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infection and inflammation in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.the present study investigated the relationship between exposure to infectious agents and inflammation markers in individuals with schizophrenia (sz), bipolar disorder (bp), and controls without a psychiatric disorder. we measured plasma levels of antibodies and innate immune markers and correlated them with clinical symptoms and cognitive function. in both sz and bp, we found an increase in soluble cd14, and in bp an increase in c-reactive protein, igm class antibodies against cytomegalovirus ( ...201727856235
hla class i and ii alleles, heterozygosity and hla-kir interactions are associated with rates of genital hsv shedding and lesions.variation at hla and kir loci is associated with the severity of viral infections. to assess associations of genital hsv-2 infection with human hla and kir genetic loci, we measured the frequencies of genital herpes simplex virus (hsv) dna detection and of genital lesions in hsv-2 seropositive persons. we followed 267 hsv-2 seropositive persons who collected daily genital swabs and recorded lesions for ⩾30 days. all persons were laboratory-documented as hiv-seronegative, and all were caucasian b ...201627853144
intravaginal practices and prevalence of sexual and reproductive tract infections among women in rural malawi.many women engage in intravaginal practices (ivp) with a goal of improving genital hygiene and increasing sexual pleasure. intravaginal practices can disrupt the genital mucosa, and some studies have found that ivp increases risk of acquisition of hiv and bacterial vaginosis (bv). limited prior research also suggests significant associations between ivp, herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2), and high-risk types of human papillomavirus (hpv).201627835627
herpes simplex virus suppressive therapy in herpes simplex virus-2/human immunodeficiency virus-1 coinfected women is associated with reduced systemic cxcl10 but not genital cytokines.herpes simplex virus type-2 (hsv-2) may heighten immune activation and increase human immunodeficiency virus 1 (hiv-1) replication, resulting in greater infectivity and faster hiv-1 disease progression. an 18-week randomized, placebo-controlled crossover trial of 500 mg valacyclovir twice daily in 20 antiretroviral-naive women coinfected with hsv-2 and hiv-1 was conducted and hsv-2 suppression was found to significantly reduce both hsv-2 and hiv-1 viral loads both systemically and the endocervic ...201627832025
use of injectable hormonal contraception and hsv-2 acquisition in a cohort of female sex workers in vancouver, canada.increased risk of herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2) has been proposed as a possible indirect pathway through which hormonal contraceptives (specifically depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (dmpa)) may increase the risk of hiv acquisition among women. we investigated the effects of dmpa on hsv-2 acquisition among female sex workers.201627821613
fulminant hepatic failure in a patient with crohn's disease on infliximab possibly related to reactivation of herpes simplex virus 2 infection.hsv hepatitis is a rare but often fatal cause of liver failure which tends to affect immunocompromised individuals. early treatment with acyclovir has been shown to reduce mortality in hsv hepatitis making recognition of the condition critically important. here, we present a case of hsv hepatitis in a young woman with crohn's disease on prednisone, azathioprine, and infliximab. we discuss the clinical presentation of hsv hepatitis as well as the possible causes of hepatitis in a patient on these ...201627818806
the effect of a conditional cash transfer on hiv incidence in young women in rural south africa (hptn 068): a phase 3, randomised controlled transfers have been proposed as an intervention to reduce hiv-infection risk for young women in sub-saharan africa. however, scarce evidence is available about their effect on reducing hiv acquisition. we aimed to assess the effect of a conditional cash transfer on hiv incidence among young women in rural south africa.201627815148
incidence and risk factors for herpes simplex virus type 2 seroconversion among pregnant women in uganda: a prospective study.herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) acquired during pregnancy is associated with adverse outcomes such as perinatal hsv-2 transmission. hsv-2 seroconversion occurs within four weeks of hsv-2 acquisition. there was neither documented incidence nor risk factors for hsv-2 seroconversion during pregnancy in uganda. the objective of this study was to determine the incidence and risk factors for hsv-2 seroconversion among pregnant women in mulago hospital, uganda.201627801374
antimicrobial activity of biocompatible microemulsions against aspergillus niger and herpes simplex virus type 2.microemulsions (mes), which consist of oil, water, surfactants, and cosurfactants, have recently generated considerable interest as antimicrobial agents.201627800146
associations between excessive adiposity and seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 among us adults: a population-based age-period-cohort analysis.evidence on the association between herpes simplex virus (hsv) and excessive adiposity, such as obesity (body mass index ≥30 kg/m(2)) and abdominal obesity (waist circumference (wc) >102 or 88 cm), has been inconsistent. we sought to examine whether age-period-cohort (apc) effects could explain for the observed heterogeneities.201627798014
prevalence and determinants of hsv-2/syphilis co-infection and hsv-2 mono-infection among hiv-positive men who have sex with men: a cross-sectional study in northeast china.we aimed to assess the prevalence and determinants of herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) mono-infection and hsv-2/syphilis co-infection in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-positive men who have sex with men (msm) in china. a cross-sectional study was conducted on 545 hiv-positive msm in shenyang between february 2009 and october 2014. participants received physical examinations and serological tests for hsv-2 and syphilis. a multinomial logistic regression was used to identify risk factors as ...201627795468
seroprevalence and correlates of herpes simplex virus type 2 infection among young adults in arkhangelsk, northwest russia: a population-based cross-sectional study.herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) infection is the most common cause of genital ulcer disease (gud) worldwide. mother to child transmission causes high morbidity and mortality among infants. russia is on the brink of a generalized hiv-epidemic, but arkhangelsk is still a low-prevalence area. hsv-2 infection is associated with a three-fold increased risk of hiv-infection. the evidence on the seroprevalence of hsv-2 in russia is limited. the aim of this study was to assess hsv-2 seroprevalence a ...201627793121
