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influence of heat shock proteins induction in different yeast cell wall mutants on the protection against vibrio campbellii infection in gnotobiotically grown artemia franciscana (kellogg). 201021504084
silver speciation in liver of marine mammals by synchrotron x-ray absorption fine structure and x-ray fluorescence spectroscopies.the chemical form of ag in the livers of five species of marine mammals was examined using x-ray absorption fine structure (xafs) and x-ray fluorescence (xrf) spectroscopies. the xafs analysis suggested that ag(2)se was present in the livers of the franciscana dolphin (pontoporia blainvillei), dall's porpoise (phocoenoides dalli), and baird's beaked whale (berardius bairdii), whereas ag(2)s was present in the livers of the striped dolphin (stenella coeruleoalba) and pygmy killer whale (feresa at ...201121491037
biological responses of a simulated marine food chain to lead addition.this investigation sought to assess the biological responses to pb along a simplified four-level food chain, from the primary producer, the microalgae tetraselmis suecica, grown in a control medium with < 1 µg/l of pb and exposed to a sublethal dose (20 µg/l of pb) and used as the base of a simulated food chain, through the primary-, secondary-, and tertiary-level consumers, namely, the brine shrimp, artemia franciscana; the white-leg shrimp, litopenaeus vannamei; and the grunt fish, haemulon sc ...201121442651
toxigenicity of enniatins from western australian fusarium species to brine shrimp (artemia franciscana).the high prevalence (14 of 24 isolates) of enniatin-producing isolates from western australian fusarium species isolated from pasture legumes associated with sheep feed refusal and rat deaths, and the high toxicity of their crude extracts to brine shrimp (artemia franciscana) from a previous study warranted further investigation of this class of mycotoxin. crude extracts from fusarium acuminatum, fusarium avenaceum, fusarium tricinctum and fusarium sambucinum, along with enniatins a, a1, b and b ...201121352844
embryonic exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of pcb126 affect prey capture ability of fundulus heteroclitus larvae.early life stages from a marine fish species, fundulus heteroclitus, were exposed to sublethal doses of 3,3',4,4',5 pentachlorobiphenyl (pcb126) to evaluate its effects on ecologically relevant responses: growth and behavior. a few hours after fertilisation, eggs were treated topically with pcb126 (2.5-50 pg egg⁻¹). four days post-hatching (dph), morphological changes (body length and malformations), spontaneous locomotor activity (active swimming speed, rate of travel, % inactivity), prey captu ...201121349578
metabolic restructuring during energy-limited states: insights from artemia franciscana embryos and other animals.many life history stages of animals that experience environmental insults enter developmental arrested states that are characterized by reduced cellular proliferation, with or without a concurrent reduction in overall metabolism. in the case of the most profound metabolic arrest reported in invertebrates, i.e., anaerobic quiescence in artemia franciscana embryos, acidification of the intracellular milieu is a major factor governing catabolic and anabolic downregulation. release of ions from intr ...201121335009
predictive modeling of selenium accumulation in brine shrimp in saline environments.great salt lake, utah, is a large, terminal, hypersaline lake consisting of a northern more saline arm and a southern arm that is less saline. the southern arm supports a seasonally abundant fauna of low diversity consisting of brine shrimp (artemia franciscana), 7 species of brine flies, and multiple species of algae. although fish cannot survive in the main body of the lake, the lake is highly productive, and brine shrimp and brine fly populations support large numbers of migratory waterfowl a ...201121309076
a postexposure feeding assay using the marine polychaete neanthes arenaceodentata suitable for laboratory and in situ exposures.this study examined the suitability for the use of the polychaetous annelid neanthes arenaceodentata in a short-term sublethal bioassay based on postexposure feeding rate. quantification of feeding rate was determined by an approximately 1-h feeding period to artemia franciscana nauplii after a 48-h aqueous exposure. both lethality and feeding rate were assessed after exposure to cu and phenanthrene, with the cu results being compared with those available from similar studies that used the polyc ...201121298715
possibilities of alternative generation ii biotests at artemia.the meaning of alternative biotests is described and discussed. the paper also deals with the possible application of the developmental studies of the sea artemia franciscana nauplinus. five-day biotests including the validation criteria are described. the possibilities of the biotests are very wide. additionally to the standard applications in ecotoxicology, there is a possibility of modelling pharmacological experiments or monitoring the effects of ionizing radiation and the interaction with o ...200921217845
a distinct sequence in the adenine nucleotide translocase from artemia franciscana embryos is associated with insensitivity to bongkrekate and atypical effects of adenine nucleotides on ca2+ uptake and sequestration.mitochondria isolated from embryos of the crustacean artemia franciscana lack the ca(2+)-induced permeability transition pore. although the composition of the pore described in mammalian mitochondria is unknown, the impacts of several effectors of the adenine nucleotide translocase (ant) on pore opening are firmly established. notably, adp, atp and bongkrekate delay, whereas carboxyatractyloside hastens, ca(2+)-induced pore opening. here, we report that adenine nucleotides decreased, whereas car ...201121205213
potential heterogeneity in crustacean zooplankton assemblages in southern chilean saline lakes.the chilean saline lakes are distributed mainly in the atacama desert in northern chile and the southern patagonian plains. the scarce studies are restricted mainly to northern chilean saline lakes, and these revealed that the main component in these ecosystems are the halophylic copepod boeckella poopoensis marsh 1906, or the brine shrimp artemia franciscana (kellog, 1906), and both species do not coexist. the present study consisted of field observations in zooplankton assemblages in southern ...201021180909
genetic evidence highlights potential impacts of by-catch to cetaceans.incidental entanglement in fishing gear is arguably the most serious threat to many populations of small cetaceans, judging by the alarming number of captured animals. however, other aspects of this threat, such as the potential capture of mother-offspring pairs or reproductive pairs, could be equally or even more significant but have rarely been evaluated. using a combination of demographic and genetic data we provide evidence that i) franciscana dolphin pairs that are potentially reproductive ...201021179542
unusual incidence of chronic pneumonia associated with cholesterol deposits in stranded and bycaught franciscanas pontoporia blainvillei.franciscanas pontoporia blainvillei are small dolphins endemic to brazil, uruguay and argentina. during routine pathologic examinations, chronic pneumonia associated with cholesterol deposits was found in 16.7% of stranded and incidentally bycaught franciscanas (n = 60), and was more frequent in dolphins from the brazilian state of são paulo (franciscana management area ii) and frequently accompanied by splenic lymphoid hyperplasia. it is unclear why these otherwise uncommon lesions were relativ ...201021166317
