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cell-mediated immunity to respiratory syncytial virus induced by inactivated vaccine or by infection.transformation and increased mitotic activity in donor lymphocytes exposed to specific antigens is considered by many to be a manifestation of cell-mediated immunity. in attempts to understand the apparent "sensitization" of individuals to respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) as a result of receiving inactivated rsv vaccine, in vitro lymphocyte transformation studies were carried out on infants who had received inactivated rsv vaccine and on infants who had received a similarly prepared inactivated ...19761246465
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe): isolation of a defective variant of measles virus from brain obtained at autopsy.a cytopathic agent causing formation of syncytial giant cells was isolated by co-cultivation of human embryonic lung cells with brain cells obtained at autopsy from a patient with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. measles specific intracellular immunofluorescence was detected in syncytial giant cells developed by the agent. paramyxovirus-like nucleocapsids were observed by electron microscopy in nuclei of the syncytial giant cells. measles specific immunofluorescence was also detected on the ...19751180868
variations in the cell-free translating apparatus of cultured animal cells as a function of time during cell growth.vero m3 cells, a line derived from the kidney of an african green monkey, display certain alterations in their protein synthetic apparatus as a function of time during a growth cycle. (growth cycle here refers to exponential growth of unsynchronized cells in culture and their subsequent passage into the stationary phase.) the capacity of cytoplasmic extracts of these cells to promote endogeneous mrna-mediated polypeptide synthesis or poly u-mediated polyphenylalanine synthesis declines from the ...19751176540
temperature sensitive cells in the study of carcinogenic transformation.two temperature sensitive variants (ts13 and ts14) of an african green monkey tetraploid kidney cell line (epithelial), carrying temperature sensitive lesions in thymidine metabolism, were transformed by methylnitrosourea (mnu) at the permissive temperature of 33 degrees c, nor was there any transformation in the wild type parental cell line of bsc-1 at these temperatures under similar conditions. a comparative study of the cell cycle and metabolic efficiency in the 3 cell lines was performed in ...19751156519
purification of zymogen granules from monkey parotid glands.a method giving highly purified zymogen granules from macaca irus and cercopithecus aethiops parotid glands in reported. a 0.3 m sucrose medium for homogenization was supplemented with 10 mm tris/hcl, ph 7.3, and 0.1 mm lauric acid to stabilize the fragile monkey zymogen granules. nuclei and cell debris were sedimented at 150 times g. a "crude" zymogen granule fraction was trapped in the 1.0 m sucrose layer of a discontinuous sucrose gradient at 1000 times g. equilibrium centrifugation in a cont ...19751155105
[the effect of human leukocyte interteron (hif) on experimental viral keratitis in monkeys (author's transl)].12 african green monkeys were inoculated in both eyes with herpes simplex virus typ 1 and 16 rhesus monkeys with vaccinia virus. the right eyes were treated with human leukocyte interferon (hif) while the left eyes served as controls and showed the typical keratitis, 7 out of 8 herpes eyes and all 9 vaccinia eyes which were treated prophylactically or simultaneiously with hif showed no signs of disease. when hif was given later in the course of the infection the keratitis was either little influ ...19751080375
virucidal effect of certain chemical contraceptives on type 2 herpesvirus.the virucidal effect of several chemical contraceptives was investigated and the findings are rrported. the supension of type 2 herpes simplex virus, containing 10(6) to 10(7) tissue culture infectious doses per 0.1 ml., was inactivated on exposure to five different chemical contraceptives. for quantitative estimates of virucidal effect, 10 per cent solutions of these chemical contraceptives were tested with an exposure time of 10 minutes at room temperature. the methods for determination of res ...1976984103
characterisation of an epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus.a high titre of epizootic haemorrhagic disease (ehd) virus was obtained from roller bottles of african green monkey kidney (vero) cells. cell associated ehd virus was purified by use of genetron-113 and sonication. purified viral particles were probably icosahedral with a diameter of 58 nm and contained capsomeres which appeared to be composed of five and six subunit structures. phenol extracted nucleic acid from purified ehd virus when treated with orcinol or diphenylamine gave colour reactions ...1976968187
persistent infection of cultured mammalian cells by japanese encephalitis virus.persistent infections were established by serial undiluted passage of flavivirus japanese encephalitis virus in a line of rabbit kidney cells (ma-111). the persistently infected cells resembled uninfected cells in most respects. low levels of infectious virions were released from a small percentage of cells, and a larger and more variable percentage was shown to possess viral antigen by fluorescent-antibody staining. released viruses were shown to interfere with replication of wild-type japanese ...1977916028
concanavalin a induced inhibition of cell migration in african green monkey kidney cell cultures.the effect of concanavalin a (con a) on the mobility of vero cells into cell free gaps is examined. the movement of cells into these wounds is inhibited by a 30 minute exposure of con a at a concentration of 12.5 ug/ml. the effects of con a on the mobility are dependent on the concentration of the lectin used for treatment as well as the total amount of time the cells are exposed to a given concentration. the con a inhibition is abrogated by alpha-methyl-mannose. the competitive effects of con a ...1977892581
isolation and biological characterization of a measles virus-like agent from the brain of an autopsied case of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe).isolation of a cytopathic agent causing formation of syncytial giant cells in co-cultivated vero cells from the brain of an autopsied case of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe) is reported. the syncytia usually autolyzed from the center after growing to 1 to 2 mm in diameter and then detached from the culture vessels, and finally made macroscopically recognizable round plaques on the monolayer under liquid overlay. the agent was identified serologically as an agent related to measles vir ...1977875761
