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regulation of simian virus 40 early and late gene transcription without viral dna replication.primary cultures of african green monkey kidney cells were infected with the simian virus 40 temperature-sensitive mutant tsa58 at the nonpermissive temperature of 41 degrees c for 12 to 20 h. under these conditions, a defective t antigen was produced and no viral dna replication was detected. viral transcription complexes were extracted from infected nuclei using sarkosyl and the nascent chains of rna elongated in vitro. sixty to 70% of the viral rna synthesized in vitro hybridized to late gene ...1979221685
synthesis of herpes simplex virus dna in isolated chromatin.herpes simplex virus dna synthesis was studied in isolated chromatin (hsv chromatin) of african green monkey kidney (rc-37) cells after hsv type 1 infection. after optimizing the in vitro system, hsv chromatin was shown to synthesize both viral and cellular dna at ratios identical with those seen in vivo. after 30 min of dna synthesis in vitro, the dna products were identical in size to the prelabeled parental dna. more than 60% of the newly synthesized single-stranded dna fragments sedimented w ...1979219885
some infectious diseases of wild vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus) in south africa.our surveys indicate that nearly all batches of vervet monkeys arriving at the national institute for virology from various areas of south africa, are infected with foamy viruses and there is evidence that intra-urterine infection also occurs. monkeys from certain areas of south africa are apparently infected with the protozoal parasite entopolypoides macaci in a sub-clinical state which becomes active when the monkeys are splenectomised. serological studies indicate that infections with schisto ...1978218005
a simple, rapid syncytial-inhibition test for antibodies to bovine leukemia virus.cocultivation of equal numbers of cells from a fetal lamb kidney line infected with bovine leukemia virus and african green monkey (vero) cells results in the rapid production of syncytia. the effect was blocked or inhibited by serum containing antibodies to bovine leukemia virus. a serological test based on syncytial inhibition was compared to the agar gel immunodiffusion test and the modified direct complement fixation test for the detection of bovine leukemia virus antibodies in sera from leu ...1978217507
heterogeneity in the low density lipoproteins of cholesterol fed african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).the low density lipoproteins of cholesterol-fed african green monkeys were isolated by either preparative ultracentrifugation or agarose column chromatography, then radioiodinated and fractionated by agarose column chromatography. a marked variation was noted in the specific radioactivity of the column fractions regardless of the method used to obtain low density lipoproteins. the radioactivity in each fraction migrated with the beta-globluins, but when the fractions were mixed with carrier plas ...1978216395
evidence for the existence of a single enzyme catalyzing the phosphorylation of choline and ethanolamine in primate lung.choline kinase (atp:choline phosphotransferase, ec has been isolated and purified 1000-fold from adult african green monkey lung with a yield of 10%. the purified enzyme also phosphorylated ethanolamine (ratio of ethanolamine kinase to choline kinase = 0.30). this ratio remained constant throughout the purification procedure. the km for choline (3.0 - 10(-5) m) was lower than that of ethanolamine (1.2 - 10(-3) m.) choline was also found to inhibit ethanolamine kinase activity by 50% at ...1978216394
dnas of simian virus 40 and polyoma direct the synthesis of viral tumor antigens and capsid proteins in xenopus oocytes.purified simian virus 40 and polyoma dnas injected into nuclei of xenopus oocytes were transcribed and subsequently translated into virus-specific tumor antigens and capsid proteins. simian virus 40 large and small tumor antigens synthesized in the oocytes were indistinguishable, by gel electrophoresis and [35s]methionine-labeled tryptic peptide mapping, from the corresponding polypeptides synthesized in cv-1 african green monkey cells. the synthesis of large simian virus 40 tumor antigen implie ...1978216012
reduction of herpes simplex virus-type 2 plaque formation by urea.the effect of urea on plaque formation by herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) was examined in two systems at concentrations within or approximating the range found in human urine. approximately 7--10 mg urea/ml, added 2, 4, or 8 hours after infection, reduced plaque formation by 50% in african green monkey kidney cells. the growth of this system was affected slightly by continuous treatment with urea at 7--10 mg/ml. plaque formation was reduced in the monkey kidney system, albeit diminishingly, ...1978215721
comparative sensitivity of various cell culture systems for isolation of viruses from wastewater and fecal efforts to define the most sensitive cell culture systems for recovery of viruses from wastewaters, 181 samples were inoculated in parallel into tube cultures of various cell types and were plaqued in bottle and petri dish cultures of three types of monkey kidney cells. polioviruses were recovered most frequently in the rd line of human rhabdomyosarcoma cells, group a coxsackieviruses in rd and human fetal diploid kidney (hfdk) cells, group b coxsackieviruses in the bgm line of african green ...1978215087
the turnover of trnas microinjected into animal cell-mediated microinjection has been used to study trna turnover in sv3t3 mouse cells and tc7 cells, an african green monkey kidney line. the turnover of endogenous trna, measured by labeling with 3h-methionine, was first-order with half-lives of approximately one day in sv3t3 and two days in tc7 cells. 32ptrna isolated from e. coli or tc7 cells turned over at the same rate as endogenous trna when injected into either sv3t3 or tc7 cells. this demonstrates that cellular processes, not proper ...1978214762
the process of wound healing of the avascular outer layers of the retina. light- and electron microscopic studies on laser lesions of monkey eyes.the process of wound healing of the avascular outer layers of the retina is studied on a series of laser lesions of the monkey, cercopithecus aethiops. the extent of the retinal lesions is limited to the pigment epithelium and photoreceptor cells, whereas bruch's membrane and the vascular inner layers of the retina intact. the retinal lesions are not seen to be invaded by cells from the choroid, nor from the retinal vessels. during the first three days after irradiation the pigment epithelial ce ...1978211792
