate model.the study assessed the antiviral activity of tmc353121, a respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) fusion inhibitor, in a preclinical non-human primate challenge model with a viral shedding pattern similar to that seen in humans, following continuous infusion (ci).201526010881
animal models for ebolavirus countermeasures discovery: what defines a useful model?ebolaviruses are highly pathogenic filoviruses, which cause disease in humans and nonhuman primates (nhp) in africa. the zaire ebolavirus outbreak in 2014, which continues to greatly affect western africa and other countries to which the hemorrhagic fever was exported due to travel of unsymptomatic yet infected individuals, was complicated by the lack of available licensed vaccines or therapeutics to combat infection. after almost a year of research at an increased pace to find and test vaccines ...201526004783
selective cell adhesion and biosensing applications of bio-active block copolymers prepared by cuaac/thiol-ene double click reactions.n-acetyl-l-cysteine (nac)-capped poly(methyl methacrylate)-b-polycaprolactone block copolymer (pmma-b-pcl-nac) was prepared using the previously described one-pot photoinduced sequential cuaac/thiol-ene double click procedure. pmma-b-pcl-nac had previously shown good applicability as a matrix for cell adhesion of cells from the vero cell line (african green monkey kidney epithelial). here, in this work, pmma-b-pcl-nac served as an excellent immobilization matrix for biomolecule conjugation. cova ...201525974890
detection of cyclospora in captive chimpanzees and macaques by a quantitative pcr-based mutation scanning approach.cyclospora is a protistan parasite that causes enteritis in several species of animals including humans. the aim of this study was to investigate the presence of cyclospora in captive non-human primates.201525972100
inclusion of flagellin during vaccination against influenza enhances recall responses in nonhuman primate neonates.influenza virus can cause life-threatening infections in neonates and young infants. although vaccination is a major countermeasure against influenza, current vaccines are not approved for use in infants less than 6 months of age, in part due to the weak immune response following vaccination. thus, there is a strong need to develop new vaccines with improved efficacy for this vulnerable population. to address this issue, we established a neonatal african green monkey (agm) nonhuman primate model ...201525948746
b-1 lymphocytes in mice and nonhuman primates.b-1 cells comprise subpopulations of b lymphocytes in mice that display developmental, phenotypic, and functional characteristics that are distinct from those of conventional b cell populations (b-2 cells). despite the known importance of murine b-1a (cd5(+) ) and b-1b (cd5(-) ) cells in the production of natural antibodies and rapid antigen-specific humoral responses to infection, evidence for b-1 cells in primates, including humans, is very limited. identifying these cells in humans proves cha ...201525930711
plasmacytoid dendritic cell infection and sensing capacity during pathogenic and nonpathogenic simian immunodeficiency virus infection.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) in humans and simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) in macaques (mac) lead to chronic inflammation and aids. natural hosts, such as african green monkeys (agm) and sooty mangabeys (sm), are protected against siv-induced chronic inflammation and aids. here, we report that agm plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pdc) express extremely low levels of cd4, unlike mac and human pdc. despite this, agm pdc efficiently sensed sivagm, but not heterologous hiv/siv isolates, indic ...201525903334
removal of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy prion from large volumes of cell culture media supplemented with fetal bovine serum by using hollow fiber anion-exchange membrane chromatography.cases of variant creutzfeldt-jakob disease in people who had consumed contaminated meat products from cattle with bovine spongiform encephalopathy emphasize the need for measures aimed at preventing the transmission of the pathogenic prion protein (prpsc) from materials derived from cattle. highly stringent scrutiny is required for fetal bovine serum (fbs), a growth-medium supplement used in the production of parenteral vaccines and therapeutic recombinant proteins and in the ex vivo expansion o ...201525874629
single-dose live-attenuated vesicular stomatitis virus-based vaccine protects african green monkeys from nipah virus disease.nipah virus is a zoonotic paramyxovirus that causes severe respiratory and/or encephalitic disease in humans, often resulting in death. it is transmitted from pteropus fruit bats, which serve as the natural reservoir of the virus, and outbreaks occur on an almost annual basis in bangladesh or india. outbreaks are small and sporadic, and several cases of human-to-human transmission have been documented as an important feature of the epidemiology of nipah virus disease. there are no approved count ...201525865472
a potential compensatory role for endogenous striatal tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons in a nonhuman primate model of parkinson's disease.the possibility of enhancing endogenous brain repair following neurological disorders, such as parkinson's disease (pd), is of considerable recent interest. one such mechanism may exist in the striatum as an upregulated population of tyrosine hydroxylase (th)-immunoreactive neurons that appear after 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetra-hydropyridine (mptp) lesions in nonhuman primates as well as in humans with pd. an intriguing possibility is that these endogenous neurons reflect a compensatory mecha ...201525839107
potent restriction of hiv-1 and sivmac239 replication by african green monkey trim5α.the trim5α protein is a principal restriction factor that contributes to an hiv-1 replication block in rhesus macaque cd4+ t cells by preventing reverse transcription. hiv-1 restriction is induced in human cd4+ t cells by expression of rhesus trim5α as well as those of other old world monkeys. while trim5α restriction has been extensively studied in single-round infection assays, fewer studies have examined restriction after extended viral replication.201525809491