[research on the rubella epidemic of 1973 in turin. virological data].during the outbreak of rubella in turin in 1973, 110 newborns, whose mother's pregnancy clash with the epidemic, were studied for the elimination of rubella virus. 708 samples were in total examined, through inoculation in primary cultures of african green monkey kidney (and study of the possible interference with echo-virus type 11), and partially in rk 13 and sirc continuous cell lines. no strain of rubella virus was isolated, and the authors conclude that the virus involved was particularly b ...1977871345
human-type a-b-o blood group antigens of ethiopian vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) in the wild.human type a-b-o blood group antigens were tested in a local population of ethiopian vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops). one animal was of group ab, the others were a. this represents a lower rate of polymorphism at this locus than has been observed among south african populations of the same species.1977864678
interpretative differences in cytogenetic analyses: preliminary results of a collaborative an effort to establish some of the parameters which influence differences in interpretation of chromosome aberrations, we initiated a collaborative study with 26 different laboratories located in the u.s., canada and europe. they include government, private industry, and academic institutions. three species were selected for study which vary in chromosome number and complexity of the karyotype. these were the chinese hamster, human, and african green monkey. each metaphase was preselected and ...1976829598
malnutrition and susceptibility to infection with vibrio cholerae in vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops). 2. response of vervet monkeys on protein, b-vitamin complex and calorie-deficient diets to infection.five groups of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were fed regular monkey chow, low protein (lp), low b-vitamin complex (lbv), lp-lbv, or low protein- low calorie (lp-lc) diets, respectively. after eight weeks the animals were infected with cholera vibrios. igg, iga and igm increased in the sera of all animals after the challenge but the avidity of the immunoglobulins was lower in vervets on lp diets. diarrhea and excretion of vibrios lasted longer in animals consuming less protein.1976828672
malnutrition and susceptibility to infection with vibrio cholerae in vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops). 1. induction of protein, b-vitamin complex and calorie malnutrition.five groups of eight vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were fed regular monkey chow, low protein (lp), low b-vitamin complex (lbv), low protein - low b-vitamin complex (lb-lbv), or protein - low calorie (lp-lc) diet, respectively, for eight weeks. hematocrit values, hemoglobin, bun, total protein, albumin, riboflavin and body weight decreased, the ratio of dispensable/indispensable amino acids increased in all animals receiving a deficient diet. total globulin, igg and igm remained unchang ...1976826634
the intercollicular area of the inferior study the somatosensory input to the inferior colliculus, lesions were made in the dorsal column nuclei of the hedgehog, tree shrew, slow loris, marmoset and african green monkey, and spinal cord of the hedgehog, tree shrew and slow loris. the degenerating fibers stained with silver impregnation methods. the dorsal column system projects primarily to an area lateral to the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus, whereas the spinotectal projection is primarily to the medial region in the h ...1976825188
biochemical characteristics of certain salivary glycoproteins from cercopithecus aethiops. 1976825084
[karyotyping of the cercopithecus (cercopithecus aethiops). banding and nomenclature].the karyotype of cercopithecus aethiops was analysed by rhg, gtg, and c banding, and a band nomenclature is proposed.1976825016
the influence of traumatic intrusion of primary teeth on their permanent successors. a radiographic and histologic study in monkeys.intrusion of maxillary central primary incisors was performed in 18 green vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) with the purpose of studying early and late histologic changes in odontogenesis of permanent tooth germs and the effect of treatment of primary tooth injury. immediate changes were studied in five monkeys where both maxillary central primary incisors were intruded. the monkeys were sacrificed 10-15 min after intrusion. the immediate changes in the permanent tooth germ consisted of co ...1976824213
odontometric study of african monkey teeth.univariate analysis of the mesiodistal and buccolingual crown diameters of cercocebus albigena, cercopithecus aethiops and cercopithecus ascanius revealed a complex pattern of contrasts depending upon which tooth dimension was compared. by contrast, multivariate analysis discriminated between the dentitions of cercocebus albigena on the one hand and cercopithecus aethiops and cercopithecus ascanius on the other hand, but whether these differences reflected genetic or environmental factors requir ...1976823785
the diencephalon of the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops). part ii: epithalamus, subthalamus and hypothalamus.the nuclear configuration and topography of the epithalamus, subthalamus and hypothalamus of the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) are described and compared with those of other primates, particularly the macaque monkey. the epithalamus does not show any striking structural differences, except some architectonic differentiation in the lateral habenular nucleus. the subthalamus is a phylogenetically stable structure throughout the primate scale; it does not show any significant changes, exce ...1976823650
the diencephalon of the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops). part i: thalamus and metathalamus.the diencephalon of the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) is described and compared with that of other primates, particularly the macaque monkey (macaca mulatta). in the vervet monkey, the thalamus is divided into six nuclear groups: anterior, midline, medial, dorsolateral, ventrolateral and posterior. the anterior nuclear group shows a regressive nucleus anterodorsalis and a poorly defined demarcation between the nuclei anteromedialis and anteroventralis. there is a large interthalamic adh ...1976823649
histochemical and biochemical properties of the labial and palatine glands and their secretions in the macaca irus and cercopithecus aethiops monkeys.the increasing use of non-human primates in experimental studies in dentistry demands detailed knowledge of their basic oral biology. the labial and palatine glands and their secretory products were compared in two commonly used monkey species. the mucous cells of both gland types appeared to elaborate sulphated muco-substances and the serous demilunes of the labial glands neutral mucosubstances. the secretions of these glands, as obtained by in vitro cultivation of glandular tissue were subject ...1976822685