phenotypic complementation of the sv40 tsa mutant defect in viral dna synthesis following microinjection of sv40 t antigen.african green monkey cells (cv-1p) were microinjected with highly purified sv40 t antigen using protein-loaded red cell ghosts and polyethylene glycol as fusagen. the microinjected cells were infected with a temperature-sensitive mutant of sv40 (tsa209) which is defective in the initiation of viral dna synthesis. using in situ hybridization as an assay method, we found that peg-microinjection of both partially and highly purified t antigen resulted in an increase in the amount of viral dna sequ ...1978210962
cae i: an endonuclease isolated from the african green monkey with properties indicating site-specific cleavage of homologous and heterologous mammalian dna.component alpha dna is a highly repetitive sequence that comprises nearly a quarter of the african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) genome. a previous microbial restriction enzyme analysis showed that the repeat structure of component alpha dna is based upon a monomeric unit of 176 +/- 4 base-pairs. an endonuclease, provisionally termed case i, has been isolated from african green monkey testes that cleaves component alpha dna into multimeric segments based upon the same repeat periodicity ...1978206873
transformation of african green monkey kidney cells with the rf strain of human papovavirus bkv. 1978206005
highly reiterated sequences of simiansimiansimiansimiansimian.a 172-base pair segment of dna that is repeated several million times in the genome of the african green monkey has been characterized. sequence analysis revealed that the many repeats of this complex unit are not all identical but represent a set of closely related segments: sequence divergence occurs at various positions in the segment in a nonrandom manner. the uncloned segment obtained from monkey dna is compared with a cloned segment of the same dna which was recombined into the genome of s ...1978205944
nonhuman primates: laboratory animals of choice for neurophysiologic studies of sleep.a systematic study was made of several nonhuman primates to learn more about their relative usefulness for studies of sleep. species studied included the guinea baboon (papio papio), kenya or yellow baboon (p cynocephalus), olive baboon (p anubis), sacred baboon (p hamadryas), vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops), rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta), bonnet monkey (m radiata), crab-eating monkey (m fascicularis), patas monkey (erythrocebus patas), chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), mongoose lemur (lemur ...1977201798
histone synthesis during infection of monkey kidney cells with simian virus 40.the synthesis of histones during lytic infection of bsc-1 (african green monkey kidney) cells with sv40 has been investigated. the synthesis of all five classes of histones was stimulated, and all classes appeared to be stimulated to the same extent. the increase in rate of histone synthesis in response to sv40 infection was detectable several hours before sv40 dna synthesis was measureable, and the rate of histone synthesis decreased at a time when sv40 dna synthesis was occuring at a maximal o ...1977200893
characterization of simian virus 40-transformed african green monkey cells (cv-1). ii. semipermissive character for viral replication. 1977200829
structure and formation of circular dimers of simian virus 40 dna.most of the viral dna extracted from simian virus 40 (sv40)-infected african green monkey kidney cells consists of circular molecules about 5.3 kilobases in contour length. however, about 1% of the viral dna was found to occur as closed circular dimers that appeared to be formed, preferentially, late in infection. the monomeric units of dimers were organized in a head-to-tail, tandem arrangement; moreover, the monomeric units were not defective; i.e., they lacked deletions or other rearrangement ...1977198580
[demonstration by immunofluorescence of adenohyphysis corticotropin and melanotropin cells in erythrocebus patas, cercopithecus aethiops and papio hamadryas].using antibodies against synthetic corticotropic hormones (1-24 acth and 17-39 acth), and melanotropic hormones (alpha-msh and beta-msh), it is possible to identify corticotropic and melanotropic cells in the adenohypophysis of three species of monkeys : erythrocebus patas, cercopithecus aethiops and papio hamadryas. the corticotropic cells are numerous in the anterior lobe in both the adult and infant male and female monkeys of these three species. the intermediate lobe reacts with antibodies a ...1977196718
characterization of simian virus 40 transformed african green monkey cells (cv-1). i. defective virion and viral genome.several clones of sv40 transformed cv-1 cells have been characterized for the production of t- and v-antigens and for the state of viral genome. the transformed cv-1 cells failed to produce infectious virions as assayed after sonication or cocultivation and fusion with normal cv-1 cells, and were resistant to super-infection by sv40. some clones of the transformed cells contained v-antigens. the population of v-antigen positive cells varied from 0 to 100% depending on the passage number while th ...1977196162
mycoplasma in african green monkey kidney cell cultures: biochemical detection and effects in virus-infected cells.among a number of techniques for the detection of mycoplasmal contamination in african green monkey kidney (agmk) cell lines, the assay of uridine phosphorylase activity is unsuitable because of the presence of high levels of endogenous enzymatic activity. a thymidine phosphorylase test, however, based on the chromatographic analysis of radiolabeled thymidine breakdown, turned out to be a simple and sensitive mycoplasma detection method. we found, using the latter technique, that 0.22-micrometer ...1977195895
african green monkey fibroblast actin morphology during sv40 infection.monkey skin fibroblasts were infected with simian virus 40. cells that exhibited the viral tumor antigen were found to retain the normal morphology of actin filaments up to six days after infection. however when cells were transformed in terms of focus formation they had lost the normal actin morphology.1977195416
linkage relationship between the genes for thymidine kinase and galactokinase in different this study we investigated the expression of primate galactokinase in somatic cell hybrids between a thymidine kinase-deficient mouse cell line and two different primate cell lines, one of which was derived from african green monkey kidney cells and the other from chimpanzee fibroblasts. all the african green monkey-mouse hybrid clones, selected in hat medium, expressed monkey galactokinase activity and contained a monkey chromosome similar to a human e-group chromosome. when these clones wer ...1976195352