stress-related proteins compared in diapause and in activated, anoxic encysted embryos of the animal extremophile, artemia franciscana.previous work indicated similarities between diapause and anoxic quiescence in encysted embryos (cysts) of the brine shrimp artemia franciscana. that possibility was examined further in the present study through an immunochemical study of the following stress-related proteins in low speed supernatants and pellets: hsc70, artemin, p26, hsp21, lea group 1 protein and p8. changes in the amounts and locations of these proteins occurred during the initial period after release of diapause cysts from f ...201121147115
truncation attenuates molecular chaperoning and apoptosis inhibition by p26, a small heat shock protein from artemia franciscana.the small heat shock proteins (shsps), which prevent irreversible protein denaturation and inhibit apoptosis, consist of an amino-terminus, the canonical α-crystallin domain, and a carboxy-terminal extension. it remains difficult, however, to define shsp structure-function relationships and with this in mind p26, an shsp from the crustacean artemia franciscana, was truncated by deletion mutagenesis. wild-type p26 cdna and three truncated variants inserted into the eukaryotic expression vector pc ...201021102656
expression of virulence genes in luminescent and nonluminescent isogenic vibrios and virulence towards gnotobiotic brine shrimp (artemia franciscana).this study aimed to evaluate the expression levels of virulence gene regulators (luxr and toxr) and virulence factors (serine protease, metalloprotease and haemolysin) in luminescent and nonluminescent isogenic vibrio harveyi and vibrio campbellii.201021091862
trophic transfer of lead through a model marine four-level food chain: tetraselmis suecica, artemia franciscana, litopenaeus vannamei, and haemulon scudderi.the objective of this investigation was to assess the transfer of lead (pb) along an experimental, four-level food chain: tetraselmis suecica (phytoplankton) → artemia franciscana (crustacean, brine shrimp) → litopenaeus vannamei (crustacean, white shrimp) → haemulon scudderi (fish, grunt). t. suecica was exposed to a sublethal dose of pb in solution and then used as the base of a marine food chain. significant differences in pb concentrations were found between exposed organisms of the differen ...201021082317
predicted sub-populations in a marine shrimp proteome as revealed by combined est and cdna data from multiple penaeus species.abstract:201021067619
biochemical studies on sphingolipids of artemia franciscana: novel neutral glycosphingolipids.neutral glycosphingolipids containing one to six sugars in their oligosaccharide chains have been isolated from cysts of the brine shrimp artemia franciscana. the structures of these glycolipids were identified by methylation analysis, partial acid hydrolysis, gas-liquid chromatography, combined gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to be glcβ1-cer, manβ1-4glcβ1 ...201121062954
stereology and computer assisted three-dimensional reconstruction as tools to study probiotic effects of aeromonas hydrophila on the digestive tract of germ-free artemia franciscana nauplii.validation of stereology and three-dimensional reconstruction for monitoring the probiotic effect of aeromonas hydrophila on the gut development of germ-free artemia franciscana nauplii.201021040270
in vitro and in vivo expression of virulence genes in vibrio isolates belonging to the harveyi clade in relation to their virulence towards gnotobiotic brine shrimp (artemia franciscana).vibrios belonging to the harveyi clade are pathogenic marine bacteria affecting both vertebrates and invertebrates, thereby causing a severe threat to the aquaculture industry. in this study, the expression of haemolysin, metalloprotease, serine protease, the quorum sensing master regulator luxr and the virulence regulator toxr in different harveyi clade isolates was measured with reverse transcriptase real-time pcr with specific primers. there was relatively low variation in the in vitro expres ...201020946530
toxicity evaluation of xanthorrhoea johnsonii leaf methanolic extract using the artemia franciscana bioassay.the toxicity of xanthorrhoea johnsonii methanolic leaf extract was investigated using the artemia franciscana nauplii bioassay. at 24 h, the extract produced an ec(50) of 361.0 ± 41.8 μg/ml, indicating that it was substantially more toxic than the pesticide mevinphos (1346.2 ± 80.1 μg/ml) and approximately 4 fold less toxic than potassium dichromate (87.1 ± 5.2 μg/ml). whilst potassium dichromate lc(50) values remained constant across the 72-h test period, these values decreased for the extract ...201020931073
the structural stability and chaperone activity of artemin, a ferritin homologue from diapause-destined artemia embryos, depend on different cysteine residues.diapause-destined embryos of the crustacean, artemia franciscana, accumulate large amounts of an oligomeric, heat-stable, molecular chaperone termed artemin, a cysteine-enriched ferritin homologue. in this study, cysteines 22, 61, 166, and 172 of artemin were substituted with alanines, respectively yielding artc22a, artc61a, artc166a, and artc172a. wild-type and modified artemins were synthesized in transformed bacteria and purified. as measured by heat-induced denaturation of citrate synthase i ...201120878295
resorcinol degradation by a penicillium chrysogenum strain under osmotic stress: mono and binary substrate matrices with phenol.a phenol-degrading penicillium chrysogenum strain previously isolated from a salt mine was able to grow at 1,000 mg l(-1) of resorcinol on solid medium. the aerobic degradation of resorcinol by p. chrysogenum clona2 was studied in batch cultures in minimal mineral medium with 58.5 g l(-1) of sodium chloride using resorcinol as the sole carbon source. the fungal strain showed the ability to degrade up to 250 mg l(-1) of resorcinol. resorcinol and phenol efficiency degradation by p. chrysogenum cl ...201120859653
evidence for multiple group 1 late embryogenesis abundant proteins in encysted embryos of artemia and their organelles.the presence of late embryogenesis abundant (lea) proteins in plants and animals has been linked to their ability to tolerate a variety of environmental stresses. among animals, encysted embryos of the brine shrimp artemia franciscana are among the most stress resistant eukaryotes, and for that reason it is considered to be an extremophile. the study presented here demonstrates that these embryos contain multiple group 1 lea proteins with masses of 21, 19, 15.5 and 13 kda. the lea proteins first ...201020719765
levels of persistent organic pollutants and residual pattern of ddts in small cetaceans from the coast of são paulo, brazil.the state of são paulo is the most developed area in brazil and was impacted by persistent organic pollutants for several decades. this study investigated organochlorines in five species of small cetaceans (pontoporia blainvillei, stenella frontalis, sotalia guianensis, tursiops truncatus and steno bredanensis) found dead along the coast of são paulo between 1997 and 2003. ddts (15.9 μg g(-1) lipid; mean for all pooled individuals) and pcbs (8.08 μg g(-1)) exhibited the highest concentrations in ...201020699191