rna-binding protein cpeb1 remodels host and viral rna and virus interactions occurring at the post-transcriptional level are critical for infection but remain poorly understood. here, we performed comprehensive transcriptome-wide analyses revealing that human cytomegalovirus (hcmv) infection results in widespread alternative splicing (as), shortening of 3' untranslated regions (3' utrs) and lengthening of poly(a)-tails in host gene transcripts. we found that the host rna-binding protein cpeb1 was highly induced after infection, and ectopic exp ...201627775709
herpes simplex virus type 2-associated recurrent aseptic meningitis (mollaret's meningitis) with a recurrence after 11-year interval: a case report.a 55-year-old woman was diagnosed with aseptic meningitis at the age of 43 and 44. she developed sudden fever and headache, and she showed nuchal rigidity. cerebrospinal fluid examination revealed pleocytosis (cell count 208/mm(3)) and was positive for herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) dna by pcr. acyclovir was started on the first day of admission, and she was complete recovery. preserved cerebrospinal fluid specimen from aseptic meningitis at the age of 44 was also positive for hsv-2 dna by ...201627773908
α herpes virus infections among renal transplant recipients.the α herpes viruses hsv-1, hsv-2, and vzv often reactivate in the setting of immune suppression after solid organ transplantation. oral or genital mucocutaneous disease is the most common clinical manifestation of hsv disease while vzv manifests as varicella (or chickenpox) or reactivation herpes zoster, characterized by a diffuse rash, or a painful unilateral vesicular eruption in a dermatomal distribution, respectively. the diagnosis of hsv and vzv is primarily based on history and clinical p ...201627772619
multicenter evaluation of the luminex® aries® hsv 1&2 assay for the detection of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 in cutaneous and mucocutaneous lesion specimens.the aries® hsv 1&2 assay is a new fda cleared real-time pcr test for detection and differentiation of hsv-1 and hsv-2 dna from cutaneous and mucocutaneous lesions. the test is performed on the aries® system, an automated sample to answer real-time pcr instrument that provides a closed system and simple workflow for performing molecular testing. areas covered: this article reports the clinical performance of the aries® hsv 1&2 assay assessed on 1963 prospectively collected specimens. assay sensit ...201627771977
high seroprevalence of human herpesvirus 8 and herpes simplex virus 2 infections in men who have sex with men in shanghai, who have sex with men (msm) are an important risk group for human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and at high-risk of herpesvirus infection. however, limited information on epidemiologic patterns of hhv8 and hsv2 among msm is available in mainland china. a cross-sectional study of 486 participants was performed in shanghai, china from january 2013 to december 2014 to explore epidemiologic features of hhv8 and hsv2 among msm. serum samples were collected and tested for hhv8 by immunofluoresence ...201727769110
laryngopharyngeal reflux and herpes simplex virus type 2 are possible risk factors for adult-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (prospective case-control study).the human papillomavirus (hpv) causes recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (rrp). although hpv prevalence is high, the incidence of papillomatosis is low. thus, factors other than hpv infection probably contribute to rrp. this study investigated whether patients with papillomatosis are more often infected with herpes simplex virus type 2 and chlamydia trachomatis (cht) and whether laryngopharyngeal reflux (lpr) occurs in this group of patients more often.201627759910
the unexpected detection of varicella-zoster virus in genital specimens using the lyra™ direct hsv 1+2/vzv assay.the lyra™ direct hsv 1+2/vzv assay is a moderately complex, multiplex pcr assay that qualitatively detects the presence of hsv 1, hsv 2, and vzv dna in cutaneous and mucocutaneous specimens with a time-to-result of less than 60min.201627756008
anti-hsv activity of kuwanon x from mulberry leaves with genes expression inhibitory and hsv-1 induced nf-κb deactivated properties.six stilbene derivatives isolated from mulberry leaves including kuwanon x, mulberrofuran c, mulberrofuran g, moracin c, moracin m 3'-o-b-glucopyranoside and moracin m were found to have antiviral effects against herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 (hsv-1 and hsv-2) at different potencies except for mulberrofuran g. kuwanon x exhibited the greatest activity against hsv-1 15577 and clinical strains and hsv-2 strain 333 with ic50 values of 2.2, 1.5 and 2.5 µg/ml, respectively. further study revealed ...201627725444
school-based sexual health education interventions to prevent sti/hiv in sub-saharan africa: a systematic review and sexual health education has the potential to provide an inclusive and comprehensive approach to promoting sexual health among young people. we reviewed evaluations of school-based sexual health education interventions in sub-saharan africa to assess effectiveness in reducing sexually transmitted infections and promoting condom use.201627724886
distribution and effects of amino acid changes in drug-resistant α and β herpesviruses dna polymerase.emergence of drug-resistance to all fda-approved antiherpesvirus agents is an increasing concern in immunocompromised patients. herpesvirus dna polymerase (dnapol) is currently the target of nucleos(t)ide analogue-based therapy. mutations in dnapol that confer resistance arose in immunocompromised patients infected with herpes simplex virus 1 (hsv-1) and human cytomegalovirus (hcmv), and to lesser extent in herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2), varicella zoster virus (vzv) and human herpesvirus 6 (hhv ...201627694307
herpes simplex virus particles interact with chemokines and enhance cell migration.herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 (hsv-1 and hsv-2, respectively) are among the most prevalent human pathogens, causing a variety of diseases. hsv modulation of the chemokine network remains poorly understood. we have previously identified secreted glycoprotein g (sgg) as the first viral chemokine-binding protein that enhances chemokine function as a novel viral immunomodulatory mechanism. however, gg is also present at the viral envelope and its role in the virus particle remains unknown. ...201627692045
type-specific detection of herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 using the cobas® hsv 1 and 2 test on the cobas® 4800 platform.hsv-1 and hsv-2 are among the most common causes of sexually transmitted infections (stis) globally. these infections are strongly associated with increased risk of hiv acquisition and rare, but devastating, neonatal disease. available treatment options can reduce hsv transmission and improve quality of life. accurate diagnosis early in disease can improve patient management. areas covered: this paper describes the clinical manifestations of hsv infection often used for clinical diagnostic purpo ...201627687862