representation of fovea in the striate cortex of vervet monkey, cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus. 1976822583
proline-rich proteins in membranes and contents of monkey (macaca irus and cercopithecus aethiops) parotid zymogen granules. 1976821460
immunologic evidence that the gene for l-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase is not expressed in animals subject to scurvy.l-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase (l-gulono-gamma-lactone:oxygen 2-oxidoreductase, ec is the enzyme that catalyzes the terminal step of l-ascorbic acid biosynthesis in mammalian liver. the absence of the oxidase activity in primates and guinea pigs is the reason why these animals are subject to scurvy, which must be considered an inborn error of metabolism. attempts were made to determine if a protein immunologically crossreactive with l-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase is present in these ani ...1976819930
vaccine against human hepatitis b.a highly purified and inactivated vaccine was made of hepatitis b virus surface antigen. the vaccine was tested exhaustively for safety by ordinary procedures and additionally in chimpanzees and marmosets. it was highly potent and induced antibody in guinea pigs, grivet monkeys, and chimpanzees after three doses of vaccine were given subcutaneously. chimpanzees given three doses of vaccine were protected against challenge with 1,000 chimpanzee-infectious doses of live human hepatitis b virus giv ...1976819667
basic, proline-rich glycoproteins in the submandibular gland secretion of the cercopithecus aethiops. 1976819210
development and chimpanzee testing of a vaccine against human hepatitis b.highly purified hepatitis b virus surface antigen (australia antigen) purified by physical and chemical procedures from infected human plasma was used to prepare hepatitis b vaccine. the purified antigen was treated with formalin and the vaccine was tested exhaustively for safety by ordinary procedures and additionally in marmosets (for live hepatitis b virus). the vaccine was highly potent, inducing antibody in guinea pigs, grivet monkeys, and chimpanzees given three doses of vaccine containing ...1976817293
rhesus and african green monkey leukocyte response to steroids, antithymocyte globulin, and 60co treatments.rhesus and african green monkeys were treated with dexamethasome, antithymocyte globulin, 60co irradiation, or combinations of those immunosuppressive agents, and the leukocyte response was followed. the lymphocyte population could be significantly depressed with 60co, but dexamethasone was required to maintain a low lymphocyte count. the ability of the immunosuppressed animals to support the growth of transplanted tumor cells was markedly enhanced by the addition of atg to the treatment schedul ...1976817081
schistosoma mansoni in baboons. iii. the course and characteristics of infection, with additional observations on immunity.parasitological, clinical, and histopathological observations on 54 baboons infected with schistosoma mansoni are presented. the baboon and s. mansoni constitute a compatible host-parasite system, evidence by the infectivity of cercariae (98% penetration, 42% adult worm recovery), and the long, fertile life of the worms. baboons tolerated the infection well, with clinical illness a rarity in moderately infected baboons. pathological findings were generally unremarkable. an acute "toxemic" phase ...1976816218
immunity in plague: protection induced in cercopithecus aethiops by oral administration of live, attenuated yersinia pestis.a live, attenuated yersinia pestis vaccine, designated ev76 (paris) f, was pathogenic in cercopithecus aethiops when administered parenterally. although an oral dose of 10(9) colone-forming units of the vaccine was nonfatal to vervets, a transient but severe gastrointestinal disturbance resulted in four of 12 animals. seven immunized vervets were protected against intradermal challenge. the remaining five vervets without serologic reactions and five untreated controls died from typical bubonic ( ...1976815445
the cephalometric analysis of cercopithecus aethiops.a steiner-based cephalometric study of 46 adult vervet monkeys was undertaken using craniometric points as closely correlated to those in the human as possible. on tracings of each cephalogram 13 measurements were recorded. the results were statistically analysed. whilst the monkey face does vary individually this variation is apparently much less than is that of the human face. it is possible that the positions of the monkey incisor crowns bear a relatively constant relationship to the soft tis ...1976813528
morphological changes in the articular cartilage after meniscectomy. an experimental study in the monkey.the medial meniscus was resected from the right knees of twelve young grivet monkeys that were killed at intervals of twenty-one to 252 days after operation. the knees operated upon and the control knees were investigated radiologically and histologically. degenerative changes occurred in the medial femoral and tibial condyles. at first there was loss of cells from the superficial layer of the articular cartilage, with a marked decrease in the acid mucopolysaccharide content of the matrix. the c ...1975811667
[characterization of mycoplasms isolated from imported nonhuman primates (author's transl)].mycoplasms were isolated from 35 (16%) of 215 specimens collected from 20 crab-eating monkeys (macaca irus), 9 green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) and from 9 common squirrel monkeys (saimiri sciurea). all these animals had been imported from south-east asia, africa and south america being apparently healthy. a total of 38 large and 20 small colony-mycoplasma strains were isolated from the nasal and oral cavity, urethra, vagina and rectal feces. the large colony-mycoplasmas could be differenti ...1975811474
behavioral effects of thymoleptics in vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).desmethylimipramine (dmi) exerts diverse quantitative effects on the gross behaviour of monkeys. excitatory as well as sedative effects were observed, which varied according to the general animal temperament. results resembling those obtained with dmi were observed using chlorimipramine and iprindole, although the effects of iprindole were less marked. chlorimipramine also produced immobilization and postural change. the results are discussed in relation to behavioral effects of thymoleptics in ...1975810822