efficacy of heterologous and homologous heat shock protein 70s as protective agents to artemia franciscana challenged with vibrio campbellii.the hsp70 class of heat shock proteins (hsps) has been implicated at multiple points in the immune response of both vertebrates and invertebrates. this class of chaperones is highly conserved in both sequence and structure, from prokaryotes to higher eukaryotes. in view of their high degree of homology, it was assumed that these hsp70 proteins derived either from the prokaryotes or eukaryotes would have similar functions, especially in relation to their protective ability in a challenge assay. t ...201020643210
the application of bioflocs technology to protect brine shrimp (artemia franciscana) from pathogenic vibrio study the potential biocontrol activity of bioflocs technology.201020629797
cold tolerance of the overwintering larval instars of light brown apple moth epiphyas postvittana.the light brown apple moth, epiphyas postvittana, a leafroller native to southeastern australia was discovered in california in 2006. the highly polyphagous nature of this pest adds to the importance of being able to predict the potential distribution of this invader across the north american continent. the spread of ectothermic species that lack winter diapause, such as e. postvittana, can be limited by their ability to tolerate cold temperature extremes. in this study we examined the cold hard ...201020600083
biochemical studies on sphingolipid of artemia franciscana (i) isolation and characterization of sphingomyelin.sphingomyelin was isolated from cysts of the brine shrimp artemia franciscana using qae-sephadex a25, florisil and iatrobeads column chromatographies. the chemical structure was identified using thin-layer chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography, infrared spectroscopy and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. the ceramide moiety of sphingomyelin consisted of stearic, arachidic, and behenic acids as fatty acids, and hexadeca-4- and heptadeca-4-sphingenine ...201020571930
isolation by environmental distance in mobile marine species: molecular ecology of franciscana dolphins at their southern range.the assessment of population structure is a valuable tool for studying the ecology of endangered species and drafting conservation strategies. as we enhance our understanding about the structuring of natural populations, it becomes important that we also understand the processes behind these patterns. however, there are few rigorous assessments of the influence of environmental factors on genetic patterns in mobile marine species. given their dispersal capabilities and localized habitat preferen ...201020465582
evaluation of toxicity of polluted marine sediments from bahia salina cruz, mexico.bahia salina cruz, oaxaca, mexico is a major center of oil and refined product distribution on the mexican pacific coast. from the start of oil industry operations in 1979, negative effects from discharges of treated effluents in the bay have been a constant concern for local communities. we analyzed 28 surface sediment samples obtained in june, 2002 to evaluate the level of toxicity in the littoral zone, port-harbor, and la ventosa estuary in bahia salina cruz. the extractable organic matter co ...201020390851
mining ests to determine the usefulness of snps across shrimp species.expressed sequence tag (est) libraries from members of the penaeidae family and brine shrimp (artemia franciscana) are currently the primary source of sequence data for shrimp species. penaeid shrimp are the most commonly farmed worldwide, but selection methods for improving shrimp are limited. a better understanding of shrimp genomics is needed for farmers to use genetic markers to select the best breeding animals. the ests from litopenaeus vannamei have been previously mined for single nucleot ...201020379886
unique chimeric composition of the trehalase gene from brine shrimp, artemia investigate the exon/intron structure of the artemia trehalase gene, four overlapping clones were isolated from a genome library derived from an inbred strain of crustacean artemia franciscana, and a 49 kb genetic area was re-constructed. the re-constructed area contained eight exons corresponding to the trehalase cdna sequence that we had previously reported [1]. comparative analysis of the artemia trehalase gene with other animal trehalase genes revealed the existence of conserved exon/intr ...201020232644
improving the long-term storage of a mammalian biosensor cell line via genetic engineering.the unique properties of mammalian cells make them valuable for a variety of applications in medicine, industry, and diagnostics. however, the utility of such cells is restricted due to the difficulty in storing them non-frozen for an extended time and still maintaining their stability and responsiveness. in order to extend the active life span of a mammalian biosensor cell line at room and refrigerated temperatures, we have over expressed genes that are reported to provide protection from apopt ...201020178117
multiple gamma-glutamylation: a novel type of post-translational modification in a diapausing artemia cyst protein.a highly hydrophilic, glutamate-rich protein was identified in the aqueous phenol extract from the cytosolic fraction of brine shrimp (artemia franciscana) diapausing cysts and termed artemia phenol soluble protein (psp). mass spectrometric analysis revealed the presence of many protein peaks around m/z 11,000, separated by 129 atomic mass units; this value corresponds to that of glutamate, which is strongly suggestive of heterogeneous polyglutamylation. polyglutamylation has long been known as ...201020170642
expression and characterization of the jak kinase and stat protein from brine shrimp, artemia this study, we isolated and characterized both jak and stat genes from artemia, artemia franciscana. although afjak showed only 19% identity (33% similarity) to the drosophila hop protein, afjak contained the characteristic jak homology domain (jh domain) from jh1 to jh7. on the other hand, afstat showed higher identity (30%) to drosophila stat (stat92e). the low identities of afjak and afstat to drosophila hop and stat92e suggest that jak and stat proteins are unique in each different specie ...201020156563
protective efficacy of the antioxidants vitamin e and trolox against microcystis aeruginosa and microcystin-lr in artemia franciscana nauplii.this study was undertaken to evaluate the protective efficacy of the antioxidants vitamin e and trolox (a water-soluble vitamin e derivative) against the toxicity of microcystin-lr (mc-lr), microcystis aeruginosa aqueous extract (ce), and a reference toxin, menadione sodium bisulfite (msb), in artemia franciscana nauplii. this was achieved by using the well-established brine shrimp bioassay. the experiment was conducted in 2 stages, with (1) 12-h mortality time course and (2) lc50 determination ...200920077231
sharp phylogeographic breaks and patterns of genealogical concordance in the brine shrimp artemia franciscana.genealogical concordance is a critical overlay of all phylogenetic analyses, irrespective of taxonomic level. to assess such patterns of congruence we have compiled and derived sequence data for two mitochondrial (16s rrna, coi) and two nuclear (its1, p26) markers in 14 american populations of the hypersaline branchiopod artemia franciscana. cladistic analysis revealed three reciprocally monophyletic mitochondrial clades. for nuclear dna, incomplete lineage sorting was evident presumably as a re ...200920054480