genital hsv shedding among kenyan women initiating antiretroviral therapy.genital ulcer disease (gud) prevalence increases in the first month of antiretroviral treatment (art), followed by a return to baseline prevalence by month 3. since most gud is caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2), we hypothesized that genital hsv detection would follow a similar pattern after treatment initiation.201727683204
role of bacterial exopolysaccharides as agents in counteracting immune disorders induced by herpes virus.extreme marine environments, such as the submarine shallow vents of the eolian islands (italy), offer an almost unexplored source of microorganisms producing unexploited and promising biomolecules for pharmaceutical applications. thermophilic and thermotolerant bacilli isolated from eolian vents are able to produce exopolysaccharides (epss) with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects against herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2). hsv-2 is responsible for the most common and continuously increasing ...201527682100
first description of herpes simplex virus type 1 epididymo-orchitis: a new clinical form of herpes simplex virus infection during septic shock?genital herpes is increasingly caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1), but recurrences are less frequent than with hsv-2. distinguishing between primary genital infection and reactivation can be difficult, but hsv-1 more often causes severe primary infections and fewer recurrences. however, as virus reactivation is common during septic shock, a severe form of hsv-1 reactivation can occur in locations other than the lungs, which remain the most common site. the case of a 79-year-old caucas ...201627672563
hiv positive patient with hsv-2 encephalitis: case report.incidence of brain infections in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) positive patients is reduced after the availability of current high active antiretroviral therapy (haart). herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) is an infrequent cause of encephalitis in hiv patients despite it is frequently involved in sexual transmitted infections. here, we report a case of hsv-2 encephalitis occurring in a patient without full suppression of hiv replication within the brain. a 38 year-old hiv infected man was a ...201627668908
hsv2 reactivation and myelitis following influenza vaccination.we report the case of a 57 year-old woman who developed transverse myelitis and acute hsv-2 reactivation following influenza vaccination. over the next 5 years, she experienced a fluctuating course of improvement and regression for both myelitis and herpes.201727668461
anti-apoptotic function of herpes simplex virus -2 latency-associated transcript rl1 sequence and screening of its encoded micrornas.the latency-associated transcript (lat) gene of herpes simplex virus (hsv)-2 is the only detectable viral gene expressed during latent infection in neurons. lat inhibits apoptosis and maintains latency by promoting the survival of infected neurons. however, whether lat functions during hsv-2 infection via its encoded rnas or via its encoded proteins remain unknown. increasing evidence has indicated that lat is likely to functionally promote the establishment of latent infection via lat-encoded m ...201627663158
bovine herpesvirus type-1 glycoprotein k (gk) interacts with ul20 and is required for infectious virus production.we have previously shown that the hsv-1 gk and ul20 proteins interact and function in virion envelopment, membrane fusion, and neuronal entry. alignment of the predicted secondary structures of gks encoded by bohv-1, hsv-1, hsv-2, ehv-1 and vzv indicated a high degree of domain conservation. two bohv-1 gk-null mutant viruses were created by either gk gene deletion or stop codon insertion. in addition, a v5 epitope-tag was inserted at the carboxyl terminus of gk gene to detect gk. the engineered ...201627661734
detection of herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) -specific cell-mediated immune responses in guinea pigs during latent hsv-2 genital infection.genital infections with herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) are a source of considerable morbidity and are a health concern for newborns exposed to virus during vaginal delivery. additionally, hsv-2 infection diminishes the integrity of the vaginal epithelium resulting in increased susceptibility of individuals to infection with other sexually transmitted pathogens. understanding immune protection against hsv-2 primary infection and immune modulation of virus shedding events following reactivati ...201627659010
a randomized safety and pharmacokinetic trial of daily tenofovir 1% gel in term and near-term pregnancy.vaginal tenofovir (tfv) 1% gel may reduce incident hiv-1 and herpes simplex virus 2 infection. pregnancy may increase risk of hiv acquisition, and incident hiv in pregnancy potentiates perinatal hiv transmission. our objective was to investigate the safety and pharmacokinetics of seven days of tfv 1% vaginal gel in term and near-term pregnancy.201727658440
[factors related to syphilis and other infections among female drug users in shandong women's compulsory drug rehabilitation center in 2015].objective: to analyze the prevalence of hiv, syphilis and related factors among female drug users in shandong women's compulsory drug rehabilitation center(swcdrc). methods: during may 2015, we used a cluster sampling method for drug users in swcdrc, with a questionnaire and serological testing. we included respondents who volunteered to take part in this study, had clear histories of drug abuse, and had no symptoms of psychosis or current drug use; 451 women participated. the questionnaire addr ...201627655604
immune responses elicited by the gen-003 candidate hsv-2 therapeutic vaccine in a randomized controlled dose-ranging phase 1/2a trial.gen-003 is a candidate therapeutic hsv-2 vaccine containing a fragment of infected cell protein 4 (icp4.2), a deletion mutant of glycoprotein d2 (gd2δtmr), and matrix-m2 adjuvant. in a dose-ranging phase 1/2a clinical trial, immunization with gen-003 reduced viral shedding and the percentage of reported herpetic lesion days. here we examine the immune responses in the same trial, to characterize vaccine-related changes in antibody and cell-mediated immunity.201627642130
linear biocompatible glyco-polyamidoamines as dual action mode virus infection inhibitors with potential as broad-spectrum microbicides for sexually transmitted diseases.the initial steps of viral infections are mediated by interactions between viral proteins and cellular receptors. blocking the latter with high-affinity ligands may inhibit infection. dc-sign, a c-type lectin receptor expressed by immature dendritic cells and macrophages, mediates human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection by recognizing mannose clusters on the hiv-1 gp120 envelope glycoprotein. mannosylated glycodendrimers act as hiv entry inhibitors thanks to their ability to block this rece ...201627641362
