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[analysis of the biological effect of city smog extract. iii. comparative investigations on the effect of city smog extracts on cell replication and dna-synthesis of kidney cells in vitro from the primate cercopithecus aethiops (author's transl)].we analysed the cytotoxic effect of city smog extracts from a heavy industrialized area using kidney cell cultures from the primate cercopithecus aethiops.--using logarithmically growing cell cultures we determined cell replication and the rate of dna-synthesis after incorporation of 3h-thymidine.--in presence of city smog extracts we found a dose dependent reduction of cell replication and of dna-synthesis. in presence of high concentrations (bp-aquivalent 0.25-0.5 microgram/ml) of city smog ex ...1978102097
the diet and feeding behaviour of cercopithecus aethiops tantalus.the feeding behaviour of representative groups of tantalus monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops tantalus) was observed during 1974-1975 in three habitats in cameroon. observations took place during the wet and dry seasons in sahelian savannah, guinea savannah and farmed forest. the tantalus monkeys were similar to other races of c.aethiops that have been studied in that they were omnivorous and lacked any narrow specialisations of either diet or feeding techniques. the dietary range was similar in al ...1978101428
rosette formation by human lymphoid cells with monkey red blood cells.the present paper describes a study on rosette formation by human lymphoid cells with monkey erythrocytes (mrbc) obtained from two species: african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) and rhesus monkey (macaca mulata). all the lymphocyte preparations obtained from peripheral blood, tonsils, thymocytes, bone-marrow and spleen biopsies formed rosettes in variable proportions with erythrocytes obtained from these two monkey species tested. cells of established lymphoblastoid cell lines characteri ...1978100044
ultrastructure of sensory nerve terminals in the penis in green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus).tje paper describes the ultrastructure of axons in the endings of various types from the corium in the glans penis in green monkey. in the meissner's endings the axons are mostly completely enveloped in the plasma of schwann cells. they contain numerous mitochondria which are partially vacuolated or are quite converted into vacuoles. next, there are pseudomyelinated figures, light vesicles and further organelles. in the papillar simple glomerular endings with accumulation of schwann cells there ...197799893
antibodies to guinea pig lymphokines. vii. reactivity with products of lymphoid and nonlymphoid was shown previously, that an antiserum directed against highly purified fractions of migration inhibitory factor inhibits delayed hypersensitivity reactions in vivo and in vitro. using radiolabeling techniques we determined that the anti-lymphokine serum reacted primarily with three lymphocyte activation products (m.w. 60,000, 45,000, and 30,000) all of which had a similar isoelectric point of 5.2. the cellular origin of this material was investigated. it was found that activated b cells, b ...197899476
pathology of bolivian hemorrhagic fever in the african green monkey.gross and microscopic pathological findings are presented for an african green monkey model of fatal bolivian hemorrhagic fever. six animals were inoculated with 1,000 plaque-forming units of machupo virus, the etiological agent of bolivian hemorrhagic fever. five of the monkeys died within 13 days with signs of fever, anorexia, shock, and hemorrhage. the sixth monkey survived until the 24th day and died with signs of central nervous system disease. gross lesions in the five monkeys that die in ...197899059
an experimental study of the central gustatory pathways in the monkey, macaca mulatta and cercopithecus aethiops.1. the cortex at the base of the central fissure, that is the fronto-parietal operculum, represents primary sensory receptive cortex for gustatory modalities. 2. this primary receptive cortex for taste is linked to the anterior island of reil by short inter- and intracortical association fibers. thus the anterior island is a gustatory association area involved in the subjective recognition of gustatory modalities. 3. the nucleus ventralis posteromedialis pars parvocellularis of the dorsal thalam ...197898582
periodontal and pulpal healing of monkey incisors preserved in tissue culture before replantation.the effect of delayed replantation and tissue culture as a prevention against root resorption was examined in green vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops). extracted incisors were kept in tissue culture medium (eagle's medium) for 5--14 days before replantation. the extra-alveolar dry period before tissue culture ranged from to 0 to 60 min. incisors not subjected to tissue culture served as controls. the animals were sacrificed 8 weeks after replantation. the following histologic parameters wer ...197898456
immunochemical studies on the 5-methylcytosine content of african green monkey satellite dna. 197898282
experimental infection of the genital tract of female grivet monkeys by mycoplasma hominis.mycoplasma hominis, a common inhabitant of the mucosae of the genitourinary tract of human and nonhuman primates, was inoculated directly into the uterine tubes of five laparotomized grivet monkeys. a self-limiting acute salpingitis and parametritis developed within a few days in all animals. although there were no clinical signs of overt disease, the gross pathology was characterized by pronounced oedematous swelling and hyperaemia of the tubes and parametria. microscopically, cellular infiltra ...197897224