seawater ecotoxicity of monoethanolamine, diethanolamine and triethanolamine.monoethanolamine (mea), diethanolamine (dea) and triethanolamine (tea) are compounds with potential acute, sub-chronic and chronic toxicity effects towards aquatic species. a literature review highlighted the existence of a gap in the knowledge on their toxicity with saltwater testing species. a battery of toxicity tests including the alga phaeodactylum tricornutum bohlin, the bivalve molluscs crassostrea gigas (thunberg) and mytilus galloprovincialis (lmk), and the crustacean artemia franciscan ...201020022426
cloning and sequencing of tubulin cdnas from artemia franciscana: evidence for differential expression of alpha- and beta-tubulin genes.tubulin is a heterodimeric protein composed of alpha- and beta-tubulin. in most organisms, they are encoded by multiple gene families whose members are subject to differential regulation. the objective of the work described herein was to better understand tubulin gene expression in the extremophile artemia franciscana to this end tubulin cdnas were cloned and sequenced. alphaat2, an alpha-tubulin cdna, differed by one nucleotide from alphaat1, a previously cloned artemia cdna. this change, possi ...200919935884
long-term trends of polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorinated pesticides in franciscana dolphin (pontoporia blainvillei) from southern brazil.selected pops were analyzed in blubber samples of pontoporia blainvillei from southern brazil to appraise temporal trend over a 10 year period (1994-2004). overall, levels of pops were relatively low, especially when compared to northern hemisphere concentrations. apart from mirex and pcbs, which showed stable concentrations, ddts, hcb, chls, dieldrin levels presented a slight decrease over the studied period. in addition, the increase in the pcbs/ddts ratio supports the idea that inputs of ddts ...201019931871
how do animal mitochondria tolerate water stress?the vast majority of animal species do not tolerate severe water stress, but the encysted embryo of the brine shrimp artemia franciscana is an exceptionally useful organism to investigate physiological mechanisms for enduring extreme environmental insults. any substantial reduction in cellular water poses a threat to survival. nevertheless anhydrobiotic animals survive virtually complete loss of cellular water. the mechanisms that govern "life without water" (anhydrobiosis) are still not well un ...200919907709
development of paratransgenic artemia as a platform for control of infectious diseases in shrimp study the accumulation and retention of recombinant proteins in artemia gut for optimizing paratransgenic disease control in shrimp aquaculture.201019702854
experimental exposure of artemia to hepatopancreatic parvo-like virus and subsequent transmission to post-larvae of penaeus monodon.the different life stages of artemia franciscana were experimentally exposed to hepatopancreatic parvo-like virus (hpv), in order to evaluate the possibility of artemia acting as reservoir or carrier for hpv. all the five developmental stages of artemia were challenged with hpv both by immersion and oral infection routes. the viral infectivity to artemia was studied by pcr but not much difference in mortality between control and challenge groups were observed. to confirm the vector status of art ...200919666028
effect of aloe barbadensis miller juice on oxidative stress biomarkers in aerobic cells using artemia franciscana as a model.this study reports on the induction of oxidative stress in aerobic cell systems by aloe barbadensis miller (aloe vera) juice using the salt water crustacean artemia franciscana as a model. a consistent pattern was observed in which artemia franciscana nauplii responded to aloe vera juice exposure with a decrease in the overall activity of redox related enzymes. exposure of artemia franciscana to sub-lethal levels of aloe vera juice resulted in a decreased activity of thioredoxin reductase, gluta ...201019610042
feeding artemia franciscana (kellogg) larvae with bacterial heat shock protein, protects from vibrio campbellii infection.among their numerous physiological effects, heat shock proteins (hsps) are potent immunomodulators, a characteristic reflecting their potential as therapeutic agents and which led to their application in combating infection. as an example, the up-regulation of endogenous hsp70 in the branchiopod crustacean artemia franciscana (kellogg) is concurrent with shielding against bacterial infection. to better understand this protective mechanism, gnotobiotic artemia were fed with escherichia coli treat ...200919515074
the new world artemia species a. franciscana and a. persimilis are highly differentiated for chromosome size and heterochromatin content.chromosomal rearrangements have played a key role in the speciation of the new world sexual artemia species (crustacea, anostraca) a. franciscana and a. persimilis. the species differ by a chromosome duplication (2n+2=44 in a. persimilis vs 2n=42 in a. franciscana), and a greater amount of heterochromatin (hch) in a. franciscana. to investigate this difference in hch, four parameters were compared for the first time in artemia: 1) the absolute sizes of one a. persimilis and four a. franciscana k ...200919490170
conservation of arthropod midline netrin accumulation revealed with a cross-reactive antibody provides evidence for midline cell homology.although many similarities in arthropod cns development exist, differences in axonogenesis and the formation of midline cells, which regulate axon growth, have been observed. for example, axon growth patterns in the ventral nerve cord of artemia franciscana differ from that of drosophila melanogaster. despite such differences, conserved molecular marker expression at the midline of several arthropod species indicates that midline cells may be homologous in distantly related arthropods. however, ...200919469853
the central vestibular complex in dolphins and humans: functional implications of deiters' nucleus.toothed whales (odontocetes; e.g., dolphins) are well-known for efficient underwater locomotion and for their acrobatic capabilities. nevertheless, in relation to other mammals including the human and with respect to body size, their vestibular apparatus is reduced, particularly the semicircular canals. concomitantly, the vestibular nerve and most of the vestibular nuclei are thin and small, respectively, in comparison with those in terrestrial mammals. in contrast, the lateral (deiters') vestib ...200919390175
two highly diverged new world artemia species, a. franciscana and a. persimilis, from contrasting hypersaline habitats express a conserved stress protein complement.the brine shrimp artemia is a well known animal extremophile adapted to survive in very harsh hypersaline environments. we compared the small stress proteins artemin and p26, and the chaperone hsc70 in encysted embryos (cysts) of the new world species, a. franciscana and a. persimilis. cysts of the former, from san francisco bay, usa (sfb), were used essentially as a reference for these proteins, while both species were from locations in chile where they occur in habitats at latitudinal extremes ...200919379819