shedding of hsv-1, hsv-2, cmv, and ebv in the saliva of hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients at fundación homi - hospital de la misericordia, bogotá, d.c.hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in pediatric patients is an alternative treatment for different diseases. the conditioning regimen for transplant predisposes recipients to the development of infections. viral infections by herpes simplex virus 1 (hsv-1), herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2), human cytomegalovirus (cmv), and epstein-barr virus (ebv), are the most common, and the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among these patients. these viruses lie dormant in various cell types and th ...201627622810
marital age disparity among orphaned young women and their husbands: a mixed methods study in rural zimbabwe.our study reports the results from a mixed method study comparing age-similar (as) marriages of orphaned young women to age disparate (ad) marriages, defined as spousal age difference of 5 or more years. research in zimbabwe and sub-saharan africa suggests that ad sexual relationships between older men and young women increase the risk for hiv but few studies have examined this association among married couples or explored why young women marry much older men. in this study, a total of 35 orphan ...201627614653
hsv-2 enhances zikv infection of the placenta and induces apoptosis in first-trimester trophoblast cells.zika virus (zikv) has gained public concern for its association with microcephaly in infants born to zikv-infected mothers. to reach the fetus the virus must overcome the defense mechanisms provided by trophoblast cells. additionally, in the first trimester, the integrity of the placenta is critical for fetal protection as damage to differentiating trophoblast can affect placental formation and function. we sought to investigate the effect of zikv infection on trophoblast cells and the factors t ...201627613665
high hiv incidence epidemic among men who have sex with men in china: results from a multi-site cross-sectional study.recent upsurge of new hiv infections among men who have sex with men (msm) is a major concern in china. paucity of national-level information regarding the burden and predictors of this progressive epidemic of new infections called for a multi-centric, timely and comprehensive investigation.201627593703
effects of female sex hormones on susceptibility to hsv-2 in vaginal cells grown in air-liquid interface.the lower female reproductive tract (frt) is comprised of the cervix and vagina, surfaces that are continuously exposed to a variety of commensal and pathogenic organisms. sexually transmitted viruses, such as herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2), have to traverse the mucosal epithelial lining of the frt to establish infection. the majority of current culture systems that model the host-pathogen interactions in the mucosal epithelium have limitations in simulating physiological conditions as they ...201627589787
altered gene expression of glycosyltransferases and sialyltransferases and total amount of glycosphingolipids following herpes simplex virus infection.there is a case report of a patient with overlapping guillain-barré syndrome and bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis after infection with herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1), who carried high titers of serum anti-gq1b igg antibodies. several studies have linked viral infection to the modulation of ganglioside expression such as human t-lymphotropic virus to gd2 and simian virus 40 to gm3. also, enhancement of the expression of gm2 on the cell membrane after cytomegalovirus infection has been repo ...201627588895
occurrence of viral dna in paired samples of corneal rim and cornea preservation fluid.corneal transplants have one of the highest success rates among all transplantological procedures. corneas intended for transplantation are stored in a preservation fluid, which is then tested for bacterial and fungal infections. among all analyses of infectious complications following corneal transplants, infections caused by bacteria or fungi are the most prominent. surprisingly, however, apart from a few publications, there is a lack of data regarding the occurrence of viruses in donor cornea ...201727588373
ficus religiosa l. bark extracts inhibit infection by herpes simplex virus type 2 in vitro.ficus religiosa extracts have been used in traditional indian medicine to treat sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea and genital ulcers. the aim of this study was to investigate the antiviral activity of f. religiosa extracts against herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2), the main causative agent of genital ulcers and sores. water and chloroform bark extracts were the most active against hsv-2, and also against an acyclovir-resistant strain. we demonstrate that the water extract has a ...201627581805
an escalating dose study to assess the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of a herpes simplex virus dna vaccine, cor-1.this paper describes a single site, open-label phase i clinical trial evaluating the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity in healthy volunteers of a herpes simplex polynucleotide vaccine that has previously been shown to enhance immunogenicity and protect against lethal herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) challenge in mice. five escalating doses of the vaccine, cor-1, were given by intradermal injection to hsv-1 and 2 seronegative healthy individuals. cor-1 was found to be safe and well-toler ...201627580249
secreted herpes simplex virus-2 glycoprotein g alters thermal pain sensitivity by modifying ngf effects on trpv1.genital herpes is a painful disease frequently caused by the neurotropic pathogen herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2). we have recently shown that hsv-2-secreted glycoprotein g (sgg2) interacts with and modulates the activity of the neurotrophin nerve growth factor (ngf). this interaction modifies the response of the ngf receptor trka, increasing ngf-dependent axonal growth. ngf is not only an axonal growth modulator but also an important mediator of pain and inflammation regulating the amount, ...201627576911
adenovirus-mediated shrna interference against hsv-1 replication in vitro.the ul29 and ul28 proteins encoded by herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) are critical for its replication and packaging, respectively. research has demonstrated that synthesized sirna molecules targeting the ul29 gene are able to suppress hsv-2 replication and the ul28-null hsv-1 gene cannot form infectious viruses in vitro. silencing the ul28 and ul29 genes by rnai might lead to the development of novel antiviral agents for the treatment of hsv-1 infections. two kinds of short hairpin rnas (sh ...201627566181
prevalence of herpesviruses in gingivitis and chronic periodontitis: relationship to clinical parameters and effect of treatment.assess the prevalence of herpesviruses in healthy subjects, gingivitis, and chronic periodontitis patients, to assess the relationship between the prevalence of herpesviruses and periodontal clinical parameters, and to evaluate the effect of phase-i therapy on the level of viral detection.201727563201