properties of permissive monkey cells transformed by uv-irradiated simian virus 40.african green monkey cells (cv1 line) were infected with uv-irradiated simian virus 40 (sv40), and permissive lines of stably transformed cells were established. these cell lines display the sv40 t-antigen and the growth characteristics typical of nonpermissive transformed cells (e.g., reduced cell density inhibition, reduced serum dependence, ability to overgrow normal cells, and colony formation in soft agar). the level of permissiveness to superinfecting sv40 is fully comparable with that of ...1977194053
activation of epstein-barr virus in hybrid cells.human-primate hybrid cell lines were established by fusion of african green monkey kidney cells (vero) with lymphoblastoid cells from patients with infectious mononucleosis (im)(imk101) and from burkitt's lymphoma culture (hr1k). both epstein-barr virus (ebv)-specific antigens and ebv particle-containing cells increased in the hybrid lines (imk1-1/vero,hr1k/vero). treatment of the hybrids with 5-bromodeoxyuridine induced more antigen-positive and more virus-containing cells. ebv could be activat ...1977192898
characterization of plasma low density lipoproteins on nonhuman primates fed dietary cholesterol.ldl from animals of three nonhuman primate species, macaca mulatta, macaca fascicularis, and cercopithecus aethiops, were studied. a standard preparation of 125i-ldl was added to isolated lipoprotein mixtures just prior to separation of plasma lipoproteins by agarose gel chromatography. a relative size index, ri, was determined by dividing the elution volume of the iodinated ldl by the elution volume of the sample ldl, both volumes being determined simultaneously during chromatographic elution. ...1997191551
serum lipid and lipoprotein responses of six nonhuman primate species to dietary changes in cholesterol levels.the response of serum lipids and lipoproteins to different levels of cholesterol in the diet was studied in chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), rhesus (macaca mulatta), green (cercopithecus aethiops), patas (erythrocebus patas), squirrel (saimiri sciurea) and spider (ateles sp.) monkeys. five animals of each species were fed increasing amounts of dietary cholesterol (0.05% to 1.5% w/w) for 3-week periods; between each experimental diet, the animals were fed a basal diet without cholesterol for a simil ...1976186573
two adenovirus type 2-simian virus 40 hybrid populations that contain the entire sv40 genome differ in their ability to induce sv40 transplantation immunity in hamsters but not in mice.ad2++ hey and ad2++ ley are two adenovirus 2(ad2)-simian virus 40 (sv40) hybrids distinguished by differences in the efficiency with which they produce sv40 progeny in lytically infected african green monkey kidney cells. these virus populations are composed of nonhybrid ad2 and hybrid virions, the majority of which contain more than 1 unit of sv40 dna. the ad2++ hey and ley populations also differ in their ability to induce sv40 transplantation immunity in rodents. only ad2++ hey induces sv40 t ...1976185429
linkage of the genes for thymidine kinase and galactokinase in the african green monkey and the chimpanzee. 1976185024
in situ hybridization of repetitive monkey genome sequences isolated from defective simian virus 40 dna.the origin of a repetitive monkey dna sequence that is incorporated into a defective simian virus 40 genome has been studied. a fragment (about 140 base pairs in length) containing essentially all the repetitive monkey dna present in the defective and few, if any, sv40 sequences can be cleaved from the purified defective dna by restriction endonucleases hind(ii and iii). radioactive crna prepared with the isolated fragment as template was hybridized in situ to african green monkey chromosomes. t ...1976184962
a scanning electron microscopic study of sv40 infected cells.the surface of the sv40-infected african green monkey kidney (agmk) cells was studied morphologically by scanning electron microscopy. in 24 hr post infection (p.i.), the cell surface was covered with slightly elongated microvilli. the microvilli increased in number. in 96 hr.p.i. most of the cells showed sv40-specific cytopathic effects (cpe). nuclear swellings and the elongation of microvilli were eminent. microvilli were observed projecting with high densities especially on the nuclear portio ...1976184324
morphological observations on the replication of herpesvirus saimiri in monkey kidney cell cultures.owl and african green monkey kidney cell cultures have been infected with 1 p.f.u./cell of herpesvirus saimiri and sample cultures have been taken for examination by electron microscopy at 3 to 6 hourly intervals over a period of 7 days; the experiments were repeated several times. the peculiarly slow replication cycle of herpesvirus saimiri has enabled distinct cytoplasmic and nuclear phases in virus maturation to be clearly distinguished; the overall fine structural features were similar in bo ...1976184242
characterization of a spontaneous undifferentiated carcinoma from an african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).an adult male african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) with an undifferentiated carcinoma, probably originating from the nasal mucosa, was received from the akron, ohio zoo. cultivation of this tumor in vitro resulted in a mixture of fibroblastic and epithelial cells which was subsequently separated using differential trypsinization. the neoplastic nature of the cultured epithelial cells was verified by their ability to transplant into athymic nude, or antithymocyte serum-treated mice, wher ...1976184033
infection of newborn taiwan monkeys (macaca cyclopis) with human adenovirus type 12 and simian virus 40.for testing biological response of newborn taiwan monkeys to infection of human adenovirus type 12 (ad12) and simian virus 40 (sv40), 40 newborn taiwan monkeys were inoculated with ad12, ad12, plus sv40, ad12 supplemented with ad12-induced hamster tumor tissue (ad12 tumor) or control specimens (hela or african green monkey kidney cell lysate). among them 26 survived including 8 newborn monkeys inoculated with control specimens. the survivors were observed for 4 years but no tumor was produced. t ...1975181217
characterization of simian cells tranformed by temperature-sensitive mutants of simian virus lines derived from primary african green monkey kidney cells, which had survived lytic infection by wild-type simian virus 40 (sv40) or temperature-sensitive mutants belonging to the a and b complementation groups, were established. these cultures synthesize sv40 tumor (t) antigen constitutively and have been passaged more than 60 times in vitro. the cells released small amounts of virus even at high passage levels but eventually became negative for the spontaneous release of virus. virus ...1976178917