neutralizing antibody and lymphocyte-mediated, colony-forming inhibition responses to measles infection in cercopithecus aethiops monkeys.the relation between humoral and cellular immune responses to measles virus in cercopithecus aethiops monkedy was examined by in vitro virus neutralization and colony inhibition techniques. both types of specific immune response were maximal two or three weeks after infection and then declined at similar rates for several weeks. however, the humoral response persisted at a low level for at least 44 weeks, whereas the cell-mediated response became undetectable as early as 10 weeks after infection ...1975810524
nervous connections between the brain and the pineal gland in the cat (felis catus) and the monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).silver-impregnated series of cat and monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) brains were studied in an attempt to demonstrate the existence of nervous connections between the brain and the pineal gland via the pineal stalk (central pineal connections). the presence of such connections between both the pineal gland and the habenular area, and between the pineal gland and the posterior commissure was verified in this study. a well defined median nerve tract between the pineal gland and the posterior commi ...1975809138
experimental schistosomiasis haematobia in bushbaby (galago crassicaudatus), patas (erythrocebus patas), and grivet (cercopithecus aethiops).the bushbaby (galago crassicaudatus), patas (erythrocebus patas), and grivet (cercopithecus aethiops) have been evaluated as hosts in experimental schistosomiasis haematobia. individual hosts demonstrated considerable variation in host-parasite relationships. e. patas is suggested as a host for continuing investigations in schistosoma haematobium infections, based upon its moderate susceptibility to infection and a moderate potential for pathological involvement of the urogenital system.1975808620
loa loa: experimental infection in two species of african primates.four species of primates, baboon (papio anubis), patas monkeys (erythrocebus patas), green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) and chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) were inoculated with third-stage larvae of a human strain of loa loa from cameroon, west african. the baboon and patas monkeys developed patent infections after 135 to 148 days; the green monkeys and chimpanzee did not. in each animal which became patent, microfilaremia rose rapidly to high levels. in the baboon, but not in the patas monkeys, ...1975808145
reinfection of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) with borrelia hermsii.two of 4 untreated vervet monkeys infected with borrelia hermsii survived and were resistant to reinfection for at least 1 year. seven of 9 vervets receiving tetracycline could be reinfected after 12 to 36 weeks. immobilizine could be demonstrated for a shorter time in treated than in untreated vervets.1975807959
evaluation of chromic oxide, glycerol triether, and beta-sitosterol as fecal flow markers in two species of nonhuman primates.recovery of beta-sitosterol, glycerol triether (1-hexadecyl-2,3-didodecyl glycerol triether), and chromic oxide was studied in african green monkeys and stumptail macaques consuming diets containing 0.75 mg/cal cholesterol and 38% of calories as safflower oil or butter. following oral administration of these compounds, feces were collected daily for 9 days. for all animals, excretion of beta-sitosterol and glycerol triether paralleled one another almost exactly. except for two animals, this was ...1975804580
characterization of an in vitro persistent-state measles virus infection: establishment and virological characterization of the bgm/mv cell line.the parameters of a persistent-state measles virus infection in bgm/mv cells were examined. the bgm/mv cell line was established by cocultivation of measles virus-infected primary c3h mouse brain cells with a stable line of african green monkey kidney cells (bgm). initially, a morphologically mixed population of cells existed:bgm-like (epithelioid) and fibroblasts. gradually the fibroblasts were replaced by bgm-like cells, resulting in a morphologically homogeneous population. measles cytopathic ...1975803920
thermolabile dna binding proteins from cells infected with a temperature-sensitive mutant of adenovrius defective in viral dna synthesis.infection of african green monkey kidney cells with type 5 adenovirus leads to the synthesis of two infected, cell-specific proteins with approximate molecular weights of 72,000 and 48,000, that bind specifically to single-stranded but not double-stranded dna. the production of these two proteins was studied after infection with two dna-negative adenovirus mutants belonging to different complementation groups (h5 ts36 and h5 ts 125). both dna binding proteins were detected in cells infected with ...1975803568
rapid diagnosis of venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis by fluorescence microscopy.goat venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (vee) antiserum and normal serum were conjugated and evaluated for staining sensitivity and specificity. cross-staining with either eastern or western equine encephalomyelitis virus-infected cells did not occur. the baby hamster kidney (bhk-21) cell line when combined with highly specific vee conjugate detected 100 medium suckling mouse intracerebral lethal doses (suckling mouse ld-50/ic) of the 1b subtype of vee virus per milliliter of equine tissue susp ...1975803352
structure and replication of echovirus type 12. 1. analysis of the polypeptides and rna of echovirus 12 particles.the propagation of echovirus 12 in green monkey kidney (gmk) cells, a continuous cell line, is described. virions and empty capsids are purified to homogeneity by cscl density and by velocity centrifugation. the protein composition of the particles as compared to poliovirus 2 particles is analyzed by dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. infectious virions were found to be composed of four different polypeptide chains of molecular weights 33,000, 31,000, 24,000 and 7,000. some addi ...1978729593
formation of phenylalanine transfer rna lacking the wye base in vero cells during methionine starvation.vero, a cell line derived from african green monkey kidney, normally contains a single species of trnaphe (trna2phe), containing a hypermodified base, wye (originally called y), next to the 3' end of the anticodon. when methionine is removed from the growth medium, there appears a new trnaphe species (trna1phe) lacking the wye base and eluting early from reversed phase chromatography columns. its appearance is not due to the cessation of cell growth. addition of methionine to cells containing bo ...1978681356