mzc gel inhibits shiv-rt and hsv-2 in macaque vaginal mucosa and shiv-rt in rectal mucosa.the population council's microbicide gel mzc (also known as pc-1005) containing miv-150 and zinc acetate dihydrate (za) in carrageenan (cg) has shown promise as a broad-spectrum microbicide against hiv, herpes simplex virus (hsv), and human papillomavirus. previous data show antiviral activity against these viruses in cell-based assays, prevention of vaginal and rectal simian-human immunodeficiency virus reverse transcriptase (shiv-rt) infection, and reduction of vaginal hsv shedding in rhesus m ...201727552154
progesterone augments cell susceptibility to hiv-1 and hiv-1/hsv-2 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1)-infected women, oral or injectable progesterone containing contraceptive pills may enhance hiv-1 acquisition in vivo, and the mechanism by which this occurs is not fully understood. in developing countries, herpes simplex virus type-2 (hsv-2) co-infection has been shown to be a risk for increase of hiv-1 acquisition and, if co-infected women use progesterone pills, infections may increase several fold. in this study, we used an in vitro cell culture ...201627538988
hsv-2 δgd elicits fcγr-effector antibodies that protect against clinical isolates.a single-cycle herpes simplex virus (hsv) deleted in glycoprotein d (δgd-2) elicited high titer hsv-specific antibodies (abs) that (i) were rapidly transported into the vaginal mucosa; (ii) elicited antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity but little neutralization; (iii) provided complete protection against lethal intravaginal challenge; and (iv) prevented establishment of latency in mice. however, clinical isolates may differ antigenically and impact vaccine efficacy. to determine the bre ...201627536733
could zinc oxide tetrapod nanoparticles be used as an effective immunotherapy against hsv-2? 201627527812
mechanistic studies of viral entry: an overview of dendrimer-based microbicides as entry inhibitors against both hiv and hsv-2 overlapped infections.this review provides an overview of the development of different dendrimers, mainly polyanionic, against human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and genital herpes (hsv-2) as topical microbicides targeting the viral entry process. vaginal topical microbicides to prevent sexually transmitted infections such as hiv and hsv-2 are urgently needed. to inhibit hiv/hsv-2 entry processes, new preventive targets have been established to maximize the current therapies against wild-type and drug-resistant virus ...201727518199
structural characterization and antiviral effect of a novel polysaccharide psp-2b from prunellae the present study, a novel polysaccharide, psp-2b, was isolated from aqueous extracts of prunellae spica by direct ultrafiltration membrane separation and gel chromatography purification. psp-2b is a partially sulphated polysaccharide with a molecular weight of approximately 32kda. its sulfate content is 10.59% by elemental analysis. the major sugars comprising psp-2b are arabinose, galactose and mannose, in addition to small amounts of glucose and uronic acids. the framework of psp-2b is spe ...201627516321
attitudes and willingness to assume risk of experimental therapy to eradicate genital herpes simplex virus infection.current treatment of genital herpes is focused on ameliorating signs and symptoms but is not curative. however, as potential herpes simplex virus (hsv) cure approaches are tested in the laboratory, we aimed to assess the interest in such studies by persons with genital herpes and the willingness to assume risks associated with experimental therapy.201627513383
b virus (macacine herpesvirus 1) divergence: variations in glycoprotein d from clinical and laboratory isolates diversify virus entry strategies.b virus (macacine herpesvirus 1) can cause deadly zoonotic disease in humans. molecular mechanisms of b virus cell entry are poorly understood for both macaques and humans. here we investigated the abilities of clinical b virus isolates to use entry receptors of herpes simplex viruses (hsv). we showed that resistant b78h1 cells became susceptible to b virus clinical strains upon expression of either human nectin-2 or nectin-1. antibody against glycoprotein d (gd) protected these nectin-bearing c ...201627512063
the role of human papilloma virus and herpes viruses in the etiology of nasal polyposis.the aim of this study was to investigate the etiological role of human papilloma virus (hpv), herpes simplex virus (hsv), varicella-zoster virus (vzv), epstein-barr virus (ebv), cytomegalovirus (cmv), and human herpes virus-6 (hhv-6) and -7 (hhv-7) in the occurrence of nasal polyposis.201627511490
role of type-specific herpes simplex virus-1 and 2 serology as a diagnostic modality in patients with clinically suspected genital herpes: a comparative study in indian population from a tertiary care hospital.type-specific serology (tss) test for herpes simplex virus (hsv) have been used as a research tool in seroepidemiological studies for some years. however, tss as a diagnostic modality for diagnosis of current episode of genital herpes is not well documented.201727510668
assessment of igg antibodies against hsv1, hsv2, cmv and ebv in patients with pemphigus vulgaris versus healthy people.regarding the implication of viruses particularly herpes in pemphigus vulgaris, we sought to assess and compare the level of immunoglobulin g (igg) antibodies against herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (hsv1 and hsv2), cytomegalovirus (cmv) and epstein-barr virus (ebv) in patients with pemphigus vulgaris and healthy people.201527507994
atypical vzv retinitis in a patient with good describe atypical varicella zoster virus (vzv) retinitis in a patient with good syndrome.201627494574
association of depressed mood with herpes simplex virus-2 immunoglobulin-g levels in pregnancy.depressed mood is common in pregnancy, is associated with stress, and could result in immune suppression that may lead to latent herpes viral reactivation. this study investigated whether depressed mood is associated with higher herpes viral igg levels in pregnant women.201627490851
herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 in the netherlands: seroprevalence, risk factors and changes during a 12-year period.genital herpes results in considerable morbidity, including risk of neonatal herpes, and is increasingly being caused by herpes simplex virus (hsv) type 1. possibly children are less often hsv-1 infected, leaving them susceptible until sexual debut. we assessed changes in the dutch hsv-1 and hsv-2 seroprevalence over time and determinants associated with hsv seropositivity.201627484304
incidence of and temporal relationships between hiv, herpes simplex ii virus, and syphilis among men who have sex with men in bangkok, thailand: an observational cohort.high hiv incidence has been detected among men who have sex with men (msm) in thailand, but the relationship and timing of hiv, herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2), and syphilis is unknown. this analysis measures incidence, temporal relationships, and risk factors for hiv, hsv-2, and syphilis among at-risk msm in the bangkok msm cohort study.201627449012