circadian rhythm of cholesterol-7alpha-hydroxylase and cortisol in the african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).cholesterol-7alpha-hydroxylase in african green monkey liver had an apparent km of 1.65-10(-4) m cholesterol and a ph optimum of 7.4. the amplitudes of the circadian maxima of enzyme activity and serum cortisol levels were significantly greater in vervets than in grivets. fluctuations in enzyme activity and cortisol levels during the circadian cycle were positively correlated (r = 0.89). enzyme activities and hormone levels were 2.7-fold lower over a 24-h period in the grivet than in the vervet. ...197896863
actin filaments in trabecular endothelial cells in eyes of the vervet monkey. (cercopithecus aethiops).an electron microscopic study was performed on the trabecular meshwork of two monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops). specimens from one animal revealed numerous cytoplasmic filaments of 45-65 a thickness in endothelial cells both on the trabeculae in the wall of schlemm's canal after conventional glutaraldehyde and osmium fixation. using a histochemical technique it was shown in specimens from the other animal that these filaments consist of actin material. this evidence of intracellular actin filame ...197896655
simian rotavirus sa-11 plaque formation in the presence of trypsin.incorporation of 5 micrograms of trpsin per ml of the overlay (eagle minimal essential medium-0.7% ionagar no. 2) was found to be necessary for plaque formation by simian rotavirus sa-11. plaques of 3 to 4 mm in diameter were produced in ma-104 cells after 5 days of incubation at 37 degrees c. plaque size was even larger (5 to 6 mm) in monolayers of african green monkey kidney cells. addition of diethyl-aminotheyl-dextran, protamine sulfate, or 5-bromodeoxyuridine to the trypsin-containing overl ...197994597
modulation by cell trypsinization of sendai virus expression in african green monkey kidney cells: first infection and establishment of a carrier state.two african green monkey kidney (agmk) cell lines, 37rc (interferon-producing) and vero (non-interferon-producing), were infected by egg-grown sendai virus passaged in eggs at high and low m.o.i. the appearance of haem-adsorption, and cytopathic effect (c.p.e.) as well as the presence of haemagglutinating virions in the supernates were much more pronounced with a virus seed obtained with 10(-3) diluted passages than with a seed obtained with undiluted inoculum. they were also independent of inte ...197994347
demonstration of an analogue to human pregnancy zone protein in the african green monkey.a serum protein in the grivet (cercopithecus aethiops), immunologically cross-reacting with human pregnancy zone protein (pzp), is found in males as well as in nonpregnant females. the electrophoretic mobility, antigenic cross-reactivity, molecular weight, and carbohydrate structure appear analogous to pzp; however, contrary to the situation in man, exogenous estrogens cause a fall in serum concentration of the protein.197994099
[chronic infection caused by the simian mason-pfizer virus in primate cell cultures].cell cultures of monkey prepuce (rhfs) and african green monkey kidney (bsc-1) were infected once with simian mason-pfizer virus (mpv) and virus expression in the course of establishment of chronic infection was studied. the productive infection was characterized by changes in the cell metabolism (dna synthesis increased 2-3-fold as early as the "zero" passage), the appearance of gs-antigen, formation of virions of type d and high activity of rna-dependent dna-polymerase. multinuclear giant cell ...197878587
leucocyte migration inhibition test as an index of immunological response to measles virus ii. immunogenic activity of measles virus.experiments discussed in this paper aimed at obtaining, using cercopithecus aethiops monkeys information on immunogenic activity of measles virus as well as kinetic and persistence of immunological reaction at active and inactivated virus.197775673
leucocyte migration inhibition test as an index of immunological response to measles virus i. effect of the environment and measles virus on migration of monkey leucocytes.the parameters of migration inhibition test of leucocytes isolated both from the peripheral blood, spleen and lymph nodes of monkeys cercopithecus aethiops were determined. concentration of measles virus that does not produce nonspecific migration inhibition of leucocyte obtained from sero-negative animals was also defined.197775672
[identification of monkey chromosomes by differential staining with romanovsky--giemza stain. iii. cercopithecus aethiops].the distribution of the g-bands in chromosomes of bone marrow cells of cercopithecus aethiops was studied by means of differentail staining with the romanovsky - gimsa dye. all the homologous chromosome pairs were identified and morphometric parameters were detected. the comparison of c. aethiops karyotypes with those of macacca mulatta has shown that they are different in numbers and in the character of banding pattern of the most chromosomes. both species revealed 12 pairs of chromosomes simil ...197772018
a serum factor requirement for the passage of cultured vero cells through g2.when vero cells, a line derived from and african green monkey kidney, are grown under conditions where the saturation density is limited by serum, they deplete the growth medium of a factor necessary for cell division. the factor is a component of serum. when vero cells are plated at low density (2 x 10(4)/cm2) in this depleted growth medium (after dialysis against serum-free dulbecco's modified eagle's medium) they initiate an unbalanced program of growth. protein synthesis proceeds at the same ...197765356
influence of semipurified diets on atherosclerosis in african green monkeys. 197764369