excision repair of ultraviolet damage in mammalian cells. evidence for two steps in the excision of pyrimidine dimers.the incidence of pyrimidine dimer formation and the kinetics of dna repair in african green monkey kidney cv-1 cells after ultraviolet (uv) irradiation were studied by measuring survival, t4 endonuclease v-sensitive sites, the fraction of pyrimidine dimers in acid-insoluble dna as determined by thin layer chromatography (tlc), and repair replication. cv-1 cells exhibit a survival curve with extrapolation number n = 7.8 and do = 2.5 j/m2. pyrimidine dimers were lost from acid-insoluble dna more s ...1978656544
establishment and characterization of a subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (measles) virus persistent infection in bgm cells.infection of bgm cells with the halle isolate of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe) gave rise to a persistent infection (bgm/halle), whereas infection of another african green monkey kidney cell line (vero) under identical conditions led to a lytic infection. the bgm/halle cells multiplied more slowly than the non-infected cells (even when the medium was changed daily). under such conditions 10(7) to 10(8) p.f.u./ml/24 h of measles virus was released into the medium. it was established t ...1978641529
biological properties and physical map of the genome of a new papovavirus, hd virus.the superhelical dna of the hd papovavirus is heterogeneous and consists of two discrete size classes with molecular weights of 3.45 x 10(6) and 3.25 x 10(6). both size classes of dna are encapsidated into hd virion particles. their relative intracellular amounts differ, depending on the cell system. vero-76 carrier cultures in which hd virus was detected contain both size classes of dna, with the larger molecules prevailing by a factor of 10. five clonal lines derived from vero-76 cell cultures ...1978625085
mitochondrial rna and protein synthesis in enucleated african green monkey cells. 1978565412
susceptibility of naegleria fowleri to delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol.growth of the pathogenic amoeboflagellate naegleria fowleri is inhibited by delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 9-thc). delta 9-thc is amoebostatic at 5 to 50 micrograms/ml. delta 9-thc prevents enflagellation and encystment, but does not impair amoeboid movement. calf serum at 10 and 20% (vol/vol) reduces the antiamoeba activity of delta 9-thc. only 1-methoxy delta 8-tetrahydrocannabinol, of 17 cannabinoids tested, failed to inhibit growth of n. fowleri. antinaeglerial activity was not markedly ...1979526010
3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid in rat plasma: possible indicators of central dopaminergic activity.the concentrations of dopamine (da) metabolites (free and conjugated) was measured in plasma and brain regions of rats by the mass spectrometric method of selected ion monitoring. experimental treatments which altered the function of central dopamine neurons also induced concomitant changes in plasma 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (dopac) and homovanillic acid (hva). stimulation of the nigrostriatal pathway increased plasma dopac and hva whereas lesion of the pathway decreased plasma metabolites ...1979477719
carcinogenic and other adverse effects of procarbazine in nonhuman primates.the carcinogenic potential of procarbazine is under investigation in three species (macaca mulatta, macaca fascicularis, and cercopithecus aethiops) of nonhuman primates. a total of 55 monkeys have received procarbazine s.c., p.o., or i.p. for periods of up to 12 years. eleven of the 42 monkeys (26%) necropsied thus far have had malignant neoplasms, 6 of which were acute leukemia. two monkeys developed osteogenic sarcomas, two monkeys developed hemangiosarcomas, and a single case of lymphocytic ...1978418874
sensory nerve endings in the penis in green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus).the authors examined the sensory innervation of the skin in the penis in green monkey in four adult individuals both in the light and in the elctron microscope. they found 3 kings of nerve endings. the free nerve endings were the most frequently occurring kind of nerve endings in the superficial layers of the corium--altogether 6,444 in number. the second kind of sensory nerve endings is represented by the glomerular endings out of which 96 per cent were found in the papillae. the typical meissn ...1977417480
the prevalence of hepatocystis kochi in african green monkeys.the prevalence of hepatocystis kochi was studied in 178 african green monkeys from kenya and 61 from ethiopia. examinations of blood smears for gametocytes and examinations of the livers for merocysts were performed to determine the presence of infection in these animals. the overall prevalence of infection was 29%. no significant difference in infection rate was found between monkeys from the different geographic areas or between males and females.1978417213
bacterial endocarditis with obstruction of the right atrioventricular orifice and the pulmonary outflow trace in an african monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).a 7 to 8-year-old male african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) was found moribund in his cage. fluid and antibiotic therapy were administered, but the monkey dies 2 hours later. at necropsy, large septic mural thrombi obstructed the right atrioventricular orifice and the pulmonary outflow tract, and smaller septic thrombi were attached to the leaflets of the pulmonary and mitral valves. staphylococci were isolated from the large thrombus occluding the atrioventricular orifice. large absces ...1978416298
subunit structure of chromatin and the organization of eukaryotic highly repetitive dna: indications of a phase relation between restriction sites and chromatin subunits in african green monkey and calf nuclei. 1977416220
effect of oral pancreatic enzymes on the course of cholera in protein-deficient vervet monkeys.the effect of pancreatic extract on the course of cholera infection in protein-deficient vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) was studied. eleven animals were made protein deficient by diet. thier intestinal pancreatic enzyme concentration decreased as they became protein depleted. these animals were then challenged with vibrio cholerae. four control animals given a standard diet were similarly challenged. immediately after challenge, 6 of the protein-deficient monkeys were given a highly pur ...1978415928
caliciviruses infecting monkeys and possibly man.caliciviruses have, for the 1st time, been shown experimentally to infect a primate. twenty-four hours after being inoculated with san miguel sea lion virus (smsv), an african green monkey developed a febrile response and vesicular lesions at injection sites. virus was recovered from lesion material 96 hours later and from the stool at 48 hours. possible human infection with smsv was indicated by serologic evidence. three persons working with 4 distinct serotypes of smsv developed neutralizing a ...1978415648