synthesis, spectroscopic properties, molecular docking, anti-colon cancer and anti-microbial studies of some novel metal complexes for 2-amino-4-phenylthiazole derivative.this article describes the synthesis of novel bidentate schiff base (h2l) from condensation of 2-amino-4-phenylthiazole (apt) with 4,6-diacetylresorcinol (dar) in the molar ratio 2:1. we studied interaction of ligand (h2l) with transition metal ions such as cr(iii), fe(iii), cu(ii), zn(ii) and cd(ii). the ligand (h2l) has two bidentate sets of (n-o) units which can coordinate with two metal ions to afford novel binuclear metal complexes. the directions of coordinate bonds are from nitrogen atoms ...201525796013
comparison of experimental respiratory tularemia in three nonhuman primate species.tularemia is a zoonotic disease caused by francisella tularensis, which is transmitted to humans most commonly by contact with infected animals, tick bites, or inhalation of aerosolized bacteria. f. tularensis is highly infectious via the aerosol route; inhalation of as few as 10-50 organisms can cause pneumonic tularemia. left untreated, the pneumonic form has more than >30% case-fatality rate but with early antibiotic intervention can be reduced to 3%. this study compared tularemia disease pro ...201525766142
functional and molecular evidence for expression of the renin angiotensin system and adam17-mediated ace2 shedding in cos7 cells.the renin angiotensin system (ras) plays a vital role in the regulation of the cardiovascular and renal functions. cos7 is a robust and easily transfectable cell line derived from the kidney of the african green monkey, cercopithecus aethiops. the aims of this study were to 1) demonstrate the presence of an endogenous and functional ras in cos7, and 2) investigate the role of a disintegrin and metalloproteinase-17 (adam17) in the ectodomain shedding of angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ace2). rev ...201525740155
a kunjin replicon virus-like particle vaccine provides protection against ebola virus infection in nonhuman primates.the current unprecedented outbreak of ebola virus (ebov) disease in west africa has demonstrated the urgent need for a vaccine. here, we describe the evaluation of an ebov vaccine candidate based on kunjin replicon virus-like particles (kun vlps) encoding ebov glycoprotein with a d637l mutation (gp/d637l) in nonhuman primates. four african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were injected subcutaneously with a dose of 10(9) kun vlps per animal twice with an interval of 4 weeks, and animals we ...201525732811
detailed analysis of the african green monkey model of nipah virus disease.henipaviruses are implicated in severe and frequently fatal pneumonia and encephalitis in humans. there are no approved vaccines or treatments available for human use, and testing of candidates requires the use of well-characterized animal models that mimic human disease. we performed a comprehensive and statistically-powered evaluation of the african green monkey model to define parameters critical to disease progression and the extent to which they correlate with human disease. african green m ...201525706617
inducible nitric oxide synthase (inos) regulatory region variation in non-human primates.inducible nitric oxide synthase (inos) is an enzyme that plays a key role in intracellular immune response against respiratory infections. since various species of nonhuman primates exhibit different levels of susceptibility to infectious respiratory diseases, and since variation in regulatory regions of genes is thought to play a key role in expression levels of genes, two candidate regulatory regions of inos were mapped, sequenced, and compared across five species of nonhuman primates: african ...201525675838
prrsv receptors and their roles in virus infection.porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) has a restricted cell tropism and prefers to invade well-differentiated cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage, such as pulmonary alveolar macrophages and african green monkey kidney cell line ma-104 and its derivatives, such as marc-145, vero and cl-2621. prrsv infection of the host cells actually is a receptor-mediated endocytosis and replication process. the presence and absence of the cellular receptors decide whether the cell lin ...201525666932
african green monkey trim5α restriction in simian immunodeficiency virus-specific rhesus macaque effector cd4 t cells enhances their survival and antiviral function.the expression of xenogeneic trim5α proteins can restrict infection in various retrovirus/host cell pairings. previously, we have shown that african green monkey trim5α (agmtrim5α) potently restricts both human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus mac239 (siv(mac239)) replication in a transformed human t-cell line (l. v. coren, et al., retrovirology 12:11, 2015, to assess agmtrim5α restriction in primary cells, we t ...201525653448
refinement of a protocol for the induction of lactation in nonpregnant nonhuman primates by using exogenous hormone treatment.obtaining sufficient quantities of milk from nhp is necessary for pharmacologic and immunologic studies required for the development and safety assessment of drugs and vaccines to be used in the maternal-infant setting. we previously induced lactation in nonpregnant female rhesus macaques (rm, macaca mulatta) and african green monkeys (agm, chlorocebus sabaeus) for studies of immune responses in milk, but the volume collected was variable. to improve lactation induction protocols for nonbreeding ...201425650978
ocular biocompatibility of polyquaternium 10 gel: functional and morphological results.this paper deals with the characterization study of topical and intraocular biocompatibility and toxicity of cationic hydroxyethylcellulose polyquaternium 10 (pq10). it also evaluates the rheological properties of gels. the cytotoxicity assays were done in two cell lines: hep-2 and vero (human larynx epidermoid carcinoma cell and african green monkey kidney cells respectively). for the in vivo study, new zealand albino rabbits were used. the in vitro cytotoxic activity of pq10 shows no statistic ...201525631258