ingestion of bacteria overproducing dnak attenuates vibrio infection of artemia franciscana larvae.feeding of bacterially encapsulated heat shock proteins (hsps) to invertebrates is a novel way to limit vibrio infection. as an example, ingestion of escherichia coli overproducing prokaryotic hsps significantly improves survival of gnotobiotically cultured artemia larvae upon challenge with pathogenic vibrio campbellii. the relationship between hsp accumulation and enhanced resistance to infection may involve dnak, the prokaryotic equivalent to hsp70, a major molecular chaperone in eukaryotic c ...200919373565
characterization of a group 1 late embryogenesis abundant protein in encysted embryos of the brine shrimp artemia franciscana.late embryogenesis abundant (lea) proteins are hydrophilic molecules that are believed to function in desiccation and low-temperature tolerance in some plants and plant propagules, certain prokaryotes, and several animal species. the brine shrimp artemia franciscana can produce encysted embryos (cysts) that enter diapause and are resistant to severe desiccation. this ability is based on biochemical adaptations, one of which appears to be the accumulation of the lea protein that is the focus of t ...200919370059
high hydrostatic pressure tolerance of four different anhydrobiotic animal species.high hydrostatic pressure (hhp) can induce physical changes in dna, proteins, and lipids, causing lethal or sublethal damage to organisms. however, hhp tolerance of animals has not been studied sufficiently. in this study, hhp tolerance of four species of invertebrate anhydrobiotes (the tardigrade milnesium tardigradum, a nematode species in the family plectidae, larvae of polypedilum vanderplanki, and cysts of artemia franciscana), which have the potential to enter anhydrobiosis upon desiccatio ...200919341346
porous genomes and species integrity in the branchiopod artemia.over the years, studies on interspecific hybridization have highlighted cases where gene exchange between taxa continues for a significant amount of time after speciation. the reasons for this lag of reproductive isolation relative to genetic isolation are largely unclear, and the question still remains whether the resulting hybrids represent novel biological (and taxonomic) diversity or merely an evolutionary liability. we provide strong indications in the branchiopod artemia that hybrids betwe ...200919306934
activation of an amp-activated protein kinase is involved in post-diapause development of artemia franciscana encysted embryos.cysts of artemia can remain in a dormant state for long periods with a very low metabolic rate, and only resume their development with the approach of favorable conditions. the post-diapause development is a very complicated process involving a variety of metabolic and biochemical events. however, the intrinsic mechanisms that regulate this process are unclear.200919284883
biological activity of neosergeolide and isobrucein b (and two semi-synthetic derivatives) isolated from the amazonian medicinal plant picrolemma sprucei (simaroubaceae).in the present study, in vitro techniques were used to investigate a range of biological activities of known natural quassinoids isobrucein b (1) and neosergeolide (2), known semi-synthetic derivative 1,12-diacetylisobrucein b (3), and a new semi-synthetic derivative, 12-acetylneosergeolide (4). these compounds were evaluated for general toxicity toward the brine shrimp species artemia franciscana, cytotoxicity toward human tumour cells, larvicidal activity toward the dengue fever mosquito vecto ...200919274376
ametabolic embryos of artemia franciscana accumulate dna damage during prolonged anoxia.encysted embryos of the brine shrimp artemia franciscana are able to survive prolonged periods of anoxia even when fully hydrated. during this time there is no metabolism, raising the question of how embryos tolerate spontaneous, hydrolytic dna damage such as depurination. when incubated at 28 degrees c and 40 degrees c for several weeks, hydrated anoxic embryos were found to accumulate abasic sites in their dna with k=5.8x10(-11) s(-1) and 2.8x10(-10) s(-1), respectively. in both cases this is ...200919251993
occurrence of mitochondria-targeted late embryogenesis abundant (lea) gene in animals increases organelle resistance to water stress.anhydrobiotic animals survive virtually complete loss of cellular water. the mechanisms that explain this phenomenon are not fully understood but often include the accumulation of low molecular weight solutes such as trehalose and macromolecules like late embryogenesis abundant (lea) proteins. here we report for the first time the occurrence of a mitochondria-targeted lea gene (afrlea3m) product in an animal species. the deduced molecular mass of the 307-amino acid polypeptide from the brine shr ...200919228698
virulence of luminescent and non-luminescent isogenic vibrios towards gnotobiotic artemia franciscana larvae and specific pathogen-free litopenaeus vannamei shrimp.this study was conducted to test the virulence of luminescent (l) and non-luminescent (nl) isogenic strains of vibrio campbellii lmg21363, vibrio harveyi bb120 (wild type) and quorum-sensing mutant strains derived from the wild type such as vibrio harveyi bb152, bb170, mm30 and bb886.200919187135
a gene catalogue for post-diapause development of an anhydrobiotic arthropod artemia franciscana.diapause is a reversible state of developmental suspension and found among diverse taxa, from plants to animals, including marsupials and some other mammals. although previous work has accumulated ample data, the molecular mechanism underlying diapause and reactivation from it remain elusive.200919173719
concentrations of selenium and mercury in eared grebes (podiceps nigricollis) from utah's great salt lake, usa.we examined selenium and mercury concentrations in eared grebes (podiceps nigricollis) that spent the fall of 2006 on the great salt lake (ut, u.s.a.), where their diet consisted mainly of brine shrimp (artemia franciscana). selenium concentrations in livers varied based on when the grebes were collected (lower in september [mean +/- standard error, 9.4 +/- 0.7 microg/g dry wt] than in november [14.5 +/- 1.4 microg/g]), on where the birds were collected on the great salt lake (antelope island, 8 ...200919173549
influence of darkness on embryonic diapause termination in dormant artemia cysts with no experience of of the environmental cues for artemia embryonic diapause termination (edt), the nature of which is barely understood, is the absence of light, although light-dark cycles (photoperiod) have been examined in inducing embryonic diapause. the influence of constant darkness (dd) on edt was investigated in laboratory-produced cysts of artemia franciscana. in a previous report (nambu et al., 2008. j exp zool 309a:17-24 ), we described a facilitated effect of pretreatment of dd (5-14 days) on edt in ...200919130602
toxicity of diuron and copper pyrithione on the brine shrimp, artemia franciscana: the effects of temperature and salinity.diuron and copper pyrithione (cupt) are two substances that have been used worldwide as alternatives to tributyltin (tbt) in antifouling paints for the protection of ship hulls. in this study their toxicity against the brine shrimp artemia franciscana is examined under several combinations of salinity and temperature using the lc(20), lc(50) and lc(80) values found for the 25 degrees c and 35 per thousand standard conditions. a significant interaction between temperature and salinity effects was ...200818988093