the ciliary body and the suspension of the lens in a monkey (cercopithecus aethiops). a scanning electron microscopic study.the zonules of zinn and their insertion on the ciliary body and the lens in a monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) have been studied with the scanning electron microscope. the specimens were dissected after drying by the critical point method, and the lens was separated from the ciliary body by simple traction. the pars plana was completely covered by a mat which consisted of meridionally directed zonule-like fibers. most of these fibers inserted at the base of the posterior end of the ciliary proces ...1977413329
ultrastructural study of cell cultures infected with swinepox and orf viruses.monolayer cells of a porcine kidney cell line were infected with the pp-1 strain of swinepox virus, while secondary or third subcultured monolayer cells of african green monkey kidney were inoculated with the iwate bt-9 strain of orf virus. those infected cells were fixed when cpe became remarkable in the monolayers and examined by electron microscope. in the cytoplasm of cells infected with both viruses, various immature forms of viral particles in different developmental stages were observed. ...1977412491
myocardial lesions in cercopithecus aethiops monkeys. 1977412346
whole-body cholesterol metabolism in cholesterol-fed african green monkeys with a variable hypercholesterolemic response. 1977411859
[steroid metabolism in primates. xix. urinary excretion of c21-steroids in cercopithecus aethiops and erythrocebus patas].in male cercopithecus aethiops (green monkey; grivet) and erythrocebus patas (dancing red monkey; patas monkey), the pattern of urinary c21 steroids was estimated and compared with those of man, baboon and rhesus monkey. the results indicate diminished 11 beta- and 17 alpha-hydroxylation in steroid biosynthesis as well as diminished delta 4-3-keto reduction and increased 20 beta-reduction in metabolism in these two species.1977411649
aflatoxin b1, a selective inhibitor of dna synthesis in mammalian cells.aflatoxin b1 in concentrations between 0.01 and 0.1 microgram/ml inhibits dna synthesis in african green monkey cells in culture, but has little effect on rna synthesis and no effect on protein synthesis. the drug even at concentrations up to 1.0 microgram/ml does not interfere with dna repair promoted by ultraviolet irradiation nor does it induce dna repair. the inhibition of dna synthesis attains maximum values 3 h after addition of aflatoxin b1 and is irreversible upon removal of the drug. pr ...1977410504
the susceptibility to praziquantel of schistosoma haematobium in the baboon (papio anubis) and of s. japonicum in the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops). 1977410180
evidence for alkali-sensitive linkers in dna of african green monkey kidney cells. 1977409957
effect of oral estramustine phosphate on pituitary, gonadal, and adrenal function in the green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus).we studied the effects of estramustine phosphate on pituitary, gonadal, and adrenal function in the green monkey. a 2-week course of estramustine phosphate (75 mg per day) reversibly suppressed the luteinizing hormone and testosterone response to luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone but did not affect pituitary-adrenal function assessed by the 11-deoxycorticosterone response to metyrapone. treatment with oral estramustine phosphate also resulted in a significant increase in corticosteroid-bindi ...1977409695
polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocytes in protein deficiency.the number of white blood cells and of polymorphonuclear leukocytes remained unchanged in vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) receiving a "o" protein diet. the motility of the polymorphonuclear leukocytes and their phagocytic and killing indices with and without leukokinin stimulation decreased in protein-depleted animals. acid cathepsin decreased, dna relatively increased, and peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase, acid phenylphosphatase, and lysozyme reached higher levels in the polymorphonucle ...1977409270
formazan cells in protein and protein-calorie malnutrition.formazan cells were less numerous in the peripheral blood of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) receiving a "o" protein-low calorie diet than in animals fed a full or a protein but not calorie deficient diet.1977409269
[comparative characteristics of corticosteroid metabolism in lower simians and man].corticosteroid metabolism has been investigated in macaca mulatta, papio hamadryas, cercopithecus aethiops, erithrocebus patas and man. similar character of corticosteroid metabolism in monkeys and man was found. significant interspecific differences with respect to quatitative and qualitative parameters of the metabolism of steroid hormones were found. in this respect m. mulatta and p. hamadryas are most similar to man as compared with other monkeys. these two species may be used as an adequate ...1977409003
application of freeze-dried monkey erythrocytes to measles viral hemagglutination and hemagglutination-inhibition tests.erthrocytes collected from monkey species including grivet, rhesus, and cynomolgus monkeys were stabilized by fixation with glutaraldehyde of a low concentration and were freeze-dried in vacuo. these freeze-dried erythrocytes were compared with fresh erythrocytes for measles viral hemagglutination and hemagglutination inhibition and could be used in both tests instead of fresh erythrocytes. they maintained their initial appearance and sensitivity to measles viral hemagglutinins after storage at ...1977408375
respiratory pathogens in non-human primates with special reference to corynebacterium investigation of 272 non-human primates (75 macacca cynomolgus, 97 macacca mulatta and 100 cercopithecus aethiops) revealed a high incidence of respiratory disease caused by corynebacterium ulcerans, staphylococci, diplococci and streptococci. escherichia coli was also found as a secondary invader. most of the infections occurred during winter in macaca cynomolgus and were caused by corynebacterium ulcerans and diplococcus pneumoniae. the c. ulcerans strains were phage type vi g. a phage typ ...1977407395
spectral and orientation specificity of single cells in foveal striate cortex of the vervet monkey, cercopithecus aethiops.1. the spectral sensitivity, orientation specificity and inhibitory surround of seventy-three cells were studied in the vervet monkey. the eye was in the dark or illuminated with steady white or spectral light. the cells were in the striate cortex corresponding to the foveal representation. nearly all the cells gave on- or on/off-responses.2. more than a third of the cells (41%) responded over a narrow spectral band, in the blue, green, yellow or red section. three quarters of them were orientat ...1977406386