resistance of klebsiella pneumoniae to the innate immune system of african green recent years, an emergent klebsiella pneumoniae hypermucoviscosity (hmv) phenotype has been associated with increased invasiveness and pathogenicity in primates. in this project, bacteria recovered from infected african green monkeys (agm) (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) were screened for hmv phenotype, and were compared to non-hmv isolates in in vitro, serum, and oxidative-mediated killing assays. complement-mediated killing was assessed utilizing freshly collected serum from healthy agm. oxi ...201525614101
development of a novel miniplex dna identification system for the japanese aid dna identification using 36 short tandem repeat (str) loci for kinship analysis, likelihood ratio (lr) distributions were estimated using the allele frequency data evaluated for the japanese population in our previous study. the results revealed that the lr tended to be higher when kinship analysis was performed using the 36 str loci than when the analysis was performed using identifiler®, the most commonly used commercial dna typing kit in japan, even when a sibship case was analyzed. ho ...201525596639
wild vervet monkeys copy alternative methods for opening an artificial fruit.experimental studies of animal social learning in the wild remain rare, especially those that employ the most discriminating tests in which alternative means to complete naturalistic tasks are seeded in different groups. we applied this approach to wild vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) using an artificial fruit ('vervetable') opened by either lifting a door panel or sliding it left or right. in one group, a trained model lifted the door, and in two others, the model slid it either left or r ...201525539772
molecular characterization of a new mosaic simian immunodeficiency virus in a naturally infected tantalus monkey (chlorocebus tantalus) from cameroon: a challenge to the virus-host co-evolution of sivagm in african green monkeys.african green monkeys (agms) represent the most widely distributed non-human primates species in africa. sivagm naturally infects four of the 6 agms species at high prevalence in a species-specific manner. to date, only limited information is available on molecular characteristics of sivagm infecting chlorocebus tantalus. here, we characterized the full-length genome of a virus infecting a naturally infected captive c. tantalus from cameroon by amplifying and sequencing sub-genomic pcr fragments ...201525500294
first report of toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence in wild-caught caribbean african green monkeys.toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite capable of infecting all warm-blooded animals. humans can become infected by ingesting infective oocysts from the environment or contaminated food or water, or by ingesting tissue cysts in undercooked infected meat or by handling infected meat. caribbean african green monkeys (chlorocebus sabaeus) are present in large numbers on the island of st. kitts in the caribbean, and it is not uncommon for these animals to be trapped and eaten by islanders. the ai ...201425491011
high frequency of merkel cell polyomavirus dna in the urine of kidney transplant recipients and healthy controls.polyomavirus (pyv) infection is common, ranging from 60% to 100% depending on the virus. the urinary excretion rates of jc virus (jcv) and bk virus (bkv) have been extensively studied, but less is known about the more recently discovered pyvs.201425467862
primate lentiviruses are differentially inhibited by interferon-induced transmembrane proteins.interferon-induced transmembrane (ifitm) proteins inhibit the entry of a large number of viruses. not surprisingly, many viruses are refractory to this inhibition. in this study, we report that different strains of hiv and siv are inhibited by human ifitm proteins to various degrees, with siv of african green monkeys (siv(agm)) being mostly restricted by human ifitm2. interestingly, siv(agm) is as much inhibited by human ifitm2 as by ifitm3 of its own host african green monkeys. our data further ...201525463599
suppression of production of baboon endogenous virus by dominant negative mutants of cellular factors involved in multivesicular body sorting pathway.baboon endogenous virus (baev) is an infectious endogenous gammaretrovirus isolated from a baboon placenta. baev-related sequences have been identified in both old world monkeys and african apes, but not in humans or asian apes. recently, it was reported that baev-like particles were produced from vero cells derived from african green monkeys by chemical induction, and thus baev-like particles may contaminate biological products manufactured using vero cells. in this study, we constructed an inf ...201525463055
evaluation of cells and biological reagents for adventitious agents using degenerate primer pcr and massively parallel sequencing.we employed a massively parallel sequencing (mps)-based approach to test reagents and model cell substrates including chinese hamster ovary (cho), madin-darby canine kidney (mdck), african green monkey kidney (vero), and high five insect cell lines for adventitious agents. rna and dna were extracted either directly from the samples or from viral capsid-enriched preparations, and then subjected to mps-based non-specific virus detection with degenerate oligonucleotide primer (dop) pcr. mps by 454, ...201425454874
characterization of cellular immune response and innate immune signaling in human and nonhuman primate primary mononuclear cells exposed to burkholderia mallei.burkholderia pseudomallei infection causes melioidosis and is often characterized by severe sepsis. although rare in humans, burkholderia mallei has caused infections in laboratory workers, and the early innate cellular response to b. mallei in human and nonhuman primates has not been characterized. in this study, we examined the primary cellular immune response to b. mallei in pbmc cultures of non-human primates (nhps), chlorocebus aethiops (african green monkeys), macaca fascicularis (cynomolg ...201525450887