comparative sensitivity of the bgm cell line for isolation of enteric viruses.the bgm line of african green monkey kidney cells was less sensitive than primary rhesus monkey kidney cells or human fetal diploid kidney cells for isolation of certain echoviruses and adenoviruses from fecal specimens.1976178630
biology of sv40 transplantation antigen (trag). i. demonstration of sv40 trag on glutaraldehyde-fixed sv40-infected african green monkey kidney cells. 1976176782
immune adherence and complement-fixation tests for human hepatitis a. diagnostic and epidemiologic investigations.the reliable propagation of cr326 strain of human hepatitis a virus in saguinus mystax marmosets has permitted the development of specific serum neutralization, complement-fixation (cf), and immune adherence (ia) assays for hepatitis a antigen and antibody. the cf and ia assays were made possible by the use of livers of cr326-infected marmosets as a source of hepatitis a antigen. all assays were shown to be specific for hepatitis a. cases of hepatitis b did not show development of hepatitis a an ...1975173600
dna replication in sv40-infected cells. xi. the properties of sv40 dna and nucleoprotein complex synthesized in the presence of cycloheximide.cycloheximide inhibits simian virus 40 (sv40) dna synthesis in productively infected african green monkey kidney cells. the residual viral dna synthesized in the presence of this drug is deficient in superhelical turns as measured by band sedimentation in the presence of several concentrations of ethidium bromide. the superhelical density of sv40 dna synthesized in the presence of cycloheximide is about one half that of viral dna produced in the absence of this drug. ribonuclease h and alkali tr ...1975172469
[effect of sodium salicylate on the "in vitro" development of rna viruses (author's transl)].sodium salicylate 10(-3) m is able to limit the number of plaques induced by rna viruses on monkey kidney cell cultures (cercopithecus aethiops and macaccus rhesus). however, the inhibition rate changes with the virus type or even the strain used. poliovirus 2, coxsackie b3, echovirus and reovirus 1 were the most susceptible to the inhibitory effect of the drug. latent infection caused by sv5 decreases the antiviral activity of salicylate. the stages of the poliovirus type 2 growth affected by s ...1975171988
isolation of foamy virus from rhesus, african green and cynomolgus monkey leukocytes.foamy virus (fv) was recovered regularly from the leukocyte of rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys and somewhat less often from african green monkey leukocytes. virus was found in virtually all organs of experimentally infected rhesus monkeys. no illness or pathologic abnormalities were noted in these animals or in any of the naturally infected animals in spite of the prolonged period of viral persistence in various organs and tissues.1975171409
[sensitivity of various primate cells and animal viruses to the antiviral activity of human leukocyte interferon (author's transl)].u cells (a permanent, human amnion cell line) were protected against infection with semliki forest virus (sfv) by human interferon (hif) from peripheral leukocytes. despite the usual genus-specific action of interferons, mouse l929 cultures (a permanent mouse fibroblast cell line) were also protected by hif. the antiviral action of hif in six other primate cell cultures was also examined. it is of interest that two lymphoblastoid cell lines, rpmi1788 and kaplan, were insensitive to hif. the sens ...1975170886
circular dna from heterokaryons of sv40-transformed mouse and african green monkey cells. 1975170445
the retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptor cells. light- and electron microscopic studies on monkey the perifoveal retina of the monkey, cercopithecus aethiops, the melanin granules are accumulated in apical cytoplasmatic protrusions of the pigment epithelial cells, facing the end of the cones. the rods are inserted deeper into the pigment epithelium than the cones; they reach the bottom of the infoldings of the apical surface membrane of the pigment epithelial cells. no melanin granules or other inclusions are situated at the end of the rods. the outer extremity of the rods is considerably ...1975169998
production of lymphokine-like factors (cytokines) by simian virus 40-infected and simian virus 40-transformed cells.macrophage migration inhibitory (mif-like) activity was demonstrated in the supernatant fluids from primary cultures of african green monkey kidney cells infected with simian virus 40 (sv 40) virus. kidney cell cultures not infected by virus had no mif activity. supernatant fluids from continuous cultures of nontransformed and sv 40-transformed human fibroblasts contained mif-like activity. productive infection with sv 40 virus results in the production of a lymphokine-like factor, as previously ...1975168779
early cytoplasmic vacuolization of african green monkey kidney cells by early as 3--4 hours after infection with sv40 at a high input multiplicity, african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) kidney (agmk) cells developed cytoplasmic vacuolization. at 10--20 hours after infection, the vacuolization reached its maximal level, then disappeared and sv40 specific cytopathic change followed. this vacuolization developed before the synthesis of the specific t and v antigens. this early cytoplasmic vacuolization (ecv) was prevented by preincubating the virus with spec ...1975167691
specific immune adherence assay for human hepatitis a antibody application to diagnostic and epidemiologic investigations.a specific immune adherence (ia) test for hepatitis a antibody in human serum was described employing liver extract of marmosets infected with cr326 strain human hepatitis a virus. persons with hepatitis a, but not hepatitis b, developed hepatitis a ia antibody soon after onset of the acute illness and this persisted thereafter. there was very close agreement in the tests for human hepatitis a immune adherence, complement fixing (cf) and neutralizing antibodies. ia antibodies appeared to develop ...1975167376
characterization of t antigen in cells infected with a temperature-sensitive mutant of simian virus 40.t antigen induced in african green monkey kidney cells by a temperature-sensitive mutant of simian virus 40, defective in a function required for cell transformation, was characterized. the number of t antigen-positive cells estimated by an immunofluorescent techniques was almost equal at permissive (32.5 c) and restrictive (38.5 c) temperatures, but was slightly reduced when the infected cells were incubated at a higher temperature (40.5 c). however, a complement fixation test indicated that th ...1975167188
temperature-sensitive mutants of simian virus 40 selected by transforming ability.eight temperature-sensitive mutants of simian virus 40 which transform rat cells at 32.5 c but not at 38.5 c have been isolated. all the mutants were also temperature sensitive for replication in african green monkey kidney cells and five of them were classified into a single complementation group. no mutant incapable of transforming rat cells at either temperature was isolated.1975167187