oral treatment with valacyclovir for hsv-2-associated eczema herpeticum in a 9-month-old infant: a case report.eczema herpeticum is a rare, severe, and disseminated infection of herpes simplex virus in the setting of eczematous skin diseases.201627442669
first-in-human trial of miv-150 and zinc acetate coformulated in a carrageenan gel: safety, pharmacokinetics, acceptability, adherence, and evaluate the safety and pharmacokinetics of miv-150 and zinc acetate in a carrageenan gel (pc-1005). acceptability, adherence, and pharmacodynamics were also explored.201627437826
herpes simplex encephalitis: an uncommon presentation.herpes simplex virus (hsv) encephalitis is an uncommon illness, with about 2 cases per 250,000 per year. most are caused by hsv-1, with 10% having hsv-2 as the aetiologic factor. we present a case of herpes simplex type1encephalitis in a 70 year old male with an uncommon presentation. the patient was a known case of endogenous depression with no medical records and on no treatment for the same, reported with acute changes in mental state for the past five days. he was talking irrelevantly, had h ...201627437286
3,19-isopropylideneandrographolide suppresses early gene expression of drug-resistant and wild type herpes simplex viruses.a diterpenoid lactone, 3,19-isopropylideneandrographolide (ipad) compound isolated from andrographis paniculata (burm. f.) nees, has been reported to inhibit herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) infection at the post-entry step. to identify the molecular target of ipad, this study characterized the inhibitory effect of ipad on infection of vero cells by hsv-1, hsv-2 and a drug-resistant (dr) hsv-1 strain acgr4 (acyclovir-resistant and thymidine kinase (tk)-deficient). viral production, gene and p ...201627424493
etiology of genital ulcer disease in male patients attending a sexually transmitted diseases clinic: first assessment in cuba.sexually transmitted diseases (stds) and in particular genital ulcer disease (gud) have a major impact on morbidity and mortality in developing countries. the world health organization recommends the use of syndromic guidelines for the treatment of sexually transmitted infections (stis) in resource-constrained countries. surveillance of autochthonous etiologies provides epidemiological information contributing to the prevention and treatment of stis. we investigated the etiology and factors asso ...201627419816
antiherpetic plants: a review of active extracts, isolated compounds, and bioassays.herpes simplex is a disease that is widely distributed throughout the world. it is caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) and simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2). the drugs of choice for treatment are acyclovir (acv), penciclovir (pcv) and other guanine analogues, which have the same mechanism of action. however, due to the constant increase of acv-resistant strains in immunocompromised patients, it is necessary to find new treatment alternatives. it has been shown that natural products are a go ...201627396217
prevalence of sexually transmitted viral and bacterial infections in hiv-positive and hiv-negative men who have sex with men in toronto.hepatitis b (hbv), hepatitis c (hcv) and other sexually transmitted infections (stis) have been associated with hiv transmission risk and disease progression among gay men and other men who have sex with men (msm), but the frequency and distribution of stis in this community in canada has not been extensively studied.201627391265
in vitro exposure to pc-1005 and cervicovaginal lavage fluid from women vaginally administered pc-1005 inhibits hiv-1 and hsv-2 infection in human cervical mucosa.our recent phase 1 trial demonstrated that pc-1005 gel containing 50 μm miv-150, 14 mm zinc acetate dihydrate, and carrageenan (cg) applied daily vaginally for 14 days is safe and well tolerated. importantly, cervicovaginal lavage fluid samples (cvls) collected 4 or 24 h after the last gel application inhibited hiv-1 and human papillomavirus (hpv) in cell-based assays in a dose-dependent manner (miv-150 for hiv-1 and cg for hpv). herein we aimed to determine the anti-hiv and anti-herpes simplex ...201627381393
increased expression of herpes virus-encoded hsv1-mir-h18 and hsv2-mir-h9-5p in cancer-containing prostate tissue compared to that in benign prostate hyperplasia tissue.previously, we reported the presence of virus-encoded micrornas (mirnas) in the urine of prostate cancer (cap) patients. in this study, we investigated the expression of two herpes virus-encoded mirnas in prostate tissue.201627377944
virus reactivations after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation detected by multiplex pcr assay.several studies have indicated that viral reactivations following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-hsct) are frequent, but viral reactivations after autologous hsct (auto-hsct) have not been investigated in detail. we performed multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay to examine multiple viral reactivations simultaneously in 24 patients undergoing auto-hsct between september 2010 and december 2012. weekly whole blood samples were collected from pre- to 42 days post ...201727364410
crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing of herpesviruses limits productive and latent infections.herpesviruses infect the majority of the human population and can cause significant morbidity and mortality. herpes simplex virus (hsv) type 1 causes cold sores and herpes simplex keratitis, whereas hsv-2 is responsible for genital herpes. human cytomegalovirus (hcmv) is the most common viral cause of congenital defects and is responsible for serious disease in immuno-compromised individuals. epstein-barr virus (ebv) is associated with infectious mononucleosis and a broad range of malignancies, ...201627362483
a recombinant plasmid containing cpg motifs as a novel vaccine adjuvant for immune protection against herpes simplex virus 2.the aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of a herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) dna vaccine co‑immunized with a plasmid adjuvant containing cpg motifs. a novel eukaryotic expression plasmid vector containing kanamycin resistance gene (pcdna3kan) was acquired from pet‑28a(+) and pcdna3 plasmids. a gene encoding full length hsv‑2 glycoprotein d (gd) was amplified from the pcdna3‑gd plasmid, which was cloned into pcdna3kan resulting in the construction of the recombinant plasmid ...201627357208
the association between antibodies to neurotropic pathogens and schizophrenia: a case-control study.exposure to neurotropic pathogens has been proposed as an environmental risk factor for schizophrenia and can be evaluated by measuring pathogen-specific immunoglobulin g (igg). seroprevalence of pathogen-specific igg reflects prior exposure, whereas igg levels are associated with reactivity or reinfection. several studies have examined these parameters in schizophrenia. however, results still remain inconclusive, as several previous studies did not correct for important confounding factors.201527336045