a polymorphism of the tim-1 igv domain: implications for the susceptibility to filovirus infection.filoviruses, including ebola and marburg viruses, cause severe hemorrhagic fever in humans and nonhuman primates with mortality rates of up to 90%. human t-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain 1 (tim-1) is one of the host proteins that have been shown to promote filovirus entry into cells. in this study, we cloned tim-1 genes from three different african green monkey kidney cell lines (vero e6, cos-1, and bsc-1) and found that tim-1 of vero e6 had a 23-amino acid deletion and 6 amino acid substi ...201425449273
replication of live attenuated cold-adapted h2n2 influenza virus vaccine candidates in non human primates.the development of an h2n2 vaccine is a priority in pandemic preparedness planning. we previously showed that a single dose of a cold-adapted (ca) h2n2 live attenuated influenza vaccine (laiv) based on the influenza a/ann arbor/6/60 (aa ca) virus was immunogenic and efficacious in mice and ferrets. however, in a phase i clinical trial, viral replication was restricted and immunogenicity was poor. in this study, we compared the replication of four h2n2 laiv candidate viruses, aa ca, a/tecumseh/3/ ...201525444799
treatment with anti-c5a antibody improves the outcome of h7n9 virus infection in african green monkeys.patients infected with influenza a(h7n9) virus present with acute lung injury (ali) that is due to severe pneumonia and systemic inflammation. it is often fatal because there are few effective treatment options. complement activation has been implicated in the pathogenesis of virus-induced lung injury; therefore, we investigated the effect of targeted complement inhibition on ali induced by h7n9 virus infection.201525433014
an agm model for changes in complement during pregnancy: neutralization of influenza virus by serum is diminished in late third trimester.pregnant women in the third trimester are at increased risk of severe influenza disease relative to the general population, though mechanisms behind this are not completely understood. the immune response to influenza infection employs both complement (c') and antibody (ab). the relative contributions of these components to the anti-viral response are difficult to dissect because most humans have pre-existing influenza-specific abs. we developed the african green monkey (agm) as a tractable nonh ...201425409303
in cos cells vpu can both stabilize tetherin expression and counteract its antiviral activity.the interferon-inducible cellular protein tetherin (cd317/bst-2) inhibits the release of a broad range of enveloped viruses. the hiv-1 accessory protein vpu enhances virus particle release by counteracting this host restriction factor. while the antagonism of human tetherin by vpu has been associated with both proteasomal and lysosomal degradation, the link between vpu-mediated tetherin degradation and the ability of vpu to counteract the antiviral activity of tetherin remains poorly understood. ...201425360760
modulation of type i interferon-associated viral sensing during acute simian immunodeficiency virus infection in african green monkeys.natural hosts of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv), such as african green monkeys (agms), do not progress to aids when infected with siv. this is associated with an absence of a chronic type i interferon (ifn-i) signature. it is unclear how the ifn-i response is downmodulated in agms. we longitudinally assessed the capacity of agm blood cells to produce ifn-i in response to siv and herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection. phenotypes and functions of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pdcs) and other m ...201525355871
quantitative proteomics for cardiac biomarker discovery using isoproterenol-treated nonhuman identify new cardiac biomarkers, a quantitative proteomic analysis has been performed on serum and heart tissue proteins from three species of nonhuman primates following isoproterenol (iso) treatment. three serum proteins--serum amyloid a (saa), α-1-acid glycoprotein (a1ag), and apolipoprotein a-1 (apo a1)--were consistently identified as changed and remained altered 72 h post dose in all three species post iso treatment, indicating the potential of including these proteins in preclinical or ...201425345801
g2/m cell cycle arrest correlates with primate lentiviral vpr interaction with the slx4 complex.the accessory gene vpr, common to all primate lentiviruses, induces potent g2/m arrest in cycling cells. a recent study showed that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) viral protein r (vpr) mediates this through activation of the slx4/mus81/eme1 exonuclease complex that forms part of the fanconi anemia dna repair pathway. to confirm these observations, we have examined the g2/m arrest phenotypes of a panel of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) vpr proteins. we show that siv vpr proteins ...201525320300
alginate/gum acacia bipolymeric nanohydrogels--promising carrier for zinc oxide nanoparticles.zinc oxide nanoparticles (zno nps) are known to be effective against a wide array of microorganisms. at nanoscale, they have higher toxicity and they need to be rendered less toxic and more biocompatible. to achieve this, zno nps were incorporated in nanohydrogel particles made out of sodium alginate/gum acacia and cross-linker glutaraldehyde in order to ensure their gradual and sustained release instead of burst release, and hence lowering their toxicity. the particles synthesized were in the n ...201525304751
molecular epidemiology of measles virus infection in shanghai in 2000-2012: the first appearance of genotype d8.the purpose of this study was to identify measles virus in shanghai in 2012 and study the genotype trend of measles virus epidemic strains during 2000-2012.201425281832
transcriptome reconstruction and annotation of cynomolgus and african green monkey.non-human primates (nhps) and humans share major biological mechanisms, functions, and responses due to their close evolutionary relationship and, as such, provide ideal animal models to study human diseases. rna expression in nhps provides specific signatures that are informative of disease mechanisms and therapeutic modes of action. unlike the human transcriptome, the transcriptomes of major nhp animal models are yet to be comprehensively annotated.201425277458