effect of human leukocyte interferon on vaccinia-and herpes virus-infected cell cultures and monkey corneas.pretreatment of human fibroblast cultures with human leukocyte interferon (hif, 1,000 iu/ml) resulted in a 24-h delay of virus replication after infection with vaccinia virus and herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2. additional hif treatment 24 h after infection effectively lowered the maximum yield of viral infectivity. equal results were obtained in simian cells with 3,000 iu of hif per ml. the spread of two cell-bound herpesviruses, varicella zoster virus and medical lake macaque herpesviru ...1975166924
simian virus 40 dna replication, transcription, and antigen induction during infection with two adenovirus 2-sv40 hybrids that contain the entire sv40 genome.the ad2++hey hybrid virus population produces simian virus 40 (sv40) efficiently during lytic infection, whereas ad2++ley does not, although both hybrids contain a complete sv40 genome. in this report, we demonstrate the synthesis of nonhydrid sv40 dna in ad2++hey-infected vero cells, but only early sv40 rna is transcribed efficiently in ad2++ley-infected cells. ad2++hey induces sv40 u, t, and v antigens during lytic infection of african green monkey kidney cells, whereas ad2++ley induces only s ...1975166206
amino acid and sugar transport incells permissively infected with simian virus 40.transport of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid and 2-deoxy-d-glucose in african green monkey kidney cells was measured 8 to 100 hr following permissive simian virus 40 infection. no differences in transport were detected during the time-period studies, and no significant differences were seen between the apparent michaelis-menten constants of normal and virally infected cells. the absence of transport enhancement in permissive simian virus 40 infection suggests that the augmented transport of viral-tra ...1975165886
simian virus 40-related antigens in three human meningiomas with defined chromosome loss.two out of seven meningiomas tested in early cell cultures by indirect immunofluorescence staining showed simian virus 40 (sv40)-related tumor (t) antigen. in one tumor 90% of the cells were positive. an additional sv40-related antigen (u) was found in 10% of cells of a third tumor. these findings indicate that the meningioma cells showing a positive reaction are transformed by a papova virus that has at least partly the same antigenic properties as sv40 virus. sv40-related viral capsid (v) anti ...1975164660
virus dna synthesizing ability of t antigen-forming defective sv40 produced by successive undiluted passages.sv40 stocks prepared by successive undiluted passages in african green monkey kidney (gmk) cells contain particles which produce t antigen but not capsid antigen (t partcles). the dna of the t particles was shown to replicate during abortive infection of gmk cells, as indicated by immunofluorescence assay for antigen forming capacity of virus dna. it was also shown that the synthesis of t particle dna was induced in heterokaryons formed by fusion of 3t3 cells transformed by t particles with susc ...1975164518
stimulation of non-histone chromosomal protein synthesis in simian virus 40-infected simian cells.the pattern of synthesis of non-histone chromosomal proteins in simian virus (sv) 40-infected african green monkey kidney cells was analyzed by polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis to see whether the changes in chromosomal protein metabolism are involved in the viral-induced synthesis of cellular dna and mrna. during the prereplicative phase of infection, the rate of histone synthesis was decreased until 15 h postinfection, whereas that of non-histone protein synthesis was increased after 5 h pos ...1975163368
stimulation of adenovirus replication in simian cells in the absence of a helper virus by pretreatment of the cells with iododeoxyuridine.pretreatment of african green monkey kidney cells with 50 mu g of 5'-iododeoxyruidine (iudr) per ml can modify their susceptibility to the replication of human adenovirus type 7 in the absence of simian virus 40 (sv40) although this enhancement of adenovirus replication is not as efficient as that of the helper sv40 virus. since the number of infectious centers remains unchanged after iudr pretreatment whereas the burst size of virus from each infected cell increases, the iudr appears to allow e ...1975163353
virus development in enucleate cells: echovirus, poliovirus, pseudorabies virus, reovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and semliki forest virus.a group of rna viruses, echovirus, poliovirus, reovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and semliki forest virus have been examined for ability to grow in enucleate african green monkey kidney (bsci) cells. semliki forest virus produced an almost normal yield of virus but poliovirus, echovirus, reovirus and respiratory syncytial virus, although showing clear evidence of virus replication when compared with a nuclear dna virus (pseudorabies virus) gave much lower yields than those from nucleate cell ...1975163289
[immunofluorescence demonstration of somatostatin-containing cells in the digestive tract of the monkeys irus, macaca papio hamadryas and cercopithecus aethiops].indirect immunofluorescence technique with antisomatostatin serum has allowed us to detect somatostatin containing cells in the gastro-intestinal tract of three species of monkeys : macacus irus, papio hamadryas and cercopithecus aethiops. these cells are localized only in the stomach, in the duodenum, and in the jejunum-ileum. no somatostatin cells were encountered in the esophagus and in the colon. the maximum of somatostatin positive cells is localized in the duodenum, as well in the lieberkü ...1979161187
[demonstration by immunofluorescence of somatostatin cells in the islets of langerhans in 3 species of monkeys].indirect immunofluorescence technique with anti-somatostatin serum has allowed us to detect somatostatin containing cells in the langerhans' islets of three species of monkeys (macacus irus, papio hamadryas, cercopithecus aethiops). these cells are in close relationship with another cells, but occupy a more central position in the islets. thus, the distribution of somatostatin-containing cells in the monkey's endocrine pancreas has not a similar pattern as in rodent's pancreas; they have a compa ...1979160269