herpes simplex virus 2 virion host shutoff endoribonuclease activity is required to disrupt stress granule formation.we previously established that cells infected with herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2) are disrupted in their ability to form stress granules (sgs) in response to oxidative stress and that this disruption is mediated by virion host shutoff protein (vhs), a virion-associated endoribonuclease. here, we test the requirement for vhs endoribonuclease activity in disruption of sg formation. we analyzed the ability of hsv-2 vhs carrying the point mutation d215n, which ablates its endoribonuclease activity, ...201627334584
common infections with polyomaviruses and herpesviruses and neuropsychological development at 4 years of age, the rhea birth cohort in crete, greece.viral infections of the central nervous system may have detrimental effects for the developing brain, but the effects of less virulent common infections are unclear. we aim to investigate the impact of common viral infections of early childhood on neuropsychological performance of children at age four.201627334233
inhibition of herpes simplex type 1 and type 2 infections by oximacro(®), a cranberry extract with a high content of a-type proanthocyanidins (pacs-a).in the absence of efficient preventive vaccines, topical microbicides offer an attractive alternative in the prevention of herpes simplex type 1 (hsv-1) and type 2 (hsv-2) infections. because of their recognized anti-adhesive activity against bacterial pathogens, cranberry (vaccinium macrocarpon ait.) extracts may represent a natural source of new antiviral microbicides. however, few studies have addressed the applications of cranberry extract as a direct-acting antiviral agent. here, we report ...201627321663
csf herpes virus and autoantibody profiles in the evaluation of report the frequency of coexisting herpes viruses (herpes simplex virus 1 [hsv-1] or hsv-2, varicella zoster virus, epstein-barr virus [ebv], cytomegalovirus, or human herpes virus 6 [hhv-6]) and autoantibodies in patients with encephalitis (herpes or autoimmune) in clinical laboratory service.201627308306
antiviral activity of myticin c peptide from mussel: an ancient defense against herpesviruses.little is known about the antiviral response in mollusks. as in other invertebrates, the interferon signaling pathways have not been identified, and in fact, there is a debate about whether invertebrates possess antiviral immunity similar to that of vertebrates. in marine bivalves, due to their filtering activity, interaction with putative pathogens, including viruses, is very high, suggesting that they should have mechanisms to address these infections. in this study, we confirmed that constitu ...201627307570
development and application of a rapid detection system for human papillomavirus and herpes simplex virus-2 by loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay.human papillomavirus (hpv) infection is an important factor that causes cervical cancer and non-melanoma skin cancer (nmsc), while hsv-2 plays an important role when hr-hpv triggers the cancer. thus, a quick and convenient assay in the detection of hpv and hsv-2in the screening of hpv and hsv-2 infection is required. two respective hpv and hsv-2 detection methods were established based on loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) assay. specific outer primers, inner primers, and loop primers ...201627287497
mathematical modeling predicts that increased hsv-2 shedding in hiv-1 infected persons is due to poor immunologic control in ganglia and genital mucosa.a signature feature of hiv infection is poor control of herpes virus infections, which reactivate from latency and cause opportunistic infections. while the general mechanism underlying this observation is deficient cd4+t-cell function, it is unknown whether increased severity of herpes virus infections is due primarily to poor immune control in latent or lytic sites of infection, or whether cd4+ immunodeficiency leads to more critical downstream deficits in humoral or cell-mediated immunologic ...201627285483
genital herpes: a review.genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease, affecting more than 400 million persons worldwide. it is caused by herpes simplex virus (hsv) and characterized by lifelong infection and periodic reactivation. a visible outbreak consists of single or clustered vesicles on the genitalia, perineum, buttocks, upper thighs, or perianal areas that ulcerate before resolving. symptoms of primary infection may include malaise, fever, or localized adenopathy. subsequent outbreaks, caused by react ...201627281837
prevention of vaginal and rectal herpes simplex virus type 2 transmission in mice: mechanism of antiviral action.topical microbicides to stop sexually transmitted diseases, such as herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2), are urgently needed. the emerging field of nanotechnology offers novel suitable tools for addressing this challenge. our objective was to study, in vitro and in vivo, antiherpetic effect and antiviral mechanisms of several polyanionic carbosilane dendrimers with anti-hiv-1 activity to establish new potential microbicide candidates against sexually transmitted diseases. plaque reduction assay ...201627274240
exocytosis of alphaherpesvirus virions, light particles, and glycoproteins uses constitutive secretory mechanisms.many molecular and cell biological details of the alphaherpesvirus assembly and egress pathway remain unclear. recently we developed a live-cell fluorescence microscopy assay of pseudorabies virus (prv) exocytosis, based on total internal reflection fluorescence (tirf) microscopy and a virus-encoded ph-sensitive fluorescent probe. here, we use this assay to distinguish three classes of viral exocytosis in a nonpolarized cell type: (i) trafficking of viral glycoproteins to the plasma membrane, (i ...201627273828
the role of micrornas in the pathogenesis of herpesvirus infection.micrornas (mirnas) are small non-coding rnas important in gene regulation. they are able to regulate mrna translation through base-pair complementarity. cellular mirnas have been involved in the regulation of nearly all cellular pathways, and their deregulation has been associated with several diseases such as cancer. given the importance of micrornas to cell homeostasis, it is no surprise that viruses have evolved to take advantage of this cellular pathway. viruses have been reported to be able ...201627271654
development of a high-throughput β-gal-based neutralization assay for quantitation of herpes simplex virus-neutralizing antibodies in human samples.measurement of neutralizing antibodies against herpes simplex virus (hsv) is important for evaluation of candidate vaccines. the established plaque-reduction neutralization assay is time consuming, labor intensive, and difficult to validate and transfer. here, we describe the characterization of a hsv-neutralization assay based on the expression of a reporter gene, β-galactosidase (β-gal). using previously constructed hsv-β-gal recombinant viruses, hsv-2/gal and hsv-1/tk12, we developed a colori ...201627265458