parasegmental appendage allocation in annelids and arthropods and the homology of parapodia and arthropodia.the new animal phylogeny disrupts the traditional taxon articulata (uniting arthropods and annelids) and thus calls into question the homology of the body segments and appendages in the two groups. recent work in the annelid platynereis dumerilii has shown that although the set of genes involved in body segmentation is similar in the two groups, the body units of annelids correspond to arthropod parasegments not segments. this challenges traditional ideas about the homology of "segmental" organs ...200818937853
developmental and reproductive fitness of orius laevigatus (hemiptera: anthocoridae) reared on factitious and artificial diets.the developmental and reproductive fitness of the polyphagous predator orius laevigatus (fieber) (hemiptera: anthocoridae) was compared on two factitious foods and four artificial diets. adults fed factitious foods (ephestia kuehniella zeller eggs and artemia franciscana kellogg cysts) performed better than those fed artificial diets. among the artificial diets, a diet composed of liver and ground beef scored better than meridic diets based on egg yolk. within the egg yolk-based artificial diets ...200818767719
the karyotype of franciscana dolphin (pontoporia blainvillei).despite the recent increase in studies on franciscana dolphin (pontoporia blainvillei) molecular biology, there has been no published karyotype information, as opportunities for sampling live individuals are very rare. in the present study, the diploid number of the species was established from corneal cell cultures of 2 newborn male franciscanas live stranded (2n = 44). from the comparison of the chromosomal number to the cetacean karyotype phylogeny, we suggest that the most parsimonious hypot ...200918728084
sequence of mitochondrial dna cytochrome oxidase ii incryptopygus nanjiensis and phylogeny of apterygota.the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase ii (co ii) from four different apterygotenscryptopygus nanjiensis (collembola),neanura latior (collembola),gracilentulus maijiawensis (protura) andlepidocampa weberi (diplura) were sequenced. their a+t content, number of nucleotide substitutions, tv/tv ratio, and tamura-nei's distance were calculated. a series of phylogenetic trees were constructed by parsimony and distance methods using a crustaceanartemia franciscana as outgroup. finally the evolutionary tr ...200018726353
growth and lipid composition of atlantic cod (gadus morhua) larvae in response to differently enriched artemia franciscana.considerable progress has been achieved in the intensive culture of atlantic cod (gadus morhua). however, there is little information concerning optimum live-feed enrichments for cod larvae, since many of the techniques used during the larviculture have been borrowed from other fish species and adapted for the production of atlantic cod. the present study compared four different protocols for the enrichment of artemia to be used as live feed for cod larvae. the protocols tested were: (1) algamac ...200818649026
immunocytochemical studies on the naupliar nervous system of balanus improvisus (crustacea, cirripedia, thecostraca).the nervous system of nauplii of the crustacean taxon cirripedia was analysed in the species balanus improvisus darwin, 1854 using for the first time immunocytochemical staining against serotonin, rfamide and alpha-tubulin in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy. this approach revealed a circumoesophageal neuropil ring with nerves extending to the first and second antennae and to the mandibles, all features typical for crustacea. in addition, rfamidergic structures are present in ...200818555960
arhsp22, a developmentally regulated small heat shock protein produced in diapause-destined artemia embryos, is stress inducible in adults.diapause embryos of the crustacean artemia franciscana exhibit extreme stress tolerance, a property thought to involve molecular chaperones known as small heat shock proteins. to further explore this idea, the structure, function and synthesis of arhsp22, an artemia small heat shock protein, were characterized. arhsp22 contains amino-terminal wxdpf motifs, an alpha-crystallin domain with a highly conserved arginine, and a carboxy-terminal i/vxi/v motif, all typical of small heat shock proteins. ...200818537825
mitochondria in energy-limited states: mechanisms that blunt the signaling of cell death.cellular conditions experienced during energy-limited states--elevated calcium, shifts in cellular adenylate status, compromised mitochondrial membrane potential--are precisely those that trigger, at least in mammals, the mitochondrion to initiate opening of the permeability transition pore, to assemble additional protein release channels, and to release pro-apoptotic factors. these pro-apototic factors in turn activate initiator and executer caspases. how is activation of mitochondria-based pat ...200818515712
phylogeography and local endemism of the native mediterranean brine shrimp artemia salina (branchiopoda: anostraca).there has been a recent appreciation of the ecological impacts of zooplanktonic species invasions. the north american brine shrimp artemia franciscana is one such alien invader in hyper-saline water ecosystems at a global scale. it has been shown to outcompete native artemia species, leading to their local extinction. we used partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (coi or cox1) gene to investigate the genetic diversity and phylogeography of a. salina, an extreme ha ...200818510585
[biological and biochemical quality of the artemia (anostraca: artemiidae) population from real de salinas saltworks, calkiní, campeche, mexico].cysts of artemia spp. collected from february 1997 to february 2000 in the real de salinas solar saltworks, campeche, mexico, were compared with artemia franciscana (batch number 8,131 microfeast artemia cysts, texas, usa). the variables determined in these two populations were: number of cysts per gram, hatching percentage, hatching efficiency, hatching rate, hatching synchrony and hatching biomass, as well as diameter of the cysts and length of the nauplii (instar i). for salinas, the average ...200618457164
exposure of gnotobiotic artemia franciscana larvae to abiotic stress promotes heat shock protein 70 synthesis and enhances resistance to pathogenic vibrio campbellii.larvae of the brine shrimp artemia franciscana serve as important feed in fish and shellfish larviculture; however, they are subject to bacterial diseases that devastate entire populations and consequently hinder their use in aquaculture. exposure to abiotic stress was shown previously to shield artemia larvae against infection by pathogenic vibrio, with the results suggesting a mechanistic role for heat shock protein 70. in the current report, combined hypothermic/hyperthermic shock followed by ...200818347942
total mercury, organic mercury and selenium in liver and kidney of a south american coastal dolphin.selenium and total and organic mercury were determined in the liver and kidney of franciscana dolphin (pontoporia blainvillei) incidentally caught in fishing nets along two brazilian coastal areas (southeast and south). regional differences in the concentrations of these contaminants were observed in p. blainvillei. liver showed the highest organic and total mercury. in general, samples of individuals collected at the southern of brazil had the highest concentrations of selenium and total and or ...200818329769