the genome landscape of the african green monkey kidney-derived vero cell line.continuous cell lines that originate from mammalian tissues serve as not only invaluable tools for life sciences, but also important animal cell substrates for the production of various types of biological pharmaceuticals. vero cells are susceptible to various types of microbes and toxins and have widely contributed to not only microbiology, but also the production of vaccines for human use. we here showed the genome landscape of a vero cell line, in which 25,877 putative protein-coding genes we ...201425267831
tissue myeloid cells in siv-infected primates acquire viral dna through phagocytosis of infected t cells.the viral accessory protein vpx, expressed by certain simian and human immunodeficiency viruses (sivs and hivs), is thought to improve viral infectivity of myeloid cells. we infected 35 asian macaques and african green monkeys with viruses that do or do not express vpx and examined viral targeting of cells in vivo. while lack of vpx expression affected viral dynamics in vivo, with decreased viral loads and infection of cd4⁺ t cells, vpx expression had no detectable effect on infectivity of myelo ...201425238099
use of slam and pvrl4 and identification of pro-hb-egf as cell entry receptors for wild type phocine distemper virus.signalling lymphocyte activation molecule (slam) has been identified as an immune cell receptor for the morbilliviruses, measles (mv), canine distemper (cdv), rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants (pprv) viruses, while cd46 is a receptor for vaccine strains of mv. more recently poliovirus like receptor 4 (pvrl4), also known as nectin 4, has been identified as a receptor for mv, cdv and pprv on the basolateral surface of polarised epithelial cells. pvrl4 is also up-regulated by mv in human br ...201425171206
biocontrol of aspergillus species on peanut kernels by antifungal diketopiperazine producing bacillus cereus associated with entomopathogenic nematode.the rhabditid entomopathogenic nematode associated bacillus cereus and the antifungal compounds produced by this bacterium were evaluated for their activity in reducing postharvest decay of peanut kernels caused by aspergillus species in in vitro and in vivo tests. the results showed that b. cereus had a significant effect on biocontrol effectiveness in in vitro and in vivo conditions. the antifungal compounds produced by the b. cereus were purified using silica gel column chromatography and the ...201425157831
attenuation of human respiratory syncytial virus by genome-scale codon-pair deoptimization.human respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the most important viral agent of serious pediatric respiratory-tract disease worldwide. a vaccine or generally effective antiviral drug is not yet available. we designed new live attenuated rsv vaccine candidates by codon-pair deoptimization (cpd). specifically, viral orfs were recoded by rearranging existing synonymous codons to increase the content of underrepresented codon pairs. amino acid coding was completely unchanged. four cpd rsv genomes were ...201425157129
infection dynamics of sylvatic dengue virus in a natural primate host, the african green monkey.the four serotypes of mosquito-borne dengue virus (denv-1, -2, -3, and -4) that circulate in humans each emerged from an enzootic, sylvatic cycle in non-human primates. herein, we present the first study of sylvatic denv infection dynamics in a primate. three african green monkeys were inoculated with 10(5) plaque-forming units (pfu) denv-2 strain pm33974 from the sylvatic cycle, and one african green monkey was inoculated with 10(5) pfu denv-2 strain new guinea c from the human cycle. all four ...201425092823
a new phenalenone derivative from the soil fungus penicillium herquei new phenalenone derivative, peniciherqueinone (1), together with five known phenalenone derivatives (2-6), one known anthraquinone (7) and two known acetophenones (8 and 9) were isolated from the soil fungus penicillium herquei psu-rspg93. their structures were established by spectroscopic evidence. the absolute configuration of 1 was determined by anisotropic effect and electronic circular dichroism spectroscopy. compound 2 exhibited mild antioxidant activity and is noncytotoxic to vero (af ...201425079041
primate vaginal microbiomes exhibit species specificity without universal lactobacillus dominance.bacterial communities colonizing the reproductive tracts of primates (including humans) impact the health, survival and fitness of the host, and thereby the evolution of the host species. despite their importance, we currently have a poor understanding of primate microbiomes. the composition and structure of microbial communities vary considerably depending on the host and environmental factors. we conducted comparative analyses of the primate vaginal microbiome using pyrosequencing of the 16s r ...201425036926
micrornas as potential biomarkers for vero cell tumorigenicity.microrna expression appears to capture the process of neoplastic development in vitro in the vero line of african green monkey kidney (agmk) cells (teferedegne et al. plos one 2010;5(12):e14416). in that study, specific mirna signatures were correlated with the transition, during serial tissue-culture passage, of low-density passaged 10-87 vero cells from a non-tumorigenic phenotype at passage (p) 148 to a tumorigenic phenotype at p256. in the present study, six mirnas (mir-376a, mir-654-3p, mir ...201425024114
construction of an infectious clone of simian foamy virus of japanese macaque (sfvjm) and phylogenetic analyses of sfvjm isolates.foamy viruses belong to the genus spumavirus of the family retroviridae and have been isolated from many mammalian species. it was reported that simian foamy viruses (sfvs) have co-evolved with host species. in this study, we isolated four strains (wk1, wk2, ar1 and ar2) of sfv (named sfvjm) from japanese macaques (macaca fuscata) in main island honshu of japan. we constructed an infectious molecular clone of sfvjm strain wk1, termed pjm356. the virus derived from the clone replicated and induce ...201425017058