prevalence and risk factors of chlamydia trachomatis, neisseria gonorrhoeae, trichomonas vaginalis and other sexually transmissible infections among women attending antenatal clinics in three provinces in papua new guinea: a cross-sectional survey.background: papua new guinea (png) is estimated to have among the highest prevalences of hiv and sexually transmissible infections (stis) of any asia-pacific country, and one of the highest burdens of maternal syphilis globally. the prevalence of curable stis, such as chlamydia trachomatis (ct), neisseria gonorrhoeae (ng) and trichomonas vaginalis (tv), among pregnant women in png is relatively unknown. methods: a cross-sectional bio-behavioural survey to investigate the epidemiology of ct, ng, ...201627248708
high rates of herpes simplex virus type 2 infection in homeless women: informing public health strategies.homeless and unstably housed women living in an urban setting are at risk for sexually transmitted diseases, yet the seroprevalence and correlates of herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) specific to impoverished women are poorly understood.201627243474
clinical and corneal microbial profile of infectious keratitis in a high hiv prevalence setting in rural south africa.the purpose of this investigation was to determine the clinical and corneal microbial profile of infectious keratitis in a high human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) prevalence setting in rural south africa. data in this cross-sectional study were collected from patients presenting with symptoms of infectious keratitis (n = 46) at the ophthalmology outpatient department of three hospitals in rural south africa. corneal swabs were tested for herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) and 2 (hsv-2), varicel ...201627236644
parallel declines in hiv and hepatitis c virus prevalence, but not in herpes simplex virus type 2 infection: a 10-year, serial cross-sectional study in an inner-city emergency department.the johns hopkins hospital emergency department (jhhed) has served as an observational window on the hiv epidemic in a socioeconomically depressed, urban population. we previously reported that hiv incidence among jhhed patients is decreasing and that prevalence has declined from 11.4% in 2003-5.6% in 2013.201627232485
herpes simplex acute retinal necrosis presenting as unilateral disc swelling in young immunocompetent report two cases of young immunocompetent males with herpes simplex acute retinal necrosis (hsv arn) with initial diagnosis of unilateral disc swelling.201627230575
access of protective antiviral antibody to neuronal tissues requires cd4 t-cell help.circulating antibodies can access most tissues to mediate surveillance and elimination of invading pathogens. immunoprivileged tissues such as the brain and the peripheral nervous system are shielded from plasma proteins by the blood-brain barrier and blood-nerve barrier, respectively. yet, circulating antibodies must somehow gain access to these tissues to mediate their antimicrobial functions. here we examine the mechanism by which antibodies gain access to neuronal tissues to control infectio ...201627225131
herpes simplex virus type 2: cluster of unrelated cases in an intensive care unit.herpes simplex viruses, which are associated with various clinical manifestations, can be transmitted to critically ill patients from other patients or health care staff. we report an apparent outbreak of mucocutaneous herpes simplex virus 2 infections (5 cases in 10 weeks). an epidemiologic investigation and genotype analysis showed no connections among the 5 cases.201627198455
formative work and community engagement approaches for implementing an hiv intervention in botswana schools.providing adolescents with evidence-based sexual risk reduction interventions is critical to addressing the hiv/aids epidemic among adolescents in sub-saharan africa. project aim (adult identity mentoring) is an innovative, evidence-based, youth development intervention that is being evaluated for the first time in botswana through a 3-year (2015-2017), 50-school cluster randomized controlled trial, including testing for herpes simplex virus type 2 as a sexual activity biomarker. conducting a tr ...201627196663
herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 infection increases atherosclerosis risk: evidence based on a meta-analysis.objective. the aim of our study was to evaluate the relation of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) and type 2 (hsv-2) infection with the risk of atherosclerosis (as). methods. a systematic literature search was performed through three electronic databases. the pooled odds ratio (or) and corresponding 95% confidence interval (ci) were used to assess the effect of hsv-1 and hsv-2 infection on as risk. results. 17 studies were available for meta-analysis of hsv-1 infection and as risk and seven st ...201627195284
herpes simplex virus-2 esophagitis in a young immunocompetent adult.herpes simplex esophagitis (hse) is commonly identified in immunosuppressed patients. it is rare among immunocompetent patients and almost all of the reported cases are due to hsv-1 infection. hsv-2 esophagitis is extremely rare. we report the case of a young immunocompetent male who presented with dysphagia, odynophagia, and epigastric pain. endoscopy showed multitudes of white nummular lesions in the distal esophagus initially suspected to be candida esophagitis. however, classic histopatholog ...201627195158
multicenter evaluation of meridian bioscience hsv 1&2 molecular assay for detection of herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 from clinical cutaneous and mucocutaneous specimens.herpes simplex virus (hsv) causes acute and relapsing symptoms characterized by ulcerative lesions. laboratory diagnosis of hsv in cutaneous or mucocutaneous lesions has historically been performed with the use of viral cell culture systems; however, these tests are laborious and suffer decreased sensitivity for advanced-stage lesions. the recent availability of fda-cleared moderately complex assays has resulted in the increased use of molecular diagnostics for the routine detection of hsv in su ...201627194690
development and evaluation of a host-targeted antiviral that abrogates herpes simplex virus replication through modulation of arginine-associated metabolic pathways.since their inception five decades ago, most antivirals have been engineered to disrupt a single viral protein or process that is essential for viral replication. this approach has limited the overall therapeutic effectiveness and applicability of current antivirals due to restricted viral specificity, a propensity for development of drug resistance, and an inability to control deleterious host-mediated inflammation. as obligate intracellular parasites, viruses are reliant on host metabolism and ...201627192555
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 7420