safety of viral vaccine cell substrates: a reevaluation.primary cultures of african green monkey kidney and rabbit kidney as well as diploid cell lines wi-38 and dbs-frhl-2 were examined for evidence of tumorigenicity and latent rna tumor viruses. cells inoculated into immunosuppressed newborn hamsters and rhesus monkeys were not tumorigenic. cells treated with 2'-deoxy-5-iodouridine to induce the production of latent viruses were examined by electron microscopy, density gradient centrifugation, and the reverse transcriptase enzyme assay. no evidence ...197663564
cultivation of viral agents from crohn's disease. a new sensitive system.the isolation and animal transmission of a viral agent from crohn's disease patients stimulated studies aimed at the development of improved tissue culture techniques. the need for an effective tissue-culture system led to a comparison of african green monkey tissue-culture cells (a.g.m.k.), human diploid lung cells (wi-38), and a new tissue-culture line--continuous rabbit ileum (c.r.i.). homogenates prepared from ileal specimens from four crohn's disease patients and from four control patients ...197659237
development and utilization of complement-fixation and immune adherence tests for human hepatitis a virus and antibody.the reliable propagation of cr326 strain of human hepatitis a virus in saguinus mystax marmosets has permitted the development of specific serum neutralization, complement-fixation (cf), and immune adherence (ia) assays for hepatitis a antigen and antibody. the cf and ia assay were made possible by the use of livers of cr326-infected marmosets as a source of hepatitis a antigen. all assays were shown to be specific for hepatitis a. patients with hepatitis b did not show development of hepatitis ...197553013
the effect of oral pancreatic extract on jejunal bactericidal activity in protein-deficient vervet monkeys challenged with vibrio cholerae.eleven vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were fed with an "o" protein diet. after the serum albumin level fell below 2.5 g/100 ml the animals and 4 controls, which received regular monkey chow, were orally infected with a monkey-adapted strain of vibrio cholerae. the total bactericidal activity of the jejunal fluid decreased during feeding with "o" protein diet, but increased after challenge with v. cholerae in all groups. the non-immunoglobulin-bound bactericidal activity, which also decr ...197941422
characterization of a virus isolated from a case of human infectious hepatitis.a new viral agent, isolated from the serum of an infectious hepatitis patient and designated as agent ii-b, was extensively studied in in vitro and in vivo systems. agent ii-b multiplied well in primary and serial animal cell cultures and in embryonated hen's eggs. quantal and quantitative infectivity assays were performed in monolayers of african green monkey kidney cells. effective concentrations of 5-iodo-2-deoxyuridine and guanidine hydrochloride did not inhibit the multiplication of agent i ...197936750
cv-1 monkey kidney cell line -- a highly susceptible substrate for diagnosis and study of arboviruses.the cv-1 cell line, derived from cercopithecus aethiops monkey kidneys, acquired in the course of serial passaging an epitheloid morphology and heteroploid karyotype. as compared with vero and gmk cell lines, the cv-1 line proved to be more susceptible to a broad spectrum of arboviruses belonging to the families togaviridae and bunyaviridae. most of them reached high titres and were markedly cytopathic in cv-1 cells so that all tests based on the cytopathic effect could be carried out. the cv-1 ...197826197
role of normal cell antigens in the establishment of measles virus in newborn white mice.the edmontson strain of measles virus was adapted to the brains of newborn white mice to which extracts from african green monkey kidney (vero) cells used for maintenance of measles virus had been injected intracerebrally. the animals showed symptoms of involvement of the central nervous system (pareses, paralyses) which reappeared in subsequent passages.197717289
characteristics of poliovirus type 3 strains after passage through monkey central nervous system.cercopithecus aethiops monkeys were inoculated intracerebrally with sabin's type 3 polivoirus strain, and with strains isolated from subjects vaccinated with leon 12a1b and from their contacts. sample of brain, spinal cord, kidneys, lymph nodes, blood and spinal fluid were taken. from these materials, (except of kidneys) 23 poliovirus strains of type 3 were isolated. genetic markers rct 40.3, rct 41, d and ist were determined for these strains. the changes observed in genetic markers of strains ...197715438
drug biotransformation in microsomes from the fetal stumptailed macaque, macaca arctoides: hepatic n-demethylation.the kinetics of the n-demethylation of benzphetamine, ethylmorphine, meperidine, and methadone have been studied in microsomes isolated from livers of the fetal stumptailed macaque (macaca arctoides) during the last third of gestation. the apparent km for each substrate did not change during this time period. values were similar to those from livers of adult african green monkeys. the vmax for each substrate, when expressed per mg of microsomal protein, did not change during the last third of ge ...197610140
search for epizootic-like venezuelan encephalitis virus at enzootic habitats in guatemala during 1969-1971.seventy-four strains of venezuelan encephalitis (ve) virus recovered from sentinel hamsters or mosquitoes at enzootic habitats in guatemala in the two years following the 1969 epidemic-equine epizootic were examined for ability to produce small plaques in vero african green monkey kidney cell cultures, like isolates obtained during the epizootic. (a) one strain recovered from a sentinel hamster in late october 1969 at an enzootic habitat near the epicenter of the hemagglutination-inhibition (hi) ...19767138
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