acute hantavirus infection induces galectin-3-binding protein.hantaviruses are zoonotic viruses that cause life-threatening diseases when transmitted to humans. severe hantavirus infection is manifested by impairment of renal function, pulmonary oedema and capillary leakage. both innate and adaptive immune responses contribute to the pathogenesis, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. here, we showed that galectin-3-binding protein (gal-3bp) was upregulated as a result of hantavirus infection both in vitro and in vivo. gal-3bp is a secret ...201425013204
the neutralizing capacity of antibodies elicited by parainfluenza virus infection of african green monkeys is dependent on complement.the african green monkey (agm) model was used to analyze the role of complement in neutralization of parainfluenza virus. parainfluenza virus 5 (piv5) and human parainfluenza virus type 2 were effectively neutralized in vitro by naïve agm sera, but neutralizing capacity was lost by heat-inactivation. the mechanism of neutralization involved formation of massive aggregates, with no evidence of virion lysis. following inoculation of the respiratory tract with a piv5 vector expressing hiv gp160, ag ...201425010267
hiv replication in conjunction with granzyme b production by ccr5+ memory cd4 t cells: implications for bystander cell and tissue pathologies.granzyme b (grzb) is expressed by activated t cells and mediates cellular apoptosis. grzb also acts as an extracellular protease involved in tissue degradation. we hypothesized that grzb production from activated memory cd4 t cells may be associated with hiv pathogenesis. we found that stimulated memory cd4 t cells (via costimulation, cytokines, and tlr ligands) concomitantly produced grzb and hiv. both grzb and hiv expression were mainly restricted to ccr5-expressing memory cd4+cd45ro+ t cells, ...201424999042
innate immune responses and rapid control of inflammation in african green monkeys treated or not with interferon-alpha during primary sivagm infection.chronic immune activation (ia) is considered as the driving force of cd4(+) t cell depletion and aids. fundamental clues in the mechanisms that regulate ia could lie in natural hosts of siv, such as african green monkeys (agms). here we investigated the role of innate immune cells and ifn-α in the control of ia in agms. agms displayed significant nk cell activation upon sivagm infection, which was correlated with the levels of ifn-α. moreover, we detected cytotoxic nk cells in lymph nodes during ...201424991927
homeostatic cytokines induce cd4 downregulation in african green monkeys independently of antigen exposure to generate simian immunodeficiency virus-resistant cd8αα t cells.african green monkeys (agms; genus chlorocebus) are a natural host of simian immunodeficiency virus (sivagm). as they do not develop simian aids, there is great interest in understanding how this species has evolved to avoid immunodeficiency. adult african green monkeys naturally have low numbers of cd4 t cells and a large population of major histocompatibility complex class ii-restricted cd8α(dim) t cells that are generated through cd4 downregulation in cd4(+) t cells. mechanisms that drive thi ...201424991011
dietary cholesterol promotes adipocyte hypertrophy and adipose tissue inflammation in visceral, but not in subcutaneous, fat in monkeys.excessive caloric intake is associated with obesity and adipose tissue dysfunction. however, the role of dietary cholesterol in this process is unknown. the aim of this study was to determine whether increasing dietary cholesterol intake alters adipose tissue cholesterol content, adipocyte size, and endocrine function in nonhuman primates.201424969772
therapeutic treatment of nipah virus infection in nonhuman primates with a neutralizing human monoclonal antibody.nipah virus (niv) is an emerging zoonotic paramyxovirus that causes severe and often fatal disease in pigs and humans. there are currently no vaccines or treatments approved for human use. studies in small-animal models of niv infection suggest that antibody therapy may be a promising treatment. however, most studies have assessed treatment at times shortly after virus exposure before animals show signs of disease. we assessed the efficacy of a fully human monoclonal antibody, m102.4, at several ...201424964990
cytopathic effects of toxogenic strains of helicobacter pylori on different cell lines.many virulence factors are involved in the pathomechanism of infection caused by helicobacter pylori. toxins such as vacuolating cytotoxin, encoded by the vaca gene and the immunogenic protein caga, encoded by the caga gene (cytotoxin-associated gene) are major factors conferring the property of virulence. the current study is aimed at isolation of h. pylori and separation of its toxin from antral biopsies of patients.201424943747
decreased global dna methylation in the white blood cells of high fat diet fed vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).epigenetic mechanisms are associated with the development of many chronic diseases and due to their reversible nature offer a unique window of opportunity to reverse the disease phenotype. this study investigated whether global dna methylation correlates with dysglycemia in the vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops). diet-induced changes in dna methylation were observed where global dna methylation was twofold lower in monkeys fed a high fat diet (n = 10) compared to monkeys fed a standard diet (n ...201424943073
anti-tumor effects of flavonoids from the ethnic medicine docynia delavayi (franch.) schneid. and its possible mechanism.this study investigated the active components and the anti-tumor efficacy and mechanisms of the flavonoids from docynia delavayi (franch.) schneid. (dds). mtt assay was used to examine the growth inhibitory effects of the four flavonoids, including chrysin, quercetin, naringenin, and avicularin that were isolated from the rhizome of dds, on human hematomas cell (hepg2), esophageal carcinoma cell (ec109), human cervical adenocarcinoma cell (hela), human colon adenocarcinoma cell (sw480), and afri ...201424940817
nodular lymphoid hyperplasia of the colon in a vervet monkey (cholorocebous aethiops).diffuse nodular lymphoid hyperplasia (dnlh) of gastrointestinal tract is regarded as a very rare disease in the adult population. it is characterized by presence of diffuse detectable small polypoid masses distributed in the small intestine, colon, or both.201424930866