[demonstration by immunofluorescence of somatotropic cells and prolactin cells in the monkeys erythrocebus patas, cercopithecus aethiops and papio hamadryas].using antibodies against human sth and ovine prolactine, it is possible to identify somatotropic and prolactin cells in the pituitary anterior lobe of three species of monkeys: erythrocebus patas, cercopithecus aethiops and papio hamadryas. the somatotropic cells are numerous in both adult and infant male or female monkeys, especially in the lateral lobes of the pituitary gland. the prolactin cells can be distinguished in all pituitaries studied, regardless age or sex; indeed there are more nume ...1976140737
surface characteristics of cells from different layers of keratinized and non-keratinized oral epithelia.portions of clinically healthy non-keratinized and keratinized oral epithelia were removed from adult vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops). the epithelium was separated from the underlying lamina propria by trypsin digestion, following which the epithelial cells were separated from the various epithelial layers. these were examined with the light and scanning electron microscope. cells from non-keratinized epithelia have surface microplications while those from keratinized epithelia show m ...1975124340
the fine structure of induced pulpitis in a monkey (cercopithecus aethiops). 1979121535
[cytotoxic action of diisopropyl fluorophosphate (dfp) and bis-4-hydroximino-methyl-pyridine-1-methyl-(toxogonin) on kidney cultures of a monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) (author's transl)]. 1978121225
effect of passage history on dengue-2 virus replication in subpopulations of human leukocytes.three passage levels of dengue-2 virus strain pr-159, obtained during the course of deriving the attenuated s-1 vaccine, were tested for their ability to replicate in subpopulations of human peripheral blood leukocytes: (i) 6th primary african green monkey kidney (pgmk) cell passage (parent virus); (ii) 19th pgmk cell passage of a small-plaque-forming clone derived from the parent virus (s-1 pgmk virus); and (iii) virus derived by four additional passages of the s-1 pgmk virus in diploid fetal r ...1979121109
[analysis of the biological effect of city smog extract. v. comparative investigations on the effect of city smog extracts on dna synthesis of syrian hamster kidney and embryonic cells and of african green monkey kidney cells in vitro (author's transl)].we analysed the effect of two samples of city smog extract from bochum and duisburg on dna synthesis of mammalian cells in vitro. as a test system we used tissue cultures of kidney and embryonic cells from the syrian golden hamster and monkey kidney cells from cercopithecus aethiops. dna synthesis of cells was measured by autoradiography using 3h-thymidine. both samples of city smog extract exerted a dose-dependent decrease of the rate of dna synthesis in tissue culture cells. these alterations ...1979121004
reproductive and hormonal patterns in the african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).the results of breeding cercopithecus aethiops under time-mated laboratory conditions and analysis of total estrogen, progesterone, and lh concentrations in plasma during the menstrual cycle and plasma estrogen and progesterone concentrations during pregnancy indicate that this species is a suitable alternative for the rhesus monkey as a model for investigations of reproductive function in man.1979119860
long-term retention of a visually cued poison-based aversion in monkeys.retention of a poison-based aversion after a 3-yr. period by 8 vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) was found. the color of the visual cue appeared to effect the retention of the aversion.1979119208
primate disease and breeding rates.33 species were compared for 12 disease categories over 3 years of laboratory housing. there were low correlations between popularity, birth, death, and illness rates. highest rates were: birth, macaca nemestrina; illness, pongo pygmaeus; death, cercopithecus aethiops. lowest rates were: birth, lemur catta; illness, sanguinus mystax; death, galago crassicaudatus. galago crassicaudatus and macaca fasicularus had low disease and high birth rates.1979119108
experimental infection of the genital tract of female grivet monkeys by mycoplasma hominis: effects of different routes of a previous study we produced acute salpingitis and parametritis in grivet monkeys by inoculation of mycoplasma hominis directly into the uterine tubes. with the purpose of examining in the same animal model the effect of more natural routes of infection, six female grivet monkeys were inoculated, two by two, with m. hominis by the following methods: (experiment a) into the uterine cavity through the cervical canal; (experiment b) into the uterine cavity by the same route, but after ligature o ...1979118928
changes in the virus-host cell relationship in a stable non-virogenic cell line persistently infected with measles virus (bgm/mv).a non-virogenic african green monkey kidney cell line bgm/mv persistently infected with a neurotropic mouse brain-adapted strain of measles virus, was found to have undergone significant changes in the virus-host cell relationship between passages 35 and 119. rather than the stable non-cytopathic relationship previously reported in which approximately 100% of the cells contained measles antigens and less than 1% of the cells expressed cell surface measles antigen, we observed cyclic manifestatio ...1979118238
the repetitive sequence structure of component alpha dna and its relationship to the nucleosomes of the african green monkey. 1979117111
the primates in darfur, republic of sudan.the paper describes the distribution, group size and relative abundance of erythrocebus patas and papio doguera in darfur province, sudan. less detailed information is given on cercopithecus aethiops and galago senegalensis. detailed observations were carried out in the field and by low-level aerial survey during 1972--1978 and have been supplemented by references to the literature where appropriate.1979116947
surveys of simian malaria in japan.the survey of simian malaria in japan which had been conducted since 1965 showed that no japanese monkeys (macaca fuscata fuscata and macaca fuscata yakui) were infected with malaria parasites. most interestingly, however, babesia sp. was found in 4 (4.3%) of 93 macaca fuscata yakui which had been reared in a monkey park. as for the monkeys imported from abroad, plasmodium was only found in macaca irus from southeast asia, namely, p. inui (14.1-25.0%), p. cynomologi (0.6, 3.2%) and p. coatneyi ( ...1979116437
social isolation and other behavioral changes in groups of adult vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) produced by low, nonchronic doses of d-amphetamine.doses (0.1--0.7 mg/kg body weight) d-amphetamine were administered to three independent groups of green vervet monkeys (cerecopithecus aethiops). each group formed a triad with one male and two females. amphetamine changed both the individual and the social behavior patterns significantly. stereotypy and social isolation (withdrawal) were characteristic features of the amphetaminized animals. also stereotyped social grooming was observed. the results are discussed in relation to behavior changes ...1979116271