assay of escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin with vero cells.the continuous cell line of african green monkey kidney, vero, showed characteristic morphological changes in response to culture filtrates from toxigenic strains of escherichia coli. the response compared favorably with that of y-1 (mouse adrenal) and cho (chinese hamster ovary) cells. vero cells were the simplest and most economical to maintain in the laboratory.1977405326
analysis of the alpha-satellite dna from african green monkey cells by restriction the use of restriction endonucleases the organization of the alpha-satellite dna from african green monkey cells (cercopithecus aethiops) has been analyzed. with endo r-hindiii, endo r-alui and with endo r-ecori at conditions of low salt and high ph (endo r-ecori) all of the satellite was digested while only a part of the satellite was cleaved with endo r-bsu and endo r-ecori under standard conditions. with each of the four nucleases a series of fragments was formed which were multiplies in s ...1977404149
differential habitat utilizati of four cercopithecidae in a kenyan forest.the presence of papio cynocephalus, cercopithecus mitis, cercopithecus aethiops and colobus angolensis in a small coastal forest is attributed to their differential habitat utilization. data on diet, space-use patterns and polyspecific associations are given. habitat partitioning is found to be resource-related and is accomplished through differential reliance on resources as well as different means of exploiting overlapping resources. the implications of the data for understanding the relations ...1977403113
the african green monkey as an alternate primate host for studying machupo virus infection.african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) are highly susceptible to bolivian hemorrhagic fever (bhf). six monkeys were inoculated with 1,000 plague-forming units of machupo virus, the etiologic agent of bhf. they were observed and monitored for clinical signs, body temperature, viremia, hematologic changes, and virus neutralizing antibody. onset of fever, anorexia, and depression was noted on days 3 to 6 postinoculation. these and other signs increased in severity and all monkeys died: 5 of ...1977402863
experimental palatal candidosis and saliva flow in monkeys.maxillary acrylic plates, inoculated with candida albicans, were inserted for 3 weeks in 10 monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) (series i), and reinserted in five of the animals 8 weeks after removal (series ii). to suppress saliva flow oxyphencyclimine was injected intramuscularly (0.125 mg/kg) thrice daily for 3 weeks in six monkeys of series i, while four controls received no drug. in series ii the oxyphencyclimine dose was doubled in three animals, and two controls were sham-treated with sodium ...1977402689
[assignment of alpha-fuc to1p in man and the chimpanzee and to chromosome 4 in the african green monkey].analysis of cellular hybrids confirms the assignment of alpha-l-fucosidase (alpha-fuc) to 1p in man. discordant results are in favour of the following gene order: 1pter (eno-1, alpha-fuc,ak2) pgm1 centromere pep-c but give no information on the relative positions of eno-1,alpha-fuc, and ak2. the assignments of alpha-fuc to chromosome 1 in the chimpanzee and to chromosome 4 in the african green monkey are demonstrated (chromosome nomenclature by finaz et al, 1976). these results confirm the homol ...1978308341
propagation of pneumocystis carinii in vero cell culture.pneumocystis carinii derived from infected murine lung was found to be capable of limited growth in vero african green monkey kidney cell cultures. the observed increase in the number of cyst forms was influenced by the ratio of cysts to host cells in the inocula, duration of passage, and formulation of the cell culture media. maximum growth was achieved by inoculating 1.3 x 10(5) cysts per 75-cm2 flask containing about 2 x 10(7) vero cells (cyst-to-cell ratio=1:154) maintained on minimal essent ...1978307535
characterization of cadmium-induced metallothionein in african green monkey kidney cells in vitro. 1979299365
density-dependent regulation of growth of bsc-1 cells in cell culture: control of growth by low molecular weight nutrients.bsc-1 cells, epithelial cells of african green monkey kidney origin, show pronounced density-dependent regulation of growth in cell culture. growth of the cells is rapid to a density of approximately 1.5 x 10(5) cells/per cm(2) in dulbecco-modified eagle's medium supplemented with 10% calf serum. above this "saturation density," growth is much slower. it has been found that the glucose concentration in the culture medium is important in determining the "saturation density." if the glucose concen ...1978272650
subunit structure of chromatin and the organization of eukaryotic highly repetitive dna: nucleosomal proteins associated with a highly repetitive mammalian dna.component alpha dna is a homogeneous, highly repetitive fraction that comprises nearly a quarter of the african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) genome. by restriction enzyme analysis, it has a repeat periodicity of 176 +/- 4 nucleotide base pairs, corresponding closely with the length of dna contained within a nucleosome. the sequence is organized into large blocks of constitutive heterochromatin. a method is described here for the isolation of intact polynucleosomal arrays containing only ...1977269392
isolation of spotted fever group and wolbachia-like agents from field-collected materials by means of plaque formation in mammalian and mosquito cells.three isolations from ticks (dermacentor occidentalis) of a rickettsia of the spotted fever group and 5 isolations from chipmunk (eutamias rugicaudus) blood of a wolbachia-like agent were obtained from plaques formed in singh's aedes albopictus (mosquito) and vero (african green monkey kidney) cell cultures. these organisms could not be isolated by injection of the infected ticks or blood into embryonated chicken eggs, guinea pigs, or voles (microtus pennsylvanicus), but fluid cultures of grace' ...1975241251
antigenic and biologic characteristics of venezuelan encephalitis virus strains including a possible new subtype, isolated from the amazon region of peru in 1971.nine strains of venezuelan encephalitis (ve) virus isolated from the amazon region of peru in 1971 were identified as antigenic subtype i based on plaque-reduction neutralization tests with four and 20 units of antibody. a tenth strain, 71d1252, was possibly a new subtype, but was related to subtypes i and iii. hemagglutinins of each strain made from infected mouse brains had optimals phs of 6.2 and 6.4. nine strains were pathogenic for adult hamsters and adult mice, but strain 71d1252 inapparen ...1975235839