inhibition of control role behaviors in captive vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus).a captive vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) colony was divided into subgroups to determine the influence of the control male and the control female on the expression of control role behaviors in other group members. separation from the control male invariably caused an increase in the control male factor score for other adult and subadult males in the colony, and reunion caused a decline to baseline. separation from the control female produced no consistent behavioral effect in othe ...197924924980
interactions with dcaf1 and ddb1 in the crl4 e3 ubiquitin ligase are required for vpr-mediated g2 vpr-mediated g2 cell cycle arrest is dependent on the interaction of vpr with an e3 ubiquitin ligase that contains damage-specific dna binding protein 1 (ddb1), cullin 4a (cul4a), ddb1 and cul4-associated factor 1 (dcaf1), and rbx1. vpr is thought to associate directly with dcaf1 in the e3 ubiquitin ligase complex although the exact interaction pattern of the proteins in the complex is not completely defined. the vpr of sivagm induces g2 arrest of cognate african green monkey (agm) cells b ...201424912982
identification of 32 major histocompatibility complex class i alleles in african green monkeys.the african green monkey may be an ideal replacement for the rhesus monkey in biomedical research, but relatively little is known about the genetic background of major histocompatibility complex (mhc) class i molecules. in analysis of 12 african green monkeys, 13 chae-a and 19 chae-b alleles were identified. among these alleles, 12 chae-a and 9 chae-b were new lineages. the full amino acid length deduced for chae-a genes is 365 amino acids, but for chae-b genes, the lengths are 365, 362, 361, an ...201424899078
social roles in captive vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus).behavior clusters were identified through factor analysis of individual behavior profiles over time and across groups of different composition in a captive vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) colony. the six resulting factors were assessed through examination of (1) the behaviors contributing to each factor, (2) the properties of the factors across groups, and (3) the distribution of individuals along the factor dimensions. three of the clusters were judged to represent the social rol ...197824895872
fire and home range expansion: a behavioral response to burning among savanna dwelling vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).the behavioral adaptations of primates to fire-modified landscapes are of considerable interest to anthropologists because fire is fundamental to life in the african savanna-the setting in which genus homo evolved. here we report the behavioral responses of a savanna-dwelling primate, vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops), to fire-induced ecological change. using behavioral and spatial data to characterize ranging patterns prior to and postburn and between burn and nonburn years, we show that th ...201424889076
in vitro antibacterial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of acetone leaf extracts of nine under-investigated fabaceae tree species leads to potentially useful extracts in animal health and productivity.the fabaceae family is the second largest family of medicinal plants, containing more than 490 species which are being used as traditional medicine. the aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant and antibacterial activity as well as the cytotoxicity of acetone leaf extracts of nine tree species from the fabaceae family that have not been investigated well previously for possible use in animal health and production.201424885143
micrornas involved in the lipid metabolism and their possible implications for atherosclerosis development and treatment.hyperlipidemia is a well-accepted risk factor in the development of atherosclerosis. micrornas (mirnas), a novel class of posttranscriptional regulators of gene expression, are involved in a variety of biological and pathological processes, including the regulation of the lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis. as our knowledge of mirnas expands, a new class of "circulating mirnas" has recently been described. it includes mirnas which may be found in various bodily fluids packaged in microvesicles ...201424876669
vervet mri atlas and label map for fully automated morphometric analyses.currently available non-human primate templates typically require input of a skull-stripped brain for structural processing. this can be a manually intensive procedure, and considerably limits their utility. the purpose of this study was to create a vervet mri population template, associated tissue probability maps (tpm), and a label atlas to facilitate true fully automated magnetic resonance imaging (mri) structural analyses for morphometric analyses. structural mri scans of ten vervet monkeys ...201424850577
in vitro immunosuppressive and cytotoxic activities of tripterygium wilfordii extract.tripterygium wilfordii hook. f. (tw) is a traditional herbal medicine which has been widely used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. however, adverse reactions of tw such as hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity have been frequently reported in clinic. with the aim to evaluate the potency and toxicity of tw, we collected eleven batches of tw from different localities across chinese mainland, and investigated the inhibition of their methanol extracts on the prolif ...201524845166
african green monkeys recapitulate the clinical experience with replication of live attenuated pandemic influenza virus vaccine attenuated cold-adapted (ca) h5n1, h7n3, h6n1, and h9n2 influenza vaccine viruses replicated in the respiratory tract of mice and ferrets, and 2 doses of vaccines were immunogenic and protected these animals from challenge infection with homologous and heterologous wild-type (wt) viruses of the corresponding subtypes. however, when these vaccine candidates were evaluated in phase i clinical trials, there were inconsistencies between the observations in animal models and in humans. the vacci ...201424807726