behavioral effects of low, acute doses of d-amphetamine on the dyadic interaction between mother and infant vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) during the first six postnatal months.doses of d-amphetamine sulfate (0.1, 0.15, and 0.2 mg/kg body weight) were given to adult monkeys in mother-infant pairs. the fundamental parental care behavior pattern was disrupted and the mother became isolated in a socially withdrawn phase. she did not respond to the calling signals of the infant and showed behavior in which stereotyped self-grooming and/or 'staring' into space were predominant. the reactions of the infant to this amphetamine-induced behavior were different in the two experi ...1979115045
subunit structure of alpha-satellite dna containing chromatin from african green monkey cells.alpha-satellite dna containing chromatin from african green monkey cells (cv-1 cells) has been used to study the question whether or not nucleosomes are arranged in phase with the 172 bp repeat unit of the satellite dna. digestion experiments with dnaase ii led us to exclude a simple phase relationship between the nucleosomal and the satellite dna repeats. digestion of cv-1 nuclei with micrococcal nuclease and endogenous nuclease (s) produced a series of sharp bands in the satellite dna register ...1979114981
early endothelial changes in experimental primate atherosclerosis.aortic tissues of cholesterol-fed african green monkeys were studied by light and electron microscopy. the sampled areas were either grossly normal, or showed minute grayish white translucent or yellowish white intimal elevations. samples of topographically corresponding areas from animals on normal diet served as controls. by light microscopy, the intimal elevations were either pure fatty dots or a combination of fatty dots and focal intimal edema. the most conspicuous ultrastructural findings ...1979114709
action of bacterial endotoxin and lipid a on mitochondrial enzyme activities of cells in culture and subcellular fractions.escherichia coli o127:b8 lipopolysaccharide (lps), prepared by the westphal procedure, caused a marked decrease in the activities of mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, and adenylate kinase in african green monkey kidney (vero) cells and primary cultures of mouse liver cells within 2 h after exposure to 10 micrograms of lps/ml of culture medium. these three enzyme activities leaked into the supernatant fraction, and cytochrome oxidase activity was lost from the mouse liv ...1979114491
portacaval shunt and whole-body cholesterol metabolism in the cholesterol-fed african green monkey. 1979113786
normal values for some whole blood and serum components of grivet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).normal values for a number of blood components of grivet monkeys are reported. haematological data and values for glucose, cholesterol and urea are similar to those of rhesus monkeys. activities of alkaline phosphatase (1526 u/l), glutamine oxaloacetate transaminase (30.9 u/l), glutamine pyruvate transaminase (13.7 u/l), lactate dehydrogenase (629 u/l), alpha-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (175 u/l), creatine phosphokinase (227 u/l), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (38.7 u/l) and sorbitol dehydroge ...1979113624
short-term effects of aflatoxin b1 on serum lipids in subhuman primates.aflatoxin b1 significantly depressed serum lipid levels in specimens of cercopithecus aethiops, cercopithecus mona, erythrocebus patas and papio anubis. serum cholesterol, total phospholipids and total lipids were not affected to the same extent.1979113622
the effects of orbitofrontal lesions on the aggressive behavior of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus). 1979113236
the effect of oral pancreatic enzymes on the intestinal flora of protein-deficient vervet monkeys challenged with vibrio cholerae.jejunal bacterial flora in 11 protein deficient vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) and four controls was studied. these were the same animals from an investigation previously reported in which it was shown that pancreatic extract modified the course of cholera infection in protein-deficient monkeys. the present study reports in addition that these animals the fluid in the upper jejunum contained significantly increased numbers of bacteria including enterobacteriaceae compared to its prediet ...1979111538
incorporation of lysine into y base of phenylalanine trna in vero cells.vero cells, a line derived from african green monkey kidney, contains a hypermodified base, called y, adjacent to the 3' end of the anticodon of trnaphe. two types of evidence are presented suggesting that lysine is involved in biosynthesis of y base in these cells. first, when vero cells are starved for lysine, a new, early-eluting species of trnaphe which lacks the fully modified y base can be detected by reversed phase chromatography (rpc-5). after addition of lysine to the medium, this new s ...1979111226
comparative normal levels of serum triiodothyronine and thyroxine in nonhuman primates.normative values were obtained for triiodothyronine and thyroxine from four species of old world primate (chimpanzees, rhesus monkeys, african green monkeys and talopoin monkeys) and a single species of new world primate (squirrel monkeys) represented by two subspecies, colombian and bolivian. the bolivian squirrel monkeys exhibited the lowest values for both triiodothyronine and thyroxine. male talapoins had the highest levels of thyroxine. significant differences were found in levels of triiod ...1979110976
schistosomiasis in omo national park of southwest ethiopia.schistosomiasis mansoni infection was found in more than 50 tourists who had visited omo national park, ethiopia, and bathed and swum in the mui river. a survey revealed schistosoma mansoni infection in 41% of park residents and in 33% of the neighboring suri people. eggs were found in stools and adult worms at autopsy of wild papio anubis and cercopithecus aethiops. trematode larvae were found in 27% of biomphalaria pfeifferi snails found in the mui river. the source of the disease and the impl ...1979110163
arrangement of a highly repeated dna sequence in the genome and chromatin of the african green monkey.the dna of the african green monkey contains three components that are distinguishable by the kinetics of reassociation. the rapidly reassociating component represents about 20% of the total dna and is composed almost entirely of a sequence (agmr(hindiii)-1) which is repeated 6.8 x 10(6) times. the majority of the agmr(hindiii)-1 sequences are organized in long tandem repeats of a segment of 172 base pairs in length. however, a fraction of the agmr (hindiii)-1 sequences is interspersed with anot ...1979109436