expression of late viral functions in sv40-infected rat-monkey somatic cell hybrids.somatic cell hybrids between a rat hepatoma cell line and an sv40-transformed african green monkey kidney cell line (t22 tk-) have been isolated and their response to infection by sv40 virus characterized. the parental rat cells are nonpermissive to productive infection by sv40, while the parental monkey cells, which are t-antigen positive and capsid antigen negative, are permissive to productive infection. hybrid clones, which had segregated monkey chromosomes, were infected with sv40 virus, an ...1979232577
highly repeated dna of the baboon: organization of sequences homologous to highly repeated dna of the african green monkey. 1979231675
an effect of cell-culture passage on ultraviolet-enhanced viral reactivation by mammalian cells.the ability of ultraviolet-irradiated african green monkey kidney cells to reactivate uv-damaged herpes simplex virus was tested over a range of 57 passages (24-81). several types of controls were employed to minimize daily variations. the results indicate that in this system cells demonstrate an increasing efficiency to reactivate uv-damaged virus until approx. passage 60, followed by a decrease in this ability beyond this passage. chromosome counts at selected passages revealed no significant ...1979229411
alterations in glycosphingolipid patterns in a line of african green monkey kidney cells infected with herpesvirus.the major glycosphingolipids (gsls) of a line of african green monkey kidney cells (bgm) were characterized as glucosylceramide, lactosylceramide, galactosyl-galactosyl-glucosylceramide, and n-acetylgalactosaminyl-galactosyl-galactosyl-glucosylceramide. neutral gsls accounted for approximately 80% of the total gsls isolated. the predominant gangliosides were n-acetylneuraminyl-galactosyl-glucosylceramide, n-acetylgalactosaminyl-n-acetylneuraminyl-galactosyl- glucosylceramide, and galactosyl-n-ac ...1979229262
intracellular localization of viral polypeptides during simian virus 40 infection.african green monkey kidney cells infected by simian virus 40 were analyzed by immunofluorescence techniques for the nature and the time course of the appearance of viral polypeptides during infection. reagents used in the study were anti-vpl sera and affinity-purified anti-vpl immunoglobulin g, anti-vp3 sera, antivirus (anti-v) sera, and anti-tumor antigen sera. the results are summarized as follows. (i) three types of staining, nuclear, perinuclear, and perinuclear accompanied by cytoplasmic s ...1979228082
lymphotropic papovaviruses isolated from african green monkey and human cells.a lymphotropic papovavirus was isolated from a lymphoblastoid cell line of african green monkey (agm) cells which also contained a herpesvirus and a paramyxovirus-like agent. the papovavirus was analyzed by restriction endonuclease cleavage; its biochemical and serological crossreactivity with sv40 and host range have been determined. thus far, only b-lymphoblasts of primate and human origin have been found to be susceptible to infection. although more than 50% of the tested monkey sera were rea ...1979226854
functional similarity between the early antigens of simian virus 40 and human papovavirus bk.the functional properties of the early antigens of simian virus 40 (sv40) and human papovavirus bk (bkv) were investigated. infection of african green monkey kidney cells with bkv permitted the bidirectional replication of an early temperature-sensitive mutant (tsa) at a nonpermissive temperature. conceivably, an early gene product (t-antigen) of bkv can substitute functionally for the defective sv40 t-antigen. on the other hand, sv40 dna replication remained undetectable in human embryonic kidn ...1979225512
mechanism of host restriction of adenovirus-associated virus replication in african green monkey kidney cells.human adenovirus (ad) serotypes provide an early factor(s) that is necessary for adenovirus-associated virus (aav) multiplication in human cell lines. however, little, if any, aav production occurs in primary african green monkey kidney (agmk) cells co-infected with aav and a helper human ad (non-permissive infection), unless cells are additionally infected with sv40 (permissive infection). to determine the basis of the host restriction of aav replication in agmk cells, aav dna, rna and protein ...1979225435
polypeptides of simian rotavirus (sa-11) determined by a continuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis method.simian rotavirus (sa-11) isolated from infected african green monkey kidney cells was separated into two virus fractions in a cscl density gradient and their proteins analysed on a continuous phosphte buffered polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system. one peak (buoyant density 1.37 g/ml) contained double capsid virus particles which were radioimmunoassay (ria)- and haemagglutinin (ha)- positive and yielded eight polypeptides whose mol. wt. ranged from 48,000 to 128,000. the second peak (buoyant ...1979225429
interaction between 6/94 virus, a parainfluenza type 1 strain, and mouse macrophages.the 6/94 virus, a type 1 parainfluenza virus recovered from multiple sclerosis brain cells after lysolecithin-induced fusion of these cells with african green monkey kidney cells (cv-1), has been found to grow in splenic and peritoneal macrophages obtained from outbred and different strains of inbred mice. macrophages from c57bl animals were least susceptible to infection, a resistance apparently partially age related. the virus also has been found to replicate in ic21 cells, a line of simian vi ...1979223983
properties of herpes simplex virus dna polymerase and characterization of its associated exonuclease activity.herpes simplex virus (hsv) dna polymerase was isolated on a large-scale from african green monkey kidney cells infected with hsv type 1 (hsv-1) strain angelotti. after dna-cellulose chromatography the enzyme showed a specific activity of 48,000 units/mg protein. three major single polypeptides with molecular weights of 144,000, 74,000 and 29,000 were copurified with the enzyme activity at the dna-cellulose ste. by its chromatographic behavior and by template studies, the hsv dna polymerase activ ...1979223846
the effects of clostridium perfringens enterotoxin on morphology, viability, and macromolecular synthesis in vero cells.vero (african green monkey kidney) cells grown in tissue culture monolayer were sensitive to clostridium perfringens enterotoxin. within 30 minutes of exposure to the enterotoxin gross morphological damage was observed and within 40 minutes approximately 75% of the cells had detached. nearly half of the cells were nonviable following 35 to 40 minutes incubation with the enterotoxin. doses as low as 0.1 ng caused small but detectable inhibition of plating efficiency of the cells while more than 1 ...1979222780
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