ecotoxicity and biodegradability of an alkyl ethoxysulphate surfactant in coastal waters.alkyl ethoxysulphates (aes) are anionic surfactants widely used in numerous commercial and industrial applications. in spite of the high aes volume consumption a few data concerning the occurrence, fate and effects of aes in marine environments are reported in literature. the objective of this study is to evaluate the biodegradability and toxicity of aes in pristine sea water. ultimate biodegradation was studied according to the guideline 835.3160 "biodegradability in sea water" proposed by the ...200818304608
a baseline study of perfluorochemicals in franciscana dolphin and subantarctic fur seal from coastal waters of southern brazil. 200818295806
brine shrimp bioassay: importance of correct taxonomic identification of artemia (anostraca) species.despite the common use of the brine shrimp bioassay in toxicology, there is confusion in the literature regarding citation of the correct taxonomic identity of the artemia species used. the genus artemia, once thought to be represented by a single species artemia salina, is now known to be composed of several bisexual species as well as parthenogenetic populations. artemia franciscana is the best studied of the artemia species and is considered to represent the vast majority of studies in which ...200818214884
arhsp21, a developmentally regulated small heat-shock protein synthesized in diapausing embryos of artemia franciscana.embryos of the crustacean, artemia franciscana, undergo alternative developmental pathways, producing either larvae or encysted embryos (cysts). the cysts enter diapause, characterized by exceptionally high resistance to environmental stress, a condition thought to involve the shsp (small heat-shock protein), p26. subtractive hybridization has revealed another shsp, termed arhsp21, in diapause-destined artemia embryos. arhsp21 shares sequence similarity with p26 and shsps from other organisms, e ...200818095938
preparation and characterization of posttranslationally modified tubulins from artemia franciscana.tubulin heterogeneity within eukaryotic cells is generated by differential gene expression and posttranslational modification of alpha- and beta-tubulin gene products, either as heterodimers or when polymerized into microtubules. the characterization of posttranslationally modified tubulins from the crustacean artemia franciscana is presented, although tubulins from other sources can be studied with these procedures. tubulin is prepared from cell free extracts by taxol-induced assembly and centr ...200718085221
regulation and function of lysine-substituted na,k pumps in salt adaptation of artemia franciscana.the brine shrimp artemia thrives at extreme conditions of up to 300 g/l salt in hypersaline lakes, but the molecular aspects of this salt adaptation are not clarified. to examine the influence of salt on the expression of two isoforms of na,k-atpase, adult artemia franciscana were cultured for 39 days with the microalga dunaliella salina as fodder at increasing salt from 30 to 280 g/l. quantitative reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction showed that the abundance of mrna of the lysine-su ...200818074167
influence of temperature and darkness on embryonic diapause termination in dormant artemia cysts that have never been desiccated.environmental cues for embryonic diapause termination (edt) were investigated in the laboratory-produced encysted dormant embryos of the brine shrimp, artemia franciscana. the cysts were spawned and kept throughout in a 2% sea salt solution. they were activated by various temperatures of the temperate zones or by continuous dark condition (dd), resulting in a state of edt, and were thereafter able to resume their subsequent development and hatch under appropriate conditions. the level of edt was ...200818030679
gene expression in diapause-destined embryos of the crustacean, artemia franciscana.diapause-destined embryos of the crustacean artemia franciscana cease development as gastrulae, encyst, and enter a resting stage characterized by greatly reduced metabolic activity and extreme stress resistance. to better understand diapause induction and maintenance in artemia embryos gene expression was analyzed by subtractive hybridization at two days post-fertilization, a time early in this developmental process. eighty-five of 264 cdna clones sequenced matched genbank entries and they fell ...200717950581
developmentally regulated synthesis of p8, a stress-associated transcription cofactor, in diapause-destined embryos of artemia franciscana.diapause-destined embryos of the crustacean artemia franciscana arrest as gastrulae, acquire extreme stress tolerance, and enter profound metabolic dormancy. among genes upregulated at 2 days postfertilization in these embryos is a homologue of p8, a stress-inducible transcription cofactor. artemia p8 is smaller than vertebrate homologues but shares a basic helix-loop-helix domain and a bipartite nuclear localization signal. probing of restriction digested dna on southern blots indicated a singl ...200717915558
a proteomic study on postdiapaused embryonic development of brine shrimp (artemia franciscana).encysted gastrula of brine shrimp (artemia, crustacea, and anostraca) provides an excellent model for studying molecular processes of diapause. we report a proteomic study on early molecular responses of artemia's postdiapaused cysts and found that dehydrated cysts actually store more proteins, in both kind and amount, than developing cysts. we identified 75 differentially expressed proteins over a course of cyst development, and also exploited ptms of dehydrate cysts. we further surveyed gene e ...200717907269
use of artificial substrata by introduced and cryptogenic marine species in paranaguá bay, southern brazil.ports are important locations for the introduction of marine species, while marinas and pontoons often serve as secondary habitats for these species. in a marina near paranaguá port, a major international port in southern brazil, the encrusting community was studied to (i) identify possibly introduced species, and (ii) examine the use of artificial substrata by these species. samples (20 x 20 cm) were taken from fibreglass floats (boardwalks and boat hulls) and concrete columns. a total of 85 sp ...200717852067
control of colonial hydroid macrofouling by free-field ultrasonic ultrasonic radiation inhibited the feeding of the macrofouling hydroid garveia franciscana by causing tentacle contraction at the sonic degasification threshold. within the frequency range of 250 to 2000 kilohertz, the threshold sound intensity (sonic degasification threshold) that caused tentacle contraction was directly proportional to frequency, with the minimum observed being 0.6 watt per square centimeter at 250 kilohertz. a pulse length of 0.2 second and interpulse period of 102 ...198417746053