studies on the organization of the alpha-satellite dna from african green monkey cells using restriction nucleases and molecular cloning.alpha-satellite dna from african green monkey cells was analysed with restriction nucleases in some detail confirming and complementing our earlier results. with ecori and haeiii (or bsuri isoschizomer), about 25 and 10%, respectively, of the satellite dna were cleaved into a series of fragments of the 172 bp repeat length and multiples thereof. to allow studies with fragments of homogeneous sequence unit length, hindiii fragments were covalently joined with the plasmid pbr 313. after transforma ...1979109356
bacterial myocarditis in african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops). 1979108846
experimental acute salpingitis in grivet monkeys provoked by chlamydia trachomatis.chlamydia trachomatis is a common cause of sexually transmitted diseases. recently it has been shown that chlamydiae are also responsible for complications to such lower genital tract infections. in this study, isolates of c. trachomatis from the fallopian tubes of patients with acute salpingitis were inoculated direct into the fallopian tubes of two, and through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity of one grivet monkey. the experimental infections resulted in a self-limited acute salpingi ...1979107723
isolation and preliminary characterization of the small circular dna present in african green monkey kidney (bsc-1) cells. 1978107539
changes in whole blood and serum components of grivet monkeys with experimental respiratory francisella tularensis infection.grivet monkeys infected with virulent francisella tularensis strain schu s4 showed significant early changes in serum levels of trace metals, triglycerides and activities of alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase and alpha-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase. free amino acid levels decreased slightly and there was a marked increase in the phenylalanine: tyrosine ratio. serum lysozyme activity and seromucoid levels also increased. kanamycin therapy produced remission of overt signs but the changes ...1978106870
the pathology of untreated and antibiotic-treated experimental tularaemia in monkeys.grivet monkeys were infected intranasally with the virulent schu-s4 strain of f. tularensis. one group of animals remained untreated and two other groups received a 7-day course of kanamycin therapy starting on either the third or fourth day after infection. untreated monkeys developed pyrexia and mucopurulent oculonasal discharge and died 5--7 days after infection. all had pyogranulomatous lesions in the liver, spleen, respiratory tract and lymph nodes. electron microscopy of liver and spleen s ...1978106869
resistance of african green monkey kidney cell lines to actinomycin d: drug uptake in 37 rc cells after persistent inhibition of transcription.37 rc cells, a cultured line derived from african green monkey kidneys, survived long treatments with actinomycin d (amd; 0.1 to 0.5 mug/ml) under strong inhibition of ribonucleic acid synthesis and blocking of cell division. one aspect of the complex cellular response to this treatment was a progressive lowering of the influx rate of amd and, consequently, of its endocellular concentration, leading to a late resurgence of transcription. overall protein synthesis decreased in amd-treated cells, ...1979106777
developmental staging and thalidomide teratogenicity in the green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).the developmental stages of 11 cercopithecus aethiops embryos, 24 to 45 days post-mating, are described. the onset of organogenesis in this species is approximately five to seven days later than that reported for macaques and baboons. this temporal difference in the embryonic period is an important factor in the analysis of the subsequent teratogenic study. oral administration of thalidomide in single or multiple (3-day) treatment periods to pregnant green monkeys between days 28 and 33 resulted ...1978105418
implications for adult roles from differential styles of mother-infant bonding: an ethological study.ethological observations of maternal and infant behaviors of nine vervet monkey pairs (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) showed the effects of differential styles of early maternal responsiveness on later infant competence. those infants receiving the least amount of maternal responsiveness and the most time-off the mother in the first 3 months of development were more socially competent at 6 months of age. the results are discussed within current ethological "attachment" theories. the detachment ...1979105083
identity of euchromatic bands from man to cercopithecidae (cercopithecus aethiops, cercopithecus sabaeus, erythrocebus patas, and miopithecus talapoin).the karyotypes of four species of cercopithecidae: cercopithecus aethiops tantalus, c. sabaeus, erythrocebus patas, and miopithecus talapoin are analysed with nearly all the banding techniques. they are compared with each other, and with the karyotypes of the baboon p. papio and with that of man. it can be concluded that the quasi-totality or the totality of the euchromatin is common to all, but has undergone structural rearrangements, generally detectable. the heterochromatin, defined by c-band ...1978104920
[analysis of the biological effect of city smog extract iv. growth inhibition of kidney cell cultures (cercopithecus aethiops) under the influence of a city smog extract and its polyaromatic fractions (author's transl)].the cell growth of exponentially growing kidney cell cultures of cercopithecus aethiops was determined by estimation of protein content. the effect of city smog extracts and its polyaromatic fractions on cell growth was examined. based on the benzo(a)pyren-content the crude extract of city smog exerted the strongest inhibition of cell growth, followed by non purified and purified fraction of polyaromates. the inhibition of cell growth was dose dependent. results indicate, that for cell growth in ...1978104484
variations in the blood clotting time and lipid patterns of the nigerian monkey, cercopithecus aethiops tantalus, during captivity.the blood clotting time and serum lipid values of newly-captured nigerian monkeys were determined during the period of adaptation. large fluctuations in serum free and total cholesterol and phospholipid values were observed throughout the 12-week period of investigation. the variations in blood clotting time were not significant (p greater than 0.05). these wide variations in lipid values suggest the need for caution in interpreting data from newly-captured subhuman primates.1978104089
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