limited geographic variation in the acoustic structure of and responses to adult male alarm barks of african green monkeys.the global diversity of human languages is a remarkable feature of our species, which requires a capacity for rapid vocal learning. given that primate alarm calling systems have played an important role in the language origin debate, identifying geographic variation in primate alarm calls and understanding the underlying causal mechanisms are important steps to help uncover evolutionary precursors to language. this study investigates geographic variation in the alarm bark of the widely distribut ...201424771960
inhibition on calcium oxalate crystallization and repair on injured renal epithelial cells of degraded soybean polysaccharide.this paper investigated the inhibitory effect of degraded soybean polysaccharide (dps) on the growth of calcium oxalate (caoxa) crystals. the results were compared with that of soybean polysaccharide without degradation (sps). the data showed that dps exhibited a much higher efficiency to inhibit caoxa growth and stabilize calcium oxalate dihydrate (cod) compared with sps. as dps concentration increased, the soluble ca(2+) ions significantly increased, the aggregation degree of calcium oxalate m ...201224751057
safety profile of dextran-spermine gene delivery vector in mouse lungs.a nano-sized polymer, dextran-spermine (d-spm), was shown to have the capacity to deliver gene to the lung of mouse via intranasal route. in this study, assessments on the safety profile of d-spm were performed to complement the gene expression results. african green monkey kidney fibroblast (cos-7) and human adenocarcinoma breast (mcf-7) cells transfected with d-spm/pdna showed massive reduction in the number of viable cells. as for in vivo study, elevated level of neutrophils was observed, des ...201424734548
analysis of prostate-specific antigen transcripts in chimpanzees, cynomolgus monkeys, baboons, and african green monkeys.the function of prostate-specific antigen (psa) is to liquefy the semen coagulum so that the released sperm can fuse with the ovum. fifteen spliced variants of the psa gene have been reported in humans, but little is known about alternative splicing in nonhuman primates. positive selection has been reported in sex- and reproductive-related genes from sea urchins to drosophila to humans; however, there are few studies of adaptive evolution of the psa gene. here, using polymerase chain reaction (p ...201424732672
cytotoxic diterpenes from roots of crossopetalum gaumeri, a celastraceae species from yucatan peninsula.four new diterpenes, crossogumerins a-d (1-4) along with six known ones (5-10) were isolated from the root bark of crossopetalum gaumeri, an endemic medicinal plant from the yucatan peninsula. their structures were elucidated on the basis of 1d and 2d nmr techniques, including hmqc, hmbc, and roesy experiments. compounds 1-5, 8-10 were evaluated for cytotoxicity against hela (carcinoma of the cervix) and hep-2 (lung carcinoma) human tumor cells lines and against normal vero cells (african green ...201424709561
cratoxylum formosum (jack) dyer ssp. pruniflorum (kurz) gogel. (hóng yá mù) extract induces apoptosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma hepg2 cells through caspase-dependent pathways.cratoxylum formosum (jack) dyer ssp. pruniflorum (kurz) gogel. (hóng yá mù) (cf) has been used for treatment of fever, cough, and peptic ulcer. previously, a 50% ethanol-water extract from twigs of cf was shown highly selective in cytotoxicity against cancer cells. this study aims to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the apoptosis-inducing effect of cf.201424708784
pathogenic features associated with increased virulence upon simian immunodeficiency virus cross-species transmission from natural hosts.while simian immunodeficiency viruses (sivs) are generally nonpathogenic in their natural hosts, dramatic increases in pathogenicity may occur upon cross-species transmission to new hosts. deciphering the drivers of these increases in virulence is of major interest for understanding the emergence of new human immunodeficiency viruses (hivs). we transmitted sivsab from the sabaeus species of african green monkeys (agms) to pigtailed macaques (ptms). high acute viral replication occurred in all si ...201424696477
live attenuated tetravalent dengue virus host range vaccine is immunogenic in african green monkeys following a single vaccination.the causative agent of dengue fever, dengue virus (denv), is transmitted by mosquitoes, and as distribution of these insects has expanded, so has dengue-related disease. denv is a member of the flaviviridae family and has 4 distinct serotypes (denv-1, -2, -3, and -4). no lasting cross protection is afforded to heterologous serotypes following infection by any one of the individual serotypes. the presence of nonneutralizing antibodies to one serotype can facilitate the occurrence of more-severe d ...201424696467
prenylated benzoylphloroglucinols and xanthones from the leaves of garcinia oblongifolia with antienteroviral acetone extract of the leaves of garcinia oblongifolia showed antiviral activity against enterovirus 71 (ev71) using a cytopathic effect inhibition assay. bioassay-guided fractionation yielded 12 new prenylated benzoylphloroglucinols, oblongifolins j-u (1-12), and five known compounds. the structures of 1-12 were elucidated by spectroscopic analysis including 1d- and 2d-nmr and mass spectrometry methods. the absolute configurations were determined by a combination of a mosher ester procedure ...201424679044
mhc polymorphism in caribbean african green monkeys.african green monkeys (agm) are among the most widely used nonhuman primate models used in various fields of medical research. one species of agm that originated from west africa, chlorocebus sabaeus, was introduced three centuries ago in the caribbean islands. we present here a systematic study of the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) polymorphism of caribbean agm which is currently frequently used as an animal model. we studied 54 animals originated from barbados (n=25) or saint kitts (n= ...201424676686
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