relationships between physicochemical parameters and the toxicity of leachates from a municipal solid waste landfill.landfills are used to dispose municipal solid wastes, and although on-site recycling in these places is an extensive practice in latin america, diverse pollutants are incorporated into the leachates. the objective of this work was to establish relationships between composition and toxicity of leachates from the landfill of the city of cartagena, colombia. leachates were characterized measuring cd, ni, hg, mn, cu, and pb concentrations, and physicochemical parameters including ph, conductivity, c ...200817714783
cestode parasitism in invasive and native brine shrimps (artemia spp.) as a possible factor promoting the rapid invasion of a. franciscana in the mediterranean region.artemia franciscana is an invasive crustacean expanding its range in hypersaline wetlands in the mediterranean region and replacing native artemia parthenogenetica and artemia salina. native brine shrimps are known as intermediate hosts of cestodes; infected individuals exhibit changes in their behaviour and appearance, thus facilitating the parasite transmission to the avian hosts by predation. to assess whether invasive brine shrimps participate in the cestode life cycles to the same extent as ...200717712569
ecological and biological determinants of trace elements accumulation in liver and kidney of pontoporia blainvillei.the present work tested whether ecological and biological variables have an influence on the assimilation of trace elements by the tissues of a cetacean from the western south atlantic ocean. no significant differences were observed in the concentrations for both sexes. as individuals from the two sampling areas belong to distinct genetic and morphological populations, animals of similar body length were older on the southeastern than on the southern coast. the liver showed the highest concentra ...200717669475
energizing an invertebrate embryo: bafilomycin-dependent respiration and the metabolic cost of proton pumping by the v-atpase.we examine herein the contribution of v-atpase activity to the energy budget of aerobically developing embryos of artemia franciscana and discuss the results in the context of quiescence under anoxia. (31)p-nmr analysis indicates that intracellular ph and ntp levels are unaffected by acute incubation of dechorionated embryos with the v-atpase inhibitor, bafilomycin a(1). bafilomycin a(1) also has no significant effect on oxygen consumption by isolated mitochondria. taken together, these data ind ...200717508337
possible involvement of artemia as live diet in the transmission of cryptosporidiosis in cultured fish.the viability of cryptosporidium parvum oocysts ingested by artemia franciscana metanauplii was evaluated using two fluorogenic vital dyes. there was no significant difference (p = 0.09) between the viability of oocysts maintained in saline (control) and those recovered from the digestive tract of the microcrustacean 24 h after ingestion (95 vs 90% viable oocysts). the results suggest that artemia, used as a life food in fish larviculture, may act as a vehicle for transmission of piscine cryptos ...200717468970
ampk alpha subunit gene characterization in artemia and expression during development and in response to stress.amp-activated protein kinase (ampk) plays a central role in maintaining the energy balance of organisms under physiological and environmental stresses. here two ampk alpha subunit gene transcripts (named afr-ampkalpha1 and afr-ampkalpha2) from artemia franciscana were isolated and gene expression was characterized by semiquantitive reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr). afr-ampkalpha1 was differentially expressed during artemia developmental stages as well as in response to st ...200717454967
inbred strains of brine shrimp derived from artemia franciscana: lineage, rapd analysis, life span, reproductive traits and mode, adaptation, and tolerance to salinity changes.inbred strains of the brine shrimp were developed from dry dormant cysts of wild-type artemia franciscana produced in the great salt lake, u.s.a. the established strains were named gsl2, 4, and 7. they were raised in 2% natural sea salt solution at 28 degrees c under a long-day condition, and fed on food sold for artemia. ovoviviparous offspring (free-swimming nauplii) in each brood derived from full sib (sister x brother) matings were used for succeeding generations. the ordinal number of the f ...200717409729
identification of a novel dna methyltransferase 2 from the brine shrimp, artemia franciscana.dna methyltransferase 2 (dnmt2) is a dual-specificity dna methyltransferase, which contains a weak dna methyltransferase and novel trna methyltransferase activity. however, its biological function is still enigmatic. to elucidate the expression profiles of dnmt2 in artemia franciscana, we isolated the gene encoding a dnmt2 from a. franciscana and named it as afdnmt2. the cdna of afdnmt2 contained a 1140-bp open reading frame that encoded a putative dnmt2 protein of 379 amino acids exhibiting 32% ...200717400496
poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate-accumulating bacteria protect gnotobiotic artemia franciscana from pathogenic vibrio campbellii.a poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (phb)-accumulating enrichment culture was obtained using activated sludge from a polyphosphate-accumulating reactor as inoculum. phb accumulated by the enrichment culture significantly enhanced the survival of artemia nauplii, infected with the virulent pathogen vibrio campbellii lmg 21363. a strain was isolated from the enrichment culture, based on its ability to accumulate phb, and 16s rrna gene sequencing of the isolate revealed 99% sequence similarity to brachymon ...200717391334
formation of boldenone and boldenone-analogues by maggots of lucilia sericata.current evidence suggests that neo formation of the anabolic steroid boldenone (androsta-1,4-diene-17-ol-3-one) occurs in calves' faecal material, making it difficult to distinguish between illegally administered boldenone and its potential endogenous presence. this strengthens the urgent need to elucidate the pathway leading to boldenone formation. in our laboratory, the invertebrate neomysis integer (crustacea, mysidacea) was used since 2004 as an alternative model for the partial replacement ...200717386708
delayed onset of midline netrin expression in artemia franciscana coincides with commissural axon growth and provides evidence for homology of midline cells in distantly related arthropods.although many similarities in arthropod central nervous systems (cns) development exist, differences in midline cell formation and ventral nerve cord axonogenesis have been noted in arthropods. it is possible that changes in the expression of axon guidance molecules such as netrin, which functions during commissural axon guidance in drosophila and many other organisms, may parallel these differences. in this investigation, we analyze this hypothesis by examining netrin accumulation during develo ...201717371396
[composition of fat acids in three mexican populations of artemia franciscana from epicontinental waters].in this paper is presented the percentage of fatty acids composition of three artemia franciscana mexican populations of epicontinentals waters; two are from natural environments (coahuila and san luis potosf) and one (texcoco) is a culture fed with spirulina. determination of fatty acids composition in each population, was performed by extraction of total lipid by the soxhlet method and the fatty acids methyl esters were determined by gas chromatography. the results show that artemia of texcoco ...200417357427
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